This is the README file This package provide a date for serbian language in latin scripts in the best way which know gramaticall rules of serbian language. In the serbian.dtx file in a babel package, month \juny is translate to \juni and \july to \juli and after a year is no dot. The major changes in the name of month of \juni and \juli which is propriate translatations is \jun and \jul and after a year is a dot. Danas je 18. jun 2010. godine. Today is 18. july 2010. year. This package is publisher under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENCE. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms og he GNU General Public Licence as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 od the Licence, or (at your options) any later version. See for details. Zoran T. Filipovic Jurija Gagarina 263/6 11070 Novi Beograd Srbija zoran dot filipovic at yahoo dot com