%PDF-1.2 127 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (title.0) >> endobj 129 0 obj (Title Page) endobj 131 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.0) >> endobj 133 0 obj (Agradecimentos!) endobj 134 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.0) >> endobj 136 0 obj (Pref\341cio) endobj 138 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.1) >> endobj 140 0 obj (Coisas que Voc\352 Precisa Saber) endobj 142 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.1) >> endobj 144 0 obj (O nome do Jogo) endobj 146 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.1) >> endobj 148 0 obj (TeX) endobj 150 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1.2) >> endobj 152 0 obj (LaTeX) endobj 154 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.2) >> endobj 156 0 obj (No\347\365es B\341sicas) endobj 158 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.1) >> endobj 160 0 obj (Autor, Diagramador, e Editor gr\341fico) endobj 162 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.2) >> endobj 164 0 obj (Projeto do Layout) endobj 166 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2.3) >> endobj 168 0 obj (Vantagens e Desvantagens) endobj 170 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.3) >> endobj 172 0 obj (Arquivos de Entrada do LaTeX) endobj 174 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.3.1) >> endobj 176 0 obj (Espa\347os) endobj 178 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.3.2) >> endobj 180 0 obj (Caracteres Especiais) endobj 182 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.3.3) >> endobj 184 0 obj (Comandos do LaTeX) endobj 186 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.3.4) >> endobj 188 0 obj (Coment\341rios) endobj 190 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.4) >> endobj 192 0 obj (Estrutura do Arquivo de Entrada) endobj 194 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.5) >> endobj 196 0 obj (Uma T\355pica Se\347\343o de Linha de Comandos) endobj 198 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.6) >> endobj 200 0 obj (O Layout do Documento) endobj 202 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.6.1) >> endobj 204 0 obj (Classes de Documentos) endobj 206 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.6.2) >> endobj 208 0 obj (Pacotes) endobj 210 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.7) >> endobj 212 0 obj (Arquivos que voc\352 pode encontrar) endobj 214 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.7.1) >> endobj 216 0 obj (Estilo da P\341gina) endobj 218 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.8) >> endobj 220 0 obj (Grandes Projetos) endobj 222 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.2) >> endobj 224 0 obj (Editando o Texto) endobj 226 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.1) >> endobj 228 0 obj (A Estrutura do Texto e Linguagem) endobj 230 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.2) >> endobj 232 0 obj (Quebras de Linha e de P\341gina) endobj 234 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.2.1) >> endobj 236 0 obj (Par\341grafos Justificados) endobj 238 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.2.2) >> endobj 240 0 obj (Hifena\347\343o) endobj 242 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.3) >> endobj 244 0 obj (Palavras j\341 Prontas) endobj 246 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.4) >> endobj 248 0 obj (Caracteres Especiais e S\355mbolos) endobj 250 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.1) >> endobj 252 0 obj (Aspas) endobj 254 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.2) >> endobj 256 0 obj (Tra\347os e H\355fens) endobj 258 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.3) >> endobj 260 0 obj (Til ()) endobj 262 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.4) >> endobj 264 0 obj (S\355mbolo de Grau ()) endobj 266 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.5) >> endobj 268 0 obj (Retic\352ncias ( \203)) endobj 270 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.6) >> endobj 272 0 obj (Ligaduras) endobj 274 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.7) >> endobj 276 0 obj (Acentos e Caracteres Especiais) endobj 278 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.5) >> endobj 280 0 obj (Suporte a Linguagem Internacional) endobj 282 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.5.1) >> endobj 284 0 obj (Suporte para o Alem\343o) endobj 286 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.5.2) >> endobj 288 0 obj (Suporte para o Portugu\352s) endobj 290 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.6) >> endobj 292 0 obj (O Espa\347o entre as Palavras) endobj 294 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.7) >> endobj 296 0 obj (T\355tulos, Cap\355tulos, e Se\347\365es) endobj 298 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.8) >> endobj 300 0 obj (Refer\352ncias Cruzadas) endobj 302 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.9) >> endobj 304 0 obj (Notas de rodap\351) endobj 306 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.10) >> endobj 308 0 obj (Notas laterais) endobj 310 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.11) >> endobj 312 0 obj (Palavras Enfatizadas) endobj 314 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.12) >> endobj 316 0 obj (Ambientes) endobj 318 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.12.1) >> endobj 320 0 obj (Itemizar, Enumerar e Descrever) endobj 322 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.12.2) >> endobj 324 0 obj (Alinhamento do Texto) endobj 326 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.12.3) >> endobj 328 0 obj (Cita\347\365es e Versos) endobj 330 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.12.4) >> endobj 332 0 obj (Imprimindo o Texto Diretamente (Verbatim)) endobj 334 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.12.5) >> endobj 336 0 obj (Tabelas) endobj 338 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.13) >> endobj 340 0 obj (Corpos Flutuantes) endobj 342 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.14) >> endobj 344 0 obj (Protegendo Comandos Fr\341geis) endobj 346 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.3) >> endobj 348 0 obj (Editando F\363rmulas Matem\341ticas) endobj 350 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.1) >> endobj 352 0 obj (No\347\365es Gerais) endobj 354 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.2) >> endobj 356 0 obj (Agrupando em Modo Matem\341tico) endobj 358 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.3) >> endobj 360 0 obj (Construindo Blocos de F\363rmula Matem\341tica) endobj 362 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.4) >> endobj 364 0 obj (Espa\347amento Matem\341tico) endobj 366 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.5) >> endobj 368 0 obj (Material Alinhado Verticalmente) endobj 370 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.6) >> endobj 372 0 obj (Espa\347o Fantasma (Phantom)) endobj 374 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.7) >> endobj 376 0 obj (Tamanho da Fonte em Modo Matem\341tico) endobj 378 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.8) >> endobj 380 0 obj (Teoremas, Leis, \203) endobj 382 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.9) >> endobj 384 0 obj (S\355mbolos real\347ados) endobj 386 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.10) >> endobj 388 0 obj (Lista de S\355mbolos Matem\341ticos) endobj 390 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.4) >> endobj 392 0 obj (Recursos Adicionais) endobj 394 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.1) >> endobj 396 0 obj (Inclu\355ndo Gr\341ficos EPS) endobj 398 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.2) >> endobj 400 0 obj (Bibliografia) endobj 402 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.3) >> endobj 404 0 obj (\315ndices) endobj 406 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.4) >> endobj 408 0 obj (Cabe\347alhos Personalizados (Fancy Headings)) endobj 410 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.5) >> endobj 412 0 obj (O pacote `Verbatim') endobj 414 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.6) >> endobj 416 0 obj (Obtendo (Download) e Instalando Pacotes do LaTeX) endobj 418 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.5) >> endobj 420 0 obj (Personalisando o LaTeX) endobj 422 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.1) >> endobj 424 0 obj (Novos Comandos, Ambientes e Pacotes) endobj 426 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.1) >> endobj 428 0 obj (Novos Comandos) endobj 430 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.2) >> endobj 432 0 obj (Novos Ambientes) endobj 434 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.3) >> endobj 436 0 obj (Seu pr\363prio Pacote) endobj 438 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.2) >> endobj 440 0 obj (Fontes e Tamanhos) endobj 442 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.1) >> endobj 444 0 obj (Comandos de Mudan\347a de Fonte) endobj 446 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.2) >> endobj 448 0 obj (Perigo, Perigo, \203) endobj 450 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.3) >> endobj 452 0 obj (Conselho) endobj 454 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.3) >> endobj 456 0 obj (Espa\347amento) endobj 458 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.3.1) >> endobj 460 0 obj (Espa\347amento das Linhas) endobj 462 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.3.2) >> endobj 464 0 obj (Formatando o Par\341grafo) endobj 466 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.3.3) >> endobj 468 0 obj (Espa\347o Horizontal) endobj 470 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.3.4) >> endobj 472 0 obj (Espa\347o Vertical) endobj 474 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.4) >> endobj 476 0 obj (Layout da P\341gina) endobj 478 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.5) >> endobj 480 0 obj (Mais Divers\343o com os Tamanhos) endobj 482 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.6) >> endobj 484 0 obj (Caixas) endobj 486 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.7) >> endobj 488 0 obj (R\351guas e Suportes) endobj 490 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.6) >> endobj 492 0 obj (Desenhando em LaTeX2e) endobj 494 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.1) >> endobj 496 0 obj (Algumas no\347\365es sobre figuras em LaTeX) endobj 498 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.2) >> endobj 500 0 obj (O ambiente picture) endobj 502 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.3) >> endobj 504 0 obj (Objetos gr\341ficos) endobj 506 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.1) >> endobj 508 0 obj (Texto) endobj 510 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.2) >> endobj 512 0 obj (Boxes) endobj 514 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.3) >> endobj 516 0 obj (Linhas) endobj 518 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.4) >> endobj 520 0 obj (Setas) endobj 522 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.5) >> endobj 524 0 obj (Pilhas) endobj 526 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.6) >> endobj 528 0 obj (C\355rculos) endobj 530 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.7) >> endobj 532 0 obj (Oval) endobj 534 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.8) >> endobj 536 0 obj (Curvas de Bezier) endobj 538 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.9) >> endobj 540 0 obj (Grades) endobj 542 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [541 0 R /Fit ] >> endobj 547 0 obj << /Length 548 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xڵUMo0 GS"gͭ@K HEBHCMU*=poggw`y~㠐 :Mb1A}b,+g !QvQ?qژtrpA睘^!t+̺ El27RfwuvhM95xpLRk)7 z ( ( {h{b >!?U$ S59N {=[5V+iQh~ŋGY#7rX'bYڋhcx.