% These are two TeX macros which may be useful for writing about % chess. \bore creates a chess diagram from Forsyth notation, with % Z used as a terminator. For example, % % $$\bore r1bqkbnr pppp1ppp 2n5 1B2p3 4P3 5N2 PPPP1PPP RNBQK2R Z$$ % % shows the Ruy Lopez after white's third move. % % \VAR (number) (moves separated by spaces) Z may be used to write % a variation. The macro inserts the move numbers, starting with % (number). For example, % % Continuing from the diagram above, \VAR 3 \dots{} a6 Ba4 Nf6 O--O % Be7 Re1 b5 Bb3 O-O c3 d5 Z is the Marshall gambit. % % Note the \dots{} to indicate that Black made the first move. % % The diagrams created by \bore have pieces made up of a small number % of rectangles. Much nicer diagrams and more powerful macros were % created by Piet Tutelaers, available by anonymous ftp % at sol.cs.ruu.nl ( However, the ones offered here % do not require additional fonts, and may be easier to use. % % I authorize circulation of these macros by ftp sites and similar % nonprofit media. Improvements are welcome. An earlier version of % the macros (with letters for pieces) was done several years ago, % with substantial modifications by Steve Cochran. % % Charles Blair (ceblair@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu) % macros start below--- you may cut here -------------------------- % % \fun is the fundamental length unit for the diagrams. If you % replace 1.2pt by something else, the scale is changed. % The box rf is not used, except to provide something with which to % refer to \fun. % \newdimen\fun \dimen\fun=1.2pt \newbox\rf \setbox\rf=\vbox to \dimen\fun{ \hrule height \dimen\fun width \dimen\fun} % \def\oil{\offinterlineskip} % I needed to use this in all my vboxes % % Black pieces are made from solid boxes of specified height and % width (the \filbox macro). For White pieces, \filbox is replaced by a % macro (\blbox) which draws the lines around the border of such a box. % (the white knight is an exception to this) % The macro \tbo is defined as \blbox or \filbox as needed. % \def\filbox#1#2{\vbox{\oil \hrule height #1\ht\rf width #2\ht\rf}} % \newdimen\adjust \def\blbox#1#2{\dimen\adjust=#1\ht\rf \advance\dimen\adjust by-0.4\ht\rf \vbox{\oil \hrule height 0.2\ht\rf width #2\wd\rf \hbox to #2\wd\rf{\vrule height \dimen\adjust width 0.2\wd\rf\hfil \vrule height \dimen\adjust width 0.2\wd\rf} \hrule height 0.2\ht\rf width #2\wd\rf}} % % Each piece is 12 units wide. \scen produces an hbox with this width % and either a \blbox or a \filbox in the center. % \def\scen#1#2{\hbox to 12\wd\rf{\hfil\tbo{#1}{#2}\hfil}} % % Definitions (color independent) of each piece % \def\pawn{\vbox{\oil \scen{2.5}{4}\scen{3}{8}\scen{4.5}{4}\scen{3}{10}}} % \def\bishop{\vbox{\oil \scen{2}{2.5}\scen{3}{8}\scen{4}{10}% \scen{3}{6}\scen{1.5}{12}}} % \def\rook{\vbox{\oil \hbox to 12\wd\rf{\tbo2{2.5}\hfil\tbo2{2.5}\hfil\tbo2{2.5}} \scen{3}{12}\scen{5.5}{7}\scen{3}{12}}} % \def\queen{\vbox{\oil \hbox to 12\wd\rf{\tbo{6}{2}\hfil\tbo{8}{2}% \hfil\tbo{8}{2}\hfil\tbo{6}{2}}\scen{4}{10}}} % \def\king{\vbox{\oil% Next 4 lines are the cross part (improvement wanted) \hbox to 12\wd\rf{\rlap% {\hbox to 12\wd\rf{\hfil\vrule height 3\ht\rf width 0.2\wd\rf\hfil}}% \hfil\raise 1.5\ht\rf% \hbox{\vrule width 3\ht\rf height 0.2\ht\rf}\hfil} \hbox to 12\wd\rf{\tbo{6}{4.5}\hfil\tbo{6}{4.5}} \scen{4}{10}}} % \def\knight{\vbox{\oil \hbox{\hskip 7\wd\rf\tbo{1}{1}} \hbox{\hskip2\wd\rf\tbo{2.5}{7}}\hbox{\hskip 2\wd\rf \vbox to 