%%% -*-BibTeX-*- %%% ==================================================================== %%% BibTeX-file{ %%% author = "Nelson H. F. Beebe", %%% version = "2.63", %%% date = "24 December 2019", %%% time = "12:14:56 MST", %%% filename = "typeset.bib", %%% address = "University of Utah %%% Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB %%% 155 S 1400 E RM 233 %%% Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 %%% USA", %%% telephone = "+1 801 581 5254", %%% FAX = "+1 801 581 4148", %%% URL = "http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe", %%% checksum = "40807 25366 121878 1141317", %%% email = "beebe at math.utah.edu, beebe at acm.org, %%% beebe at computer.org (Internet)", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% keywords = "bibliography, BibTeX, computer-based %%% typesetting, history of typography", %%% license = "public domain", %%% supported = "yes", %%% docstring = "This is a bibliography of publications related %%% to typesetting, primarily computer-based %%% typesetting. However, a considerable %%% amount of pre-computer era material is also %%% included. %%% %%% Companion bibliographies font.bib and %%% texbook3.bib cover fonts and the TeX %%% typesetting system, eleccomp covers the %%% magazine Electronic Composition and %%% Imaging, ep.bib covers electronic %%% publishing, epodd.bib covers the journal %%% Electronic Publishing, postscri.bib covers %%% the PostScript page description language %%% and PDF (Portable Document Format), and %%% sgml.bib covers SGML and HTML. %%% %%% At version 2.63, the year coverage looked %%% like this: %%% %%% 1881 ( 1) 1928 ( 1) 1975 ( 14) %%% 1882 ( 0) 1929 ( 1) 1976 ( 8) %%% 1883 ( 1) 1930 ( 4) 1977 ( 12) %%% 1884 ( 0) 1931 ( 2) 1978 ( 11) %%% 1885 ( 0) 1932 ( 0) 1979 ( 14) %%% 1886 ( 0) 1933 ( 1) 1980 ( 24) %%% 1887 ( 1) 1934 ( 0) 1981 ( 20) %%% 1888 ( 0) 1935 ( 0) 1982 ( 35) %%% 1889 ( 0) 1936 ( 0) 1983 ( 37) %%% 1890 ( 0) 1937 ( 1) 1984 ( 41) %%% 1891 ( 0) 1938 ( 0) 1985 ( 33) %%% 1892 ( 0) 1939 ( 1) 1986 ( 58) %%% 1893 ( 0) 1940 ( 1) 1987 ( 54) %%% 1894 ( 0) 1941 ( 1) 1988 ( 40) %%% 1895 ( 0) 1942 ( 0) 1989 ( 29) %%% 1896 ( 0) 1943 ( 0) 1990 ( 32) %%% 1897 ( 0) 1944 ( 0) 1991 ( 19) %%% 1898 ( 1) 1945 ( 0) 1992 ( 22) %%% 1899 ( 0) 1946 ( 0) 1993 ( 35) %%% 1900 ( 1) 1947 ( 1) 1994 ( 35) %%% 1901 ( 0) 1948 ( 0) 1995 ( 27) %%% 1902 ( 0) 1949 ( 1) 1996 ( 24) %%% 1903 ( 0) 1950 ( 1) 1997 ( 8) %%% 1904 ( 0) 1951 ( 0) 1998 ( 13) %%% 1905 ( 0) 1952 ( 3) 1999 ( 11) %%% 1906 ( 1) 1953 ( 0) 2000 ( 8) %%% 1907 ( 0) 1954 ( 3) 2001 ( 5) %%% 1908 ( 0) 1955 ( 2) 2002 ( 13) %%% 1909 ( 0) 1956 ( 0) 2003 ( 4) %%% 1910 ( 0) 1957 ( 0) 2004 ( 2) %%% 1911 ( 0) 1958 ( 2) 2005 ( 7) %%% 1912 ( 0) 1959 ( 1) 2006 ( 3) %%% 1913 ( 0) 1960 ( 0) 2007 ( 3) %%% 1914 ( 0) 1961 ( 2) 2008 ( 0) %%% 1915 ( 0) 1962 ( 3) 2009 ( 2) %%% 1916 ( 1) 1963 ( 0) 2010 ( 2) %%% 1917 ( 0) 1964 ( 4) 2011 ( 3) %%% 1918 ( 0) 1965 ( 8) 2012 ( 4) %%% 1919 ( 1) 1966 ( 6) 2013 ( 3) %%% 1920 ( 1) 1967 ( 8) 2014 ( 2) %%% 1921 ( 1) 1968 ( 4) 2015 ( 4) %%% 1922 ( 0) 1969 ( 9) 2016 ( 1) %%% 1923 ( 1) 1970 ( 7) 2017 ( 5) %%% 1924 ( 0) 1971 ( 11) 2018 ( 2) %%% 1925 ( 0) 1972 ( 8) 2019 ( 7) %%% 1926 ( 1) 1973 ( 10) %%% 1927 ( 0) 1974 ( 8) %%% 19xx ( 3) %%% 20xx ( 2) %%% %%% Article: 335 %%% Book: 312 %%% InCollection: 5 %%% InProceedings: 54 %%% Manual: 42 %%% MastersThesis: 20 %%% Misc: 19 %%% Periodical: 8 %%% PhdThesis: 6 %%% Proceedings: 33 %%% TechReport: 34 %%% %%% Total entries: 868 %%% %%% This bibliography has been collected from %%% bibliographies in the author's personal %%% files, from the University of California %%% MELVYL catalog, from the OCLC databases, from %%% the U.S. Library of Congress, from the IEEE %%% INSPEC database, from the UnCover database, %%% from the Compendex databases (1970--1996), %%% from the computer graphics bibliography %%% archive at ftp.siggraph.org, and from the %%% computer science bibliography collection on %%% ftp.ira.uka.de in /pub/bibliography to which %%% many people of have contributed. The %%% snapshot of this collection was taken on %%% 5-May-1994, and it consists of 441 BibTeX %%% files, 2,672,675 lines, 205,289 entries, and %%% 6,375 String{} abbreviations, occupying %%% 94.8MB of disk space. %%% %%% Numerous errors in the sources noted above %%% have been corrected. Spelling has been %%% verified with the UNIX spell and GNU ispell %%% programs using the exception dictionary %%% stored in the companion file with extension %%% .sok. %%% %%% BibTeX citation tags are uniformly chosen as %%% name:year:abbrev, where name is the family %%% name of the first author or editor, year is a %%% 4-digit number, and abbrev is a 3-letter %%% condensation of important title %%% words. Citation tags were automatically %%% generated by software developed for the %%% BibNet Project. %%% %%% In this bibliography, entries are sorted %%% first by ascending year, and within each %%% year, alphabetically by author or editor, %%% and then, if necessary, by the 3-letter %%% abbreviation at the end of the BibTeX %%% citation tag, using the bibsort -byyear %%% utility. Year order has been chosen to %%% make it easier to identify the most recent %%% work. %%% %%% The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 %%% checksum as the first value, followed by the %%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word %%% count) utility output of lines, words, and %%% characters. This is produced by Robert %%% Solovay's checksum utility.", %%% } %%% ==================================================================== @Preamble{ "\hyphenation{ Ang-stadt man-u-script man-u-scripts }" # "\ifx \undefined \booktitle \def \booktitle #1{{{\em #1}}} \fi" # "\ifx \undefined \VorTeX \def \VorTeX {V\kern-2.7pt\lower.5ex\hbox{O\kern-1.4pt R}\kern-2.6pt\TeX}\fi" # "\ifx \undefined \Xy \def \Xy {{\sc Xy}} \fi" } %%% ==================================================================== %%% Acknowledgement abbreviations: @String{ack-cr = "Chris Rowley, e-mail: \path|C.A.Rowley@open.ac.uk|"} @String{ack-dw = "Dave Walden, e-mail: \path|dave.walden.family@gmail.com|"} @String{ack-kl = "Ken Lunde, e-mail: \path|lunde@adobe.com|"} @String{ack-lh = "Lars Hellstr{\"o}m, e-mail: \path|Lars.Hellstrom@math.umu.se|"} @String{ack-mgk = "Markus G. Kuhn, Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK, e-mail: \path|mkuhn@acm.org|, URL: \path|http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/|"} @String{ack-mh = "Michael Hohn, e-mail: \path|hohn@math.utah.edu|"} @String{ack-nhfb = "Nelson H. F. Beebe, University of Utah, Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB, 155 S 1400 E RM 233, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA, Tel: +1 801 581 5254, FAX: +1 801 581 4148, e-mail: \path|beebe@math.utah.edu|, \path|beebe@acm.org|, \path|beebe@computer.org| (Internet), URL: \path|http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe/|"} @String{ack-rsm = "Robert S. Maier, Mathematics Department, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA, e-mail: \path|rsm@math.arizona.edu|"} @String{ack-ud = "Ulrich Dirr, e-mail: \path|ud@art-satz.de|"} %%% ==================================================================== %%% Institution abbreviations: @String{inst-APPL-FORTH-RES = "Institute for Applied FORTH Research"} @String{inst-APPL-FORTH-RES:adr = "Rochester, NY, USA"} @String{inst-ATT-BELL = "AT\&T Bell Laboratories"} @String{inst-ATT-BELL:adr = "Murray Hill, NJ, USA"} @String{inst-U-MARYLAND = "University of Maryland"} @String{inst-U-MARYLAND:adr = "College Park, MD, USA"} %%% ==================================================================== %%% Journal abbreviations: @String{j-ABACUS = "Abacus"} @String{j-ALLC-BULL = "ALLC Bull"} @String{j-AM-DOC = "American Documentation"} @String{j-APL-QUOTE-QUAD = "APL Quote Quad"} @String{j-BEHAV-RES-METH-INSTR-COMP = "Behavior research methods, instruments, and computers"} @String{j-BRITISH-PRINTER = "The British Printer: a journal for the printing trades"} @String{j-BULL-AM-SOC-INF-SCI = "Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science"} @String{j-BYTE = "BYTE Magazine"} @String{j-CACM = "Communications of the ACM"} @String{j-CAD = "Computer Aided Design"} @String{j-CARTOGRAPHICA = "Cartographica"} @String{j-CGF = "Com{\-}pu{\-}ter Graphics Forum"} @String{j-CGIP = "Computer Graphics and Image Processing"} @String{j-COLO-LAWYER = "Colorado Lawyer"} @String{j-COMP-COMM = "Computer Communications"} @String{j-COMP-GRAPHICS = "Computer Graphics"} @String{j-COMP-J = "The Computer Journal"} @String{j-COMP-LANGS = "Computer Languages"} @String{j-COMP-PHYS-COMM = "Computer Physics Communications"} @String{j-COMP-SYS = "Computing Systems"} @String{j-COMP-TECH-REV = "Computer Technology Review"} @String{j-COMPCHEM = "Computers in Chemistry"} @String{j-COMPUT-BIOL-MED = "Computers in Biology and Medicine"} @String{j-COMPUT-CHEM = "Computers and Chemistry"} @String{j-COMPUT-IND-ENG = "Computers \& industrial engineering"} @String{j-COMPUTER = "Computer"} @String{j-COMPUTERS-AND-GRAPHICS = "Computers and Graphics"} @String{j-DDJ = "Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools"} @String{j-ECONOMIST = "The Economist"} @String{j-ELECTRON-POWER = "Electronics and power"} @String{j-ELECTRONIC-DESIGN = "Electronic Design"} @String{j-ELECTRONICS = "Electronics"} @String{j-EPODD = "Electronic Pub\-lish\-ing\emdash{}Orig\-i\-na\-tion, Dissemination, and Design"} @String{j-ERGONOMICS = "Ergonomics"} @String{j-EUR-J-OPER-RES = "European Journal of Operational Research"} @String{j-FOLIO = "Folio: the Magazine for Magazine Management"} @String{j-FUJITSU-SCI-TECH-J = "Fujitsu scientific and technical journal"} @String{j-HEWLETT-PACKARD-J = "Hewlett--Packard Journal: technical information from the laboratories of Hewlett--Packard Company"} @String{j-HOME-OFF-COMPUT = "Home office computing: building better business"} @String{j-HUM-FACTORS = "Human Factors"} @String{j-IBM-JRD = "IBM Journal of Research and Development"} @String{j-IBM-TDB = "IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin"} @String{j-IEEE-ANN-HIST-COMPUT = "IEEE Annals of the History of Computing"} @String{j-IEEE-CGA = "IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications"} @String{j-IEEE-J-SOLID-STATE-CIRCUITS = "IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits"} @String{j-IEEE-POT = "IEEE Potentials"} @String{j-IEEE-SPECTRUM = "IEEE Spectrum"} @String{j-IEEE-TRANS-AEROSP-ELECTRON-SYST = "IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems"} @String{j-IEEE-TRANS-CONSUMER-ELECTRONICS = "IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics"} @String{j-IEEE-TRANS-MAGNETICS = "IEEE Transactions on Magnetics"} @String{j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMM = "IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication"} @String{j-IN-PLANT-REPROD = "In-plant Reproductions"} @String{j-INFO-TECH-LIB = "Information Technology and Libraries"} @String{j-INT-J-HIGH-SPEED-COMPUTING = "International Journal of High Speed Computing"} @String{j-INT-J-MAN-MACHINE-STUDIES = "International Journal of Man-Machine Studies"} @String{j-J-ACM = "Journal of the ACM"} @String{j-J-AM-SOC-INF-SCI = "Journal of the American Society for Information Science"} @String{j-J-CHEM-INFO-COMP-SCI = "J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci"} @String{j-J-COMP-SCI-TECH = "Journal of computer science and technology"} @String{j-J-DOC = "Journal of Documentation"} @String{j-J-INFO-PROC = "Journal of Information Processing"} @String{j-J-INST-ELEC-TELECOMM-ENG = "J. Inst. Electron. Telecommun. Eng"} @String{j-J-ORG-CHEM = "Journal of Organic Chemistry"} @String{j-J-SYST-SOFTW = "The Journal of Systems and Software"} @String{j-LASER-FOCUS-WORLD = "Laser focus world"} @String{j-LIB-HI-TECH = "Library Hi Tech"} @String{j-MICROCOMPUT-INF-MANAGE = "Microcomputers for Information Management"} @String{j-MICROPROC-MICROPROG = "Microprocessing and Microprogramming"} @String{j-NAMS = "Notices of the American Mathematical Society"} @String{j-NEURAL-NETWORKS = "Neural Networks"} @String{j-NEW-TECH-WORK-EMPLOYMENT = "New Technology, Work, and Employment"} @String{j-ONLINE = "Online"} @String{j-OPT-COMM = "Optics Communications"} @String{j-PARALLEL-PROCESS-LETT = "Parallel Processing Letters"} @String{j-PATTERN-RECOGN = "Pattern Recognition"} @String{j-PERFORM-INSTR-J = "Performance \& Instruction Journal"} @String{j-PERSPECT-SCI = "Perspectives on Science"} @String{j-PHYS-REV-LET = "Physical Review Letters"} @String{j-POSTSCRIPT-LANG-J = "The PostScript Language Journal"} @String{j-PRINTING-HISTORY-NS = "Printing History (New Series)"} @String{j-PROC-AMER-PHIL-SOC = "Proceedings of the {American Philosophical Society} held at {Philadelphia} for promoting useful knowledge"} @String{j-PROC-ASIS-AM = "Proceedings of the ASIS annual meeting"} @String{j-PROC-NATL-ONLINE-MEET = "Proceedings --- National Online Meeting"} @String{j-PROGRAM = "Program"} @String{j-PUBLISH = "Publish!: the how-to magazine of desktop publishing"} @String{j-SCH-PUBL = "Scholarly Publishing"} @String{j-SCI-AMER = "Scientific American"} @String{j-SCI-COMPUT-PROGRAM = "Science of Computer Programming"} @String{j-SEYBOLD = "The Seybold Report on Desktop Publishing"} @String{j-SIGAPL = "ACM SIGAPL APL Quote Quad"} @String{j-SIGPLAN = "ACM SIGPLAN Notices"} @String{j-SIGSAM = "SIGSAM Bulletin"} @String{j-SMITHSONIAN = "Smithsonian"} @String{j-SPE = "Soft{\-}ware\emdash Prac{\-}tice and Experience"} @String{j-TECH-COMMUN = "Technical Communication"} @String{j-TOIS = "ACM Transactions on Information Systems"} @String{j-TOPLAS = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"} @String{j-UMAP = "The UMAP Journal"} @String{j-UNIV-COMP = "University Computing"} @String{j-VISUAL-COMPUTER = "Visual Computer"} %%% ==================================================================== %%% Publisher abbreviations: @String{pub-ACM = "ACM Press"} @String{pub-ACM:adr = "New York, NY, USA"} @String{pub-ACS = "American Chemical Society"} @String{pub-ACS:adr = "Washington, DC, USA"} @String{pub-ADOBE-PRESS = "Adobe Press"} @String{pub-ADOBE-PRESS:adr = "Mountain View, CA, USA"} @String{pub-AIP = "American Institute of Physics"} @String{pub-AIP:adr = "Woodbury, NY, USA"} @String{pub-ALLWORTH-PRESS = "Allworth Press"} @String{pub-ALLWORTH-PRESS:adr = "New York, NY, USA"} @String{pub-AMS = "American Mathematical Society"} @String{pub-AMS:adr = "Providence, RI, USA"} @String{pub-AP-PROFESSIONAL = "AP Professional"} @String{pub-AP-PROFESSIONAL:adr = "Boston, MA, USA"} @String{pub-AW = "Addison-Wesley"} @String{pub-AW:adr = "Reading, MA, USA"} @String{pub-BIRKHAUSER = "Birkhauser Boston Inc."} @String{pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr = "Cambridge, MA, USA"} @String{pub-BLUEPRINT = "Blueprint"} @String{pub-BLUEPRINT:adr = "London, UK"} @String{pub-BOWKER = "R. R. Bowker Company"} @String{pub-BOWKER:adr = "1180 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036, USA"} @String{pub-CAMBRIDGE = "Cambridge University Press"} @String{pub-CAMBRIDGE:adr = "Cambridge, UK"} @String{pub-CHAPMAN-HALL = "Chapman and Hall, Ltd."} @String{pub-CHAPMAN-HALL:adr = "London, UK"} @String{pub-CHAPMAN-HALL-CRC = "Chapman and Hall/CRC"} @String{pub-CHAPMAN-HALL-CRC:adr = "Boca Raton, FL, USA"} @String{pub-CSLI = "CSLI Publications"} @String{pub-CSLI:adr = "Stanford, CA, USA"} @String{pub-CUP = "Cambridge University Press"} @String{pub-CUP:adr = "New York, NY, USA"} @String{pub-DP = "Digital Press"} @String{pub-DP:adr = "12 Crosby Drive, Bedford, MA 01730, USA"} @String{pub-ENH = "Elsevier North-Holland, Inc."} @String{pub-ENH:adr = "New York, NY, USA"} @String{pub-FABER-FABER = "Faber and Faber"} @String{pub-FABER-FABER:adr = "London, UK"} @String{pub-GRAPHICS-PRESS = "Graphics Press"} @String{pub-GRAPHICS-PRESS:adr = "Box 430, Cheshire, CT 06410, USA"} @String{pub-HALSTED = "Halsted Press"} @String{pub-HALSTED:adr = "New York, USA"} @String{pub-HARTLEY-MARKS = "Hartley \& Marks Publishers"} @String{pub-HARTLEY-MARKS:adr = "Point Roberts, WA, USA and Vancouver, BC, Canada"} @String{pub-HARVARD = "Harvard University Press"} @String{pub-HARVARD-INFO-TECH = "Harvard Univ. Of. for Info. and Tech."} @String{pub-HARVARD-INFO-TECH:adr = "Cambridge, MA, USA"} @String{pub-HARVARD:adr = "Cambridge, MA, USA"} @String{pub-HAYDEN = "Hayden Books"} @String{pub-HAYDEN:adr = "4300 West 62nd Street, Indianapolis, IN 46268, USA"} @String{pub-HYPHEN = "Hyphen Press"} @String{pub-HYPHEN:adr = "London, UK"} @String{pub-IBM = "IBM Corporation"} @String{pub-IBM:adr = "San Jose, CA, USA"} @String{pub-IEEE = "IEEE Computer Society Press"} @String{pub-IEEE:adr = "1109 Spring Street, Suite 300, Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA"} @String{pub-INT-TEXTBOOK = "International Textbook Co."} @String{pub-INT-TEXTBOOK:adr = "Scranton, PA, USA"} @String{pub-IRISA = "IRISA"} @String{pub-IRISA:adr = "Rennes, France"} @String{pub-ISO = "International Organization for Standardization"} @String{pub-ISO:adr = "Geneva, Switzerland"} @String{pub-MASARYKOVA = "Masarykova Universita"} @String{pub-MASARYKOVA:adr = "Brno, Czechoslovakia"} @String{pub-MIT = "MIT Press"} @String{pub-MIT:adr = "Cambridge, MA, USA"} @String{pub-NBS = "U.S. National Bureau of Standards"} @String{pub-NBS:adr = "Gaithersburg, MD, USA"} @String{pub-NIST = "National Institute for Standards and Technology"} @String{pub-NIST:adr = "Gaithersburg, MD, USA"} @String{pub-NORTON = "W. W. Norton \& Co."} @String{pub-NORTON:adr = "New York, NY, USA"} @String{pub-OAK-KNOLL = "Oak Knoll Books"} @String{pub-OAK-KNOLL:adr = "414 Delaware St., New Castle, DE 19720, USA"} @String{pub-ORA = "O'Reilly \& {Associates, Inc.}"} @String{pub-ORA:adr = "103a Morris Street, Sebastopol, CA 95472, USA, Tel: +1 707 829 0515, and 90 Sherman Street, Cambridge, MA 02140, USA, Tel: +1 617 354 5800"} @String{pub-OXFORD = "Oxford University Press"} @String{pub-OXFORD:adr = "Walton Street, Oxford OX2 6DP, UK"} @String{pub-PH = "Prentice-Hall, Inc."} @String{pub-PH:adr = "Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA"} @String{pub-PTI = "Personal {\TeX} Inc."} @String{pub-PTI:adr = "12 Madrona Street, Mill Valley, CA 94941, USA"} @String{pub-RESTON = "Reston Publishing Co., Inc."} @String{pub-RESTON:adr = "Reston, VA, USA"} @String{pub-ROTOVISION = "Rotovision"} @String{pub-ROTOVISION:adr = "Hove, East Sussex BN3 1DD, England"} @String{pub-RRB = "R. R. Bowker Company"} @String{pub-RRB:adr = "New York, NY, USA"} @String{pub-SEYBOLD = "Seybold Publications"} @String{pub-SEYBOLD:adr = "San Francisco, CA, USA"} @String{pub-SIAM = "Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics"} @String{pub-SIAM:adr = "Philadelphia, PA, USA"} @String{pub-SILICON = "Silicon Press"} @String{pub-SILICON:adr = "Summit, NJ, USA"} @String{pub-SOC-SCHOL-PUB = "Society for Scholarly Publishing"} @String{pub-SOC-SCHOL-PUB:adr = "Washington, DC, USA"} @String{pub-SPIE = "Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)"} @String{pub-SPIE:adr = "Bellingham, WA, USA"} @String{pub-ST-MARTINS = "St. Martin's Press"} @String{pub-ST-MARTINS:adr = "New York, NY, USA"} @String{pub-STEINER = "Steiner"} @String{pub-STEINER:adr = "Stuttgart, Germany"} @String{pub-SV = "Springer-Verlag Inc."} @String{pub-SV:adr = "New York, NY, USA"} @String{pub-TRILITHON = "Trilithon Press"} @String{pub-TRILITHON:adr = "Los Altos, CA, USA"} @String{pub-TUG = "{\TeX} Users Group"} @String{pub-TUG:adr = "San Francisco, CA, USA"} @String{pub-U-CHICAGO = "University of Chicago Press"} @String{pub-U-CHICAGO:adr = "Chicago, IL, USA"} @String{pub-USENIX = "USENIX"} @String{pub-USENIX:adr = "Berkeley, CA, USA"} @String{pub-USNPS = "U. S. Naval Postgraduate School"} @String{pub-USNPS:adr = "Monterey, CA 93940, USA"} @String{pub-USNWL = "U. S. Naval Weapons Laboratory"} @String{pub-USNWL:adr = "Dahlgren, VA 22448, USA"} @String{pub-VNR = "Van Nostrand Reinhold Co."} @String{pub-VNR:adr = "New York, NY, USA"} @String{pub-WATSON-GUPTILL = "Wat{\-}son-Gup{\-}till Publications"} @String{pub-WATSON-GUPTILL:adr = "1515 Broadway, New York, NY 10036, USA"} @String{pub-WILEY = "John Wiley and Sons, Inc."} @String{pub-WILEY:adr = "New York, NY, USA"} @String{pub-WINDCREST = "Windcrest\slash McGraw-Hill"} @String{pub-WINDCREST:adr = "Blue Ridge Summit, PA, USA"} @String{pub-WORLD-SCI = "World Scientific Publishing Co."} @String{pub-WORLD-SCI:adr = "Singapore; Philadelphia, PA, USA; River Edge, NJ, USA"} @String{pub-WYNKYN-DE-WORDE = "The Wynkyn de Worde Society"} @String{pub-WYNKYN-DE-WORDE:adr = "Hatfield, UK"} %%% ==================================================================== %%% Series abbreviations: @String{ser-LNCS = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"} %%% ==================================================================== %%% Bibliography entries (sorted by year and then by citation label): @Book{Foster:1881:HBM, author = "Charles Foster", title = "How books are made: a description of typesetting, wood engraving, electrotyping, printing, and other interesting features of book manufacture", publisher = "????", address = "Philadelphia, PA, USA", pages = "24", year = "1881", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Book industries and trade.", } @Book{Hart:1883:APT, author = "M. C. Hart", title = "The amateur printer; or, typesetting at home. {A} complete instructor for the amateur in all the details of the printer's art. With explanatory engravings", publisher = "Dick \& Fitzgerald", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "4 + ii + 5--44 + 28", year = "1883", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing, Practical; Type-setting.", } @Book{Barnes:1887:CFR, author = "William C. Barnes and Joseph W. McCann and Alexander Duguid", title = "A collation of facts relative to fast typesetting: together with portraits and biographies of the more famous swift compositors", publisher = "Concord Co-operative Printing Co.", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "80", year = "1887", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Cover title: Fast typesetting.", keywords = "Type-setting.", } @Book{Mergenthaler:1898:BOM, author = "Ottmar Mergenthaler", title = "The biography of {Ottmar Mergenthaler}, inventor of the {Linotype}", publisher = "Mergenthaler Linotype Company", address = "Baltimore, MD. USA", pages = "71", year = "1898", LCCN = "Z253 .M48", bibdate = "Tue Nov 18 09:36:34 MST 2014", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", note = "See also extended edition \cite{Mergenthaler:1989:BOM}.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, author-dates = "1854--1899", subject = "Linotype; Mergenthaler, Ottmar; Inventors; United States; Biography; Typesetting machines; History", subject-dates = "1854--1899", } @Book{CompugraphicCorporation:1900:ITT, author = "{Compugraphic Corporation}", title = "An introduction to typography and typesetting: Part {I}: Typography concepts", publisher = "Compugraphic Corporation", address = "Wilmington, MA, USA", pages = "66", year = "1900", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``A programmed instruction course.''", keywords = "Printing, Practical --- Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Type-setting --- Handbooks, manuals, etc", } @Book{ICS:1906:PVP, author = "{International Correspondence Schools}", title = "Penmanship, vertical penmanship: elements of {English} grammar, elements of {English} composition, punctuation and capitalization, business correspondence, typesetting and proofreading, tabulating, title-page composition, civil service letter writing, report writing", publisher = pub-INT-TEXTBOOK, address = pub-INT-TEXTBOOK:adr, pages = "various", year = "1906", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Business education; Language arts; Penmanship.", } @Book{Taylor:1916:CBC, author = "Henry Huntly Taylor", title = "Comparative basic costs of typesetting by hand, linotype, and monotype, of, 8, 10, and 12 point non-technical text matter, set both leaded and solid", publisher = pub-HARVARD, address = pub-HARVARD:adr, pages = "54", year = "1916", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Harvard University. Graduate School of Business Administration. Student reports on business problems, no. 1", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Stewart:1919:TPI, author = "Alexander A. Stewart", title = "Typesetting: a primer of information about working at the case, justifying, spacing, correcting, making-up, and other operations employed in setting type by hand", publisher = "Committee on Education, United Typothetae of America", address = "Chicago, IL, USA", pages = "94 + ix", year = "1919", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Typographic technical series for apprentices; pt. II, no. 16 Typographic technical series for apprentices; pt. 2, no. 16", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing, Practical.; Type-setting", } @Book{Benham:1920:ITT, author = "Charles Edward Benham", title = "Intensive training in typesetting: a report", publisher = "Maqua Co.", address = "Schenectady, NY, USA", pages = "62", year = "1920", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Typesetting --- Problems, exercises, etc.", } @TechReport{Berry:1921:ST, author = "Edward D. Berry", title = "Single types", institution = "????", address = "East Aurora, NY, USA", pages = "16", year = "1921", LCCN = "Z253 .B53", bibdate = "Mon May 20 18:05:47 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Berry:1923:STC, author = "Edward D. Berry", title = "{Standard Typesetting Company} is gratified to exhibit first in the {West} {Mr. Goudy's} beautiful types made after a face credited to {Claude Garamond} in fifteen forty", publisher = "????", address = "Chicago, IL, USA", pages = "8", year = "1923", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Goudy, Frederic W. --- (Frederic William), --- 1865--1947; Printing --- Specimens.", } @Book{Weston:1926:RBI, author = "H. Claude (Hubert Claude) Weston and A. K. Taylor", title = "The relation between illumination and efficiency in fine work (typesetting by hand): joint report of the {Industrial Fatigue Research Board} and the {Illumination Research Committee}", publisher = "His Majesty's Stationary Office", address = "London, UK", pages = "v + 12", year = "1926", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "At head of title: Medical Research Council and Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Includes bibliographical references.", keywords = "Efficiency, Industrial.; Electric lighting", } @Book{Weston:1928:EDS, author = "H. C. Weston and A. K. Taylor", title = "The effect of different systems of lighting on output and accuracy in fine work (typesetting by hand); joint report of the Industrial Fatigue Research Board and the Illumination Research Committee", publisher = "His Majesty's Stationary Office", address = "London, UK", pages = "iv + 12", year = "1928", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "At head of title: Medical Research Council and Department of Scientific and Industrial Research.", keywords = "Employee Performance Appraisal; Light --- standards; Light --- supply and distribution; Work --- organization and administration.", } @Misc{Gag:1929:TE, author = "Wanda Gag", title = "Typesetting equipment", year = "1929", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "1 art print", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "By Wanda Gag, as noted in catalogs of her work, for a May-June 1929 calendar published by The Spiral Press, New York.", } @Periodical{Anonymous:1930:PP, key = "PP'30", title = "Printing production", publisher = "Penton Publishing Company", address = "Cleveland, OH, USA", year = "1930", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, alttitle = "Typesetting machine engineers' journal --1930 Printing equipment engineer 1931?--May 1958 Printing management. Graphic arts edition Printing management. Newspaper industry edition", } @Book{ATC:1930:BSB, author = "{American Typesetting Corporation}", title = "The book of specimens: the book of the {American Typesetting Corporation}, typographers to printers, publishers and advertisers, wherein are shown type faces, rules, ornaments, borders and typographic materials to be had of {American} typographers, both by day and by night", publisher = "The Corporation", address = "Chicago, IL, USA", pages = "270", year = "1930", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Alphabets.; Printing --- Specimens; Type and type-founding", } @Manual{CTC:1930:TBD, title = "Type \ldots{} being a demonstration of the variety of {Linotype} and {Monotype} faces that are available at {Columbus Typesetting Company}", organization = "Columbus Typesetting Company", address = "Columbus, O", pages = "8 + 158", year = "1930", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing --- Specimens; Type and type-founding.", } @Book{LPC:1930:SPA, author = "{Linotype Parts Corporation}", title = "Star parts and accessories for typesetting machines, composing room supplies", publisher = "The Company", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "76", year = "1930", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Price list no. 6.", keywords = "Printing machinery and supplies.", } @Book{Anonymous:1931:MPC, author = "Anonymous", title = "The {Maple Press Company} Style Book", publisher = "Maple Press Company", address = "York, PA, USA", pages = "????", year = "1931", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Wed Oct 29 12:31:00 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Reprinted 1942.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb # " and " # ack-bnb, annote = "Contains sections on fractions; mathematical signs; simple equations; alignment of equations; braces, brackets and parentheses; integrals, sigmas and infinities; hyphens, dashes and minus signs; superiors and inferiors", } @Manual{WRC:1931:STA, title = "Special tools and appliances for those in care of typesetting and printing machines", organization = "William Reid and Company", address = "Chicago, IL, USA", pages = "104", year = "1931", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing machinery and supplies --- Catalogs; Tools --- Catalogs.; Type-setting machines", } @Book{Weston:1933:RBI, author = "Hubert Claude Weston and A. K. Taylor", title = "The relation between illumination and efficiency in fine work (typesetting by hand)", publisher = "His Majesty's Stationary Office", address = "London, UK", pages = "18", year = "1933", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "At head of title: Medical research council and Department of scientific and industrial research.", keywords = "Efficiency, Industrial.; Lighting", } @Book{Wilson:1937:TAT, author = "G. F. Wilson", title = "The Trend of advertisement typography: as reflected by the typesetting department of {Gee and Watson Ltd}", publisher = "Gee and Watson", address = "London, UK", pages = "49 + i", year = "1937", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Spiral bound. ``Number 1, December 1937'' --- cover.", } @Manual{LSC:1939:MTM, title = "To maintain typesetting machines efficiently and economically", organization = "Linotype Supply Company", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "8", year = "1939", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Caption title.", keywords = "Linotype; Printing machinery and supplies --- Catalogs.", } @Manual{Bell:1940:STM, title = "Specimen of types made by {John Bell}, now available for composition on the {Monotype} typesetting machine", organization = "Lanston Monotype Machine Co.", address = "Philadelphia, PA, USA", pages = "15", year = "1940", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "On cover: Showing monotype Bell, series no. 402. Contains: John Bell's type, a revision by Stanley Morison of his comment on John Bell's type, originally appearing in his ``Memoir of John Bell,'' printed at the University Press, Cambridge, England.", keywords = "Bell, John, --- 1745--1831; Monotype; Printing --- Specimens.", } @Book{Bauer:1941:HSG, author = "Friedrich Bauer", title = "{Handbuch f{\"u}r Schriftsetzer} ({German}) [{Handbook} for Typesetters]", publisher = "Verlag von Klimsch \& Co.", address = "Frankfurt/Main, Germany", edition = "Tenth", pages = "viii + 312", year = "1941", bibdate = "Fri Oct 31 07:47:46 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "{Klimschs graphische B{\"u}cherei}", acknowledgement = ack-ud # " and " # ack-nhfb, annote = "First edition 1904.", language = "German", } @Book{Bower:1947:MT, author = "W. M. Bower", title = "Mechanical typesetting", publisher = "Sir I. Pitman", address = "????", pages = "161--224", year = "1947", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Printing theory and practice; 3", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Type-setting machines.", } @Manual{LMMC:1949:DFM, title = "Display faces on the monotype; one-line specimens of the {Monotype} faces for which matrices are made to cast type to be used in hand composition, with a listing of sizes available for both machine and hand typesetting", organization = "Lanston Monotype Machine Company", address = "Philadelphia, PA, USA", pages = "30", year = "1949", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Cover title: Monotype display faces.", keywords = "Monotype; Printing --- Specimens.", } @Book{Sherman:1950:GMT, editor = "Frank M. Sherman", title = "The genesis of machine typesetting: a series of talks on the origin and early development of various machines now in general use for setting type by mechanical means", publisher = "M and L Typesetting and Electrotyping Co.", address = "Chicago, IL, USA", pages = "52", year = "1950", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Type-setting machines.", } @Book{Anonymous:1952:TTS, author = "Anonymous", title = "Tillotsons type specimen book, incorporating the house style of typesetting and standard printers' and authors' proof correction", publisher = "Tillotsons", address = "Bolton England", pages = "133", year = "1952", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing --- Specimens.", } @Article{Lingelbach:1952:FAI, author = "William E. Lingelbach", title = "{Franklin}'s ``{American} Instructor''. {Early} {Americanism} in the Art of Writing", journal = j-PROC-AMER-PHIL-SOC, volume = "96", number = "4", pages = "367--387", month = aug, year = "1952", CODEN = "PAPCAA", ISSN = "0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0003-049X", bibdate = "Sat Aug 24 19:38:21 MDT 2019", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/procamerphilsoc1950.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "https://www.jstor.org/stable/3143795", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, ajournal = "Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc.", fjournal = "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society", journal-URL = "http://www.jstor.org/journal/procamerphilsoci", remark = "Discusses Benjamin Franklin's influence on American handwriting, and on American typography and publishing.", } @Manual{TBL:1952:TSB, title = "Type specimen book, incorporating the house style of typesetting and standard printers' and authors' proof corrections", organization = "Tillotsons (Bolton) Ltd", address = "????", edition = "New", pages = "134", year = "1952", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Periodical{Anonymous:1954:PW, key = "PW'54", title = "Printing world", publisher = "Stonhill and Gillis", address = "London, UK", year = "1954", ISSN = "0032-8715", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, alttitle = "Printing world British and colonial printer (DLC) 93640078 (OCoLC)28136875 Printing today Oct. 28, 1981 (OCoLC)9603092 Printing trades journal (London, England) 0032-8707 (DLC) 92644751 (OCoLC)9166561", keywords = "Printing --- Periodicals; Stationery --- Periodicals.", } @Book{WBP:1954:MT, author = "{William Byrd Press}", title = "Mathematics in Type", publisher = "The William Byrd Press", address = "Richmond, VA, USA", pages = "xi + 58", year = "1954", LCCN = "Z250.6.M3 W5", bibdate = "Wed Oct 29 12:30:11 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb # " and " # ack-bnb, } @Book{Zapf:1954:MT, author = "Hermann Zapf", title = "Manuale typographicum", publisher = "Schauer", address = "Frankfurt am Main, West Germany", pages = "48 + 1", year = "1954", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Fri Nov 04 18:16:34 2016", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, language = "German", } @Article{Miller:1955:FTS, author = "C. William Miller", title = "{Franklin}'s Type: Its Study past and Present", journal = j-PROC-AMER-PHIL-SOC, volume = "99", number = "6", pages = "418--432", month = dec, year = "1955", CODEN = "PAPCAA", ISSN = "0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0003-049X", bibdate = "Sat Aug 24 19:38:22 MDT 2019", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/procamerphilsoc1950.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "https://www.jstor.org/stable/3143924", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society", journal-URL = "http://www.jstor.org/journal/procamerphilsoci", } @Manual{TBL:1955:THS, title = "Tillotsons house style of typesetting: with standard printers' and authors' proof corrections", organization = "Tillotsons (Bolton) Limited", address = "????", pages = "95", year = "1955", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Periodical{Anonymous:1958:PEE, key = "PEE'58", title = "Printing equipment engineer", publisher = "Willsea Pub. Co.", address = "Cleveland, OH, USA", year = "1958", ISSN = "0096-9400", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, alttitle = "Typesetting machine engineers' journal Printing production (OCoLC)8026463", annote = "Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich., University Microfilms. reels. 35 mm.", } @Article{Goudsmit:1958:Ec, author = "S. A. Goudsmit and E. der Mateosian and M. McKeown and S. Pasternack", title = "Editorial", journal = j-PHYS-REV-LET, volume = "1", number = "6", pages = "197--198", day = "15", month = sep, year = "1958", CODEN = "PRLTAO", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1103/physrevlett.1.197", ISSN = "0031-9007 (print), 1079-7114 (electronic), 1092-0145", ISSN-L = "0031-9007", bibdate = "Thu Apr 18 18:13:29 2019", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/bibnet/authors/g/goudsmit-samuel-a.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, author-dates = "Samuel A. Goudsmit (1902--1978)", fjournal = "Physical Review Letters", journal-URL = "http://prl.aps.org/browse", remark = "Contains a description of a technique for creating additional special symbols on an IBM typewriter as required for Physical Review Letters. It notes that the Physical Review is typeset with a Monotype system that offers about 2000 special symbols.", } @MastersThesis{Skrivanek:1959:SAT, author = "Richard F. Skrivanek", title = "Some attitudes toward typesetting machines in the nineteenth century", type = "Thesis (M.A.)", school = "University of Minnesota", address = "Minneapolis, MN, USA", pages = "17", year = "1959", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Type-setting machines.", } @Manual{BTS:1961:BTS, title = "{Burns Typesetting Service} [type specimen book]", organization = "Burns Typesetting Service", address = "Inglewood, CA, USA", pages = "various", year = "1961", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing --- Specimens.; Type and type-founding", } @Book{Phelps:1961:OTT, author = "Charles E. Phelps", title = "The origin of trade typesetting: a brief sketch", publisher = "Andersen Typesetting Co.", address = "Minneapolis, MN, USA", pages = "10", year = "1961", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Reprint of: Philadelphia, 1948.", keywords = "Brown and Phelps Co; Twin City Typesetting Association; Type-setting.", } @Book{Collison:1962:IBM, author = "Robert Lewis Collison", title = "Indexing books: a manual of basic principles", publisher = "De Graff", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "96", year = "1962", LCCN = "Z695.9 .C64", bibdate = "Wed Apr 27 13:47:35 MDT 2011", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Indexing", } @MastersThesis{Guldin:1962:CUA, author = "Mark F. Guldin", title = "A comparison of the use and acceptance of phototypesetting with other typesetting processes among commercial publishers and university presses", type = "Thesis (M.S.)", school = "South Dakota State University", address = "????", pages = "100", year = "1962", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Publishers and publishing.; Type-setting; University presses", } @MastersThesis{Powers:1962:ETT, author = "Stanley Piazza Powers", title = "The effect of three typesetting styles on the speed of reading newspaper content", type = "Thesis (M.A in Journalism and Communication)", school = "University of Florida", address = "Gainesville, FL, USA", pages = "vii + 89", year = "1962", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Newspaper layout and typography.; Newspapers; Type-setting", } @Book{Buckland:1964:CMR, author = "Lawrence F. Buckland", title = "The creation of a machine record of Library of Congress catalog data for distribution and automatic typesetting of cards and book form catalogs", publisher = "Inforonics", address = "Maynard, MA, USA", pages = "15", year = "1964", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "A report prepared for the Council on Library Resources, inc. on work performed from January 20-January 24, 1964, at the Library of Congress. Master microform held by: NN. Microform master no.: FSN 25,545. Microfiche. New York, N.Y., New York Public Library, 19--. 1 sheet.", keywords = "Cataloging; Data tapes; Information storage and retrieval systems.", } @Manual{CIS:1964:CGA, title = "{CIS} glossary of automated typesetting and related computer terms", organization = "Composition Information Services", address = "Los Angeles, CA, USA", pages = "47", year = "1964", LCCN = "Z253 .C67", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:14:58 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Terminology; computers --- dictionaries; Information storage and retrieval systems --- Terminology.; typesetting --- glossaries, vocabularies, etc", } @MastersThesis{Clancy:1964:ETA, author = "Gerald Francis Clancy", title = "Editing techniques in automatic typesetting systems", type = "Thesis (B.S.)", school = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering", address = "Cambridge, MA, USA", pages = "31", year = "1964", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Lansburgh:1964:SST, author = "W. N. Lansburgh", title = "{S{\"a}ttningsregler}. ({Swedish}) [{Typesetting} rules]", publisher = "Almqvist \& Wiksells", address = "Uppsala, Sweden", edition = "Second", pages = "viii + 475", year = "1964", bibdate = "Fri Oct 31 07:41:08 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-lh # " and " # ack-nhfb, annote = "First edition 1961.", language = "Swedish", } @Periodical{Anonymous:1965:PT, key = "PT'65", title = "Photo typesetting", publisher = "Society Publications", address = "London, UK", year = "1965", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, alttitle = "Phototypesetting", annote = "Title from cover.", keywords = "Phototypesetting --- Periodicals.", } @Book{Barnett:1965:CTE, author = "Michael P. Barnett", title = "Computer typesetting; experiments and prospects", publisher = pub-MIT, address = pub-MIT:adr, pages = "xvi + 245", year = "1965", LCCN = "Z253 .B29", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:14:58 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computerized typesetting", } @Article{Rich:1965:MHA, author = "R. P. Rich and A. G. Stone", title = "Method for Hyphenating at the End of a Printed Line", journal = j-CACM, volume = "8", number = "7", pages = "444--445", month = jul, year = "1965", CODEN = "CACMA2", ISSN = "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)", bibdate = "Fri Nov 25 18:20:01 MST 2005", bibsource = "ftp://ftp.ira.uka.de/pub/bibliography/Compiler/bevan.bib; ftp://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/cacm1960.bib; http://www.acm.org/pubs/contents/journals/cacm/; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A description of a method of hyphenation is presented as a result of application of several general rules. The character sets considered by the routine are briefly outlined.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, checked = "19940407", } @Book{Wick:1965:RTS, author = "Karel Wick", title = "Rules for Type-setting Mathematics", publisher = "Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences", address = "Prague, Czechoslovakia", pages = "99", year = "1965", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Wed Oct 29 12:27:36 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Translated by Va{\'c}lav Boublik and M. Hejlova.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb # " and " # ack-bnb, } @Manual{CIS:1966:GAT, title = "Glossary of automated typesetting and related computer terms", organization = "Composition Information Services", address = "Los Angeles, CA, USA", edition = "Second", pages = "105", year = "1966", LCCN = "Z253 .C67 1966", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:14:58 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "First ed. published in 1964 under title: CIS glossary of automated typesetting and related computer terms.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computerized typesetting --- terminology; information storage and retrieval systems --- terminology", } @Book{Dowding:1966:FPS, author = "Geoffrey Dowding", title = "Finer Points in the Spacing and Arrangement of Type", publisher = "Wace", address = "London, UK", edition = "Third", pages = "xiv + 79", year = "1966", LCCN = "Z253 .D69 1966", bibdate = "Sat Oct 5 06:11:41 MDT 2019", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, author-dates = "1911--", subject = "Typesetting", tableofcontents = "The setting of text matter \\ The spacing between words \\ The determination of the measure \\ Leading \\ Principles into practice \\ The setting of displayed matter \\ Letter-spacing \\ Word-spacing \\ Leading \\ Other factors affecting displayed settings \\ The preparation of the ms for the printer", } @Book{Graham:1966:CTS, author = "Joseph Turnbull Graham", title = "Computer typesetting: a select bibliography", publisher = "Hertfordshire County Council Technical Library and Information Service", address = "Hatfield, Herts., UK", pages = "39 + iv", year = "1966", LCCN = "Z253.3.A12 G7", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:14:58 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Cover title. ``A HERTIS publication''. At head of title: Watford College of Technology.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computerized typesetting", } @InProceedings{Reines:1966:VFC, author = "J. Reines", booktitle = "Pattern Recognition, Proceedings of IEEE Workshop, Las Croabas and Dorado, Oct 24--26, 1968", title = "Variable Font Character Recognition Machine", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, year = "1966", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A system organization for a variable font character recognition machine is proposed. It is shown that any measure of the weighted mask type, which heretofore had to be specified by the hardware in the system, can be programmed by constants in storage.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "character recognition; computers; reading machines; the", } @Article{Seybold:1966:BRB, author = "John W. Seybold", title = "Book Review: {10/66-2R \booktitle{Computer Typesetting: Experiments and Prospects}. 1965. Michael T. Barnett. MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass. 245 pp.}", journal = j-AM-DOC, volume = "17", number = "4", pages = "219--220", month = oct, year = "1966", CODEN = "AMDOA7", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1002/asi.5090170411", ISSN = "0096-946X", ISSN-L = "0096-946X", bibdate = "Fri Sep 11 06:21:26 MDT 2015", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/amdoc.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "American Documentation", journal-URL = "http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2330-1643/", onlinedate = "23 Apr 2007", } @Book{Bernstein:1967:CAT, author = "Hans H. Bernstein", title = "Computer aided typesetting and phototypesetting", publisher = "Joint Nuclear Research Center, Ispra Establishment, Scientific Information Processing Center --- CETIS", address = "Ispra, Italy", pages = "122", year = "1967", LCCN = "Z253.3 .B4 Oversize", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:14:58 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "EUR 3661e. At head of title: European Atomic Energy Community--EURATOM.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computerized typesetting --- bibliography; type-setting --- bibliography", } @Book{Gardner:1967:TIE, author = "Christina Gardner", title = "Typesetting with {IBM} Executive typewriters", publisher = "Gardner Printing", address = "Santa Rosa, CA, USA", pages = "180", year = "1967", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``Sources for further information'': p. 178.", keywords = "Typesetting machines.", } @TechReport{Hershey:1967:CC, author = "Allen V. Hershey", title = "Calligraphy for Computers", number = "TR-2101", institution = pub-USNWL, address = pub-USNWL:adr, month = aug, year = "1967", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{IBM:1967:ITS, author = "{IBM Corporation}", title = "{IBM 1130} Typesetting System ({RPO})", publisher = pub-IBM, address = pub-IBM:adr, pages = "iv + 30", year = "1967", bibdate = "Fri Apr 6 15:33:20 2007", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://bitsavers.org/pdf/ibm/1130/GA26-3531-0_1130typesetting.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Kronenberg:1967:CTC, author = "Shirley Kronenberg", title = "Cold type composition; equipment and technique, a handbook of typesetting and layout", publisher = "Shirley Kronenberg", address = "Stamford, CT, USA", pages = "138", year = "1967", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Makeup (Printing); Type-setting", } @Book{Stevens:1967:ATT, author = "Mary Elizabeth Stevens and John Llewellyn Little", title = "Automatic typographic-quality typesetting techniques: a state-of-the-art review", volume = "99", publisher = pub-NBS, address = pub-NBS:adr, pages = "vi + 98", year = "1967", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "National Bureau of Standards monograph", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.", } @Article{vonSydow:1967:CTA, author = "L. {von Sydow}", title = "Computer Typesetting of {ALGOL}", journal = j-CACM, volume = "10", number = "3", pages = "172--174", month = mar, year = "1967", bibdate = "Sat Feb 01 07:13:00 1997", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Hammond:1968:PTU, author = "W. Hammond", booktitle = "International Mar Information Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, Oct 31--Nov 1 1968", title = "Phototypesetting Today. User's Viewpoint of ``State of Art''", publisher = "Mar Technology Society", address = "Washington, DC, USA", pages = "59--64", year = "1968", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Overview from one user's standpoint of advances in available hardware and supporting services offered for leading automated phototypesetting devices; technology is now over hump; third generation hardware has greatly improved versatility and reduced costs of phototypesetting process; improvements in processing textual input and precompilation software have not kept pace.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "printing plants, automation; today; typesetting", meetingdate = "", meetingdate2 = "10/31--11/01/68", } @Book{Phillips:1968:CPT, author = "Arthur H. Phillips", title = "Computer peripherals and typesetting: a study of the man-machine interface incorporating a survey of computer peripherals and typographic composing equipment", publisher = "His Majesty's Stationary Office", address = "London, UK", pages = "xxii + 665", year = "1968", LCCN = "Z253.3 .P49", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:14:58 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computer peripherals; computerized typesetting", } @MastersThesis{Terry:1968:PAT, author = "David Wesley Terry", title = "A problem in automatic typesetting", type = "Thesis (M.S.)", school = "University of Kentucky", address = "Lexington, KY, USA", pages = "vi + 83", year = "1968", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Zapf:1968:MTT, author = "Hermann Zapf", title = "{Manuale typographicum: 100 typographische Gestaltungen mit Aussagen {\"u}ber die Schrift, {\"u}ber Typographie und Druckkunst, aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, in 18 verschiedenen Sprachen}. ({German}) [Typography manual: 100 typographical designs with statements about writing, about typography and printing, from past and present, in 18 different languages]", publisher = "Z-Presse", address = "Frankfurt am Main, West Germany", pages = "119", year = "1968", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Fri Nov 04 18:16:34 2016", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, language = "German", } @InProceedings{Brown:1969:EMT, author = "C. L. Brown", booktitle = "Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science, 32nd Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Oct 1--4 1969", title = "Experience with {Magnetic Tape Selectric Composer} ({MT\slash SC}) in Preparation of Monthly Abstract Bulletin", volume = "6", publisher = "American Society for Information Science", address = "Medford, NJ", pages = "69--73", year = "1969", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "IBM Magnetic Tape Selectric Composer (MT\slash SC), backed by three Magnetic Tape Slectric Typewriter-Recorders (MT\slash ST Model II), has been in operation for over year at Institute of Paper Chemistry to prepare camera-ready copy for photo-offset printing of Institute's monthly abstract bulletin; Selectric system is compared to previous commercial linotype\slash letterpress runs of same bulletin with regard to cost, time, and labor economy; other advantages and some shortcomings of system are also indicated.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "printing machinery; typesetting", } @Manual{CIS:1969:GAT, title = "Glossary of automated typesetting and related computer terms: Supplement", organization = "Composition Information Services", address = "Los Angeles, CA, USA", edition = "Second", pages = "56", year = "1969", LCCN = "Z253 .C67 1966, Suppl.", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:14:58 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computerized typesetting --- terminology; information storage and retrieval systems --- terminology", } @Book{Davis:1969:CTU, author = "H. J. Davis", title = "Computer typesetting in the {U}.{K}.: a review", publisher = "Office for Scientific and Technical Information, Documentation Processing Centre", address = "Manchester, UK", pages = "22", year = "1969", ISBN = "0-85522-000-7", ISBN-13 = "978-0-85522-000-6", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "OSTI/DPC report; no. 4001", abstract = "This paper provides a review of computer typesetting in the United Kingdom with an emphasis on the use of data originating from a computer rather than from a printing environment. It explains the need for an alternative to the computer line- printer when large amounts of data are being processed, and the effect of new techniques on the printing industry. A selection of current and potential applications is reported under sectional headings to illustrate the range and volume of possible development. The use of data banks to provide a source of copy for the production of varied publications is dealt with, and an estimate of future trends is offered. (Author)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, availability = "EDRS Price --- MF01/PC01 Plus Postage.", ericno = "ED050769", identifiers = "Computer Typesetting; LAAAA; United Kingdom Office for Scientific and Technical Information, London (England).", keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Handbooks, manuals, etc.", majordesc = "Computer Graphics; Computers; Information Processing; Photocomposition; Printing", } @Article{Goldman:1969:CAT, author = "M. S. Goldman", title = "Computer-aided typesetting with a {CRT}", journal = j-COMP-J, volume = "12", number = "4", pages = "357--364", month = nov, year = "1969", CODEN = "CMPJA6", ISSN = "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0010-4620", bibdate = "Fri Sep 29 08:51:40 MDT 2000", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_12/Issue_04/", URL = "http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_12/Issue_04/120357.sgm.abs.html; http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_12/Issue_04/tiff/357.tif; http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_12/Issue_04/tiff/358.tif; http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_12/Issue_04/tiff/359.tif; http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_12/Issue_04/tiff/360.tif; http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_12/Issue_04/tiff/361.tif; http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_12/Issue_04/tiff/362.tif; http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_12/Issue_04/tiff/363.tif; http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_12/Issue_04/tiff/364.tif", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classcodes = "C7890 (Other special applications of computing)", keywords = "computer graphics; publishing", } @Book{Graham:1969:CTS, author = "Joseph Turnbull Graham", title = "Computer typesetting, 1966--68: a select bibliography", publisher = "Hertis", address = "Hatfield, Herts., UK", pages = "4 + 60", year = "1969", ISBN = "0-85267-009-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-85267-009-5", LCCN = "Z253.3.A12 G7 1969", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:14:58 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Cover title. On t.p. Watford College of Technology. ``A HERTIS publication''. Updated version of Computer typesetting compiled in 1966.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computerized typesetting --- bibliography", } @TechReport{Hershey:1969:FIP, author = "Allen V. Hershey", title = "{FORTRAN IV} Programming for Cartography and Typography", number = "TR-2339", institution = pub-USNWL, address = pub-USNWL:adr, month = sep, year = "1969", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @PhdThesis{Mayer:1969:TCT, author = "Peter C. Mayer", title = "Technical change in the typesetting of daily newspapers", type = "Thesis (Ph. D. in Economics)", school = "Dept. of Economics, University of California, Berkeley", address = "Berkeley, CA, USA", pages = "vi + 168", year = "1969", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Trickett:1969:DST, author = "T. Trickett", title = "Design of Standard Type Font for Optical Character Recognition", journal = "Honeywell Computer J", volume = "3", number = "1", pages = "3--11", month = "Winter", year = "1969", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Development by USASI and ISO of font for human and machine reading and machine printing; design of character shapes including definition of criteria to be used in shape selection; use of following evaluation techniques-hamming distance, average cell entropy, area correlation, normalized worst-case area difference, stroke analysis, and feature analysis.