% Commandes créées % Page de garde et mind map \definecolor{BlueFR}{RGB}{0,35,149} \definecolor{RedFR}{RGB}{237,41,57} \definecolor{NewOrange}{RGB}{247,111,43} \definecolor{Gold}{RGB}{255,215,0} % Aperçu Texmaker (Aide_LaTeX1.png) -- Hred = Red - Hyellow = Gold \definecolor{Horange}{RGB}{255,156,0} \definecolor{Hgreen}{RGB}{0,167,0} \definecolor{Hblue}{RGB}{0,234,255} \definecolor{Hpurple}{RGB}{169,15,219} % Signature \definecolor{lightningcyan}{RGB}{59,195,235} % Raccourcis \newcommand{\Windows}{\texttt{Windows}} \newcommand{\Linux}{\texttt{Linux}} \newcommand{\Apple}{\texttt{Apple}} \newcommand{\LinkedIn}{\texttt{LinkedIn}} \newcommand{\MiKTeX}{\texttt{MiKTeX}} \newcommand{\Texmaker}{\texttt{Texmaker}} \newcommand{\TikZ}{Ti\textit{k}Z} \newcommand{\Beamer}{\texttt{Beamer}} \newcommand{\Paint}{\texttt{Paint}} \newcommand{\GIMP}{\texttt{GIMP}} \newcommand{\Inkscape}{\texttt{Inkscape}} \newcommand{\folder}{\textcolor[RGB]{255,231,157}{\faFolder}} % Tableau bilan \newenvironment{tableaubilan}[4]{ \begin{longtable}{p{#1}p{#2}} % Définition des headers & footers du longtable {\hspace*{\fill}\textsc{#3}\hspace*{\fill}} & {\hspace*{\fill}\textsc{#4}\hspace*{\fill}} \\ \midrule \endhead \multicolumn{2}{r}{\textit{(suite sur la page suivante)}} \\ \endfoot \multicolumn{2}{@{\hrulefill}c@{\hrulefill}}{\raisebox{-3pt}{~~\textsc{Fin du tableau}~~}} \endlastfoot }{\end{longtable}} % "Boîtes" -- Package tcolorbox % Boîtes types \newtcolorbox{boitetype}[4][]{enhanced, breakable, before upper = {\parindent17.6pt}, beforeafter skip = \baselineskip, colframe = #3, colback = #4, boxrule = 2pt, arc = 4mm, fonttitle = \bfseries, title = {#2}, coltitle = black, #1} % before upper = alinéa dans boîte \newtcolorbox{boitecointype}[7][]{% cornerrulewidth/.store in = {\tcbcornerrulewidth}, cornerrulewidth = #7, topcornercolor/.store in = {\tcbtopcornercolor}, topcornercolor = #3, bottomcornercolor/.store in = {\tcbbottomcornercolor}, bottomcornercolor = #4, enhanced, breakable, before upper = {\parindent17.6pt}, beforeafter skip = \baselineskip, sharp corners, boxrule = 0pt, colback = #5, title = {#2}, fonttitle = \bfseries, coltitle = black, colbacktitle = #6, underlay unbroken = { \draw[\tcbtopcornercolor, line width = \tcbcornerrulewidth] ([xshift = -\tcbcornerrulewidth/2]frame.west) -- ([shift = {(-\tcbcornerrulewidth/2,\tcbcornerrulewidth/2)}]frame.north west) -- ([yshift = \tcbcornerrulewidth/2]frame.north); \draw[\tcbtopcornercolor, line width = \tcbcornerrulewidth] ([xshift = \tcbcornerrulewidth/2]frame.east) -- ([shift = {(\tcbcornerrulewidth/2,-\tcbcornerrulewidth/2)}]frame.south east) -- ([yshift = -\tcbcornerrulewidth/2]frame.south); }, underlay first = { \draw[\tcbtopcornercolor, line width = \tcbcornerrulewidth] ([xshift = -\tcbcornerrulewidth/2]frame.west) -- ([shift = {(-\tcbcornerrulewidth/2,\tcbcornerrulewidth/2)}]frame.north west) -- ([yshift = \tcbcornerrulewidth/2]frame.north); }, underlay last = { \draw[\tcbtopcornercolor, line width = \tcbcornerrulewidth] ([xshift = \tcbcornerrulewidth/2]frame.east) -- ([shift = {(\tcbcornerrulewidth/2,-\tcbcornerrulewidth/2)}]frame.south east) -- ([yshift = -\tcbcornerrulewidth/2]frame.south); }, #1} % Construction des autres boîtes en fonction d'une boîte type \newenvironment{boite}[3][]{\begin{boitetype}[#1]{#2}{#3}{white}}{\end{boitetype}} \newenvironment{boitecoin}[3][]{\begin{boitecointype}[#1]{#2}{#3}{#3}{#3!5!white}{#3!50}{2pt}}{\end{boitecointype}} \newenvironment{regles}[2][]{\begin{boitetype}[sharp corners, boxrule = 3pt, coltitle = white, #1]{#2}{BrickRed}{Goldenrod}}{\end{boitetype}} \newenvironment{definition}[2][]{\begin{boitecoin}[#1]{#2}{Green}}{\end{boitecoin}} \newenvironment{conseil}[2][]{\begin{boitetype}[#1]{#2}{cyan}{cyan!40}}{\end{boitetype}} \newenvironment{attention}[2][]{\begin{boitetype}[left = 6mm, coltitle = white, sharp corners = west, underlay = {% \path[fill = yellow!50!black] (frame.south west) rectangle node[white] {\huge\bfseries{}!