2021-03-01 Dohyun Kim Version 1.9 * cjkutf8-ko.sty: use latex's font family hooks * cjkutf8-ko.sty: do not load glyphtounicode.tex when fmtversion >= 2021/05/01; add \pdfnobuiltintounicode\font@name to the end of \CJK@addcmap 2016-04-04 Dohyun Kim Version 1.8 * cjkutf8-ko.sty: package option [truetype] activates `\CJK@addcmap' * cjkutf8-ko.sty: pass unknown options to CJKutf8.sty * cjkutf8-ko.sty: ignore variation selectors for Korean hanja 2015-07-18 Dohyun Kim Version 1.7 * cjkutf8-ko.sty: use `mj' when nanumtype1 is missing * cjkutf8-ko.sty: no error even when glyphtounicode is missing * cjkutf8-ko.sty: hyperref bookmarks were broken * konames-utf.sty: add \newif\if@hanja if undefined 2015-04-19 Dohyun Kim Version 1.6 * kotex.sty: [euc] option triggers relevant luatexko commands * cjkutf8-ko.sty: make utf-8 characters robust. 2015-03-20 Dohyun Kim Version 1.5 * cjkutf8-ko.sty: fix a bug wrt inter-word glue between hangul. 2014-07-27 Dohyun Kim Version 1.4 * kotex.sty: adaptation to recent update of unicode-letters.tex 2013-12-06 Dohyun Kim Version 1.3 * cjkutf8-ko.sty: - new package options for cjk font setting, mj= and gt= - allow italic correction after CJK char - move char definition of U+00B7 to AtBeginDocument * cjkutf8-josa.sty: - fix a bug regarding in-line \jong \jung \rieul 2013-07-03 Dohyun Kim Version 1.2 * cjkutf8-ko.sty: - there was a clash with \makeindex of memoir class as reported by Juho Lee - move caption setting to AtBeginDocument - codes for non-eTeX engines are removed * cjk-ko-doc.tex: explicitly state that [usedotemph] option declares \normalem (see the manual of ulem package). 2013-03-23 Dohyun Kim Version 1.1 * kotex.sty: package option [cjk] is not needed any more, if kotexutf.sty does not exist. * cjk-ko-doc.pdf: produced by dvipdfmx instead of pdflatex. * Author's email address has changed. 2013-02-27 Dohyun Kim Initial release. Version 1.0