% This file is encoded in UTF-8. % (bxcjkjatype supports only UTF-8.) % To be typeset with pdflatex, latex + dvipdfmx, or latex + dvips \documentclass[a4paper]{article} % hyperref may require an explicit driver option % (bxcjkjatype does not.) %\documentclass[a4paper,dvipdfmx]{article} % The 'whole' option makes the whole document body wrapped with a % CJK* environment. \usepackage[whole]{bxcjkjatype} % After loading the package, you can write 日本語 text, even in the % preamble. You can define a macro which includes 日本語. \newcommand\Nihongo{日本語} % You can make PDF files which holds correct CJK text as document % information, such as boookmarks. \usepackage[unicode,% ←needed to make bookmark text right bookmarks=true,colorlinks=true]{hyperref} % Here I use Standard fonts (IPAex fonts) for Mincho and Gothic % families. For Maru-gothic family, I use "Rounded M+ 1c Regular". % (available at http://d.hatena.ne.jp/itouhiro/20120226). \setmarugothicfont{rounded-mplus-1c-regular.ttf} \begin{document} % (Now already in a CJK* environment.) % You can safely put a section heading containing 日本語 letters! \section{Preparing 文書 in \Nihongo\ using pdf\TeX} The 文書 contains 日本語 and English. \section{Font selection} \begin{itemize} % \rmfamily designates Mincho family. \item \rmfamily Mincho (明朝) family. % If you have specified a bold Mincho font with % \setboldminchofont, then you will see it working. % \textbf{And bold (太字) version.} % \sffamily designates Gothic family. \item \sffamily Gothic (ゴシック) family. % \mgfamily changes only CJK family, so the alphabetic font % family remains unchanged (i.e. in \sffamily). \item \mgfamily Maru-gothic (丸ゴシック) family. \end{itemize} \end{document}