(xs"X ءQ N>hD;b ZK2( r(65HE/ówހdc/u׬(YbPQ.,7o2iZnb߂͚yJ㳪z:^ <%O=Ivi՗GeկXgme8rX]'E$z(=39WNxv];]ҙq%Cf1RU}6x V 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[1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 285.509 281.281 293.084] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.6.1) >> >> endobj 636 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 271.573 206.554 279.027] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.6.2) >> >> endobj 637 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 255.516 298.25 265.213] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.7) >> >> endobj 638 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 241.58 249.432 251.277] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.7.1) >> >> endobj 639 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 227.644 218.508 237.341] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1.8) >> >> endobj 640 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [93.917 204.663 206.007 212.239] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.2) >> >> endobj 641 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 188.606 303.978 198.303] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.1) >> >> endobj 642 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 174.67 280.008 184.367] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.2) >> >> endobj 643 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 160.734 279.917 170.431] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.2.1) >> >> endobj 644 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 147.064 216.948 156.496] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.2.2) >> >> endobj 645 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 132.863 228.887 142.56] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.3) >> >> endobj 646 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 118.927 287.644 128.624] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.4) >> >> endobj 614 0 obj << /D [616 0 R /XYZ 93.917 734.42 null] >> endobj 615 0 obj << /Font << /F19 549 0 R /F88 555 0 R /F15 556 0 R /F68 569 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj 650 0 obj << /Length 651 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream x\Mo!0= sxY'viKEa{M}{iٴ<$4䫪~x`j )EBx?6w 8zR#MuŊ_?yU)) *CVGX FGg?]oNăCL%1GAV2ܬFvI{ֽ@D>bSwQNwWA cƢ.("F#Lƀ}zgB(C˻=ϛŒ%38_ J͐q1æ,JC1X2U:MϛU(s|6اޱ&@80i wYhicc;oO%(߸NSsFЈq-E";d78%f-[φDEQΊ&>P|(~#w&qߵVsYa±<<^YޜHQ}hV½\$t<אI%85~ٰx,Z K{?Yp>uq.{@ d#?Fө,&T)BZydGt;YqpؔfHʤ̣m5$!&TƔqLd?n;dgƍY-m .f|i>]i2s?r;En&)>0t~2A/6Gy֏q%֛@ނ9BV GY2uho!3TA(~:)iHݿ.7ϼ!*a"@#sC8+|QVy?MYLϚ5d~™0(EL 1${Zz6bwcs HKm"5YLq0]y3`%CY~Q"?ܕ"IJM |\.1/&"̋ahr6}W1э{ԎHXN|.JL: h"*h".{slPD-26"oϕ~w dsT.1:W8p&磙ש:Z4ɗqHW #scu7&6"y-8u3VZd>.kd1EHzYLJz84lfwڤ:-i/8 _jD(g&u` PUU9(8Ayhz`(0CͶtO0N03lge:Ks>.Ԧepm+2#6k A92BLaL^!SA`\G5ġe:I_e^XqQlw-KiƁ1\Kh*HpChDD7+C`lY,iyP˷D8MZBjPDb%ХG$#:" !WL*98!bvGE9ˬUd",-  m͕cxDFxYGU%_ۙLR!lJzz*Ъ2n?[oGAEm^_m6m=sҴUNް"/ZUu}ai# iDT9~#&ŁabZV6-*F࠵{\F)VD:QT׬da_&kDZ Y\ٷԛrg͂!nm {3MuNf*uVjPQdz5۳/sStA515 ]NSP۫n͸C^pZxX}WX<+̤ru] b$3+BW9pe"Z8w @@hi/m[K ;;Zt/FfV֓Vxo@*GcYڽ܃$ ?O]endstream endobj 651 0 obj 2340 endobj 649 0 obj << /Type /Page /Contents 650 0 R /Resources 648 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.273 841.887] /Thumb 10 0 R /Parent 608 0 R /Annots [ 652 0 R 653 0 R 654 0 R 655 0 R 656 0 R 657 0 R 658 0 R 659 0 R 660 0 R 661 0 R 662 0 R 663 0 R 664 0 R 665 0 R 666 0 R 667 0 R 668 0 R 669 0 R 670 0 R 671 0 R 672 0 R 673 0 R 674 0 R 675 0 R 676 0 R 677 0 R 678 0 R 679 0 R 680 0 R 681 0 R 682 0 R 683 0 R 684 0 R 685 0 R 686 0 R 687 0 R 688 0 R 689 0 R 690 0 R 691 0 R 692 0 R 693 0 R ] >> endobj 652 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.192 701.541 246.404 711.116] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.1) >> >> endobj 653 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.192 688.132 291.283 697.564] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.2) >> >> endobj 654 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.192 673.587 252.647 684.496] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.3) >> >> endobj 655 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.192 659.913 316.389 670.822] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.4) >> >> endobj 656 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.192 646.239 305.586 657.148] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.5) >> >> endobj 657 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.192 633.171 265.01 642.868] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.6) >> >> endobj 658 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.192 619.497 365.525 629.073] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4.7) >> >> endobj 659 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 605.824 351.586 615.52] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.5) >> >> endobj 660 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.192 592.15 329.071 601.847] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.5.1) >> >> endobj 661 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.192 578.476 340.828 588.173] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.5.2) >> >> endobj 662 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 564.802 314.041 574.499] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.6) >> >> endobj 663 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 551.128 314.889 560.825] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.7) >> >> endobj 664 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 539.575 285.041 547.151] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.8) >> >> endobj 665 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 523.78 261.465 533.477] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.9) >> >> endobj 666 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 512.228 249.101 519.803] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.10) >> >> endobj 667 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 498.554 283.041 506.13] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.11) >> >> endobj 668 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 484.88 233.253 492.456] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.12) >> >> endobj 669 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.192 469.085 369.828 478.661] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.12.1) >> >> endobj 670 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.192 457.532 325.374 465.108] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.12.2) >> >> endobj 671 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.192 442.002 300.738 451.313] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.12.3) >> >> endobj 672 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.192 427.457 433.192 438.366] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.12.4) >> >> endobj 673 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.192 416.511 254.526 424.086] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.12.5) >> >> endobj 674 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 400.716 271.677 410.412] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.13) >> >> endobj 675 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 387.042 327.919 396.739] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.2.14) >> >> endobj 676 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [141.738 364.497 337.466 372.073] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.3) >> >> endobj 677 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 348.967 250.389 358.277] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.1) >> >> endobj 678 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 335.028 345.041 344.725] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.2) >> >> endobj 679 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 323.475 395.495 331.051] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.3) >> >> endobj 680 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 307.68 306.435 317.377] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.4) >> >> endobj 681 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 296.128 339.919 303.703] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.5) >> >> endobj 682 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 279.726 321.95 290.635] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.6) >> >> endobj 683 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 268.78 381.828 276.356] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.7) >> >> endobj 684 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 252.985 278.95 262.56] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.8) >> >> endobj 685 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 239.576 273.041 249.008] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.9) >> >> endobj 686 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 227.758 332.313 235.334] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3.10) >> >> endobj 687 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [141.738 203.092 268.097 210.668] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.4) >> >> endobj 688 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 189.418 294.874 196.994] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.1) >> >> endobj 689 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 173.623 238.223 183.32] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.2) >> >> endobj 690 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 162.071 216.283 172.404] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.3) >> >> endobj 691 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 145.669 397.707 156.578] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.4) >> >> endobj 692 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 132.602 280.192 142.299] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.5) >> >> endobj 693 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 118.322 432.728 129.231] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4.6) >> >> endobj 647 0 obj << /D [649 0 R /XYZ 141.738 733.692 null] >> endobj 648 0 obj << /Font << /F88 555 0 R /F15 556 0 R /F73 563 0 R /F70 571 0 R /F68 569 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj 697 0 obj << /Length 698 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xo69 eGa' Y~|smnRP`@qW[ld=o)Rc1Qbe?~O~D" 2"I4A^DM#C"HcW]N~*䧈bTF * U2|hr(Pv{~CLЈG#UTfb<+$8=n` S^*Gp-@N(rZLҋ|N 3vEcҎ!`$]?d]I\Z&͒EZVO!k7  J4qoYOm &$Hbji1K;}dqBd|gxUx7aaWI6/Eti ZxilkftxI$Id es)6Heթ*V]J|7T;'"6EWQZ'_N^e[fl)HBlNQI}eOKa=Lm&s68+hf¸n@'X#"H'?q& +0Lygۄ1St=CҘT+)qUk7+1}jC[)۬Gţ%7TAKl",77½IPIk'4xW%D;sFY?#F('M);wb;DF[Ԫ^fTغ25 +edD`u[B I S.Lq;xgSo_wi  !BRH }$kr|ҏ"UN8NGez^4iBM9iҦ\z?eEy kddPZ&+g Xl_Ո3 -2oj5K[|qTRcus*ͽ,r1?go cPߚR!6#~wHxOraMr#u:PEV&Ie2 8ݭKi2Q/cݱ!ǖPWB,f&]Nd[j'0"*!K$It9*`UɊU-J"&2`,: xr1ä𞲳E]S1-NK*672o_=& J+ 1l]OݩƄ+JLmdn}tg"!2xl=h8ER 0"XioҴy+lڼ;wK_$WC33Χ*7RN4_0+6Ξ}pmCIE'endstream endobj 698 0 obj 1725 endobj 696 0 obj << /Type /Page /Contents 697 0 R /Resources 695 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.273 841.887] /Thumb 11 0 R /Parent 608 0 R /Annots [ 699 0 R 701 0 R 702 0 R 703 0 R 704 0 R 705 0 R 706 0 R 707 0 R 708 0 R 709 0 R 710 0 R 711 0 R 712 0 R 713 0 R 714 0 R 715 0 R 716 0 R 717 0 R 718 0 R 719 0 R 720 0 R 721 0 R 722 0 R 723 0 R 724 0 R 725 0 R 726 0 R 727 0 R 728 0 R 729 0 R 730 0 R 731 0 R 732 0 R ] >> endobj 699 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [93.917 701.238 237.871 711.237] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.5) >> >> endobj 701 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 687.991 322.432 697.688] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.1) >> >> endobj 702 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 676.563 252.22 684.139] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.1) >> >> endobj 703 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 663.014 252.523 670.59] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.2) >> >> endobj 704 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 647.344 261.099 657.041] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1.3) >> >> endobj 705 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 635.916 227.16 643.492] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.2) >> >> endobj 706 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 620.511 326.856 629.943] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.1) >> >> endobj 707 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 606.697 262.159 616.272] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.2) >> >> endobj 708 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 595.269 213.372 602.844] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2.3) >> >> endobj 709 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 579.598 198.311 589.174] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.3) >> >> endobj 710 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 566.049 288.038 575.746] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.3.1) >> >> endobj 711 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 552.5 287.038 562.197] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.3.2) >> >> endobj 712 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 538.951 257.19 548.648] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.3.3) >> >> endobj 713 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 525.402 244.463 535.099] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.3.4) >> >> endobj 714 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 511.852 220.22 521.549] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.4) >> >> endobj 715 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 500.425 291.856 508] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.5) >> >> endobj 716 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 486.875 167.251 494.33] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.6) >> >> endobj 717 