% Save file as: APP-G.TEX Source: FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET \input fontsize.tex \input G.tex \nopagenumbers \headline={\hfill} \twelvepoint \centerline{\twlbf APPENDIX G: Incorporation of PostScript Graphics} \bigskip\par\noindent So far you've heard no mention of graphics in conjunction with \TeX{} --- this is because \TeX\ itself makes no explicit provision for their inclusion! \bigskip\par\noindent \TeX\ {\twlit does,} however, provide a ``{\twltt{}$\backslash$special}'' command which implements ``user-exits'' (or ``hooks'') which can be exploited by an intelligent DVI-to-$<$whatever$>$ postprocessor to extend \TeX{}. One such extension provided by the DVI-to-PostScript converter {\twltt DVIPS} is inclusion of PostScript graphics files. \bigskip\par\noindent NOTE: Do not embark upon including PostScript files in your \TeX\ document lightly; including graphics this way is a big decision for a couple of reasons: \bigskip\par\noindent (1) The quality of the PostScript code produced by applications can vary immensely. Some nominal ``PostScript'' output can be so ill-formed you'll find yourself wondering how {\twlit any} PostScript device has every been able to interpret and print it. This ``low-grade'' PostScript may cause all sorts of headaches when you try to include it in your document. \bigskip\par\noindent (2) If you do elect to include PostScript graphics in your \TeX\ document, you'll find that virtually no DVI previewer will be able to show you your graphic inclusions on screen during the output previewing process; you'll need to use a PostScript previewer (like NeXT's Preview application) if you need to look at your output on screen before actually printing it. \bigskip\par\noindent (3) Inclusion of PostScript graphics in your document excludes, virtually by definition, all DVI-to-$<$whatever$>$ converters other than DVIPS. Are you {\twlit sure} you'll never need to do output to a non-PostScript output device, such as an HP LaserJet printer? \bigskip\par\noindent (4) Even small illustrations tend to generate huge PostScript files. Do you have the disk space you'll need to work with the images you'll be generating? \bigskip\par\noindent Nonetheless, if in spite of all these potential problems you decide that you really {\twlit do} want to include PostScript graphics in your document, take a look at the code which was used to generate this appendix, and be sure to give yourself {\twlit lots} of extra time to overcome any problems you may encounter in working with this feature. \bigskip\par\noindent A machine readable copy of the raw \TeX\ commands used is available to OREGON VAX users as: \bigskip\par\noindent\hglue 0.5truein {\twltt TEX\$DISK:[TEX.SAMPLES]EPSGRAPHS.TEX} \bigskip\par\noindent On other systems get a copy of that file via anonymous FTP. \bigskip\par\noindent FTP to {\twltt DECOY.UOREGON.EDU (} and see directory {\twltt pub/tex/samples}. \bigskip\par\noindent \vfill\eject %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \input epsgraphs.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end