Generic TeX Bundle : tex-locale v1.0 Last Modified : 2018-08-26 Author : Nicola Talbot LaTeX usage: \usepackage{tex-locale} TeX usage: \input tex-locale LaTeX code is in tex-locale.sty. Generic TeX code is in tex-locale.tex. Requirements: tracklang and texosquery. Note that texosquery requires the Java Runtime Environment. See the texosquery documentation for setup instructions. If you can't enable piped shell escape, see the tex-locale documentation for an alternative method. This package uses both tracklang and texosquery to look up the locale information from the operating system and provide commands that can access locale-dependent information, such as the currency symbol and decimal separator. The LaTeX package tex-locale.sty can additionally load babel or polyglossia with the locale's language setting, as well as various other packages such as fontspec (XeLaTeX/LuaLaTeX) or fontenc + inputenc. This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See for the details of that license.