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 471.205 223.251 480.902] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.5.7) >> >> endobj 718 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [93.917 446.444 246.882 456.444] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (chapter.6) >> >> endobj 719 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 432.97 324.484 442.895] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.1) >> >> endobj 720 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 419.649 227.523 429.345] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.2) >> >> endobj 721 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 406.099 212.19 415.796] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (section.6.3) >> >> endobj 722 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 394.671 197.554 402.126] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.1) >> >> endobj 723 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 381.122 198.069 388.577] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.2) >> >> endobj 724 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 367.573 202.008 375.149] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.3) >> >> endobj 725 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 354.024 195.19 361.478] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.4) >> >> endobj 726 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 340.475 199.584 348.051] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.5) >> >> endobj 727 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 326.926 209.16 334.501] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.6) >> >> endobj 728 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 313.377 192.402 320.952] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.7) >> >> endobj 729 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 299.827 251.16 307.403] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.8) >> >> endobj 730 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [135.372 286.278 203.781 293.854] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.9) >> >> endobj 731 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [93.917 259.699 250.949 269.396] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.9) >> >> endobj 732 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [93.917 237.362 202.995 247.574] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.3.9) >> >> endobj 694 0 obj << /D [696 0 R /XYZ 93.917 733.692 null] >> endobj 695 0 obj << /Font << /F88 555 0 R /F101 700 0 R /F15 556 0 R /F70 571 0 R /F103 550 0 R /F68 569 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj 736 0 obj << /Length 737 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream x3T0BCCC=sc sc=#\.CVbƦzf&@60f&@ (7- endstream endobj 737 0 obj 67 endobj 735 0 obj << /Type /Page /Contents 736 0 R /Resources 734 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.273 841.887] /Thumb 12 0 R /Parent 608 0 R >> endobj 733 0 obj << /D [735 0 R /XYZ 141.738 734.42 null] >> endobj 734 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF ] >> endobj 747 0 obj << /Length 748 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream x͗Mo09UʥGO|LRJQKJ.٢%e٪gM$Yi 3 ́%V*{@\0:aF+b,cΔvW 8"%ykN?bdQ,܏e-雽t jT3n޿Vu\D1p!QU^DHh5Me KIe?`dy ǂIyør={bܞ=H N]aQ91(=`0;?ZK#HR L7H]si "ֿHrZSIeqf%r8R[+ z VF隂!ltG2qż(~Ƶc<4ρ]h^Y5$;*ȸY4릘uŤ.9: \`Όf' K0ӵ \ @X@ Z;a9_8(^FJi:gU'<NA|'ߧH,֊l&SaH5Y` \!]!k9#TMj@E0L TZeV1Z[h}wлK-nI]hVM]KMm4ޮZ6 ~xoV̳>fƘ{Qp> endobj 749 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 568.213 297.614 578.137] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.1.1) >> >> endobj 750 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 554.664 269.363 564.588] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.1.2) >> >> endobj 751 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 541.115 331.423 551.039] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.1.3) >> >> endobj 752 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 517.83 303.432 527.527] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.4.1) >> >> endobj 754 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 494.318 215.675 504.015] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.5.1) >> >> endobj 755 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 480.769 295.947 490.466] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.5.2) >> >> endobj 744 0 obj << /D [746 0 R /XYZ 93.917 734.42 null] >> endobj 745 0 obj << /Font << /F19 549 0 R /F15 556 0 R /F68 569 0 R /F110 753 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj 760 0 obj << /Length 761 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream x3T0BCCC=sc sc=#\.CVbƦzf&@60f&@ (7- endstream endobj 761 0 obj 67 endobj 759 0 obj << /Type /Page /Contents 760 0 R /Resources 758 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.273 841.887] /Thumb 14 0 R /Parent 756 0 R >> endobj 757 0 obj << /D [759 0 R /XYZ 141.738 734.42 null] >> endobj 758 0 obj << /ProcSet [ /PDF ] >> endobj 797 0 obj << /Length 798 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xs8=L/{->lagv3.Կ}%18V6č'۠ {z@BqLA^|=W]1Q8G %WPz.7T&y#̙?S@b??Q3dL_b@cds~pQMH=} 2B k*`j'?K~^U_5~`ݷ ÍAss  w/.f81j1ZNU9 1?rK|C 1b J=9h1T@%=tWTNjzU՗TEL,^'ҞJ[WLx0!(@@rֱs玴 7454j{{t?[(c(1XCe분p {LDHL"Y"RYq4OVx;du+.Ԟ}N1;$ږzz -&=TLPWrؼ(.TVF8mL9 ${r |U A6%~JP[4M6LWGkƿ_57UIgbUJ\-C4+u1 rY i>v0`htv%-<ߎFII7ivSF>_u2.\'l wkjI+y| w{:"zggTeSIaIv!•ױďP7*ҺL]*ٮxsک&ܩ#dbu4>2x()v`q$;}7ZDEZ5ɪYE:V PG^`ZMBahf[ġ!vG=3icf0<\uD"!8e.\l\U6+UtdA]&y9j|Nbfo(}ZT"p2)V&[xQ+>@batdei|_djցbn (=G C*cNOY]2_LJeyW, @!@p~77/+UrKºRl$nfM}=倜{)9;,]Gԍ., ),dM%,X_N8mç߹k@M,`׺}%Bh.o(&eZcLWp8V (ƝYjC/e~Y?6o֞EnA*S[~~HsKСحKB-r8&jw4YJc@p8/>E*jm .W #w2]7%>GFoͤMӖU4 7.~DT̳sh:J@S;`MD*Rq Mm|my6k# Ѵv *_,_W$V|q̥-@^5 6~]] *ܬFeJi@`?ZF۪GJ:v*bNCi/"0; #endstream endobj 798 0 obj 1667 endobj 796 0 obj << /Type /Page /Contents 797 0 R /Resources 795 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.273 841.887] /Thumb 15 0 R /Parent 756 0 R 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/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.2.1) >> >> endobj 804 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 490.047 293.341 499.744] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.2.2) >> >> endobj 805 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 476.398 327.614 486.095] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.2.3) >> >> endobj 806 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 462.749 388.977 472.446] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.2.4) >> >> endobj 807 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 441.258 282.402 448.834] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.1) >> >> endobj 808 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 425.488 261.66 435.185] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.2) >> >> endobj 809 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 411.838 261.053 421.535] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.3) >> >> endobj 810 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 398.454 222.19 407.886] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.4) >> >> endobj 811 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 384.54 235.735 394.237] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.5) >> >> endobj 812 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 370.89 251.175 380.587] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.6) >> >> endobj 813 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 359.362 163.311 366.817] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.7) >> >> endobj 814 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 345.713 204.402 353.289] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.8) >> >> endobj 815 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 332.064 247.599 339.64] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.9) >> >> endobj 816 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 318.415 224.523 325.99] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.10) >> >> endobj 817 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 304.765 268.22 312.341] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.11) >> >> endobj 818 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 291.116 232.281 298.692] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.12) >> >> endobj 819 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 275.345 241.266 285.042] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.13) >> >> endobj 820 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 261.961 250.069 271.393] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.14) >> >> endobj 821 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 250.168 191.19 257.623] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.15) >> >> endobj 822 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 234.398 356.311 244.094] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.16) >> >> endobj 823 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 220.748 263.614 230.445] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.17) >> >> endobj 824 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 209.22 252.402 216.796] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.18) >> >> endobj 825 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 195.571 248.22 203.147] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.3.19) >> >> endobj 826 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 169.838 315.341 179.535] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.4.1) >> >> endobj 827 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 156.188 334.068 168.643] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.4.2) >> >> endobj 828 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 134.698 169.22 142.152] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.5.1) >> >> endobj 829 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [110.281 121.048 232.553 128.624] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.5.2) >> >> endobj 794 0 obj << /D [796 0 R /XYZ 93.917 734.42 null] >> endobj 795 0 obj << /Font << /F19 549 0 R /F15 556 0 R /F68 569 0 R /F110 753 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj 835 0 obj << /Length 836 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xUMo1>)(jRtdl@כ 5,I B~oE& Cu`^0]fJv+:pQ3 >gOOC`(!X7Wץ5&EּNg ~5[3*hct lӲ;egHⷌQ" 6Yi(*Bm%*J[Vi#Zz\Vun֩/Sݦo-l +v-h` شĸǀܶwZ#Fmjn ;kěmWODIF1c8 ^wevfxCLE Rjab;z>H]r?A!1Ps2LDEcr"<>'lg l>;?]cendstream endobj 836 0 obj 458 endobj 834 0 obj << /Type /Page /Contents 835 0 R /Resources 833 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 595.273 841.887] /Thumb 16 0 R /Parent 756 0 R /Annots [ 837 0 R 838 0 R 839 0 R ] >> endobj 837 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 703.662 425.404 711.237] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.5.3) >> >> endobj 838 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 690.113 281.647 697.688] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.5.4) >> >> endobj 839 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [158.102 674.215 269.313 684.139] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (table.5.5) >> >> endobj 832 0 obj << /D [834 0 R /XYZ 141.738 734.42 null] >> endobj 833 0 obj << /Font << /F88 555 0 R /F15 556 0 R >> /ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ] >> endobj 843 0 obj << /Length 844 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream xڵXI6S$7#'h3E喥3H2$A,bƒ-O-d[8f>,ŪZm$Ԧ2R4VXwoԆѷ@cf/ws7|FK?}SE}*틛5`^vgJS/|6ڊ2i礐C;r%V@o-~:ct%B$1.RT~WkPibl؎RiᘝVBV )^HPI{!oD]ŕBC AkiOhO5heaLsHN\GʗccY }ۣߗ?No}" *Ha\kNX0ϟ.Ze 4 oL9Kր#jxȜ4[(+6_>Q)w_rC\w;HčU$F o\d`ckDž">c90`SҠTU%S885) dsV֠!hoK{B;&'@ ٗn80ݵvdV K="Jxޢ]:^SQ ^H=uL3]Dž9bv̳:˒~+2z䈦 .**sh㻗1^8y'Ǚ<],kZD?Du_cXФ>M^PܦCA[_#&.L!<2)INījS\8CJ.e!+e/e$ O!Yty,wǡu*Y\Z[T-4lW`H\ ^,8 MKѩArŔ`4-%#H]<> iea]|oa ׅ@I;:6[/<`3`իBsArM)@֗MJ0ܖTł gi9?@ɖ}RcE=Wsy2_xe'ǔEk&O)#E2Sܰ3euREy 5T׃ULY<mߤSmc+OBxƗ&u]鹠%:$|Ieu4]X#H53:e1^TV 3rS.RWܦa-~Vo ^| yh:mAzTՄ6g?