\enableregime[utf] \usetypescript[modern][ec] \setupbodyfont[10pt,rm] \setupexternalfigures[location={local,global,default}] % Load the Markdown module. \usemodule[t][markdown] % Set options of the Markdown module. \def\markdownOptionHashEnumerators{true} \def\markdownOptionDefinitionLists{true} \def\markdownOptionSmartEllipses{true} \def\markdownOptionFootnotes{true} \def\markdownOptionInlineFootnotes{true} \def\markdownOptionFencedCode{true} \def\markdownOptionContentBlocks{true} \def\markdownOptionPipeTables{true} \def\markdownOptionTableCaptions{true} \def\markdownOptionTaskLists{true} % Set renderers of the Markdown module. \definetyping [latex] \setuptyping [latex] [option=TEX] \starttext % Typeset the document `example.md` by letting the Markdown package handle % the conversion internally. \markdownInput{./example.md} % Typeset the document `example.tex` that we prepared separately using the % Lua command-line interface and that contains a plain TeX representation % of the document `example.md`. \doiffileelse{./example.tex}{\input example}{} % Typeset inline markdown text. \startmarkdown Here are some non-ASCII characters: *ěščřžýáíé* and ConTeXt special characters: *|*. Here is a hard line break that we inserted directly from the TeX source by typing two spaces at the end of a line. This is stretching TeX's abilities and is only supported in ConTeXt MkIV and later. \stopmarkdown \stoptext