\def\markdownOptionHeaderAttributes{true} <<< This test ensures that the Lua `slice` option processes the entire document by default. This is an H1 ============= This is an H2 {#first-h2} ------------- ### This is an H3 #### This is an H4 ##### This is an H5 ###### This is an H6 This is a text paragraph containing an ellipsis ... and followed by a horizontal rule. *** This is inline `code`. This is a [link](http://google.cz "Google"). _This is an *emphasized* span of text_. __This is a **strongly emphasized** span of text__. ![example image](example-image.pdf "An example image from Martin Scharrer's mwe package") /scientists.csv (The great minds of the 19th century rendered via a content block) This is a fenced code block: ``` latex \documentclass{article} \begin{document} Hello world! \end{document} ``` This is an H2 {#second-h2} ------------- This is a bullet list: * The first item of a bullet list that spans several paragraphs, * the second item of a bullet list, * the third item of a bullet list. This is a compact bullet list: * The first item of a bullet list, * the second item of a bullet list, * the third item of a bullet list. This is an ordered list: 5. The first item of an ordered list that spans several paragraphs, 6. the second item of an ordered list, 7. the third item of an ordered list. This is an ordered list using hash enumerators: #. The first item of an ordered list that spans several paragraphs, #. the second item of an ordered list, #. the third item of an ordered list. This is a compact ordered list: 5. The first item of an ordered list, 6. the second item of an ordered list, 7. the third item of an ordered list. This is a compact ordered list using hash enumerators: #. The first item of an ordered list, #. the second item of an ordered list, #. the third item of an ordered list. This is a definition list: Term 1 : Definition 1 *Term 2* : Definition 2 Some code, part of Definition 2 Third paragraph of Definition 2. : Definition 3 This is a compact definition list: Term 1 : Definition 1 *Term 2* : Definition 2 : Definition 3 This is an H2 ------------- This is a block quote: > This is the first level of quoting. > > > This is nested blockquote. > > Back to the first level. Here is a footnote reference[^1] and another.[^longnote] Here is an inline note.^[Inlines notes are easier to write, since you don't have to pick an identifier and move down to type the note.] [^1]: Here is the footnote. [^longnote]: Here's one with multiple blocks. Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they belong to the previous footnote. Some code The whole paragraph can be indented, or just the first line. In this way, multi-paragraph footnotes work like multi-paragraph list items. >>> codeSpan: slice interblockSeparator headingOne: This is an H1 interblockSeparator headingTwo: This is an H2 interblockSeparator headingThree: This is an H3 interblockSeparator headingFour: This is an H4 interblockSeparator headingFive: This is an H5 interblockSeparator headingSix: This is an H6 interblockSeparator interblockSeparator horizontalRule interblockSeparator codeSpan: code BEGIN link - label: link - URI: http://google.cz - title: Google END link emphasis: This is an (emphasis: emphasized) span of text strongEmphasis: This is a (strongEmphasis: strongly emphasized) span of text interblockSeparator BEGIN image - label: example image - URI: example-image.pdf - title: An example image from Martin Scharrer's mwe package END image interblockSeparator interblockSeparator interblockSeparator codeSpan: latex (backslash)documentclass(leftBrace)article(rightBrace) (backslash)begin(leftBrace)document(rightBrace) Hello world! (backslash)end(leftBrace)document(rightBrace) interblockSeparator headingTwo: This is an H2 interblockSeparator interblockSeparator ulBegin ulItem interblockSeparator ulItemEnd ulItem ulItemEnd ulItem ulItemEnd ulEnd interblockSeparator interblockSeparator ulBeginTight ulItem ulItemEnd ulItem ulItemEnd ulItem ulItemEnd ulEndTight interblockSeparator interblockSeparator olBegin olItemWithNumber: 5 interblockSeparator olItemEnd olItemWithNumber: 6 olItemEnd olItemWithNumber: 7 olItemEnd olEnd interblockSeparator interblockSeparator hash interblockSeparator inputVerbatim: ./_markdown_test/484324226416f8957283b25427f6a56e.verbatim interblockSeparator hash hash interblockSeparator interblockSeparator olBeginTight olItemWithNumber: 5 olItemEnd olItemWithNumber: 6 olItemEnd olItemWithNumber: 7 olItemEnd olEndTight interblockSeparator interblockSeparator hash hash hash interblockSeparator interblockSeparator interblockSeparator interblockSeparator emphasis: Term 2 interblockSeparator interblockSeparator inputVerbatim: ./_markdown_test/75062d55efa99b0f4cb94891f3745f93.verbatim interblockSeparator interblockSeparator interblockSeparator emphasis: Term 2 interblockSeparator headingTwo: This is an H2 interblockSeparator interblockSeparator blockQuoteBegin interblockSeparator blockQuoteBegin blockQuoteEnd interblockSeparator blockQuoteEnd interblockSeparator circumflex circumflex circumflex