___ _____ ___ ___ _ / __|_ _/ _ \| _ \ | \__ \ | || (_) | _/_| |___/ |_| \___/|_| (_) There is nothing in this directory that is of use to the average LaTeX user. If you want to associate ---\ download the cooltooltips pop-up windows and tooltips ---/ package from CTAN. with hyperlinks If you want to see a code ---\ read the documentation for example for a particular ---/ whatever package the FAQ FAQ answer answer recommends. If you want to rebuild ---\ don't bother; the content has the Visual LaTeX FAQ for ---/ been laid out manually and the whatever reason PDF file has been postprocessed The source to the Visual LaTeX FAQ necessarily has to utilize a number of crude hacks and is more often than not a demonstration of how *not* to achieve a particular effect. First, a lot of trickery is involved in wrapping hyperlinks around typesetting examples: If you can't put something in an \fbox and have it look right then you can't easily put a hyperlink around it, either. Second, some packages exhibit contradictory functionality. For example, parskip.sty sets the paragraph indent to zero for all paragraphs while indentfirst.sty sets the paragraph indent to a nonzero value for all paragraphs. Clearly, a LaTeX file can't meaningfully load both packages. The visualFAQ.pdf file on CTAN has been postprocessed to include page thumbnails and to support "Fast Web View" (a.k.a. Linearized PDF). Rebuilding the PDF will lose that metadata. Changes to the document, including formatting changes, are also not recommended. Because of the extensive use of unbreakable TeX boxes the document is very sensitive to layout. Any change is likely to cause ugly slabs of inter- and intra-paragraph whitespace to appear throughout the document. In short, you're best off using the Visual LaTeX FAQ as it was intended: Browse through the prebuilt visualFAQ.pdf file, click on hyperlinks of interest, and learn from what the UK TeX FAQ has to say.