%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%% HyAcc-CM.tex is a system for European language hyphenation %%% using the original CM fonts. It is based on an earlier %%% system given by Jacques D\'esarm\'enien %%% for French in his fePlain format of the mid 1980's. %%% %%% AIM: %%% Permit automatic TeX hyphenation, under the %%% original Computer Modern font norm, in words containing %%% composite accented characters; %%% more precisely, allow those hyphenations %%% that occur far from the accents. Without %%% HyAcc-CM.tex, hyphenation is blocked near and after the %%% first accented character. %%% %%% SETUP: %%% \input at some point after Plain has been %%% compiled with appropriate hyphenation patterns for the %%% languages to be used. See HyMaster.tex for a typical %%% example. %%% %%% COMMANDS: %%% --- \JDaccents a modified international version of %%% J. Desarmenien's e-accute accent in his "fePlain" format; %%% hyphenation except near accents. This is default. %%% --- \GFaccents similar to \JDaccents, but slightly %%% fragile (for LaTeX); it avoids a dot matrix (low %%% resolution) printer bug afflicting \JDaccents. From %%% German.sty corrected for French and international use. %%% --- \DKaccents gives Knuth's regime under which no %%% hyphenation is allowed beyond first accent in word with %%% accent. %%% %%% PECULIARITY: %%% By default, non-zero lc and uc codes for the %%% sporadic characters \ae, \AE, \oe, \OE, %%% \o, \O, \i, \j following an oecumenical policy %%% of M. Ferguson and D. Taupin. %%% --- \noMLcodes makes them zero %%% (Knuth's Plain setting) and %%% --- \MLcodes returns to our default. %%% %%% RESTRICTIONS: %%% For fonts of the original Computer Modern %%% norm and NOT not the Cork norm. %%% Do not use prose accents in math mode. %%% %%% VIRTUES: %%% decent hyphenation without special European fonts; %%% compatibility with Knuth's documentation.%%XX %%% Temporary 100% return to Knuth's regime is possible %%% via \DKaccents\noMLcodes %%% %%% HISTORY AND PROGRAMMER DOCUMENTATION see HyAcc-CM.doc. %%% %%% POSTING: by Daniel Flipo and %%% Laurent Siebenmannn ftp %%% rsovax.ups.circe.fr [] logon: anonymous, %%% password: your name. %%% %%% VERSION : August, 1992 %%% Modifications: Polish \ogonek added, %%% \box0 replaced by \box\hy@accbox \def\Msg{\immediate\write16} %% Prevent this file from being loaded twice! \let\this\relax \ifx\JDaccents\undefined\relax \else\Msg{}% \Msg{ *** \string\JDaccents\space already defined.}% \let\this\endinput \fi \this %% If \allowhyphens is already defined %% (by German.tex for instance), just complain. \ifx\undefined\allowhyphens \let\this\relax \else \Msg{}% \message{ *** \string\allowhyphens\space (from German.tex) already defined.}% \let\this\endinput \fi \this %%XX \def\W@{\immediate\write16}% \W@{ *************************************************** } \W@{ HyAcc-CM INTERNATIONAL ACCENTUATION MECHANISM FOR CM FONTS} \W@{ permitting decent hyphenation of words with accents.} \W@{ Version of Aug 1992.} \W@{ Updates: ftp rsovax.ups.circe.fr [].} \W@{ *************************************************** } \chardef\JDCatAt=\the\catcode`\@ \catcode`\@=11 \catcode`\~=12 %% was 13 \newbox\hy@accbox \def\hyaccent#1#2{{\accent#1 #2}\@Allowhyphens{#2}}% %% for \JDaccents \def\@@allowhyphens{\penalty\@M\hskip\z@skip}%% for sporadics \def\@@Allowhyphens#1{\setbox\hy@accbox\hbox{#1}%% \hyaccent \penalty\@M\hskip-\wd\hy@accbox #1}% %% for \GFaccents \def\preLetterSkip@{\ifcat a\next\relax\penalty\@M\hskip\z@\fi} %XXspacing \def\@@@Allowhyphens#1{\noexpand \futurelet\next\preLetterSkip@} \let\next\relax %% avoids some mysterious errormessages %% in case you uncautiously use %%XX %% accents in messages, %%XX %% \GFaccents\message{Imb\'ecile!