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, journalabr = "Honeywell Computer J", keywords = "ber; character recognition; computers", } @Manual{WTI:1969:PT, title = "Photographic typesetting", organization = "Warwick Typographers, Inc", address = "St. Louis, MO, USA", pages = "100", year = "1969", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Phototypesetting; Type and type-founding.", } @PhdThesis{Friedland:1970:KOC, author = "Andrew Mark Friedland", title = "Keyboard operation for computer-aided typesetting", type = "Thesis (M.S. in Engineering)", school = "Univ. of California, Berkeley", address = "Berkeley, CA, USA", pages = "various", month = sep, year = "1970", LCCN = "T7.5 .F8995", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:14:58 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Greenberg:1970:ECS, author = "J. S. Greenberg and R. E. Schubert", title = "Electronic Composition System", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-AEROSP-ELECTRON-SYST, volume = "AES-6", number = "3", pages = "270--5", month = may, year = "1970", CODEN = "IEARAX", ISSN = "0018-9251", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The initial impact of electronic composition systems which are presently becoming available will be felt primarily by the editorial and composing departments. A very brief discussion limited to the effect of such an electronic composition system is presented.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, journalabr = "IEEE Trans Aerosp Electron Syst", keywords = "automation; computers, operating systems; electronic composition; printing plants; typesetting", } @TechReport{Hershey:1970:PRF, author = "Allen V. Hershey", title = "Preparation of Reports with the {FORTRAN} Typographic System", number = "TN-K\slash 27-70", institution = pub-USNWL, address = pub-USNWL:adr, month = sep, year = "1970", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Messina:1970:EPA, author = "Carla G. Messina and Joseph Hilsenrath", title = "Edit-insertion programs for automatic typesetting of computer printout", publisher = pub-NBS, address = pub-NBS:adr, pages = "iii + 47", year = "1970", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "NBS technical note 500 NBS technical note; 500", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.", } @Article{Raciti:1970:DCC, author = "S. A. Raciti", title = "Digital Control of a {CRT} Phototypesetting System", journal = "Comput Des", volume = "9", number = "11", pages = "107--12", month = nov, year = "1970", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "In the computer-driven CRT phototypesetter described in this paper, a large-scale digital computer produces a composed tape which specifies the position of every image to appear on the CRT, and also the movement of the film in the camera. The tape is read into a control processor which, in turn, drives a CRT\slash camera unit. Images generated on the CRT are directly transferred to film or photographic paper through a fixed-lens system. Through the successful marriage of hard and soft logic, graphic arts quality images can be typeset in an infinite variety of type styles and page formats at breakthrough speeds of operation.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, journalabr = "Comput Des", keywords = "cameras; computer applications; computers, digital; electron tubes, cathode ray; typesetting; typesetting, control", } @Misc{UE:1970:T, key = "T'70", title = "Typesetting", organization = "Universal Education and Visual Arts", address = "????", year = "1970", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "35 min. sd. b and w. 16 mm.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Shows in detail the step-by-step process of linecasting with the Intertype machine.", keywords = "Intertype.", } @Book{Zapf:1970:MTT, author = "Hermann Zapf", title = "Manuale typographicum: 100 typographic pages with quotations from the past and present on types and printing in 16 different languages", publisher = pub-MIT, address = pub-MIT:adr, pages = "123", year = "1970", ISBN-13 = "978-0-262-24011-6 (hardcover), 978-0-262-74004-3 (paperback)", ISBN = "0-262-24011-4 (hardcover), 0-262-74004-4 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z250 .Z325", bibdate = "Fri Nov 04 18:16:34 2016", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, language = "German", } @Book{Barnett:1971:HPG, author = "Mitzi Barnett", title = "How to publish: a guide for copy preparation, typesetting, printing, binding, and marketing your publication", publisher = "Miran Publishers", address = "Ft. Worth, Tex. (246--250 Ridglea Bank Bldg., 3327 Winthrop St., Ft. Worth 76116)", note = "Revised {July 1973}.", pages = "i + 15", year = "1971", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Genealogy --- Handbooks, manuals, etc; United States --- Genealogy.", } @Book{Cave:1971:PPa, author = "Roderick Cave", title = "The private press", publisher = pub-FABER-FABER, address = pub-FABER-FABER:adr, pages = "376", year = "1971", ISBN = "0-571-09443-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-571-09443-1", LCCN = "Z231.5.P7 C37", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 15:39:06 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Book{Cave:1971:PPb, author = "Roderick Cave", title = "The private press", publisher = pub-WATSON-GUPTILL, address = pub-WATSON-GUPTILL:adr, pages = "376", year = "1971", ISBN = "0-8352-1695-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8352-1695-1", LCCN = "Z231.5.P7 C3", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 15:39:06 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @TechReport{Hershey:1971:APF, author = "Allen V. Hershey", title = "Auxiliary Programming for the {Fortran} Typographic System", number = "TR-2645", institution = "U.S. Naval Weapons Laboratory", address = "Dahlgren, VA, USA", month = oct, year = "1971", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-rsm, annote = "NTIS AD733989.", } @Article{Ocker:1971:PHE, author = "W. A. Ocker", title = "Program to Hyphenate {English} Words", journal = "IEEE Trans Eng Writing Speech", volume = "EWS-14", number = "2", pages = "53--9", month = jun, year = "1971", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Hyphenation programs used in computerized typesetting employ varied techniques-often in combination-to determine where to break the last word on a line. Usually, a dictionary lookup procedure is combined with a ``logical hyphenation program'' which bases its decisions on the recognition of certain characters, strings of characters, or patterns of vowels and consonants. The described program is such a logical routine.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, journalabr = "IEEE Trans Eng Writing Speech", keywords = "computerized typesetting; computers, programming; ECT; IEEWA", } @Manual{PI:1971:ICT, title = "An introduction to computer typesetting\slash photocomposition", organization = "Publicate Incorporated: Dataflow Systems, Inc.", address = "Bethesda, MD, USA", pages = "10 + 151", year = "1971", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Report no. 838 Dataflow Systems. DFS report; no. 838", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.", } @Article{Pierson:1971:CPE, author = "J. L. Pierson", title = "Computer Program for Electronic Typesetting", journal = "IEEE Trans Eng Writing Speech", volume = "EWS-14", number = "2", pages = "46--52", month = jun, year = "1971", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The programming system that supports the VideoComp typesetting device is called PAGE-1. This paper is a tutorial introduction to the PAGE-1 language through which the user specifies his typographic format requirements to the system. The concluding section of the paper presents an application of the language to a sample typesetting problem.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, journalabr = "IEEE Trans Eng Writing Speech", keywords = "computers, programming; electronic typesetting; IEEWA", } @Manual{SCDIMP:1971:PTT, title = "Platemaking, typesetting and trade bindery industry Industrie du clichage, de la composition et de la reliure commerciale", organization = "Statistique Canada. Division des industries and manufacturi{\`e}res et primaires", address = "Ottawa, ON, Canada", edition = "Pr{\'e}liminaire", pages = "various", year = "1971", ISSN = "0708-6288", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Annual census of manufactures: preliminary bulletin = Recensement annuel des manufactures: bulletin provisoire 0068-7081. Recensement annuel des manufactures: bulletin provisoire", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, alttitle = "Platemaking, typesetting and trade bindery industry Industrie du clichage, de la composition et de la reliure commerciale", govtdocnumber = "CS36-203-P-2", } @Manual{SCM:1971:PTT, title = "Platemaking, typesetting and trade bindery industry. Industrie du clichage, de la composition et de la reliure commerciale", organization = "Statistics Canada. Manufacturing and Primary Industries Division", address = "Ottawa, ON, Canada", edition = "Preliminary", pages = "various", year = "1971", ISSN = "0708-6288", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Annual census of manufactures: preliminary bulletin = Recensement annuel des manufactures: bulletin provisoire 0068- 7081 Annual census of manufactures: preliminary bulletin", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, alttitle = "Platemaking, typesetting and trade bindery industry Industrie du clichage, de la composition et de la reliure commerciale", govtdocnumber = "CS36-203-P-2", } @Book{Swanson:1971:MTC, author = "Ellen Swanson", title = "Mathematics into Type: copyediting and proofreading of mathematics for editorial assistants and authors", publisher = pub-AMS, address = pub-AMS:adr, pages = "x + 98", year = "1971", ISBN = "0-8218-0053-1", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8218-0053-9", LCCN = "T11 .S77", bibdate = "Wed Oct 29 12:28:34 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb # " and " # ack-bnb, annote = "Revised 1979. Updated 1999 by Arlene O'Sean and Antoinette Schleyer, The original edition is based on ``traditional'' composition (Monotype and ``cold type'', i.e. Varityper and Selectric Composer); the 1979 edition adds material for computer composition, and the 1999 edition mostly assumes \TeX{} or a comparably advanced system.", } @Manual{ADL:1972:TMD, title = "Typesetting in metropolitan daily newspapers", organization = "Dept. of Labour and National Service", address = "Melbourne, Victoria, Australia", pages = "42", year = "1972", ISBN = "0-642-94443-1", ISBN-13 = "978-0-642-94443-6", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Employment and technology; no. 13 Australia. Dept. of Labour and National Service. Employment and technology; no. 13", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Type-setting --- Technological innovations --- Australia.", } @Article{Astle:1972:FFS, author = "Brian Astle", title = "Fail-Safe Font of Seven-Segment Digits", journal = j-ELECTRONICS, volume = "45", number = "18", pages = "93--94", month = aug, year = "1972", CODEN = "ELECAD", ISSN = "0883-4989", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The trouble with most popular seven-segment display fonts is that a failure in a single segment may transform one digit into another. An odd-parity font is proposed in which each digit contains an odd number of segments and so has odd parity. Thus if one segment either goes off or comes on, the error will be immediately recognized (the common font has both odd and even parity).", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "942", journalabr = "Electronics", keywords = "instruments", } @Article{Hershey:1972:CSS, author = "Allen V. Hershey", title = "A Computer System for Scientific Typography", journal = j-CGIP, volume = "1", number = "3", pages = "373--385", month = nov, year = "1972", CODEN = "CGIPBG", ISSN = "0146-664X", bibdate = "Fri Feb 07 16:49:22 1997", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; Misc/beebe.bib; Theory/graph.coloring.bib; Typesetting/texgraph.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Kass:1972:EMC, author = "Jerry Kass", title = "Editing Mathematical Copy", journal = "Journal of Technical Writing and Communication", volume = "2", number = "4", pages = "307--330", month = oct, year = "1972", CODEN = "JTWCAA", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The special problems that are introduced by mathematics are considered. More so than in any other forms of writing, the editor of mathematical copy must give as much consideration to the typographer as to the reader. Mathematical composition is very expensive and complex, and typographers depend heavily on instructions from the editor on just how copy should be set. This is especially true if the typographer is unaccustomed to mathematical composition.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "745; 901; 922", journalabr = "J Tech Writ Commun", keywords = "information dissemination; mathematical techniques; mathematics editing; typesetting", } @Article{Martin:1972:PDC, author = "David Martin", title = "Progress in Documentation: Computer Typesetting and Information", journal = j-J-DOC, volume = "28", number = "3", pages = "247--261", month = sep, year = "1972", CODEN = "JDOCAS", ISSN = "0022-0418 (print), 1758-7379 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Information and documentation have constituted one of the more fruitful fields for early applications of computer typesetting. This review pays particular attention to the reasons this is so, and to some of the major systems now in operation. (31 references) (Author/NH)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, ericno = "EJ068671", identifiers = "Computer Typesetting", majordesc = "Data Processing; Digital Computers; Documentation; Information Processing", minordesc = "Automation; Computer Oriented Programs; Literature Reviews; Printing", } @MastersThesis{Robinson:1972:SCT, author = "John Robinson", title = "Strike-on cold typesetting and the campus newspaper", type = "Thesis (M.A.)", school = "East Texas State University", address = "Commerce, TX, USA", pages = "vii + 75", year = "1972", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Journalism, College.; Type-setting; Type-setting machines", } @Book{Zapf:1972:MTT, author = "Hermann Zapf and Gertraude Ben{\"o}hr", title = "{Manuale typographicum: 100 typographische Gestaltungen mit Aussagen {\"u}ber die Schrift, {\"u}ber Typographie und Druckkunst, aus Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, in 18 verschiedenen Sprachen}. ({German}) [Typography manual: 100 typographical designs with statements about writing, about typography and printing, from past and present, in 18 different languages]", publisher = "B{\"u}chergilde Gutenberg", address = "Frankfurt am Main, West Germany", pages = "119", year = "1972", ISBN = "3-7632-1628-6", ISBN-13 = "978-3-7632-1628-4", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Fri Nov 04 18:16:34 2016", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, language = "German", } @Article{Alt:1973:CPT, author = "Franz L. Alt and Judith Yuni Kirk", title = "Computer Photocomposition of Technical Text", journal = j-CACM, volume = "16", number = "6", pages = "386--391", month = jun, year = "1973", CODEN = "CACMA2", ISSN = "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)", bibdate = "Sat Jan 18 14:11:20 1997", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Describes the typesetting system used by the American Institute of Physics.", abstract = "In computer assisted typesetting by means of photocomposition, special problems arise in highly technical material such as mathematical formulas. New solutions to several of these problems have been devised in the information system of the American Institute of Physics. They include: the representation of special characters (foreign alphabets, mathematical symbols, etc.) not available on input keyboards or on the photocomposer; the generation of such symbols, e.g. by overprinting; the precise positioning of accent marks (floating diacritics); line breaks, i.e. words or formulas placed partly at the end of one line and partly at the beginning of the next; and certain aspects of error correction.", keywords = "graphics; photocomposition; printing; text processing; typesetting", } @Article{Branson:1973:CWL, author = "C. A. Branson and J. B. Gillett", title = "Character Wheel for Low-Cost Changeable Font Printer", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "16", number = "5", pages = "??--??", month = oct, year = "1973", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722", journalabr = "IBM Tech Disclosure Bull", keywords = "computer peripheral equipment", } @Article{Fowler:1973:PIU, author = "R. L. Fowler", title = "Printing Italics Using a Standard Font", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "15", number = "9", pages = "??--??", month = feb, year = "1973", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722", journalabr = "IBM Tech Disclosure Bull", keywords = "computer peripheral equipment", } @Book{Gardner:1973:ETI, author = "Christina Gardner", title = "Effective typesetting with the {IBM} tape composer", publisher = "North American Pub. Co.", address = "Philadelphia, PA, USA", pages = "156", year = "1973", ISBN = "0-912920-20-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-912920-20-7", LCCN = "Z253.3.G35", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.", } @Book{Henderson:1973:ICT, author = "Ronald L. Henderson", title = "An introduction to computer typesetting\slash photo-composition", publisher = "Dataflow Systems, Inc.", address = "Bethesda, MD, USA", pages = "151", year = "1973", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Report --- Dataflow Systems, inc; no. 878", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Photocopying processes.", } @Book{Huss:1973:DPM, author = "Richard E. Huss", title = "The development of printers' mechanical typesetting methods, 1822--1925", publisher = "Published for the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia by the University Press of Virginia", address = "Charlottesville", pages = "307", year = "1973", ISBN = "0-8139-0336-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8139-0336-1", LCCN = "Z253.H87", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Typesetting machines --- History.", } @Article{Marks:1973:TCC, author = "Robert H. Marks and A. W. Kenneth Metzner", title = "Typewriter composition cuts journal costs, speeds publication", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMM, volume = "PC-16", number = "3", pages = "73--79", month = sep, year = "1973", CODEN = "IEPCBU", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1109/TPC.1973.6592676", ISSN = "0361-1434", ISSN-L = "0361-1434", bibdate = "Fri Nov 20 16:26:09 2015", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Expansion of typewriter composition and the shift from letter press to sheet-fed offset and web-offset printing are two major developments that are lowering costs and improving the efficiency of the overall publishing operation at the American Institute of Physics (AIP). In 1972, out of a total of 104,000 text pages published by AIP and its member societies, about 69,000 pages, or 66 percent, were typewriter composed. Typewriter composition of scientific articles was pioneered by S. A. Goudsmit, Editor-in-Chief of the American Physical Society, for Physical Review Letters. This weekly publication has been typewriter composed since 1958. Today, about 11 000 pages for Physical Review C and Physical Review D are typewriter composed at AIP's new publishing facility at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Another 8000 pages mainly for Applied Physics Letters and the Journal of Applied Physics are produced by our Publications Division Composition Section in New York City. A small fraction of the total is composed to AIP specifications by the authors themselves. Outside contractors handle the remaining typewriter composition including all of the Russian translation journals. The main justification for the switch from monotype to typewriter composition is the resulting savings of 20 to 30 percent in composition cost Depending upon the journal and the compositor used, these savings amount to as much as \$10 per page. In addition, the close coupling of copy editing, composition, proofreading, and page makeup that is possible with an in-house typewriter composition operation has shortened publication time by as much as 2 weeks out of a total of 3 months. We will describe the AIP typewriter composition system from copy editing, through the composition of galleys, to page makeup and the production of final camera-ready copy for offset printing. Specially modified IBM Executive proportional-spacing electric typewriters, equipped with unique attachments, permit the use of a wide range- of special characters and signs (italic, Greek, mathematical symbols, superscripts, etc.) needed to compose scientific articles.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication", keywords = "Abstracts; Cameras; Equations; Materials; Physics; Presses; Printing", } @Book{Morison:1973:TT, author = "Stanley Morison", title = "A tally of types", publisher = pub-CAMBRIDGE, address = pub-CAMBRIDGE:adr, pages = "137", year = "1973", ISBN = "0-521-20043-1 (hardcover), 0-521-09786-X (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-521-20043-1 (hardcover), 978-0-521-09786-4 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z232.C17 M6 1973", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 15:50:14 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", note = "Edited by Brooke Crutchley", price = "US\$55.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Article{Schuermann:1973:VLQ, author = "Juergen Schuermann and Leonore Vogt", title = "{Vergleich Linearer und quadratischer Klassifikatoren am Beispiel der Schriftart OCR-A}. [Comparison of Linear and Quadratic Classifiers Using the Font {OCR}-{A} as an Example]", journal = "NTZ Nachrichtentechnische Zeitschrift, NTZ Communications Journal", volume = "26", number = "6", pages = "269--274", month = jun, year = "1973", CODEN = "NNNCAZ", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An experimental comparison is reported of the performance of linear and quadratic pattern classifiers, statistically adapted to a given recognition problem by means of a modified mean square procedure. The comparison is based on the OCR-A type font. The sample set used (approx. 82,000 characters) originates from the reading machine development. It was scanned directly from actual documents. The experiments show that a simple quadratic classifier is able to reduce the reject rate --- with the reject threshold unchanged --- by a factor of 100 compared with the linear one.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723", journalabr = "NTZ Nachr Z NTZ Commun J", keywords = "character recognition; pattern classifiers", language = "German", } @Book{Thompson:1973:SEI, author = "Robert C. Thompson and Joseph Hilsenrath", title = "{SETAB}: an edit\slash insert program for automatic typesetting of spectroscopic and other computerized tables", publisher = pub-NBS, address = pub-NBS:adr, pages = "iii + 25", year = "1973", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "NBS technical note; 740", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.", } @Book{Jacobs:1974:HEC, author = "Marvin Jacobs", title = "How to establish a cold typesetting department and train operating personnel", publisher = "North American Pub. Co.", address = "Philadelphia, PA, USA", pages = "184", year = "1974", ISBN = "0-912920-35-1", ISBN-13 = "978-0-912920-35-1", LCCN = "Z253.J23 1974", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Makeup (Printing) --- United States.; Printing industry --- United States; Typesetting --- United States", } @Book{Janiczek:1974:FAT, author = "P. M. Janiczek and George H. Kaplan", title = "{FORTRAN} automatic typesetting system", publisher = "U.S. Naval Observatory", address = "Washington, DC, USA", pages = "71", year = "1974", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "United States Naval Observatory Circular; 149", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "FORTRAN (Computer program language)", } @Article{Liebson:1974:CTT, author = "Laurence S. Liebson and Albert L. Bushkoff", title = "Computerized Text-Editing and Typesetting Make Headlines", journal = j-ELECTRONICS, volume = "47", number = "11", pages = "111--118", month = may, year = "1974", CODEN = "ELECAD", ISSN = "0883-4989", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Computer-controlled systems are capable of executing the entire type-composition process. They accept on-line input of text from optical character readers, on-line keyboards, and remote transmission devices; store text on high-speed disk memories; provide editing and formatting of text through video display terminals; and automatically hyphenate and justify text for high-speed photocomposers, which produce final copy ready for page makeup.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "745", journalabr = "Electronics", keywords = "printing --- Photocomposition; typesetting", } @Article{Rohne:1974:PP, author = "Carl F. Rohne", title = "Phototypesetting for Proposals", journal = j-TECH-COMMUN, volume = "21", number = "3 3rd Q", pages = "12--14", month = "????", year = "1974", CODEN = "TLCMBT", ISSN = "0049-3155", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The production of large proposals, typically required many typists and a great deal of equipment. However, this article details the use of two typesetting machines to produce a hardware-production proposal for a major weapon system. It shows the careful scheduling and thorough editing required to properly use the automatic equipment.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "745; 901", journalabr = "Tech Commun", keywords = "information dissemination --- Reproduction; phototypesetting; printing --- Photocomposition; typesetting", } @Book{Romano:1974:ATB, author = "Frank J. Romano and Eileen McManus", title = "Automated typesetting: the basic course", publisher = "GAMA Communications", address = "Salem, NH, USA", pages = "120", year = "1974", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Type-setting", } @Book{Skillin:1974:WT, author = "Marjorie E. Skillin and Robert Malcolm Gay", title = "Words into Type", publisher = pub-PH, address = pub-PH:adr, edition = "Third", pages = "xx + 583", year = "1974", ISBN = "0-13-964262-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-13-964262-3", LCCN = "PN160.S52 1974", bibdate = "Sun Mar 6 17:34:11 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$39.95", acknowledgement = ack-jpl, } @Manual{UMOSSRI:1974:GOB, title = "Greater opportunities in {Bangor and Brewer} for typesetting", organization = "University of Maine at Orono. Social Science Research Institute and New England Regional Commission", address = "Boston, MA, USA", pages = "21", year = "1974", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Selected industries study prepared by the Social Science Research Institute under sponsorship of the New England Regional Commission.", keywords = "Bangor (Me.) --- Industries; Brewer (Me.) --- Industries.; Type-setting --- Maine --- Bangor", } @Article{Zeyen:1974:PST, author = "Fritz-Otto Zeyen", title = "Program Systems and Typical Applications of the Digiset Electronic Photocomposing System", journal = "Siemens Review", volume = "41", number = "10", pages = "440--443", month = oct, year = "1974", CODEN = "SZTEA6", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The DIGISET electronic photocomposing system opens the way to the most effective and up-to-date form of typesetting in conjunction with a series connected typesetting computer in which an appropriate photocomposing program system is run. Its principal units are the typesetting program, the typesetting command language, and the input, output and correction programs. The author outlines the salient features of the various units and describes typical applications in the graphic arts industry and in documentation.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "Siemens Rev", keywords = "data processing; photocomposition; typesetting", } @Book{Annenberg:1975:TFA, author = "Maurice Annenberg", title = "Type foundries of {America} and their catalogs", publisher = "Maran Print. Services", address = "Baltimore, MD, USA", pages = "245", year = "1975", ISBN = "????", ISBN-13 = "????", LCCN = "Z250.A2 A55", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:24:37 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Article{Anonymous:1975:ICS, author = "Anonymous", title = "{IEEE Conference on Scientific Journals, Record, 1975}", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMM, volume = "PC-18", number = "3", pages = "??--??", month = sep, year = "1975", CODEN = "IEPCBU", ISSN = "0361-1434", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The special issue contains the record of 42 papers presented at the Conference. Session topics under which the papers were presented include income management, cooperation among journals, editors' workshop, publishers' workshop, microforms, libraries, copyright and fair use, secondary services, production, and research in journal management. Selected papers are indexed separately.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745; 901", conference = "Apr 28-30 1975", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Prof Commun", keywords = "copy editing; editorial processing centers; engineering writing; information dissemination; information retrieval systems; information science; information services; microforms; page charges; technical journals; typesetting --- Computer Applications", meetingaddress = "Cherry Hill, NJ", pagecount = "223", } @Book{Berg:1975:ECG, author = "N. Edward Berg", title = "Electronic composition: a guide to the revolution in typesetting", publisher = "Graphic Arts Technical Foundation", address = "Pittsburgh, PA, USA", pages = "374", year = "1975", ISBN = "0-88362-011-1", ISBN-13 = "978-0-88362-011-3", LCCN = "Z253.3 .B44 Special Coll", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:14:58 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computerized typesetting", } @Article{Graham:1975:NLC, author = "Joan Graham", title = "New Look at Cold Comp", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMM, volume = "PC-18", number = "3", pages = "135--138", month = sep, year = "1975", CODEN = "IEPCBU", ISSN = "0361-1434", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Hot-metal composition has been in existence for over 100 years and has had time to develop into a highly organized and standardized profession. The cold-comp industry, on the other hand, has barely started; yet already new methods of typesetting are being devised that could bypass the field before it has been perfected. The paper suggests reexamination of cold-comp against the background of cost, time and quality problems that face publishing and printing. It considers personnel\slash machine problems, brings cold-comp problems in general into focus and makes some suggestions for solving the problems.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "745; 901", conference = "IEEE Conf on Sci J", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Prof Commun", keywords = "information dissemination --- Publishing; printing --- Photocomposition; typesetting", meetingaddress = "Cherry Hill, NJ", meetingdate = "Apr 28--30 1975", meetingdate2 = "04/28--30/75", } @Book{Hamm:1975:PTA, author = "Roberto Hamm", title = "Pour une typographie arabe: contribution technique {\`a} la d{\'e}mocratisation de la culture arabe", publisher = "Sindbad", address = "1-3, rue Feutrier, Paris 75018, France", pages = "193", year = "1975", ISBN = "????", ISBN-13 = "????", LCCN = "Z251.A6 H18", bibdate = "Thu Mar 21 17:24:10 2002", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Arabic type", } @Article{Kernighan:1975:STM, author = "Brian W. Kernighan and Lorinda L. Cherry", title = "System for Typesetting Mathematics", journal = j-CACM, volume = "18", number = "3", pages = "151--157", month = mar, year = "1975", CODEN = "CACMA2", ISSN = "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper describes the design and implementation of a system for typesetting mathematics. The language has been designed to be easy to learn and to use by people who know neither mathematics nor typesetting. The syntax of the language is specified by a small context-free grammar; a compiler-compiler is used to make a compiler that translates this language into typesetting commands. Output may be produced on either a phototypesetter or on a terminal with forward and reverse half-line motions. The system interfaces directly with text formatting programs, so mixtures of text and mathematics may be handled simply.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "Commun ACM", keywords = "computer graphics; computer programming languages; typesetting", } @Article{Korbuly:1975:NAC, author = "Dorothy K. Korbuly", title = "New Approach to Coding Displayed Mathematics for Photocomposition", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMM, volume = "PC-18", number = "3", pages = "283--287", month = sep, year = "1975", CODEN = "IEPCBU", ISSN = "0361-1434", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An applications program called TEXTCOMP has been developed for use in conjunction with Alphanumeric Publication Systems' Comp-2 photocomposition program. TEXTCOMP, written in the Comp-2 language, is designed to accommodate the wide variety of complex page formats and other production requirements typically encountered in the developer company's scientific and engineering documentation. This documentation ranges from straight textual narratives to exceedingly complex technical explanations and descriptions with significant amounts of displayed mathematics. The most attractive aspect is that absolutely no physical measurement of characters is required.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745", conference = "IEEE Conf on Sci J", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Prof Commun", keywords = "printing --- Photocomposition; typesetting", meetingaddress = "Cherry Hill, NJ", meetingdate = "Apr 28--30 1975", meetingdate2 = "04/28--30/75", } @Article{Mack:1975:LCC, author = "Paul F. Mack", title = "Lower Composition Costs Through Optical Scanning and Photocomposition", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMM, volume = "PC-18", number = "3", pages = "279--282", month = sep, year = "1975", CODEN = "IEPCBU", ISSN = "0361-1434", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The evolution of cold-type composition to the present ``state of the art'' at Mack Printing is traced. How the system functions and interacts with the journal publisher is shown, and the total systems approach outlining the hardware and the software development is explained. Also discussed are the objectives of the company for future enhancements to the system and the ability of the present system to create a database for the generation of periodic indexes. Comparison and evaluation of this approach as it relates to economy, flexibility, speed, and quality of typesetting can readily be made.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 741; 745", conference = "IEEE Conf on Sci J", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Prof Commun", keywords = "character recognition, optical; printing; typesetting --- Computer Applications", meetingaddress = "Cherry Hill, NJ", meetingdate = "Apr 28--30 1975", meetingdate2 = "04/28--30/75", } @Article{Metzner:1975:MUO, author = "A. W. Kenneth Metzner", title = "Multiple Use and Other Benefits of Computerized Publishing", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMM, volume = "PC-18", number = "3", pages = "274--278", month = sep, year = "1975", CODEN = "IEPCBU", ISSN = "0361-1434", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Typesetting of journals by computer still is more expensive today than typesetting composition. Economics favors the computer only if multiple use can be made of the material after it has been captured in machine-readable form. Such is the case with the material that is keyboarded into the bibliographic database of the American Institute of Physics (AIP). The records in this database are produced directly from the manuscripts submitted by authors and are then used over and over again. The multiple-use concept cannot be used to justify computer typesetting of the full text of journal articles. The paper describes such multiple use applications at AIP, and discusses the conditions that must be met before full-text computer composition can become competitive with other methods.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745; 901", conference = "IEEE Conf on Sci J", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Prof Commun", keywords = "information dissemination; typesetting --- Computer Applications", meetingaddress = "Cherry Hill, NJ", meetingdate = "Apr 28--30 1975", meetingdate2 = "04/28--30/75", } @Article{Morris:1975:CDT, author = "Robert Morris and Lorinda L. Cherry", title = "Computer Detection of Typographical Errors", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMM, volume = "PC-18", number = "1", pages = "54--56", month = mar, year = "1975", CODEN = "IEPCBU", ISSN = "0361-1434", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A program written for the UNIX time-sharing system reduces by several orders of magnitude the task of finding words in a document which contain typographical errors. The program is adaptive in the sense that it uses statistics from the document itself for its analysis. In a first pass through the document, a table of digram and trigram frequencies is prepared. The second pass through the document breaks out individual words and compares the digrams and trigrams in each word with the frequencies from the table. An index is given to each world which reflects the hypothesis that the trigrams in the given word were produced from the same source that produced the trigram table. The words are sorted in decreasing order of their indices and printed. Appendices containing 2,726 common technical English words, possible typo's and spelling errors are included.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745; 901", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Prof Commun", keywords = "information dissemination --- Publishing; typesetting", } @Article{Ocker:1975:PHE, author = "Wolfgang A. Ocker", title = "Program to Hyphenate {English} Words", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMM, volume = "PC-18", number = "2", pages = "78--84", month = jun, year = "1975", CODEN = "IEPCBU", ISSN = "0361-1434", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Hyphenate programs used in computerized typesetting employ varied techniques to determine where to break the last word on a line. Usually a dictionary lookup procedure is combined with a ``logical hyphenation program'' which bases its decisions on the recognition of certain characters, strings of characters, or patterns of vowels and consonants. The described program is such a logical routine. It is based on the word division rules of Webster's New International Dictionary and recognizes prefixes, suffixes, and other letter combinations which require special processing, including strings which are likely to belong to accented syllables. Otherwise, normal processing consists of finding the character pair corresponding to the greatest interruption of spoken sound, using a prestored table which contains a ``break value'' --- for each possible pair of characters.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Prof Commun", keywords = "character recognition; computer programming; typesetting", } @Article{Parisi:1975:CIA, author = "Paul A. Parisi", title = "Composition Innovations at the {American Society of Civil Engineers}", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMM, volume = "PC-18", number = "3", pages = "244--273", month = sep, year = "1975", CODEN = "IEPCBU", ISSN = "0361-1434", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Composition at ASCE has progressed in 20 years from hot type to author-prepared camera-ready copy, to IBM Executive typing, to math by hanger keys, to multilevel mathematics on the cathode-ray tube (CRT). ASCE's technical journals have incorporated each of these nonfederally subsidized innovations to deliver better, faster, lower cost final products in 13 journals that include about 13,000 pages per year and indexing of 5,000 articles, papers, and discussions per year from staff-typed optical-character-recognition material prepared by an editor, half-time, and an editorial assistant. Civil Engineering magazine, the biennial membership directory, and annual committee personnel listings are also computer composed.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "745; 901", conference = "IEEE Conf on Sci J", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Prof Commun", keywords = "information dissemination; printing; typesetting", meetingaddress = "Cherry Hill, NJ", meetingdate = "Apr 28--30 1975", meetingdate2 = "04/28--30/75", } @Book{Romano:1975:HES, author = "Frank J. Romano", title = "How to evaluate and specify a computer typesetting and data management system", publisher = "National Composition Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", pages = "42", year = "1975", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.", } @Book{Seybold:1975:SRG, author = "John W. Seybold and Patricia Breuer Seybold", title = "The {Seybold} report glossary and guide for automated typesetting", publisher = pub-SEYBOLD, address = pub-SEYBOLD:adr, pages = "44 + 17", year = "1975", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Cover title. Revision of a glossary in Seybold report, March 11, 1974. ``Guide'' 17 p. at end.", keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Handbooks, manuals, etc; Type-setting --- Handbooks, manuals, etc.", } @Book{Birkett:1976:PST, author = "William A. Birkett", title = "Pricing strategies for the typesetting industry", publisher = "National Composition Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", pages = "42", year = "1976", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Pricing.; Printing industry --- Management; Printing industry --- Marketing", } @Article{Boehm:1976:SHC, author = "Peter J. Boehm", title = "Software and Hardware Considerations for a Technical Typesetting System", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMM, volume = "PC-19", number = "1", pages = "15--19", month = mar, year = "1976", CODEN = "IEPCBU", ISSN = "0361-1434", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Specifications of the hardware, the logic and assumptions of the software, and examples of the input language are provided for a typesetting system used for mathematics copy.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 741; 745", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Prof Commun", keywords = "character recognition, optical --- Computer Applications; computer systems, digital; typesetting", } @Book{Foster:1976:DPT, author = "Ian Foster", title = "Dictionary of printing terms: a comprehensive guide to the terms most commonly used in printing, paper, typesetting, origination, finishing, point of sale, premiums and promotions etc", publisher = "Print Buyer Magazine", address = "London, UK", edition = "Revised", pages = "112", year = "1976", ISBN = "0-905768-00-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-905768-00-7", LCCN = "Z118.D48 1976", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing --- Dictionaries.", } @Book{Huss:1976:DCH, author = "Richard E. Huss", title = "{Dr. Church}'s ``hoax'': an assessment of {Dr. William Church}'s typographical inventions in which is enunciated {Church}'s law", publisher = "Graphic Crafts", address = "Lancaster, PA, USA", pages = "xiv + 78", year = "1976", ISBN = "????", ISBN-13 = "????", LCCN = "Z253 .H872", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 15:27:58 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", price = "US\$15.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "From the Oakknoll Web site: ``This book is about an original invention and an American mechanical genius, who is almost completely unknown on the American side of the Atlantic Ocean. This work brings this inventor out of obscurity and gives him long overdue credit for his important inventions. Among Church's creations were the first typesetting machine in history, a new style of typecasting machine, and a new form of printing press. \ldots{}''", email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Book{Kleper:1976:UPT, author = "Michael L. Kleper", title = "Understanding photo typesetting", publisher = "North American Pub. Co.", address = "Philadelphia, PA, USA", pages = "ix + 166", year = "1976", ISBN = "0-912920-46-7", ISBN-13 = "978-0-912920-46-7", LCCN = "Z253.2.K58 1976", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Phototypesetting.", } @Misc{Romano:1976:HDS, author = "Frank J. Romano", title = "How to develop and sell new typesetting markets", publisher = "National Composition Assn.", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", year = "1976", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "1 cassette. 2-track. mono.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Type-setting.", } @MastersThesis{Tenney:1976:STS, author = "Leland Arthur Tenney", title = "The selection of a typesetting system for journalism instruction at {Oklahoma State University} and production of the {Daily O'Collegian}", type = "Thesis (M.S.)", school = "Oklahoma State University", address = "Stillwater, OK, USA", pages = "v + 31", year = "1976", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Trade and industrial education (Theses)", } @TechReport{Wolcott:1976:CCT, author = "Norman M. Wolcott and Joseph Hilsenrath", title = "A contribution to computer typesetting techniques: tables of coordinates for {Hershey}'s repertory of occidental type fonts and graphic symbols", number = "424", institution = pub-NBS, address = pub-NBS:adr, pages = "169", year = "1976", LCCN = "T1.U52 no.424", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:14:58 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "National Bureau of Standards special publication", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computer output microfilm devices; digital incremental plotters; Hershey, Allen Vincent, 1910; type and type-founding --- digital techniques --- tables", } @TechReport{Beach:1977:CTT, author = "Richard J. Beach", title = "Computerized typesetting of technical documents", institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waterloo", address = "Waterloo, ON, Canada", pages = "10", year = "1977", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``CS-77-38''. ``This paper was presented to the 8th Ontario Universities Computing Conference, May 30--31, 1977, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.'' Bibliography: p. 10.", keywords = "Computerized typesetting; conferences; Documentation technique --- Discours, essais, conferences.; Imprimerie --- Composition automatique --- Discours, essais,; Technical literature; University of Waterloo; University of Waterloo. --- Discours, essais, conferences", } @Article{Foster:1977:EST, author = "Jeremy Foster and Peter Coles", title = "Experimental Study of Typographic Cueing in Printed Text", journal = j-ERGONOMICS, volume = "20", number = "1", pages = "57--66", month = jan, year = "1977", CODEN = "ERGOAX", ISSN = "0014-0139", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Typographic cueing refers to the use of variations in the appearance of text in order to provide a visual distinction between different levels of text content. An experiment is reported in which three cueing conditions were compared. One format used capitals for the cued material, a second used bold setting, and the third was control condition. In an attempt to determine the influence of providing a pre-test on the outcome of cueing experiments, three pre-testing conditions were provided: pre-test of cued information, of noncued information, no pre-test. Subjects read a passage for 3 min, and were then given separate tests of cued and noncued information. The results of the test of cued information are interpreted as supporting the hypothesis that cueing yields higher scores if a pre-test of cued information or no pre-test has been administered. It seems that with capital cueing, the benefit on the test of cued information is counter-balanced by a decline in the test of uncued information. As such a trade-off did not occur with the bold cueing, this would seem a preferable format.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "461; 741; 745; 901", journalabr = "Ergonomics", keywords = "human engineering --- Research; printing; typesetting; typographic cueing", } @Article{Lesk:1977:CTT, author = "M. E. Lesk and B. W. Kernighan", title = "Computer Typesetting of Technical Journals on {UNIX}", journal = "AFIPS Conference Proceedings", volume = "46", number = "??", pages = "879--888", month = "????", year = "1977", CODEN = "AFPGBT", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A UNIX-based system for typesetting technical papers for high-quality output was evaluated by measuring use of computer and economic resources. Five manuscripts of a technical journal submitted to Physical Review Letters were typeset at Bell Laboratories, after preparation of programs to handle the equations, tables, and layout problems. Computerized typesetting is shown to be substantially cheaper than typewriter composition.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "745", journalabr = "AFIPS Natl Comput Conf Expo Conf Proc", keywords = "typesetting", meetingaddress = "Dallas, TX, USA", meetingdate = "Jun 13--16 1977", meetingdate2 = "06/13--16/77", } @Book{Lieberman:1977:TT, author = "J. Ben Lieberman", title = "Type and typefaces", publisher = "Myriade Press", address = "New Rochelle, NY, USA", edition = "Second", pages = "142", year = "1977", ISBN = "0-918142-01-6 (hardcover), 0-918142-02-4 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-918142-01-6 (hardcover), 978-0-918142-02-3 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z250 .L6 1977", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 15:55:21 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", price = "US\$30.00 (hardcover), US\$19.95 (paperback)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "First published in 1967 under title: Types of typefaces and how to recognize them", email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Article{Maddox:1977:FCM, author = "Michael E. Maddox and James T. Burnette and James C. Gutmann", title = "Font Comparisons for $5\times7$ Dot Matrix Characters", journal = j-HUM-FACTORS, volume = "19", number = "1", pages = "89--93", month = feb, year = "1977", CODEN = "HUFAA6", ISSN = "0018-7208", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Two newly designed fonts and the Lincoln\slash Mitre font are compared for legibility using tachistoscopic presentation and forced identification. All three fonts were constructed with a matrix of 5 multiplied by 7 dots and were presented with a computer-generated display. The results were analyzed parametrically in terms of total identification errors and by conventional confusion matrices. The analysis showed significantly fewer errors with the font utilizing the largest number of dots per symbol than with either of the other two fonts. The confusion matrices revealed that the most severe confusions occur for different characters in different fonts.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "461; 722; 741; 901", journalabr = "Hum Factors", keywords = "display devices; dot-matrix display fonts; human engineering --- Research", } @Article{Millar:1977:AFP, author = "J. B. Millar and M. C. Newey", title = "Arbitrary Font Printing System", journal = "Papers and Presentations --- Proceedings of the Digital Equipment Computer Users Society", volume = "3", number = "5", pages = "1641--1647", month = "????", year = "1977", CODEN = "DEPPAD", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An output device comprising a Versatec dot matrix printer and a layer of PDP11 software has been developed for use in a documentation system. Important characteristics include great flexibility in output symbol shape, size and positioning, sufficient quality for book publication and low cost. A facility for design of suitable fonts, based on a Tektronix graphics tablet, is also described.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722", conference = "Aust DECUS Symp. James Cook Univ", journalabr = "Pap Presentations Proc Digital Equip Comput Users Soc", keywords = "computer peripheral equipment", meetingaddress = "Townsville, Aust", meetingdate = "Aug 29--Sep 2 1977", meetingdate2 = "08/29--09/02/77", } @Article{Radcliffe:1977:IAP, author = "P. A. B. Radcliffe", title = "Introduction of Automation to Printing and Publishing", journal = j-ELECTRON-POWER, volume = "23", number = "3", pages = "209--212", month = mar, year = "1977", CODEN = "ELPWAQ", ISSN = "0013-5127", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Printing and publishing comprises something like 10\% of all UK manufacturing output, and it involves 400 000 people. Although printing has a justifiable reputation for being a conservative trade, this reflects the past rather than the present, for there now exists a genuine revolution in printing and publishing technology. Much of this revolution is intimately concerned with automation. In fact it is the impact of the computer on what is after all an information-processing industry that has triggered the excitement about `new technology'. Newspapers are in the forefront of these changes since they have an urgent need for greater production efficiency, particularly in the labor-intensive copy-preparation and typesetting areas.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "745", journalabr = "Electron Power", keywords = "printing; typesetting --- Computer Applications", } @Article{Ryabova:1977:OEL, author = "E. K. Ryabova and M. A. Faermark", title = "Ob Effektivnosti Lyuminestsentnykh Lamp Raznogo Spektra pri Osveshchenii Rabot s Gartom v Poligrafii. [Efficiency of Fluorescent Lamps with Various Spectral Characteristics in the Lighting of Hard Lead Printing Works]", journal = "Svetotekhnika", volume = "??", number = "7", pages = "12--14", month = jul, year = "1977", CODEN = "SVETAG", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Evaluation of the work efficiency was performed on the basis of the following three criteria: productivity, quality and personnel fatigue, the latter being judged by variation in achromatic adisparopia. The only significant advantage of lamps type LKLB (fluorescent cold-white) over type LB (fluorescent white) and LD (fluorescent daylight) relates to the fatigue problems. Practical recommendations are given on the lighting of manual typesetting operations.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "707; 741; 745; 912", journalabr = "Svetotekhnika", keywords = "electric lamps, fluorescent; personnel; typesetting; visibility", language = "Russian", } @Book{Shapiro:1977:ECT, author = "Charles Shapiro", title = "Encyclopedia of contemporary typesetting", publisher = "Graphic Arts Technical Foundation", address = "Pittsburgh, PA, USA", pages = "vii + 192", year = "1977", ISBN = "0-88362-014-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-88362-014-4", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``The material here is based on a previous publication, Glossary of automated typesetting and related computer terms\ldots{}''", keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Terminology.; Information storage and retrieval systems --- Terminology; Type-setting --- Dictionaries", } @Article{Suzuki:1977:DTT, author = "Saatoshi Suzuki and Satoshi Otake and Shigemitsu Ebihara", title = "Design of Train Timetable Automatic Editing System by Small-Scale Computers", journal = "Hitachi Review", volume = "26", number = "3", pages = "121--126", month = "????", year = "1977", CODEN = "HITAAQ", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Processes ranging from timetable editing and block copy preparation have been systematized in a train timetable automatic editing system. With the operation of this system, monthly block copies can now be made up radily as well as accurately. This article describes what kinds of files constitute information for the timetable, and how the necessary information is processed all the way to final composition of pages. It also explains how maintenance processing is carried out to keep abreast of monthly alterations of schedules and increases or decreases of trains runs. Emphasis is placed on file maintenance and a newly developed filing system. The system produces block copies as the final output by using a fully automatic photo-composing machine. A block copy means a page of an ordinary timetable.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "745; 901", journalabr = "Hitachi Rev", keywords = "information dissemination; printing --- Mechanization; train timetables; typesetting --- Computer Applications", } @Book{Thompson:1977:ABD, author = "Susan Otis Thompson", title = "{American} book design and {William Morris}", publisher = pub-BOWKER, address = pub-BOWKER:adr, pages = "xvii + 258", year = "1977", ISBN = "0-8352-0984-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8352-0984-7", LCCN = "Z116.A3 T6 1977", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:06:28 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$29.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Tucker:1977:IAM, author = "W. H. Tucker and R. H. T. Bates and Susan D. Frykberg and R. J. Howarth and W. K. Kennedy and M. R. Lamb and R. G. Vaughan", title = "Interactive Aid for Musicians", journal = j-INT-J-MAN-MACHINE-STUDIES, volume = "9", number = "6", pages = "635--651", month = nov, year = "1977", CODEN = "IJMMBC", ISSN = "0020-7373", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An interactive aid for musicians is described, together with its applications to music teaching, music composition, real-time performance and music typesetting. The system permits the input of sounded music and its subsequent playback using an electronic organ. Facilities for transcription, display and editing are provided using a graphical display unit. A digital synthesizer is incorporated for sophisticated sound generation. Problems encountered with transcription, display and editing of sounded music are identified. A performance-oriented music notation is described, and compared with conventional music notation. The requirements of both notations are assessed with respect to the transcription, display and editing tasks. The value of an interactive rather than fully automatic system is emphasized. Software and data-base organization of a transcription system permitting the display and editing of both notations is described. Results are presented of practical uses of the system.