--------:| ---------------------------------------------------------------- schemata:| Generic package to aid construction of topical categories Author:| Charles P. Schaum E-mail:| charles dot schaum@comcast.net License:| Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later See:| http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt Short description: The schemata package helps the creation of topical outlines that illustrate the breakdown of concepts and categories in academic texts from the late medieval to early modern periods. Files Distribution README This file schemata.pdf Documentation schematest.tex Test file for Plain TeX or Eplain schemata.png Image file used for the manual Makefile Automates building with GNU make 3.81 schemata.dtx Documented LaTeX file containing both code and documentation Installation Download the package from https://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/generic/schemata Unpack schemata.zip in an appropriate directory. If you have a make utility compatible with GNU make, either in GNU/Linux, a BSD variant, OSX, or Cygwin in Windows you can type make inst to install the package into your $TEXMFHOME tree or make install to install the package into your $TEXMFLOCAL tree for all users. The latter requires sudo privileges. Other useful targets include: (release process) make release The default target, same as just ``make''. make clean Removes all intermediate files. Left are the files listed above plus schemata.sty. make distclean Leave only schemata.dtx, schematest.tex, schemata.png, and Makefile. make zip Generate a zip file ready for distribution. (testing process) make testing Release files, plus compiles schematest.tex. It is not necessary, however, to use GNU make. One can generate the package files manually. Since the files schemata.ins and README.txt are contained in the .dtx file itself, the first step is to generate the installer driver schemata.ins, plus the file README.txt, which will also trigger the extraction of schemata.sty and produce the first pass of the package documentation schemata.pdf: pdflatex -shell-escape -recorder -interaction=batchmode schemata.dtx Next one adds a table of contents and all cross-references, this also should finalize page numbers for glossary and index input files: pdflatex --recorder --interaction=nonstopmode schemata.dtx The next commands generate the glossary/index output files: makeindex -q -s gglo.ist -o schemata.gls schemata.glo makeindex -q -s gind.ist -o schemata.ind schemata.idx The final two commands integrate the glossary (changes) and index: pdflatex --recorder --interaction=nonstopmode schemata.dtx pdflatex --recorder --interaction=nonstopmode schemata.dtx Now one can either keep README.txt or rename it to README, e.g.: mv README.txt README Normally one creates the following directories for a user: $TEXMFHOME/source/generic/schemata dtx file, schemata.png $TEXMFHOME/doc/generic/schemata pdf file, README, schematest.tex, and creates the following directories for the local site: $TEXMFLOCAL/source/generic/schemata dtx file, schemata.png $TEXMFLOCAL/doc/generic/schemata pdf file, README, schematest.tex, The above environment variables often are /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local for $TEXMFLOCAL and ~/texmf for $TEXMFHOME. The make process normally renames the README.txt file created from the dtx file to just README by using mv (move / rename utility in the *nix userland). Windows distributions of TeX and LaTeX often keep the txt file because of using file extensions instead of ``magic numbers'' to identify files. Run mktexlsr with the appropriate level of permissions to complete the install. This packages works with LaTeX and Plain TeX. License This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html Happy TeXing!