} %%% Composite accents for CM fonts %% TeXbook p. 52 \def\DoCMAccents{%% cf \dospecials of Plain \do`"12..%% grave \do'"13..%% accute \do^"5E..%% hat \do""7F..%% umlaut \do~"7E..%% tilde \do="16..%% macron (bar over) \do."5F..%% dot over \do u"15..%% breve \do v"14..%% check \do H"7D..%% long umlaut %%\t tie absent see below } \def\CheckPeriod#1{\if#1.\else \errmessage{ !!! Error in DoAccChars data}\fi} \def\DoAccent#1#2.#3{\CheckPeriod{#3}% \expandafter \def\csname #1\endcsname##1{% \relax\hyaccent{#2}{##1}}% } \let\do\DoAccent \DoCMAccents %% Sets up principal new accent macros %%% Residual accents : \c,\aa,\AA,\l,\L \def\oldCedilla#1{\setbox\hy@accbox\hbox{#1}% \ifdim\ht\hy@accbox=1ex\accent24 #1% \else{\ooalign{\unhbox\hy@accbox\crcr\hidewidth\char24\hidewidth}}% \fi} \def\c#1{{\oldCedilla#1}\@Allowhyphens{#1}} \def\L{\char32 L} \def\l{\char32 l} \def\AA{\leavevmode\setbox\hy@accbox\hbox{h}% \dimen@\ht\hy@accbox\advance\dimen@-1ex% \rlap{\raise.67\dimen@\hbox{\char'27}}\@allowhyphens A} \def\aa{\hyaccent{"17}{a}} \def\oldUnderBar#1{\oalign{#1\crcr\hidewidth \vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char22}\vss}\hidewidth}} \def\b#1{\oldUnderBar#1\@Allowhyphens{#1}}% underbar \def\d#1{\oalign{#1\crcr \hidewidth.\hidewidth}\@Allowhyphens{#1}}%underdot \def\t#1{{\edef\next{\the\font}\the\textfont1\accent "7F\next#1}\@Allowhyphens{#1}} %% tie; \textfont1 is cmmi \def\oldOgonek#1{\setbox\hy@accbox=\hbox{`}\ooalign{\hidewidth \lower\ht\hy@accbox\copy\hy@accbox%%\hidewidth \crcr#1\crcr}} \def\ogonek#1{{\oldOgonek#1}\@Allowhyphens{#1}}% ogonek %%% Sporadic characters in cm %%% Plain assigns codes 0; Ferguson and Taupin as follows %%% see article of Taupin (to appear) %%% For better or worse, this permits hyphenation of %%% words containing these characters. %%% More importantly it is a policy that %%% is language-independant. %%% But catcodes are left 12 and not 11, to prevent use %%% in macro names when directly typed. \def\SetULCodes#1#2{% \uccode#1=#1\lccode#1=#2 \uccode#2=#1\lccode#2=#2 } \def\KillULCodes#1#2{% \uccode#1=0\lccode#1=0 \uccode#2=0\lccode#2=0 } \def\MLcodes{% \SetULCodes{"19}{"19} %% \ss (degenerate case) \SetULCodes{"1D}{"1A} %% \AE,\ae \SetULCodes{"1E}{"1B} %% \OE,\oe \SetULCodes{"1F}{"1C} %% \O, \o \lccode"10="10 %% \i } \def\noMLcodes{% \KillULCodes{"19}{"19} %% \ss (degenerate case) \KillULCodes{"1D}{"1A} %% \AE,\ae \KillULCodes{"1E}{"1B} %% \OE,\oe \KillULCodes{"1F}{"1C} %% \O, \o \lccode"10=0 %% \i } %%% For LaTeX 2.xx necessary change for \parbox macro \ifx\documentstyle\undefined \else %% if LaTeX IS loaded, save our new definitions of %% \' \` and \= for \parbox macro (LaTeX 2.xx) \let\@acci=\' \let\@accii=\` \let\@acciii=\= \fi %% JD for Jacques Desarmenien \def\JDaccents{\let\@Allowhyphens\@@Allowhyphens \let\@allowhyphens\@@allowhyphens} %% GF for German French \def\GFaccents{\let\@Allowhyphens\@@@Allowhyphens \let\@allowhyphens\@@allowhyphens} %% DK for Don Knuth \def\DKaccents{\def\@Allowhyphens##1{\relax}% \let\@allowhyphens\relax} %% Back to normal catcodes \catcode`\~=13 \catcode`\@=\JDCatAt \MLcodes\JDaccents %% defaults \endinput