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "461; 714; 723; 745; 752", journalabr = "Int J Man Mach Stud", keywords = "acoustic generators --- Applications; computer graphics --- Applications; interactive computing; music typesetting; musical instruments, electronic --- Applications; printing --- Computer Applications; systems science and cybernetics", } @MastersThesis{Foderaro:1978:TME, author = "John Keith Foderaro", title = "Typesetting {MACSYMA} equations", type = "Thesis (Master of Science, Plan II)", school = "Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences", address = "Berkeley, CA, USA", pages = "????", year = "1978", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Goudy:1978:GTD, author = "Frederic W. Goudy", title = "{Goudy}'s type designs: his story and specimens: being a virtual facsimile of {The Typophiles} chap books {XIII} and {XIV}, a half-century of type design and typography", publisher = "Myriade Press", address = "New Rochelle, NY, USA", edition = "Second", pages = "285", year = "1978", ISBN = "0-918142-05-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-918142-05-4", LCCN = "Z232.G68 G6 1978", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 15:52:54 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", note = "edited by Paul A. Bennett, with an introduction by J. Ben Lieberman, and a bibliography by George J. McKay.", price = "US\$25.00 (hardcover), US\$14.95 (paperback)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Book{Hertz:1978:GCPa, author = "Andrew Hertz", title = "Graphic Communications --- Preparatory Area. Book {I} --- Typography and Modern Typesetting. Student Manual", publisher = "New Jersey Vocational-Technical Curriculum Laboratory, Building 4103, Kilmer Campus, Rutgers University", address = "New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903", pages = "172", month = jan, year = "1978", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Designed to develop in the student skills in all of the preparatory functions of the graphic communications industry, this student guide covers copy preparation, art preparation, typography, camera, stripping, production management, and forms design, preparation, and analysis. In addition to the skills areas, material is included on the history of graphic communications, proper safety procedures, equipment maintenance and housekeeping, and opportunity to study the interrelationship of the various graphic communications specializations. Material is presented in eight units, each containing objectives, information (text), references, and assignments or activities to perform. Unit headings are as follows: (1) Exploring Graphic Communications, (2) Shop Rules and Safety, (3) History and Technical Background, (4) Work Flow in a Modern Shop, (5) Typography, (6) Copyfitting, (7) CompuWriter I, (8) IBM Selectric Composer, (9) Comp/Set, and (10) Proofreading. Diagrams and illustrations are included. (A companion teacher's manual with lists of procedures and teaching suggestions is available separately.) (JT)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "For a related document see CE 014 526.", availability = "EDRS Price --- MF01/PC07 Plus Postage.", ericno = "ED149146", identifiers = "Comp Set; CompuWriter I; IBM Selectric Composer Rutgers, The State Univ., New Brunswick, NJ Curriculum Lab.", majordesc = "Computer Graphics; Graphic Arts; Photocomposition; Units of Study; Vocational Education", minordesc = "Curriculum Guides; Electronic Equipment; High Schools; Instructional Materials; Learning Activities; Occupational Information; Postsecondary Education; Printing; Technical Education; Textbooks; Typewriting", } @Book{Hertz:1978:GCPb, author = "Andrew Hertz", title = "Graphic Communications --- Preparatory Area. Book {I} --- Typography and Modern Typesetting. Teacher's Manual", publisher = "New Jersey Vocational-Technical Curriculum Laboratory, Building 4103, Kilmer Campus, Rutgers University", address = "New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903", pages = "34", month = jan, year = "1978", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Intended for use with a companion student manual, this teacher's guide lists procedures and teaching tips for each unit of a secondary or postsecondary course of study in typography and modern typesetting. Course objectives are listed for developing student skills in the following preparatory functions of the graphic communications industry: copy preparation, art preparation, typography, camera, stripping, production management, and forms design, preparation, and analysis. A bibliography lists recent works covering all areas of the trade. Unit headings are as follows: (1) Exploring Graphic Communications, (2) Shop Rules and Safety, (3) History and Technical Background, (4) Work Flow in a Modern Shop, (5) Typography, (6) Copyfitting, (7) CompuWriter I, (8) IBM Selectric Composer, (9) Comp/Set, and (10) Proofreading. (The student's manual, available separately, contains objectives, information (text), references, and student assignments or activities for each unit.) (JT)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "For a related document see CE 014 525.", availability = "EDRS Price --- MF01/PC02 Plus Postage.", ericno = "ED149147", majordesc = "Computer Graphics; Graphic Arts; Photocomposition; Teaching Methods; Vocational Education", minordesc = "High Schools; Postsecondary Education; Teaching Guides Rutgers, The State Univ., New Brunswick, NJ Curriculum Lab.", } @InProceedings{Jones:1978:BDM, author = "Dan Jones and Don Stupeck and Gerald Gallagher", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Incremental Motion Control System Devices, 7th, Chicago, IL, USA, May 24--26 1978", title = "Brushless {DC} Motor Font Drive", publisher = "Incremental Motion Control Syst Soc", address = "Urbana-Champaign, Ill", pages = "189--202", year = "1978", CODEN = "IMCSD3", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A line printer can be separated from a character printer by the method of moving the print mechanism or character font. A character printer moves the printhead across the paper a single column at a time. The line printer moves the entire character set past the impact hammers in a vertical (drum) or horizontal (band-train) format. The print mechanism contains one hammer per column of print position. The printable character set is scanned past the hammers at a constant velocity. When a character reaches the column to be printed with that character, the printer control causes the hammer to impact the character at that column. This can only be achieved by the character set speed being controlled in a synchronous or constant-speed mode. The intent of this paper is to present the motor selection process consistent with system requirements. The electronic drive circuitry is handled only in general form necessary to support the motor interface description. Also presented is a review of pertinent motor theory of the selected brushless DC motor.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "705; 722", keywords = "brushless motors; computer peripheral equipment --- Printers; electric motors, DC", } @TechReport{Kernighan:1978:TMU, author = "Brian W. Kernighan and Lorinda L. Cherry", title = "Typesetting mathematics: user's guide", institution = "University of California, Berkeley, Computing Services", address = "Berkeley, CA, USA", edition = "Second", pages = "10", day = "15", month = aug, year = "1978", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "UNX; 4.2.5 UNX; 4.2.05", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Kleper:1978:TTH, author = "Michael L. Kleper", title = "A touch of typesetting history", publisher = "Graphic Dimensions", address = "Rochester, NY, USA", pages = "1", year = "1978", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Includes specimens of various typesetting equipment.", keywords = "Typesetting --- History.", } @Book{Lippold:1978:ARG, author = "William Lippold", title = "The {ABP} reference guide on copy processing and typesetting", publisher = "American Business Press", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "38", year = "1978", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Copying processes; Publishers and publishing --- Production control.; Type-setting machines", } @Book{Post:1978:HEC, author = "Jack M. Post", title = "How to earn, control and maintain your profits in typesetting", publisher = "Gama Communications", address = "Salem, NH, USA", pages = "136", year = "1978", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Type-setting --- Management.", } @Article{Rehe:1978:UTJ, author = "Rolf F. Rehe", title = "Is Unjustified Typesetting Justified?", journal = j-TECH-COMMUN, volume = "25", number = "1", pages = "7--10", month = "First Quarter", year = "1978", CODEN = "TLCMBT", ISSN = "0049-3155", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Unjustified type carries an unjustified reputation with some people: it is seen as nothing better than mere typewritten copy; really professional work should be ``blocked out'', justified. The author argues that such a view is the product of closed minds, and shows that there are significant advantages to leaving the right edge ragged. Examples are given of the same paragraph: (1) set in traditional justified (blocked-out) style; (2) set to the same column width, but unjustified and without end-of-line hyphens, resulting in one additional line of type; (3) set in a column one-half -pica wider, set ``tight-ragged'', with hyphenation reduced but not completely eliminated, with word spacing that is even; the number of lines is the same as the original justified version. Examples (1) through (3) are set ``flush left'', as is normally the case. Example (4) is set ``flush right, ragged left'', the reverse of (2); reduced legibility results because a vertical reference line on the left is missing, requiring the eye to search for the beginning of each new line. Example (5) is set ``ragged right and left'' (centered); again legibility is reduced because the vertical reference line on the left is missing. The author recommends the setting of Example (3) for legibility and economy in number of lines.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "469; 745; 901", journalabr = "Tech Commun", keywords = "human engineering --- Research; legibility; printing; typesetting", } @Manual{UAPS:1978:GDT, title = "A guide to design, typesetting, printing", organization = "University of Arkansas Printing Services", address = "Fayetteville, AK, USA", pages = "61", year = "1978", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``Printing Services copy verification form for copyrighted material'' in pocket.", keywords = "Makeup (Printing); Printing --- Specimens; Type and type-founding.; University of Arkansas. --- Printing Services", } @Book{Adams:1979:CTM, author = "R. C. Adams and G. A. Cleave", title = "{CICERO} typesetting manual", publisher = "Aeronautical Research Laboratories", address = "Melbourne, Victoria, Australia", pages = "128", year = "1979", ISBN = "0-642-90048-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-642-90048-7", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "ARL-STRUC-NOTE; 453 Aeronautical Research Laboratories, Fishermens Bend, Victoria. Structures note; 453", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "At head of title: AR-001-743, Dept. of Defence, Defence Science and Technology Organisation. Index.", keywords = "Computerized typesetting.", } @TechReport{Hershey:1979:TCC, author = "Allen V. Hershey", title = "Terrestrial and Celestial Cartography", number = "NSWC-DL-TR-3789", institution = "U.S. Naval Surface Weapons Center", address = "Dahlgren, VA, USA", month = may, year = "1979", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-rsm, annote = "NTIS ADA082663.", } @Book{Jacobs:1979:FTP, author = "Marvin Jacobs", title = "Forms, typesetting and paste-up techniques", publisher = "Formsman", address = "Cleveland, Oh.", pages = "104", year = "1979", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Business --- Forms; Type-setting.", } @Book{Kleper:1979:HBB, author = "Michael L. Kleper", title = "How to build a basic typesetting system", publisher = "Graphic Arts Research Center, Rochester Institute of Technology: available from Graphic Dimensions", address = "Rochester, NY, USA", pages = "90", year = "1979", ISBN = "0-89938-002-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-89938-002-5", LCCN = "TR1010.K58", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Phototypesetting.", } @Book{Knuth:1979:TMN, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "{\TeX} and {\METAFONT}: New Directions in Typesetting", publisher = pub-DP, address = pub-DP:adr, pages = "xi + 201 + 105", year = "1979", ISBN = "0-932376-02-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-932376-02-2", LCCN = "Z253.3 .K58 1979", bibdate = "Wed Dec 15 10:37:42 1993", bibsource = "Graphics/imager/imager.books.bib; Graphics/siggraph/79.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/font.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/siggraph/new/79.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texgraph.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Applications; character display/generation; character display/generation and Applications; general references; printing/publishing industry; programming systems; software; standards text books; standards text books and software", remark = "A landmark book at the time it was published. Newer versions exist. Less than portable as claimed, but still significant. Required reading for anyone doing font design and type setting.", tableofcontents = "Part 1: Mathematical Typography \\ Part 2: \TeX, a system for technical text \\ Part 3: METAFONT, a system for alphabet design", } @Book{Kunkel:1979:CTP, author = "George Z. Kunkel", title = "Copyflow: typesetting procedures for book composition", publisher = "National Composition Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", pages = "82", year = "1979", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Publishers and publishing; Type-setting.", } @Article{Moitra:1979:DAH, author = "Abha Moitra and S. P. Mudur and A. W. Narwekar", title = "Design and Analysis of a Hyphenation Procedure", journal = j-SPE, volume = "9", number = "4", pages = "325--333", month = apr, year = "1979", CODEN = "SPEXBL", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The need for a hyphenation procedure exists in every text composition (typesetting) system. A hyphenation procedure is described wherein the search list includes exceptional words prefixes, suffixes as well as a probabilistic Break-Value-Table. The list of prefixes and suffixes is augmented with what are termed as root words to achieve greater flexibility and accuracy. Importance is given to a number of ways whereby the overall algorithm can be speeded up; in this connection a number of rejection rules are formulated so that only the likely candidates are processed. The order of searching of the various data tables is also considered. A further refinement is tried wherein the common suffixes and common prefixes are given preferential treatment. The algorithm developed was tested on approximately 2,700 common English technical words and an attempt is made to analyze the incorrectly handled words.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723", journalabr = "Software Pract Exper", keywords = "algorithm; computer programming; hyphenation; typesetting", } @Article{Mudur:1979:DST, author = "S. P. Mudur and A. W. Narwekar and Abha Moitra", title = "Design of Software for Text Composition", journal = j-SPE, volume = "9", number = "4", pages = "313--323", month = apr, year = "1979", CODEN = "SPEXBL", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Text composition software is mainly used by compositors, who are usually not programmers and who do not necessarily know much about the underlying technicalities of computer usage. It is important, therefore, that the text composition system be such that a compositor would have a minimum amount of learning to do. Factors such as flexibility of style specification and economical proof generation are important from a user's point of view. On the other hand, multilingual text input, output device independence and system portability are points of concern for the system designer. In this paper, a specific text composition software system designed on the basis of such considerations is briefly described. The way in which the above-mentioned factors affect the design of the system is discussed in some detail.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723", journalabr = "Software Pract Exper", keywords = "computer programming; typesetting", } @Article{Phillips:1979:WLC, author = "R. J. Phillips", title = "Why is Lower Case Better?", journal = "Applied Ergonomics", volume = "10", number = "4", pages = "211--214", month = dec, year = "1979", CODEN = "AERGBW", ISSN = "0003-6870", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Words set in capital letters are less legible than in lower case when reading text, searching for newspaper headlines, or finding a name on a map. The difference is usually attributed to the distinctive shape of lower case words, but lower case setting also emphasizes capital letters at the start of sentences and for proper names. In the experiment reported here people searched for names on a map-like display. Names set entirely in lower case (e.g., southampton) took significantly longer to find than those set in small capitals with a large initial capital (e.g., SOUTHAMPTON) and so, for this task, emphasis given to the initial letter is clearly more important than word shape. This calls into doubt the word shape explanation in other contexts.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "461; 741; 745; 901", journalabr = "Appl Ergon", keywords = "human engineering --- Research; typesetting; typography; visual search", } @Book{Smart:1979:T, author = "John E. Smart", title = "Typesetting", publisher = "Science Museum", address = "London, UK", pages = "4", year = "1979", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Type-setting --- History.", } @Book{Swanson:1979:MTC, author = "Ellen Swanson", title = "Mathematics into Type: copyediting and proofreading of mathematics for editorial assistants and authors", publisher = pub-AMS, address = pub-AMS:adr, edition = "Revised", pages = "ix + 90", year = "1979", ISBN = "0-8218-0053-1", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8218-0053-9", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Wed Oct 29 12:28:34 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb # " and " # ack-bnb, annote = "Updated 1999 by Arlene O'Sean and Antoinette Schleyer, The original edition is based on ``traditional'' composition (Monotype and ``cold type'', i.e. Varityper and Selectric Composer); the 1979 edition adds material for computer composition, and the 1999 edition mostly assumes \TeX{} or a comparably advanced system.", } @Manual{UC:1979:TEF, title = "Text editing, formatting and typesetting using the {UCSB} {UNIX} system", organization = "Computer Center, University of California", address = "Santa Barbara", pages = "244", year = "1979", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Manual{USBC:1979:CMI, title = "1977 census of manufactures: industry series, typesetting, {SIC} 2791", number = "SIC 2791", organization = "Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census", address = "Washington, DC, USA", pages = "7", year = "1979", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "MC 77-I; 27 C-4 (P)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Issued June 1979. Preliminary report.", govtdocnumber = "C 3.24/8:MC 77-I-27 C-4 (P) 135", keywords = "Printing industry --- United States --- Statistics; United States --- Manufactures --- Statistics.", } @Manual{WL:1979:THR, title = "Typesetting hyphenation rules", organization = "Wang Laboratories, Inc.", address = "Lowell, MA, USA", pages = "various", year = "1979", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Danish --- English --- French --- German --- Italian --- Portuguese --- Spanish --- Swedish.", } @Book{Anonymous:1980:HPC, author = "Anonymous", title = "How to put a cap on the high costs of office typesetting \slash{} a White Paper prepared by {Browne Information Systems}", publisher = "Browne Information Systems. Marketing Department", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "18", year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Business --- Data processing; Word processing.", } @Article{Barach:1980:NEI, author = "David R. Barach and David M. Fram", title = "{NPP}: An Easy to Implement Preprocessor for Text Formatting", journal = j-SPE, volume = "10", number = "5", pages = "335--346", month = may, year = "1980", CODEN = "SPEXBL", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", bibdate = "Sat May 31 13:36:16 MDT 1997", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Biggs:1980:NPW, author = "Mary Biggs", title = "Neither printer's wife nor widow: {American} women in typesetting, 1830--1950", journal = "Library Quarterly", volume = "50", number = "4", pages = "431--452", year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printers, American; Printing, Practical --- United States --- History; Women --- Employment.; Women printers", } @Book{Birkett:1980:ITW, author = "William H. Birkett", title = "In-house typesetting: weigh the facts", publisher = "The Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", pages = "22", year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing, Practical.; Type-setting", } @TechReport{Buccino:1980:RTS, author = "Joseph H. Buccino", title = "A reliable typesetting system for {Waterloo}", type = "Report", number = "CS-80-20", institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, University of Waterloo", address = "Waterloo, ON, Canada", pages = "111", year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Buhl:1980:HSO, author = "Tom Buhl", title = "How to start, operate and enjoy a successful typesetting business", publisher = "Homefront Graphics", address = "Santa Barbara, Calif. (P.O. Box 4114, Santa Barbara, CA 93103)", pages = "131", year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing industry --- United States --- Management; Small business.; Typesetting", } @Book{Cartwright:1980:SST, author = "B. Cartwright", title = "A style specification for typesetting manuscripts of research papers using {COMTEXT} on the {Cyber-76} computer", publisher = "CSIRO", address = "Melbourne, Victoria, Australia", pages = "16", year = "1980", ISBN = "0-643-02742-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-643-02742-8", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Division of Soils divisional report; no. 52", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; COMTEXT (Computer program)", } @Article{Clover:1980:WDY, author = "Margaret Clover", title = "Why Not Do Your Own ``Setting'' with Electronic Typesetting in the Classroom?", journal = "C.S.P.A.A. Bulletin", volume = "38", number = "1", pages = "7--9", month = "Summer", year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Lists and describes advantages and disadvantages of using phototypesetting in the journalism classroom. Suggests steps to follow in purchasing phototypesetting equipment. (TJ)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Reprint: UMI", ericno = "EJ227526", identifiers = "Typesetting", majordesc = "Electronic Equipment; Journalism Education; Photocomposition; Student Publications", minordesc = "Equipment Standards; Purchasing; Secondary Education", } @TechReport{Condon:1980:EML, author = "Joe Condon and Brian Kernighan and Ken Thompson", title = "Experience with the {Mergenthaler Linotron 202} Phototypesetter, or, How We Spent Our Summer Vacation", type = "Technical Memorandum", number = "TM-80-1270-1", institution = "Bell Laboratories", address = "Murray Hill, NJ, USA", day = "6", month = jan, year = "1980", bibdate = "Wed Jun 17 17:20:06 2015", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Publication of this internal memo of 1980 was suppressed for 33 years, but both the original, and the reconstructed memo are now available on the Web. See \cite{Bagley:2013:RSV} for the story of its reconstruction and Web publication.", URL = "http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~bwk/202/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Cross:1980:IB, author = "Ruth Canedy Cross", title = "Indexing books", publisher = "Word Guild", address = "Cambridge, MA, USA", pages = "xiii + 145", year = "1980", ISBN = "0-9602524-1-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-9602524-1-1", LCCN = "Z695.9 .C76", bibdate = "Wed Apr 27 13:47:35 MDT 2011", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", series = "A Word Guild guide", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Books; Abstracting and indexing", } @Book{Dallwitz:1980:UGT, author = "M. J. Dallwitz", title = "User's guide to {TYPSET}, a computer typesetting program", publisher = "Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Australia", address = "Canberra, ACT, Australia", pages = "23", year = "1980", ISBN = "0-643-02499-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-643-02499-1", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "CSIRO Division of Entomology report; no. 18", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; TYPSET (Computer program)", } @Article{Garner:1980:GED, author = "Franklin J. Garner", title = "Grafica --- Merging Typesetting and Plotting in Automated Publications Systems", journal = "Research Publication --- General Motors Research Laboratories", volume = "??", number = "??", pages = "83--92", month = "????", year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A new method of producing technical documentation has been developed, one which utilizes a software package to drive a high speed, high quality, CRT phototypesetter as a hybrid output device, to simultaneously plot drawings and set type. This development represents another milestone towards the next advance in automated publications, making it possible to generate full-page, camera-ready artwork without the need for any manual layout or paste-up.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723", conference = "Symp on Autom Technol Proc, 2nd, NSWSES (Nav Ship Weapons Syst Eng Stn)-NPS (Nav Postgrad Sch) Symp", keywords = "computer graphics", meetingaddress = "Monterey, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Nov 13--15 1979", meetingdate2 = "11/13--15/79", } @Book{Haley:1980:PGI, author = "Allan Haley", title = "Phototypography: a guide to in-house typesetting and design", publisher = "Scribner", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "143", year = "1980", ISBN = "0-684-16381-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-684-16381-9", LCCN = "TR1010.H34", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Phototypesetting.", } @TechReport{Keeler:1980:SCA, author = "F. Laurence Keeler", title = "{System for Computer Automated Typesetting} ({SCAT}) of Computer Authored Texts", number = "TAEG-88", institution = "Training Analysis and Evaluation Group, System for Computer Automated Typesetting, Chief of Naval Education and Training", address = "Orlando, FL, USA", pages = "151", year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This description of the System for Automated Typesetting (SCAT), an automated system for typesetting text and inserting special graphic symbols in programmed instructional materials created by the computer aided authoring system AUTHOR, provides an outline of the design architecture of the system and an overview including the component requirements, a flow chart and examples of system input data, composed text stream, and typeset output. The technical approach employed in developing SCAT and the rationale used in making the software and format decisions are reviewed, and a brief discussion of the important factors involved in the use of such a system for the preparation of computer authored programmed instructions is followed by recommendations. A glossary is provided, as well as five appendices containing listings of programs used by SCAT, typographer's substitution tables, a SCAT user's guide, code sets, and a sample of programmed instruction demonstrating the use of typography. (CHC)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, availability = "EDRS Price --- MF01/PC07 Plus Postage.", ericno = "ED196399", majordesc = "Computer Graphics; Computer Oriented Programs; Input Output Devices; Printing", minordesc = "Evaluation; Flow Charts; Programmed Instructional Materials", } @TechReport{Kernighan:1980:STM, author = "Brian W. Kernighan and Lorinda L. Cherry", title = "A system for typesetting mathematics", institution = "University of California, Berkeley, Computing Services", address = "Berkeley, CA, USA", pages = "8", year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Revision of 1975 paper.", series = "UNX; 4.2.4 UNX; 4.2.04", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Kimball:1980:DAC, author = "Glenn S. Kimball", booktitle = "Optomech Syst Des (Jul 31 1980: San Diego, CA, USA)", title = "Design of an Advanced Cathode-Ray Tube ({CRT}) Phototypesetter", journal = "Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers", volume = "250", number = "??", pages = "8--13", month = "????", year = "1980", CODEN = "SPIECJ", ISSN = "0361-0748", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The Autologic Micro-5 CRT phototypesetter employs a vacuum-tensioned web transport wherein type images displayed on a cathode-ray tube are imaged by a lens upon photographic film or paper. A unique servo design utilizing a microcomputer permits character exposure while the media is in motion. An extensive evaluation of type requirements and photographic materials led to an optimized lens design that provides the necessary type acuity and machine speed at moderate cost. A family of optical magnifications are housed in a common lens barrel design, thus maximizing commonality.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "714; 723; 742; 745", journalabr = "Proc Soc Photo Opt Instrum Eng", keywords = "computers, microprocessor; CRT phototypesetter; electron tubes, cathode ray --- Applications; photographic reproduction --- Computer Applications; typesetting", meetingaddress = "San Diego, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Jul 31 1980", meetingdate2 = "07/31/80", } @Article{Nies:1980:BYO, author = "James B. Nies", title = "Buying Your Own Typesetting Equipment", journal = "Communication: Journalism Education Today (C:JET)", volume = "14", number = "1", pages = "14--15", month = "Fall", year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Contains information on typesetting machines currently on the market. [RL]", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Reprint: UMI", ericno = "EJ234026", majordesc = "Equipment; Journalism Education; Printing", minordesc = "Equipment Evaluation; Equipment Manufacturers; Photocomposition; School Newspapers; School Publications; Secondary Education", } @Misc{PHM:1980:ITH, key = "PHM'80", title = "Introduction to typography history of typesetting technology", publisher = "Prentice-Hall Media", address = "Tarrytown, NY, USA", year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "2 filmstrips guide + 8 black line masters.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "In parts one and two of History of Typesetting Technology, the student is introduced to the origins of type and to the development of typesetting systems. The filmstrips explore the first attempts to use movable type, by the Chinese, and go on to explain Gutenberg's contributions, the development of early typesetting machines, and the computerized phototypesetting systems that dominate the industry today.", keywords = "Printing, Practical --- History; Type-setting --- History.", } @Article{Sachs:1980:ETS, author = "Jonathan Sachs", title = "Economical Typesetting from Small Computer Text Files", journal = "SIGSMALL Newsletter (ACM Special Interest Group on Small Computing Systems and Applications)", volume = "6", number = "2", pages = "184--188", month = sep, year = "1980", CODEN = "SNSLD9", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The author looks at a new option for those who want high quality at low cost: a typesetting service that works from text files prepared on word processing computers. By allowing the user to do his own keyboarding, such a service eliminates the labor-intensive (and expensive) part of the process. A discussion is presented of the advantages and disadvantages of computer typesetting --- economic and otherwise --- and some of the aesthetic problems it presents.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745", conference = "Proc Jt Symp -SIGSMALL Symp, 3rd and SIGPC Symp, 1st", journalabr = "SIGSMALL Newsl", keywords = "typesetting", meetingaddress = "Palo Alto, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Sep 18--19 1980", meetingdate2 = "09/18--19/80", } @Book{Spivak:1980:JTG, author = "M. Spivak", title = "The joy of {\TeX}: a gourmet guide to typesetting technical text by computer: with numerous explicit illustrations (version 1)", publisher = pub-AMS, address = pub-AMS:adr, pages = "134", year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$9.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "H.1 Information Systems, MODELS AND PRINCIPLES, Miscellaneous \\ H.4 Information Systems, INFORMATION SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS, Miscellaneous", } @Article{Tervonen:1980:MCG, author = "Mikko Tervonen and Hannu Hakalahti and Pentti Lappalainen", title = "Microprogrammable Character Generator for {CRT} Phototypesetting System", journal = "EUROMICRO Symposium on Microprocessing and Microprogramming", pages = "179--190", year = "1980", CODEN = "ESMMDX", ISBN = "0-444-86098-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-444-86098-9", LCCN = "QA76.5.E9 1980", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:25:29 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745", conference = "Microprocessor Systems: Software, Firmware and Hardware, 6th EUROMICRO Symposium on Microprocessing and Microprogramming.", journalabr = "EUROMICRO Symposium on Microprocessing and Microprogramming 6th.", keywords = "character encoding; CRT phototypesetter; microprocessors; microprogrammable character generation; photocomposition systems; read-only memory; typesetting", meetingaddress = "London, Engl", sponsor = "EUROMICRO, Paris, Fr; US Army, Eur Res Off, London, Engl; Hawker Siddeley Dyn Eng Ltd, Hatfield, Eng; Microprocess and Microsyst, Guildford, Engl; Midl Bank Int, London, Engl; Univ of Kaiserslautern, Ger", } @Manual{UAPS:1980:GDT, title = "A guide to design, typesetting, printing", organization = "Printing Services, University of Arkansas", address = "Fayetteville, AK, USA", edition = "New issue", pages = "various", year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Makeup (Printing); Printing --- Specimens; Type and type-founding.; University of Arkansas. --- Printing Services", } @PhdThesis{VanWyk:1980:LTG, author = "Christopher John {Van Wyk}", title = "A language for typesetting graphics", type = "Cover title. Thesis (Ph. D.)", publisher = "Stanford University, Computer Science Dept.", school = "Stanford University", address = "Stanford, CA, USA", pages = "v + 59", year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "STAN-CS-80-803", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computer graphics; LELAND (Computer program)", } @Book{Allen:1981:PCT, author = "Frank H. Allen", title = "The Preparation and computer typesetting of the ``Molecular structures and dimensions'' bibliographic volumes for the {Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre}", publisher = "Science and Engineering Research Council, Rutherford Appleton Lab.", address = "Chilton, Eng.", pages = "21 + [17]", year = "1981", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``PB82-208513'' Photocopy. Springfield, Va.: National Technical Information Service, 1981. 28 cm.", keywords = "Computerized typesetting.", } @Article{Allen:1981:PHD, author = "Todd Allen and Robert Nix and Alan Perlis", title = "{PEN}: a hierarchical document editor", journal = j-SIGPLAN, volume = "16", number = "6", pages = "74--81", month = jun, year = "1981", CODEN = "SINODQ", ISSN = "0362-1340 (print), 1523-2867 (print), 1558-1160 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0362-1340", bibdate = "Sun Dec 14 09:14:34 MST 2003", bibsource = "http://portal.acm.org/; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques)", conflocation = "Portland, OR, USA; 8-10 June 1981", conftitle = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN SIGOA Symposium on Text Manipulation", corpsource = "Computer Sci. Dept., Yale Univ., New Haven, CT, USA", keywords = "compilation; computer controlled typesetting; design; formatting; hierarchical document editor; interactive editor; manuscript preparation; PEN system; text editing; windowing", subject = "D.4.7 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, Organization and Design, Hierarchical design \\ D.4.7 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, Organization and Design, Interactive systems \\ I.2.7 Computing Methodologies, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, Natural Language Processing, Language generation \\ D.4.8 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, Performance, Queueing theory", treatment = "A Application", } @Book{Buhl:1981:HSO, author = "Tom Buhl", title = "How to start, operate and enjoy a successful typesetting business", publisher = "Homefront Graphics", address = "Santa Barbara, CA, USA", edition = "Second", pages = "133", year = "1981", ISBN = "0-939374-00-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-939374-00-7", LCCN = "Z244.6.U5 B83 1981", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing industry --- United States --- Management; Small business.; Type-setting", } @Book{Haley:1981:PGI, author = "Allan Haley", title = "Phototypography: a guide to in-house typesetting and design", publisher = "Hale", address = "London, UK", pages = "143", year = "1981", ISBN = "0-7091-9243-6, 0-684-16381-0 (U.S.)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-7091-9243-5, 978-0-684-16381-9 (U.S.)", LCCN = "TR1010 .H34", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Originally published: New York: Scribner, 1980. Includes index.", keywords = "Phototypesetting; Phototypesetting --- Design", } @TechReport{Hershey:1981:ACT, author = "Allen V. Hershey", title = "Advanced Computer Typography", number = "NPS012-81-005", institution = pub-USNPS, address = pub-USNPS:adr, month = dec, year = "1981", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Kernighan:1981:PLT, author = "B. W. Kernighan", title = "{PIC}: a language for typesetting graphics", crossref = "Abrahams:1981:PAS", pages = "92--96", year = "1981", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "languages; design", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Languages", } @Article{Knuth:1981:BPL, author = "D. E. Knuth and M. E. Plass", title = "Breaking paragraphs into lines", journal = j-SPE, volume = "11", number = "11", pages = "1119--1184", month = nov, year = "1981", CODEN = "SPEXBL", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "algorithms; design", review = "ACM CR 39160", subject = "I.7 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation", } @Article{Macdonald:1981:TDM, author = "John B. Macdonald and Mary Kay Podlecki and Milt J. Pappas", title = "Technical Documentation by {MAGIC}", journal = j-IEEE-CGA, volume = "1", number = "2", pages = "27--30, 32, 34, 36", month = apr, year = "1981", CODEN = "ICGADZ", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1109/MCG.1981.1673865", ISSN = "0272-1716 (print), 1558-1756 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An interactive computer graphic system is presented, which facilitates the rapid preparation and editing of technical documentation with higher cost effectiveness than traditional manual publication methods. This computer based documentation system called MAGIC (for machine-aided graphics for illustration and composition) expedites the production of technical manuals for a large communication network. The system hardware configuration consisting of terminals, data-base management computer and phototypesetting systems, the systems software, and the operational results, are described.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 745", journalabr = "IEEE Comput Graphics Appl", keywords = "computer graphics; computer peripheral equipment --- Graphics; computer software; database systems; technical documentation; typesetting --- Computer Applications", } @Periodical{NCAUS:1981:NRT, key = "NCA'81", title = "{NCA} reports on typesetting", publisher = "National Composition Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", year = "1981", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, alttitle = "National Composition Association reports on typesetting", annote = "``A confidential membership service from National Composition Association.'' Description based on: Ref. 2 (Oct. 1981)", keywords = "Printing industry --- United States.; Type-setting", } @Article{Pinkham:1981:PCP, author = "Charles B. Pinkham", title = "Producing Cost-Effective Publications with the Aid of Wp", journal = "Proceedings --- International Technical Communication Conference", pages = "A. 64--A. 68", year = "1981", CODEN = "PITCDL", ISBN = "0-914548-34-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-914548-34-8", LCCN = "T10.5.I57 1981", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:25:52 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 901", conference = "Proceedings --- 28th International Technical Communication Conference.", journalabr = "Proceedings - International Technical Communication Conference 28th.", keywords = "cost effectiveness; engineering writing; illustrating; layout; publications; typefaces; typesetting; typing; word processing", meetingaddress = "Pittsburgh, PA, USA", sponsor = "Soc for Tech Commun, Washington, DC, USA", } @PhdThesis{Plass:1981:OPT, author = "Michael F. Plass", title = "Optimal pagination techniques for automatic typesetting systems", type = "Thesis (Ph. D.)", publisher = "Stanford University, Computer Science Dept.", school = "Stanford University", address = "Stanford, CA, USA", pages = "vi + 72", year = "1981", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Report no. STAN-CS-81-870", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Pagination", } @Article{Pringle:1981:JFH, author = "Alison M. Pringle", title = "Justification with Fewer Hyphens", journal = j-COMP-J, volume = "24", number = "4", pages = "320--323", month = nov, year = "1981", CODEN = "CMPJA6", ISSN = "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0010-4620", bibdate = "Fri Dec 13 09:35:36 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_24/Issue_04/", URL = "http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_24/Issue_04/tiff/320.tif; http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_24/Issue_04/tiff/321.tif; http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_24/Issue_04/tiff/322.tif; http://www3.oup.co.uk/computer_journal/hdb/Volume_24/Issue_04/tiff/323.tif", abstract = "Many books are now typeset by computer, and certain areas of this work are subject to much criticism by professional printers. An example is justification and the introduction of hyphenation. Many of the programs used in the past have been naive and inflexible. This study presents an approach to the problem which is both new and flexible, and produces better results than many which have been seen before now. In some cases it may even produce results which improve on those of traditional methods.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723", keywords = "data processing", } @Article{Ramsay:1981:CVC, author = "Mike Ramsay and Theodore A. Shaffer", title = "Custom Video Control Delivers Advanced Font Graphics", journal = j-ELECTRONICS, volume = "54", number = "25", pages = "151--154", month = dec, year = "1981", CODEN = "ELECAD", ISSN = "0013-5070", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A multifunction work station is presented which includes a video subsystem that adapts to the user's design needs. Add-on options are described that give such bit-map display characteristics as graphics, subscripts and superscripts, and boldface and double-width and -height characters. Also, its character fonts may be modified through software changes.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 731; 741", journalabr = "Electronics", keywords = "bit-map display; character fonts; computer graphics; computer software --- Applications; display devices --- Control; video display system", } @Book{Rice:1981:CTH, author = "Stanley Rice", title = "{CRT} typesetting handbook", publisher = pub-VNR, address = pub-VNR:adr, pages = "vi + 409", year = "1981", ISBN = "0-442-23889-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-442-23889-6", LCCN = "Z253.3.R53", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.", } @TechReport{Slingerland:1981:STT, author = "David W. Slingerland", title = "Summary of trade and tariff information printing and typesetting machinery and printing plates, {TSUS} items 668.21, 668.23 (pt.), 668.25, 668.38, and 668.50 (pt.)", type = "USITC publication; 841", number = "Control no. 6-4-7", institution = "U.S. International Trade Commission", address = "Washington, DC, USA", pages = "vi + 31", year = "1981", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Cover title. ``Prepared in terms of the Tariff Schedules of the United States.'' ``July 1981.'' Microfiche. [Washington, DC]: U.S. G.P.O., 1982. 1 microfiche; 11 x 15 cm.", govtdocnumber = "ITC 1.11:6-4-7 982-B (microfiche)", keywords = "Printing machinery industry --- United States --- Statistics; Printing plates; Type-setting machines.", } @InProceedings{VanWyde:1981:GTL, author = "C. T. {Van Wyde}", title = "A graphics typesetting language", crossref = "Abrahams:1981:PAS", pages = "97--107", year = "1981", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "languages; algorithms", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Photocomposition", } @Article{VanWyk:1981:GTL, author = "Christopher J. {Van Wyk}", title = "A graphics typesetting language", journal = j-SIGPLAN, volume = "16", number = "6", pages = "99--107", month = jun, year = "1981", CODEN = "SINODQ", ISSN = "0362-1340 (print), 1523-2867 (print), 1558-1160 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0362-1340", bibdate = "Sun Dec 14 09:14:34 MST 2003", bibsource = "http://portal.acm.org/; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques); C6140D (High level languages)", conflocation = "Portland, OR, USA; 8-10 June 1981", conftitle = "Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN SIGOA Symposium on Text Manipulation", corpsource = "Bell Labs., Murray Hill, NJ, USA", keywords = "arcs; block structured language; box; document preparation system; graphics typesetting language; high level languages; IDEAL program; text editing; text-formatting systems", treatment = "A Application", } @Article{Walker:1981:TT, author = "T. R. Walker", title = "Typographical Terminology", journal = "Proceedings --- International Technical Communication Conference", pages = "A. 109--A. 111", year = "1981", CODEN = "PITCDL", ISBN = "0-914548-34-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-914548-34-8", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "745; 901", conference = "Proceedings --- 28th International Technical Communication Conference.", journalabr = "Proceedings - International Technical Communication Conference 28th.", keywords = "composition; editors; phototypesetters; printers; technical writing; terminology; typesetting; typography", meetingaddress = "Pittsburgh, PA, USA", sponsor = "Soc for Tech Commun, Washington, DC, USA", } @Article{Wright:1981:TCT, author = "Donald L. Wright", title = "Total Concept in Technical Writing", journal = "Proceedings --- International Technical Communication Conference", pages = "A. 112--A. 115", year = "1981", CODEN = "PITCDL", ISBN = "0-914548-34-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-914548-34-8", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 901", conference = "Proceedings --- 28th International Technical Communication Conference.", journalabr = "Proceedings - International Technical Communication Conference 28th.", keywords = "documentation; edited draft copy; editing; engineering writing; formatting; revision control; rough draft; technical writing; typesetting", meetingaddress = "Pittsburgh, PA, USA", sponsor = "Soc for Tech Commun, Washington, DC, USA", } @Article{Allen:1982:CCD, author = "Frank H. Allen and Olga Kennard and David G. Watson and Kathleen M. Crennell", title = "{Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center} --- 6. Preparation and Computer Typesetting of ``Molecular Structures and Dimensions'' Bibliographic Volumes", journal = j-J-CHEM-INFO-COMP-SCI, volume = "22", number = "3", pages = "129--139 (or 129--138??)", month = aug, year = "1982", CODEN = "JCISD8", ISSN = "0095-2338", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Current accessions to the computer-based bibliographic file of the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Center are disseminated annually via the reference book series Molecular Structures and Dimensions. Each volume contains a bibliographic listing ordered in 86 chemical classes and includes cross-references. A set of five indexes, based on compound names, molecular formulas, and authors' names, is also included. Twelve volumes (containing over 30 000 references) have been prepared since 1970 by use of computer typesetting techniques. The present production system is based on an FR80 microfilm recorder which employs special circuitry to display proportionally spaced text at high speed using a serifed font. Programs have been developed for cross-referencing, indexing, and typesetting (including complete page makeup) which enable casebound books to be produced from the master bibliographic file in under 3 months.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745; 901", journalabr = "J Chem Inf Comput Sci", keyword = "documentation", keywords = "information dissemination; typesetting --- Computer Applications", subject = "H.3.1 Information Systems, INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL, Content Analysis and Indexing, Dictionaries \\ H.3.4 Information Systems, INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL, Systems and Software, Information networks \\ J.2 Computer Applications, PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING, Chemistry", } @Book{Anonymous:1982:CMS, author = "Anonymous", key = "Chicago", title = "The Chicago Manual of Style", publisher = pub-U-CHICAGO, address = pub-U-CHICAGO:adr, edition = "13th", pages = "ix + 737", year = "1982", ISBN = "0-226-10390-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-226-10390-7", LCCN = "Z253 .U69 1982", bibdate = "Fri Jul 22 08:53:35 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "UK\pounds30", abstract = "For over seventy-five years the University of Chicago Press `Manual of Style' has been the standard reference tool for authors, editors, copywriters, and proofreaders. Updated many times since 1906, it now goes into its thirteenth edition---the first to introduce a change in title. Bowing to what has become nearly universal usage, we now call the `Manual' what everybody else calls it, `The Chicago Manual of Style'---or, for short, `The Chicago Manual'.\par Two pervasive features characterize the present edition: it reflects the impact of the new technology on the entire editing and publishing process, and it spells out, in greater detail and with many more examples, the procedures with which it deals. It is, in short, much more a ``how-to'' book for authors and editors than was its predecessor. In chapter 2, on manuscript preparation and copyediting, for example, new sections have been added on how to mark a manuscript and how to mark type specifications on a script. Chapter 12 (``Tables''), completely rewritten, begins with advice on how to make a table from raw data. Chapters 15 through 17, on documentation, have been reorganized and greatly expanded, offering many more alternative methods of citation and a wealth of examples. In chapter 18 (``Indexes''), clear step-by-step procedures for the mechanics of index making are set forth. The terminology and methodology of technological advances (in word processing, computerized electronic typesetting, and the like) are reflected most prominently in chapter 20, ``Composition, Printing, and Binding'' (new to this edition), and in the Glossary. Other notable features of the present edition are chapter 4 (``Rights and Permissions''), rewritten in light of the new copyright law, and chapter 9 (``Foreign Languages''), which includes a new table of dicritics, a pinyin (Chinese) conversion chart and data on several more languages.\par Throughout, `The Chicago Manual' aims to give clear and straightforward guidelines for preparing and editing copy---with the emphasis on the sensible, the practical, and the economical. As did its predecessors, the thirteenth edition of the `Manual' states the style preferences of the University of Chicago Press and reflects the current practices and requirements of the great majority of American publishers.", acknowledgement = ack-fm # " and " # ack-jpl, annote = "The standard American work on typesetting style etc. (CHe)", bibliography = "yes", glossary = "yes", history = "First edition, 1906, 12th edition 1969", index = "yes", inprint = "yes", keywords = "printing, practical style manuals, authorship handbooks, authorship manuals", printermarks = "yes", subtitle = "Rules for Authors, Printers and Publishers", } @Misc{Anonymous:1982:CTR, author = "Anonymous", title = "Computerized typesetting: a revolution in publishing", publisher = "Mark 56 Records", address = "Anaheim, CA, USA", year = "1982", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "1 sound cassette (ca. 26 min.)", series = "Mark 56 Records Educational series; 2563. 2563; Mark 56 Records", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Publishers and publishing; Type-setting.", } @Article{Berul:1982:PFE, author = "Lawrence H. Berul", title = "Prospects for the Future of Electronic Publishing: the Role of the Publisher", journal = "International Online Information Meeting", pages = "207--217", year = "1982", CODEN = "IOIMDT", ISBN = "0-904933-39-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-904933-39-0", LCCN = "?Z699.A1 I686 1982", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:26:03 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745; 901", conference = "6th International Online Information Meeting.", journalabr = "Int Online Inf Meet", keywords = "automated publishing; database; electronic publishing; information dissemination; typesetting", meetingaddress = "London, Engl", sponsor = "Online Review, Abingdon, Oxfs, Engl", } @Book{Bliss:1982:PPR, author = "Carey Bliss", title = "A Pair on Printing: {Richard Atkyns}': The original and growth of printing; {William Caslon}: the first {English} type specimen book", publisher = "Bird \& Bull Press", address = "North Hills, PA, USA", pages = "137", year = "1982", ISBN = "????", ISBN-13 = "????", LCCN = "Z250 B593 1982", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 15:33:29 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", price = "US\$60.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Originally published as: (1) Atkyns: The original and growth of printing: collected out of history, and the records of this Kingdome. Wherein is also demonstrated, that printing appertaineth to the perogative royal; and is a Flower of the Crown of England / by Richard Atkyns, Esq.; White-hall, April the 25th 1664. By order and appointment of the Right Honourable, Mr. Secretary Morice, Let this be printed. London: Printed by John Streater, for the author, 1664, and (2) Caslon: A specimen of printing types / by W. Caslon and Son, Letter Founders, in London. London, Printed by Dryden Leach, 1764.", email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Article{Bonham:1982:SPD, author = "Mike Bonham and Ian H. Witten", title = "Structured Procedural Document-Preparation Language", journal = "Proceedings --- Canadian Information Processing Society", pages = "6--12", year = "1982", CODEN = "PCISE7", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745", conference = "Proceedings --- Canadian Information Processing Society, Session 82.", journalabr = "Proc Can Inf Proc Soc", keywords = "compilers; computer programming languages; document-preparation languages; format designer; heuristics; object-oriented control languages; typesetting", meetingaddress = "Saskatoon, Sask, Can", sponsor = "Canadian Information Processing Soc, Toronto, Ont, Can; Saskatchewan Computer Utility Corp, Sask, Can; Federated Cooperatives Ltd, Saskatoon, Sask, Can; Potash Corp of Saskatchewan, Sask, Can; Price Waterhouse \& Co, USA; et al", } @Article{Clement:1982:CCW, author = "Frank Clement", title = "The Computer: Changing the Way We Do Things. Electronic Typesetting: The Means to Improving Reading Speed and Comprehension?", journal = j-PERFORM-INSTR-J, volume = "21", number = "4", pages = "39--41", month = may, year = "1982", ISSN = "8750-0191", ISSN-L = "1931-9185", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Suggests that the computer can influence the art of typesetting to provide a new dimension to the typed or screen- image page that may lead to improved reading speed and comprehension. A series of examples of print styles that have different interactions with the ability to read accompany the text. (Author/JL)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Reprint: UMI", ericno = "EJ264732", identifiers = "Electronic Typesetting; Typeface", majordesc = "Printing; Reading Comprehension; Reading Rate; Technological Advancement", minordesc = "Computer Oriented Programs; Word Processing", } @Article{Corbett:1982:IPD, author = "Chris Corbett and Ian H. Witten", title = "On the Inclusion and Placement of Documentation Graphics in Computer Typesetting", journal = j-COMP-J, volume = "25", number = "2", pages = "272--277", month = may, year = "1982", CODEN = "CMPJA6", ISSN = "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0010-4620", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; Graphics/imager/imager.82.bib; Graphics/siggraph/82.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Computer typesetting systems can produce high quality printed pages suitable for the production of books, journals and newspapers in final form. Little effort to date has been applied to the problem of including and placing arbitrary graphic figures within processed text. A system is described, constructed around existing typesetting software, which allows figure definition and placement. Key features of the system are a wide range of figure sources; figure preview facilities; figures-only output and compatibility with non-graphic printing devices, where figures are plotted separately; support of a figure language for in-line figure definition; and figure placement algorithms which are changeable at the user level.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "Comput J", keywords = "I3m documentation graphics and I3m typesetting, I3m documentation graphics, I3m typesetting", } @InCollection{Furuta:1982:DFS, author = "R. Furuta and J. Scofield and A. Shaw", title = "Document formatting systems: survey, concepts, and issues", crossref = "Nievergelt:1982:DPS", pages = "133--220", year = "1982", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, review = "ACM CR 40525", subject = "H.4.1 Information Systems, INFORMATION SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS, Office Automation, Word processing \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Format and notation \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Languages \\ I.7 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Miscellaneous \\ K.2 Computing Milieux, HISTORY OF COMPUTING, Software", } @Article{GilmourBryson:1982:TPC, author = "A. Gilmour-Bryson", title = "Text preparation for computer typesetting", journal = j-ALLC-BULL, volume = "10", number = "2", pages = "40--47", year = "1982", CODEN = "ALLCB5", ISSN = "0951-1474", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "human factors; documentation", subject = "I.7 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation", } @Book{Goodstein:1982:GTC, author = "David Henry Goodstein", title = "Glossary, typesetting\slash computer\slash communications terms", publisher = "National Composition Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", pages = "47", year = "1982", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``David H. Goodstein, editorial director''-- pref.", keywords = "Electronic data processing --- Terminology; Printing --- Terminology; Telecommunication --- Terminology.", } @Book{Hartsough:1982:DPF, author = "Christopher Hartsough and Yuzo Yamamoto and E. David Callender", title = "Documentation Production from a Formal Database", publisher = pub-ACM, address = pub-ACM:adr, pages = "64--77", year = "1982", ISBN = "0-89791-080-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-89791-080-4", LCCN = "QA76.9.D6 I57 1982", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:26:24 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "ACM (Order number 61 1821). Baltimore, MD, USA.