|5׷Y%y.PP(Z܍(ut5 :{K#S#yγ0Gc/ykнCmdϭ"^~s^}x#*/^I=^"T|dsOR2a^P<[U 0'Z])ѩm /5vmf2\^5#3 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0 0] /Rect [237.056 173.124 247.965 182.821] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.19) >> >> endobj 1922 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [219.875 159.575 230.784 169.272] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.50) >> >> endobj 1923 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [237.056 145.722 247.965 155.722] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.19) >> >> endobj 1924 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [231.329 132.476 242.238 142.173] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.73) >> >> endobj 1925 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [196.966 118.927 207.875 128.624] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.89) >> >> endobj 1926 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [422.363 701.541 433.272 711.237] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.44) >> >> endobj 1927 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [445.272 687.991 456.181 697.688] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo 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0] /Rect [422.363 592.844 433.272 602.844] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.28) >> >> endobj 1935 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [405.182 579.295 416.091 589.295] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.82) >> >> endobj 1936 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [422.363 565.746 433.272 575.746] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.76) >> >> endobj 1937 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [410.909 552.197 421.818 562.197] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.76) >> >> endobj 1938 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [393.727 538.648 404.636 548.648] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.28) >> >> endobj 1939 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [410.909 525.099 421.818 535.099] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.39) >> >> endobj 1940 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [428.484 525.099 439.394 535.099] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.50) >> >> endobj 1941 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [393.727 511.549 404.636 521.549] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.45) >> >> endobj 1942 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [382.273 498.303 393.182 508] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.45) >> >> endobj 1943 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [428.09 484.451 438.999 494.451] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.65) >> >> endobj 1944 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [393.727 470.902 404.636 480.902] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.46) >> >> endobj 1945 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [410.909 457.353 421.818 467.353] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.39) >> >> endobj 1946 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [450.999 443.804 461.908 453.804] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.71) >> >> endobj 1947 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [456.726 430.255 467.635 440.255] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.72) >> >> endobj 1948 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [388 416.705 398.909 426.705] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.86) >> >> endobj 1949 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [405.576 416.705 416.485 426.705] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.87) >> >> endobj 1950 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [410.909 403.156 421.818 413.156] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.86) >> >> endobj 1951 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [428.484 403.156 439.394 413.156] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.90) >> >> endobj 1952 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [399.454 389.607 410.363 399.607] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.42) >> >> endobj 1953 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [417.03 389.607 427.939 399.607] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D 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/Rect [462.453 322.164 473.363 331.861] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.71) >> >> endobj 1961 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [399.454 308.312 410.363 318.312] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.46) >> >> endobj 1962 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [415.818 308.312 426.727 318.312] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.48) >> >> endobj 1963 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [405.182 294.763 416.091 304.763] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.47) >> >> endobj 1964 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [422.363 281.214 433.272 291.214] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.65) >> >> endobj 1965 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [393.727 267.968 404.636 277.665] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.71) >> >> endobj 1966 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [411.303 267.968 422.212 277.665] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.83) >> >> endobj 1967 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [428.879 267.968 439.788 277.665] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.84) >> >> endobj 1968 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [410.909 254.419 421.818 264.116] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.87) >> >> endobj 1969 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [468.181 240.567 479.09 250.566] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.51) >> >> endobj 1970 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [428.09 227.017 438.999 237.017] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.73) >> >> endobj 1971 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [433.818 213.468 444.727 223.468] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.51) >> >> endobj 1972 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [388 200.222 398.909 209.919] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.45) >> >> endobj 1973 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [410.909 186.673 421.818 196.37] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.28) >> >> endobj 1974 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [428.484 186.673 439.394 196.37] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.39) >> >> endobj 1975 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [446.06 186.673 456.969 196.37] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.65) >> >> endobj 1976 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [433.818 173.124 444.727 182.821] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.65) >> >> endobj 1977 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [422.363 159.272 433.272 169.272] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.76) >> >> endobj 1978 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [439.939 159.272 450.848 169.272] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.80) >> >> endobj 1979 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [457.515 159.272 468.424 169.272] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D 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<< /S /GoTo /D (page.20) >> >> endobj 1993 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [154.872 647.344 165.782 657.041] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.73) >> >> endobj 1994 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [177.781 633.492 188.69 643.492] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.78) >> >> endobj 1995 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [149.145 619.943 160.054 629.943] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.44) >> >> endobj 1996 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [172.054 606.697 182.963 616.393] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.46) >> >> endobj 1997 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [166.327 593.147 177.236 602.844] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.71) >> >> endobj 1998 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.903 593.147 194.812 602.844] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.77) >> >> endobj 1999 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [194.963 579.295 205.872 589.295] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.28) >> >> endobj 2000 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.508 566.049 194.417 575.746] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.28) >> >> endobj 2001 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [206.417 552.5 217.326 562.197] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.65) >> >> endobj 2002 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [200.69 538.951 211.599 548.648] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.28) >> >> endobj 2003 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [143.418 525.402 154.327 535.099] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.46) >> >> endobj 2004 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [143.418 511.549 154.327 521.549] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.45) >> >> endobj 2005 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [212.144 498.303 223.053 508] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.28) >> >> endobj 2006 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [143.418 484.754 154.327 494.451] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.45) >> >> endobj 2007 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [149.145 471.205 160.054 480.902] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.45) >> >> endobj 2008 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [143.418 457.656 154.327 467.353] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.21) >> >> endobj 2009 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [160.6 444.107 171.509 453.804] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.73) >> >> endobj 2010 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [160.6 430.558 171.509 440.255] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.73) >> >> endobj 2011 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [160.6 417.008 171.509 426.705] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.73) >> >> endobj 2012 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [183.508 403.459 194.417 413.156] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.73) >> >> endobj 2013 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [160.6 389.91 171.509 399.607] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.51) >> >> endobj 2014 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [178.175 389.91 189.084 399.607] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.73) >> >> endobj 2015 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [160.6 376.361 171.509 386.058] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.73) >> >> endobj 2016 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [160.6 362.812 171.509 372.509] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.73) >> >> endobj 2017 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [160.6 349.263 171.509 358.96] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D (page.73) >> >> endobj 2018 0 obj << /Type /Annot /Border [0 0 0]/H /I/C [1 0 0] /Rect [177.781 335.411 188.69 345.41] /Subtype /Link /A << /S /GoTo /D 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All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMBX9) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Bold) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /LMAAAA+CMBX9 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 101 /e put dup 109 /m put readonly def /FontBBox{-58 -250 1195 750}readonly def /UniqueID 5000767 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ*BgNӽ ؑlKq*޲Xws|QFqv`zXMyp"5O˩YŝP(DT![v67XFlU&3!Rq4wσ~j+ou_dV`Ky Z]uMYb[1[l',t\pڮԞZO4GJ7 c]>^1j̙|JtquJcw\ ᓮl+͉uҿ Tw[kj6ꑸ&Py K,Q+ wҳ%lTkİO rO]H*jQۅjy;Q沋Tf g'-\#"waf`] 7A|qmY DQn9l˃b%!-1k WV $qg^fF(S.'Nm~}2 ;Z[fIXNuV& u*06E upB3]}/5(#IN 2f9{SDW`#Cɂ8̋̔3|FYÁa7*VÐ6L|WU :clh" k-V^ M::z}uґvat47T|YXrzBu(R~Aq,ϙ'Jz,voݻ"5vGˏMMf?1H4WY⻇2wӍ+(LߵBl_xHY}mu1GI[ #ql D+pfq+U҃ʉzp78( \kGZUE^7.vhg')!>Wj. }0`C#f`* Id!5qXsEC y8Ve䈑Iˈz^f}q/K{ m= )ix[LDA|\8\8Yjhn|^#1wzcSJކr} FIgr&ۄS΋km M'6 Bl+ڰ|l.2/PIb{v 2YL^PICS^ j-Hct | lr@yl$o 11X6{mcUFJJA0}h0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cleartomark endstream endobj 2593 0 obj 2673 endobj 2594 0 obj 772 endobj 2595 0 obj 1369 endobj 2596 0 obj 532 endobj 2597 0 obj /LMAAAA+CMBX9 endobj 2598 0 obj << /Ascent 694 /CapHeight 686 /Descent -194 /FontName 2597 0 R /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 117 /XHeight 444 /FontBBox [ -58 -250 1195 750 ] /Flags 4 /CharSet (/e/m) /FontFile 2592 0 R >> endobj 1458 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2599 0 R /BaseFont 2605 0 R /FontDescriptor 2606 0 R >> endobj 2599 0 obj [ 581 917 856 672 733 794 794 856 794 856 794 642 586 586 892 892 256 286 550 550 550 550 550 733 489 565 794 856 550 947 1069 856 256 367 558 917 550 1029 831 306 428 428 550 856 306 367 306 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 550 306 306 367 856 519 519 733 733 733 703 794 642 611 733 794 331 519 764 581 978 794 794 703 794 703 611 733 764 733 1039 733 733 672 343 558 343 550 306 306 525 561 489 561 511 336 550 561 256 286 531 256 867 561 550 561 561 372 422 404 561 500 744 500 500 476 550 1100 550 550 550 ] endobj 2600 0 obj << /Length 2601 0 R /Length1 2602 0 R /Length2 2603 0 R /Length3 2604 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMSSBX10 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 20 16:43:06 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMSSBX10) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Bold) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /PCAAAA+CMSSBX10 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 65 /A put readonly def /FontBBox{-71 -250 1099 780}readonly def /UniqueID 5000806 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ)s̾;.;rTejiK/df5A|{S/ )Sc\^ȟmp+#vL17~k d# ]LeVߐGoo٥\k 9Mՙ= 1h{]N ${EVNn @QD ՕF%|ե*%53nm 2t\ܙ-f9bԆh%PvAw[.v|(cn0`%$1S'˻c] FgY.e n^&-Mk rX gkq*Z#CkT/Ҍ \ ѨeF/کn*qȩ 箰Z:W#RB{(-!eƂztM-$<81_?:Se((hT\j۵$c7J\tm0Ƕ2QNDKCһ-1$O8@TH;`8/t#ðŀZpRYJX52>V^ ^X u,Mb͍!