Part of the Occam utility. Laurent Siebenmann Master posting 1994, ftp June 1994 alpha version ************************************************* ****** ****** DefStrip-QUEDM-Macros Help ****** ************************************************* PURPOSE OF THESE MACROS. The main purpose is to use a file "audit.lst" derived from audit.tex, and a TeX macro file, x-aud.sty say, in the "Occam" format (defined in occam.spc) to derive a new simplified ".tex" macro file in which selected unwanted material is suppressed. This material is designated by "audit.lst" in conjunction with internal formating involving %^, %_, \Def, \Let, \gDef, \gLet, \Font, and some others. The user macro ***defstrip governs this function. The secondary purpose is to remove Occam formatting. The macro **aud-to-tex governs this function. DIRECTIONS FOR USE. Put together into one folder a copy of DefStrip-QUEDM-Macros macro file, the file audit.lst, and the macro file to be simplified. Open the DefStrip-QUEDM-Macros macro file. If it is not visible, launch QUEDM using it. Open the TeX macro file under QUEDM and *activate* its window. Then launch the macro ***defstrip from the QUEDM macros menu. An audit.lst window will now open and much activity will be seen. Finally, a cleaned-up version of the ".tex" macro file will appear in a window called "output". Only the ***help, ***defstrip, and **aud-to-tex macros from the QUEDM macros menu should be launched by the user. The others are subroutines. See occam.spc for further details, and for an overview. POSSIBLE PROBLEMS....(please report bugs to to author)