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 901", conference = "Conference Proceedings --- International Conference on Systems Documentation.", keywords = "computer systems documentation; computer systems programming; formal databases; problem statement language problem statement analyzer; producing documents model; psl psa; typeset quality documentation", sponsor = "ACM, Special Interest Group on Systems Documentation, New York, NY, USA; ACM, Special Interest Group on Office Automation, New York, NY, USA", } @Misc{HMLS:1982:HT, key = "MLSH'82", title = "History of typesetting", publisher = "Mergenthaler, Linotype, Stempel, Haas", address = "Melville, NY, USA", year = "1982", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "1 videocassette (U-matic) (33 min.)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "A history of typography from hieroglyphics to computers.", keywords = "Type and type-founding --- History.", } @Manual{Intergraphics:1982:HTT, title = "High-tech typesetting: the typesetting service for personal computer users", organization = "Intergraphics", address = "Alexandria, VA, USA", pages = "216", year = "1982", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; Type-setting", } @Article{Ishii:1982:HED, author = "Atsushi Ishii and Kenji Kouno and Yasunori Maezawa", title = "Highly Efficient Data Compression Method for Newspaper Image Data", journal = j-FUJITSU-SCI-TECH-J, volume = "V 18", number = "N 2", pages = "199--225", month = jun, year = "1982", CODEN = "FUSTA4", ISSN = "0016-2523", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A highly efficient image data compression unit is considered which reduces data file size and data transfer time in computerized typesetting systems. In a study of the correlation between picture elements, it is found that in the predictive coding method, which reduces redundancy in screen dot image data, the most efficient reference picture elements were information on three neighboring screen dots. Based on this finding, an adaptive predictive split coding method is developed which predicts and encodes screen dot image data and character image data according to the most adaptive reference picture elements. This coding method utilizes a variable length control code system to prevent reduction of the compression factor when different kinds of data are used. It proves to be a highly efficient compression method for encoding fullpage, page segment, and character font data.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "731; 741; 745", keywords = "adaptive predictive split coding; codes, symbolic; control code; image processing; information theory --- data compression; screen dot image data; typesetting --- computer applications", } @Book{Kernighan:1982:PGL, author = "Brian W. Kernighan", title = "{PIC}---a graphics language for typesetting: user manual", publisher = "Bell Laboratories", address = "Murray Hill, NJ, USA", edition = "Revised", pages = "24", month = mar, year = "1982", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computing science technical report; no. 85", URL = "http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/cstr/116.ps.gz; http://www.cs.bell-labs.com/cm/cs/cstr/116.ps.gz; http://www.maht0x0r.net/library/computing/pic.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computer graphics.; Computerized typesetting", } @Article{Kernighan:1982:PLT, author = "Brian W. Kernighan", title = "{PIC}: a language for typesetting graphics", journal = j-SPE, volume = "12", number = "1", pages = "1--21", month = jan, year = "1982", CODEN = "SPEXBL", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Pic is a language for specifying pictures so that they can be typeset as an integral part of a document preparation system. The basic objects in PIC are boxes, lines, arrows, circles, ellipses, arcs and splines, which may be placed at positions specified absolutely or in terms of previous objects, and labeled with arbitrary text. The example illustrates the general capabilities of the language.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723", journalabr = "Software Pract Exper", keywords = "computer programming languages; pic language", subject = "I.3.4 Computing Methodologies, COMPUTER GRAPHICS, Graphics Utilities, Picture description languages \\ I.7 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation", } @TechReport{Kernighan:1982:TIT, author = "Brian W. Kernighan", title = "A Typesetter Independent {TROFF}", type = "Computing Science Technical Report", number = "97", institution = "Bell Laboratories", address = "Murray Hill, NJ 07974, USA", month = mar, year = "1982", bibdate = "Wed Jun 17 18:10:30 2015", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "ditroff; nroff; troff", } @InCollection{Kernighan:1982:UDP, author = "B. W. Kernighan and M. E. Lesk", title = "{UNIX} document preparation", crossref = "Nievergelt:1982:DPS", pages = "1--20", year = "1982", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "documentation; languages", review = "ACM CR 40430", subject = "D.4.0 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, General, UNIX \\ I.7 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text Editing \\ I.7 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation", } @Book{Kleper:1982:TM, author = "Michael L. Kleper", title = "Typesetting by microcomputer", publisher = "Graphic Dimensions", address = "Pittsford, NY, USA", pages = "22", year = "1982", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Published for subscribers to The Digest of Information on Phototypesetting.", keywords = "Microcomputers.; Phototypesetting", } @Book{Lindegren:1982:ALP, author = "Erik Lindegren", title = "{ABC} of lettering and printing typefaces: a complete guide to the letters and typefaces used for typesetting and printing", publisher = "Greenwich House: Distributed by Crown Publishers", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "348", year = "1982", ISBN = "0-517-38334-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-517-38334-6", LCCN = "Z250.L627 1982", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Lettering.; Printing --- Specimens; Type and type-founding", } @Misc{MAVCC:1982:TP, key = "MAVCC'82", title = "Typesetting procedures", publisher = "Mid-America Vocational Curriculum Consortium [distributor]", address = "Media Implementation Center [production company]", year = "1982", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "25 slides mono. + 1 script.", series = "Graphic Arts. Book one, Orientation, composition, paste-up; unit 2", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Sound accompaniment compatible for automatic and manual operation. Presents procedures for setting text type using a phototypesetting machine.", keywords = "Commercial art; Graphic arts; Printing, Practical --- Vocational guidance.", } @Manual{NCA:1982:WWT, title = "Who's who in typesetting", organization = "National Composition Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", pages = "64", year = "1982", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing trade --- United States --- Directories; Type-setting --- United States --- Directories.", } @InCollection{Plass:1982:CBL, author = "M. F. Plass and D. E. Knuth", title = "Choosing better line breaks", crossref = "Nievergelt:1982:DPS", pages = "221--242", year = "1982", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "algorithms; documentation", review = "ACM CR 40914", subject = "I.7 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text Editing \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Format and notation", } @Article{Samet:1982:HLD, author = "Hanan Samet", title = "Heuristics for the Line Division Problem in Computer Justified Text", journal = j-CACM, volume = "25", number = "8", pages = "564--571", year = "1982", CODEN = "CACMA2", ISSN = "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Jan 22 07:18:18 MST 2001", bibsource = "http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/journals/cacm/cacm25.html#Samet82; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "typography", oldlabel = "Samet82", XMLdata = "ftp://ftp.informatik.uni-trier.de/pub/users/Ley/bib/records.tar.gz#journals/cacm/Samet82", } @InCollection{Seybold:1982:DPS, author = "J. W. Seybold", title = "Document preparation systems and commercial typesetting", crossref = "Nievergelt:1982:DPS", pages = "243--264", year = "1982", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "design; documentation; human factors; theory", review = "ACM CR 40431", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Format and notation \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Photocomposition", } @Book{Spivak:1982:JTG, author = "Michael Spivak", title = "The joy of {\TeX}: a gourmet guide to typesetting technical text by computer: with numerous explicit illustrations", publisher = pub-AMS, address = pub-AMS:adr, edition = "Version 0.", pages = "iv + 42 + 83 + 47", year = "1982", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "CV-c.1 VLA-c.2,3", keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Mathematics printing --- Computer programs; Technical publishing --- Automation.; TeX (Computer file)", } @Article{Tou:1982:ATF, author = "Julius T. Tou and Jack M. Cheng and D. Z. Lu and John McCarthy", title = "Automatic Type Font Identification for Falsified Documents", journal = "Proceedings --- International Conference on Pattern Recognition", pages = "1234--1240", year = "1982", CODEN = "PICREG", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 741", conference = "Proceedings --- 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition.", journalabr = "Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition 6th.", keywords = "data acquisition; falsified documents; font identification; gray-level analysis; image processing; pattern recognition systems", meetingaddress = "Munich, W Ger", sponsor = "Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mustererkennung, West Ger; Int Assoc for Pattern Recognition", } @Article{Tuescher:1982:LDS, author = "Daniel Tuescher and Max Arnold", title = "{Latin\slash Arabic} Dual-Font {SP 300 ATU} Teleprinter", journal = "Hasler Review", volume = "15", number = "3", pages = "79--81", month = "Autumn", year = "1982", CODEN = "HSLRA5", ISSN = "0374-3306", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The Hasler Latin\slash Arabic dual-front SP300 ATU teleprinter satisfies the requirements which were issued by the Arabic Telecommunications Union (ATU) in 1980. Its printer control system, together with a needle printer, permits the Arabic characters to be printed in their correct forms (initial, intermediate, final and isolated forms).", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "718", journalabr = "Hasler Rev", keywords = "teleprinters", } @Article{Umeda:1982:RMP, author = "Michio Umeda", title = "Recognition of Multi-Font Printed {Chinese} Characters", journal = "Proceedings --- International Conference on Pattern Recognition", pages = "793--796", year = "1982", CODEN = "PICREG", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 741", conference = "Proceedings --- 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition.", journalabr = "Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition 6th.", keywords = "candidate selection method; character recognition; classifications; multi-font characters; printed Chinese characters", meetingaddress = "Munich, W Ger", sponsor = "Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mustererkennung, West Ger; Int Assoc for Pattern Recognition", } @InProceedings{Waldock:1982:TAE, author = "W. C. Waldock", title = "Typesetting in the academic environment", crossref = "ACM:1982:USP", pages = "25--28", year = "1982", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "design; design; documentation", subject = "J.1 Computer Applications, ADMINISTRATIVE DATA PROCESSING, Education \\ I.7 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Miscellaneous", } @Article{Warnock:1982:DIG, author = "John E. Warnock and D. K. Wyatt", title = "A device independent graphics imaging model for use with raster devices", journal = j-COMP-GRAPHICS, volume = "16", number = "3", pages = "313--319", month = jul, year = "1982", CODEN = "CGRADI, CPGPBZ", ISSN = "0097-8930 (print), 1558-4569 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0097-8930", bibsource = "Graphics/imager/imager.82.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/siggraph.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", conference = "held in Boston, Mass.; 26--30 July 1982", fjournal = "Computer Graphics", journal-URL = "http://portal.acm.org/browse_dl.cfm?idx=J166", keywords = "I32 raster devices", } @Article{Witten:1982:PTD, author = "I. H. Witten and M. Bonham and E. Strong", title = "On the power of traps and diversions in a document preparation language", journal = j-SPE, volume = "12", number = "12", pages = "1119--1131", month = dec, year = "1982", CODEN = "SPEXBL", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "design; documentation; languages", review = "ACM CR 40526", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, nroff \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Languages", } @Article{Abramson:1983:EDE, author = "Sandra R. Abramson and L. Hardy Mason and Harry L. Snyder", title = "Effects of Display Errors and Font Styles Upon Operator Performance with a Plasma Panel", journal = "Proceedings of the Human Factors Society", volume = "1", pages = "28--32", year = "1983", CODEN = "PHFSDQ", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "461; 723; 912", conference = "Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 27th Annual Meeting: Turning the Tide of Technology.", journalabr = "Proc Human Factors Soc", keywords = "discrete element error types; manipulation; random addition of discrete elements; random addition of lines of elements; random deletions; reading performance task; systems science and cybernetics", meetingaddress = "Norfolk, VA, USA", sponsor = "Human Factors Soc, Santa Monica, Calif, USA; IEEE Systems, Man \& Cybernetics Soc, New York, NY, USA", } @Manual{AEA:1983:TB, title = "Typesetting business", organization = "American Entrepreneurs Association", address = "Los Angeles, CA, USA", pages = "119", year = "1983", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "AEA business manual; no. X1245", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing, Practical; Small business --- Management.; Type-setting", } @Book{Anonymous:1983:GTT, author = "Anonymous", title = "Glossary of typesetting terms", publisher = "Compugraphic Corp.", address = "Wilmington, MA, USA", pages = "25", year = "1983", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing, Practical.; Type-setting", } @Book{Anonymous:1983:RDC, author = "Anonymous", title = "Research and Development of a {Chinese} Information Processing System", publisher = "Instrument Society of America", address = "Research Triangle Park, NC, USA", pages = "271--278", year = "1983", ISBN = "0-87664-739-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-87664-739-4", LCCN = "TA165.M52 1983", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:27:02 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 741", conference = "Proceedings of a Multi-National Instrumentation Conference --- Miconex '83.", keywords = "character generators; character recognition equipment; Chinese characters; Chinese information processing; data processing; function requirements; typesetting", meetingaddress = "Shanghai, China", sponsor = "China Instrument Soc, Beijing, China; ISA, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA; Soc of Instrument \& Control Engineers (Japan), Tokyo, Jpn", } @Book{Anonymous:1983:WWT, author = "Anonymous", title = "Who's Who in Typesetting, 1983", publisher = "National Composition Association", address = "Arlington, VA.", pages = "54", year = "1983", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Berkebile:1983:DFC, author = "H. E. Berkebile and J. M. Dunn and L. R. Nielsen", title = "Draft-To-Text Font Conversion Algorithm", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "25", number = "10", pages = "5173--5174", month = mar, year = "1983", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Savings in read-only memory storage requirements can be achieved if text dot images can be generated from the draft dot images by an algorithm. Wire matrix printers, for instance, having an 8-wire printhead, generally require 1344 bytes for a draft dot image table and an additional 4992 bytes for a text dot image table. Printers that are capable of both draft and text quality printing generally have both the draft and text wire images coresident in a read only memory. An algorithm is presented which generates the text wire image from the draft wire image table, hence it would be unnecessary to have the 4992 byte text dot image table.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 745", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "character recognition; computer peripheral equipment --- Printers", } @Article{Bigelow:1983:DT, author = "Charles Bigelow and Donald Day", title = "Digital Typography", journal = j-SCI-AMER, volume = "249", number = "2", pages = "??--??", month = aug, year = "1983", CODEN = "SCAMAC", ISSN = "0036-8733 (print), 1946-7087 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Most type is now produced not by casting metal or by photography but by computer. The digital typesetter can create new letterforms with the flexibility of a scribe at up to 15,000 characters per second. This article discusses computerized typesetting techniques. Explanations concerning past practices are presented.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "Sci Am", keywords = "typesetting", pagecount = "12p between p 106 and 119", } @Book{Birkett:1983:PST, author = "William A. Birkett", title = "Pricing strategies for the typesetting industry", publisher = "National Composition Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", pages = "42", year = "1983", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Pricing.; Printing industry --- Management; Printing industry --- Marketing", } @Article{Bresenham:1983:FCH, author = "J. E. Bresenham and J. S. Heath and C. N. Wallis", title = "Font Compression in High Resolution Printers", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "25", number = "9", pages = "4582--4584", month = feb, year = "1983", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A font compression techniques is described for microprocessor-based high resolution printers of the kind which print `swathe-wise', i.e., where a linear array of dot-making devices pass across a page along a line of characters perpendicular to the direction of the array. They include resistive ribbon, molecular matrix, ink jet and electro-erosion printers.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "computer peripheral equipment", } @Article{Catt:1983:CPD, author = "B. R. L. Catt", title = "Computer Printer --- out of the {DP} Room and into the Office", journal = "IERE Conference Proceedings", volume = "57", pages = "133--139", year = "1983", CODEN = "IERCB6", ISBN = "0-903748-52-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-903748-52-0", ISSN = "0538-0006", LCCN = "TK5105.I57 1983", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:27:45 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723", conference = "International Conference on Networks and Electronic Office Systems.", journalabr = "IERE Conference Proceedings", keywords = "computer peripheral equipment; computer printers; daisy wheel printers; data management; line printers; local and networked computers; solid-font printers", meetingaddress = "Reading, Engl", sponsor = "IERE, London, Engl", } @Book{Cave:1983:PP, author = "Roderick Cave", title = "The private press", publisher = pub-BOWKER, address = pub-BOWKER:adr, edition = "Second", pages = "xvi + 389", year = "1983", ISBN = "0-8352-1695-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8352-1695-1", LCCN = "Z231.5.P7 C37 1983", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 15:39:06 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", price = "US\$64.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Manual{Compugraphic:1983:MTC, title = "Modular Composition System ({MCS}) 10\slash 100 typesetting commands: reference manual", organization = "Compugraphic Corporation", address = "Wilmington, MA, USA", pages = "71", year = "1983", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Part no. 216604-001.", } @Article{Day:1983:TMM, author = "Robert A. Day", title = "Typesetting Mathematics on Multi-Access Systems", journal = j-SPE, volume = "13", number = "2", pages = "131--138", month = feb, year = "1983", CODEN = "SPEXBL", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A program giving facilities for the setting of mathematical expressions in running text is described. It acts as a pre-processor to many of the commonly-available text-formatting programs running on current multi-access systems. Particular attention has been given to designing a package that can easily be implemented on the wide variety of equipment in use on these systems, and emphasis has been given to the use of low-cost, readily-available peripherals. Equal importance has been attached to the ability to use the system over wide area networks, with potential applications in the computerized distribution of mathematical material. A comparison is made of the method adopted for entering mathematical expressions into the program with other methods that are currently available.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723", journalabr = "Software Pract Exper", keyword = "design; documentation", keywords = "computer programming", review = "ACM CR 8402-0128", subject = "C.2 Computer Systems Organization, COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, Network Architecture and Design \\ I.7 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation. I.7.2.B Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Format and notation \\ I.7.2", } @Book{Dowdle:1983:IHY, author = "Wade B. Dowdle", title = "101 ideas to help you sell more typesetting", publisher = "National Composition Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", pages = "144", year = "1983", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Type-setting --- Marketing.", } @Book{Duncan:1983:DPE, author = "Harry Duncan", title = "Doors of perception: essays in book typography", publisher = "W. Thomas Taylor", address = "Austin, TX, USA", pages = "99", year = "1983", ISBN = "????", ISBN-13 = "????", LCCN = "Z116 .D6 1983", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:34:43 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", note = "Reprinted in 1987.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Book{Friends:1983:TWD, author = "{Friends of Hermann Puterschein}", title = "A Tribute to {W. A. Dwiggins} on the hundredth anniversary of his birth", publisher = "Inkwell Press", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "153", year = "1983", ISBN = "????", ISBN-13 = "????", LCCN = "Z 116 A3 T74 1983", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 15:44:54 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "William Addison Dwiggins was a designer, artist, and writer.", email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Article{Goldberg:1983:INP, author = "Jeffrey L. Goldberg and Thomas C. Miller", title = "Interactive Name Placement for Provisional Maps", journal = "Technical Papers of the American Congress of Surveying and Mapping", pages = "314--321", year = "1983", CODEN = "TPAMDF", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Computer generation and placement of map type has been refined into a production mode at Mid-Continent Mapping Center (MCMC) for USGS 1:24,000- and 1:25,000-scale Provisional maps. The map collar program is written in FORTRAN using batch processing that allows the program to work in the background.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "US Geological Survey, Rolla, MO, USA", affiliationaddress = "US Geological Survey, Rolla, MO, USA", classification = "405; 723", conference = "Technical Papers of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping.", journalabr = "Technical Papers of the American Congress of Surveying and Mapping 43rd Annual Meeting.", keywords = "automated type placement systems; cartographic conventions; Computer Applications; design file; font access; individual application program development; maps and mapping; surveying; type storage", meetingaddress = "Washington, DC, USA", sponsor = "American Congress on Surveying \& Mapping, Falls Church, VA, USA", } @Article{Handa:1983:LP, author = "Michael K. Handa and Jonathan A. Hunt", title = "`Typesetting' with Low-Cost Printers", journal = "High Technology (Boston)", volume = "3", number = "11", pages = "24, 26, 28--??", month = nov, year = "1983", CODEN = "HTECD3", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Simplified typesetting is considered that can be performed with 500 dot-matrix printers using new microcomputer software. Also the introduction of new microcomputers is announced that will make page creation much simpler. Combined with new printers and software they will deliver better print quality. Various types of software are described that will create letters in three types of font, and solve copyfitting and other problems by displaying everything on the screen as it will appear on the paper.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "High Technol (Boston)", keywords = "computer peripheral equipment --- Printers; computer software; computers, microprocessor; copyfitting; typefont; typesetting", } @Article{Hoffman:1983:FF, author = "Paul E. Hoffman", title = "Fancy Font", journal = j-BYTE, volume = "8", number = "10", pages = "??--??", month = oct, year = "1983", CODEN = "BYTEDJ", ISSN = "0360-5280 (print), 1082-7838 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A program called Fancy Font is introduced that permits designing type faces with Epson printers using dot-addressable graphics. Using Fancy Font system the style and size of characters can be altered and unique symbols can be created. Printing in roman, italic, sans serif, Old English, script, or a font of any design is considered. Fancy Font, using Epson's dot-addressable characteristics, prints the necessary dot for each line, making six passes per line. The features, samples of type styles, commands and their parameters, and documentation of Fancy Font are reviewed, and some disadvantages of the system are examined.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 745", journalabr = "Byte", keywords = "computer graphics; computer peripheral equipment; computer software; fancy font", pagecount = "4p between p 341 and 346", } @Article{Keith:1983:MT, author = "Michael Keith", title = "Microcomputer Typography", journal = "Proceedings --- Symposium on Small Computers in the Arts", pages = "99--102", year = "1983", CODEN = "PSSAED", ISBN = "0-8186-0499-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-0499-7", LCCN = "NX 260 S96 1983", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:28:10 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 745", conference = "Proceedings --- 3rd Symposium on Small Computers in the Arts.", journalabr = "Proc Symp Small Comput Arts", keywords = "Apple II; Applesoft Basic; computers, microprocessor; enhanced run-off (eroff); Epson MX-80; typesetting program", meetingaddress = "Philadelphia, PA, USA", sponsor = "IEEE Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, Calif, USA; IEEE Philadelphia Section, Philadelphia, Pa, USA", } @Book{Killmon:1983:ETI, author = "Mark C. Killmon", title = "Ergonomics for the typesetting industry", publisher = "National Composition Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", pages = "55", year = "1983", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Human engineering.", } @Article{Marquart:1983:MC, author = "R. Gary Marquart", title = "Making of {Chemlaw}", journal = j-PROC-NATL-ONLINE-MEET, pages = "359--366", year = "1983", CODEN = "PNOMDR", ISBN = "0-938734-05-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-938734-05-5", ISSN = "0739-1471", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 901", conference = "Proceedings --- 1983, National Online Meeting.", journalabr = "Proc Natl Online Meet", keywords = "chemical substances; information retrieval systems; online full-text database; source material in machine-readable form; source text available as typesetting tapes; transformation of material into acceptable database; united states federal regulations", meetingaddress = "New York, NY, USA", sponsor = "Online Review, Medford, NJ, USA", } @Article{McThompson:1983:ECF, author = "O. W. McThompson and R. F. Romon and L. A. Sendelbach", title = "Ergonomic Character Font for {CRT} Displays", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "26", number = "4", pages = "2120--??", month = sep, year = "1983", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The size of a dot-matrix character differs depending upon whether or not it has a diacritic marking. The number of dots in a character stroke differs for horizontal and vertical strokes. Legibility of dot-matrix characters on a CRT, printer, or other display can be strongly affected by many factors. One of these factors is the provision of adequate space between character shapes and any diacritic marks which may be associated with them. A method to enhance the legibility is presented.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 741", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "character recognition; display devices; image processing --- Enhancement", } @Book{Myers:1983:TTG, author = "Patti Myers", title = "Telecommunicating for typesetting: a guide for the user of an information system", publisher = "National Composition Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", pages = "47", year = "1983", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Telecommunication.", } @Article{Noot:1983:STF, author = "Han Noot", title = "Structured Text Formatting", journal = j-SPE, volume = "13", number = "1", pages = "79--94", month = jan, year = "1983", CODEN = "SPEXBL", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", bibdate = "Sat May 31 13:36:16 MDT 1997", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An abstract format machine is presented which can be ``microprogrammed'' to yield document formatters. A high-level language to be used for this microprogramming is discussed. It contains special constructs for the manipulation of blocks of text. The format machine has a design which encourages the implementation of well-structured and concise sets of layout directives on it. It incorporates a systematic strategy for dealing with problems such as the avoidance of ``widows.'' At various points in this paper we contrast out approach with that of a number of recent, well-known text formatting systems.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "design; documentation; languages", review = "ACM CR 8403-0223", subject = "D.2 Software, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Requirements/Specifications \\ D.3.2 Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Language Classifications, Microprogramming languages \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Format and notation", } @Book{Rosenblum:1983:CTC, author = "Louis Rosenblum and B. D. Rosenblum and G. P. Low and W. W. Iv Garth", title = "Computerized Typesetting of {Chinese}: Text Processing on the {Sinotype III}", publisher = "Instrument Society of America", address = "Research Triangle Park, NC, USA", pages = "511--527", year = "1983", ISBN = "0-87664-741-7", ISBN-13 = "978-0-87664-741-7", LCCN = "TA165.M52 1983", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:28:22 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745", conference = "Proceedings of a Multi-National Instrumentation Conference --- Miconex '83.", keywords = "computerized typesetting; ideographs; keyboard operators; Sinotype project; text processing; typesetting; video terminals", meetingaddress = "Shanghai, China", sponsor = "China Instrument Soc, Beijing, China; ISA, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA; Soc of Instrument \& Control Engineers (Japan), Tokyo, Jpn", } @Article{Schell:1983:SPA, author = "K. J. Schell", title = "Security Printers Application of Lasers", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "396", pages = "131--140", year = "1983", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-89252-431-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-89252-431-0", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TA1673 .A38 1983", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:28:54 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Industrial application of lasers in the graphic industry is increasing. Examples are typesetting, color separation and laser dot generating, laser printing, laser gravure, laser plate making, etc. Application of laser technology in the area of security printers had a rather slow start but is speeding up rapidly. Encoding credit cards by laser and holography are examples of the application of lasers in this field. We summarize known industrial applications of lasers in the graphic industries and report about the applications of lasers in the detection of a coded watermark. A step repeat holographic laser camera for the production of holograms in dichromatic gelatine is described.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Joh. Enschede \& Sons, Security Printers, Haarlem, Neth", affiliationaddress = "Joh. Enschede \& Sons, Security Printers, Haarlem, Neth", classification = "722; 743; 744; 745", conference = "Advances in Laser Scanning and Recording.", journalabr = "Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering", keywords = "coded watermark reacting; graphic industry laser applications; graphic methods; holographic step and repeat camera; Laser Applications; laser printing; reflection holography; security printers' laser applications; typesetting", meetingaddress = "Geneva, Switz", sponsor = "SPIE, Bellingham, WA, USA", } @Book{Spivak:1983:JTG, author = "Michael Spivak", title = "The joy of {\TeX}: a gourmet guide to typesetting technical text by computer", publisher = pub-AMS, address = pub-AMS:adr, edition = "Repr. with additions.", pages = "various", year = "1983", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``Version 0, written for {\TeX} 80, with a summary of AMS-TEX for {\TeX} 82.'' Includes index.", keywords = "TeX (Computer system)", } @Article{Sugita:1983:MKG, author = "Takuya Sugita and Hisao Sakamoto and Kimiko Shima and Masahide Tsukamoto", title = "Multi-Font {Kanji} Generator", journal = "Transactions of the Institute of Electronics and Communication Engineers of Japan, Section E", volume = "E66", number = "6", pages = "377--382", month = jun, year = "1983", CODEN = "TIEEDU", ISSN = "0387-236X", bibdate = "Sat May 02 07:59:21 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper is concerned with a new data compression method of the dotted Japanese characters `KANJI' and a Multi-font KANJI generator using this new data compression method.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723", journalabr = "Trans Inst Electron Commun Eng Jpn Sect E (Engl)", keywords = "data processing", } @InProceedings{Tachikawa:1983:MKS, author = "Michiyoshi Tachikawa and Tatsuo Kasahara and Koichi Ejiri", booktitle = "Japan Display '83, Proceedings of the 3rd International Display Research Conference, Kobe, Japan", title = "Multi-Font {Kanji} Synthesis by Chain Coded Strokes", publisher = "Soc for Information Display", address = "Los Angeles, Calif, USA", pages = "172--175", year = "1983", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "741", keywords = "chain coded strokes; character generation; display devices; kanji pattern dictionary; multifont kanji synthesis", sponsor = "Soc for Information Display, Los Angeles, Calif, USA; Inst of Television Engineers of Japan, Tokyo, Jpn", } @Book{Thieme:1983:SBM, author = "Romeo Thieme", title = "{Satz und Bedeutung mathematischer Formeln}. (German) [Typesetting and meaning of mathematical formulas]", publisher = "Werner-Verlag GmbH", address = "D{\"u}sseldorf, Germany", pages = "viii + 88 + 4", year = "1983", ISBN = "3-8041-3549-8", ISBN-13 = "978-3-8041-3549-9", LCCN = "QA41 .T45 1934a, QA41 .T44 1983", MRclass = "00A20", MRnumber = "85a:00014", bibdate = "Fri Dec 6 17:23:37 MST 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Reprint of the 1934 original. Edited by Karl Billmann, Helmut Bodden and Horst Nacke", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, language = "German", } @Book{Tufte:1983:VDQ, author = "Edward R. Tufte", title = "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information", publisher = pub-GRAPHICS-PRESS, address = pub-GRAPHICS-PRESS:adr, pages = "197", year = "1983", ISBN = "0-9613921-0-X, 0-9613921-4-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-9613921-0-9, 978-0-9613921-4-7", LCCN = "K27.S8 T84", bibdate = "Wed Dec 15 10:58:53 1993", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/bibnet/subjects/acc-stab-num-alg.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/bibnet/subjects/han-wri-mat-sci-2ed.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$34.00", abstract = "The subject of this book is on statistical graphics, charts, tables. It deals with the theory and practice in the design of data graphics, and includes 250 illustrations of the best (and a few of the worst) statistical graphics, with detailed analysis of how to display data for precise, effective, quick analysis. Also offered is information on the design of the high-resolution displays, small multiples, editing and improving graphics, and the data-ink ratio. Time-series, relational graphics, data maps, multivariate designs, as well as detection of graphical deception: design variation vs. data variation, and sources of deception are discussed. Information on aesthetics and data graphical displays is included.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, author-dates = "1942--", subject = "Statistics; Graphic methods; Charts, diagrams, etc.; Statistical analysis; Statistique; M{\'e}thodes graphiques; Tableaux, graphiques, etc.; Graphiques; Statistique; Conception assist{\'e}e par ordinateur; Statistics; Graphic methods; Kwantitatieve gegevens; Grafische voorstellingen; Graphische Darstellung; Statistik; Statistik; Estatistica Descritiva; Matematica; Statistics --- Graphic methods; Graphische Darstellung; Statistik", tableofcontents = "Graphical Practice \\ Graphical excellence / 13 \\ Graphical integrity / 53 \\ Sources of graphical integrity and sophistication / 79 \\ Theory of Data Graphics \\ Data-ink and graphical redesign / 91 \\ Chartjunk: vibrations, grids, and ducks / 107 \\ Data-ink maximization and graphical design / 123 \\ Multifunctioning graphical elements / 139 \\ Data density and small multiples / 161 \\ Aesthetics and technique in data graphical design / 177 \\ Epilogue: Designs for the Display of Information / 191", } @Article{Tuthill:1983:TUS, author = "B. Tuthill", title = "Typesetting on the {UNIX} system", journal = j-BYTE, volume = "8", number = "19", pages = "253--265", month = oct, year = "1983", CODEN = "BYTEDJ", ISSN = "0360-5280 (print), 1082-7838 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "documentation; human factors", subject = "K Computing Milieux, PERSONAL COMPUTING \\ D.4.7 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, Organization and Design, UNIX \\ D.4.0 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, General, UNIX \\ D.4.m Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Miscellaneous \\ I.7", } @InProceedings{Utting:1983:TSC, author = "I. A. Utting and D. J. Caul and H. Brown and S. E. Binns", title = "A typesetting server for the {Cambridge} ring", crossref = "Dallas:1983:RTL", pages = "243--248", year = "1983", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "design", subject = "C.2.0 Computer Systems Organization, COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, General, Data communications \\ C.2.5 Computer Systems Organization, COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, Local Networks, Rings", } @InProceedings{Walker:1983:TT, author = "T. R. Walker", booktitle = "1983 IEEE Professional Communication Society Conference Record: The Many Facets of Computer Communications, Atlanta, Ga, USA", title = "Typographical Terminology", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "188--190", year = "1983", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723", keywords = "data processing; typesetting; typographical terminology", sponsor = "IEEE Professional Communication Soc, New York, NY, USA", } @Article{Wright:1983:UAW, author = "Walter Wright", title = "Using an Artists' Workstation", journal = "Proceedings --- Symposium on Small Computers in the Arts", pages = "128--142", year = "1983", CODEN = "PSSAED", ISBN = "0-8186-0499-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-0499-7", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723", conference = "Proceedings --- 3rd Symposium on Small Computers in the Arts.", journalabr = "Proc Symp Small Comput Arts", keywords = "computer graphics; font; menu; microcomputer; pixel", meetingaddress = "Philadelphia, PA, USA", sponsor = "IEEE Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, Calif, USA; IEEE Philadelphia Section, Philadelphia, Pa, USA", } @Book{AEA:1984:TB, author = "{American Entrepreneurs' Association}", title = "Typesetting business", publisher = "Entrepreneur Magazine", address = "Los Angeles, CA, USA", pages = "119", year = "1984", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "AEA business manual; no. X1245", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing, Practical --- Vocational guidance.; Type-setting --- Vocational guidance", } @Book{Aicher:1984:T, author = "Otl Aicher", title = "Typographie", publisher = "Ernst", address = "Berlin, Germany", pages = "256", year = "1984", ISBN = "3-433-02090-6", ISBN-13 = "978-3-433-02090-6", LCCN = "Z246 .A45 1988", bibdate = "Fri Jan 22 16:03:22 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "In German and English. With a contribution by Josef Rommen.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @TechReport{Anonymous:1984:CM, author = "Anonymous", title = "1982 census of manufactures", type = "Report", number = "MC 82-I-27 C-4 (P)", institution = "U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Bureau of the Census: For sale by Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.", address = "Washington, DC, USA", pages = "6", year = "1984", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, alttitle = "Census of manufactures (1982). Preliminary report.", annote = "Caption title. ``Issued March 1984.'' ``MC82-I-27C-4(P).''", govtdocnumber = "C 3.24/8:MC 82-I-27 C-4 (P) 135", keywords = "Type-setting --- Statistics; United States --- Manufactures --- Statistics.", } @TechReport{Baudot:1984:BRT, author = "Alain Baudot and Therese Lior", title = "Basic rules for typesetting in {French}: where they differ from rules for {English}", institution = "Groupe de recherche en {\'e}tudes francophones (G.R.E.F.)", address = "Toronto, ON, Canada", pages = "v + 10", year = "1984", ISBN = "0-919604-96-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-919604-96-4", LCCN = "HT127.S64 1982", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Art d'ecrire --- Guides, manuels, etc.; Authorship --- Handbooks, manuals, etc; Codes typographiques; Printing, Practical --- Style manuals", } @InProceedings{Boan:1984:CPC, author = "B. J. Boan", booktitle = "Corrosion\slash 84, International Corrosion Forum Devoted Exclusively to the Protection and Performance of Materials.", title = "Corrosion of Printed Circuit Boards by Photographic Chemical Vapors", publisher = "NACE", address = "Houston, Tex, USA", year = "1984", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "539; 703; 713; 715; 745", keywords = "chemical cleaning; contamination; electronic equipment; potassium hydroxide; printed circuits; typesetting equipment", meetingaddress = "New Orleans, LA, USA", pagecount = "10", sponsor = "NACE, Houston, Tex, USA", } @Article{Bonham:1984:TDD, author = "Mike Bonham and Ian H. Witten", title = "Towards Distributed Document Preparation with Interactive and Noninteractive Viewing", journal = "Proceedings --- Canadian Information Processing Society", pages = "365--372", year = "1984", CODEN = "PCISE7", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 741", conference = "Proceedings --- Canadian Information Processing Society, Session 84: Images of Fear\slash Images of HOPE.", journalabr = "Proc Can Inf Proc Soc", keywords = "alternate information selection; computer systems programming; document preparation; information processing; interactive viewing; text formatting systems; typeset quality", meetingaddress = "Calgary, Alberta, Can", sponsor = "Alberta Wheat Pool, Calgary, Alberta, Can; Amdahl Ltd; Arthur Anderson \& Co; Barry W. Ramer \& Partners; Bow Valley Industries Ltd; et al", } @InProceedings{Brailsford:1984:HPE, author = "D. F. Brailsford", booktitle = "Proceedings PROTEXT I Workshop, Dublin", title = "In-house production of {Examination Papers} using {\tt troff}, {\tt eqn} and {\tt tbl}", publisher = "Boole Press", address = "????", pages = "21--28", month = oct, year = "1984", bibdate = "Wed Jun 17 18:12:21 2015", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/363/1/protext.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Bryan:1984:DDD, author = "Shawn Bryan", title = "{Datasouth}'s Do-It-All Dynamo", journal = "Microcomputing", volume = "8", number = "9", pages = "56--58", month = sep, year = "1984", CODEN = "MIRCDC", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The DS-220, a multimode dot-matrix printer, is considered to be a step forward in printer technology, by doing away with switches buried in the innards of the machine. A panel is used to permit full programming of fonts, print speed and styles, and spacing. It also controls communication interfaces with almost any data processing systems. A comparison of the printer with the other leading printers is also furnished.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Datatek, Montpelier, VT, USA", affiliationaddress = "Datatek, Montpelier, VT, USA", classification = "722", journalabr = "Microcomputing", keywords = "computer interfaces; computer peripheral equipment; computers --- Data Communication Equipment; font; multimode dot-matrix; print styles; Printers", } @Article{DiVittorio:1984:HDI, author = "Mark J. DiVittorio", title = "High-Quality, Dot-Matrix Impact Printer Family", journal = j-HEWLETT-PACKARD-J, volume = "35", number = "11", pages = "30--32", month = nov, year = "1984", CODEN = "HPJOAX", ISSN = "0018-1153", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Three HP 293X family printers are introduced that are reliable, fast and easy to use. All are 136-column, bidirectional, dot-matrix impact printers. Common to the family is the ability to print at 200 characters per second (cps) on one-to-six-part forms up to 400 mm (15. 75 inches) wide. The standard symbol font is designed to a 9 multiplied by 12 symbol cell matrix, with a horizontal and vertical resolution of 90 dots per inch (dpi). All three of the printers have the ability to print graphics at 21,600 dots per second. There are two standard character styles resident in all the printers --- Courier (serif) and Cubic (sans serif). In addition, there are three standard pitches and ten resident languages, all of which can be selected from the printer's front panel or under host computer control. The architecture and applications of the printers are described.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722", journalabr = "Hewlett Packard J", keywords = "character styles; computer peripheral equipment; dot-matrix impact printer; Printers; symbol font", } @Article{Elstner:1984:DFR, author = "J. Elstner and D. Maignan", title = "Diagnostics for Font Read-Only Store", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "27", number = "5", pages = "3049--??", month = oct, year = "1984", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This article describes a technique for obtaining the physical defect location on a single serial I/O 16KX8 read-only memory, in order to make failure analysis possible. The fact that this product uses a single I/O and a rather sophisticated mechanism for decoding address inputs makes finding the physical defect location difficult. The array consists of 131072 FET transistors which are either depletion or enhancement devices, depending on the ion implant personalization mask.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "721; 722", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "data storage, digital; Fixed; font read-only store", } @Book{Gauthier:1984:UTT, author = "Richard L. Gauthier", title = "Using the {\TeX} typesetting language", publisher = pub-RESTON, address = pub-RESTON:adr, pages = "viii + 248", year = "1984", ISBN = "0-8359-8160-6 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8359-8160-6 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47G38 1984", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; TeX (Computer file)", } @Article{Ghosh:1984:BDI, author = "P. K. Ghosh", title = "Basic design issues in a multi-lingual type font design and typesetting workstation", journal = j-J-INST-ELEC-TELECOMM-ENG, volume = "30", number = "6", pages = "196--202", month = nov, year = "1984", CODEN = "JIETAU", ISSN = "0377-2063", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "languages; documentation", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Languages \\ J.5 Computer Applications, ARTS AND HUMANITIES, Linguistics \\ I.7 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation", } @Article{Glinert:1984:LFV, author = "Ephraim P. Glinert and Richard E. Ladner", title = "Large Font Virtual Terminal Interface. a Software Prosthesis for the Visually Impaired", journal = j-CACM, volume = "27", number = "6", pages = "567--572", month = jun, year = "1984", CODEN = "CACMA2", ISSN = "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A large font software interface running under UNIX is of great assistance to the severely visually impaired in the interactive use of computers. The interface, which functions as a virtual terminal as far as other processes are concerned, displays all characters (both user and system generated) at user-selectable degrees of magnification, yet is compatible with any standard CRT\slash keyboard terminal.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "462; 722; 723", journalabr = "Commun ACM", keywords = "computer interfaces; prosthetics", } @Book{Holmes:1984:ECP, author = "Alan Holmes", title = "Electronic composition: a practical guide to modern developments and systems in photocomposition and computer aided typesetting", publisher = "Emblem", address = "Northwood", pages = "124", year = "1984", ISBN = "0-946513-02-3 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-946513-02-4 (paperback)", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Practical printing handbooks", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Printing --- Composition --- Applications of computer systems", } @Article{Kitamura:1984:DFG, author = "J. Kitamura", title = "Draft Font Generation", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "27", number = "4B", pages = "2504--??", month = sep, year = "1984", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This article describes a technique for converting a high quality font to a draft font for use in a serial dot matrix printer. The draft font obtained by this technique is superior in quality to that obtained by a conventional technique to delete every other dot column of a matrix pattern.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 745", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "computer peripheral equipment; draft font generation", } @Article{Knuth:1984:LP, author = "D. Knuth", title = "Literate programming", journal = j-COMP-J, volume = "27", number = "2", pages = "97--111", year = "1984", CODEN = "CMPJA6", ISSN = "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0010-4620", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "design; human factors; languages", review = "ACM CR 8501-0018", subject = "D.2.7 Software, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Distribution and Maintenance, Documentation \\ I.7.1 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text Editing, Languages \\ H.1.2 Information Systems, MODELS AND PRINCIPLES, User/Machine Systems, Human factors \\ D.3 Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Language Constructs \\ I.7.1 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text Editing, WEB", } @Book{Knuth:1984:TB, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "The {\TeX}book", volume = "{\noopsort{1984a}}A", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "ix + 483", year = "1984", ISBN = "0-201-13447-0 (hardcover), 0-201-13448-9 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-13447-6 (hardcover), 978-0-201-13448-3 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47 K58 1986", bibdate = "Wed Dec 15 10:36:52 1993", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/datacompression.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texgraph.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Second printing, revised, October 1984. Sixth printing, revised, January 1986; also published as {\sl Computers \& Typesetting}, Vol.~A. Twenty-fourth printing, summer 1993, contains final revisions. Twenty-first printing, June 1992.", price = "US\$15.95 (paperback), US\$32.95 (hardcover)", series = "Computers and Typesetting", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computerized typesetting; documentation; languages; mathematics printing -- computer programs; TeX (computer file)", remark = "See translations \cite{Knuth:1989:TBK,Knuth:1993:VT}.", subject = "TeX (Computer file); TeX (Logiciel); TeX (Computer file); Computerized typesetting; Mathematics printing; Computer programs; Imprimerie; Composition automatique; Math{\'e}matiques; Impression; Logiciels; Math{\'e}matiques; Imprimerie; Computerized typesetting; Computer programs; TeX (logiciel); TeX; I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation \\ J.7 Computer Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing \\ I.7.1 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text Editing", tableofcontents = "1: The Name of the Game / 1 \\ 2: Book Printing versus Ordinary Typing / 3 \\ 3: Controlling \TeX{} / 7 \\ 4: Fonts of Type / 13 \\ 5: Grouping / 19 \\ 6: Running \TeX{} / 23 \\ 7: How \TeX{} Reads What You Type / 37 \\ 8: The Characters You Type / 43 \\ 9: \TeX{}'s Roman Fonts / 51 \\ 10: Dimensions / 57 \\ 11: Boxes / 63 \\ 12: Glue / 69 \\ 13: Modes / 85 \\ 14: How \TeX{} Breaks Paragraphs into Lines / 91 \\ 15: How \TeX{} Makes Lines into Pages / 109 \\ 16: Typing Math Formulas / 127 \\ 17: More about Math / 139 \\ 18: Fine Points of Mathematics Typing / 161 \\ 19: Displayed Equations / 185 \\ 20: Definitions (also called Macros) / 199 \\ 21: Making Boxes / 221 \\ 22: Alignment / 231 \\ 23: Output Routines / 251 \\ 24: Summary of Vertical Mode / 267 \\ 25: Summary of Horizontal Mode / 285 \\ 26: Summary of Math Mode / 289 \\ 27: Recovery from Errors / 295 \\ Appendices \\ A: Answers to All the Exercises / 305 \\ B: Basic Control Sequences / 339 \\ C: Character Codes / 367 \\ D: Dirty Tricks / 373 \\ E: Example Formats / 403 \\ F: Font Tables / 427 \\ G: Generating Boxes from Formulas / 441 \\ H: Hyphenation / 449 \\ I: Index / 457 \\ J: Joining the \TeX{} Community / 483", } @Book{Labuz:1984:HTW, author = "Ronald Labuz", title = "How to Typeset from a Word Processor: a Practical Manual for Type Buyers and Typesetters", publisher = pub-RRB, address = pub-RRB:adr, pages = "xii + 218", year = "1984", ISBN = "0-8352-1899-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8352-1899-3", LCCN = "Z253.3.L33 1984", bibdate = "Tue Mar 1 12:55:45 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$24.95", acknowledgement = ack-jpl, annote = "Decent survey of the field for the computer illiterate, though details of equipment may be dated by now, but does cover high-end phototypesetters in addition to personal computers.", } @Book{Labuz:1984:IDB, author = "Ronald Labuz and Paul Altimonte", title = "The interface data book for word processing\slash typesetting, 1984- 1985", publisher = "Bowker", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "xi + 195", year = "1984", ISBN = "0-8352-1908-9 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8352-1908-2 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z52.4.L33 1984", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "The Bowker graphics library. Bowker's composition series", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computer interfaces.; Phototypesetting --- Computer programs; Phototypesetting --- Equipment and supplies; Typesetting machines; Word processing --- Computer programs; Word processing --- Equipment and supplies; Word processors", } @MastersThesis{Levine:1984:TDI, author = "Charles Joseph Levine", title = "Typesetting digital images on a {Compugraphics-8400}", type = "Thesis (B.S.)", school = "Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology", address = "Cambridge, MA, USA", pages = "69", year = "1984", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Supervised by Ronald L. MacNeil.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Mast:1984:FHM, author = "Claudia Mast", title = "Farewell to Hot Metal --- New Technology Changes Newspaper Editing", journal = "Siemens Review", volume = "51", number = "1", pages = "15--17", month = jan # "--" # feb, year = "1984", CODEN = "SZTEA6", ISSN = "0302-2528", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Newspaper production and journalism are undergoing a structural change. As conventional lead typesetting is eased out by electronic photocomposition, new production techniques combined with data processing are moving into newspaper offices. This applies almost exclusively to the production side of publishing in which modern techniques are already in use.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Siemens AG, Corporate Personnel Div, Munich, West Ger", affiliationaddress = "Siemens AG, Corporate Personnel Div, Munich, West Ger", classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "Siemens Rev", keywords = "Computer Applications; editing; photocomposition; printing; proofreading; typesetting", } @Article{McCord:1984:FS, author = "E. McCord", title = "Font Substitution", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "27", number = "1B", pages = "547--548", month = jun, year = "1984", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "For a printing subsystem having access to a central library of electronically represented fonts, the ability to embed font identification (FONTID) within the text stream for the selection of fonts for use in printing has greatly enhanced composing printed pages. It is pointed out that an added degree of flexibility occurs when a page-formatting control block enables a digital processor, controlling the printer, to substitute one font for a font indicated in the incoming text stream. This substitution is particularly useful for monospace fonts, and can be used for proportional space fonts when the width table of the substituting and substituted fonts exhibits predetermined identities.