\documentclass[a4paper,9pt]{article} \usepackage[T2A,T8K,T8M,T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage[georgian,russian,english]{babel} \usepackage[plainpages=false,bookmarksopen,pdfpagelabels,bookmarksnumbered,unicode=true,hyperindex=true,pagebackref=true]{hyperref} \makeatletter \newcommand{\venc}[1]{ \renewcommand\verbatim@font{% \usefont{#1}{cmtt}{m}{n}\relax\selectfont}% } \makeatother \begin{document} \sloppy \title{{Geo}\TeX{}\--- Georgian Language in \TeX{}} % repeat info for each author. \author{Levan Shoshiashvili\\ \small Dept. of Electronics and Electrical Engineering\\[-0.8ex] \small Faculty of Natural Science\\[-0.8ex] \small Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University,\\[-0.8ex] \small I. Chavchavadze ave.N3 , Tbilisi, Georgia\\[-0.8ex] \small \textsf{shoshia@hotmail.com}\\ } \date{10 May 2015} %\netaddress{levan.shoshiashvili (at) tsu.ge} %\personalURL{http://lshoshia.science.tsu.ge} \maketitle \tableofcontents \begin{abstract} In this document use of Georgian language package for \TeX{}/\LaTeX{} is described. \end{abstract} \section{Installation} For package installation \TeX{} distribution must be installed. This can be {MikTeX} or {TeXLive} Windows OS and TeXLive for Linux/Unix and MacOSX systems. It is not necessary, but it is better to have local \TeX{} directory. For Linux/Unix systems you can use \verb|$HOME/texmf| See your \TeX{} distribution documentation for more detailes. \subsection{Using MikTeX} \begin{itemize} \item Install MikTeX \verb|http://miktex.org| . \item Since April 2015 MikTex includes packages: "georgian-babel" and "georgian". Install them Using MikTex package manager. \end{itemize} \subsection{Using TexLive} \begin{itemize} \item Create local \TeX{} directory. \item Download GeoTeX \verb|http://tex.tsu.ge| and install it in local \TeX \end{itemize} \subsection{Automatic hyphenation} Automatic hyphenation works. \verb| hyph-utf8| is already included in TexLive. For MikTex download \verb| hyph-utf8| and install it in localtemf tree. Copy 'languages.ini' file to MikTex's config directory. Do update formats from MikTex's settings manager ('User' and 'Admin' modes ). After this system must know about Georgian hyphenation. \section{The First Steps} After package installation user can write documents in Georgian. For this can be used any plain text editor, but there are \LaTeX{} suitable Integrated Developing Environment (IDE) Editors , such as Texmaker \url{www.xm1math.net/texmaker}, TexStudio Texmaker \url{http://texstudio.sourceforge.net}, TeXnicCenter \url{http://www.texniccenter.org}, WinEdt Texmaker \url{http://www.winedt.com}. Note, that Georgian input text must be in utf-8 encoding. There are three basic classes in \LaTeX{} : Article , Report , book. Minimal document has a following form: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[T1,T2A,T8K,T8M]{fontenc} %use English, %Russian, Georgian fonts \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %Text Encoding \usepackage[english,russian,georgian]{babel} %Document's %language is Georgian \begin{document} Document text \end{document} \end{verbatim} For languages based on Georgian script (Megruli,Laz,Chan,Svan), which use umlauts and accents we can use \TeX functions. Fox example:\\ { \Georgian \'{ა} \.{ა} \H{ა} \`{ა} \"{ა} \^{ა} \d{ა} \~{ა} \u{ა} \={ა} \v{ა} \t{აბ} \\ } Because of Georgian script don't fit in one encoding, two encodings T8M and T8K-Asomtavruli-Mkhedruli and Khucuri-Mkhedruli are introduced\footnote{see . kaencodings.pdf for detailes}.If we turn on \emph{\bfseries amsmath} package, We can have following text: {\Georgian $\bar{\text{ა}} $, $\overset{\text{ა}}{\text{ბ}} \text{უ}^{\text{ბ}}$.\\ } The \emph{{\bfseries babel }} package knows about Georgian and the most therms are translated. \emph{{\bfseries babel }} loads T8K , and then T8M encoding definition files. This means, that main encoding of the document will be T8M (Asomtavruli-Mkhedruli). If user needs to have basic encoding T8K (Nusxkhuri-Mkhedruli), than in document's preamble must have \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[english,georgian]{babel} \usepackage[T8M,T8K]{fontenc} \end{verbatim} In such document text can be in Nuskhuri-Mkhedruli script without any additional command and for Asomtavruli script user needs: {\Georgian \mrglovani \begin{verbatim} \mrglovani მაგალითად {\mrglovani ასომთავრული ტექსტი ႠႱႭႫႧႠႥႰႳႪႨ } \end{verbatim} } {which gives: \mrglovani ႠႱႭႫႧႠႥႰႳႪႨ } \\ If document's encoding is T8M, than before Nuskha-Khucuri script we need: {\Georgian \venc{T8K} \begin{verbatim} {\khucuri ხუცური ტექსტი ⴞⴓⴚⴓⴐⴈ ⴒⴄⴕⴑⴒⴈ} \end{verbatim} } Which gives: {\Georgian \khucuri ⴞⴓⴚⴓⴐⴈ ⴒⴄⴕⴑⴒⴈ} This is necessary, because Nuskhuri and Asomtavruli are defined in different encodings. \section{Text indexing} \TeX{} uses $makeidx$ and it works for Georgian scripts, but output file is in \TeX's internal representation(in therms of macro commands) not in utf-8 and hard to read. For UNICODE texts is the best suited \emph{xindy} package and works for Georgian scripts, but it is not available for \emph{MikTeX} distribution. But we can use \emph{index} and \emph{idxlayout} packages to have nice output. Add in the preamble: {\Georgian \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{index} \usepackage[columns=3,totoc=true]{idxlayout} \newcommand{\Index}[1]{\index{#1}#1} \makeindex \renewindex{default}{idx}{ind}{საძიებელი} \end{verbatim} } In this way we can index words in the document on following way {\Georgian \verb|Index{სიტყვა}| }.To add index page in the document one can use \verb|\printindex}| in place of desired output of index page. But this is not enough. After indexing document do: \begin{verbatim} makeindex.exe "filename".idx \end{verbatim} $filename.idx$ is created after Build command User can also pass the style file (for example. $latex.ist$) and after this we need to rebuild document again. \section{Nomenclature (Definition of therms and symbols)} Add in the preamble: {\Georgian \begin{verbatim} \usepackage{nomencl} \makenomenclature \renewcommand\nomname{აღნიშვნები} \end{verbatim} } After file compilation do \begin{verbatim} makeindex .nlo -s nomencl.ist -o .nls \end{verbatim} and rebuild file again. Of course there need to be \verb|\printnomenclature| in the document, where you need nomenclature to be printed. \section{Fonts} T8M and T8K encoded fonts are based on: DejaVu fonts \url{http://dejavu-fonts.org} and other avialable Georgian free fonts and can be distributed freely. \section{License Information} This package may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. \section{Additional information} For source of this document and other questions you might have to use Georgian in \LaTeX{} pleas visit Geo\TeX{} site \url{http://tex.tsu.ge} \end{document}