-H3aX|+cSR aJGˠCqsDJI%iǐ K9^P(wVx>=+(!@ Q+DmE''E#zYSrJ:GQ$ 9SF9ͫ x!`ij結%qŧS2kՄWg\֖Z/(g- uZEʱ-qGC6f| r/)<z/8/b70iLr?3W:RUʞDP։U qѡSP䭮p^|pZYUa1:s>5fe34tWs+kȁa52i`hU]I~ >0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cleartomark endstream endobj 2601 0 obj 2397 endobj 2602 0 obj 765 endobj 2603 0 obj 1100 endobj 2604 0 obj 532 endobj 2605 0 obj /PCAAAA+CMSSBX10 endobj 2606 0 obj << /Ascent 694 /CapHeight 694 /Descent -194 /FontName 2605 0 R /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 136 /XHeight 458 /FontBBox [ -71 -250 1099 780 ] /Flags 4 /CharSet (/A) /FontFile 2600 0 R >> endobj 1439 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2607 0 R /BaseFont 2613 0 R /FontDescriptor 2614 0 R >> endobj 2607 0 obj [ 576 772 720 641 615 693 668 720 668 720 668 525 499 499 749 749 250 276 459 459 459 459 459 693 406 459 668 720 459 837 942 720 250 250 459 772 459 772 720 250 354 354 459 720 250 302 250 459 459 459 459 459 459 459 459 459 459 459 250 250 250 720 433 433 720 693 654 668 707 628 602 726 693 328 471 719 576 850 693 720 628 720 680 511 668 693 693 955 693 693 563 250 459 250 459 250 250 459 511 406 511 406 276 459 511 250 276 485 250 772 511 459 511 485 354 359 354 511 485 668 485 485 406 459 917 459 459 459 ] endobj 2608 0 obj << /Length 2609 0 R /Length1 2610 0 R /Length2 2611 0 R /Length3 2612 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMR17 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 20 16:38:24 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMR17) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /RHBIWB+CMR17 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 45 /hyphen put dup 94 /circumflex put dup 97 /a put dup 98 /b put dup 99 /c put dup 100 /d put dup 101 /e put dup 103 /g put dup 105 /i put dup 108 /l put dup 109 /m put dup 110 /n put dup 111 /o put dup 114 /r put dup 115 /s put dup 116 /t put dup 117 /u put dup 118 /v put readonly def /FontBBox{-33 -250 945 749}readonly def /UniqueID 5000795 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ*BgNӽ ؑlKq*޲Xws|QFqv`zXMyp"5O˩YŝP(DT![v67XFlU&3!Rq4wσ~j+ou_^ 2nΗ%)[yi2:(o Gu^~kτ>(O/߄ۤXNߵ(ӸaXœIli-i{.%Õ` vEa!n]8rCzi.;a.|&Lу׊@a, |/"UZ%F 7?@^7>at%Tcq{K9a%-dSKKV$m3+8&t}2oM# *w6`*s:82hbwC$o&I$}&3Ͻ3i b3? K{\7j}8fnd Zt4~d. 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All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (2.1) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (EUFM10) readonly def /FamilyName (Euler) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /BAHAAA+EUFM10 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 65 /A put dup 66 /B put dup 67 /C put dup 100 /d put dup 101 /e put dup 102 /f put readonly def /FontBBox{-26 -224 1055 741}readonly def /UniqueID 5031986 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ*BgNӽ ؑlKq*޲Xws|QFqv`zXMyp"5O˩YŝP(DT![v67XFlU&3!Rq4wσ~j+ou\cOXdX@,Ğt+ Zv-d8Yzʇ*#Z@`}3j<ȺGݍvM~\$y$T T[9`!EB_-ӭÔ/",{eBwVY'1wdiy62[Dơ"ʤ¶*DRǩ_#*[;燀_Xvi.Ku! 4S,ƾ4_2dhԳ)BC?+eꜿDߜE9/xFV=5^k60pP/S[h/+\h.IviK1e^G$uΙFPARm~ 0"Wt^TA|Slf]\k{\~ AM;AV&C:POxwb|K=7KŃPTta~8]%D;q +(`Յ/cx@:5äyYc.{q$CJVfG,?wbJ]5 S3iu<ȅ=&:ZUv>\̻좪|t\(Ek" TR1^ISE9;8:<0ӛŋygT (\QXR}h3;+ꠄ @-|sխo̸ T#E\[[AKVbCj"$p|l7t`auwa$-bLXE Ū S=ۇ0P8fMjT=d5`}VDx'fҝ atLf6*UN1}tK"NP( ߳$yϾ*w\gRpoO ?49GnKE}Dþ۠W>6b4GPHs;)-i}>t8̪YVa(R%o:6dT*z'tkuBMP3G~8ނXeaM=޲- ylEn*|HqX bӅNӳJ6gqA Tk}IP%&뺗Nј& &PaG%N\A{4iK>#f6<_ğ M1㇐i:׺& g%Җu,l"G_a9HB|yh>_MoW|t)}z#;ML7GڸueeSsk5u~ߵUc? 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All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (2.1) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (EUSM10) readonly def /FamilyName (Euler) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /JSAAAA+EUSM10 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 65 /A put dup 66 /B put dup 67 /C put readonly def /FontBBox{-8 -194 963 738}readonly def /UniqueID 5031988 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ*BgNӽ ؑlKq*޲Xws|QFqv`zXMyp"5O˩YŝP(DT![v67XFlU&3!Rq4wσ~j+ou\@[<]X~Xփ>S`tay0V. _jp׎ѷjdyP 0E`LpbFQR=II+ ڦL8/Y@{Lj1#W~(xMUR1}Nk(nY;|% haM=Nr§3JoV&<3Jl;|.KI|Po)VN6CDExcb;bU%b{E1Io4qڧ#M_]~ΐiU:!{Fk&5VPf 6^Vk5)`KU)l~ 1)ޥ0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cleartomark endstream endobj 2625 0 obj 3259 endobj 2626 0 obj 822 endobj 2627 0 obj 1905 endobj 2628 0 obj 532 endobj 2629 0 obj /JSAAAA+EUSM10 endobj 2630 0 obj << /Ascent 0 /CapHeight 702 /Descent 0 /FontName 2629 0 R /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 70 /XHeight 459 /FontBBox [ -8 -194 963 738 ] /Flags 4 /CharSet (/A/B/C) /FontFile 2624 0 R >> endobj 1293 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2631 0 R /BaseFont 2637 0 R /FontDescriptor 2638 0 R >> endobj 2631 0 obj [ 681 889 833 750 722 806 778 833 778 833 778 667 611 639 958 972 333 361 556 556 556 556 556 806 500 583 778 778 556 958 1069 833 278 333 556 889 694 889 833 333 444 444 556 833 333 389 333 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 556 333 333 333 833 556 556 833 806 764 778 819 736 708 840 806 417 569 833 681 972 806 833 736 833 792 611 778 806 806 1083 806 806 667 333 556 333 556 333 333 556 500 500 556 500 333 500 556 333 333 500 278 889 611 556 556 500 458 444 361 583 500 722 508 528 444 556 1111 556 556 556 ] endobj 2632 0 obj << /Length 2633 0 R /Length1 2634 0 R /Length2 2635 0 R /Length3 2636 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMU10 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 18 21:09:40 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMU10) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /LBAAAA+CMU10 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 36 /sterling put readonly def /FontBBox{-14 -250 1054 750}readonly def /UniqueID 5000834 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ*BgNӽ ؑlKq*޲Xws|QFqv`zXMyp"5O˩YŝP(DT![v67XFlU&3!Rq4wσ~j+ou\c3R*R?쨤&W>`¨RZ&oԱ)6&,O@[*@=T<4A[=쒏2L:n'mlGBiq,>d,eWCE;"B b/l L/{YW6RVVR}bԞei*o!<(ϡ[%lttCN+F]S^joC3Iq2C|~s (vA] Mn8g%"*ڞ;0N |Շ?& jK9R{$;*˜hi BZS9)V:fg+]`"LsQg"۱Ϥ(5 VREKϏ(T8]7fwi_Pj;5G[ ˴wq!Wxଆ?22 Gfx1l[E=?"UɂoT"oMfՙ!gGc3KyQM/2XZ=m`8ٿPVXUn4ʔ]*k5n Yw2pJBh"*F 6UF,kr{>.^aEWf1KA _<2YYGFE6|:\?i xoӼ=c <+yr99߯݉ܲvG#?!z6L)/!G+=.Cl Ij DOuuHiٽ= 9O(拙/S©n,=NUfVKTRoVQ;VZ*)D*?xXQp`ਗ਼r!FwTXM8_c$y0zUm>z1)vED͌~9Q!{}vSi> endobj 1292 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2639 0 R /BaseFont 2645 0 R /FontDescriptor 2646 0 R >> endobj 2639 0 obj [ 826 295 826 531 826 531 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 1063 531 531 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 826 1063 1063 826 826 1063 1063 531 531 1063 1063 1063 826 1063 1063 649 649 1063 1063 1063 826 288 1063 708 708 944 944 0 0 590 590 708 531 767 767 826 826 649 849 695 563 822 561 758 631 904 585 720 807 731 1265 869 842 743 868 907 643 586 663 656 1055 756 706 764 708 708 708 708 708 649 649 472 472 472 472 531 531 413 413 295 531 531 649 531 295 885 796 885 444 708 708 826 826 472 472 472 649 826 826 826 826 ] endobj 2640 0 obj << /Length 2641 0 R /Length1 2642 0 R /Length2 2643 0 R /Length3 2644 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMSY8 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 15 07:22:10 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMSY8) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -14.035 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /XBAAAA+CMSY8 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 48 /prime put readonly def /FontBBox{-30 -955 1185 779}readonly def /UniqueID 5000818 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ/ ȭX~id}S5Q!gtⵎkJc;rN^X5.Sy +'IqV:r㚉#,# dBZ *R*"7٨y! 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All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (2.1) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. 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All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMMI8) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -14.04 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /HQAAAA+CMMI8 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 49 /oneoldstyle put dup 57 /nineoldstyle put dup 97 /a put readonly def /FontBBox{-24 -250 1110 750}readonly def /UniqueID 5087383 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ)s̾;.;rTejiK/df5A|{S/ )Sc\^ȟmp+#vL17~k d# ]LeVߐGoo٥\k 9M֨[G(aܘ|RP6n=: b9s2m4{~CD%xSd,&jA x"ПmѬ,+;ŝboB|ծTboI*VDZBJϟ2a{Y0Q(/e@AGƀ挄п]w}ga8.ݲ cS,t^Ujq.or!N]@j Gē75uʑm$KWNWVF2P,KP˻ 62abw;SBֳ{ u&DChNe^L2Ib^ǞY62"CSl5X!okR6D UjT|S{G3:6A| ٺJ 33kLKEnMpٽqlHZoxV k+o< ds?sJ-c 0[]O1~TtƆNv" /̳0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cleartomark endstream endobj 2657 0 obj 2907 endobj 2658 0 obj 816 endobj 2659 0 obj 1559 endobj 2660 0 obj 532 endobj 2661 0 obj /HQAAAA+CMMI8 endobj 2662 0 obj << /Ascent 694 /CapHeight 683 /Descent -194 /FontName 2661 0 R /ItalicAngle -14 /StemV 78 /XHeight 431 /FontBBox [ -24 -250 1110 750 ] /Flags 4 /CharSet (/oneoldstyle/nineoldstyle/a) /FontFile 2656 0 R >> endobj 1280 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 1 /LastChar 61 /Widths 2663 0 R /BaseFont 2669 0 R /FontDescriptor 2670 0 R >> endobj 2663 0 obj [ 778 778 778 778 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 333 333 500 500 0 0 0 0 722 722 747 792 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 1000 778 778 ] endobj 2664 0 obj << /Length 2665 0 R /Length1 2666 0 R /Length2 2667 0 R /Length3 2668 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: LASY10 1.00 %%CreationDate: 1992 Oct 23 20:19:17 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.00) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (LASY10) readonly def /FamilyName (LaTeX) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -14.035 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /SIPAAA+LASY10 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 1 /a1 put dup 2 /a2 put dup 3 /a3 put dup 4 /a4 put dup 48 /a48 put dup 49 /a49 put dup 50 /a50 put dup 51 /a51 put dup 59 /a59 put dup 60 /a60 put dup 61 /a61 put readonly def /FontBBox{-19 -192 944 683}readonly def /UniqueID 5011949 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ)s̾;.;rTejiK/df5A|{S/ )Sc\^ȟmp+#vL17~k d# ]LeVߐGoo٥\k 9M֨[G(.#rwhI>0ïm7x3JIxΊALKïcP&Mniua_d X̞W0DŽ| w.ĠoG:)R]h\K4h" 萼 \u:=g#0>&8TQꦜʻ{#Bm@a!Twn?Ꙅu5od3KkkN?ҕRrMy*+JL8gF*)|WhAGsFA.i czfw2zIdW GR'W1[۪TKe$nwQGG8ϫ򡘉+<疬IζkJ\8d5Jڗoq$XK֮B?*mzS!ix>79 a{-ROVH`-d JInfKƀ7Sji4ր7 ,&ˁ1纮>θpƱg*#u- mhelLT Q4Å~s}NlΑe0b20YsVD p!:h$7KF@smu@UI;>=]]ebR}Y1gEC 0};ȍGpD̃c H {@t$kI'ѿwIu`4?+z:\`Ee;Q#u=9 ΅өGr׼ࢺHi_ #0 s[ TzTWyJ)=Fjq09OU8{:`1x5/움ZN/7W*AL!y!bťlrbANj0tM@;u Jő`&qϝwLs iK魉7WT~7P)4M'H %nɆ 8.PIxm5w.(:O~JZm;ORMx% "T/'JϨX@ DLY. |⢴HWE$# IZL{2.jr4 wɸW:f aSOp[ȑ_4 x[t"!`Z}O.g|Zu^4|qqNqI7ђYqHwr0 )ke *=L:bgq`Pj /gњyL&&\JKW4$BK=ʑ욿̫0o.GX]SrK$0ۣN5eUL7&AO7ћkHZ ~6>*Qk񧧮xLuh;ᣒu;v50m3.II b6SΪa0kv>jK!uy"jU>gh[=uPVVyx Ht0V욑 h(O71;r"@Fz5(̆KŗHm|S l@xEe>B`+JIʻJ|캩׉g@~Yv}9S{'x{KкQzKNv.l7_ߪQdd$F* >RP4Tx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cleartomark endstream endobj 2665 0 obj 3809 endobj 2666 0 obj 912 endobj 2667 0 obj 2365 endobj 2668 0 obj 532 endobj 2669 0 obj /SIPAAA+LASY10 endobj 2670 0 obj << /Ascent 367 /CapHeight 0 /Descent 0 /FontName 2669 0 R /ItalicAngle -14 /StemV 100 /XHeight 431 /FontBBox [ -19 -192 944 683 ] /Flags 4 /CharSet (/a1/a2/a3/a4/a48/a49/a50/a51/a59/a60/a61) /FontFile 2664 0 R >> endobj 1200 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2671 0 R /BaseFont 2677 0 R /FontDescriptor 2678 0 R >> endobj 2671 0 obj [ 833 1153 1048 967 1018 1110 1065 840 945 894 1061 913 791 747 654 614 667 744 677 550 828 840 850 712 667 831 726 815 682 792 842 865 931 886 675 855 1145 726 578 918 1361 1361 1361 1361 458 458 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 736 458 458 1083 736 1083 736 749 1036 1037 996 1110 1007 867 1064 1110 627 773 1139 956 1284 1076 1048 875 1082 1030 856 832 944 828 1279 1113 824 943 597 597 597 1361 1361 597 774 633 649 740 677 684 701 828 534 588 758 480 1228 881 703 740 659 671 670 564 846 722 1009 792 731 689 534 554 889 736 458 ] endobj 2672 0 obj << /Length 2673 0 R /Length1 2674 0 R /Length2 2675 0 R /Length3 2676 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMMI5 1.100 %%CreationDate: 1996 Aug 02 08:21:10 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.100) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMMI5) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -14.04 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /HGAAAA+CMMI5 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 25 /pi put dup 107 /k put readonly def /FontBBox{37 -250 1349 750}readonly def /UniqueID 5087380 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪڇqcVv3ދF'HJ1ۻ=AWԯ~k=%LT~1%V|St99 KYMyD+,gD}F2Eh#^#dT(@UN0uޥ8̋z#a"ހ8ݙLs'\"Iho{h! 