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 745", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "computer peripheral equipment; font substitution; printing machinery", } @Book{McSherry:1984:CTG, author = "James E. McSherry", title = "Computer typesetting: a guide for authors, editors, and publishers", publisher = "Open-door Press", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", pages = "106", year = "1984", ISBN = "0-912162-05-8 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-912162-05-8 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z253.3 .M38 1984", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:14:58 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$9.50", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computerized typesetting --- handbooks, manuals, etc", } @Article{Mursi:1984:CFS, author = "Mona M. Mursi and Mohamed Saba", title = "Character Font Simulation System", journal = "Modeling and Simulation on Microcomputers", pages = "131--135", year = "1984", CODEN = "MSMIE8", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The paper describes an application in which the microcomputer is used in the interactive design of character fonts. The system is implemented in TI-BASIC running on a TI-99\slash 4A microcomputer system. The design tool developed enables the user to design the various character shapes interactively using graphics features on the screen, within a set matrix specified by the user. The user assigns a name and code to the character. The system generates a file containing the character records that contain the hexadecimal code necessary for programming the character generator memory. The system proves to be a very useful tool, quite invaluable in character font design, particularly when there are several design iterations.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Zagazig Univ, Electrical Engineering Dep, Cairo, Egypt", affiliationaddress = "Zagazig Univ, Electrical Engineering Dep, Cairo, Egypt", classification = "723", conference = "Modeling and Simulation on Microcomputers: 1984.", journalabr = "Modeling Simulation Microcomput", keywords = "calligraphic characters; character recognition; character record file; character shapes; computer graphics --- Interactive; computer programming languages --- basic; computer programs; computer simulation; Design; design iterations; hexadecimal code; interactive design of character fonts", meetingaddress = "San Diego, CA, USA", sponsor = "Soc of Computer Simulation, La Jolla, CA, USA", } @Book{Myers:1984:TMM, author = "Patti Myers", title = "Typesetting from magnetic media: a guide for the user of an information system", publisher = "National Composition Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", pages = "47", year = "1984", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.", } @Book{Myers:1984:WPI, author = "Patti Myers", title = "Word processing's impact on today's typesetting", publisher = "The Association, Research and Educational Foundation", address = "Teaneck, NJ, USA", pages = "v + 17", year = "1984", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "An NAPL management publication", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Word processing.", } @InProceedings{Panoutsopoulos:1984:MEB, author = "A. Panoutsopoulos and C. Y. Suen", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1984 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Halifax, NS, Can", title = "Method of Encoding Binary Patterns and Font Generation", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "131--137", year = "1984", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "A method for encoding binary patterns is proposed. The derived code represented in the form of a graph (vertices and edges) is characterized by its simplicity, reduction in storage requirements, inheritability of the basic structure of the pattern, and reconstruction or generation ability in related variations of the pattern. Tests were conducted on various character fonts. The experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Concordia Univ, Montreal, Que, Can", affiliationaddress = "Concordia Univ, Montreal, Que, Can", classification = "723", keywords = "binary patterns encoding; computer graphics; font generation; image coding; image processing; thinning/smoothing", sponsor = "IEEE, Systems, Man \& Cybernetics Soc, New York, NY, USA", } @Article{Podell:1984:MMB, author = "Edwin J. Podell", title = "Mathematics Must Be Effective in Technical Communication", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMM, volume = "PC-27", number = "2", pages = "97--100", month = jun, year = "1984", CODEN = "IEPCBU", ISSN = "0099-9474", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The mathematical equation is truly an element of the engineer's vocabulary. As such, it is a vital tool in technical communication. To make it an effective tool and to achieve maximum reader comprehension, engineers and editors must observe certain rules. These rules divide logically into the major categories of writing, editing, and layout. All three categories are treated and examples are discussed. The rules are aimed at facilitating the typing task, ensuring accuracy of the mathematical treatment, making the mathematics meaningful and unambiguous, and fitting the equations into the report style. The writer is responsible for the use and accuracy of the mathematics, and the editor is responsible for the clarity and presentation of the mathematics, including accuracy checks, arrangement, and typography. Examples stress how correct use of certain rules by both the writer and the editor can change inaccurate, ambiguous mathematics into accurate, clear mathematics that is understandable and meaningful.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "745; 901; 921", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Prof Commun", keywords = "codes, symbolic --- Standards; engineering writing; mathematical communications; mathematical techniques --- Applications; typesetting; typewriters --- Keyboards", } @Article{Rumble:1984:ADD, author = "John R. {Rumble, Jr.} and N. L. Seidenman", title = "Analysis and Display of Data in Science and Technology", journal = "Database Manage in Sci and Technol", publisher = "North-Holland", address = "Amsterdam, Neth", pages = "75--91", year = "1984", ISBN = "0-444-86865-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-444-86865-7", LCCN = "QA76.9.D3 D227 1984", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:29:25 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "In most cases, a database is built to allow the data to be used, not just to be saved. Therefore, from the beginning of a database project, the use of the data must be well defined, and the database management system (DBMS) must provide capabilities for all uses, or the system's maximum benefits will not be realized. In many cases, the proposed use is simple and obvious, such as small tables. But with the increasing level of computer literacy and rapid growth in available software to manipulate and display data, user demands have grown and will continue to grow. In this chapter, we will be concerned with how people want to manipulate data in a database and what output and display capabilities should be considered.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "NBS, Washington, DC, USA", affiliationaddress = "NBS, Washington, DC, USA", classification = "723", journalabr = "Database Manage in Sci and Technol", keywords = "composing; computer graphics; data sets; database systems; typesetting", } @InProceedings{Serio:1984:CTP, author = "John N. Serio", booktitle = "Conference Record --- PCC '84, The Practical Aspects of Engineering Communication, Atlantic City, NJ, USA", title = "Controlling Typesetting with a Personal Computer", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "137--139", year = "1984", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "The author summarizes his experience in using a personal computer to control the typesetting of The Wallace Stevens Journal. He notes that efforts during the initial process of proofreading are not lost at the compositor's desk, for there is no need to rekeyboard the text. Once a person becomes familiar with the typesetter's formatting codes, there is more flexibility in setting up issues. Different tab commands and point size commands can be inserted as needed. Another advantage is that a personal computer creates inexpensive and uncumbersome files for permanent storage. The author believes that his experience may be useful to managers or other professionals who wish to improve the quality of their reports or proposals by using a personal computer.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Clarkson Univ, Potsdam, NY, USA", affiliationaddress = "Clarkson Univ, Potsdam, NY, USA", classification = "723; 745", keywords = "Computer Applications; computers, microcomputer --- Applications; personal computers; printing; professional communication; proposals; reports; typesetting", sponsor = "IEEE Professional Communication Soc, New York, NY, USA", } @Book{Seybold:1984:WDTa, author = "John W. Seybold", title = "The world of digital typesetting", publisher = pub-SEYBOLD, address = pub-SEYBOLD:adr, pages = "x + 428", year = "1984", ISBN = "0-918514-08-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-918514-08-0", LCCN = "Z253.3.S435 1984", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Type and type-founding --- Digital techniques.", } @Book{Seybold:1984:WDTb, author = "J. W. Seybold", title = "The world of digital typesetting: Supplement", publisher = pub-SEYBOLD, address = pub-SEYBOLD:adr, pages = "35", year = "1984", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Photocomposition digitalis{\'e}e.", } @TechReport{Slingerland:1984:STT, author = "David W. Slingerland", title = "Summary of trade and tariff information: printing and typesetting machinery and printing plates: {TSUS} items 668.21, 668.23 (pt.), 668.25, 668.32, 668.34, 668.36, 668.38 and 668.50 (pt.)", type = "USITC publication; 841", number = "Control no. 6-4-7 (supp.)", institution = "U.S. International Trade Commission", address = "Washington, DC, USA", pages = "20", year = "1984", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Cover title. ``Prepared in terms of the tariff schedules of the United States.'' ``October 1984.'' Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche.", govtdocnumber = "ITC 1.11:6-4-7/supp. 982-B (microfiche)", keywords = "Printing machinery industry --- United States --- Statistics; Printing plates --- Statistics; Type-setting machines --- Statistics.", } @Article{Smit:1984:HAH, author = "Paul R. Smit", title = "Hyphenation Algorithm for {HPWord}", journal = j-HEWLETT-PACKARD-J, volume = "35", number = "9", pages = "26--30", month = sep, year = "1984", CODEN = "HPJOAX", ISSN = "0018-1153", bibdate = "Mon Jan 6 17:49:38 MST 1997", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A hyphenation algorithm for pattern recognition is described that has been developed as a subprogram of the HPWord word processing software for HP 3000 Computer Systems. HPWord has multilingual capabilities, that is, documents can be produced in different languages. This affects some layout features as well as the hyphenation of words, which is done automatically. The main advantage of the algorithm is its flexibility; the linguistic rules can be changed without changing the program. This makes it possible to use the program for other languages as well. The same program is being implemented in the Danish version of HPWord. It can also be implemented easily in other text processing programs. It is, for instance, easy to convert he the algorithm to other programming languages such as Pascal. Moreover, the problem of efficiency and of hierarchy in the linguistic rules has been completely solved by using a tree structure and an extra data segment to store all linguistic rules. This way searching takes place in main memory instead of on disc.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Hewlett--Packard Co, Dutch Application Cent at Amstelveen, Amstelveen, Neth", affiliationaddress = "Hewlett--Packard Co, Dutch Application Cent at Amstelveen, Amstelveen, Neth", classification = "723; 901; 921", journalabr = "Hewlett Packard J", keywords = "Algorithms; computer programming; data processing --- Word Processing; exception dictionary; hyphenation algorithm; information science --- Language Translation and Linguistics; mathematical techniques --- Trees; multilingual capability; pattern recognition --- Mathematical Models; set theory; text processing", } @Manual{TAPCCS:1984:TIP, title = "Typesetting\slash illustration\slash paste-up\slash audio-visual\slash guide", organization = "Texas Adult Probation Commission. Communications Section", publisher = "The Section", address = "Austin, TX, USA", pages = "ii + 28", year = "1984", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Tx Doc no.: A697.5, T98ilp, 1984 Cover title. ``April, 1984.''", keywords = "Printing, Public --- Texas --- Austin.; Texas Adult Probation Commission. --- Communications Section", } @Manual{UACS:1984:AQC, title = "{APSQ} queuing computer typesetting", organization = "Computing Services, University of Alberta", address = "Edmonton, AB, Canada", pages = "3", year = "1984", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Reference; R226.1084 Reference (University of Alberta. Computing Services); R226.1084", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Uchikata:1984:HCF, author = "Hideki Uchikata and Seiji Koyama and Takayuki Kageyama and Masahiro Sasaki", title = "High-Quality Character Font Generation System", journal = "National Technical Report (Matsushita Electric Industry Company)", volume = "30", number = "3", pages = "124--132", month = jun, year = "1984", CODEN = "NTROAV", ISSN = "0028-0291", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A character font generation system is developed that is based on stroke type fonts which represent character contour using straight lines and arcs. Main features of the system are described that permit the system to be applied to Japanese word processors, for printing high quality Chinese characters, and to photocomposition systems.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723", journalabr = "Natl Tech Rep Matsushita Electr Ind Co", keywords = "character font generation; character recognition; Chinese characters; data processing --- Word Processing; stroke type fonts", language = "Japanese", } @Article{Wade:1984:DFS, author = "B. W. Wade", title = "Digital Font Scaling Method", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "26", number = "9", pages = "4863--??", month = feb, year = "1984", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An improvement in processing speed and quality of dot matrix fonts from their stored to their printed forms using gray-scale rather than black\slash white techniques is reported. The method includes multiple passes in which the first pass involves forming a gray-scale matrix, and the remaining passes serve to clean up the target image. The clean-up passes comprise resolution of pels of ambiguous value at the matrix edges and the identification of saddle points for elimination.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 741", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "computer peripheral equipment --- Printers; digital fonts; pattern recognition", } @Book{Wallis:1984:ETQ, author = "Lawrence W. Wallis", title = "Electronic typesetting: a quarter century of technological upheaval", publisher = "Paradigm", address = "Gateshead", pages = "xi + 135", year = "1984", ISBN = "0-9506104-3-7", ISBN-13 = "978-0-9506104-3-6", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Printing --- Composition --- Applications of digital computer; systems", } @InProceedings{Watt:1984:SDR, author = "Roger W. Watt", booktitle = "Proceedings --- SEAS Spring Meeting 1984: Processing Statistical Information, Knokke, Belgium", title = "Share-Output Device Requirements", publisher = "SHARE European Association", address = "Nijmegen, The Netherlands", pages = "591--603", year = "1984", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The printed page is still the primary medium for the presentation of information, and will be for some time. Computers perform a major role in the preparation, composition, and production of the publications containing that information. The term composition refers to the computerized processing of input source files to produce an output file consisting of fully-made-up pages of text, mathematics, engineering and other scientific notation, and graphics and other artwork. Functional-specifications requirements for output devices capable of printing such publications are presented. Every attempt has been made to keep the discussion of device requirements independent of the particular host-computer composition software being used.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Waterloo, Dep of Computing Services, Waterloo, Ont, Can", affiliationaddress = "Univ of Waterloo, Dep of Computing Services, Waterloo, Ont, Can", classification = "722; 723; 745", keywords = "composition software support; computer peripheral equipment; computer software; data processing; document-composition output devices; host computer; printed page; Printers; typesetting", sponsor = "SHARE European Assoc, Nijmegen, Neth", } @Article{Zuckerman:1984:CRT, author = "Alan E. Zuckerman and Keith W. Johnson", title = "Converting a Reference Textbook into a Computer Searchable Database: the Experience with the {USP DI}", journal = "Proceedings --- Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care", pages = "341--344", year = "1984", CODEN = "PCMCDC", ISBN = "0-8186-0565-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-0565-9", ISSN = "0195-4210", LCCN = "R 858 S989 1984", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:29:50 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "The conversion of a reference textbook into a computer searchable database is described. The USP DI is a two-volume reference textbook containing important drug information for physicians, nurses, pharmacists, and patients. In 1983, the authors began exploring the feasibility of converting the entire text, which is prepared on an in-house electronic typesetting system, into a computer-readable database. This experiment in simultaneous print and electronic publishing was the result of a desire to make the information more readily available and to respond to inquiries from a variety of vendors and potential users who were interested in an electronic form of the printed text. This project has led to a better understanding of the typesetting system used to prepare the printed text, the successes and problems encountered in automatic conversion of electronic typesetting to a computer database, the variety of potential users for such a database and their individual requirements, and the variety of magnetic tape formats which might be used to distribute such an electronic textbook.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Georgetown Univ Sch of Medicine, Washington, DC, USA", affiliationaddress = "Georgetown Univ Sch of Medicine, Washington, DC, USA", classification = "461; 462; 723; 745; 804; 902", conference = "Proceedings --- Eighth Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care.", journalabr = "Proceedings - Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care 8th", keywords = "biomedical engineering; converting electronic typesetting to computer database; database systems --- Medical Applications; drug products --- Standards; information dissemination --- Publishing; medical information systems; simultaneous print and electronic publishing; Textbooks; typesetting --- Electronic Equipment; US Pharmacopoeia Drug Index (USP DI)", meetingaddress = "Washington, DC, USA", sponsor = "IEEE Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, CA, USA; Alliance for Continuing Medical Education; Alliance for Engineering in Medicine \& Biology, Bethesda, MD, USA", } @Article{Anonymous:1985:MAA, author = "Anonymous", title = "Method to Automatically Adjust Row Height and Column Width of a Spreadsheet", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "28", number = "2", pages = "819--??", month = jul, year = "1985", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A method is described which allows the height of a row and width of a column to be automatically adjusted according to the font size of the characters within the cell of the spreadsheet. In some interactive spreadsheet processing systems, the operator has the flexibility of changing the font style of characters within a spreadsheet. The operator defines the height of a row and width of a column to be a fixed number of characters. If the operator changes the font of a block of characters within a cell, the new size of the characters will need to be taken into account for the height of the row and width of the column. This new method allows the height of the row and width of the column to be determined by the font size of the characters within a cell up to the specified number of characters for the row and column. The method saves the operator from having to make row height and column width adjustments if the fonts of the characters within a cell are of different sizes.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "computer systems programming --- Table Lookup; computer systems, digital; font size; Interactive Operation; spreadsheet", } @Article{Anonymous:1985:MPM, author = "Anonymous", title = "Method for Providing Multi-Font Characters Within Spreadsheets", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "28", number = "2", pages = "823--??", month = jul, year = "1985", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A method is described which permits the operator of an interactive system to use characters of various fonts within the data of a cell in a spreadsheet. Spreadsheet programs generally permit a standard font or allow minimal font changes which apply to the entire table. They do not provide the flexibility to change the font of characters within the cells of the table. With the new method, the operator may change the font of any character within the table via font attributes of the selected object. The method provides the operator with more flexibility in formatting the spreadsheet.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "computer systems programming --- Table Lookup; computer systems, digital; font attributes; Interactive Operation; multi-font characters; spreadsheets", } @Article{Anonymous:1985:VGC, author = "Anonymous", title = "Variable-Width Ghost Cursor for Multiple Font Characters", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "27", number = "11", pages = "6510--??", month = apr, year = "1985", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An improved interactive text processing system is described. In it the operator is provided with a ghost cursor on the scale line whose width varies in accordance with the different font size characters being typed and being displayed on an all-points-addressable (APA) display.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "data processing; ghost cursor; multiple font characters; text processing; Word Processing", } @Article{Barth:1985:SSS, author = "Wilhelm Barth and Heinrich Nirschl", title = "Sichere Sinnentsprechende Silbentrennung fuer die Deutsche Sprache", journal = "Angewandte Informatik, Applied Informatics", volume = "27", number = "4", pages = "152--159", month = apr, year = "1985", CODEN = "AWIFA7", bibdate = "Wed Jan 15 12:19:41 MST 1997", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper describes a simple method for hyphenation in German agreeing with the natural linguistic instinct. The principles are: simple words are hyphenated according to rules about sequences of vowels and consonants; compound words and words with prefixes are split into their components. The algorithm distinguishes main hyphenation points between independent parts of the compound and minor points within these components. Some words may be split in more than one way; every such ambiguity is discovered. By refusing these `unsafe' words, the algorithm becomes resistant against wrong hyphenation. The method uses a table of all roots of words.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliationaddress = "Technische Univ Wien, Inst fuer Praktische Informatik, Vienna, Austria", classification = "723; 901", journalabr = "Angew Inf Appl Inf", keywords = "data processing --- Word Processing; german language; hashing; hyphenation algorithm; information science; Language Translation and Linguistics; spelling error", language = "German", unknownkeytt = "Reliable Hyphenation Algorithm for the German Language.", } @Article{Benson:1985:WVD, author = "Philippa J. Benson", title = "Writing Visually: Design Considerations in Technical Publications", journal = j-TECH-COMMUN, volume = "32", number = "4", pages = "35--39", month = "4th Quarter", year = "1985", CODEN = "TLCMBT", ISSN = "0049-3155", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Research in document design suggests guidelines that both writers and designers can apply to make their publications easier for readers to understand and use. The author discusses the merging roles of writers and graphic designers, and provides some guidelines that document designers can use to reveal and reinforce the structure of a text. The article serves as a refresher for experienced technical writers and as a primer for those writers who are new to the field of document design.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "American Inst for Research, Washington, DC, USA", affiliationaddress = "American Inst for Research, Washington, DC, USA", classification = "745; 903", journalabr = "Tech Commun", keywords = "document design; graphic methods --- Selection; information dissemination; page layout; Publishing; typefaces; typesetting --- Selection; typography", } @Article{Borko:1985:EBP, author = "Harold Borko", title = "Electronic Book Publishing: a State of the Art Report", journal = j-MICROCOMPUT-INF-MANAGE, volume = "2", number = "1", pages = "1--10", month = mar, year = "1985", CODEN = "MIIMEW", ISSN = "0742-2342", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Microcomputers and word processing programs are being used by many writers for the preparation of their initial drafts and final manuscripts. Publishers are also using microcomputers to control and expedite the publishing process. Can the two procedures be integrated and made compatible? The author recounts the experiences gained while investigating the possibility of submitting a manuscript of a book, in the form of a word processing diskette, to a publisher who is asked to do the typesetting directly from these diskettes without re-keyboarding the manuscript.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of California at Los Angeles, Graduate Sch of Library \& Information Science, Los Angeles, CA, USA", affiliationaddress = "Univ of California at Los Angeles, Graduate Sch of Library \& Information Science, Los Angeles, CA, USA", classification = "722; 723; 903", journalabr = "Microcomput Inf Manage", keywords = "computers, microcomputer --- Applications; data processing --- Word Processing; data storage, magnetic --- Disk; direct typesetting from diskette; electronic book publishing; final manuscripts; information dissemination; initial drafts; Publishing; word processing diskette", } @Article{Brown:1985:FID, author = "Heather Brown", title = "Font Information and Device-Independent Output", journal = "NATO ASI Series, Series F: Computer and Systems Sciences", volume = "17", pages = "397--407", year = "1985", CODEN = "NASFEG", ISBN = "3-540-13920-6", ISBN-13 = "978-3-540-13920-1", ISSN = "0258-1248", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Computer typesetting systems have traditionally sent their output directly to a particular typesetter or printer. Typically these systems provide high quality output and allow access to all the facilities of their output device. They also reflect all the quirks and limitations of their output device, thus limiting their use and making it difficult to transport documents between systems. This paper describes the techniques used in device-independent document preparation. It concentrates on the font information required for high quality text formatting and the form of the device-independent output. TROFF and T//EX are used as the main examples; their output format is described briefly and compared to the new page description language, PostScript.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Kent at Canterbury, Engl", affiliationaddress = "Univ of Kent at Canterbury, Engl", classification = "723; 745", conference = "Fundamental Algorithms for Computer Graphics.", journalabr = "NATO ASI Series, Series F, Computer and Systems Sciences", keywords = "computer graphics; computer programming; computer programming languages; computer typesetting systems; device independence; font information; Interactive; PostScript; troff; typesetting; {\TeX}", meetingaddress = "Ilkley, Engl", sponsor = "NATO, Science Committee, Brussels, Belg; Cambridge Interactive Systems Ltd, Engl; Hewlett Packard Lab Ltd, UK; IBM UK Lab Ltd, UK; Systime Computers Ltd, UK", } @Article{Buynak:1985:LLM, author = "William Buynak", title = "Large Low-Cost Memory Buffers Create Improved Picture Quality", journal = j-COMP-TECH-REV, volume = "5", number = "2", pages = "169, 172, 174--175", month = "Spring", year = "1985", CODEN = "CTERES", ISSN = "0278-9647", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Present information display systems generally include a front-end processor, a large quantity of high speed memory, and specialized hardware --- all packaged in a card cage with a power supply and floppy or hard disk. An alternative design philosophy provides comparable video quality but compromises retrieval time (seconds instead of milliseconds). The design includes dual microprocessors, compressed high speed memory (run length encoded), a simplified data structure (to minimize video generation hardware), and an integral PC board. The design philosophy of the Chyron VP-2 is used in this article as an example.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722", journalabr = "Comput Technol Rev", keywords = "display devices; display editing; font memory data; human interface; information display systems; video generation", } @InProceedings{Casey:1985:TRU, author = "R. G. Casey and K. Y. Wong", booktitle = "GLOBECOM '85: IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference --- Conference Record, New Orleans, LA, USA", title = "Text Recognition Using Adaptive Software", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "353--357", year = "1985", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "A unique system for entering optically scanned printed text into a computer as coded information is presented. Given an arbitrary document to encode, the system first extracts one or more examples of each symbol on the page. These `prototypes' are postanalyzed to detect and separate merged characters, then presented to an operator who keys in identity codes. The remaining text characters are assigned the identifies of the prototypes that they resemble. Dictionary searching is also included as an alternative method of encoding prototypes and reducing the need for manual keying. The method provides low-cost input of text from books and journals, whose fonts are not accepted by conventional QCR machines, as well as from typed office documents.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "IBM Research Lab, San Jose, CA, USA", affiliationaddress = "IBM Research Lab, San Jose, CA, USA", classification = "723; 741", keywords = "character recognition, optical; dictionary searching; multi-font document; office automation; optical scanning; pattern recognition; text recognition; user interaction", sponsor = "IEEE Communications Soc, New York, NY, USA; IEEE, New Orleans Section, New Orleans, LA, USA", } @InProceedings{Chung:1985:TFM, author = "C. Y. Chung and H. R. Hwa", booktitle = "IEEE 1985 Proceedings of the International Conference on Cybernetics and Society, Tucson, AZ, USA", title = "Typesetting Forms and Mathematical Equations in {Chinese} Information Processing", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "46--50", year = "1985", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "The authors describe two software tools: the Chinese form generator and the mathematical equations generator. A form is a collection of fields and each field has an attribute. Users only have to specify the name and length of each attribute; the Chinese form generator will automatically generate the desired form. For the mathematical equations generator, the mathematical setting tool neqn (available on Unix) is adopted to generate mathematical symbols and the Chinese characters generator is used to generate Chinese characters.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Sydney, Aust", affiliationaddress = "Univ of Sydney, Aust", classification = "723", keywords = "Chinese characters; Chinese form generator; computer software; data processing; mathematical equations generator; office automation; text processing; Word Processing", sponsor = "IEEE Systems, Man \& Cybernetics Soc, New York, NY, USA", } @Article{Fournier:1985:GCI, author = "Alain Fournier and Brian A. Barsky", title = "Geometric Continuity with Interpolating {B{\'e}zier} Curves", journal = "Proceedings --- Graphics Interface", pages = "337--341", year = "1985", CODEN = "PGINEK", ISSN = "0713-5424", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The B{\'e}zier formulation for parametric curves has many qualities, among them the intuitive relationship between the shape of the control polygon and the shape of the curve, and the case of computation and subdivision. Other formulations, however, have become more popular because they offer local control, or because they are interpolating, or even more recently because they provide the added flexibility of shape parameters. We present here techniques to use the B{\'e}zier formulation to interpolate the two-dimensional points given by a user with cubic piecewise B{\'e}zier curves, while maintaining up to G**(**2**) continuity, and to interactively manipulate the bias and tension of each span, with geometric entities clearly related to the curve, while preserving the degree of geometric continuity prescribed by the user.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Toronto, Dep of Computer Science, Toronto, Ont, Can", affiliationaddress = "Univ of Toronto, Dep of Computer Science, Toronto, Ont, Can", classification = "723; 921", conference = "Proceedings --- Graphics Interface '85.", journalabr = "Proceedings - Graphics Interface 1985.", keywords = "B{\'e}zier curves; computer aided design; curve shapes; font design systems; geometric continuity control; geometric modelling; Mathematical Models; mathematical techniques --- Interpolation", meetingaddress = "Montreal, Que, Can", sponsor = "Computer Graphics Soc, Montreal, Que, Can; Canadian Information Processing Soc, Toronto, Ont, Can; Canadian Man-Computer Communications Soc", } @Article{Fuchs:1985:OPF, author = "D. R. Fuchs and D. E. Knuth", title = "Optimal prepaging and font caching", journal = j-TOPLAS, volume = "7", number = "1", pages = "62--79", month = jan, year = "1985", CODEN = "ATPSDT", ISSN = "0164-0925 (print), 1558-4593 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "algorithms; measurement; performance", review = "ACM CR 8602-0122", subject = "D.4.2 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, Storage Management, Allocation/deallocation strategies \\ D.4.2 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, Storage Management, Secondary storage devices \\ D.4.2 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, Storage Management, Virtual memory \\ E.2 Data, DATA STORAGE REPRESENTATIONS, Linked representations \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Photocomposition", } @Article{Fujieda:1985:FPLa, author = "Hideo Fujieda and Hiroki Nagai", title = "Font Pattern Loading Method for {Kanji}-Printers in the {DIPS-106 Network OS}", journal = "Denki Tsushin Kenkyusho Kenkyu Jitsuyoka Hokoku", volume = "34", number = "2", pages = "317--325", year = "1985", CODEN = "DTKKAA", ISSN = "0415-3200", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "To satisfy kanji processing requirements and to expand applicability, methods of preloading and on-demand loading of character patterns and format data have been developed in the network OS. This paper describes: (1) effective loading methods for character pattern data and format data; (2) the method for managing loading data in the case of spooled output; and (3) evaluation of losses in output efficiency resulting from on-demand character pattern loading.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "NTT, Electrical Communication Lab, Tokyo, Jpn", affiliationaddress = "NTT, Electrical Communication Lab, Tokyo, Jpn", classification = "722; 723", journalabr = "Denki Tsushin Kenkyusho Kenkyu Jitsuyoka Hokoku", keywords = "computer networks; computer operating systems; computer peripheral equipment --- Printers; font pattern loading; kanji printers; spooled output", language = "Japanese", } @Article{Fujieda:1985:FPLb, author = "Hideo Fujieda and Hiroki Nagai", title = "Font Pattern Loading Method for {Kanji} Printers in the {DIPS-106 Network OS}", journal = "Review of the Electrical Communication Laboratories (Tokyo)", volume = "33", number = "4", pages = "725--731", month = jul, year = "1985", CODEN = "RELTAN", ISSN = "0418-6338", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "To satisfy Kanji processing requirements and expand the applicability of the DIPS-106 network OS, preloading and on-demand loading methods for character pattern data and a preloading method for form data have been developed. This paper describes (1) effective loading methods for character pattern data and form data, (2) a method of managing loading data for spooled output, and (3) evaluation of loss in output efficiency resulting from on-demand loading of character pattern data.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723", journalabr = "Rev Electr Commun Lab (Tokyo)", keywords = "computer peripheral equipment; data processing --- Word Processing; dips-106 network os; font pattern loading method; kanji printers; Printers", } @Article{Ganzinger:1985:FTL, author = "Harald Ganzinger and Walter Willmertinger", title = "{FOAM}: a Two-Level Approach to Text Formatting on a Microcomputer System", journal = j-SPE, volume = "15", number = "4", pages = "327--341", month = apr, year = "1985", CODEN = "SPEXBL", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", bibdate = "Sat May 31 13:36:16 MDT 1997", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Huss:1985:MET, author = "Richard E. Huss", title = "Models of early typesetting machines at the {Smithsonian Institution}", publisher = "Huss", address = "Lancaster, PA, USA", pages = "vii + 32 + 24", year = "1985", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Type-setting --- History; Type-setting machines --- History.", } @Book{Huss:1985:PCM, author = "Richard E. Huss", title = "The printer's composition matrix: a history of its origin and development", publisher = pub-OAK-KNOLL, address = pub-OAK-KNOLL:adr, pages = "x + 56", year = "1985", ISBN = "0-938768-09-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-938768-09-8", LCCN = "Z253 .H88 1985", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:07:46 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$45.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Keller:1985:TA, author = "Arthur M. Keller", title = "Typesetting by Authors", crossref = "Lucarella:1985:PFE", pages = "1--14", year = "1985", bibdate = "Sat Mar 07 09:18:50 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-hk, } @Article{Kendall:1985:IOC, author = "M. Kendall and A. Reed", title = "Introduction of an on-line computer typesetting service", journal = j-UNIV-COMP, volume = "7", number = "3", pages = "134--138", month = "Winter", year = "1985", CODEN = "UNCOET", ISSN = "0265-4385", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "human factors", subject = "I.7 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Miscellaneous \\ J.1 Computer Applications, ADMINISTRATIVE DATA PROCESSING, Education \\ H.1.2 Information Systems, MODELS AND PRINCIPLES, User/Machine Systems, Human factors", } @Periodical{Labuz:1985:IDB, author = "Ronald Labuz and Paul Altimonte", title = "The {Interface} data book for word processing\slash typesetting", publisher = "R.R. Bowker Co.", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "various", year = "1985", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Editors: R. Labuz, P. Altimonte.", keywords = "Phototypesetting --- Computer programs.; Phototypesetting --- Equipment and supplies; Word processing --- Computer programs; Word processing --- Equipment and supplies; Word processors", } @Misc{LBSC:1985:LTY, key = "LBSC'85", title = "{LePrint}: typesetting for your dot-matrix or laser printer", publisher = "LeBaugh Software Corporation", address = "Omaha, NE, USA", edition = "Version 1.1.", year = "1985", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "1 program file (IBM PC) on 3 computer disks manual.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``ASCII (WordStar) edition for the IBM PC and compatibles''. Brings the capability of typesetting to dot-matrix and laser printers; provides a variety of type styles and sizes. System requirements: IBM PC; DOS 2.0; printer. IBM PC.", keywords = "Printing --- Computer programs; Type-setting --- Computer programs.", } @Article{Oppenheim:1985:OIS, author = "Charles Oppenheim", title = "Online Information Services: Present Plans and Future Prospects: `The {Pergamon Infoline} View'", journal = "International Journal of Micrographics \& Video Technology", volume = "4", number = "2", pages = "85--89", year = "1985", CODEN = "IJMTDZ", ISSN = "0743-9636", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The last ten years has witnessed a major growth in the online information retrieval business. This growth has been reflected in the numbers of the online databases available, and in the numbers of online host computer services. Pergamon InfoLine has made no attempt to become a `supermarket' host. Rather, it has adopted the `boutique' approach of specializing in certain subject areas, such as patents, business information, polymers and water information. InfoLine's experience as a `boutique' host are examined in the paper, and the future of the `supermarket' and `boutique' host is considered in the light of developments in new technology. In particular, developments in microcomputer software, user-friendly systems, expert systems, mass storage and telecommunications will be examined and their likely impact on the host computer business and on the searcher will be considered. Info-Line's experience in computer typesetting will be considered and comments will be made on the future balance between printed products and machine readable data.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Pergamon InfoLine Ltd, London, Engl", affiliationaddress = "Pergamon InfoLine Ltd, London, Engl", classification = "723; 745; 903", conference = "Fut of Inf Resour for Sci and Technol, Sel Papers from the 11th IATUL Conf", journalabr = "Int J Microgr Video Technol", keywords = "information dissemination; information retrieval systems; Online Searching; Pergamon Infoline; typesetting --- Computer Applications", meetingaddress = "Oxford, Engl", meetingdate = "Apr 15--19 1985", meetingdate2 = "04/15--19/85", } @Article{Roehrich:1985:FAS, author = "Johannes Roehrich", title = "{Fehlerlose Automatische Silbentrennung in Fachsprachlichen Texten}", journal = "Angewandte Informatik, Applied Informatics", volume = "27", number = "5", pages = "198--206", month = may, year = "1985", CODEN = "AWIFA7", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An automatic hyphenation procedure for technical and scientific texts is presented. The procedure uses rather small tables of hyphenation rules, and no exception dictionary. The tables are automatically generated from a dictionary of language-specific hyphenation paradigms. The table construction and the hyphenation algorithm itself are language independent. The procedure is absolutely correct relative to the dictionary, although it does not determine all hyphenation possibilties. Practical experiments show that the resulting hyphenation is sufficient for typesetting technical and scientific texts in lines of usual lengths.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ Karlsruhe, Inst f{\"u}r Informatik, Karlsruhe, West Ger", affiliationaddress = "Univ Karlsruhe, Inst f{\"u}r Informatik, Karlsruhe, West Ger", classification = "723; 745; 901", journalabr = "Angew Inf Appl Inf", keywords = "automatic hyphenation procedure; Computer Applications; computer typesetting; data processing --- Word Processing; hyphenation algorithm; information science --- Language Translation and Linguistics; paragraph formation; printing; text processing", language = "German", } @Book{Sakamoto:1985:CGH, author = "Munekazu Sakamoto and Mikio Takagi", title = "Computerized Generation of High-Quality Fonts of the {Japanese} Alphabets", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "786--791", year = "1985", ISBN = "0-8186-0621-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-0621-2", LCCN = "QA 75.5 C5865 1985", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:30:02 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "A command-driven system for designing high-quality digital fonts for brush script letters has been developed on a personal computer. Definition of a letter-form is based on a list of control point data, which provides $x$ and $y$ coordinates and linewidth at the point. A simulated brush shaped like an elongated octagon passes through all the control points, and thus makes the letter form. The system generates digital images in various sizes, proportions, weights, and contrasts of line thickness, etc. using the same data. The Japanese alphabets designed by the system have sufficient quality for fine digital typesetters. The data is about 84 bytes per letter on average.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Jpn", affiliationaddress = "Univ of Tokyo, Tokyo, Jpn", classification = "722; 723; 745", conference = "Proceedings --- COMPINT 85: Computer Aided Technologies.", keywords = "character generation; computer systems, digital --- Applications; Japanese alphabets; Man Machine Systems; systems science and cybernetics; typesetting", meetingaddress = "Montreal, Que, Can", sponsor = "IEEE, New York, NY, USA; IEEE Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, CA, USA; ACM, New York, NY, USA; Assoc Francaise pour la Cybernetique Economique et Technique, Paris, Fr", } @Article{Shafran:1985:NPC, author = "Joan K. Shafran", title = "New Page: the Changing Face of Composition", journal = "Proceedings --- Symposium on Small Computers in the Arts", pages = "91--96", year = "1985", CODEN = "PSSAED", ISBN = "0-8186-0689-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-0689-2", LCCN = "NX 260 S96 1985", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:30:13 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "The impact of computers on the typography and design of the printed page is examined. The concept of `new page,' that is, pages formatted for computer access rather than hard copy, is discussed.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745", conference = "Proceedings --- 5th Symposium on Small Computers in the Arts.", journalabr = "Proc Symp Small Comput Arts", keywords = "computer access formatted pages; Computer Applications; printed page design; printing --- Photocomposition; typesetting; typography", meetingaddress = "Philadelphia, PA, USA", sponsor = "IEEE Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, CA, USA; ACM, Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics, New York, NY, USA; Small Computers in the Arts Network", } @Article{Tulley:1985:DDP, author = "C. Tulley", title = "Document Delivery to a Phototypesetting System", journal = "IERE Conference Proceedings", volume = "63", pages = "137--143", year = "1985", CODEN = "IERCB6", ISBN = "0-903748-60-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-903748-60-5", ISSN = "0538-0006", LCCN = "TK5105.5.I5716 1985", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:30:26 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Word processors (WPs) have become a dominant means of producing documents in an office environment and have been readily accepted as a replacement for the typewriter. Along with WP has come the opportunity to create typesetting from a WP --- with interfacing being the facilitating link. Book publishers, associations, colleges and universities, corporations, government bodies and financial institutions are all making the move to electronic manuscripts due to the savings in time and costs. Unfortunately, only a small proportion of the output from a WP is printed\slash typeset, most of it is photocopied which further reduces the quality of the finished product. In parallel with the automation of typewriting, printing had become automated; influenced and driven by the changing requirements of the publishing industry. There are now opportunities for bringing together the two technologies (PTS\slash WP) to enhance the capability of the automated office. This paper introduces the concepts of interfacing the two technologies as well as providing a brief overview of phototypesetting plus some of the benefits and applications.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Scicon Ltd", affiliationaddress = "Scicon Ltd", classification = "723; 741; 745", conference = "Networks and Electronic Office Systems.", journalabr = "IERE Conference Proceedings", keywords = "character recognition, optical; direct compatibility; document delivery to phototypesetting system; network scenario; optical character recognition; phototypesetting systems (pts); pts advantages; typesetting", meetingaddress = "London, Engl", sponsor = "IERE, London, Engl", } @Article{Umeda:1985:CMP, author = "Michio Umeda and Shinichi Meguro", title = "Construction of a Multi-Font Printed {Chinese} Character Reader", journal = "Denki Tsushin Kenkyusho Kenkyu Jitsuyoka Hokoku", volume = "34", number = "1", pages = "47--58", year = "1985", CODEN = "DTKKAA", ISSN = "0415-3200", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper describes a newly constructed optical character reader (OCR) which can recognize multi-font printed Chinese characters. The recognition method employed in this OCR consists of two stages that result in efficient and precise recognition. Mesh and peripheral features are utilized in the classification stage, and differential pattern features are used in the discrimination stage. The recognition speed is more than 100 characters per second for a 2300-character repertory. A 99. 88 percent correct recognition rate was obtained from an experiment involving 110,000 characters printed with various types of fonts.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "NTT, Musashino Electrical Communication Lab, Musashino, Jpn", affiliationaddress = "NTT, Musashino Electrical Communication Lab, Musashino, Jpn", classification = "723; 741", journalabr = "Denki Tsushin Kenkyusho Kenkyu Jitsuyoka Hokoku", keywords = "character recognition, optical; Chinese character reader; multifont printed Chinese characters", language = "Japanese", } @Manual{USNYBAA:1985:PWP, title = "Preparing word processing documents for typesetting", organization = "University of the State of New York, The State Education Dept. Division of Education Business Management Services, Bureau of Administrative Analysis", address = "Albany, NY, USA", pages = "8", year = "1985", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Type-setting.; Word processing", } @Manual{UWMACC:1985:TUM, title = "{Typeset}: user manual for the 1100, revision 1", organization = "University of Wisconsin, MACC Academic Computing Center", address = "Madison, Wis.", pages = "various", year = "1985", bibdate = "Fri Dec 18 11:14:26 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Typesetting series", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "{Typeset} is a simplified version of the Unads typesetting program.", keywords = "Computerized typesetting.", } @Book{Wagner:1985:DDM, author = "Annette Wagner", title = "Design Decisions Made in the Development of Type for {Apple}'s {Lisa} Computer", publisher = "Natl Computer Graphics Assoc", address = "Fairfax, VA, USA", pages = "491--501", year = "1985", ISBN = "0-941514-09-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-941514-09-5", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The concern of this paper is to deal with the type decisions made during the implementation of a `what you see is what you get' system. The paper will begin by defining a `what you see is what you get' system and briefly discussing some possible ways of approaching the issue. Then the implementation of the WYSIWYG system on Apple's Lisa computer will be used as the vehicle to explain what the design decisions were regarding the type and why they were made. The methods used to achieve the visual fidelity of the typography across devices will be explained as they impact the design decisions that had to be made. The design decisions involve issues about the type model used, methods of matching, fixed pitch fonts, tuning, and device dependency. The WYSIWYG system was successful on the Lisa, but the process was time intensive and not suited for expansion. The author was directly involved in the implementation of the Lisa system as the lead type designer.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Wagner Designs, Sunnyvale, CA, USA", affiliationaddress = "Wagner Designs, Sunnyvale, CA, USA", classification = "722; 723; 745", conference = "Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference \& Exposition --- National Computer Graphics Association, Computer Graphics '85.", keywords = "Apple's Lisa computer; computer interfaces; computers, microprocessor; Design; ImageWriter; low resolution type; typesetting", meetingaddress = "Dallas, TX, USA", sponsor = "Natl Computer Graphics Assoc, Fairfax, VA, USA", } @Manual{WT:1985:PT, title = "Photographic typesetting", organization = "Warwick Typographers", address = "St. Louis, MO, USA", pages = "202 + 2--34", year = "1985", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Phototypesetting --- Catalogs.; Printing --- Specimens; Type and type-founding --- Catalogs", } @Article{Zurek:1985:TAP, author = "Jerome Zurek", title = "Take Advantage of {PC}s: Use {PC}s for Typesetting", journal = "Journalism Educator", volume = "40", number = "1", pages = "16--19", month = "Spring", year = "1985", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Discusses the technology that makes possible the use of microcomputers for entering news copy that can then be read and printed by a computerized typesetter. Discusses the advantages and other considerations of such a system. (HTH)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "UMI", ericno = "EJ315167", identifiers = "Typesetting", majordesc = "Journalism Education; Layout (Publications); Microcomputers; Newspapers; Production Techniques", minordesc = "Computer Oriented Programs; Higher Education; Technology", } @Article{Amin:1986:MRM, author = "Adnan Amin and Gerald Masini", title = "Machine Recognition of Multi Font Printed {Arabic} Texts", journal = "Proceedings --- International Conference on Pattern Recognition", pages = "392--395", year = "1986", CODEN = "PICREG", ISBN = "0-8186-0742-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-0742-4", LCCN = "Q 327 I615 1986", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:30:37 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "A method is presented for the recognition of multifont Arabic texts entered from a video camera. The recognition technique is as follows: digitization, line separation, word separation, segmentation of a word into characters, identification of each character, and recognition of the word. This method has been implemented on an EXORMACS development system. A 95\% recognition rate was obtained.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Integro, Paris, Fr", affiliationaddress = "Integro, Paris, Fr", classification = "716; 723; 741", conference = "Eighth International Conference on Pattern Recognition --- Proceedings.", journalabr = "Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition 8th.", keywords = "Arabic texts; character recognition; image processing --- Image Analysis; mathematic morphology; signal processing --- Digital Techniques; text recognition", meetingaddress = "Paris, Fr", sponsor = "Int Assoc for Pattern Recognition, Paris, Fr; Assoc Francaise pour la Cybernetique Economique et Technique, Paris, Fr", } @Article{Anonymous:1986:ACP, author = "Anonymous", title = "Automatic Changing of Programmed Symbol Set According to Printing Font", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "29", number = "4", pages = "1682--??", month = sep, year = "1986", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This article deals with a feature in a `what-you-see is what-you-get' (WYSIWYG) editor-formatter to see on the screen as close a representation of the final printed document as is possible. This includes seeing the typestyles (fonts) in which the document text will print. The approach is to download into terminals with a Programmed Symbol Set (PSS) capability, a symbol set that matches the printing font.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 745", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "automatic changing; computer graphics; computer peripheral equipment; editor-formatter; printed document; Printers; printing font; programmed symbol set", } @Article{Anonymous:1986:APR, author = "Anonymous", title = "All-Points-Addressable Printing with a Resistive Ribbon", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "29", number = "2", pages = "609--610", month = jul, year = "1986", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A thermal printer, which has a resistive ribbon and prints predefined characters and graphic symbols from font modules through selectively energizing electrodes arranged in a column for transferring heat to the ribbon, can be used for all-points-addressable (APA) printing through controlling when each of the print electrodes may be activated during various passes of the electrodes along the same printed line relative to the recording medium.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "704; 722; 723", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "all-points-addressable printing; computer peripheral equipment; font modules; print electrodes; Printers; resistive ribbon; thermal printer", } @Article{Anonymous:1986:CFP, author = "Anonymous", title = "Compression\slash Decompression of Font Patterns", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "28", number = "8", pages = "3563--3564", month = jan, year = "1986", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This article describes the generation or decompression of font patterns from the compressed form data including control bytes and data bytes.