%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% file ithyph.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Prepared by Claudio Beccari e-mail beccari@polito.it % % Dipartimento di Elettronica % Politecnico di Torino % Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 % 10129 TORINO % % \versionnumber{3.4} \versiondate{8 february 1994} % % These hyphenation patterns for the Italian language comply with the % Reccomendation UNI 6461 on hyphenation issued by the Italian Standards % Institution (Ente Nazionale di Unificazione UNI). % % For documentation see: % C. Beccari, "Computer aided hyphenation for Italian and Modern % Latin", TUG vol. 13, n. 1, pp. 23-33 (1992) % % The following set of patterns is a slightly modified subset of the one % described in the preceeding paper, which includes also patterns specific % for the Latin language; the latter patterns have been eliminated and the % remaining ones accordingly modified in order to reduce the number of ops % (this file requires just 37 ops and no hyphenation exceptions). % % This set of patterns is compatible with the existing sets of macros and % fonts for TeX and LaTeX that map national characters in a suitable way so % as to have the hyphenation algorithm behave properly in the presence % of accented characters. In facts the following patterns do not include % any accented characters because: % % 1) The Regulation UNI 6015 on accents specifies that compulsory accents % appear only on the ending vowel of accented words; this means that it is almost % indifferent to have or to miss special facilities for national characters % because the only difference consists in how TeX evaluates the end of the % word; in practice if you have these special facilities you get % "qua-li-t\`a", while if you miss them, you get "qua-lit\`a" (assuming % that \righthyphenmin > 1). % 2) Optional accents are so rare in Italian, that if you absolutely want % to use them in those rare instances, and you miss the national character % facilities, you should also provide explicit discretionary hyphens % as in "s\'e\-gui\-to". % % There is no explicit hyphenation exception list because these patterns % proved to hyphenate correctly a very large set of words suitably chosen in % order to test them in the most heavy circumstances; these patterns were used % in the preparation of a number of books and no errors were discovered. % Should you find any word that gets hyphenated in a wrong way, please, AFTER % CHECKING ON A RELIABLE MODERN DICTIONARY, report to the author, preferably % by e-mail. % \lccode`\'=`\' % Apostrophe has its own lccode so that it is treated % as a letter % \patterns{ .an1ti3 .an1ti3m4n .di2s3ci3ne .e2x3 .cir1cu2m3 .wa2g3n .ca6p5s .o2p3to3 .pa1ra3i .pa1ra3u .pre3i .pro3i .p4s % In case you set \lefthyphenmin=1 (brrrr !) 4l. 4n. 4r. 4t. 4s. % in case you set \righthyphenmin=1 (brrrr !) .ri3a .ri3e .re3i .ri3o .ri3u .su4b3lu .su4b3r 5p4si3c4 3p4neu1 a1a a2e a2i a2j a1o a2u a2y a2y3o a3i2a a3i2e a3i2o a3i2u ae3u e1a e1e e2i e2j e2o e2u e2y e3iu i2a i2e i1i i2o i2u io3i o1a o2e o2i o2j o1o o2u o2y o3i2a o3i2e o3i2o o3i2u u2a u2e u2i u2o u1u uo3u % 1b2 2b3b 4b3d 2b3n 2b3s 1c2 2c3c 2c3m 4c3n 2c3q 2c3s 2c3t 2c3z 4ch3h 1d2 2d3d 2d3g 4d3m 4d3s 4d3v 4d3w 1f2 2f3f 2f3t 1g2 2g3g 4g3d 4g3f 4g3m 4g3s 4g3v 1h2 1j2 1k2 2k3k 1l2 2l3b 2l3c 2l3d 2l3f4 2l3g 2l3k 2l3l 4l3m 2l3n 2l3p 2l3q 2l3r 2l3s 2l3t 2l3v 2l3z 1m2 2m3m 2m3b 2m3p 2m3l 2m3n 2m3r 4m3w 1n2 2n3c 2n3d 2n3f 2n3g 2n3k 2n3n 2n3q 2n3s 2n3t 2n3v 2n3z 2n' 2n4g3n 1p2 2p3p 4p3s 2p3n 4p3t 2p3z 1q2 2q3q 1r2 2r3b 2r3c 2r3d 2r3f 2r3g 2r3k 2r3l 2r3m 2r3n 2r3p 2r3q 2r3r 2r3s 2r3t 2r3v 2r3z 1s2 2s3s 2s2t3m 2s' 1t2 2t3t 4t3m 4t3n 4t3w 2t3z 1v2 2v3v 1w2 wa4r 1x2 y2a y2e y2i y2o y2u 1z2 2z3z 2z3t } % Pattern end \endinput