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All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.100) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMMI7) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -14.04 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /EQCLAA+CMMI7 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 11 /alpha put dup 15 /epsilon1 put dup 25 /pi put dup 61 /slash put dup 68 /D put dup 78 /N put dup 105 /i put dup 106 /j put dup 107 /k put dup 110 /n put dup 116 /t put dup 120 /x put dup 121 /y put readonly def /FontBBox{0 -250 1171 750}readonly def /UniqueID 5087382 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ)s̾;.;rTejiK/df5A|{S/ )Sc\^ȟmp+#vL17~k d# ]LeVߐGoo٥\k 9Mv92#:iQ?.n>%jzGm >NjS])7uևUQh4)-×p#z{8YаGP9 )"Pƣ3ГzYYZgp_PC߬CܔDC'<|(Rl/IxXMYzntԟlAv)|*iQP3|TxL" ʃ?Aw·pҋ:r)6,N{?JoA剳Js(0T9$ն''0j%&iBO\k2#Ӱ@S]j?;euO޷i^o""U:r{MЬ V`9\0K-Ixp_fóMhu$g9_bW(IK9*x;JX*32H$=ԀOxR1πN.)?7\œz/ ջ#an0}(niekO76C%$;B&w4,77ް[ij&Chs\h%XU5Nsy?GLդwkxiݱgar!~%ޡu6Aq[ݖl@"WDXrNb-oLh7+R:c[m+M!ET>]B렝f'3ÞLJȌa勚o9(EitRooZ|t KTm ܴʌ!RF ytWoTJ0ű[9m/dA&x8w= :)Jq1'j#,",BˮW٬xԐ 'rcV/[8@$C!Ԏ;;1dxDs.xOa;/_c^x.̆v fH^ߣ MyY;'Qj\Dq֊g*ѕT.""5~5j5z1Q(O~ԯ5$@ghtEOK˘bY@ͬ`g):@S\ɂH-c%kutɵg Stp:fx&___'^6R+űR}G%uzÜ`7'gbѸ/(aDMi]ogۯC hLL9doB6bōN)SOikA߁StՈ!ߔ8pR ǢH"Ka9Xs@XʛG{Ŵ[f&qpޜmr#aT y֓A \eQzN'(-וA tCWTP&6'Q# 2UYCA\"Վ#Tu%bD:%yYйWwx7=/(9NJ'ܻx52u ,q(miKN7zCK; נpH|{ɳz y3'fv;|{nE9>6g<1jlH_+:K'('a|Xb~эA0oc ITa(jWЁbO\aO]xX{Hg,F*NPrVҴ!!xwk0Vs(I5|,#PhfWVfN@ _eUʍx{2У)y< P;us+PEJ7^~4]-VbTEgz6u އLT@]ylxNTaD`4r:XuoRDiΡ;ۃPu8+may AWB%_ {/)\UA GЙT  l 8D^;ÊddZ`5+g]Xa,(5ME6;rXtf3&,(ݔ⾂1Ki ; 4OkxJ=ăNC|~PC!E4:PHu4k%F6=NrO8TJg>\8T琪ѦMÊl61$T`:sT]ɅSYxزٲnK!`@dCT,^r;*hX9s0]Ne?Fi{$8b%VlB2n U0Tq/,8 ɣ%6ҿߨ$Ә1ێIUcgog)tSvJz> endobj 1115 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2703 0 R /BaseFont 2709 0 R /FontDescriptor 2710 0 R >> endobj 2703 0 obj [ 560 857 799 630 685 727 742 799 742 799 742 600 551 551 836 836 245 274 514 514 514 514 514 687 457 494 742 799 514 886 1000 799 245 326 514 857 514 857 779 286 400 400 514 799 286 343 286 514 514 514 514 514 514 514 514 514 514 514 286 286 326 799 485 485 685 687 686 657 743 617 589 685 727 287 486 715 560 898 727 759 657 759 666 571 702 707 687 972 687 687 628 299 514 299 514 286 286 494 531 457 531 457 314 514 531 245 274 502 245 816 531 514 531 531 351 394 371 531 474 702 474 474 447 514 1028 514 514 514 ] endobj 2704 0 obj << /Length 2705 0 R /Length1 2706 0 R /Length2 2707 0 R /Length3 2708 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMSS9 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 20 17:34:24 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. 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All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMITT10) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -14.04 def /isFixedPitch true def end readonly def /FontName /MGLRGM+CMITT10 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 19 /acute put dup 92 /backslash put dup 97 /a put dup 99 /c put dup 100 /d put dup 101 /e put dup 102 /f put dup 103 /g put dup 104 /h put dup 105 /i put dup 108 /l put dup 109 /m put dup 110 /n put dup 111 /o put dup 113 /q put dup 114 /r put dup 115 /s put dup 116 /t put dup 117 /u put dup 118 /v put dup 120 /x put readonly def /FontBBox{11 -233 669 696}readonly def /UniqueID 5000779 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ)s̾;.;rTejiK/df5A|{S/ )Sc\^ȟmp+#vL17~k d# ]LeVߐGoo٥\k 9MM`i {s ῙtG4SUb zI gP.Rd9C@>1~1Za~A%ݩXhaOjOZIHtuih/C@J)Іk'w5:$G?t(..˒֛hӔ^.0HynNu7wqєU53۱gCpEoG RP JGKΪ md1$\Y3j3#&/?ߕf"2[ѱIiG\HUqtqlH"#ׇ 4+s5]?epfVY)޼ū9nqp=pt~ YZk 8<̱%p-m!G.:ȟ(/]|keۉ^(&-E32K:":eD(]+Fz`FA=K[tmT SMkcjqvmRtuӬfѹYԻ^7u:aڳȨ]+| $!Gpy5J3/_h_/Tm2jZl*i&7e\fa}[Sm`7fy 3խ:;`+r'OHŎ@Y*]^1+w1ܥAwhC^?wIG s%DӍ9]h E1# Ց_gڀ97j8sRPLʔ^*x~s$%JgÜ%":*ş\3^.Y?p~Gk]Cs>쒩o-Zŕ{ܞI+Dò#&E ҉,VqD@I2*ۭܷp1p0kcߖ{N[TYЁmۗbFSԖ] @>2l]{iAPfWlD;K@ 6Ij>$t)?닫S]]]#saNݑX zV5s9fTTfP hH~S ynl.].2<9s+PiNpPyy40#56Ry,h db.4L/) ;IQlD22fopܲob9~{ٷyS>-da%尢n]Ԝ | Pʛz> Ŕ=w.lFxݳ^웞'4_W_R=\h;K %$69fn'Ar, E)!nގ L?{rRjU yb[fvb\Zi]'~Q\7[%̨cj?ѠHb$sZ](7-MnE@;qòw.ǁ|D#w*9m9K)5BQFlGFG20GS[6i{ꋍͽ $}eeJC;X,@!B0\ZU:hSB{.2Hbo@^yf71#Z}lh^ <Эq "_aL}9L@RX(ă\sA+ =:^;F|)+5wi|g) &y3V%Xx}D$VW![nB^ >\4ƕ٪bˋ8V!F3VRТ5L{t1V 27&-U UmtUՅ:}i`f0z[EW^oȳpHAEǛ33'C1+edx8ۙ_ OҾb>p\P ݐ6_ Kh?M~4/FBS(E-:Zd|nkɺ ;O " ") 39q/R)*^ƞn!WOh5o`| O%@`ӎiHD,sXCm."i Șg%{<(&ӦǗ5EE(/ܸ{dؗ.3kgooco1dޠč@ J!쏸̚LrI~8}V@f0³jN0' n|V)<\Áh~^ntPNZ"ʝiS]T,K8\MEj)9k7'.{{hմXD6w03[[ "?I{2aY&%+"5lڼ'bho>#$SQ7+xвA|FO.)Gڄv!PjPD?bm]bkXӮ-{A^O,Q*a.ζvSXȣ [6N"kșOigB`=+h̏t4:orbg~wբn9*T1~>i d+4.+`0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cleartomark endstream endobj 2713 0 obj 5957 endobj 2714 0 obj 1075 endobj 2715 0 obj 4350 endobj 2716 0 obj 532 endobj 2717 0 obj /MGLRGM+CMITT10 endobj 2718 0 obj << /Ascent 611 /CapHeight 611 /Descent -222 /FontName 2717 0 R /ItalicAngle -14 /StemV 69 /XHeight 431 /FontBBox [ 11 -233 669 696 ] /Flags 4 /CharSet (/acute/backslash/a/c/d/e/f/g/h/i/l/m/n/o/q/r/s/t/u/v/x) /FontFile 2712 0 R >> endobj 1090 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2719 0 R /BaseFont 2725 0 R /FontDescriptor 2726 0 R >> endobj 2719 0 obj [ 542 833 778 611 667 708 722 778 722 778 722 583 536 536 814 814 239 267 500 500 500 500 500 737 444 481 722 778 500 861 972 778 239 319 500 833 500 833 758 278 389 389 500 778 278 333 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 278 278 319 778 472 472 667 667 667 639 722 597 569 667 708 278 472 694 542 875 708 736 639 736 646 556 681 687 667 944 667 667 611 289 500 289 500 278 278 481 517 444 517 444 306 500 517 239 267 489 239 794 517 500 517 517 342 383 361 517 461 683 461 461 435 500 1000 500 500 500 ] endobj 2720 0 obj << /Length 2721 0 R /Length1 2722 0 R /Length2 2723 0 R /Length3 2724 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMSSI10 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 20 17:34:37 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMSSI10) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -12 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /REAVAA+CMSSI10 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 12 /fi put dup 45 /hyphen put dup 83 /S put dup 97 /a put dup 101 /e put dup 102 /f put dup 103 /g put dup 105 /i put dup 108 /l put dup 110 /n put dup 114 /r put dup 115 /s put dup 116 /t put readonly def /FontBBox{-97 -250 1077 759}readonly def /UniqueID 5000810 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ)s̾;.;rTejiK/df5A|{S/ )Sc\^ȟmp+#vL17~k d# ]LeVߐGoo٥\k 9Mՙ= 1h{]N Sɀ%FoM߾dWb>nL>EųPwbxQ#u)6xyS$_wmϒ`?s~ykF v^%ҽwkS/Ms_SUd]7PV_3y /:JG  Xj'Z,W-ۼ$Pz%)JY/Y0\" P XD=՜l'̼h 5OC^ ?~c 8DڞS=xxL܉p #eD9k+^wjR=\[gge7%u 7vB7"E*6clhZ~x9FK&a$hugGkNƼa) 7)f Ru 5vInt{]Uj{dVs&/dwƾM{$ȺU6s9v |]U6 *G⑺+(<㾛 7O*w3 T=i- vUH._u_ǣu}+3z 0JOcdKd2̡9#{y-fХ̴y?M9aM9qxzgDE⎜z} 9e,Wv"h>=A֙p#qZurK#1)mxtͮy(ν=W@682kjn)(/-o/IJke"qY|^pvE,quO>0w'>P&A.bյr |RD{7Sج69_n(Wۖ0K NE]VjC(DCcR*8+tu:.&a_~WyLt`2E킜 <;Ջk9DHHVln$S Qg|lʮP!q+'IE ~0{¯\δ-}eHq=pTϳ$".Z&fMZw&W˅C䦮EF,$y?W?hb լ/$Ǡg߲DJS[7)n{k*@vUx=4+}րU@&`݁)k\Rj\w DhӠ&D8celϬ$*%)\=i[aeIS'nm3Ǹq θI;Q\2E)0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cleartomark endstream endobj 2721 0 obj 3999 endobj 2722 0 obj 949 endobj 2723 0 obj 2518 endobj 2724 0 obj 532 endobj 2725 0 obj /REAVAA+CMSSI10 endobj 2726 0 obj << /Ascent 694 /CapHeight 694 /Descent -194 /FontName 2725 0 R /ItalicAngle -12 /StemV 80 /XHeight 444 /FontBBox [ -97 -250 1077 759 ] /Flags 4 /CharSet (/fi/hyphen/S/a/e/f/g/i/l/n/r/s/t) /FontFile 2720 0 R >> endobj 1081 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2727 0 R /BaseFont 2733 0 R /FontDescriptor 2734 0 R >> endobj 2727 0 obj [ 706 938 877 782 754 843 815 877 815 877 815 678 647 647 970 970 323 354 569 569 569 569 569 843 508 569 815 877 569 1014 1137 877 323 323 569 938 569 938 877 323 446 446 569 877 323 385 323 569 569 569 569 569 569 569 569 569 569 569 323 323 323 877 539 539 877 843 799 815 860 768 737 884 843 413 583 874 706 1028 843 877 768 877 829 631 815 843 843 1151 843 843 692 323 569 323 569 323 323 569 631 508 631 508 354 569 631 323 354 600 323 938 631 569 631 600 446 453 446 631 600 815 600 600 508 569 1139 569 569 569 ] endobj 2728 0 obj << /Length 2729 0 R /Length1 2730 0 R /Length2 2731 0 R /Length3 2732 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMR7 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 20 16:39:21 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMR7) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /NTRUAA+CMR7 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 33 /exclam put dup 43 /plus put dup 48 /zero put dup 49 /one put dup 50 /two put dup 51 /three put dup 52 /four put dup 53 /five put dup 54 /six put dup 55 /seven put dup 61 /equal put dup 65 /A put dup 111 /o put readonly def /FontBBox{-27 -250 1122 750}readonly def /UniqueID 5000790 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ*BgNӽ ؑlKq*޲Xws|QFqv`zXMyp"5O˩YŝP(DT![v67XFlU&3!Rq4wσ~j+ou\ʻl24`}IRB s\pzEGAۋa4_p0uAEG)Q|8B*dGWj'0Vix#(=@'qIT5i (Ѵt` ?E)4E^yҴF+$8&G"Yl?eYjt+TI2! nXKt`˱~h]{>Qaiσ\mFU#Gvh2un8W;R4Ej1B4b ;b9y[lV:P񕈇9g`\J~ Mh;"_(WԾ{3 j؈ւ GyfX*$`q'2orH'~/pj M1_VU5>hN8͈{Wu35.SϏ "}%k!5Ųz/(^/ٜ@ug|bۥY]~f]TΟ[XݷgkZJ8^7CSޅ T<X߃@{dt㺛u@y[*m">#/Q`~e]AD3!QcU@f] UF[ ]ZXD .UHZ;V&?x.(pv:+AI]~`xFXLkɢETc#D9>b`~:*~^fq/)u [a9 UMyN'lQPcC^Nxj:}i;5(M?n # K^y 缨th,#IJR<Uɝ m@A23ISOVr2[CelT1A`yPgl #u槕@M%\wŔ@F xM1e=ZD#5a*ؗUcM0/)s5.C˙Y"lB<US+{b;X8#Or$T0X;t~+Ij[Va'ӄ"@P_ؔ~^WC*.?jvinq%0 饓#ylƘ.^8 R qQumf&BwݪL1X5Sj jcJ5c[7t ^d'e3ʞ'P5bkjXe30% _#0I-_ wx)/8GbW6:GlC0Z*I nit[Xƃz $uMhS Nu, /QsdR 9=^bxel]Ni3&VJ말k4m~eևV )l}SW$hL)[~Zn cݲ%|B;, |Xѕ$TJWI(;_qLEnK~75Gr&284$X"-[t5T# lR{k\+T0)J_7pXl[[Л]MXR/A JVĊW/>Q cfZi̩#5.  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All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMSY6) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -14.035 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /KDAAAA+CMSY6 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 28 /lessmuch put dup 29 /greatermuch put readonly def /FontBBox{-4 -948 1329 786}readonly def /UniqueID 5000816 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ/ ȭX~id}S5Q!gtⵎkJc;rN^X5.Sy +'IqV:r㚉#,# dBZ *R*"7٨y! 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All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMR12) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /SRCEEJ+CMR12 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 11 /ff put dup 12 /fi put dup 13 /fl put dup 14 /ffi put dup 19 /acute put dup 33 /exclam put dup 44 /comma put dup 45 /hyphen put dup 46 /period put dup 73 /I put dup 77 /M put dup 78 /N put dup 86 /V put dup 94 /circumflex put dup 97 /a put dup 98 /b put dup 99 /c put dup 100 /d put dup 101 /e put dup 102 /f put dup 103 /g put dup 105 /i put dup 108 /l put dup 109 /m put dup 110 /n put dup 111 /o put dup 112 /p put dup 113 /q put dup 114 /r put dup 115 /s put dup 116 /t put dup 117 /u put dup 118 /v put dup 126 /tilde put readonly def /FontBBox{-34 -251 988 750}readonly def /UniqueID 5000794 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ*BgNӽ ؑlKq*޲Xws|QFqv`zXMyp"5O˩YŝP(DT![v67XFlU&3!Rq4wσ~j+ou\@[6]nhmlhaH+4/?3&n=a6E#|~.ԅˠLw2.槝sNY ڻ.,VnNX3|裠k(QIOs m;fߖC1}_a Io#0wݙ\P,f *bG3Z2کP8L3r[vnc_Eh~g9|M) }YaѕH|1m![AzXpPNCU7Uֲ7ΖTgx_hyW^]W}s_Zfs@dYr ȟsy&vJx)ݱ~Kq 45hL#q:4pP?g |GJSn^i26M Ęz0. v31껰xCj 7}0a `~iEfÎB wS:;9l[ vqo (>DlqY?kڑo^8KLG7qZC`D[JQ uZN5ংMǘ8,o zZAg_ S6 #%XX:roLĦ!< B,[u+R7(15qv|x7+ISU?S=ƩK)zjk7 JLFf}ߚHCGpf&_bPHnꥍ8@lJop^[,z]يëDŵhFyc σbW}U@NM6I_G:o7r>! ,P!i?p,h0TM[ +T>da [6(}QO]<\WvzЄ3ܰЩnJ% T{d+qj=h˷|K/uJ* v mt y\cbV EWpt-g7Kر(5 =_>N䲮6 >\$̟I}g!1= oP=&o ?VS4jpTq+ʑPLVCa1  j2yɂf،Ҏ5&ϤS:TfНN>[HHF3ެ";3WvSWu~!x%VLZqyӛC̗gCAҔ.0?T{ǑG\C 68W9w2_ q`AԟfbR^F|c_FRYvYD KRMfRFׇe[Ӝ#ț"9Q7%~¼)7. `CPm~)ր`R^2y1\+С7Ԏjmհjybr3=pn\vmC=H~y4kvi~O6${* Pד%_ĎdV2Z>u:̌ Hně7pߕ?m]* /,{]Wa@N;  a3EY6RzpzHr c,78Vq}`D=Ԅimy`=8Y ^D>_g6ZK  `ETqυ@GPZ68T 􋱩 ߹wbec7nk Q|"2g)JFwHdd{NDžUgmuE mLTHa}B':[ H:sb_LNSupeo[ZuDQD0fʗ='St/xh~]NF9j[wDbk?dSk- 4*!5';=&.ec:o l%̖@xp[Z!D}%A8-*͍G@.Ű5W_m|mw5iDˀ-Olړײ fyMF# ,kHU/uRyouHg"py0q> 0z[fSnκv"h&Ogӟab ^,( {ٳ"e^ACEՁ;#iEoC\F@s3pHRqBEN]RkGㄨY?VR<2ao|Y$QE.=+:UEy{U@ؓ #ʂk4P[TJNꊭ*FCB:dM?KecDniPD 4v7z Q'8Cـ <=[!6F3 4˪}ZMM/B7E  ^_t yé i[6UQ+(5 bh"wn@}F RߎL꿚 B8fhN??>Kؙ[1L7 ;=o^E [Si,9G1ꠖ&W=57#>ax)~qPf+# < 8QN':m61O~3ZU$>JGcWq& }o}װ)^(,i;iZuTVÉ!;6;k(I2#4$m܈.;`":k#BE擪,gXL9OE69G8˜ݳ* ЧK^`^ ,ukp s6 Ku9夭RVdYڟE@#K[<5\N>6;@X eZfШ/QI9UKÝ"D7q7d(G/+VWM-?yDO( 8y Q@ ;ꍑ9| qDj.fPE sO|fa0`l]돕u@6`*TXK*ثvC>x}l-G8;   [bw;)ceξg-WGPlPQ{΢[g,ShK8ҚI7\)a}tYH ckSX̷@aI-ykϛaȗ FMх+A*u/袨%ZG,'UϾivZt@i캎&Bs%܃ V4Ґ[ 1N|* o\u t$y9\3mh%<aذylx =I9&CzF'*'CWK7!Ch,zҬXT?Ij^`Ih {ep|$("_v[xa{9=( >"o~d{F=ܱ%{ɫsWDguhr2]oS-20LQ^RwRZkD{G{NPj󧆌yhE<2z!