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "compressed form data; compression/decompression; control bytes; data bytes; Data Handling; data processing; font patterns; information theory --- Data Compression", } @Article{Anonymous:1986:LCF, author = "Anonymous", title = "Liquid Crystal Font Addressing Method", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "29", number = "2", pages = "807--808", month = jul, year = "1986", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A method is described for using the high intensity character attribute bit of personal computer scan codes to modify the font addressing so that 512 character fonts can be defined. The attribute byte of a given character defines whether or not it should be displayed in high intensity.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 741", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "attribute byte; computer graphics; display devices; font addressing; high intensity; Liquid Crystal; personal computer; scan codes", } @Article{Anonymous:1986:MMC, author = "Anonymous", title = "Media and Multi-Font Character Recognition", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "29", number = "4", pages = "1562--??", month = sep, year = "1986", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A multi-media device for reading either magnetically encoded cards and passbooks or printed information on checks, bills or other documents. The device uses a magnetic and an optical read head and parallel processing to distinguish between magnetic and OCR (optical character recognition) input. The system optically recognizes four different fonts and one font combination, and identifies which font is being read. The present system stores, in parallel, the information obtained from a magnetic read head and an optical read head in separate magnetic and optical processing units. The optical unit processes the video from the optical read head and determines if the input is readable as one of the valid character fonts. The magnetic processing unit simultaneously processes the magnetic read head data and stores the results in a magnetic recognition buffer. If the input is not readable by the optical processor, the information in the magnetic recognition buffer is returned as the output data of the system.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 741", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "character recognition equipment; data processing; encoded cards; multi-font character recognition; multi-media device; passbooks; Performance; printed information", } @Book{Anonymous:1986:MPT, author = "Anonymous", title = "{Micro\TeX} personal typesetting software, version {1.5A1}: system guide", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "iv + 56", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-201-17207-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-17207-2", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; MicroTeX (Computer system)", } @Article{Anonymous:1986:QFC, author = "Anonymous", title = "Quietwriter Font Cartridge Handling", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "28", number = "11", pages = "5062--??", month = apr, year = "1986", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An arrangement is described which allows an application access to the printing of all available characters with the two cartridges in the Quietwriter printer. The Quietwriter printer can have two font cartridges loaded concurrently with different typestyles, pitches, and code pages. Through a description of the type of cartridges in a configuration file, the printer can map from a set of unique code pages, P0, P1, and P2, to the Quietwriter cartridges in IBM standard code pages 437, 256, 257, 258, 259, 330, and 500. This is accomplished by matching the requested pitch to a cartridge, and then determining if the requested character is on that cartridge.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "cartridge handling; computer hardware; computer peripheral equipment; font cartridges; Printers; quietwriter printer", } @Article{Anonymous:1986:SDM, author = "Anonymous", title = "Selection of the Display Mode, Display Font, and Display Buffer by Initial Program Load Command", journal = j-IBM-TDB, volume = "29", number = "4", pages = "1524--1525", month = sep, year = "1986", CODEN = "IBMTAA", ISSN = "0018-8689", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The Personal Computer (PC) workstation contains a growing number of hardware and software products. These products contain more function and complexity for the normal word processing program (WPP). A method is provided to allow the user to run WPP with little knowledge of the hardware or software commands needed to set up the word processing environment. The method removes the need to issue a DOS mode command and allowed WPP to interface with TOPVIEW without having to know about the hardware. This approach allows the user to run WPP without fear of issuing incorrect commands.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723", journalabr = "IBM Tech Discl Bull", keywords = "computer hardware; computer peripheral equipment; computer software; computers, personal; display buffer; display font; display mode; load command; Performance; workstation", } @Book{Anonymous:1986:TMU, author = "Anonymous", title = "Typesetting for micro users: a beginner's guide to improved text presentation", publisher = "Quorum Technical Services", address = "Cheltenham", pages = "248", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-948726-00-8 (spiral)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-948726-00-2 (spiral)", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Microcomputers; Printing --- Composition --- Applications of microcomputer systems", } @Article{Appelt:1986:ITI, author = "W. Appelt", title = "{Die Integration von {\TeX} in eine Interaktive Textverarbeitungsumgebung}", journal = "Informationstechnik it: Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen", volume = "28", number = "6", pages = "342--347", year = "1986", CODEN = "ICSAES", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "T//EX is a text formatting system for the production of scientific papers in high typographical quality. It was developed by D. E. Knuth (Stanford University, California) and is implemented on many systems all over the world. The main disadvantage of T//EX is due to the fact that it is mainly a batch system, i.e. the author has to print the text before he can see the result of the formatting process. This article describes the integration of T//EX into an interactive text processing environment to overcome this disadvantage.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Mathematik \& Datenverarbeitung mbH, Sankt Augustin, West Ger", affiliationaddress = "Gesellschaft f{\"u}r Mathematik \& Datenverarbeitung mbH, Sankt Augustin, West Ger", classification = "722; 723; 745", journalabr = "Informationstech it", keywords = "computer systems, digital --- Interactive Operation; data processing; interactive text processing; text formatting systems; typesetting --- Computer Applications; Word Processing", language = "German", } @Book{Beechick:1986:RMT, author = "Al Beechick", title = "Resource manual for typesetting with your computer: alternative to desktop publishing", publisher = "Arrow Connection", address = "Pollock Pines, CA (P.O. Box 899, Pollock Pines 95726)", edition = "Second", pages = "46", year = "1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Desktop publishing.", } @Article{Bentley:1986:GLT, author = "Jon L. Bentley and Brian W. Kernighan", title = "{GRAP}: a language for typesetting graphs", journal = j-CACM, volume = "29", number = "8", pages = "782--792", month = aug, year = "1986", CODEN = "CACMA2", ISSN = "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "languages", subject = "I.3.4 Computing Methodologies, COMPUTER GRAPHICS, Graphics Utilities, Picture description languages \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Languages", } @Article{Bird:1986:TPP, author = "R. S. Bird", title = "Transformational programming and the paragraph problem", journal = j-SCI-COMPUT-PROGRAM, volume = "6", number = "2", pages = "159--189", month = mar, year = "1986", CODEN = "SCPGD4", ISSN = "0167-6423 (print), 1872-7964 (electronic)", bibdate = "Sun Oct 10 09:12:09 MDT 1999", bibsource = "Compendex database; ftp://ftp.ira.uka.de/pub/bibliography/SE/COMPASS.bib; ftp://ftp.ira.uka.de/pub/bibliography/SE/obscure.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Oxford Univ, Programming Research Group, Oxford, Engl", classification = "722; 921", journalabr = "Sci Comput Program", keywords = "algebraic properties of waste functions; breaking paragraphs into lines; computer programming; mathematical programming, dynamic; optimization; transformational programming; two linear-time algorithms", } @Article{Blumenfeld:1986:IIT, author = "Matthias Blumenfeld", title = "{Interleaf: die Integration von Text und Grafik}", journal = "Informationstechnik it: Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen", volume = "6", pages = "377--385", year = "1986", CODEN = "ICSAES", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The market for Computer Aided (Inhouse) Publishing, short CAP, was created only a few years ago. Since the announcement of OEM-contracts with companies like Kodak, DEC and IBM in particular Interleaf is considered to be the market leader. We try to explain their success.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Sietec Berlin, West Ger", affiliationaddress = "Sietec Berlin, West Ger", classification = "723; 745; 903", journalabr = "Informationstech it", keywords = "computer aided publishing; Computer Applications; computer graphics --- Applications; data processing --- Word Processing; information dissemination --- Publishing; typesetting", language = "German", } @Article{Cannat:1986:LTAa, author = "J.-J. Cannat and Y. Kodratoff and S. Moscatelli", title = "Learning Techniques Applied to Multi-Font Character Recognition", journal = "Proceedings --- International Conference on Pattern Recognition", pages = "123--125", year = "1986", CODEN = "PICREG", ISBN = "0-8186-0742-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-0742-4", LCCN = "Q 327 I615 1986", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:37:45 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "Similarity-based learning techniques are applied to the problem of multifont character recognition. The model set forth aims at acquiring an efficient character description language from the basic graphic functions of most hardware. To do this, an automatic acquisition method has been set up that consists of inventing new concepts and of structuring a knowledge base. Characters are, in turn, used as examples to test the usefulness of the knowledge thus acquired and as counterexamples in refining the descriptive language by detecting near-misses in character images.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ de Paris, Orsay, Fr", affiliationaddress = "Univ de Paris, Orsay, Fr", classification = "723; 921; 922", conference = "Eighth International Conference on Pattern Recognition --- Proceedings.", journalabr = "Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition 8th.", keywords = "artificial intelligence --- Expert Systems; character recognition; knowledge base; systems science and cybernetics --- Learning Systems", meetingaddress = "Paris, Fr", sponsor = "Int Assoc for Pattern Recognition, Paris, Fr; Assoc Francaise pour la Cybernetique Economique et Technique, Paris, Fr", } @Article{Cannat:1986:LTAb, author = "J.-J. Cannat and Y. Kodratoff", title = "Learning Techniques Applied to Multi-Font Character Recognition", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "635", pages = "469--479", year = "1986", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-89252-670-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-89252-670-3", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TS510.S63 v.635", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:30:56 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "We show the usefulness of symbolic learning techniques for multi-font character recognition. In our already existing models of learning, knowledge is provided and the goal is to find a generalization of given examples, while for our present model of character recognition knowledge has to be found or rather modified in order to discover a discriminating generalization. An inventive refining of knowledge has allowed us to achieve multi-font character recognition.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ de Paris-Sud, Orsay, Fr", affiliationaddress = "Univ de Paris-Sud, Orsay, Fr", classification = "723; 912", conference = "Applications of Artificial Intelligence III.", journalabr = "Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering", keywords = "character recognition; knowledge-based systems; multifont character recognition; symbolic learning; systems science and cybernetics --- Learning Systems", meetingaddress = "Orlando, FL, USA", sponsor = "Univ of Alabama, Huntsville, Cent for Applied Optics, Huntsville, AL, USA; Georgia Inst of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA; Univ of Rochester, Inst of Optics, Rochester, NY, USA; Univ of Arizona, Optical Sciences Cent, Tucson, AZ, USA", } @Article{Collins:1986:DFL, author = "J. S. Collins", title = "Digital Fonts for Low-Cost Typesetting Systems", journal = "Proceedings --- IEEE Computer Society International Conference", pages = "82--87", year = "1986", CODEN = "PCICDQ", ISBN = "0-8186-0692-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-0692-2", LCCN = "TK 7885 I123d 1986", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:31:10 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "Continued cost reductions for page printers combined with the large installed base of personal computers provide the economic basis for making comprehensive typesetting facilities personally affordable by a large and growing number of individuals. This emergence of the personal typesetting system is creating a need for a wide range of digital fonts. The technology of digital fonts and the choices available to designers of personal typesetting system are reviewed.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Bitstream Inc, Cambridge, MA, USA", affiliationaddress = "Bitstream Inc, Cambridge, MA, USA", classification = "723; 745", conference = "Digest of Papers --- COMPCON Spring 86: Thirty-First IEEE Computer Society International Conference.", journalabr = "Proceedings - IEEE Computer Society International Conference 31st.", keywords = "Computer Applications; computers, microcomputer --- Applications; digital fonts; low-cost typesetting systems; personal computers; personal typesetting systems; typesetting", meetingaddress = "San Francisco, CA, USA", sponsor = "IEEE Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, CA, USA", } @Book{Cooke:1986:MMT, author = "J. Robert Cooke and E. Ted Sobel", title = "{MathWriter}: mathematical typesetting with the {Macintosh}", publisher = "Cooke Publications", address = "Ithaca", pages = "vii + 106", year = "1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "With 1 micro disk entitled ``MathWriter''.", keywords = "Mathematical typesetting.", } @MastersThesis{Cost:1986:CLB, author = "Patricia Cost", title = "The contributions of {Linee Boyd Benton} and {Morris Fuller Benton} to the technology of typesetting and typeface design", type = "Thesis (M.S.)", school = "Rochester Institute of Technology", address = "Rochester, NY, USA", pages = "ix + 257", year = "1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Benton, Linn Boyd; Benton, Morris Fuller; Type and type-founding --- History; Typewriters --- History.", } @Article{Dewey:1986:TSP, author = "Michael E. Dewey", title = "{TBFLP}: a Simple Preprocessor for Tables", journal = j-SPE, volume = "16", number = "8", pages = "731--738", month = aug, year = "1986", CODEN = "SPEXBL", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", bibdate = "Sat May 31 13:36:16 MDT 1997", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Gehani:1986:DFT, author = "Narain Gehani", title = "Document formatting and typesetting on the {UNIX} system", publisher = pub-SILICON, address = pub-SILICON:adr, pages = "xv + 364", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-9615336-0-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-9615336-0-1", LCCN = "Z52.5.U54 G43 1986", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$33.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "documentation; languages", review = "ACM CR 8607-0584", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Format and notation \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Languages \\ D.4.0 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, General, UNIX", } @Article{Geschke:1986:PPD, author = "Charles M. Geschke", title = "{PostScript} --- a Page Description Language", journal = "Informationstechnik it: Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen", volume = "6", pages = "370--376", year = "1986", CODEN = "ICSAES", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper begins with a brief overview of the concept of a page description language in general, and PostScript in particular. The remainder of the paper discusses the technical and commercial issues that we believe to be critical factors that a user of a page description language must evaluate in choosing a particular language such as PostScript. Throughout the paper we will use concepts from the PostScript language and its implementation in the products that embody it to illustrate key points.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Adobe Systems Inc, Pablo Alto, CA, USA", affiliationaddress = "Adobe Systems Inc, Pablo Alto, CA, USA", classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "Informationstech it", keywords = "computer graphics; computer programming languages; page description language; PostScript; typesetting --- Computer Applications", } @Article{Grady:1986:WSA, author = "William E. Grady", title = "Work Simplification Approach to Error Reduction in Printing Production", journal = "Proceedings --- Fall Industrial Engineering Conference (Institute of Industrial Engineers)", pages = "185--190", year = "1986", CODEN = "PFICEE", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper presents a technique for reducing errors in the printing production process based on the work simplification approach of questioning every detail. The example used illustrates the use of this technique for reducing operator errors in typesetting. The organized approach to operator error cause removal which is illustrated is universally applicable. The same approach can be used to reduce errors in stripping, platemaking, gathering in the bindery, etc.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Grady \& Associates, Arlington, MA, USA", affiliationaddress = "Grady \& Associates, Arlington, MA, USA", classification = "745; 913", conference = "1986 Fall Industrial Engineering Conference.", journalabr = "Proceedings - Fall Industrial Engineering Conference (Institute of Industrial Engineers) 1986.", keywords = "error reduction; printing --- Production; typesetting --- Quality Control; work simplification", meetingaddress = "Boston, MA, USA", sponsor = "Inst of Industrial Engineers, Norcross, GA, USA", } @MastersThesis{Haas:1986:TCS, author = "Roswitha T. Haas", title = "Typesetting chemical structure formulas with the text formatter {\TeX}\slash {\LaTeX}", type = "Thesis (M.S.)", school = "University of Tennessee, Knoxville", address = "Knoxville, TN, USA", pages = "vii + 121", year = "1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Chemistry --- Notation --- Computer programs.; TeX (Computer system)", } @Article{Howland:1986:TAU, author = "John E. Howland", title = "Typesetting {APL} using a {Macintosh}", journal = j-SIGAPL, volume = "16", number = "4", pages = "301--305", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-901865-35-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-901865-35-9", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper describes a low-cost approach to providing high quality printing of text which contains APL characters as well as other text fonts. APL fonts for the Macintosh computer and the Apple Laser Writer printer have been developed which allow low-cost typesetting of APL expressions and functions. Since the Macintosh computer can be used as a work station on several commercial typesetting machines, these fonts can be used to provide commercial quality printing of APL manuscripts.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Trinity Univ, San Antonio, TX, USA", affiliationaddress = "Trinity Univ, San Antonio, TX, USA", classification = "722; 723; 745", conference = "APL86 Conference Proceedings: APL in Action.", keywords = "APL; APL fonts; Apple LaserWriter printer; computer programming languages; documentation; languages; Macintosh; PostScript fonts; PostScript notation; typesetting", subject = "D.3.2 Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Language Classifications, APL \\ J.7 Computer Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation", } @Manual{Intergraphics:1986:HTT, title = "High-tech typesetting: the typesetting service for personal computer users", organization = "{Intergraphics, Inc}", address = "Alexandria, VA, USA", edition = "Second", pages = "4 + 203 + 1", year = "1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; Type-setting", } @InProceedings{Janson:1986:TTP, author = "B. J. Janson", editor = "Constance U. Greaser and Ethel G. Langlois", booktitle = "Seeking scholarly perspectives: Proc. of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society for Scholarly Publishing", title = "Technical typesetting: a publisher's view", publisher = pub-SOC-SCHOL-PUB, address = pub-SOC-SCHOL-PUB:adr, pages = "66--68", year = "1986", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$15.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bookpages = "86", procdate = "May 28--30, 1986", procloc = "San Francisco, CA", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation \\ J.7 Computer Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing", } @InProceedings{Kerrick:1986:ERO, author = "David D. Kerrick and Alan C. Bovik", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1986 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Atlanta, GA, USA", title = "Efficient Recognition of Omni-Font Characters Using Models of Human Pattern Perception", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "1287--1291", year = "1986", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "An efficient system for recognizing omnifont characters is presented. A binary tree structure is used to reduce the number of candidate character matches to a very small number, based on the detection of very simple features which must be present in any reasonable rendition of the character. The number of candidates is further reduced by determining whether certain slightly more complex features are present within each candidate. The features detected are then used to parse the character into curve segments; the final stage of the algorithm involves the verification of the candidate(s) by correlating the curve segments with a stored representation of the character. The features used in each stage of the algorithm are analogous to features used by the human visual system in the perception of two-dimensional patterns.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Texas, Austin, TX, USA", affiliationaddress = "Univ of Texas, Austin, TX, USA", classification = "723; 741", keywords = "character recognition; computer programming --- Algorithms; Efficiency; feature extraction; pattern recognition; vision", sponsor = "IEEE Systems, Man, \& Cybernetics Soc, New York, NY, USA", } @Book{Knuth:1986:CMT, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "{Computer Modern} Typefaces", volume = "E", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "xv + 588", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-201-13446-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-13446-9", LCCN = "Z250.8.M46 K574 1986", bibdate = "Wed Dec 15 10:37:33 1993", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/bibnet/subjects/acc-stab-num-alg.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/datacompression.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/font.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/litprog.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texgraph.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computers and Typesetting", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, remark = "Reprinted with corrections July, 1987.", tableofcontents = "Introduction to the Parameters / 1 \\ Organization of the Files / 8 \\ Parameter Files / 10 \\ Driver Files / 36 \\ {\tt roman}: Roman text and typewriter text / 36 \\ {\tt title}: Caps and digits only / 38 \\ {\tt texset} : Extended ASCII character set / 38 \\ {\tt csc}: Caps and small caps / 40 \\ {\tt textit}: Italic text and typewriter text / 41 \\ {\tt mathit}: Math italic / 42 \\ {\tt mathsy}: Math symbols / 44 \\ {\tt mathex}: Math extension characters / 44 \\ Program Files / 46 \\ {\tt accent}: Accents common to roman and italic / 49 \\ {\tt bigacc}: Wide accents for math extension font / 63 \\ {\tt bigdel}: Delimiters for math extension font / 66 \\ {\tt bigop}: Operators for math extension font / 103 \\ {\tt calu}: Calligraphic capitals / 123 \\ {\tt comlig}: Ligatures common to roman and italic / 141 \\ {\tt cscspu}: Special uppercase for caps and small caps / 145 \\ {\tt greekl}: Lowercase Greek / 147 \\ {\tt greeku}: Upper case Greek / 171 \\ {\tt itald}: Italic digits / 193 \\ {\tt italig}: Italic f-ligatures / 199 \\ {\tt itall}: Italic lowercase / 209 \\ {\tt italms}: Italic math specials / 233 \\ {\tt italp}: Italic punctuation / 239 \\ {\tt italsp}: Special lowercase for italic / 245 \\ {\tt olddig}: Oldstyle digits / 251 \\ {\tt punct}: Punctuation common to roman and italic / 265 \\ {\tt romand}: Roman digits / 285 \\ {\tt romanl}: Roman lowercase / 305 \\ {\tt romanp}: Roman punctuation / 361 \\ {\tt romanu}: Roman uppercase / 369 \\ {\tt romlig}: Roman f-ligatures / 421 \\ {\tt romms}: Roman math specials / 431 \\ {\tt romspl}: Special lowercase for roman / 443 \\ {\tt romspu}: Special uppercase for roman / 451 \\ {\tt romsub}: Substitutes for ligatures / 457 \\ {\tt sym}: Math symbols common to several fonts / 459 \\ {\tt symbol}: Math symbols in symbol font only / 483 \\ {\tt tset}: Extended ASCII symbols / 542 \\ {\tt tsetsl}: Extended ASCII symbols to be slanted / 543 \\ The Base File / 545 \\ Font Specimens / 554 \\ General Index / 571 Index to Character Programs / 581", } @Book{Knuth:1986:CT, author = "Donald Ervin Knuth", title = "Computers and Typesetting", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, year = "1986", ISBN = "0-201-13447-0 (v.A), 0-201-13437-3 (v.B), 0-201-13445-4 (v.C), 0-201-13438-1 (v.D), 0-201-13446-2 (v.E)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-13447-6 (v.A), 978-0-201-13437-7 (v.B), 978-0-201-13445-2 (v.C), 978-0-201-13438-4 (v.D), 978-0-201-13446-9 (v.E)", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47K58 1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.", } @Book{Knuth:1986:CTE, author = "Donald Ervin Knuth", title = "Computers and typesetting: errata and changes as of 25 {September} 1986", publisher = pub-TUG, address = pub-TUG:adr, pages = "9", year = "1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``Compiled by the TeX Project at Stanford.'' ``Distributed with TUGboat volume 7 (1986).'' Running title: Bugs in Computers and typesetting.", keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; TeX (Computer system)", } @Book{Knuth:1986:M, author = "Donald Ervin Knuth", title = "The {METAFONT}book", volume = "C", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "xi + 361", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-201-13445-4 (hard), 0-201-13444-6 (soft)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-13445-2 (hard), 978-0-201-13444-5 (soft)", LCCN = "Z250.8.M46K58 1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computers and typesetting", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Font editors; METAFONT; Phototypesetting --- Applications of microcomputer systems --; Programs: METAFONT", } @Book{Knuth:1986:MB, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "The {\METAFONT}book", volume = "C", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "xi + 361", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-201-13445-4 (hardcover), 0-201-13444-6 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-13445-2 (hardcover), 978-0-201-13444-5 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z250.8.M46 K58 1986", bibdate = "Wed Dec 15 10:37:29 1993", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/datacompression.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/font.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texgraph.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computers and Typesetting", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, tableofcontents = "1 The Name of the Game / 1 \\ 2 Coordinates / 5 \\ 3 Curves / 13 \\ 4 Pens / 21 \\ 5 Running \METAFONT{} / 31 \\ 6 How \METAFONT{} Reads What You Type / 49 \\ 7 Variables / 53 \\ 8 Algebraic Expressions / 59 \\ 9 Equations / 75 \\ 10 Assignments / 87 \\ 11 Magnification and Resolution / 91 \\ 12 Boxes / 101 \\ 13 Drawing, Filling, and Erasing / 109 \\ 14 Paths / 123 \\ 15 Transformations / 141 \\ 16 Calligraphic Effects / 147 \\ 17 Grouping / 155 \\ 18 Definitions ( also called Macros) / 159 \\ 19 Conditions and Loops / 169 \\ 20 More about Macros / 175 \\ 21 Random Numbers / 183 \\ 22 Strings / 187 \\ 23 Online Displays / 191 \\ 24 Discreteness and Discretion / 195 \\ 25 Summary of Expressions / 209 \\ 26 Summary of the Language / 217 \\ 27 Recovering from Errors / 223 \\ Appendices \\ A Answers to All the Exercises / 233 \\ B Basic Operations / 257 \\ C Character Codes / 281 \\ D Dirty Tricks / 285 \\ E Examples / 301 \\ F Font Metric Information / 315 \\ G Generic Font Files / 323 \\ H Hardcopy Proofs / 327 \\ I Index / 345 \\ J Joining the \TeX{} Community / 361", } @Book{Knuth:1986:MP, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "{\METAFONT}: The Program", volume = "D", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "xv + 560", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-201-13438-1", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-13438-4", LCCN = "Z250.8.M46 K578 1986", bibdate = "Wed Dec 15 10:37:32 1993", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/bibnet/subjects/acc-stab-num-alg.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/datacompression.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/font.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/litprog.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texgraph.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computers and Typesetting", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, tableofcontents = "1 Introduction / \S 1 \\ 2 The character set / \S 17 \\ 3 Input and output / \S 24 \\ 4 String handling / \S 37 \\ 5 On-line and off-line printing / \S 54 \\ 6 Reporting errors / \S 67 \\ 7 Arithmetic with scaled numbers / \S 95 \\ 8 Algebraic and transcendental functions / \S 120 \\ 9 Packed data / \S 153 \\ 10 Dynamic memory allocation / \S 158 \\ 11 Memory layout / \S 175 \\ 12 The command codes / \S 186 \\ 13 The hash table / \S 200 \\ 14 Token lists / \S 214 \\ 15 Data structures for variables / \S 228 \\ 16 Saving and restoring equivalents / \S 250 \\ 17 Data structures for paths / \S 255 \\ 18 Choosing control points / \S 269 \\ 19 Generating discrete moves / \S 303 \\ 20 Edge structures / \S 323 \\ 21 Subdivision into octants / \S 386 \\ 22 Filling a contour / \S 460 \\ 23 Polygonal pens / \S 469 \\ 24 Filling an envelope / \S 490 \\ 25 Elliptical pens / \S 524 \\ 26 Direction and intersection times / \S 538 \\ 27 Online graphic output / \S 564 \\ 28 Dynamic linear equations / \S 585 \\ 29 Dynamic nonlinear equations / \S 618 \\ 30 Introduction to the syntactic routines / \S 624 \\ 31 Input stacks and states / \S 627 \\ 32 Maintaining the input stacks / \S 647 \\ 33 Getting the next token / \S 658 \\ 34 Scanning macro definitions / \S 683 \\ 35 Expanding the next token / \S 706 \\ 36 Conditional processing / \S 738 \\ 37 Iterations / \S 752 \\ 38 File names / \S 766 \\ 39 Introduction to the parsing routines / \S 796 \\ 40 Parsing primary expressions / \S 823 \\ 41 Parsing secondary and higher expressions / \S 862 \\ 42 Doing the operations / \S 893 \\ 43 Statements and commands / \S 989 \\ 44 Commands / \S 1020 \\ 45 Font metric data / \S 1087 \\ 46 Generic font file format / \S 1142 \\ 47 Shipping characters out / \S 1149 \\ 48 Dumping and undumping the tables / \S 1183 \\ 49 The main program / \S 1202 \\ 50 Debugging / \S 1212 \\ 51 System-dependent changes / \S 1214 \\ 52 Index / \S 1215", } @Book{Knuth:1986:TP, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "{\TeX}: The Program", volume = "B", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "xv + 594", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-201-13437-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-13437-7", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47 K578 1986", bibdate = "Wed Dec 15 10:36:54 1993", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/bibnet/subjects/acc-stab-num-alg.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/datacompression.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/litprog.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texgraph.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computers and Typesetting", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, tableofcontents = "1 Introduction / \S 1 \\ 2 The character set / \S 17 \\ 3 Input and output / \S 25 \\ 4 String handling / \S 38 \\ 5 On-line and off-line printing / \S 54 \\ 6 Reporting errors / \S 72 \\ 7 Arithmetic with scaled dimensions / \S 99 \\ 8 Packed data / \S 110 \\ 9 Dynamic memory allocation / \S 115 \\ 10 Data structures for boxes and their friends / \S 133 \\ 11 Memory layout / \S 162 \\ 12 Displaying boxes / \S 173 \\ 13 Destroying boxes / \S 199 \\ 14 Copying boxes / \S 203 \\ 15 The command codes / \S 207 \\ 16 The semantic nest / \S 211 \\ 17 The table of equivalents / \S 220 \\ 18 The hash table / \S 256 \\ 19 Saving and restoring equivalents / \S 268 \\ 20 Token lists / \S 289 \\ 21 Introduction to the syntactic routines / \S 297 \\ 22 Input stacks and states / \S 300 \\ 23 Maintaining the input stacks / \S 321 \\ 24 Getting the next token / \S 332 \\ 25 Expanding the next token / \S 366 \\ 26 Basic scanning subroutines / \S 402 \\ 27 Building token lists / \S 464 \\ 28 Conditional processing / \S 487 \\ 29 File names / \S 511 \\ 30 Font metric data / \S 539 \\ 31 Device-independent file format / \S 583 \\ 32 Shipping pages out / \S 592 \\ 33 Packaging / \S 644 \\ 34 Data structures for math mode / \S 680 \\ 35 Subroutines for math mode / \S 699 \\ 36 Typesetting math formulas / \S 719 \\ 37 Alignment / \S 768 \\ 38 Breaking paragraphs into lines / \S 813 \\ 39 Breaking paragraphs into lines, continued / \S 862 \\ 40 Pre-hyphenation / \S 891 \\ 41 Post-hyphenation / \S 900 \\ 42 Hyphenation / \S 919 \\ 43 Initializing the hyphenation tables / \S 942 \\ 44 Breaking vertical lists into pages / \S 967 \\ 45 The page builder / \S 980 \\ 46 The chief executive / \S 1029 \\ 47 Building boxes and lists / \S 1055 \\ 48 Building math lists / \S 1136 \\ 49 Mode-independent processing / \S 1208 \\ 50 Dumping and undumping the tables / \S 1299 \\ 51 The main program / \S 1330 \\ 52 Debugging / \S 1338 \\ 53 Extensions / \S 1340 \\ 54 System-dependent changes / \S 1376 \\ 55 Index / \S 1377", } @Book{Lamport:1986:LDP, author = "Leslie Lamport", title = "{\LaTeX}: a Document Preparation System: User's Guide and Reference Manual", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "xiv + 242", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-201-15790-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-15790-1", LCCN = "Z253.4.L38 L35 1986", bibdate = "Wed Dec 15 10:38:04 1993", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/bibnet/subjects/acc-stab-num-alg.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texgraph.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "LaTeX is a special version of Donald Knuth's TeX program for computer typesetting, a program particularly suitable for producing high-quality documents with mathematical text. LaTeX is a collection of high-level commands, called macros, which simplify the use of TeX and make the typesetting relatively easy.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, listoffigures = "5.1 Points and their coordinates / 102 \\ 5.2 \verb=\put(1.4,2.6){\line(3,-1){4.8}}= / 106 \\ 5.3 The format of a list / 113 \\ C.1 Making footnotes without the \verb=\footnote= command / 156 \\ C.2 Sectioning and table of contents commands / 158 \\ C.3 An example title / 164 \\ C.4 A \verb=tabbing= environment example / 180 \\ C.5 An example of the \verb=tabular= environment / 182 \\ C.6 A sample \verb=picture= environment / 197", listoftables = "3.1 Accents / 40 \\ 3.2 Foreign Symbols / 40 \\ 3.3 Greek Letters / 43 \\ 3.4 Binary Operation Symbols / 44 \\ 3.5 Relation Symbols / 44 \\ 3.6 Arrow Symbols / 45 \\ 3.7 Miscellaneous Symbols / 45 \\ 3.8 Variable-sized Symbols / 45 \\ 3.9 Log-like Functions / 46 \\ 3.10 Delimiters / 48 \\ 3.11 Math Mode Accents / 51", review = "ACM CR 9001-0030", shorttableofcontents = "Preface / xiii \\ 1: Getting Acquainted / 1 \\ 2: Getting Started / 11 \\ 3: Carrying On / 37 \\ 4: Moving Information Around / 69 \\ 5: Designing It Yourself / 81 \\ 6: Errors / 117 \\ A: \SLiTeX{} / 131 \\ B: The Bibliography Database / 139 \\ C: Reference Manual / 149 \\ D: Using Plain \TeX{} Commands / 203 \\ Bibliography / 207 \\ Index / 209", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, LaTeX \\ D.2.3 Software, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Coding, Pretty printers", tableofcontents = "Preface / xiii \\ 1: Getting Acquainted / 1 \\ 1.1 How to Avoid Reading This Book / 2 \\ 1.2 How to Read This Book / 2 \\ 1.3 The Game of the Name / 4 \\ 1.4 Turning Typing into Typography / 5 \\ 1.5 Turning Ideas into Input / 8 \\ 1.6 Trying It Out / 8 \\ 2: Getting Started / 11 \\ 2.1 Preparing an Input File / 12 \\ 2.2 The Input / 13 \\ 2.2.1 Sentences and Paragraphs / 13 \\ Quotation Marks / 13 \\ Dashes / 14 \\ Space After a Period / 14 \\ Special Symbols / 15 \\ Simple Text-Generating Commands / 15 \\ Emphasizing Text / 16 \\ Preventing Line Breaks / 18 \\ Footnotes / 19 \\ Formulas / 19 \\ Ignorable Input / 20 \\ 2.2.2 The Document / 21 \\ The Document Style / 21 \\ The Title ``Page'' / 22 \\ 2.2.3 Sectioning / 22 \\ 2.2.4 Displayed Material / 24 \\ Quotations / 26 \\ Lists / 26 \\ Poetry / 27 \\ Displayed Formulas / 28 \\ 2.3 Running \LaTeX{} / 28 \\ 2.4 Helpful Hints / 32 \\ 2.5 Summary / 33 \\ 3: Carrying On / 37 \\ 3.1 Changing the Type Style / 38 \\ 3.2 Symbols from Other Languages / 39 \\ 3.2.1 Accents / 40 \\ 3.2.2 Symbols / 40 \\ 3.3 Mathematical Formulas / 41 \\ 3.3.1 Some Common Structures / 41 \\ Subscripts and Superscripts / 41 \\ Fractions / 41 \\ Roots / 42 \\ Ellipsis / 42 \\ 3.3.2 Mathematical Symbols / 42 \\ Greek Letters / 43 \\ Calligraphic Letters / 43 \\ A Menagerie of Mathematical Symbols / 44 \\ Log-like Functions / 46 \\ 3.3.3 Arrays / 47 \\ The array Environment / 47 \\ Vertical Alignment / 47 \\ More Complex Arrays / 48 \\ 3.3.4 Delimiters / 48 \\ 3.3.5 Multiline Formulas / 49 \\ 3.3.6 Putting One Thing Above Another / 50 \\ Over- and Underlining / 51 \\ Accents / 51 \\ Stacking Symbols / 52 \\ 3.3.7 Spacing in Math Mode / 52 \\ 3.3.8 Changing Style in Math Mode / 53 \\ Type Style / 53 \\ Math Style / 54 \\ 3.3.9 When All Else Fails / 54 \\ 3.4 Defining Commands and Environments / 54 \\ 3.4.1 Defining Commands / 55 \\ 3.4.2 Defining Environments / 57 \\ 3.4.3 Theorems and Such / 58 \\ 3.5 Figures and Other Floating Bodies / 59 \\ 3.5.1 Figures and Tables / 59 \\ 3.5.2 Marginal Notes / 61 \\ 3.6 Lining It Up in Columns / 62 \\ 3.6.1 The tabbing Environment / 62 \\ 3.6.2 The tabular Environment / 63 \\ 3.7 Simulating Typed Text / 65 \\ 3.8 Letters / 66 \\ 4: Moving Information Around / 69 \\ 4.1 The Table of Contents / 70 \\ 4.2 Cross-References / 71 \\ 4.3 Bibliography and Citation / 72 \\ 4.3.1 Doing It Yourself / 73 \\ 4.3.2 Using \BibTeX{} / 74 \\ 4.4 Splitting Your Input / 75 \\ 4.5 Making an Index or Glossary / 77 \\ 4.5.1 Producing an Index or Glossary / 77 \\ 4.5.2 Compiling the Entries / 78 \\ 4.6 Keyboard Input and Screen Output / 79 \\ 5: Designing It Yourself / 81 \\ 5.1 Document and Page Styles / 82 \\ 5.1.1 Document Styles / 82 \\ 5.1.2 Page Styles / 83 \\ 5.1.3 The Title Page and Abstract / 84 \\ 5.1.4 Customizing the Document Style / 85 \\ 5.2 Line and Page Breaking / 87 \\ 5.2.1 Line Breaking / 87 \\ 5.2.2 Page Breaking / 90 \\ 5.3 Numbering / 91 \\ 5.4 Length, Spaces, and Boxes / 93 \\ 5.4.1 Length / 93 \\ 5.4.2 Spaces / 95 \\ 5.4.3 Boxes / 96 \\ LR Boxes / 97 \\ Parboxes / 98 \\ Rule Boxes / 100 \\ Raising and Lowering Boxes / 100 \\ Saving Boxes / 101 \\ 5.5 Pictures / 101 \\ 5.5.1 The picture Environment / 102 \\ 5.5.2 Picture Objects / 103 \\ Text / 104 \\ Boxes / 104 \\ Straight Lines / 105 \\ Arrows / 106 \\ Stacks / 107 \\ Circles / 107 \\ Ovals and Rounded Corners / 108 \\ Framing / 108 \\ 5.5.3 Reusing Objects / 109 \\ 5.5.4 Repeated Patterns / 109 \\ 5.5.5 Some Hints on Drawing Pictures / 110 \\ 5.6 Centering and ``Flushing'' / 111 \\ 5.7 List-Making Environments / 112 \\ 5.7.1 The {\tt list} Environment / 112 \\ 5.7.2 The {\tt trivlist} Environment / 115 \\ 5.8 Fonts / 115 \\ 5.8.1 Changing Type Size / 115 \\ 5.8.2 Loading Fonts / 116 \\ 6: Errors / 117 \\ 6.1 Finding the Error / 118 \\ 6.2 \LaTeX's Error Messages / 120 \\ 6.3 \TeX's Error Messages / 123 \\ 6.4 \LaTeX{} Warnings / 128 \\ 6.5 \TeX{} Warnings / 129 \\ A: \SLiTeX{} / 131 \\ A.l How \SLiTeX{} makes Colors / 132 \\ A.2 The Root File / 133 \\ A.3 The Slide File / 134 \\ A.3.1 Slides / 134 \\ A.3.2 Overlays / 136 \\ A.3.3 Notes / 137 \\ A.3.4 Page Styles for Slides / 137 \\ A.4 Making Only Some Slides / 138 \\ B: The Bibliography Database / 139 \\ B.1 The Format of the {\tt bib} File / 140 \\ B.1.1 The Entry Format / 140 \\ B.1.2 The Text of a Field / 141 \\ Names / 141 \\ Titles / 142 \\ B.1.3 Abbreviations / 143 \\ B.2 The Entries / 144 \\ B.2.1 Entry Types / 144 \\ B.2.2 Fields / 146 \\ C: Reference Manual / 149 \\ C.1 Commands and Environments / 150 \\ C.1.1 Command Names and Arguments / 150 \\ C.1.2 Environments / 151 \\ C.1.3 Fragile Commands / 151 \\ C.1.4 Declarations / 152 \\ C.1.5 Invisible Commands and Environments / 152 \\ C.1.6 The {\tt \backslash\backslash} command / 153 \\ C.2 Sentences and Paragraphs / 154 \\ C.2.1 Making Sentences / 154 \\ C.2.2 Making Paragraphs / 154 \\ C.2.3 Footnotes / 156 \\ C.2.4 Accents and Special Symbols / 157 \\ C.3 Sectioning and Table of Contents / 157 \\ C.3.1 Sectioning Commands / 157 \\ C.3.2 The Appendix / 158 \\ C.3.3 Table of Contents / 158 \\ C.3.4 Style Parameters / 159 \\ C.4 Document and Page Styles / 160 \\ C.4.1 Document Styles / 160 \\ C.4.2 Page Styles / 161 \\ C.4.3 The Title Page and Abstract / 163 \\ C.5 Displayed Paragraphs / 165 \\ C.5.1 Quotations and Verse / 165 \\ C.5.2 List-Making Environments / 165 \\ C.5.3 The {\tt list} and {\tt trivlist} Environments / 166 \\ C.5.4 Verbatim / 168 \\ C.6 Mathematical Formulas / 169 \\ C.6.1 Math Mode Environments / 169 \\ C.6.2 Common Structures / 170 \\ C.6.3 Mathematical Symbols / 171 \\ C.6.4 Arrays / 171 \\ C.6.5 Delimiters / 171 \\ C.6.6 Putting One Thing Above Another / 171 \\ C.6. 7 Spacing / 172 \\ C.6.8 Changing Style / 172 \\ C. 7 Definitions / 173 \\ C.7.1 Defining Commands / 173 \\ C. 7.2 Defining Environments / 173 \\ C.7.3 Theorem-like Environments / 174 \\ C.7.4 Numbering / 174 \\ C.8 Figures and Other Floating Bodies / 176 \\ C.8.1 Figures and Tables / 176 \\ C.8.2 Marginal Notes / 178 \\ C.9 Lining It Up in Columns / 179 \\ C.9.1 The tabbing Environment / 179 \\ C.9.2 The array and tabular Environments / 182 \\ C.10 Moving Information Around / 185 \\ C.10.1 Files / 185 \\ C.10.2 Cross-References / 186 \\ C.10.3 Bibliography and Citation / 187 \\ C.10.4 Splitting the Input / 188 \\ C.10.5 Index and Glossary / 189 \\ Producing an Index / 189 \\ Compiling the Entries / 189 \\ C.10.6 Terminal Input and Output / 189 \\ C.11 Line and Page Breaking / 190 \\ C.11.1 Line Breaking / 190 \\ C.11.2 Page Breaking / 191 \\ C.12 Lengths, Spaces, and Boxes / 192 \\ C.12.1 Length / 192 \\ C.12 2 Space / 193 \\ C.12.3 Boxes / 194 \\ C.13 The picture Environment / 196 \\ C.13.1 Picture-Mode Commands / 196 \\ C.13.2 Picture Objects / 197 \\ C.13.3 Picture Declarations / 199 \\ C.14 Font Selection / 199 \\ C.14.1 Changing the Type Style / 199 \\ C.14.2 Changing the Type Size / 200 \\ C.14.3 Loading Fonts / 200 \\ C.14.4 Fonts in Math Mode / 200 \\ D: Using Plain \TeX{} Commands / 203 \\ Bibliography / 207 \\ Index / 209", } @Article{Li:1986:NAR, author = "Bin Li and Shuxiang Zhao", title = "New Approach to Recognition of Both Handwritten and Multi-Font Printed {Chinese} Characters", journal = "Proceedings --- International Conference on Pattern Recognition", pages = "641--643", year = "1986", CODEN = "PICREG", ISBN = "0-8186-0742-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-0742-4", LCCN = "Q 327 I615 1986", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:37:48 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "An approach is introduced in which the rough feature, called frame, plays an important role. It reduces the very difficult problem of Chinese character recognition into subproblems of recognizing simple characters. Experiments on 715 categories of handwritten Chinese characters show that the method is simple and practical.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Northwest Telecommunications Engineering Inst, Xi'an, China", affiliationaddress = "Northwest Telecommunications Engineering Inst, Xi'an, China", classification = "723; 741", conference = "Eighth International Conference on Pattern Recognition --- Proceedings.", journalabr = "Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition 8th.", keywords = "character recognition; Chinese characters; frame; handwriting; image processing", meetingaddress = "Paris, Fr", sponsor = "Int Assoc for Pattern Recognition, Paris, Fr; Assoc Francaise pour la Cybernetique Economique et Technique, Paris, Fr", } @Book{McGrew:1986:AMT, author = "Mac McGrew", title = "{American} metal typefaces of the {Twentieth Century}", publisher = "Myriade Press", address = "New Rochelle, NY, USA", pages = "xvi + 395", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-918142-20-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-918142-20-7", LCCN = "Z250 .M34 1986", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:32:34 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Misc{NCSL:1986:DPT, author = "{National Conference of State Legislatures}", key = "DTP'86", title = "Desk-top publishing and typesetting", publisher = "Meyer Communications Corp.", address = "Aurora, CO, USA", year = "1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "2 sound cassettes (ca. 115 min.).", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Recorded at a session of National Conference of State Legislatures conference, New Orleans, La., Aug. 38, 1986.", keywords = "Desktop publishing.", } @Article{Powers:1986:PCP, author = "Jack Powers", title = "Personal Computer-Based Pagination Systems", journal = "Proceedings --- IEEE Computer Society International Conference", pages = "78--81", year = "1986", CODEN = "PCICDQ", ISBN = "0-8186-0692-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-0692-2", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "The author reviews the development of computer-based pagination techniques, describes the principles and limitations of algorithmic and interactive approaches, and traces the technological developments that have made PC-based systems possible. The capabilities and drawbacks of thirteen PC pagination packages are reported, and some selection criterion for prospective users of PC-based composition systems are presented. Systems capacities and price ranges for available products are given.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Interactive Features Inc, New York, NY, USA", affiliationaddress = "Interactive Features Inc, New York, NY, USA", classification = "723; 745", conference = "Digest of Papers --- COMPCON Spring 86: Thirty-First IEEE Computer Society International Conference.", journalabr = "Proceedings - IEEE Computer Society International Conference 31st.", keywords = "Computer Applications; computer programming --- Algorithms; computer software; computer-based pagination; computers, microcomputer --- Applications; PC pagination packages; PC-based compositers; personal computers; typesetting; typesetting software", meetingaddress = "San Francisco, CA, USA", sponsor = "IEEE Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, CA, USA", } @PhdThesis{Randall:1986:EET, author = "Starr Duane Randall", title = "The effect of editing and typesetting technology on the typographical error rate of selected newspapers", type = "Thesis (Ph. D.)", school = "Department of Communication, University of Utah", pages = "xi + 99", year = "1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Journalism --- Editing.; Newspapers --- Sections, columns, etc. --- Corrections; Type-setting", } @Book{Romano:1986:MWTa, author = "Frank J. Romano", title = "Machine writing and typesetting: the story of {Sholes} and {Mergenthaler} and the invention of the typewriter and the linotype", publisher = "GAMA", address = "Salem, NH, USA", pages = "122", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-938853-00-7", ISBN-13 = "978-0-938853-00-8", LCCN = "Z253 .R581 1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Linotype; Mergenthaler, Ottmar, 1854--1899; Sholes, Christopher Latham; Typewriters.", } @Book{Romano:1986:MWTb, author = "Frank J. Romano", title = "Machine writing and typesetting: the story of {Sholes} and {Mergenthaler} and the invention of the typewriter and the linotype", publisher = "GAMA", address = "Salem, NH, USA", pages = "146", year = "1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``This edition \ldots{} produced for the National Composition Association.''--T.p. verso. Includes index. Bibliography: p. 117-120.", keywords = "Linotype; Mergenthaler, Ottmar, --- 1854-1899; Sholes, Christopher Latham; Typewriters.", } @Misc{Sacco:1986:TBP, author = "Ralph Sacco", title = "Typesetting and basic pasteup", publisher = "Sunshine Enterprises", address = "Spokane, WA, USA", year = "1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "1 videocassette (17 min.).", series = "The exciting world of printing; module 9", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "VHS format. Typesetting test in tape box. Ralph Sacco. Covers the five basic areas of typesetting: mark-up, typesetting, processing, proofreadings and editing.", keywords = "Graphic arts.; Printing; Type-setting", } @Article{Schaer:1986:IMF, author = "Hansrudolf Schaer", title = "{Die Integration Mathematischer Formeln in den Dokumenteneditor Lara}", journal = "Informationstechnik it: Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen", volume = "28", number = "6", pages = "352--360", year = "1986", CODEN = "ICSAES", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The expression of mathematical formulas is not sufficiently supported in current text processing systems. The user usually has to learn a separate language to express formulas; the system then translates it into an equivalent graphical representation. With the widespread use of powerful workstations it has become desirable to avoid separate languages in favor of direct display. This calls for appropriate algorithms to deal with interactively entered formulas and the automatic positioning of formula components. The paper describes the development of elementary but powerful concepts to describe and manage formulas as part of a document as well as their implementation in the document editor Lara.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "ETH Zuerich, Switz", affiliationaddress = "ETH Zuerich, Switz", classification = "722; 723; 745", journalabr = "Informationstech it", keywords = "computer systems, digital --- Interactive Operation; data processing; document editor Lara; mathematical formulas; text processing systems; typesetting --- Computer Applications; Word Processing", language = "German", } @Article{Schmidt:1986:GTT, author = "Alfred Schmidt and Horst Stenzel", title = "{Graphik in {\TeX}-Texten und Texte in Gks-Graphiken}", journal = "Informationstechnik it: Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen", volume = "28", number = "6", pages = "348--351", year = "1986", CODEN = "ICSAES", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "GKS and T//EX are wide-spread and well established systems for computer graphics and computerized typesetting, respectively. We describe in which way we use GKS graphics as illustrations in texts that are typeset with T//EX, and how the inscriptions of the graphics are done with T//EX.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ Bonn, West Ger", affiliationaddress = "Univ Bonn, West Ger", classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "Informationstech it", keywords = "Computer Applications; computer graphics --- Applications; data processing --- Word Processing; Graphic Kernel System (GKS); typesetting", language = "German", } @Article{Schulze:1986:ET, author = "Bernd Schulze", title = "{Einfuehrung in {\TeX}}", journal = "Informationstechnik it: Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen", volume = "28", number = "6", pages = "332--341", year = "1986", CODEN = "ICSAES", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "T//EX is a computerized typesetting system that has been installed on many general purpose computers and produces output on high quality phototypesetters as well as on cheaper laser printers. It offers more functionality than standard word processors and is especially suited to the handling of complex mathematical formulas.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Bonn, West Ger", affiliationaddress = "Bonn, West Ger", classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "Informationstech it", keywords = "computerized typesetting systems; data processing; laser printers; phototypesetters; typesetting --- Computer Applications; Word Processing", language = "German", } @Article{Siebenmann:1986:TWU, author = "L. C. Siebenmann", title = "Toward Wider Use of {\TeX} Typesetting. {A} Pre-{\TeX} Manifesto", journal = j-NAMS, volume = "33", number = "4", pages = "597--607", month = aug, year = "1986", ISSN = "0002-9920 (print), 1088-9477 (electronic)", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-hk, fjournal = "Notices of the American Mathematical Society", journal-URL = "http://www.ams.org/notices/", } @Book{Spivak:1986:JTG, author = "Michael Spivak", title = "The joy of {\TeX}: a gourmet guide to typesetting with the {AMS-\TeX} macro package", publisher = pub-AMS, address = pub-AMS:adr, pages = "xviii + 290", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-8218-2999-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8218-2999-8", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47S673 1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Mathematics printing --- Computer programs.; TeX (Computer file)", } @Book{Swanson:1986:MTC, author = "Ellen Swanson", title = "Mathematics into Type: copyediting and proofreading of mathematics for editorial assistants and authors", publisher = pub-AMS, address = pub-AMS:adr, edition = "Revised", pages = "ix + 90", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-8218-0053-1", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8218-0053-9", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Wed Oct 29 12:28:34 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Reprinted with corrections.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb # " and " # ack-bnb, annote = "Updated 1999 by Arlene O'Sean and Antoinette Schleyer, The original edition is based on ``traditional'' composition (Monotype and ``cold type'', i.e. Varityper and Selectric Composer); the 1979 edition adds material for computer composition, and the 1999 edition mostly assumes \TeX{} or a comparably advanced system.", } @Article{Ulukut:1986:CAP, author = "Sevin Ulukut", title = "{Computer Aided Publishing --- die Revolution in der Technischen Dokumentation}", journal = "Informationstechnik it: Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen", volume = "6", pages = "386--390", year = "1986", CODEN = "ICSAES", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Technical documentation can be created in the office using Computer Aided Publishing (CAP) systems. The simple user interface of the CAP systems enables everyone to create professional documentation after a short initial period. The preparation of a perfect document from text, graphics and CAD-drawings in their own office saves time and reduces the costs radically.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "PCS Computer Systeme GmbH", affiliationaddress = "PCS Computer Systeme GmbH", classification = "723; 745; 903", journalabr = "Informationstech it", keywords = "computer aided publishing; data processing --- Word Processing; information dissemination; Publishing; technical documentation; typesetting --- Computer Applications", language = "German", } @Article{Williams:1986:FSL, author = "R. Don Williams and R. D. Huchingson", title = "Font Style for Large-Area Discrete-Element Displays", journal = "Digest of Technical Papers --- SID International Symposium (Society for Information Display)", volume = "17", pages = "146--149", year = "1986", CODEN = "DTPSDS", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A review of the commonly used font styles identified three strategies for the formation of dot matrix characters. A laboratory study evaluated these representative font styles using a modified threshold visibility task to simulate the distance viewing of a large-area discrete-element display. The best font style was a rounded font. A composite font was developed and evaluated in a field study. The legibility of the composite font was compared to a commonly used 4 multiplied by 7 rounded font. The results are discussed in terms of font strategies and large-area display design.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Texas Instruments Inc, Dallas, TX, USA", affiliationaddress = "Texas Instruments Inc, Dallas, TX, USA", classification = "722; 723; 741", conference = "1986 SID International Symposium --- Digest of Technical Papers.", journalabr = "Digest of Technical Papers - SID International Symposium (Society for Information Display)", keywords = "alphanumerics; character recognition; discrete-element displays; display devices; dot matrix characters; font styles; Performance; threshold visibility", meetingaddress = "San Diego, CA, USA", sponsor = "Soc for Information Display, Playa del Rey, CA, USA", } @Book{Wolberg:1986:SOC, author = "George Wolberg", title = "Syntactic Omni-Font Character Recognition System", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "168--173", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-8186-0721-1", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-0721-9", LCCN = "TA1632 .I36 1986", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:31:33 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "The author introduces a syntactic omni-font character recognition system that recognizes a wide range of fonts, including handprinted characters. A structural pattern-matching approach is used. Essentially, a set of loosely constrained rules specify pattern components and their interrelationships. The robustness of the system is derived from the orthogonal set of pattern descriptors, location functions, and the manner in which they are combined to exploit the topological structure of characters. By virtue of the new pattern description language, PDL, the user may easily write rules to define new patterns for the system to recognize. The system also features scale-invariance and user-definable sensitivity to tilt orientation. The system has achieved a 95. 