# CollArgs changelog This package was developed as an auxiliary package of [Memoize](https://ctan.org/pkg/memoize), and is documented alongside that package. Note, however, that the Memoize manual, `memoize-doc.pdf`, is not reissued for patch-level releases of CollArgs; the version of the Memoize manual fully applicable to the particular version of CollArgs is indicated at each version. Whenever the date of the Memoize manual is older than the release date of a particular version of CollArgs, the documented source of CollArgs shown in that version of `memoize-code.pdf` of course does not reflect the latest changes; in those cases, please see [Memoize's GitHub repository](https://github.com/sasozivanovic/memoize) for the recent development history. ## 2024/01/02 v1.1.0 * Implement `brace collected`. Manual: Memoize 2024/01/02 v1.1.0 ## 2023/10/10 v1.0.0 * The initial release. Manual: Memoize 2023/10/10 v1.0.0