%p(it&Wu:" C;KJ8 <ӱ m3Vj\mb?ge\`ҫB*enqUy'!PQAfsjM(xIx̉[Įr]1V˃q{Y@K3+_xF.!2r4}8`Z+bqA: o]JT; F 11}C|[LaɁ\SکUؽstARth+PlʔL8r0JY3}:/>Mj2]Otv5oܯrkU'6@j)ރ3Mx\%:04- C0xV+9$`.UJ).;W"ߵnu"C(Qyf؆)]U* ":JmϜ0\jÞnss*|el@NuŖo%(3Gg.Z\(VBu|$HνUS2nO(4_10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cleartomark endstream endobj 2745 0 obj 7980 endobj 2746 0 obj 1277 endobj 2747 0 obj 6171 endobj 2748 0 obj 532 endobj 2749 0 obj /SRCEEJ+CMR12 endobj 2750 0 obj << /Ascent 694 /CapHeight 683 /Descent -194 /FontName 2749 0 R /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 65 /XHeight 431 /FontBBox [ -34 -251 988 750 ] /Flags 4 /CharSet (/ff/fi/fl/ffi/acute/exclam/comma/hyphen/period/I/M/N/V/circumflex/a/b/c/d/e/f/g/i/l/m/n/o/p/q/r/s/t/u/v/tilde) /FontFile 2744 0 R >> endobj 1013 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2751 0 R /BaseFont 2757 0 R /FontDescriptor 2758 0 R >> endobj 2751 0 obj [ 893 339 893 585 893 585 893 893 893 893 893 893 893 1139 585 585 893 893 893 893 893 893 893 893 893 893 893 893 1139 1139 893 893 1139 1139 585 585 1139 1139 1139 893 1139 1139 708 708 1139 1139 1139 893 329 1139 770 770 1016 1016 0 0 647 647 770 585 831 831 893 893 708 918 753 620 889 616 818 688 979 646 782 872 792 1343 936 906 809 936 981 702 648 718 720 1135 819 764 823 770 770 770 770 770 708 708 524 524 524 524 585 585 462 462 339 585 585 708 585 339 938 859 954 494 770 770 893 893 524 524 524 708 893 893 893 893 ] endobj 2752 0 obj << /Length 2753 0 R /Length1 2754 0 R /Length2 2755 0 R /Length3 2756 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMSY7 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 15 07:21:52 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMSY7) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -14.035 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /OPAAAA+CMSY7 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 0 /minus put dup 14 /openbullet put dup 33 /arrowright put dup 48 /prime put dup 49 /infinity put readonly def /FontBBox{-15 -951 1252 782}readonly def /UniqueID 5000817 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ/ ȭX~id}S5Q!gtⵎkJc;rN^X5.Sy +'IqV:r㚉#,# dBZ *R*"7٨yQIeύrZp(IJ8#+P.ղNC; +[i-{')/Pph QC AȜ;k5,4Cof^^ "XWeBL'>@{.'b[>PP.DW,={ #VX6nzT`qN&=`~+GH X` 1`/HMsN,/ ˘ߙyF +iD2 $ Zo.錇hKN{n-5?ڭqU!z\_:ઐ /0T'P+iKn1GT+~Yƭhs n>^%AB sCYUhwSgz61WmP5qZ ὇V'qמb>ō>Ds5- Ľ)aއD;^kK׼EȖkBwvJ4 y-iiBo\r!;J&OidXqItq0z,Ir{wM3OR%Π!,hεK-oteC5lGc?h#)lT͒ݿqRjPx]-1{h87 ԓFK5LN=My=vZa}ĭJK6.e* y@H. &;DR'b{PJE N¤xL]b6-kt^(Bn.iݬEC8_v ΊO)g[GIZZ,۹`Py/dEWf~.X )K`('_Ï6r;1w_FA92Μ3R}\nL:Lc;;ȷ0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cleartomark endstream endobj 2753 0 obj 2498 endobj 2754 0 obj 852 endobj 2755 0 obj 1114 endobj 2756 0 obj 532 endobj 2757 0 obj /OPAAAA+CMSY7 endobj 2758 0 obj << /Ascent 750 /CapHeight 683 /Descent 0 /FontName 2757 0 R /ItalicAngle -14 /StemV 93 /XHeight 431 /FontBBox [ -15 -951 1252 782 ] /Flags 4 /CharSet (/minus/openbullet/arrowright/prime/infinity) /FontFile 2752 0 R >> endobj 925 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2759 0 R /BaseFont 2765 0 R /FontDescriptor 2766 0 R >> endobj 2759 0 obj [ 734 955 897 807 779 866 838 897 838 897 838 736 678 707 1061 1075 368 398 603 603 603 603 603 954 544 633 838 838 603 1028 1146 897 310 368 603 955 880 955 897 368 486 486 603 897 368 427 368 603 603 603 603 603 603 603 603 603 603 603 368 368 368 897 603 603 897 866 823 838 881 793 764 904 866 455 617 895 734 1042 866 897 793 897 852 662 838 866 866 1159 866 866 721 368 603 368 603 368 368 603 544 544 603 544 368 544 603 368 368 544 310 955 662 603 603 544 500 486 398 633 544 779 544 574 486 603 1206 603 603 603 ] endobj 2760 0 obj << /Length 2761 0 R /Length1 2762 0 R /Length2 2763 0 R /Length3 2764 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMTI7 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 18 21:07:18 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMTI7) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -14.04 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /CJAAAA+CMTI7 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 65 /A put dup 97 /a put readonly def /FontBBox{-27 -250 1268 750}readonly def /UniqueID 5000825 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ)s̾;.;rTejiK/df5A|{S/ )Sc\^ȟmp+#vL17~k d# ]LeVߐGoo٥\k 9Mv92#:iQ?,oΦVvнkࠨ%9%`{Gi0/kZD.?d a!'崖H!it_z(@8\>i"v¢P G^^{L|P>LÉu ~ein-ogս=R} 3M\Mخ Hcu\uR:sTbM~ 1p"7-M VwB5K3X8F/f 7;~e0pa>~#Z;■ w>>=)IxC ٯ{x7@j!WxY 1k"yOá J*u[=RYUw22/Y ^9J9TO g|1pxl˴CDb8 2^1yLqci7Y6y͂(WvW2WU-5vͬK%ʾKNI]6;LUm^x71$٪4v!7o*0ZLj _r0$0\M1: ٖ"9)$2"OgYuXǒ4m,Nx0 L{UF&][D9z,Y-dPz?ccd?hpc7Bf[ds|ZxY B䆺Sf@({s(l~AM: .i(g!6&weuVդX Gïk f),]o΋Ƥ5E^fj;t܂jf#lOsn vOMxwk\+n 8=9ѩJH^d2,no<+fj,>-3$ؗYYn8T?sǐ>2ۨI4P|]ӂOo*EIyyRþXKew8gG#99/qʠ`5ۇIr܏oƍO9y~p ]A!-ʸ3&L5J"CN}t7pPn[j&=.~"W:b ilkJ.ckDh3^^> endobj 899 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2767 0 R /BaseFont 2773 0 R /FontDescriptor 2774 0 R >> endobj 2767 0 obj [ 644 840 787 711 682 763 735 787 735 787 735 630 577 603 905 918 315 341 525 525 525 525 525 851 472 551 735 735 525 906 1011 787 262 315 528 840 786 840 787 315 420 420 525 787 315 367 315 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 315 315 315 787 525 525 787 763 723 735 775 696 670 794 763 396 539 789 644 920 763 787 696 787 749 577 735 763 763 1025 763 763 630 315 528 315 525 315 315 525 472 472 525 472 315 472 525 315 315 472 262 840 577 525 525 472 433 420 341 551 472 682 474 498 420 525 1049 525 525 525 ] endobj 2768 0 obj << /Length 2769 0 R /Length1 2770 0 R /Length2 2771 0 R /Length3 2772 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMTI9 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 18 21:08:07 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMTI9) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -14.04 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /YDIGAA+CMTI9 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 94 /circumflex put dup 97 /a put dup 98 /b put dup 101 /e put dup 108 /l put dup 109 /m put dup 111 /o put dup 112 /p put dup 114 /r put dup 117 /u put readonly def /FontBBox{-35 -250 1148 750}readonly def /UniqueID 5000827 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ)s̾;.;rTejiK/df5A|{S/ )Sc\^ȟmp+#vL17~k d# ]LeVߐGoo٥\k 9Mՙ= 0)xf 1kX9H{ɽRi5zNGg&^_@V~l$HD:B,?ߨԿDxe<sfjbw IO?^.Ju$ Lb6MmM2fùӋ5ˁ4,(Dc&n a%Z{p0xƼ9S5ú4g {SQ@]5iZ(oPv_lT/S]].uாŠtgN)O,'?>CWZQlS7Q5Mro7He1l4 SwߥStBf4\%}_D05roD]jElޘހ}m{tǥ%Kw}ϳB8W069¿/A^)1Z\Ca?;L"!zn-r~Q|˄B O7v$>522ɢ#ٙp֧ԭSsQ'O!,A/L-@,[};K'ܰ )4mOӳum=Α`.MP78ifVG S,AdWw$Y×l >4A= nzX0GWnH4ԜA+[L,~bcaGKyP5L|]!|)=& :З}ڵ TA:^Ƽqri-8C`a)OR:^Q `-Z4 K_KZ~Sr/?+^!IqAq\J%fT҈<-% z .GêRh|>U,`!oXϮVBjyAxVZڹga$׀ ^pc Y3 r<C`x<2Nj+!gnU ЧN ff0Σ/fwF"Dߜw~ Dv\LH[u:$g0qzWm MS+^^"ɍ] ^&m'~XL߶ňc`o3xqV|.v853w.d.Lo8U@zuy@-.tdXrj]pqG;ؓF*/ziߓn BVs,N Hd$0XOӉ7`c鴮͵Ŕ 9s9#%+ٻK`|\-RP܏ɦ!n:1Ƕ(ki2x| -&S%XzZPn!C\ 5oƹ;\e[>; ~>YqňsAyLޖqYL!v"1%FzӔ_V9YU5)=n@Q<].:fۧHSd(eNC4ˆELF3q fٺUx,}9kluDZF? 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All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMSL10) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -9.46 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /KHPKBA+CMSL10 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 45 /hyphen put dup 83 /S put dup 97 /a put dup 99 /c put dup 100 /d put dup 101 /e put dup 105 /i put dup 108 /l put dup 109 /m put dup 110 /n put dup 111 /o put dup 114 /r put dup 115 /s put readonly def /FontBBox{-62 -250 1123 750}readonly def /UniqueID 5000798 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ)s̾;.;rTejiK/df5A|{S/ )Sc\^ȟmp+#vL17~k d# ]LeVߐGoo٥\k 9Mՙ= 0)xf 1kX) $%Dlgg5hZBNj/!by(Nv44|0x5>*TχXwj"vǠ\Ar@zgt;B?O}C;J ߋb >N:u񳻶o =;xT+gW+"0qXٲ"lCpXǹSٵ˪\Y圃ۭȺ7NR >DrɍW*-E Gÿ#9ѳ[BRkO|~OgrVKq|媞ڵ1|@5$ccD2'}}]^C]a\;^v|[Skz 2WM} o/Pp)t7P^ q L [.DRܠK;v=|GύGy10oYN0?yY4xl #ÈcQX\;;3U(9%–fUAƦzTFU%Gu{7 %Qt̋k 0su0.ŻݺVK2|)(џä%@xx{MYtj h8eh5 dVGg趛WASϜ.JJAsG==6h C?MnvEcc6.+٪TGaX~Tlɯ^J S|bv谡<{N9W!%/Y$A+LO 즪ᢿ;4z Vr%=d Isu7ItڿIARQsv[;v8,\qt2e+].uB]4(;3ڨJ J1l}_}V)4A=.e/eb/ ZI5/RnM{pgLEeat1&Lm-e70MB)`l 4wkׄ _;&./3KApt8C?n@=WryxXnnab<0qq n %E֭t)Vu5ؙi I ؕmneAK=Rgj.\z!,  sAZէCZ$6lZF{Sٗ2,Iw3F 7p"U=|xk"T]ucd5i]Q޲O o@sU5~8VF+ܥT7,A{zUhHG E#'Bh ^^_+uX,D}‚p7gEÊrPmg놖CqBݬ 3,-.:˭<>wcLj8b0GæiAW67P}OcOڽ )sAXn`v*<*t<|U4 ktOm?#q}۱gq=Ae UMUӉB1+E\d469ݿ>laW4jzi!򰀺t;gd׌Ѩeq/f:;qN5%zZ~A旭b?Ժa&?&XŅ;4DuCT%" 7 EBzr6 yqIU|#& D&巽-b`@|F*#) C}?*@܈Z\O@e3P'oCnaݓK %PaQb#QO5t5/^.:v qi8}]Y3`l&q:fݔo(z2%ıdg+m#86NCF]/X5x)_T>ݜS4 whC-f,>%G7 9NcgJ+]}0 [ վbwYd6&5<笳ݳ7YkJ V~|}4 +/~QjoM;Cp" #Ak'å]/E?f"Q ; ”[#l<Za^a:Yf\['>laA~KBFi#B3me aʪ柱Xڙ VTNЯCdsԺ O5T~mfNdhuYԒ?sQx6{>;}}DfiMU6^Qϡ~3, Sq lY; -Vd Qch2= 7H '0:Ju[76xt.BXb۪R6~qufؙ43$>9Zy.p \B{MwKDȇ?C9[& l8d)M\]!Q} pT[1,hb.ߨŇv$ o*`'b/``m1>OL#)/2C?e|n?RKG5Br]-RCp}K~#T]sL3=bsMtFea#P%̹K`d7)Ѕ .opީ?b xHޕ؛ -@=-}tzXF˺\<)9N[*ĉ:QpJI1G5dT79wfKߕd '8!F:$_~t`A.m}I™$r̐+?yFi_cqWXH E* $S35=hPkQN뎮WUXm%?D&wDo)ֹ:da٧4͟;Ş=:1c@ـ&\b8sMdm$ i7 L3ːWDHayBT9jf|f{Ip.2:DYvE/Mg"8eXDyR?)[31"A!79,8Q+.~z8Q!TlKf3ٜ%097:ذ{7M&G WN>exv@ 9ϓ^0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cleartomark endstream endobj 2777 0 obj 4776 endobj 2778 0 obj 947 endobj 2779 0 obj 3297 endobj 2780 0 obj 532 endobj 2781 0 obj /KHPKBA+CMSL10 endobj 2782 0 obj << /Ascent 694 /CapHeight 683 /Descent -194 /FontName 2781 0 R /ItalicAngle -9 /StemV 79 /XHeight 431 /FontBBox [ -62 -250 1123 750 ] /Flags 4 /CharSet (/hyphen/S/a/c/d/e/i/l/m/n/o/r/s) /FontFile 2776 0 R >> endobj 890 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2783 0 R /BaseFont 2789 0 R /FontDescriptor 2790 0 R >> endobj 2783 0 obj [ 799 286 799 514 799 514 799 799 799 799 799 799 799 1028 514 514 799 799 799 799 799 799 799 799 799 799 799 799 1028 1028 799 799 1028 1028 514 514 1028 1028 1028 799 1028 1028 628 628 1028 1028 1028 799 279 1028 685 685 914 914 0 0 571 571 685 514 742 742 799 799 628 821 674 543 794 542 736 611 871 563 697 782 708 1229 842 816 717 839 874 622 563 642 632 1018 732 685 742 685 685 685 685 685 628 628 457 457 457 457 514 514 400 400 286 514 514 628 514 286 857 771 857 428 685 685 799 799 457 457 457 628 799 799 799 799 ] endobj 2784 0 obj << /Length 2785 0 R /Length1 2786 0 R /Length2 2787 0 R /Length3 2788 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMSY9 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 15 07:22:27 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMSY9) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -14.035 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /ANHAAA+CMSY9 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 65 /A put dup 77 /M put dup 83 /S put dup 102 /braceleft put dup 103 /braceright put dup 110 /backslash put readonly def /FontBBox{-30 -958 1146 777}readonly def /UniqueID 5000819 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ/ ȭX~id}S5Q!gtⵎkJc;rN^X5.Sy +'IqV:r㚉#,# dBZ *R*"7٨y=cLIPsF'f> ba ]fv}3N/+ .+﭅ NN=~:9GDZ ymDNSv}U3Mƒ(Ω1_M;w 4Sv}cMb1ΈP1@ד:*c 7e2kd*Αsxd21yuRG/nY'KM!A2(D$y 7b&kj_F> endobj 889 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2791 0 R /BaseFont 2797 0 R /FontDescriptor 2798 0 R >> endobj 2791 0 obj [ 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 525 ] endobj 2792 0 obj << /Length 2793 0 R /Length1 2794 0 R /Length2 2795 0 R /Length3 2796 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMTT9 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 20 16:46:24 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMTT9) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch true def end readonly def /FontName /EYPPSO+CMTT9 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 35 /numbersign put dup 36 /dollar put dup 40 /parenleft put dup 41 /parenright put dup 43 /plus put dup 45 /hyphen put dup 46 /period put dup 47 /slash put dup 48 /zero put dup 49 /one put dup 50 /two put dup 51 /three put dup 52 /four put dup 53 /five put dup 54 /six put dup 55 /seven put dup 56 /eight put dup 57 /nine put dup 58 /colon put dup 61 /equal put dup 65 /A put dup 67 /C put dup 78 /N put dup 84 /T put dup 91 /bracketleft put dup 92 /backslash put dup 93 /bracketright put dup 97 /a put dup 98 /b put dup 99 /c put dup 100 /d put dup 101 /e put dup 102 /f put dup 103 /g put dup 104 /h put dup 105 /i put dup 107 /k put dup 108 /l put dup 109 /m put dup 110 /n put dup 111 /o put dup 112 /p put dup 113 /q put dup 114 /r put dup 115 /s put dup 116 /t put dup 117 /u put dup 118 /v put dup 119 /w put dup 120 /x put dup 121 /y put readonly def /FontBBox{-6 -233 542 698}readonly def /UniqueID 5000831 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ*BgNӽ ؑlKq*޲Xws|QFqv`zXMyp"5O˩YŝP(DT![v67XFlU&3!Rq4wσ~j+ou_c2Bطj=-)1_]X` Y{nn9׫/uye );9*fHHK-\rБkg\5&(G<`J7dhn)Zl득52 Z$نa#q13@H;+G"1L(seER ;ԱJo"BFKkv/ ֈpZCޯ*@;db s*Mm~4]꽺\Qߍ):۞3#˂3u?O+|mMۉfH21C2/AHw;u&~#V=@Ņ*Ft@*(s9)UdƁF!;ŭ$r)_e_LRXJ*'*|o+ _|flWU6yM`MFPzXktw_K1Bov7}E(>[)Abц>Uu s,H6Wa7]_ΑAXφNp콕Tĩ>2oשW,1e~O 6Y̮X~Ր)L A] m 6̔=js%ggr1Ⱦ}i8CwGk]2e^jg] M_OL0gY%! 