2\% recognition rate.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Columbia Univ, New York, NY, USA", affiliationaddress = "Columbia Univ, New York, NY, USA", classification = "723", conference = "Proceedings --- CVPR '86: IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.", keywords = "character recognition; computer programming languages; pattern description language (pdl); robustness; structural pattern matching; syntactic omnifont character recognition", meetingaddress = "Miami Beach, FL, USA", sponsor = "IEEE Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, CA, USA", } @InProceedings{Wonneberger:1986:TPT, author = "Reinhard Wonneberger", title = "{\TeX} for Philological Typesetting", crossref = "Wezler:1986:PXI", pages = "595--596", year = "1986", bibdate = "Tue Jul 26 09:41:46 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-rw, } @InProceedings{Wonneberger:1986:VTT, author = "R. Wonneberger", editor = "Jacques Desarmenien", booktitle = "{\TeX} for scientific documentation: Proceedings of the second European conference", title = "``{Verheissung und Versprechen}'', a third generation approach to theological typesetting", volume = "236", publisher = pub-SV, address = pub-SV:adr, pages = "180--198", year = "1986", ISBN = "0-387-16807-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-387-16807-4", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47 T491 1986", bibdate = "Sat Feb 24 10:00:42 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Lecture notes in computer science", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bookpages = "vi + 204", keyword = "documentation; languages", procdate = "June 1986", procloc = "Strasbourg, France", subject = "I.7.1 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text Editing, TeX \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, TeX", } @Book{Anonymous:1987:ITH, author = "Anonymous", title = "Information technology in the humanities: tools, techniques and applications", publisher = pub-HALSTED, address = pub-HALSTED:adr, pages = "184", year = "1987", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computers and their applications", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Anonymous:1987:TAM, author = "Anonymous", title = "{\TeX} at {MACC}: user guide for the {VMS} {Vax} and {Sperry} 1100", publisher = "University of Wisconsin-Madison, MACC Academic Computing Center", address = "Madison, WI, USA", pages = "56", year = "1987", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Typesetting series", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``May 1987''", keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; TeX (Computer system)", } @Book{Anonymous:1987:UGT, author = "Anonymous", title = "User's guide, {TEXTURES}", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "123", year = "1987", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Running title: A user's guide to TEXTURES. Cover subtitle: Professional typesetting for the Macintosh. Includes index. 1 Information technology in the humanities \ldots{} 1987", } @Book{Barlow:1987:TC, author = "Geoff Barlow", title = "Typesetting and composition", publisher = "Blueprint", address = "London, UK", pages = "xiv + 270", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-948905-04-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-948905-04-9", LCCN = "Z253.3.B35 1987", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Publisher's guide series", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing --- Composition --- For publishing; Type-setting", } @Book{Barron:1987:TPT, author = "David Barron and Mike Rees", title = "Text processing and typesetting with {UNIX}", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "xiv + 447", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-201-14219-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-14219-8", LCCN = "Z286.D47 B37 1987", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$24.95", series = "International computer science series", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "documentation", review = "ACM CR 8811-0841", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, nroff \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, troff", } @InProceedings{Batchelder:1987:PDP, author = "Ned Batchelder and Trevor Darrell", title = "{Psfig} --- {A DITROFF} Preprocessor for {POSTSCRIPT} Figures", crossref = "USENIX:1987:PSU", pages = "31--42", month = "Summer", year = "1987", bibdate = "Tue Feb 20 15:42:13 MST 1996", bibsource = "ftp://ftp.uu.net/library/bibliography; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/usenix1980.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "University of Pennsylvania", } @Article{Bentley:1987:CPP, author = "Jon L. Bentley and Lynn W. Jelinski and Brian W. Kernighan", title = "{CHEM} --- a Program for Phototypesetting Chemical Structure Diagrams", journal = j-COMPUT-CHEM, volume = "11", number = "4", pages = "281--297", year = "1987", CODEN = "COCHDK", ISSN = "0097-8485", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "CHEM is a language for typesetting publication-quality chemical structure diagrams. It attempts to capture the way that a chemist would describe a structural formula to a colleague over the telephone. CHEM is implemented as a PIC preprocessor, and runs under the UNIX operating system. Its textural input makes CHEM input-device independent and does not require a graphics terminal. CHEM diagrams can be integrated with text, and can also be used to produce slides and viewgraphs. CHEM is best suited for organic chemists, natural products chemists, and polymer chemists, although it can also be used for inorganic structure diagrams. This manuscript describes the design of CHEM and provides a tutorial on its use.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "AT\&T Bell Lab, Murray Hill, NJ, USA", affiliationaddress = "AT\&T Bell Lab, Murray Hill, NJ, USA", classification = "723; 745; 801", journalabr = "Comput Chem", keywords = "chemical analysis; chemical structure; Computer Applications; computer programs; phototypesetting; typesetting", } @Article{Biles:1987:UES, author = "Al Biles and Frank Cost and Guy Johnson and Ken Reek", title = "Using Expert Systems in Typographic Design", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMM, volume = "PC-30", number = "2", pages = "102--111", month = jun, year = "1987", CODEN = "IEPCBU", ISSN = "0099-9474", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The use of expert system technology in future electronic publishing software to aid an author in making reasonable design decisions is proposed. Rules that are used by printing professionals in their design processes are discussed, along with proposals for expert system integration in this domain.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Rochester Inst of Technology, NY, USA", affiliationaddress = "Rochester Inst of Technology, NY, USA", classification = "723; 745; 903", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Prof Commun", keywords = "artificial intelligence --- Expert Systems; computer software; electronic publishing software; information dissemination; printing --- Photocomposition; Publishing; typesetting --- Computer Applications; typographic design", } @Article{Butterfield:1987:DMT, author = "Steve Butterfield and Shinichi Mori", title = "24-Wire Dot Matrix Technology Changes Key Printer Assumptions", journal = j-COMP-TECH-REV, volume = "7", number = "9", pages = "101, 104, 108--109", month = jul, year = "1987", CODEN = "CTERES", ISSN = "0278-9647", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The use of 24-wire printers has forced engineers to re-evaluate many fundamental design concepts. It also broadens the applications range. The 24-wire printing technology was developed by the Japanese to accommodate their elaborate Kanji characters. With resolution enough to print Kanji, 24-wire printers can reproduce English and European fonts with ease.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Fujitsu America Inc", affiliationaddress = "Fujitsu America Inc", classification = "722; 745", journalabr = "Comput Technol Rev", keywords = "computer peripheral equipment; dot matrix printing; font design; Printers; printing --- Character Sets", } @Book{Chaundy:1987:PMA, author = "T. W. (Theodore William) Chaundy and P. R. Barrett and Charles Batey", title = "The printing of mathematics: aids for authors and editors and rules for compositors and readers at the {University Press, Oxford}", publisher = pub-OXFORD, address = pub-OXFORD:adr, edition = "Second revised", pages = "vi + 109", year = "1987", LCCN = "Z250.6.M3 C5 1965", bibdate = "Tue Nov 21 09:21:39 2000", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "First edition in 1954, republished with corrections in 1957, and as second edition in 1965.", } @Book{Christian:1987:UTP, author = "Kaare Christian", title = "The {UNIX} text processing system", publisher = pub-WILEY, address = pub-WILEY:adr, pages = "xii + 50", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-471-85581-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-471-85581-1", LCCN = "QA76.76.O63 C47 1987", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$24.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "documentation; languages", review = "ACM CR 8806-0406", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation \\ I.7.1 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text Editing \\ D.4.0 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, General, UNIX \\ D.4.9 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, Systems Programs and Utilities", } @Article{Cisler:1987:DPL, author = "Steve Cisler", title = "Desktop Publishing in Libraries", journal = "Online (Weston, Connecticut)", volume = "11", number = "5", pages = "64--72", month = sep, year = "1987", CODEN = "ONLIDN", ISSN = "0146-5422", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A desktop publishing system consists of a personal computer using a program that allows you to import or enter text and this application has given rise to a new market for the computer industry graphics elements on the screen, edit and move the different elements around, and print them out on a dot matrix or laser printer. This article shows how desktop publishing can be used by the librarian and professional online searcher. Several popular systems are covered: their components, the cost, and how desktop publishing changes work patterns in some organizations.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 745; 903", journalabr = "Online (Weston Conn)", keywords = "computer peripheral equipment --- Printers; computers, personal --- Applications; desktop publishing (DTP); information dissemination; libraries --- Computer Interfaces; typefaces; typeset", } @Article{Crawford:1987:CSW, author = "Walt Crawford", title = "Common sense Wordworking {III}: desktop publishing and desktop typesetting", journal = j-LIB-HI-TECH, volume = "5", number = "1", pages = "43--52", month = "Spring", year = "1987", CODEN = "LIHTD2", ISSN = "0737-8831", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Describes current desktop publishing packages available for microcomputers and discusses the disadvantages, especially in cost, for most personal computer users. Also described is a less expensive alternative technology--desktop typesetting-- which meets the requirements of users who do not need elaborate techniques for combining text and graphics. (CLB)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, ericno = "EJ354473", identifiers = "Desktop Publishing; Desktop Typesetting", keyword = "human factors; documentation; design", majordesc = "Cost Effectiveness; Evaluation Criteria; Microcomputers; Needs Assessment; Word Processing", minordesc = "Computer Graphics; Electronic Publishing; User Needs (Information)", subject = "J.7 Computer Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing", } @Article{Crawford:1987:DTL, author = "Walt Crawford", title = "Desktop typesetting and the {LITA} newsletter", journal = j-INFO-TECH-LIB, volume = "6", number = "2", pages = "89--96", month = jun, year = "1987", CODEN = "ITLBDC", ISSN = "0730-9295", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "management; human factors", subject = "J.7 Computer Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing \\ H.3.6 Information Systems, INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL, Library Automation \\ K.7.2 Computing Milieux, THE COMPUTING PROFESSION, Organizations", } @InProceedings{Dickey:1987:TAU, author = "Leroy J. Dickey", editor = "John Haliburton", booktitle = "APL in transition", title = "Typesetting {APL} using {TROFF}", publisher = pub-ACM, address = pub-ACM:adr, pages = "494--497", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-89791-226-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-89791-226-6", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$37.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bookpages = "xv + 512", keyword = "languages; design; documentation", procdate = "May 10--14, 1987", procloc = "Dallas, Texas", subject = "D.3.2 Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Language Classifications, APL \\ J.7 Computer Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing \\ I.7.m Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Miscellaneous", } @Book{Dougherty:1987:UTP, editor = "Dale Dougherty and Tim O'Reilly", title = "{UNIX} Text Processing", publisher = pub-HAYDEN, address = pub-HAYDEN:adr, pages = "xiv + 665", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-672-46291-5 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-672-46291-7 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z286.D47 D68 1987", bibdate = "Thu Apr 13 17:06:28 MDT 2017", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/unix.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", price = "US\$26.95", series = "Hayden Books UNIX library system", URL = "ftp://ftp.ffii.org/pub/groff/contrib/documentation/utp/; http://books.google.com/books?id=H148AQAAIAAJ; http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/15722288.html; http://proquest.safaribooksonline.com/?fpi=9780810462915; http://www.oreilly.com/openbook/utp/UnixTextProcessing.pdf http://proquest.tech.safaribooksonline.de/9780810462915", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "awk; eqn; ex; format; make; mm; ms; pic; sed; tbl; troff; vi", remark = "Consulting editors: Stephen G. Kochan and Patrick H. Wood.", subject = "Desktop publishing; UNIX (Computer file)", tableofcontents = "1 From Typewriters to Word Processors / 1 \\ A Workspace / 2 \\ Tools for Editing / 3 \\ Document Formatting / 4 \\ Printing / 6 \\ Other UNIX Text-Processing Tools / 7 \\ 2 UNIX Fundamentals / 9 \\ The UNIX Shell / 9 \\ Output Redirection / 10 \\ Special Characters / 14 \\ Environment Variables / 15 \\ Pipes and Filters / 16 \\ Shell Scripts / 17 \\ 3 Learning vi / 19 \\ Session 1: Basic Commands / 19 \\ Opening a File / 20 \\ Moving the Cursor / 22 \\ Simple Edits / 25 \\ Session 2: Moving Around in a Hurry / 32 \\ Movement by Screens / 32 \\ Movement by Text Blocks / 34 \\ Movement by Searches / 35 \\ Movement by Line Numbers / 37 \\ Session 3: Beyond the Basics / 38 \\ Command-Line Options / 38 \\ Customizing vi / 40 \\ Edits and Movement / 42 \\ More Ways to Insert Text / 43 \\ Using Buffers / 43 \\ Marking Your Place / 45 \\ Other Advanced Edits / 46 \\ 4 nroff and troff / 47 \\ What the Formatter Does / 48 \\ Using nroff / 51 \\ Using troff / 51 \\ The Markup Language / 54 \\ Turning Filling On and Off / 55 \\ Controlling Justification / 57 \\ Hyphenation / 59 \\ Page Layout / 60 \\ Page Transitions / 70 \\ Changing Fonts / 74 \\ A First Look at Macros / 81 \\ 5 The ms Macros / 85 \\ Formatting a Text File with ms / 86 \\ Page Layout / 86 \\ Paragraphs / 87 \\ Changing Font and Point Size / 93 \\ Displays / 97 \\ Headings / 99 \\ Cover Sheet Macros / 100 \\ Miscellaneous Features / 102 \\ Page Headers and Footers / 104 \\ Problems on the First Page / 105 \\ Extensions to ms / 105 \\ 6 The mm Macros / 107 \\ Formatting a Text File / 107 \\ Page Layout / 110 \\ Justification / 114 \\ Word Hyphenation / 115 \\ Displays / 115 \\ Changing Font and Point Size / 116 \\ More about Displays / 121 \\ Forcing a Page Break / 125 \\ Formatting Lists / 126 \\ Headings / 136 \\ Table of Contents / 141 \\ Footnotes and References / 142 \\ Extensions to mm / 145 \\ 7 Advanced Editing / 149 \\ The ex Editor / 149 \\ Using ex Commands in vi / 151 \\ Write Locally, Edit Globally / 151 \\ Pattern Matching / 154 \\ Writing and Quitting Files / 159 \\ Reading In a File / 160 \\ Executing UNIX Commands / 160 \\ Editing Multiple Files / 163 \\ Word Abbreviation / 165 \\ Saving Commands with map / 166 \\ 8 Formatting with tbl / 169 \\ Using tbl / 170 \\ Specifying Tables / 170 \\ A Simple Table Example / 171 \\ Laying Out a Table / 172 \\ Describing Column Formats / 173 \\ Changing the Format within a Table / 181 \\ Putting Text Blocks in a Column / 182 \\ Breaking Up Long Tables / 184 \\ Putting Titles on Tables / 185 \\ A tbl Checklist / 186 \\ Some Complex Tables / 186 \\ 9 Typesetting Equations with eqn / 191 \\ A Simple eqn Example / 191 \\ Using eqn / 192 \\ Specifying Equations / 192 \\ Spaces in Equations / 194 \\ Using Braces for Grouping / 196 \\ Special Character Names / 196 \\ Special Symbols / 197 \\ Other Positional Notation / 200 \\ Diacritical Marks / 201 \\ Defining Terms / 202 \\ Quoted Text / 202 \\ Fine-Tuning the Document / 203 \\ Keywords and Precedence / 205 \\ Problem Checklist / 205 \\ 10 Drawing Pictures / 207 \\ The pic Preprocessor / 207 \\ From Describing to Programming Drawings / 228 \\ pic Enhancements / 236 \\ 11 A Miscellany of UNIX Commands / 239 \\ Managing Your Files / 239 \\ Viewing the Contents of a File / 243 \\ Searching for Information in a File / 244 \\ Proofing Documents / 247 \\ Comparing Versions of the Same Document / 253 \\ Manipulating Data / 260 \\ Cleaning Up and Backing Up / 270 \\ Compressing Files / 272 \\ Communications / 272 \\ Scripts of UNIX Sessions / 274 \\ 12 Let the Computer Do the Dirty Work / 275 \\ Shell Programming / 275 \\ ex Scripts / 284 \\ Stream Editing / 288 \\ A Proofreading Tool You Can Build / 303 \\ 13 The awk Programming Language / 309 \\ Invoking awk / 310 \\ Records and Fields / 310 \\ Testing Fields / 311 \\ Passing Parameters from a Shell Script / 311 \\ Changing the Field Separator / 312 \\ System Variables / 313 \\ Looping / 313 \\ awk Applications / 319 \\ Testing Programs / 327 \\ 14 Writing nroff and troff Macros / 329 \\ Comments / 329 \\ Defining Macros / 330 \\ Macro Names / 330 \\ Macro Arguments / 332 \\ Nested Macro Definitions / 333 \\ Conditional Execution / 334 \\ Interrupted Lines / 337 \\ Number Registers / 338 \\ Defining Strings / 342 \\ Diversions / 343 \\ Environment Switching / 345 \\ Redefining Control and Escape Characters / 346 \\ Debugging Your Macros / 347 \\ Error Handling / 349 \\ Macro Style / 350 \\ 15 Figures and Special Effects / 353 \\ Formatter Escape Sequences / 353 \\ Local Vertical Motions / 353 \\ Local Horizontal Motions / 356 \\ Absolute Motions / 357 \\ Line Drawing / 358 \\ Talking Directly to the Printer / 366 \\ Marking a Vertical Position / 367 \\ Overstriking Words or Characters / 368 \\ Tabs, Leaders, and Fields / 372 \\ Constant Spacing / 375 \\ Pseudo-Fonts / 376 \\ Character Output Translations / 377 \\ Output Line Numbering / 378 \\ Change Bars / 379 \\ Form Letters / 380 \\ Reading in Other Files or Program Output / 381 \\ 16 What's in a Macro Package? / 383 \\ Just What Is a Macro Package, Revisited / 383 \\ Building a Consistent Framework / 385 \\ Page Transitions / 389 \\ Page Transitions in ms / 390 \\ Some Extensions to the Basic Package / 394 \\ Other Exercises in Page Transition / 397 \\ 17 An Extended ms Macro Package / 405 \\ Creating a Custom Macro Package / 405 \\ Structured Technical Documents / 407 \\ Figure and Table Headings / 415 \\ Lists, Lists, and More Lists / 416 \\ Source Code and Other Examples / 419 \\ Notes, Cautions, and Warnings / 420 \\ Table of Contents, Index, and Other End Lists / 422 \\ 18 Putting It All Together / 429 \\ Saving an External Table of Contents / 430 \\ Index Processing / 433 \\ Let make Remember the Details / 444 \\ Where to Go from Here / 447 \\ A Editor Command Summary / 449 \\ Pattern-Matching Syntax / 449 \\ The vi Editor / 450 \\ The ex Editor / 455 \\ The sed Editor / 460 \\ awk / 462 \\ B Formatter Command Summary / 467 \\ nroff/troff Command-Line Syntax / 467 \\ nroff/troff Requests / 469 \\ Escape sequences / 472 \\ Predefined Number Registers / 473 \\ Special Characters / 474 \\ The ms macros / 476 \\ The mm Macros / 479 \\ tbl Command Characters and Words / 485 \\ eqn Command Characters / 487 \\ The pic Preprocessor / 490 \\ C Shell Command Summary / 495 \\ D Format of troff Width Tables / 501 \\ The DESC File / 501 \\ Font Description Files / 502 \\ Compiling Font Files / 503 \\ Font Usage Limitations / 503 \\ E Comparing mm and ms / 505 \\ Paragraphs / 505 \\ Justification / 505 \\ Displays / 505 \\ Formatting Lists / 506 \\ Change Font / 506 \\ Change Point Size / 506 \\ Headers and Footers / 506 \\ Section Headings / 506 \\ Footnotes / 507 \\ F The format Macros / 509 \\ Summary of the Macros / 509 \\ G Selected Readings / 511 \\ Introductory UNIX Texts / 511 \\ Advanced Topics / 511 \\ Index / dxiii", } @Book{Emerson:1987:TTU, author = "Sandra L. Emerson and Karen Paulsell", title = "Troff typesetting for {UNIX} systems", publisher = pub-PH, address = pub-PH:adr, pages = "xx + 359", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-13-930959-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-13-930959-5", LCCN = "Z253.4.U53E45 1987", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$29.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "design; performance; documentation", review = "ACM CR 8712-0981", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, troff \\ D.4.0 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, General, UNIX", } @PhdThesis{Ezell:1987:TSA, author = "Christopher Clarence Ezell", title = "Typesetting: sociological analysis of changing newspaper technology", type = "Thesis (Ph. D. in Sociology)", school = "Vanderbilt University", address = "Nashville, TN, USA", pages = "x + 222", year = "1987", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Newspaper publishing --- Technological innovations; Technological innovations --- Social aspects.", } @Book{Felici:1987:DPS, author = "James Felici and Ted Nace", title = "Desktop publishing skills: a primer for typesetting with computer and laser printer", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "vii + 180", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-201-11537-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-11537-6", LCCN = "Z286.D47 F44 1987", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$19.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; design; Desktop publishing; Laser printers", review = "ACM CR 8802-0072", subject = "J.7 Computer Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing \\ B.4.2 Hardware, INPUT/OUTPUT AND DATA COMMUNICATIONS, Input/Output Devices, Data terminals and printers \\ H.4.1 Information Systems, INFORMATION SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS, Office Automation, Equipment", } @Article{Foxley:1987:MLT, author = "Eric Foxley", title = "Music --- a Language for Typesetting Music Scores", journal = j-SPE, volume = "17", number = "8", pages = "485--502", month = aug, year = "1987", CODEN = "SPEXBL", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper describes a language which has been devised to facilitate the inclusion of printed music in the output of a typesetting system. The music program acts as a preprocessor to troff, which is the typesetting program associated with the UNIX system. The design of the music input language has concentrated on the simplicity of the process of transcribing and typing in data from a standard music score, yet still allowing some of the complex requirements of serious music scores to be handled.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, Engl", affiliationaddress = "Univ of Nottingham, Nottingham, Engl", classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "Software Pract Exper", keyword = "languages; algorithms; design; performance", keywords = "computer programming languages; music program; troff program; typesetting --- Computer Applications; typesetting music scores; UNIX system", subject = "J.5 Computer Applications, ARTS AND HUMANITIES, Music \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Format and notation \\ D.3.2 Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Language Classifications, Macro and assembly languages \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation \\ J.5 Computer Applications, ARTS AND HUMANITIES \\ D.3.3 Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Language Constructs, Modules, packages \\ D.3.2 Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Language Classifications, Applicative languages \\ D.2.2 Software, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Tools and Techniques, User interfaces", } @Book{Gehani:1987:DFT, author = "Narain Gehani", title = "Document Formatting and Typesetting on the {UNIX} System", publisher = pub-SILICON, address = pub-SILICON:adr, edition = "Second", pages = "xv + 377", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-13-938325-5, 0-9615336-2-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-13-938325-0, 978-0-9615336-2-5", LCCN = "Z52.5.U54G43 1987", bibdate = "Mon May 20 09:54:58 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/unix.bib", price = "US\$40.90", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "documentation; languages", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Format and notation \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Languages \\ D.4.0 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, General, UNIX", tableofcontents = "Preface / xi \\ Acknowledgement / xv \\ 1: Introduction / 1 \\ 1. Document Format / 2 \\ 2. The UNIX Document Formatting and Writing Tools / 7 \\ 3. Using {\tt mm} in Preference to {\tt troff} / 9 \\ 4. Using the Document Formatting and Writing Tools / 12 \\ 5. The Typesetting Commands / 13 \\ 2: Specifying The Document Format / 15 \\ 1. An Example of Document Formatting / 15 \\ 2. Basics / 20 \\ 3. Fonts / 27 \\ 4. Point Size and Vertical Spacing / 32 \\ 5. Document Structure / 35 \\ 6. Document Definitions, Style and Appearance Parameters / 36 \\ 7. Document Prelude / 38 \\ 8. Document Body / 45 \\ 9. Document Postlude / 71 \\ 10. Business Letters / 76 \\ 11. Advanced Aspects of {\tt mm} / 87 \\ 12. Interfacing with {\tt troff} Preprocessors / 95 \\ 13. Interaction of {\tt troff} with {\tt mm} / 95 \\ 14. {\tt mm} Command-Line Options / 100 \\ 15. Hints for Managing Large Documents / 102 \\ 16. Checking for Errors: {\tt checkmm} / 103 \\ 17. A Final Example / 103 \\ 18. Exercises / 111 \\ 3: Specifying Tables J / 13 \\ 1. An Example {\tt tbl} Specification / 113 \\ 2. Format of a Table Specification / 116 \\ 3. Specification of the Global Table Format / 116 \\ 4. Data Format Specification / 117 \\ 5. Table Data / 127 \\ 6. Tables with Groups of Repeated Rows / 134 \\ 7. {\tt troff} Instructions / 140 \\ 8. Interface with {\tt mm} / 142 \\ 9. Checking for Errors : {\tt tbl} / 145 \\ 10. Restrictions on Table Specifications / 146 \\ 11. Examples / 147 \\ 12. Exercises / 153 \\ 4: Specifying Figures / 157 \\ 1. An Example {\tt pic} Specification / 158 \\ 2. Format of a Figure Specification / 160 \\ 3. Primitive Objects-Basics / 160 \\ 4. Moves / 171 \\ 5. Lines and Arrows / 173 \\ 6. Boxes / 179 \\ 7. Circles / 185 \\ 8. Ellipses / 189 \\ 9. Arcs / 192 \\ 10. Splines / 197 \\ 11. Text / 200 \\ 12. Invisible Objects / 203 \\ 13. Control Instructions / 203 \\ 14. Macros / 205 \\ 15. Blocks / 208 \\ 16. Including Files / 210 \\ 17. Figure Size / 213 \\ 18. Interface with {\tt mm} and {\tt eqn} / 215 \\ 19. Checking for Errors: {\tt pic} / 218 \\ 20. Recent Changes to {\tt pic} / 218 \\ 21. Exercises / 219 \\ 5: Specifying Formulas (Equations) / 225 \\ 1. An Example {\tt eqn} Specification / 226 \\ 2. Specifying Equations / 227 \\ 3. Basics / 229 \\ 4. Subscripts/Superscripts / 233 \\ 5. Fractions / 234 \\ 6. Square Roots / 235 \\ 7. Associating Limits With Items / 235 \\ 8. Large Brackets for Grouping / 237 \\ 9. {\tt eqn} Definitions / 240 \\ I 0. Aligning Equations / 243 \\ 11. Piles / 244 \\ 12. Matrices / 246 \\ 13. Diacritics / 247 \\ 14. Local Motions / 248 \\ 15. Labeling Equations / 248 \\ 16. {\tt eqn} Environment / 249 \\ 17. Operator Precedence and Association / 252 \\ 18. Special Characters and Symbols / 254 \\ 19. {\tt eqn} Interface With {\tt tbl}, {\tt pic} and {\tt mm} / 257 \\ 20. {\tt eqn} Restrictions / 259 \\ 21. Checking for Errors: {\tt eqn} and {\tt checkmm} / 260 \\ 22. Recent Changes to {\tt eqn} / 260 \\ 23. Examples / 261 \\ 24. Exercises / 265 \\ 6: {\tt troff}/nroff-The Formatters / 269 \\ 1. Stand-Alone {\tt troff} Instructions / 270 \\ 2. Escape Sequences for Characters, Indicators and Functions / 280 \\ 3. Naming Conventions for Non-ASCII Characters / 283 \\ 4. Recent Changes to {\tt troff} / 286 \\ 7: Writer's Workbench Software / 287 \\ 1. Overview / 287 \\ 2. {\tt proofr} / 288 \\ 3. {\tt prose} / 290 \\ 4. Example / 291 \\ 5. Conclusions / 297 \\ 8: Example Document Templates / 299 \\ 1. Letters / 299 \\ 2. Papers / 306 \\ 3. Books / 310 \\ 4. Exercises / 319 \\ Appendix A: More Document Formatting Tools / 321 \\ 1. {\tt ideal} / 321 \\ 2. {\tt grap} / 321 \\ 3. {\tt ms} Page-Layout Macros / 322 \\ 4. {\tt mv} Viewgraph Macros / 324 \\ 5. {\tt refer} / 325 \\ Appendix B: Document Formatting Commands / 327 \\ 1. {\tt checkmm} ({\tt mm} and {\tt eqn} Error Checker) / 327 \\ 2. {\tt double} (Double Word Finder) / 328 \\ 3. {\tt eqn} and neqn (Format Mathematical Text) / 328 \\ 4. {\tt mm} (Print Documents Formatted Using {\tt mm}) / 329 \\ 5. {\tt mmt} and {\tt mvt} (Format Documents, Viewgraphs and Slides) / 330 \\ 6. nroff (Format Text) / 331 \\ 7. {\tt pic} (Draw Figures) / 332 \\ 8. {\tt spell} (Find Spelling Errors) / 333 \\ 9. {\tt tbl} (Format Tables) / 333 \\ 10. {\tt tc} ({\tt troff} Output Interpreter) / 334 \\ 11. {\tt troff} (Text Formatting and Typesetting) / 335 \\ 12. {\tt wwb} (Writer's Workbench Software) / 336 \\ Appendix C: Some Font Samples / 339 \\ Glossary / 349 \\ Annotated Bibliography / 353 \\ Index / 359--377", } @Article{Ghemawat:1987:QEM, author = "Mahipal S. Ghemawat", title = "Quick and Efficient Method of Correct Typesetting of Tables on Computers", journal = j-COMPUT-BIOL-MED, volume = "17", number = "4", pages = "293--295", year = "1987", CODEN = "CBMDAW", ISSN = "0010-4825", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Alignment of numerical data in a table body may be achieved by first typing it single-spaced and without horizontal lines and with only the last lines of the stub-headings. Once the numerical data have been aligned under each column, stub-headings may be completed, horizontal lines inserted and whole table double-spaced.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "Comput Biol Med", keywords = "computers --- Medical Applications; data processing --- Data Handling; numerical data computer typesetting; tables typing; typesetting", } @Article{Haas:1987:TCS, author = "Roswitha T. Haas and Kevin C. O'Kane", title = "Typesetting Chemical Structure Formulas with the Text Formatter {\TeX\slash \LaTeX}", journal = j-COMPUT-CHEM, volume = "11", number = "4", pages = "251--271", year = "1987", CODEN = "COCHDK", ISSN = "0097-8485", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Methods are described to incorporate chemical structure diagrams into manuscripts prepared with the widely used text formatter {\TeX}, a program that specializes in mathematics typesetting. The graphics capabilities of the {\LaTeX} macros are used to draw the diagrams. Structures are input with keyboard characters; no graphics hardware is needed. The {\TeX} program produces device-independent ASCII files to send to output devices. About 30 macros were written to facilitate the typesetting of common structural fragments such as branching patterns and alicyclic and heterocyclic rings. These macros permit optional substituents and multiple bonds. Fragments from different macros can be combined.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA", affiliationaddress = "Univ of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA", classification = "723; 745; 801", journalabr = "Comput Chem", keywords = "chemical analysis; chemical structure; Computer Applications; computer graphics; computer programs; typesetting", } @Article{Hayashi:1987:TTH, author = "Tsunetoshi Hayashi", title = "Transporting {\TeX} into the {Hitac VOS3} Environment", journal = j-SPE, volume = "17", number = "1", pages = "17--28", month = jan, year = "1987", CODEN = "SPEXBL", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An attempt to transport T//EX82 and to implement a typesetting program which realizes the output of the former at Hokkaido University Computing Center is described. The target operating environment and the environment required for running the T//EX82 program are compared. The transporting procedure and the requirements for compiling and running the T//EX82 program are described, along with the problems that they caused. The measures taken to adapt T//EX82 to the target operating environment are explained. The working principles and some implementation details of the output typesetting program are described, where rather esoteric techniques are employed. Finally, some measurements of performance are given.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Hokkaido Univ, Computing Cent, Sapporo, Jpn", affiliationaddress = "Hokkaido Univ, Computing Cent, Sapporo, Jpn", classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "Software Pract Exper", keywords = "computer software; digital typesetting; software transportation; T(E)X82; text formatting; typesetting --- Computer Applications", } @Article{Hirschberg:1987:NAF, author = "D. S. Hirschberg and L. L. Larmore", title = "New Applications of Failure Functions", journal = j-J-ACM, volume = "34", number = "3", pages = "616--625", month = jul, year = "1987", CODEN = "JACOAH", ISSN = "0004-5411 (print), 1557-735X (electronic)", bibdate = "Sat Apr 28 09:27:41 2001", bibsource = "Compendex database; ftp://ftp.ira.uka.de/pub/bibliography/Misc/IMMD_IV.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://www.acm.org/pubs/toc/Abstracts/0004-5411/28875.html", abstract = "Presented are several algorithms whose operations are governed by a principle of failure functions. When searching for an extremal value within a sequence, it suffices to consider only the subsequence of items each of which is the first possible improvement of its predecessor. These algorithms are more efficient than their more traditional counterparts.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliationaddress = "Univ of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA, USA", annote = "This paper discusses line-breaking and page-breaking algorithms at length, proving the correctness of an improvement on the Knuth/Plass line-breaking algorithm used in the \TeX{} typesetting system.", classification = "723; 921", journalabr = "J Assoc Comput Mach", keywords = "algorithms; computer programming --- Algorithms; data processing; Data Structures; extremal value; failure functions; mathematical programming, dynamic; search methods; theory; verification", subject = "{\bf E.1}: Data, DATA STRUCTURES, Arrays. {\bf E.1}: Data, DATA STRUCTURES, Lists. {\bf F.2.2}: Theory of Computation, ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS AND PROBLEM COMPLEXITY, Nonnumerical Algorithms and Problems, Computations on discrete structures.", } @Article{Holub:1987:NCI, author = "Allen Holub", title = "{NR}: a {C} Implementation of {Nroff}", journal = j-DDJ, volume = "12", number = "3", pages = "48--??", month = mar, year = "1987", CODEN = "DDJTEQ", ISSN = "0888-3076", bibdate = "Thu Jan 9 09:35:43 MST 1997", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723", journalabr = "Dr Dobb's J Software Tools", keywords = "C language; codes, symbolic; computer operating systems; computer programming --- Macros; computer programming languages; ms macro package; NR language and text formatter; source code; UNIX nroff", pagecount = "28p between p 48 and 109", } @Article{Holub:1987:NHE, author = "Allen Holub", title = "{Nroff}: Hashing, Expressions, and Roman Numerals", journal = j-DDJ, volume = "12", number = "2", pages = "90--??", month = feb, year = "1987", CODEN = "DDJTEQ", ISSN = "0888-3076", bibdate = "Thu Jan 9 09:35:43 MST 1997", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723", journalabr = "Dr Dobb's J Software Tools", keywords = "computer operating systems; computer peripheral equipment --- Printers; computer programming --- Subroutines; computer programs; data processing --- Word Processing; general-purpose expression analyzer; hash table management functions; Program Compilers; UNIX text formatter nroff", pagecount = "7p between p 90 and 100 plus listings", } @Book{Ip:1987:CCW, author = "Chok-Ho Ip and Daniel M. Berry and Kam Pui Chow", title = "{Cwpr}, a {Chinese\slash Japanese} Word-Processing System for Use with the {UNIX Device-Independent Troff} System", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "570--577", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-8186-0780-7", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-0780-6", LCCN = "?QA75.5 .I5761 1987", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:32:09 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "A description is given of a collection of programs developed at UCLA for use with the programs of the standard device-independent TROFF (DITROFF) distribution, which allow user-customized Latin input of Chinese and Japanese on a high-resolution Apollo workstation and typesetting of this input on some of the devices supported by DITROFF. The input can be set to the standard, essentially unchanged, DITROFF, which has been supplied with tables describing the constant widths of all the characters of the JIS character set, and for which device drivers have been written to print the 24 multiplied by 24 bitmaps for these characters. The only change to the standard distributed DITROFF was to provide larger constant values for internal array upper bounds so that the full complement of 255 fonts and 512 different special characters could be handled.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA", affiliationaddress = "Univ of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA", classification = "723; 745", conference = "Second International Conference on Computers and Applications.", keywords = "Chinese/Japanese word-processing system; computer software; data processing; device-independent troff system; ditroff; high-resolution Apollo workstation; JIS character set; typesetting; Word Processing", meetingaddress = "Beijing, China", sponsor = "Chinese Computer Federation, China; IEEE Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, CA, USA; Natl Natural Science Foundation of China, China", } @Manual{KDADP:1987:RIE, title = "Request for information: electronic typesetting system", organization = "Kansas Dept. of Administration. Division of Printing and Kansas. Division of Information Systems and Communications", address = "Topeka, KS, USA", pages = "39 + 8", year = "1987", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Cover title. Caption title: Electronic typesetting front-end system: request for information.", govtdocnumber = "AD 9.2:E 39", keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Type-setting.", } @Book{Kellerman:1987:TPT, author = "David Kellerman and Barry Smith", title = "{\TeX{}TURES}: professional typesetting for the Macintosh: user's guide", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "123", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-201-17221-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-17221-8", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47U85 1987", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "documentation; languages", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation \\ J.7 Computer Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing \\ I.7.1 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text Editing", } @Article{Khan:1987:RPC, author = "Simon Khan and Theo Pavlidis and Henry S. Baird", title = "On the Recognition of Printed Characters of any Font and Size", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence", volume = "PAMI-9", number = "2", pages = "274--288", month = mar, year = "1987", CODEN = "ITPIDJ", ISSN = "0162-8828", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The current state of a system that recognizes printed text of various fonts and sizes for the Roman alphabet is described. The system combines several techniques in order to improve the overall recognition rate. Thinning and shape extraction are performed directly on a graph of the run-length encoding of a binary image. The resulting strokes and other shapes are mapped, using a shape-clustering approach, into binary features which are then fed into a statistical Bayesian classifier. Large-scale trials have shown better than 97\% top choice correct performance on mixtures of six dissimilar fonts, and over 99\% on most single fonts, over a range of point sizes. Certain remaining confusion classes are disambiguated through contour analysis, and characters suspected of being merged are broken and reclassified. Finally, layout and linguistic context are applied. The results are illustrated by sample pages.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "AT\&T Bell Lab, Murray Hill, NJ, USA", affiliationaddress = "AT\&T Bell Lab, Murray Hill, NJ, USA", classification = "723; 741; 922", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell", keywords = "Bayesian classifier; character recognition; image processing; reading machines; Roman alphabet; spelling correction; statistical methods", } @Book{Kleper:1987:IHD, author = "Michael L. Kleper", title = "The illustrated handbook of desktop publishing and typesetting", publisher = "TAB Professional and Reference Books", address = "Blue Ridge Summit, PA, USA", pages = "xiv + 770", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-8306-2700-6, 0-8306-0700-5 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8306-2700-4, 978-0-8306-0700-6 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z286.D47K55 1987", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; Desktop publishing", } @Book{Knuth:1987:MP, author = "Donald Ervin Knuth", title = "{METAFONT}: the program", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, edition = "Reprinted with corrections.", pages = "xv + 560", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-201-13438-1", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-13438-4", LCCN = "Z250.8.M46K578 1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computers and typesetting; D Knuth, Donald Ervin, 1938- Computers and typesetting; D", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; METAFONT; TeX (Computer system)", } @Book{Kobayashi:1987:MHL, author = "Makoto Kobayashi and Yoshiaki Mima", title = "Multi-Font Handling for Large Character Set on Workstations", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "2--8", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-8186-0770-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-0770-7", LCCN = "HF5548 .I44 1987", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:32:04 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "The introduction of multifont capability for a large character set, such as Kanji, on a workstation is very difficult because of its large data volume. As the font image buffer is very limited compared to the data volume, a good caching algorithm is indispensable. An effective caching method that reduces the search cost in least recently used buffers and dynamically optimizes buffer sizes for the multiple font sets is discussed. This algorithm was implemented on the IBM 5550, the Japanese version of the IBM PC\slash AT, as a key component of the prototype multiwindow system.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "IBM Japan, Tokyo, Jpn", affiliationaddress = "IBM Japan, Tokyo, Jpn", classification = "723; 741", conference = "IEEE Computer Society Office Automation Symposium.", keywords = "caching; Character Sets; data processing; IBM 5550; image processing; multi-font handling; office automation; workstations", meetingaddress = "Gaithersburg, MD, USA", sponsor = "IEEE Computer Soc, Los Alamitos, CA, USA", } @Article{Kokaji:1987:MPN, author = "Norio Kokaji", title = "Magnetic Printer for Newspaper {CTS}", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-MAGNETICS, volume = "MAG-23", number = "5", pages = "2889--2891", month = sep, year = "1987", CODEN = "IEMGAQ", ISSN = "0018-9464", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper describes a magnetic printer which was developed as a proofing printer for newspaper CTS (computerized type-setting system). In order to produce a number of copies of the proof efficiently, this printer is intended to have copying function. In recording latent image, the recording drum is rotated at high speed of 4,000 r. p. m. A newly devised multiple-channel head is employed in the printer. The track width of the preceding channels are wider than those of the succeeding channels. The latent images recorded by the preceding channels are sequentially overlapped by the succeeding channels. The recording resolution of 454 dots per inch was achieved. In this paper the overview of the printer structure and operation is described, and the detail of the multiple channel head is discussed.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Iwatsu Electric Co, Hachioji, Jpn", affiliationaddress = "Iwatsu Electric Co, Hachioji, Jpn", classification = "714; 723; 741; 745", conference = "INTERMAG '87, Int Magn Conf", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Magn", keywords = "computerized type setting (CTS); image processing; magnetic devices; multiple channel head; newspaper CTS; overlapping recording; printing; recording drum; typesetting --- Computer Applications", meetingaddress = "Tokyo, Jpn", meetingdate = "Apr 14--17 1987", meetingdate2 = "04/14--17/87", } @Book{Levien:1987:BPT, author = "Raphael L. Levien", title = "{BYSO} {PRINT} tutorial: a guide to code based typesetting on a {PC}", publisher = "Levien Instrument Co.", address = "McDowell, VA, USA", pages = "vii + 113", year = "1987", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Handbooks, manuals, etc.", } @Article{Mandry:1987:SVP, author = "Thomas Mandry", title = "{Schriftsatz --- Vorbereitung und Produktion von Buechern}", journal = "Informationstechnik it: Computer, Systeme, Anwendungen", volume = "29", number = "1", pages = "24--26", year = "1987", CODEN = "ICSAES", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "In 1983, the members of the `Sektion Informatik' of the University of Ulm were asked to investigate book production. The requirements on printing high quality documents are exceptional. The problems in generation of such papers were unexpectedly complex, though the team had studied different types of text processing systems earlier. This paper reports on the various approaches to the problem and the gained experience. In accomplishing the named requirements, one also engaged in testing the suitability of the `UNIX Documenter's Workbench Software'.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ Ulm, West Ger", affiliationaddress = "Univ Ulm, West Ger", classification = "723; 745; 903", journalabr = "Informationstech it", keywords = "computer aided publishing; Computer Applications; computer operating systems --- Applications; information dissemination --- Publishing; typesetting; UNIX Documenter's Workbench", language = "German", } @Article{Marovac:1987:HFE, author = "Nenad Marovac", title = "Handling Fonts in Electronic Publishing Systems", journal = j-COMPUTERS-AND-GRAPHICS, volume = "11", number = "3", pages = "289--295", year = "1987", CODEN = "COGRD2", ISSN = "0097-8493 (print), 1873-7684 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; ftp://ftp.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/siggraph/new/87.bib; Graphics/imager/imager.87.bib; Graphics/siggraph/87.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An electronic publishing system (EPS) uses a variety of different typefaces. Implementations of typefaces are commonly referred to as fonts. Typically, sets of fonts used in an EPS come from different sources, i.e. vendors, and they use different encoding mappings, e.g. ASCII, XCl, EBCIDIC, etc. Furthermore, a logical font which the user uses or sees may be based on a different number of machine (printer or typesetter) fonts. In an EPS system fonts must be handled in such a way to shield the user from such idiosyncrasies and also to make tasks of document composition and typesetting as efficient as possible. This paper treats such problems and proposes a solution for handling of fonts for the XPS-700 Xerox Publishing System.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "San Diego State Univ, San Diego, CA, USA", affiliationaddress = "San Diego State Univ, San Diego, CA, USA", annote = "", classification = "723; 745; 903", journalabr = "Comput Graphics (Pergamon)", keywords = "computer graphics --- Applications; electronic publishing systems (eps); information dissemination --- Publishing; typesetting", } @InProceedings{Morgan:1987:FDP, author = "Bradford A. Morgan", booktitle = "IPCC 87 International Professional Communication Conference: Engineering Communication, a Byte into the Future, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada", title = "Future of Desktop Publishing in Technical Communications", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "231--232", year = "1987", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "The advantages of typesetting over typewriting are described, and the resurgence of interest in printing, graphic design, art, and typography is discussed. The widespread availability of desktop publishing software is briefly considered. The gradual merging of desktop publishing and word processing is discussed. The use of desktop publishing in engineering is examined.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "South Dakota Sch of Mines \& Technology, SD, USA", affiliationaddress = "South Dakota Sch of Mines \& Technology, SD, USA", classification = "722; 723; 745; 901; 903", keywords = "computer peripheral equipment --- Printers; data processing --- Word Processing; desktop publishing; engineering writing; graphic design; information dissemination; Publishing; technical communication; typesetting", sponsor = "IEEE, Professional Communication Soc, New York, NY, USA", } @Manual{NCA:1987:GTC, title = "Glossary of typography, computerized typesetting and electronic publishing terms", organization = "National Composition Association", address = "1730 N. Lynn St., Arlington, VA 22209, USA", pages = "112", year = "1987", LCCN = "Z253.3.G57 1987", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:14:58 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computerized typesetting --- dictionaries; electronic publishing --- dictionaries", } @Manual{NCAUS:1987:GTC, title = "Glossary of typography, computerized typesetting and electronic publishing terms", organization = "National Composition Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", pages = "112", year = "1987", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Terminology; Electronic publishing --- Terminology.; Printing --- Terminology", } @Article{Padmanabhan:1987:MCD, author = "K. Padmanabhan", title = "Multi-Language {CRT} Display Circuit and Software", journal = "IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers)", volume = "4", number = "7", pages = "285--291", month = jul, year = "1987", CODEN = "ITREEI", ISSN = "0255-9609", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "With this add-on circuit board to any microprocessor kit or computer, it is possible to type on a TV monitor four languages simultaneously with one keyboard. Keyboard layouts are standard as with language typewriters. The circuit employs minimum number of components. CMOS digital ICs are employed along with TTL buffer ICs. Two static 8K RAM ICs store the pixel data. The 512 multiplied by 256 video is written into the RAM according to the language and character typed. Software provides for cursor, line feed, backspace and other requirements, which are explained.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "A. C. Coll of Technology, Madras, India", affiliationaddress = "A. C. Coll of Technology, Madras, India", classification = "714; 716; 722; 723; 741", journalabr = "IETE Tech Rev", keywords = "add-on circuit board; CMOS digital IC; Computer Applications; computer peripheral equipment --- Keyboards; computer software; display devices; electron tubes, cathode ray; keyboard layouts; language font; microprocessor kit; TTL buffer IC", } @Article{Prabha:1987:AFT, author = "Chandra Prabha and Duane Rice and John Bunge", title = "Access to the Full Text of Nonfiction Books: Design Considerations from a Study of Public Library Users", journal = j-PROC-ASIS-AM, volume = "24", pages = "196--200", year = "1987", CODEN = "PAISDQ", ISBN = "0-938734-19-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-938734-19-2", ISSN = "0044-7870", LCCN = "Z 699 A508p 1987", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:32:25 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The use of computer typesetting has increased the availability of machine-readable files of books previously available mainly in paper form. Systems to provide end users electronic access to the full text of books seem a real possibility. Based on an OCLC study of the use and users of nonfiction books in a public library, this paper identifies design considerations for systems that offer access to full-text nonfiction databases. The study focused on features that public library patrons use in selecting nonfiction books and for finding specific information. The study's results suggest that providing subject access for selecting nonfiction, displaying or highlighting new acquisitions, and facilitating known-item searches will all be important for end users to access the full text of nonfiction books. Since the study found browsing to be the most popular method for selecting a given book and for finding specific information, electronic information systems should allow rapid scanning and skipping through full-text nonfiction books.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "OCLC, Dublin, OH, USA", affiliationaddress = "OCLC, Dublin, OH, USA", classification = "723; 903", conference = "ASIS '87: Proceedings of the 50th ASIS Annual Meeting.", journalabr = "Proc ASIS Annu Meet", keywords = "Analysis; computer typesetting; electronic access; full text; information retrieval systems; libraries; machine-readable files; nonfiction books; public library users", meetingaddress = "Boston, MA, USA", sponsor = "ASIS, Medford, NJ, USA", } @InCollection{Rahtz:1987:PW, author = "Sebastian Rahtz", editor = "Sebastian Rahtz", booktitle = "Information technology in the humanities: tools, techniques and applications", title = "The processing of words", publisher = pub-HALSTED, address = pub-HALSTED:adr, pages = "69--79 (of 184)", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-470-20852-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-470-20852-6", LCCN = "AZ105 .I54 1987", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$39.95", series = "Ellis Horwood series in computers and their applications", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bookpages = "188", keyword = "human factors", review = "ACM CR 8803-0222", subject = "I.7.0 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, General \\ J.5 Computer Applications, ARTS AND HUMANITIES \\ K.3.0 Computing Milieux, COMPUTERS AND EDUCATION, General", } @Book{Simon:1987:SCO, author = "John J. Simon", title = "From sand to circuits: and other inquiries", publisher = pub-HARVARD-INFO-TECH, address = pub-HARVARD-INFO-TECH:adr, pages = "xi + 271", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-674-32575-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-674-32575-3", LCCN = "TK7828.S48 1986", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Includes chapter on computer typesetting.", price = "US\$24.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "human factors; design", review = "ACM CR 8708-0653", subject = "K.2 Computing Milieux, HISTORY OF COMPUTING, Hardware \\ K.2 Computing Milieux, HISTORY OF COMPUTING \\ K.2 Computing Milieux, HISTORY OF COMPUTING, Systems", } @Article{Smura:1987:TNB, author = "Edwin J. Smura and Archie D. Provan", title = "Toward a New Beginning: the Development of a Standard for Font and Character Encoding to Control Electronic Document Interchange", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-PROF-COMM, volume = "PC-30", number = "4", pages = "259--264", month = dec, year = "1987", CODEN = "IEPCBU", ISSN = "0099-9474", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Distribution of documents in electronic form, often called soft copy, permits more rapid sharing of information and the acceleration of new knowledge; however, barriers to soft-copy document distribution have arisen out of the diversity of the tools currently available in publishing technology. The authors address solving these problems by means of the development of a public font standard, and novel tools and services. They describe a cooperative effort now under way among graphic arts professionals, representatives of industry, and national and international standards-making organizations to develop such a standard along with the associated tools and services.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Xerox Corp, USA", affiliationaddress = "Xerox Corp, USA", classification = "723; 902; 903", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Prof Commun", keywords = "codes, symbolic; data processing --- Word Processing; electronic document interchange control; electronic mail --- Control; font and character encoding; information dissemination --- Publishing; problem solving; standardization; Standards", } @InProceedings{Steven:1987:PRC, author = "Peter M. Steven", booktitle = "RESNA '87: Meeting the Challenge, Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Rehabilitation Technology, San Jose, CA, USA", title = "Problems of and Requirements for Character Recognition Systems", publisher = "RESNA-Assoc for the Advancement of Rehabilitation Technology", address = "Washington, DC, USA", pages = "666--668", year = "1987", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The current state of font-independent character recognition is discussed with a brief review of a recent publication in the area. Though much progress has been made several major classes of problems still exist. The ability of people to handle these problems so effortlessly suggests that current approaches may be inadequate or inappropriate. Nevertheless an accurate recognizer is only part of a character recognition tool which must include features making the recognizer usable over a wide range of material.