3\ht\rf{\tbo{1}{1.5}\vfil}\hskip3\wd\rf\tbo{3}{2.5}} \hbox{\hskip 3.4\wd\rf\tbo{4}{5.6}} \tbo{2.5}{12}}} % % Creation of the boxes for the pieces % \newbox\WP \def\tbo#1#2{\blbox{#1}{#2}} \setbox\WP=\pawn \newbox\BP \def\tbo#1#2{\filbox{#1}{#2}} \setbox\BP=\pawn \newbox\WB \def\tbo#1#2{\blbox{#1}{#2}} \setbox\WB=\bishop \newbox\BB \def\tbo#1#2{\filbox{#1}{#2}} \setbox\BB=\bishop \newbox\WR \def\tbo#1#2{\blbox{#1}{#2}} \setbox\WR=\rook \newbox\BR \def\tbo#1#2{\filbox{#1}{#2}} \setbox\BR=\rook \newbox\WQ \def\tbo#1#2{\blbox{#1}{#2}} \setbox\WQ=\queen \newbox\BQ \def\tbo#1#2{\filbox{#1}{#2}} \setbox\BQ=\queen \newbox\WK \def\tbo#1#2{\blbox{#1}{#2}} \setbox\WK=\king \newbox\BK \def\tbo#1#2{\filbox{#1}{#2}} \setbox\BK=\king \newbox\BN \def\tbo#1#2{\filbox{#1}{#2}} \setbox\BN=\knight % % The exceptional white knight (a lot of work to avoid a line at neck!) % \newbox\WN \def\tbo#1#2{\blbox{#1}{#2}} \setbox\WN= \vbox{\oil \hbox{\hskip 7\wd\rf\tbo{1}{1}} \hbox{\hskip2\wd\rf\vrule height 2.5\ht\rf width 0.2\ht\rf \vbox to 2.5\ht\rf{\hrule height 0.2\ht\rf width 6.6\wd\rf\vfil \hrule height 0.2\ht\rf width 4.5\wd\rf}% \vrule height 2.5\ht\rf width 0.2\wd\rf} \hbox{\hskip 2\wd\rf \vbox to 3\ht\rf{\tbo{1}{1.5}\vfil}\hskip3\wd\rf \hbox to 2.5\wd\rf{\vrule height 3\ht\rf width 0.2\wd\rf\hfil \vrule height 3\ht\rf width 0.2\wd\rf}} \hbox{\hskip 3.4\wd\rf\tbo{4}{5.6}} \tbo{2.5}{12}} % % \ver is the line used for square boundaries on the board % \nver is thinner line used to shade dark squares (if no piece on them) % \hor draws horizontal lines for each rank % \def\ver{\vrule height 15\ht\rf width 0.4\wd\rf} \def\nver{\vrule height 15\ht\rf width 0.1\wd\rf} \def\hor{\hrule height 0.4\wd\rf width 120\wd\rf} % \newcount\color \newcount\blanks \def\blanksquare{\ifodd\color \hbox to 15\wd\rf{\hfil\nver% \hfil\nver\hfil\ver}\else\hbox to 15\wd\rf{\hfil\ver}\fi \advance\color by 1} % % Each piece is centered inside a 15-unit square % \def\cen#1{\hbox to 15\wd\rf{\hfil\vbox to 15\ht\rf{\vfil\copy#1\vfil}% \hfil\ver}} % % This processes the characters specifying a row of the diagram. It % is patterned after the \length example at the end of chapter 20 % of The TeXbook \def\nextchar#1{\let\nex=\nextchar% \ifcat7#1% \blanks=#1\loop\ifnum\blanks>0 \blanksquare% \advance\blanks by -1\repeat\else \advance\color by 1% \ifx#1P\cen{\WP}\else\ifx#1p\cen{\BP}\else% \ifx#1N\cen{\WN}\else\ifx#1n\cen{\BN}\else% \ifx#1B\cen{\WB}\else\ifx#1b\cen{\BB}\else% \ifx#1Q\cen{\WQ}\else\ifx#1q\cen{\BQ}\else% \ifx#1R\cen{\WR}\else\ifx#1r\cen{\BR}% \else\ifx#1K\cen{\WK}\else\ifx#1k\cen{\BK}\else\let\nex=\relax% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\nex} % % \bore carries out preliminary steps for making the diagram. % \rgc reads in a string of non-blank characters, checks that the % first character is not the terminator Z, gives the string to \nextchar, % and then processes the next string. (again patterned after \length) % \def\bore#1Z{\color=1\vbox{\oil \hor\rgc#1 Z }} \def\rgc#1#2 {\advance\color by 1\let\nx=\rgc\ifx#1Z\let\nx=\relax \else\hbox{\ver\nextchar#1#2Z}\hor\fi\nx} % % This macro prints a variation. It is supposed to use the ideas of % \length and seems to work, but there is something I don't understand: % if the {} following the \else is deleted, something goes wrong. Why? % \newcount\move \newcount\iswhite \def\VAR#1 #2Z{\move=#1\iswhite=1\listem #2 Z } \def\listem#1#2 {\ifx#1Z\let\nx=\relax\else{}% \ifodd\iswhite{} \number\move~#1#2\else% ~#1#2\advance\move by 1\fi\advance\iswhite by 1\let\nx=\listem\fi\nx}