@book{unoffref, author = {Berry, Karl and Gilmore, Stephen and Martinsen, Torsten}, title = {Latex 2e: An unofficial reference manual}, note = {October 2018}, date = 2018, url = {https://latexref.xyz/}, langid = {british} } @book{kirjtyypit, author = {Itkonen, Markus}, title = {Kirjaintyypit ja tyyli}, date = 2015, publisher = {\textsc{rps}-yhtiöt} } @book{typokk, author = {Itkonen, Markus}, title = {Typo\-grafian käsikirja}, edition = 5, date = 2019, origdate = 2003, publisher = {Typoteekki. Graafinen suunnittelu Markus Itkonen Oy} } @book{lyhyt2e, author = {Oetiker, Tobias and Partl, Hubert and Hyna, Irene and Schlegl, Elisabeth and Hell\-gren, Timo}, title = {Pitkänpuoleinen johdanto Latex 2ε:n käyttöön}, subtitle = {Eli opi Latex 2ε 133 minuutissa}, note = {Versio 4.17fi}, date = 2005, url = {https://www.ctan.org/pkg/lshort-finnish}, langid = {finnish} } @book{lshort, author = {Oetiker, Tobias and Partl, Hubert and Hyna, Irene and Schlegl, Elisabeth}, title = {The Not So Short Introduction to Latex 2ε}, subtitle = {Or Latex 2ε in 139 minutes}, note = {Version 6.2}, date = 2018, url = {https://www.ctan.org/pkg/lshort-english}, langid = {british} } @book{kt_oik, author = {Kankaanpää, Salli and Heikkilä, Elina and Korhonen, Riitta and Maamies, Sari and Piehl, Aino and Eronen, Riitta and Hyvärinen, Riitta and Kolehmainen, Taru and Mikkonen, Pirjo and Moilanen, Raija and Pyhälahti, Minna and Räsänen, Matti and Vaula, Sari and Vihonen, Inkaliisa and Wihuri, Elina}, title = {Kielitoimiston oikein\-kir\-joi\-tus\-opas}, edition = 13, date = 2017, series = {Kotimaisten kielten keskuksen julkaisuja 177}, publisher = {Kotimaisten kielten keskus} } @online{ctan, title = {Comprehensive TeX Archive Network}, shorttitle = {\textsc{ctan}}, url = {https://www.ctan.org/}, date = {1992/}, } @article{tuhoajana, author = {Korpela, Jukka K.}, title = {Tietokone typografian tuhoajana}, journaltitle = {Skrolli}, journalsubtitle = {Tietokonekulttuurin erikoislehti}, date = 2015, volume = 2015, number = 3, pages = {10-14}, url = {https://www.skrolli.fi/numerot/2015-3/} }