# ptex-base The bundle contains plain TeX format for pTeX and e-pTeX. Documentation for pTeX and e-pTeX are included in ptex-manual bundle ([CTAN](https://ctan.org/pkg/ptex-manual), [GitHub](https://github.com/texjporg/ptex-manual)). ## Character encoding All the text files containing Japanese characters in this repository are encoded in ISO-2022-JP. This is because ISO-2022-JP encoded texts are most suitable for the traditional pTeX engine. ## Repository The bundle is maintained on GitHub: https://github.com/texjporg/ptex-base If you have issues, please let us know from the above page. ## License The bundle may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the 3-clause BSD license (see [LICENSE](./LICENSE)). ## Release Date 2020-03-07 Japanese TeX Development Community