} ([xshift = 4mm]frame.north west); }, drop fuzzy shadow, #1]{#2}{yellow!20!black}{yellow!50}}{\end{boitetype}} % Nouvelle boîte "attention" -- Inspiration : boîte "marker" (code source guide tcolorbox) %%% --- Explications --- %%% % Ne fonctionne pas : \newenvironment{code}[2][]{\begin{boitecodetype}[#1]{#2}{LimeGreen}{LimeGreen!5!white}{LimeGreen!50}{2pt}{TeX}}{\end{boitecodetype}} % Boite type avec listings impossible --> problème lors de l'appel du nouvel environnement % (en gros, avec une couche supplémentaire \newenvironment, listings n'arrive pas à bien détecter le début et la fin de l'environnement donc erreur) % Solution : % Utilisation de styles (commandes propres à tcolorbox & listings) pour recenser les options à utiliser % Création ensuite de 3 environnements (distincts et non imbriqués) mais avec appel de ces commandes % ==> gain de lignes et généralisation possible %%% --- FIN Explications --- %%% % Stockage de 2 variables principales (plus propre) % Autre solution : utiliser le code source tcolorbox (tcbcol@frame : couleur définie par colback) % Attention : breakable non appliqué si "listing side text" (pas de coupure) % ==> faire des "petits" bouts de code \tcbset{ codemainoptions/.style = { maincolor/.store in = {\tcbmaincol}, maincolor = LimeGreen, rulewidth/.store in = {\tcbrulewidth}, rulewidth = 2pt, enhanced, breakable, beforeafter skip = \baselineskip, sharp corners, boxrule = \tcbrulewidth, colframe = \tcbmaincol, colback = \tcbmaincol!15, drop fuzzy shadow, colbacktitle = \tcbmaincol!50, coltitle = black, fonttitle = \bfseries, title = {#1}, attach boxed title to top center = {yshift = -\tcbrulewidth/2-\tcboxedtitleheight/2, yshifttext = -\tcboxedtitleheight/2}, boxed title style = {boxrule = \tcbrulewidth, frame code = { \path[tcb fill frame] ([xshift = -3mm]frame.west) -- (frame.north west) -- (frame.north east) -- ([xshift = 3mm]frame.east) -- (frame.south east) -- (frame.south west) -- cycle;}, interior code = { \path[tcb fill interior] ([xshift = -2mm]interior.west) -- (interior.north west) -- (interior.north east) -- ([xshift = 2mm]interior.east) -- (interior.south east) -- (interior.south west) -- cycle;}} } } \lstdefinestyle{mainlststyle}{ language = {[LaTeX]TeX}, style = tcblatex, texcsstyle = *\color{cyan!65!black}, commentstyle = \color{gray}, tabsize = 4, keepspaces = true, breaklines = true, breakatwhitespace = false, inputencoding = utf8, numbers = none, showspaces = false, showtabs = false, showstringspaces = false } % N.B. : #2 = titre de la boite \newtcblisting{code}[2][]{codemainoptions = {#2}, listing options = {style = mainlststyle}, listing only, #1} \newtcblisting{codedisplay}[2][]{codemainoptions = {#2}, listing options = {style = mainlststyle}, listing side text, righthand ratio = 0.4, sidebyside gap = 13mm, bicolor, colbacklower = white, #1} % compilable listing ==> compiler "main.tex" avec "-shell-escape" \newtcblisting{coderesult}[2][]{codemainoptions = {#2}, listing options = {style = mainlststyle}, listing and comment, bicolor, colbacklower = white, compilable listing, run pdflatex, pdf comment, freeze pdf, comment style = {raster columns = 2, drop lifted shadow}, #1} % Boîte spéciale code TikZ % 1ère idée : nouvelle boîte brute avec listing and comment (comment = {\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{\tcbuselistingtext}} -- \tcbuse... = contenu de la boîte soit code TikZ) % 2nde idée : se contenter d'un "listing and text" avec structure boîte "codedisplay" \newtcblisting{codetikz}[2][]{codemainoptions = {#2}, listing options = {style = mainlststyle}, listing and text, bicolor, colbacklower = white, #1}