\documentclass[]{article} % PROBLEM % \(re)newcommand gets overwritten for Accents \< and \>: \newcommand{\<}{\emph{first definition of <-accent}} \renewcommand{\>}{\emph{early redefinition of >-accent}} % WORKAROUNDS % save original definition and overwrite later \let\MyLessThanSaved\< % define as TextDefault (can be done before or after loading fontenc): \DeclareTextCommandDefault{\>}{\emph{TextDefault of >-accent}} \usepackage{lmodern} \usepackage[LGR,T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{textalpha} % font encoding switch declarations: \newcommand{\LGR}{\fontencoding{LGR}\selectfont} \newcommand{\Latin}{\fontencoding{\encodingdefault}\selectfont} % RESTORING % restoring as "normal" macro results in problems in Greek text % \renewcommand{\<}{\MyLessThanSaved} % restore as "TextCommandDefault" (for all font encodings except LGR): \DeclareTextCommandDefault{\<}{\MyLessThanSaved} \begin{document} \section*{Test accent macro name clashes} The LGR font encoding defined until version 0.12 from 2014-12-12 the \verb+\<+ and \verb+\>+ shortcuts for Greek dasia and psili accents as ``TextAccent'' macros (see fntguide.pdf). This definition moved to ``textalpha.sty'' wich also makes LGR the default encoding for these accents. This means that with \verb+\usepackage{textalpha}+, the accent macros are undefined in all other font encodings and can be given another definition. However, due to the internal working of \verb+\DeclareTextAccent+, earlier definitions of these macros are overwritten. Test: macro defined before fontenc loading: \< Test: macro (re)defined after fontenc loading: \>a Test: accent macro kept in LGR: \LGR \h \Latin Test: TextCommandDefault at end of group: \texttt{\<} Test: Tab accent kludge: \a< \section*{LGR Transkription und Makros} \LGR 'a `a "u a \\ \'a \`a \"u \a \~a \end{document}