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All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMTI8) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -14.04 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /CJAAAA+CMTI8 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 65 /A put dup 97 /a put readonly def /FontBBox{-35 -250 1190 750}readonly def /UniqueID 5000826 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ)s̾;.;rTejiK/df5A|{S/ )Sc\^ȟmp+#vL17~k d# ]LeVߐGoo٥\k 9M֨[G(aܘ|RPד>~}F.om[@ lnho:%@VM![}]V`$6ssI (VW[b%B[P{>0^8YO[z"h|\ѳP_c 8`[6]**}ݹcHc'X{>cS[B :tnlKѨ֬UH㗷M$>QкMpF.9x4Y)8i D\Q]*@Rg4 lE|p Ul3D7FY B'Y)-&LZ,co-OpKCEja ,'Dg>ӎKĐ'$){61ًd'!Gwpf $ҊS۝EHK%GVTGd@J6 m;܌l{ 5G |S#GV GIg};)cQ*ry`LyXRVRkd$]E!Pjn!gV~Ҳ;Kpc&JFz b]0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cleartomark endstream endobj 2801 0 obj 2647 endobj 2802 0 obj 777 endobj 2803 0 obj 1338 endobj 2804 0 obj 532 endobj 2805 0 obj /CJAAAA+CMTI8 endobj 2806 0 obj << /Ascent 694 /CapHeight 683 /Descent -194 /FontName 2805 0 R /ItalicAngle -14 /StemV 73 /XHeight 431 /FontBBox [ -35 -250 1190 750 ] /Flags 4 /CharSet (/A/a) /FontFile 2800 0 R >> endobj 857 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2807 0 R /BaseFont 2813 0 R /FontDescriptor 2814 0 R >> endobj 2807 0 obj [ 683 903 844 755 728 814 786 844 786 844 786 553 553 319 319 524 302 424 553 553 553 553 553 814 494 915 736 824 636 975 1092 844 319 319 553 903 553 903 844 319 436 436 553 844 319 378 319 553 553 553 553 553 553 553 553 553 553 553 319 319 844 844 844 524 844 814 771 786 829 742 712 851 814 406 567 843 683 989 814 844 742 844 800 611 786 814 814 1105 814 814 669 319 553 319 553 319 319 613 580 591 624 558 536 641 613 302 424 636 513 747 613 636 558 636 602 458 591 613 613 835 613 613 502 553 1105 553 553 553 ] endobj 2808 0 obj << /Length 2809 0 R /Length1 2810 0 R /Length2 2811 0 R /Length3 2812 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMCSC10 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 18 17:46:49 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMCSC10) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /INGSLD+CMCSC10 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 16 /dotlessi put dup 19 /acute put dup 71 /G put dup 80 /P put dup 83 /S put dup 97 /a put dup 99 /c put dup 101 /e put dup 103 /g put dup 104 /h put dup 105 /i put dup 108 /l put dup 109 /m put dup 111 /o put dup 112 /p put dup 114 /r put dup 115 /s put dup 116 /t put dup 118 /v put dup 119 /w put readonly def /FontBBox{14 -250 1077 750}readonly def /UniqueID 5000772 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ)s̾;.;rTejiK/df5A|{S/ )Sc\^ȟmp+#vL17~k d# ]LeVߐGoo٥\k 9Mՙ= 0)xf 0v7ϱ9 àE(O&k{ǛHFſꇼw R^q&AԛhF8N&{oi(^[ol W%'5,.V!0&u%ˎKxZ4pX:;[4+ @c ߌ }s$)PͶ'/CզxBCxSƫE\ 'MXpͰԁ C q6 2T1e|jԲH*} t.-"k5,h:J.X 4Z@0v)FEʫ@"jKNJrYDdcm!G~,f\HAӮhcc>SK}pkkRX>LfU8dWNb䊌b ?g~8o|R<)C쩔`I,bP(ySd $kwtJm`8ץ͸ɕ8ռȩvz$QU)΍L5*T[' yC(pɘ<2 6; n X]:yi0ԓeD9 F4שYt~+G~&,nT_`9̜[@>ܖ;{l!0PsWVd>ܯ;xsƽdxA ̳Hk$zI57кt͟l{~Jfgb.$qe`31n!)~YUku'!~H"3pmOiא&Je$z6,]V#˦]:ٟYgCF%z 9ɔ6XmIl;PHGO[]ڼMcnyVnUtqEj7yoC ntԔQxf١8A9YI#ZnǀgȫSTU//s dKHPp"D6 rFY$ՆHE㧽_#aCIaT;0yw3 f"7{5Y?[|#6? @{%&֞E^[6]QEbe^+K lBPv'" *迦ѵWh$mqVؽoZ.{/ʼ\GnY4l|!#&CyD#:fޱnB!"=߯aMGrzMBEUr T?' 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All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.100) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMMI6) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle -14.04 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /PGAAAA+CMMI6 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 34 /epsilon put dup 97 /a put readonly def /FontBBox{11 -250 1241 750}readonly def /UniqueID 5087381 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ)s̾;.;rTejiK/df5A|{S/ )Sc\^ȟmp+#vL17~k d# ]LeVߐGoo٥\k 9M֨[G(aܘ|RP6n=: b9s2m4{~CD%x4,Cvj-?xvynhQ`?f\ [BhnVGXad&ǻD҃gWGa0^)|*?ZHqr@w8~'I_o3Pf4!Y^afRo 0 /băEЪTBfQ\DNy~ e> endobj 855 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2823 0 R /BaseFont 2829 0 R /FontDescriptor 2830 0 R >> endobj 2823 0 obj [ 831 1097 1028 911 889 981 958 1028 958 1028 958 681 681 403 403 646 403 438 681 681 681 681 681 981 611 681 958 1028 681 1178 1317 1028 403 403 681 1097 681 1097 1028 403 542 542 681 1028 403 472 403 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 681 403 403 1028 1028 1028 646 1028 981 935 958 1004 900 865 1033 981 494 692 1015 831 1189 981 1028 900 1028 970 750 958 981 981 1328 981 981 820 403 681 403 681 403 403 681 750 611 750 611 438 681 750 403 438 715 403 1097 750 681 750 715 542 549 542 750 715 958 715 715 611 681 1361 681 681 681 ] endobj 2824 0 obj << /Length 2825 0 R /Length1 2826 0 R /Length2 2827 0 R /Length3 2828 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMR5 1.00B %%CreationDate: 1992 Feb 19 19:55:02 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.00B) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMR5) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /WHCAAA+CMR5 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 43 /plus put dup 49 /one put dup 50 /two put dup 51 /three put dup 65 /A put readonly def /FontBBox{-341 -250 1304 965}readonly def /UniqueID 5000788 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ*BgNӽ ؑlKq*޲Xws|QFqv`zXMyp"5O˩YŝP(DT![v67XFlU&3!Rq4wσ~j+ou\c3R*R?쨤ȯ@ gSr RIzE_EMv,X!%6]ޡL%MG|ۣʕ$TQ_"w`ulpJR$HHWzU)}8gn)g&vJzح{Io'#ؿ6h,!DӝAq*́Y)̖^aROųuUQr14Av&f:0:^.EZlfn'R;ێ/7#yLEhydԶ[Fϕd~K샅l'{:hncTs#.ĺV迸QGךt9ho} Gnbg2vHZ"R\;|nDN[֒ț#|iz1܁Ku@ D<qq0dވ,LR2,'AƉ'"<AV (WѪ$amky8HU>*W}!7)ƀFTaLPYXQa+Knkq2oa-wR< 7QӚd}ȴSZnl?إ7]4]J4Lrrڶ!%*5hߋbwpk`rǃ>-h+vSԞ#SU-OKv\۷(; #1/+ު66mjɹH2|Uۖ1 JPtr:x1?RUݞ[h×]|XugB)|q3x5(=iYAbѥ0+6x p Ȣ+l WŠeU$f .aɗcm[x%VE:%vƞ]%f\qK2hV 2o 4gO0^/MH-lҢBh}\[H,a'U a:Gjc ?qӊg#%T(P+ s@Z# 錦"&`5B&PV*gxBt.$*x L.J]Ay* 8s/-iVrvAД`+Ծ> endobj 854 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2831 0 R /BaseFont 2837 0 R /FontDescriptor 2838 0 R >> endobj 2831 0 obj [ 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 531 ] endobj 2832 0 obj << /Length 2833 0 R /Length1 2834 0 R /Length2 2835 0 R /Length3 2836 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMTT8 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 20 16:46:05 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. 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All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.00) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. 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All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.00) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (LCIRCLE10) readonly def /FamilyName (LaTeX) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /TAEDAA+LCIRCLE10 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 4 /a4 put dup 6 /a6 put dup 7 /a7 put dup 12 /a12 put dup 13 /a13 put dup 14 /a14 put dup 15 /a15 put dup 16 /a16 put dup 17 /a17 put dup 18 /a18 put dup 19 /a19 put dup 105 /a105 put dup 116 /a116 put readonly def /FontBBox{-2000 -2000 2040 2040}readonly def /UniqueID 5011942 def currentdict end currentfile eexec oc;j~EЪ.{ߛ *_ vRj*9mS!_c"x"LSX@K !7^?Sc%Ɣ&uJ1z +oKp U`U&z- +(ba)Pf>,q n6̯O^F. 8逺7(2ߏ +gC4fC@+L]2m3*?"X@&tA\J+%ñyhGwEfJ%JRԷ*|`;t J3ZBFCFKwW]ǻAQv{ѕ)gIv(s1A#0Z zd ~`%Xv/"uA^H{hꚈ@ dBw=n" `P =USџbao.SmCǥy~D+4âOWw|w?t.S HqoQqOpSL㱝q nfՁ#+ܬlOKjRA\ono h6Bg ,I9Y,pUF޸-`ޚԃh`dl蠍2 箟5>Jr -xO-]IYՋZd/ d/;vh8f& OX/bJ;"+ wXAIUrl&uYL鳉4<[s;0hٹ?C}UjCZ }ܗ[Fj Hc{:0vnsȥ_zi7 %?u< s{~Vߢ,Ih*ȧțch]`0,ӋZࣔG1Aa}JQctjZH@grqM3m4i5 UmCa}}tkp\WF{G'$fۢ}kGEw&{s~ob Ly4jE!kP(R ]V o 't3"UIT\тr%D, ff\3FOo<یJ9ƚ&Hy^eJJ['(rGjXCt#u+d'b;ز4{ OM&EqJ1fDjcKeӒk=Ku6f=<m 67;"sAjeg3E%㑻2Z]Z_Y*jbc^f+`Bs;O'*`|Bv5"ZmVjh.Olb{ O\kD3V]{4P/U-sgWd/5C rTaK@7Ttzixg0aYL9;?( rᖛ=t -L$9k9},Qlekk$= (|#,DM½}Fώ ʹ0~O;;f@x [4"J JcX/k@I SjԨbR:Wd5fk*@Ot <_N/$x RP h A :$?c_R`|}}ik)=FNغ1j#*: gC]T3?Ov3hiu#j bgnC1 rH jOq J==j[_{|9b@VBР9t, nvvKÂdmݎ!yȞw"!&O"6:Ox TJߦ$M}|}/A3S4&3לv-b &m0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 cleartomark endstream endobj 2857 0 obj 2350 endobj 2858 0 obj 758 endobj 2859 0 obj 1060 endobj 2860 0 obj 532 endobj 2861 0 obj /PCAAAA+CMSS8 endobj 2862 0 obj << /Ascent 694 /CapHeight 694 /Descent -194 /FontName 2861 0 R /ItalicAngle 0 /StemV 87 /XHeight 444 /FontBBox [ -65 -250 1062 761 ] /Flags 4 /CharSet (/A) /FontFile 2856 0 R >> endobj 753 0 obj << /Type /Font /Subtype /Type1 /FirstChar 0 /LastChar 127 /Widths 2863 0 R /BaseFont 2869 0 R /FontDescriptor 2870 0 R >> endobj 2863 0 obj [ 542 833 778 611 667 708 722 778 722 778 722 583 536 536 814 814 239 267 500 500 500 500 500 667 444 481 722 778 500 861 972 778 239 319 500 833 500 833 758 278 389 389 500 778 278 333 278 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 278 278 319 778 472 472 667 667 667 639 722 597 569 667 708 278 472 694 542 875 708 736 639 736 646 556 681 688 667 944 667 667 611 289 500 289 500 278 278 481 517 444 517 444 306 500 517 239 267 489 239 794 517 500 517 517 342 383 361 517 461 683 461 461 435 500 1000 500 500 500 ] endobj 2864 0 obj << /Length 2865 0 R /Length1 2866 0 R /Length2 2867 0 R /Length3 2868 0 R >> stream %!PS-AdobeFont-1.1: CMSS10 1.0 %%CreationDate: 1991 Aug 20 17:33:34 % Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved. 11 dict begin /FontInfo 7 dict dup begin /version (1.0) readonly def /Notice (Copyright (C) 1997 American Mathematical Society. All Rights Reserved) readonly def /FullName (CMSS10) readonly def /FamilyName (Computer Modern) readonly def /Weight (Medium) readonly def /ItalicAngle 0 def /isFixedPitch false def end readonly def /FontName /PGSJYE+CMSS10 def /PaintType 0 def /FontType 1 def /FontMatrix [0.001 0 0 0.001 0 0] readonly def /Encoding 256 array 0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for dup 12 /fi put dup 16 /dotlessi put dup 19 /acute put dup 24 /cedilla put dup 33 /exclam put dup 44 /comma put dup 45 /hyphen put dup 46 /period put dup 50 /two put dup 58 /colon put dup 65 /A put dup 68 /D put dup 69 /E put dup 71 /G put dup 76 /L put dup 77 /M put dup 78 /N put dup 79 /O put dup 82 /R put dup 84 /T put dup 85 /U put dup 88 /X put dup 94 /circumflex put dup 97 /a put dup 98 /b put dup 99 /c put dup 100 /d put dup 101 /e put dup 102 /f put dup 103 /g put dup 104 /h put dup 105 /i put dup 106 /j put dup 107 /k put dup 108 /l put dup 109 /m put dup 110 /n put dup 111 /o put dup 112 /p put dup 113 /q put dup 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(Hfootnote.8) 931 0 R (Hfootnote.9) 975 0 R (Item.1) 907 0 R (Item.10) 1164 0 R (Item.11) 1329 0 R (Item.12) 1331 0 R (Item.13) 1332 0 R (Item.14) 1376 0 R (Item.15) 1377 0 R (Item.16) 1378 0 R (Item.17) 1379 0 R (Item.18) 1380 0 R (Item.19) 1382 0 R (Item.2) 908 0 R (Item.20) 1383 0 R (Item.21) 1381 0 R (Item.3) 909 0 R (Item.4) 1021 0 R (Item.5) 1023 0 R (Item.6) 1083 0 R (Item.7) 1084 0 R (Item.8) 1162 0 R (Item.9) 1163 0 R (chapter.0) 130 0 R (chapter.1) 137 0 R (chapter.2) 221 0 R (chapter.3) 345 0 R (chapter.4) 389 0 R (chapter.5) 417 0 R (chapter.6) 489 0 R (cite.catalogue) 1557 0 R (cite.clsguide) 1555 0 R (cite.companion) 579 0 R (cite.eps) 1342 0 R (cite.fntguide) 1556 0 R (cite.graphics) 1341 0 R (cite.local) 580 0 R (cite.manual) 577 0 R (cite.pa) 1343 0 R (cite.texbook) 578 0 R (cite.usrguide) 1554 0 R (cite.verbatim) 1369 0 R (equation.3.1) 1160 0 R (equation.3.10) 1242 0 R (equation.3.2) 1173 0 R (equation.3.3) 1174 0 R (equation.3.4) 1175 0 R (equation.3.5) 1228 0 R (equation.3.8) 1229 0 R (equation.3.9) 1235 0 R (figure.1.1) 738 0 R (figure.1.2) 739 0 R (figure.1.3) 740 0 R (figure.4.1) 741 0 R (figure.5.1) 742 0 R (figure.5.2) 743 0 R (lei.1) 1251 0 R (lei.2) 1252 0 R (lei.3) 1253 0 R (mur.3.8.1) 1254 0 R (page.1) 840 0 R (page.10) 917 0 R (page.100) 2088 0 R (page.101) 2183 0 R (page.102) 2279 0 R (page.103) 2383 0 R (page.104) 2487 0 R (page.105) 544 0 R (page.11) 926 0 R (page.12) 932 0 R (page.13) 940 0 R (page.14) 953 0 R (page.15) 961 0 R (page.16) 970 0 R (page.17) 976 0 R (page.18) 983 0 R (page.19) 989 0 R (page.2) 847 0 R (page.20) 996 0 R (page.21) 1002 0 R (page.22) 1008 0 R (page.23) 1014 0 R (page.24) 1024 0 R (page.25) 1032 0 R (page.26) 1037 0 R (page.27) 1045 0 R (page.28) 1052 0 R (page.29) 1059 0 R (page.3) 861 0 R (page.30) 1066 0 R (page.31) 1085 0 R (page.32) 1092 0 R (page.33) 1097 0 R (page.34) 1103 0 R (page.35) 1109 0 R (page.36) 1116 0 R (page.37) 1125 0 R (page.38) 1136 0 R (page.39) 1142 0 R (page.4) 868 0 R 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301 0 R (section.3.1) 349 0 R (section.3.10) 385 0 R (section.3.2) 353 0 R (section.3.3) 357 0 R (section.3.4) 361 0 R (section.3.5) 365 0 R (section.3.6) 369 0 R (section.3.7) 373 0 R (section.3.8) 377 0 R (section.3.9) 381 0 R (section.4.1) 393 0 R (section.4.2) 397 0 R (section.4.3) 401 0 R (section.4.4) 405 0 R (section.4.5) 409 0 R (section.4.6) 413 0 R (section.5.1) 421 0 R (section.5.2) 437 0 R (section.5.3) 453 0 R (section.5.4) 473 0 R (section.5.5) 477 0 R (section.5.6) 481 0 R (section.5.7) 485 0 R (section.6.1) 493 0 R (section.6.2) 497 0 R (section.6.3) 501 0 R (subsection.1.1.1) 145 0 R (subsection.1.1.2) 149 0 R (subsection.1.2.1) 157 0 R (subsection.1.2.2) 161 0 R (subsection.1.2.3) 165 0 R (subsection.1.3.1) 173 0 R (subsection.1.3.2) 177 0 R (subsection.1.3.3) 181 0 R (subsection.1.3.4) 185 0 R (subsection.1.6.1) 201 0 R (subsection.1.6.2) 205 0 R (subsection.1.7.1) 213 0 R (subsection.2.12.1) 317 0 R (subsection.2.12.2) 321 0 R (subsection.2.12.3) 325 0 R 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