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Kurzweil Computer Products", affiliationaddress = "Kurzweil Computer Products", classification = "722; 723; 741", keywords = "character recognition equipment --- Design; character recognition problems; character recognition, optical; current research; font-independent character recognition; recognition tool design", sponsor = "RESNA-Assoc for the Advancement of Rehabilitation Technology, Washington, DC, USA", } @Article{Waldschmidt:1987:ECG, author = "H. Waldschmidt", title = "An Editor for Constructing Graphics with {\TeX}", journal = j-CGF, volume = "6", number = "4", pages = "359--364", month = dec, year = "1987", CODEN = "CGFODY", ISSN = "0167-7055 (print), 1467-8659 (electronic)", bibdate = "Tue Dec 17 12:06:34 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper describes an editor which was designed for the interactive construction of simple graphics. The editor is strongly related to the typesetting system T//EX, because the output of this editor is the T//EX source. The T//EX source produced is complete in that all opening grouping characters match with corresponding closing grouping characters. With this editor the expense that has to be invested in developing of even simple graphics in T//EX is substantially reduced.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Darmstadt, West Ger", affiliationaddress = "Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Darmstadt, West Ger", classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "Comput Graphics Forum", keywords = "computer graphics; computer programming languages; documentation; graphic editor; graphics interactive construction; Interactive; languages; typesetting; typesetting language {\TeX}; typesetting system; {\TeX} editor, design", subject = "I.3.6 Computing Methodologies, COMPUTER GRAPHICS, Methodology and Techniques, Interaction techniques \\ I.7.1 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text Editing, TeX \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, TeX", } @Book{White:1987:HST, author = "Alex White", title = "How to {SPEC} Type", publisher = pub-WATSON-GUPTILL, address = pub-WATSON-GUPTILL:adr, pages = "128", year = "1987", ISBN = "0-8230-2473-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8230-2473-5", LCCN = "Z253.W46 1987", bibdate = "Wed Aug 10 14:03:06 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$14.95", abstract = "This book is divided into two parts. {\em Part One: Preparing the Copy for Type}, discusses fundamental terms and introduces the principles of type speccing. {\em Part Two: Type Samples}, describes how to spec typographic examples drawn in thumbnail form, how to mark up the manuscript copy, and then shows the final typeset results.", acknowledgement = ack-fm, annote = "A gold mine of ideas, concepts, and their realisation. Beside general introductions into typographic spec techniques, the book discusses topics like Runarounds, Initial Caps, Tables, Rules and Boxes, and many more.", keywords = "typography, layout, design, fonts, specs", } @Article{Wood:1987:TWG, author = "Patrick Wood", title = "Typesetting: when gray isn't", journal = j-POSTSCRIPT-LANG-J, volume = "1", number = "2", pages = "15--19", month = jun, year = "1987", ISSN = "0891-5873", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "measurement; design; languages", subject = "I.4.3 Computing Methodologies, IMAGE PROCESSING, Enhancement, Grayscale manipulation \\ J.7 Computer Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing", } @Article{Zable:1987:FDH, author = "J. L. Zable and H. C. Lee", title = "Font Design for High-Speed Impact Line Printers", journal = j-IBM-JRD, volume = "31", number = "6", pages = "679--684", month = nov, year = "1987", CODEN = "IBMJAE", ISSN = "0018-8646 (print), 2151-8556 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "In impact line printers that use print-band (or similar) technology, the higher speed required of the type band for higher print throughput results in wide printed strokes with increased slur. Ordinarily, font designers compensate for the increased printed strokewidth by narrowing the width of the engraved characters on the type band. While this approach corrects the total printed character stroke, the print quality is degraded because of increased slur. This paper presents an alternative design approach in which an examination of the essential parameters of print dynamics suggests a font design that incorporates wider strokewidths.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 745", journalabr = "IBM J Res Dev", keywords = "computer peripheral equipment; font design; impact line printers; print throughput; printed strokes; Printers; printing machinery --- Performance; strokewidths", } @Article{Zaki:1987:FDA, author = "M. Zaki and Al. H. Albarhamtoshy", title = "Formal Design of an {Arabic} Text Formatter for Microcomputers", journal = j-COMP-LANGS, volume = "12", number = "2", pages = "123--143", year = "1987", CODEN = "COLADA", ISSN = "0096-0551 (print), 1873-6742 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Feb 10 12:24:17 MST 1997", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliationaddress = "Al-Azhar Univ, Cairo, Egypt", classification = "723", journalabr = "Comput Lang", keywords = "Arabic text; computer software; data processing; regular expressions; states minimization; text formatter; transition rules; Word Processing", } @Article{Abikoff:1988:TEA, author = "William Abikoff", title = "{\TeX}: The Ease and Art of Text Processing", journal = j-ABACUS, volume = "5", number = "4", pages = "10--29", month = "summer", year = "1988", CODEN = "ABACEJ", ISSN = "0724-6722", bibdate = "Thu Sep 01 00:29:22 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Discusses the various facets of text-processing systems. The common thread is a discussion of the TEX system of text-processing and typesetting developed by Donald Knuth. The paper also discusses its accompanying program, METAFONT which creates characters to be printed. (0 Refs.)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques)", keywords = "Character creation; METAFONT; TeX; TEX system; Text-processing systems; Typesetting", thesaurus = "Word processing", } @Manual{AEA:1988:TB, title = "Typesetting business", organization = "American Entrepreneur Association", address = "Los Angeles, CA, USA", pages = "191", year = "1988", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "AEA business manual; no. X1245", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Handbooks, manuals, etc; New business enterprises --- Handbooks, manuals, etc.; Printing, Practical --- Vocational guidance; Small business --- Management; Type-setting --- Vocational guidance", } @Manual{AGPS:1988:GTC, title = "Generic typesetting codes: style book", organization = "Australian Government Publishing Service", address = "Canberra, ACT, Australia", pages = "various", year = "1988", ISBN = "0-644-07904-5 (set), 0-644-07906-1 (vol. 1), 0-644-07905-3 (vol. 2), 0-644-07903-7 (vol. 3)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-644-07904-4 (set), 978-0-644-07906-8 (vol. 1), 978-0-644-07905-1 (vol. 2), 978-0-644-07903-7 (vol. 3)", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Three volumes.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Australia --- Government publications.; Printing, Practical --- Style manuals; Printing, Public --- Australia", } @Misc{Anonymous:1988:IGI, author = "Anonymous", title = "Image generation an introduction to typesetting", publisher = "Murray State University, Dept. of Graphic Arts Technology\slash Printing Management", address = "Murray, Ky.", year = "1988", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "1 videocassette (20 min.).", series = "MSU/GAERF project; 11", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Produced with assistance from the Graphic Arts Education and Research Foundation (GAERF). VHS.", keywords = "Printing, Practical.; Type-setting", } @TechReport{Arrabito:1988:CBTa, author = "R. Arrabito and Helmut Jurgensen", title = "Computerized {Braille} typesetting", type = "Report", institution = "Dept. of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario", address = "London, Ontario, Canada", edition = "Revised", pages = "11", year = "1988", ISBN = "0-7714-0910-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-7714-0910-3", ISSN = "0707-235X", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Arrabito:1988:CBTb, author = "R. Arrabito and H. Jurgensen", title = "Computerized {Braille} typesetting: another view of mark-up standards", journal = j-EPODD, volume = "1", number = "2", pages = "117--131", month = sep, year = "1988", CODEN = "EPODEU", ISSN = "0894-3982", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "standardization; human factors", subject = "I.7.0 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, General \\ B.4.2 Hardware, INPUT/OUTPUT AND DATA COMMUNICATIONS, Input/Output Devices, Data terminals and printers", } @Book{Bailey:1988:PTH, author = "Paul Bailey and Peter Southeran", title = "Password: typesetting from home micro-computer to photosetter", publisher = "Sotheran", address = "London, UK", pages = "56", year = "1988", ISBN = "0-905032-19-5 (spiral)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-905032-19-1 (spiral)", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Phototypesetting --- Applications of microcomputer systems", } @TechReport{Batchelder:1988:PDP, author = "N. Batchelder and Trevor Darrell", title = "{Psfig} --- A {Ditroff} Preprocessor for {PostScript} files", type = "Internal Report", institution = "Computer and Information Science Department, University of Pennsylvania", address = "Philadelphia, PA, USA", year = "1988", bibdate = "Wed Jun 17 18:21:31 2015", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Beach:1988:NTG, author = "Mark Beach", title = "Newsletter typesetting graphics and photos", publisher = "Coast to Coast", address = "Portland, OR, USA", pages = "36", year = "1988", bibdate = "Tue Sep 17 06:23:42 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Reproduced from the book `Editing your newsletter' by Mark Beach, c1988.", keywords = "Layout (Printing); Newsletters --- Publishing; Photography.", } @TechReport{Bentley:1988:DLT, author = "J. L. Bentley", title = "dformat --- a Language for Typesetting Data Formats", type = "Comp. Sci. Tech. Rep. No.", number = "142", institution = inst-ATT-BELL, address = inst-ATT-BELL:adr, month = apr, year = "1988", bibdate = "Sat Aug 27 17:13:19 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "142", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "CSTR OBS", } @Book{Buxton:1988:MLL, author = "H. W. (Harry Wilmot) Buxton", title = "Memoir of the life and labours of the late Charles Babbage Esq. {F.R.S.}", publisher = pub-MIT, address = pub-MIT:adr, pages = "xix + 401", year = "1988", ISBN = "0-262-02269-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-262-02269-9", LCCN = "QA29.B2B89 1988", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "From {\em Computing Reviews\/}: ``Charles Babbage was a nineteenth-century polymath who initially studied mathematics at Cambridge and subsequently pursued interests in fields as diverse as philosophy, political economy, and mechanical computing. While attempting to realize a machine for calculating and printing error-free mathematical tables, he visited factories to learn metalworking techniques, invented a system of mechanical notation to represent the states of the machine, and devised a method for correct typesetting. As the editor of this series notes, the scope of Babbage's work makes him a difficult subject to understand in our modern age of specialized scholarship.''", price = "US\$50", series = "Reprint series for the history of computing, vol. 13", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, review = "ACM CR 8903-0095", subject = "A.0 General Literature, GENERAL, Charles Babbage \\ K.2 Computing Milieux, HISTORY OF COMPUTING, Charles Babbage", } @Book{Chu:1988:STG, author = "Jiang-Hsing Chu and Gary D. Knott", title = "{SPEC}: a {\TeX}-embedded graphics typesetting language", publisher = inst-U-MARYLAND, address = inst-U-MARYLAND:adr, pages = "32", month = oct, year = "1988", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computer science technical report series; CS-TR-2118 CAR; TR-395 Computer science technical report series (College Park, Md.); TR- 2118. CAR (Series); TR-395", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "On t.p. ``E'' is subscript. Supported by the National Science Foundation.", keywords = "Computer graphics; Image processing.", } @Article{Clarke:1988:UMA, author = "A. T. Clarke and B. M. Brown and M. P. Thorne", title = "Using a micro to automate data acquisition in music publishing", journal = j-MICROPROC-MICROPROG, volume = "24", number = "1-5", pages = "549--553", month = aug, year = "1988", CODEN = "MMICDT", ISSN = "0165-6074 (print), 1878-7061 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "With the number of computer applications involving music information growing, and the transition from traditional music printing methods to computer typesetting that is being faced by music publishers, there is an increasing need for an efficient and accurate method of getting musical information into computers. This paper describes some of the technical problems encountered in developing a system, based upon the IBM PC and a low-cost scanning device, to automatically recognise the printed music notation on a sheet of music that is fed through the scanner.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Wales", affiliationaddress = "Cardiff, Wales", classification = "722; 723; 745; 751; 752; 903", conference = "Supercomputers: Technology and Applications: Fourteenth EUROMICRO Symposium on Microprocessing --- EUROMICRO '88", journalabr = "Microprocess Microprogram", keywords = "Computer Typesetting; Computers, Personal; Data Processing--Data Acquisition; IBM PC; Information Dissemination; Music Information; Music Publishing; Musical Instruments, Electronic--Computer Applications; Printed Music; Publishing", meetingaddress = "Zurich, Switz", meetingdate = "Aug 29--Sep 1 1988", meetingdate2 = "08/29--09/01/88", sponsor = "A. Baggenstos \& Co Ag; Bank Leu AG, Zurich, Switz; City \& Canton of Zurich, Zurich, Switz; Control Data (Schweiz) AG, Switz; Convex Computer Swiss, Switz; et al", } @MastersThesis{Conrad:1988:TMN, author = "Phillip T. Conrad", title = "Typesetting of music notation using {\TeX}", type = "Thesis (M.S.)", school = "West Virginia University", address = "Morgantown, WV, USA", pages = "vii + 207", year = "1988", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Music printing --- Data processing.; TeX (Computer system)", } @Book{Davis:1988:TEP, author = "Ronnie H. Davis", title = "Typesetting: an economic perspective", publisher = "National Composition Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", pages = "11", year = "1988", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Type-setting --- Economic aspects --- United States --- Statistics.", } @InProceedings{DeLaBeaujardiere:1988:WDI, author = "Jean-M De La Beaujardiere", editor = "J. C. {van Vliet}", booktitle = "Document manipulation and typography: Proceedings of the International Conference on Electronic Publishing", title = "Well-established document interchange formats", publisher = pub-CUP, address = pub-CUP:adr, pages = "83--94 (of vi + 288)", year = "1988", ISBN = "0-521-36294-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-521-36294-8", LCCN = "Z286.E43 I571 1988", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$47.50", series = "Cambridge series on electronic publishing", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bookpages = "vi + 288", keyword = "design; standardization; performance; documentation", procdate = "April 20--22, 1988", procloc = "Nice, France", review = "ACM CR 8909-0687", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Format and notation \\ C.2.0 Computer Systems Organization, COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, General, Data communications \\ C.2.2 Computer Systems Organization, COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, Network Protocols, ODA \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, SGML \\ C.2.2 Computer Systems Organization, COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, Network Protocols \\ C.2.2 Computer Systems Organization, COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION NETWORKS, Network Protocols", } @Article{Eisner:1988:PPR, author = "William S. Eisner", title = "Printing Processes --- the Revolution Continues", journal = "Annual Meeting --- Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, Preprints", volume = "A", pages = "a275--??", year = "1988", CODEN = "PMCADQ", ISBN = "0-919893-49-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-919893-49-8", ISSN = "0316-6732", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Various printing processes are covered. Some of the topics discussed include electronic revolution in imaging; remote transmission; typesetting; sheetfed offset; productivity; and a review of rotogravure. Other topics covered are flexography, non-impression printing systems, and advances in inking systems.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Rochester Inst of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA", affiliationaddress = "Rochester Inst of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA", classification = "741; 745; 811", conference = "74th Annual Meeting, Technical Section Canadian Pulp and Paper Association --- Preprints `A'.", journalabr = "Annual Meeting - Technical Section, Canadian Pulp and Paper Association", keywords = "abstract only; flexography; imaging techniques; photographic reproduction; printing; rotogravure; sheet-fed offset; typesetting", meetingaddress = "Montreal, Que, Can", sponsor = "CPPA, Technical Section, Montreal, Que, Can", } @Book{Fletcher:1988:NAS, author = "Harry George {Fletcher, III}", title = "{New Aldine Studies}: Documentary Essays on the Life and Work of {Aldus Manutius}", publisher = "B. M. Rosenthal, Inc.", address = "San Francisco, CA, USA", pages = "xiii + 206", year = "1988", ISBN = "0-9600094-1-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-9600094-1-1", LCCN = "Z232.M3 F57 1988", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:43:22 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", price = "US\$65.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Aldo Manuzio (1449 or 1450--1515).", email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Book{Gehani:1988:DFT, author = "Narain Gehani and Steven Lally", title = "Document formatting and typesetting on the {UNIX} system. Vol. 2: grap, mv, ms, and troff", publisher = pub-SILICON, address = pub-SILICON:adr, pages = "xiii + 304", year = "1988", ISBN = "0-9615336-3-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-9615336-3-2", LCCN = "Z52.5.U54 G431 1988", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/unix.bib", price = "US\$30.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "languages; documentation", review = "ACM CR 8907-0444", shorttableofcontents = "Preface / xi \\ Acknowledgment / xiii \\ 1: Specifying Graphs / 1 \\ 2: Specifying Viewgraphs and Slides / 69 \\ 3: Specifying the Document Format with {\tt ms} / 89 \\ 4: Typesetting Documents with {\tt troff} / 145 \\ 5: Example {\tt ms} Document Templates / 257 \\ Appendix A: Document Formatting Commands and Macros / 277 \\ Bibliography / 283 \\ Index / 289", subject = "I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation \\ D.4.0 Software, OPERATING SYSTEMS, General, UNIX \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, troff", tableofcontents = "Preface / xi \\ Acknowledgment / xiii \\ 1: Specifying Graphs / 1 \\ 1. An Example of a {\tt grap} Specification / 2 \\ 2. Format of a Graph Specification / 4 \\ 3. Basics / 4 \\ 4. Frame / 10 \\ 5. Graph Data / 27 \\ 6. Multiple Graphs / 32 \\ 7. Printing Strings and other Objects in a Graph / 34 \\ 8. Control Instructions / 38 \\ 9. Macros / 41 \\ 10. Including and Reading Data from Files / 44 \\ 11. Graph Size / 44 \\ 12. How to be a Graphic Liar / 45 \\ 13. Interface with {\tt mm}/{\tt ms}, {\tt pic}, {\tt tbl}, {\tt eqn} and {\tt troff} / 48 \\ 14. Checking for Errors: {\tt grap} / 51 \\ 15. Executing UNIX Commands / 51 \\ 16. Examples / 53 \\ 17. Final Comments / 65 \\ 18. Exercises / 65 \\ 2: Specifying Viewgraphs and Slides / 69 \\ 1. Examples of Foils / 69 \\ 2. Foil Specification Format / 73 \\ 3. Foil-Start Instructions / 73 \\ 4. Default Parameters / 75 \\ 5. Titles and Centered Lines / 76 \\ 6. Specifying Lists / 76 \\ 7. Point Size and Line Length / 81 \\ 8. Font Changes / 82 \\ 9. Miscellaneous / 82 \\ 10. Useful {\tt troff} Instructions / 82 \\ 11. Hints for Making and Managing Foils / 83 \\ 12. Interaction with Other Doc. Prep. Facilities / 84 \\ 13. Using {\tt mv} / 85 \\ 14. Notes / 85 \\ 15. Exercises / 86 \\ 3: Specifying the Document Format with {\tt ms} / 89 \\ 1. An Example of Document Formatting / 89 \\ 2. Basics / 95 \\ 3. Variables / 97 \\ 4. Fonts / 100 \\ 5. Point Size / 102 \\ 6. Vertical Spacing / 103 \\ 7. Document Structure / 104 \\ 8. Document Definitions, Style and Appearance Parameters / 104 \\ 9. Document Prelude / 105 \\ 10. Document Body / 110 \\ 11. Document Postlude / 121 \\ 12. Page Headers and Footers / 121 \\ 13. Multi-Column Format / 122 \\ 14. Miscellaneous Instructions / 123 \\ 15. {\tt ms} Extensions / 125 \\ 16. {\tt troff} Instructions and Macros / 128 \\ 17. {\tt ms} and Other Document Preparation Tools / 133 \\ 18. Using {\tt ms} / 134 \\ 19. A Final Example / 135 \\ 20. Exercises / 143 \\ 4: Typesetting Documents with {\tt troff} / 145 \\ 1. An Example of a {\tt troff} Specification / 147 \\ 2. Simple Typesetting Instructions / 151 \\ 3. Comments / 153 \\ 4. Specifying Sizes and Distances / 153 \\ 5. Specifying Fonts / 154 \\ 6. Specifying Point Size / 159 \\ 7. Specifying Vertical Spacing / 160 \\ 8. Filling and Adjusting of Text / 162 \\ 9. Line and Page Breaks / 163 \\ 10. Spaces, Tabs and Leaders / 165 \\ 11. Automatic Hyphenation / 171 \\ 12. Summary of Basic Page Characteristic Instructions / 172 \\ 13. Titles / 173 \\ 14. Local Motions / 174 \\ 15. Manipulating Files / 177 \\ 16. String Variables / 180 \\ 17. Numeric Variables / 183 \\ 18. Arithmetic Expressions / 191 \\ 19. Input Interpretation / 192 \\ 20. Macros / 193 \\ 21. Conditional Statements / 198 \\ 22. Diversions / 200 \\ 23. Traps / 204 \\ 24. Environments / 207 \\ 25. Character Manipulation Features / 210 \\ 26 Underlining Words / 215 \\ 27. Two-dimensional Graphics / 216 \\ 28. The UNIX Environment / 225 \\ 29. Special Characters / 231 \\ 30. List of Predefined Variables / 235 \\ 31. Miscellaneous / 237 \\ 32. Examples / 240 \\ 33. Exercises / 255 \\ 5: Example {\tt ms} Document Templates / 257 \\ 1. Letters / 257 \\ 2. Papers / 263 \\ 3. Books / 266 \\ 4. Exercise / 276 \\ Appendix A: Document Formatting Commands and Macros / 277 \\ 1. {\tt grap} (Preprocessor for Drawing Graphs) / 277 \\ 2. {\tt ms} (Page-Layout Macros) / 278 \\ 3. mvt (Format Viewgraphs and Slides) / 278 \\ 4. nroff (Format Text) / 279 \\ 5. {\tt troff} (Format Text) / 280 \\ Bibliography / 283 \\ Index / 289", } @Article{Hodes:1988:PSM, author = "Carol L. Hodes", title = "Professional software for mathematical text", journal = j-IEEE-POT, volume = "7", number = "4", month = dec, year = "1988", CODEN = "IEPTDF", ISSN = "0278-6648 (print), 1558-1772 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The article describes {\TeX}, a software for document preparation that handles mathematical expressions and equations. Released in 1982, {\TeX} was a great success. It produces high-quality professional output in an efficient, cost-effective manner. {\TeX}'s equation mode is superior to others since it was developed in compliance with American Mathematical Society standards.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745; 903", journalabr = "IEEE Potentials", keywords = "Computer Applications; Computer Software; Information Dissemination--Publishing; Software Package {\TeX}; Typesetting; Typesetting Software {\TeX}", pagecount = "p 15-16", } @Article{Hohti:1988:TAT, author = "Aarno Hohti", title = "Typesetting {APL} with {\TeX}", journal = j-SIGAPL, volume = "18", number = "3", pages = "13--16", month = mar, year = "1988", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "design; languages; documentation", subject = "D.3.2 Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Language Classifications, APL \\ I.7.m Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Miscellaneous \\ J.7 Computer Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing", } @Article{Holder:1988:FSI, author = "S. Holder and J. Dengler", title = "Font-and size invariant character recognition with greyvalue image features", journal = "Proceedings --- International Conference on Pattern Recognition", pages = "252--254", year = "1988", CODEN = "PICREG", ISBN = "0-8186-0878-1", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-0878-0", LCCN = "Q 327 I615 1988", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:32:37 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Available from IEEE Service Cent (catalog number 88CH2614-6). Piscataway, NJ, USA.", abstract = "A novel approach for character recognition based on grey-value features is proposed, as the usual approach based on binary images fails when very small characters are analyzed. Size invariance is achieved in two ways. A coarse scaling is determined by the Laplacian pyramid. Taking the appropriate level, the variation of size is within a factor of two. Complete size invariance is achieved by the specific choice of the features themselves, which are weighed distributions of directions and direction changes. These features are also comparatively invariant to different fonts but quite specific to the basic structure of a character.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "German Cancer Research Cent, Heidelberg, West Ger", classification = "723", conference = "9th International Conference on Pattern Recognition", conferenceyear = "1988", journalabr = "Proc Int Conf Pattern Recognit", keywords = "Character Recognition; Font Invariant Character Recognition; Gray Level Image Features; Gray Value Image Features; Image Processing; Laplacian Pyramid; Size Invariant Character Recognition", meetingaddress = "Rome, Italy", meetingdate = "Nov 14--17 1988", publisherinfo = "IEEE Service Center", sponsor = "Int Assoc for Pattern Recognition, Paris, Fr", } @Article{Ion:1988:TUI, author = "Patrick D. F. Ion and Bonita D. Ross Ion", title = "{\TeX} and its Uses for Information Presentation", journal = j-BULL-AM-SOC-INF-SCI, volume = "14", number = "4", pages = "21--22", month = apr # "--" # may, year = "1988", CODEN = "BASICR", ISSN = "0095-4403", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Desktop publishing will become a significant business in the next few years. Already on the market are several systems that are easy to use and produce quite acceptable output; other systems available are much harder to use, but provide much greater flexibility and more sophisticated output. One such system is {\TeX} (pronounced teck as in technology), a very powerful computer typesetting system which started out on mainframes. {\TeX} is a document compiler. It takes a source file and prepares an output file for printing; the process resembles compilation of programming language compiler source code to prepare an executable output. A special feature of {\TeX} is its ability to handle different fonts and special characters.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Mathematical Reviews, Ann Arbor, MI, USA", affiliationaddress = "Mathematical Reviews, Ann Arbor, MI, USA", classification = "723; 745; 903", journalabr = "Bull Am Soc Inf Sci", keywords = "computer programming; Cyrillic alphabet; desktop publishing; Greek alphabet; information dissemination; information retrieval systems; information science --- Information Use; printing; Publishing; special alphabets; typesetting; {\TeX} document compiler", } @Book{Knuth:1988:TP, author = "Donald Ervin Knuth", title = "{\TeX}: the program", volume = "B", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, edition = "Reprinted with corrections May 1988.", pages = "xv + 594", year = "1988", ISBN = "0-201-13437-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-13437-7", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47K578 1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computers and typesetting", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; TeX (Computer system)", } @Book{Labuz:1988:TTT, author = "Ronald Labuz", title = "Typography and typesetting: Type design and manipulation using today's technology", publisher = pub-VNR, address = pub-VNR:adr, pages = "272", year = "1988", ISBN = "0-442-25966-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-442-25966-2", LCCN = "Z250.L13 1988", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing --- Style manuals; Type and type-founding; Typesetting; Typography", } @Article{Lang:1988:JMT, author = "Laura Lang", title = "Just my type", journal = "ID Systems", volume = "8", number = "6", pages = "21--22, 25", month = jul # "--" # aug, year = "1988", CODEN = "IDSYE5", ISSN = "0892-676X", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A pre-production typesetting house uses OCR to avoid Keyboards with a CompuScan PCS-230. When working with an easily recognized typestyle, the scanner has a low error rate. The scanner saves about one-third of manual entry time. Clean copy, is scanned by the PCS-230 and put onto magnetic media for insertion of type codes, corrections, or other manipulation. Electronic editing is very quick.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 741; 745", journalabr = "ID Syst", keywords = "Applications; Character Recognition Equipment; Character Recognition, Optical; Electronic Editing; Electronic Typesetting; Keyless Data Entry; Optical Scanners; Type Codes; Typesetting", } @TechReport{LeMaire:1988:SCA, author = "Lisa {Le Maire}", title = "A study of costs and alternatives for typesetting at {Visible Computer Supply Corporation}", institution = "Aurora University", address = "Aurora, IL, USA", pages = "37", year = "1988", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "School of Business MAP project", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing --- Costs", } @Article{McClelland:1988:LTD, author = "Bruce McClelland", title = "From logon to typeset document in under ten minutes", journal = j-ONLINE, volume = "12", number = "6", pages = "66--71", month = nov, year = "1988", CODEN = "ONLIDN", ISSN = "0146-5422", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "design; documentation; management", subject = "H.3.5 Information Systems, INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL, On-line Information Services \\ J.7 Computer Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS, Publishing", } @Book{Munro:1988:BTI, author = "Kathy Munro", title = "Bringing typesetting in-house: the options for publishers", publisher = "Blueprint", address = "London, UK", pages = "xi + 132", year = "1988", ISBN = "0-948905-16-6 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-948905-16-2 (paperback)", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Printing --- Composition --- Applications of computer systems", } @Book{Negru:1988:CT, author = "John Negru", title = "Computer typesetting", publisher = pub-VNR, address = pub-VNR:adr, pages = "xiv + 185", year = "1988", ISBN = "0-442-26696-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-442-26696-7", LCCN = "Z253.3.N4 1988", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$39.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computerized typesetting; languages", subject = "J.5 Computer Applications, ARTS AND HUMANITIES, Linguistics \\ I.7.0 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, General \\ I.7.2 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation, Photocomposition", } @Article{Nelson:1988:HHS, author = "Charles Nelson", title = "Help with help: a selected bibliography of desktop publishing resources", journal = j-TECH-COMMUN, volume = "35", number = "4", pages = "313--317", month = nov, year = "1988", CODEN = "TLCMBT", ISSN = "0049-3155", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Learning to use desktop publishing hardware and software can be time-consuming and frustrating because the systems are complex and they keep changing. This article presents a descriptive list of over 50 sources of relevant, useful information regarding the desktop publishing resources.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Youngstown State Univ", affiliationaddress = "Youngstown, OH, USA", classification = "723; 745; 903", journalabr = "Tech Commun", keywords = "Bibliographies; Computer Hardware; Computer Software; Data Processing--Word Processing; Desktop Publishing; Information Dissemination; Personal Computers; Printing; Publishing; Typesetting", } @Article{Perry:1988:PAC, author = "Tekla S. Perry", title = "`{PostScript}' Prints Anything: a Case History", journal = j-IEEE-SPECTRUM, volume = "25", number = "5", pages = "42--46", month = may, year = "1988", CODEN = "IEESAM", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1109/6.4550", ISSN = "0018-9235 (print), 1939-9340 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0018-9235", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The development history of the page description language PostScript is presented. Several key problems in the development are described, laser printer, a harbor simulation that drove the language-to-be toward its object orientation, font algorithm creation, and image reduction and analysis. Key technical developments that aided the establishment of PostScript are also mentioned; these include the Apple Macintosh microcomputer and its need for bit-mapped graphics printing, cheap laser printers, and cost declines in memory.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "IEEE, New York, NY, USA", affiliationaddress = "IEEE, New York, NY, USA", classification = "722; 723", journalabr = "IEEE Spectrum", keywords = "Apple Macintosh microcomputer; bit-mapped graphics printing; computer graphics; computer peripheral equipment --- Printers; computer programming languages; computers, microcomputer; data processing --- Data Reduction and Analysis; font algorithm; image processing; laser printer; PostScript page description language", } @Article{Ristroph:1988:MFG, author = "John H. Ristroph", title = "Multi-system font generation", journal = j-COMPUT-IND-ENG, volume = "15", pages = "467--474", year = "1988", CODEN = "CINDDL", ISSN = "0360-8352 (print), 1879-0550 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A description is given of the DOTFONT system which is capable of generating fonts for most dot matrix displays, both printers and CRT's. This capability should be useful to engineers writing technical papers, for it can be used to create Greek characters and other special symbols not otherwise readily available. The software requires an IBM compatible with an EGA (Enhanced Graphics Adapter) but the font files which it creates can be used on other configurations.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Southwestern Louisiana", affiliationaddress = "LA, USA", classification = "723", conference = "Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering", journalabr = "Comput Ind Eng", keywords = "Color Graphics Adapter; Computer Graphics; Computer Peripheral Equipment--Graphics; Data Processing; Dot Matrix Printers; dotfont System; Word Processing", meetingaddress = "Dallas, TX, USA", meetingdate = "Mar 23--25 1988", meetingdate2 = "03/23--25/88", } @Book{Rubinstein:1988:DTI, author = "Richard Rubinstein", title = "Digital Typography\emdash An Introduction to Type and Composition for Computer System Design", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "xi + 340", month = nov, year = "1988", ISBN = "0-201-17633-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-17633-9", LCCN = "Z253.3 .R8 1988", bibdate = "Fri Jul 22 09:15:20 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Reprinted with corrections", price = "US\$32.25", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb # " and " # ack-fm, keywords = "computerized typesetting, type and typefounding, data processing, electronic publishing, bibliography annotated", } @Article{Serio:1988:MDP, author = "John N. Serio", title = "Maximizing desktop publishing software: High resolution at low cost", journal = j-TECH-COMMUN, volume = "35", number = "4", pages = "310--312", month = nov, year = "1988", CODEN = "TLCMBT", ISSN = "0049-3155", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A main drawback of desktop publishing systems is that the 300 dpi resolution on laser printers is not good enough for professional publication. This shortcoming can be overcome by printing the files generated by desktop publishing software on high-end phototypesetting equipment, such as the Linotronic 100, which has a resolution of 1250 dpi. However, this can be an expensive process. By focusing on Xerox Ventura Desktop Publisher, this article explains how one can use a desktop publishing system to attain high-end phototypeset quality at greatly reduced costs.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Clarkson Univ", affiliationaddress = "Potsdam, NY, USA", classification = "723; 745; 903", journalabr = "Tech Commun", keywords = "Computer Peripheral Equipment--Printers; Computer Software; Data Processing--Word Processing; Desktop Publishing; Information Dissemination; Laser Printers; Modems; Phototypesetting; Printing--Photocomposition; Publishing; Typesetting; Xerox Ventura Desktop Publisher", } @Article{Sylla:1988:HFD, author = "Cheickna Sylla and Colin G. Drury and A. J. G. Babu", title = "Human Factors Design Investigation of a Computerized Layout System of Text-Graphic Technical Materials", journal = j-HUM-FACTORS, volume = "30", number = "3", pages = "347--358", month = jun, year = "1988", CODEN = "HUFAA6", ISSN = "0018-7208", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "In converting task listings into multiple pages of documentation for job aids or training, the two major problems are deciding how much material should go on each page and how text and graphics should be laid out on the page. A questionnaire study was used to collect input from 14 human factors personnel in order to design algorithms for page splitting and page layout. From the rules or heuristics used for page splitting, an algorithm was devised that closely matched human page-splitting results. Layout of individual pages was automated with an algorithm based on the (significant) consensus among the subjects on questions of graphics positioning and label ordering. The two algorithms have been combined in a computer-aided design procedure that automatically pages task lists and lays out individual pages.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Drexel Univ, Philadelphia, PA, USA", affiliationaddress = "Drexel Univ, Philadelphia, PA, USA", classification = "404; 723; 745; 901; 912; 913", journalabr = "Hum Factors", keywords = "Computer Aided Design; computer programming --- Algorithms; computerized layout systems; engineering --- Handbooks; human engineering; human factors; maintenance; military engineering --- Personnel Training; military systems maintenance manuals; printing; text-graphic technical materials; typeset page format models; U. S. navy", } @Book{Wallis:1988:CCT, author = "Lawrence W. Wallis", title = "A concise chronology of typesetting developments, 1886--1986", publisher = "Severnside Printers Ltd.", address = "Upton upon Severn, Eng.", pages = "vii + 88", year = "1988", ISBN = "0-85331-538-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-85331-538-4", LCCN = "Z253.W24 1988", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``First published in 1988 by Wynkyn de Worde Society in association with Lynd Humphries Pub. Ltd''--t.p. verso. Includes index.", keywords = "Printing --- History --- 19th century.; Printing --- History --- 20th century; Type-setting --- Chronology; Type-setting --- History; Type-setting machines --- Chronology; Type-setting machines --- History", } @TechReport{Woessner:1988:TMS, author = "Linda H. Woessner and Mary K. McCaskill", title = "A {\TeX} macro set for typesetting {NASA} reports", number = "101522", institution = "National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center", address = "Hampton, VA, USA", pages = "??", year = "1988", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "NASA technical memorandum", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche. Microfiche. [Washington, DC?: National Aeronautics and Space Administration], 1989. 2 microfiches.", govtdocnumber = "NAS 1.15:101522 830-D (MF)", keywords = "Text editors (Computer programs)", } @Article{Ziegler:1988:SZA, author = "Holger G. Ziegler and Hermann Kaindl", title = "{Synthese zweier Ansaetze der Textverarbeitung}", journal = "Angewandte Informatik, Applied Informatics", volume = "30", number = "10", pages = "449--454", month = oct, year = "1988", CODEN = "AWIFA7", ISSN = "0013-5704", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper shows the existence of two different approaches to text processing which are not linked with each other. Since the respective advantages and disadvantages are different, an appropriate synthesis seemed desirable in order to retain the positive as well as to avoid the negative properties. We describe the concept of a `bridge' between these approaches and its realization by a computer program. The results we obtained show that the chosen direction of linkage is very promising. Based upon them, indications for further possible developments up to a pattern-recognizing text processing system arise.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Siemens AG Oesterreich", affiliationaddress = "Vienna, Austria", classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "Angew Inf Appl Inf", keywords = "Computer Aided Printing; Data Processing; Desk Top Publishing (DTP); Photo Typesetting; Text Processing; Typesetting; WYSIWYG", language = "German", } @Article{Abe:1989:IFS, author = "Kris K. Abe and Daniel M. Berry", title = "Indx and findphrases, a system for generating indexes for ditroff documents", journal = j-SPE, volume = "19", number = "1", pages = "1--34", month = jan, year = "1989", CODEN = "SPEXBL", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Creating back-of-the-book indexes is a difficult task involving intelligent and clerical processes. Programs have generally not achieved the level of intelligence required to perform the intelligent process of selecting terms for the index. Indx differs from other semi-automatic indexing programs mainly because it does not require the insertion of indexing commands into the text to be indexed. The method by which indx assists in the creation of an index is introduced and compared with the characteristics of the other programs. This method includes the use of a program that aids the term determination process. The design, implementation, and application of indx are presented. Areas in which indx may be improved or enhanced are identified. An index of this paper created with indx is included as an example.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of California, Los Angeles", affiliationaddress = "Los Angeles, CA, USA", classification = "723; 903", journalabr = "Software Pract Exper", keywords = "Automated Indexing; Book Indexes; Computer Software; Data Processing--Word Processing; Formatting; Indexing; Information Science; Semiautomatic Indexing; Software Package Index; Typesetting", } @Article{Abi-Akar:1989:ATF, author = "Ramez Abi-Akar", title = "{Arabic} text formatter: comments and implementation", journal = j-COMP-LANGS, volume = "14", number = "1", pages = "53--60", year = "1989", CODEN = "COLADA", ISSN = "0096-0551 (print), 1873-6742 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Feb 10 12:24:17 MST 1997", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliationaddress = "Huntsville, AL, USA", classification = "721; 723", journalabr = "Comput Lang", keywords = "Arabic Text Formatter; Automata Theory--Finite Automata; Case Selector; Data Processing; State Transitions; Word Processing", } @Book{Aicher:1989:T, author = "Otl Aicher", title = "Typographie", publisher = "Ernst", address = "Berlin, Germany", edition = "2. Aufl.", pages = "256", year = "1989", ISBN = "3-433-02090-6", ISBN-13 = "978-3-433-02090-6", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Fri Jan 22 16:03:22 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "In German and English. With a contribution by Josef Rommen.", acknowledgement = ack-mgk, } @Periodical{Anonymous:1989:BGT, author = "Anonymous", title = "Buyers' guide to typesetting", publisher = "Benn Publications", address = "Tonbridge, KY, USA", pages = "various", year = "1989", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Description based on: 1989; title from cover.", keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Directories.", } @Article{Anonymous:1989:PTR, author = "Anonymous", title = "Printing technology and rescheduling", journal = j-FOLIO, volume = "18", number = "10", pages = "187--??", day = "1", month = oct, year = "1989", ISSN = "0046-4333", bibdate = "Sat May 18 15:34:25 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; UnCover library database", abstract = "Typesetting's new link to the printing plate will mean new scheduling headaches for the publisher. Getting ready to print is more complicated than 10 years ago - and it may be time to map out duties and schedules to fit the changing scene.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Antweiler:1989:TRI, author = "Werner Antweiler and Andreas Strotmann and Volker Winkelmann", title = "A {\TeX}-{REDUCE} Interface", journal = j-SIGSAM, volume = "23", number = "2", pages = "26--33", month = apr, year = "1989", CODEN = "SIGSBZ", ISSN = "0163-5824 (print), 1557-9492 (electronic)", bibdate = "Thu Mar 20 16:02:15 MST 1997", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classcodes = "C7310 (Mathematics); C6130 (Data handling techniques); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction); C6140D (High level languages); C6110 (Systems analysis and programming)", corpsource = "Cologne Univ., Comput. Center, West Germany", keywords = "algebra; algebraic; algorithms; capabilities; computer controlled typesetting; design; E/X-REDUCE-interface; high level; high quality output; indentation; languages; line breaking; manipulation; mathematics computing; performance; programming; readability; REDUCE formulas; REDUCE-Lisp; symbol; T/sub; T/sub E/X; T/sub E/X output; typesetting language; verification; well known computer algebra system", subject = "I.3.1 Computing Methodologies, COMPUTER GRAPHICS, Hardware architecture, Raster display devices \\ I.7.1 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text Editing, TeX", treatment = "P Practical", } @Article{Collins:1989:ADT, author = "John Collins", title = "{ABCs} of digital type", journal = j-BYTE, volume = "14", number = "12", pages = "403--408", month = nov, year = "1989", CODEN = "BYTEDJ", ISSN = "0360-5280 (print), 1082-7838 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "In the beginning was Gutenberg, setting pieces of lead into a press and so mechanizing the process of printing --- formerly a laborious job done by hand, one document at a time. The typesetting machine and the typewriter succeeded Gutenberg's press, and now the personal computer has largely replaced the typewriter. This article discusses how digital type is revolutionizing the way we publish documents.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Technical Development for Bit-stream", affiliationaddress = "Cambridge, MA, USA", classification = "722; 745; 903", journalabr = "Byte", keywords = "Computer Peripheral Equipment; Digital Type; Information Dissemination --- Publishing; Printers; Typesetting", } @Article{Desyatnik:1989:CPP, author = "E. S. Desyatnik", title = "Certain problems with the performance of automated word processing systems", journal = "Soviet Energy Technology (English translation of Energomashinostroenie)", volume = "9", pages = "73--74", year = "1989", CODEN = "SETEDW", ISSN = "0734-1024", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "One of the most important parameters of industrial equipment is the performance of machine or apparatus, this being defined by the quantity of output per unit of time. This characteristic is particularly important for technology, which is the basis for the implementation of an entire technological process or its individual parts. The performance of the system depends on the performance of the units and elements in it (including the computers) which support the operation of the system, the efficiency of the software, the level of type-setting technology used, the professional level and organization of the staff involved (typesetters, imposers, operators of photocomposing machines, system dispatchers). In order to determine the performance of TIPS a series of tests was carried out in for the production of newspapers. The following technical means were used: ten FN type-setting\slash correcting units for coding and inputting textual information to the system; six FV make-up units for making up newspaper type pages; two FLK units for obtaining proof prints of the newspaper pages; two automatic FLP photocomposing units and two FO-50 developers for recording and processing photos; two two-machine computerized control complexes based on SM-1420 minicomputers for introducing data bases and controlling the work of the automatic production machines.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 745", journalabr = "Sov Energy Technol", keywords = "Black and White Illustrations; Computer Software; Data Processing; Typesetting--Automation; Word Processing", } @Article{Doob:1989:TTA, author = "Michael Doob", title = "{\TeX} and Typesetting\emdash An Author's View", journal = j-NAMS, volume = "36", number = "9", pages = "1203--1204", month = nov, year = "1989", ISSN = "0002-9920 (print), 1088-9477 (electronic)", bibdate = "Tue Mar 1 11:34:03 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", fjournal = "Notices of the American Mathematical Society", journal-URL = "http://www.ams.org/notices/", } @Article{Gilchrist:1989:TTP, author = "Martin Gilchrist", title = "{\TeX} and Typesetting\emdash {A} Publisher's View", journal = j-NAMS, volume = "36", number = "9", pages = "1199--1201", month = nov, year = "1989", ISSN = "0002-9920 (print), 1088-9477 (electronic)", bibdate = "Tue Mar 1 11:34:21 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", fjournal = "Notices of the American Mathematical Society", journal-URL = "http://www.ams.org/notices/", } @InProceedings{Hirose:1989:BAW, author = "Yoshio Hirose and Koichi Yamashita and Shimpei Hijiya", booktitle = "International Joint Conference on Neural Networks --- volume {II} ({Jun 18--22 1989: Washington, DC, USA})", title = "Back-propagataion algorithm which varies the number of hidden units", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "625--??", year = "1989", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 89CH2765-6.", abstract = "Summary form only given, as follows. A backpropagation algorithm is presented that varies the number of hidden units. The algorithm is expected to escape local minima and makes it no longer necessary to decide on the number of hidden units. Exclusive-OR training and 8 \$MUL@ 8 dot alphanumeric font training using this algorithm are explained. In exclusive-OR training, the probability of being trapped in local minima is reduced. In alphanumeric font training, the network converged two to three times faster than the conventional backpropagation algorithm.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Fujitsu Lab Ltd, Atsugi, Jpn", classification = "723; 731; 922", conference = "IJCNN International Joint Conference on Neural Networks", conferenceyear = "1989", keywords = "Abstract Only; Alphanumeric Font Training; Backpropagation Algorithm; exclusive-or Training; Hidden Units; Learning Systems; Mathematical Techniques--Algorithms; Probability; Systems Science and Cybernetics", meetingaddress = "Washington, DC, USA", meetingdate = "Jun 18--22 1989", meetingdate2 = "06/18--22/89", publisherinfo = "IEEE Service Center", sponsor = "IEEE Technical Activities Board, Neural Network Committee, USA; Int Neural Network Soc", } @Article{Kai:1989:HSO, author = "Naoyuki Kai and Tsutomu Minagawa and Ichiro Nagashima and Masahide Ohhashi", title = "High speed outline font rasterizing {LSI}", journal = "Proceedings of the Custom Integrated Circuits Conference", pages = "24.6/1--4", month = may, year = "1989", CODEN = "PCICER", ISSN = "0886-5930", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Available from IEEE Service Cent. Piscataway.", abstract = "A description is given of a high-speed outline font rasterizing LSI, the Font Graphics Accelerator (FGA), for desktop-publishing applications. A filling algorithm that is easy to implement and assures the correct filling has been developed for the FGA. The FGA has dedicated hardware that rasterizes a B{\'e}zier curve at an average rate of 200 ns\slash dot by sequentially dividing the curve. It also has a digital differential analyzer for generating lines and arcs. Using these hardwares it can generate Japanese kanji characters at an average rate of 4000 characters/s. The chip was fabricated with 1.2-\$mu@m double-metal-layer CMOS technology, and operation at 20 MHz has been achieved.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Toshiba Corp, Kawasaki, Jpn", classification = "713; 714; 723", conference = "Proceedings of the IEEE 1989 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference", conferenceyear = "1989", journalabr = "Proc Custom Integr Circuits Conf", keywords = "B{\'e}zier Curve; Character Recognition; Computer Programming--Algorithms; Digital Differential Analyzer; Filling Algorithm; Font Rasterizing LSI; Integrated Circuits, LSI; Japanese Kanji Characters; Performance", meetingaddress = "San Diego, CA, USA", meetingdate = "May 15--18 1989", meetingdate2 = "05/15--18/1989", publisherinfo = "IEEE Service Center", sponsor = "IEEE, Electron Devices Soc, New York, NY, USA; IEEE, Solid-State Circuits Council, USA; IEEE, Rochester Section, USA", } @Article{Kernighan:1989:PMP, author = "Brian W. Kernighan and Christopher J. {Van Wyk}", title = "Page Makeup by Postprocessing Text Formatter Output", journal = j-COMP-SYS, volume = "2", number = "2", pages = "103--132", month = "Spring", year = "1989", CODEN = "CMSYE2", ISSN = "0895-6340", bibdate = "Fri Sep 13 08:53:14 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "AT and T Bell Labs., Murray Hill, NJ, USA", classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques); C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)", keywords = "Footnotes; Orphan lines; Page layouts; Page makeup; Postprocessing; Postprocessor; TROFF text formation; Widow lines", thesaurus = "Desktop publishing; Printing industry; Text editing", } @Book{Knuth:1989:CTE, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "Computers and typesetting: errata and changes as of 11 {October} 1989", publisher = pub-TUG, address = pub-TUG:adr, pages = "various", year = "1989", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computers and typesetting.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``This document contains all known errata and changes to Computers and Typesetting, Volumes A-E, as compiled by the {\TeX} Project at Stanford, from 20 February 1989 \ldots{}'' Caption title. ``Distributed with TUGboat Volume 10 (1989), No.4.'' Colophon for Computers and Typesetting --- Bugs in Computers and Typesetting --- Changes to the programs and fonts.", keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Computer programs.; TeX (Computer file)", } @Manual{LCC:1989:ILF, title = "Intertype and Linotype faces", organization = "Ludlow Composition Company", address = "Los Angeles, CA, USA", pages = "33", year = "1989", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Title from cover: Intertype, Ludlow, Monotype, hand typesetting, makeup and advertising production for printers, publishers, agencies, offset lithographers, engravers.", keywords = "Printing --- Specimens.", } @Book{Mergenthaler:1989:BOM, author = "Ottmar Mergenthaler and Carl Schlesinger", title = "The biography of {Ottmar Mergenthaler}, inventor of the {Linotype}", publisher = "Oak Knoll Books", address = "New Castle, DE, USA", pages = "xviii + 125", year = "1989", ISBN = "0-938768-12-3, 0-938768-13-1 (special edition)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-938768-12-8, 978-0-938768-13-5 (special edition)", LCCN = "Z253 .M48 1989", bibdate = "Tue Nov 18 09:36:34 MST 2014", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", note = "New edition with added historical notes based on recent findings, researched and edited by Carl Schlesinger. Introduction by Elizabeth Harris.", series = "Oak Knoll series on the history of the book", URL = "http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/17/business/media/carl-schlesinger-88-dies-helped-usher-out-hot-type-.html", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, author-dates = "12 October 1926--9 November 2014", remark = "One facsimile on folded leaf in pocket. Originally published as \cite{Mergenthaler:1898:BOM}.", subject = "Linotype; Mergenthaler, Ottmar; Inventors; United States; Biography; Typesetting machines; History", subject-dates = "1854--1899", } @InProceedings{Morris:1989:CFS, author = "R. J. T. Morris and L. D. Rubin and H. Tirri", booktitle = "International Joint Conference on Neural Networks --- volume II (Jun 18--22 1989: Washington, DC, USA)", title = "Comparison of feedforward and self-organizing approaches to the font orientation problem", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "291--297", year = "1989", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 89CH2765-6.", abstract = "The problem of determining the orientation of printed text is considered. The problem differs considerably from traditional optical character recognition, and its application to automatic inspection requires efficient processing and highly accurate results. Two methods are described. The first is a feedforward network, with structure and parameters derived using optimal detection theory. The second method makes use of the learning vector quantization self-organizing networks of T. Kohonen (Self-Organization and Associative Memory, Springer-Verlag, 1988). Experimental results and a complete implementation are described. Both techniques are found to be successful and their relative advantages are discussed.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "AT\&T Bell Lab, Holmdel, NJ, USA", classification = "723; 731; 741; 913; 921; 922", conference = "IJCNN International Joint Conference on Neural Networks", conferenceyear = "1989", keywords = "Character Recognition; Feedforward Network; Font Orientation Problem; Image Processing; Inspection--Automation; Learning Vector Quantization; Optimal Detection Theory; Optimization; Probability; Self-Organization; Systems Science and Cybernetics--Neural Nets", meetingaddress = "Washington, DC, USA", meetingdate = "Jun 18--22 1989", meetingdate2 = "06/18--22/89", publisherinfo = "IEEE Service Center", sponsor = "IEEE Technical Activities Board, Neural Network Committee, USA; Int Neural Network Soc", } @Article{Morris:1989:RDT, author = "R. A. Morris", title = "Rendering digital type. {A} historical and economic view of technology", journal = j-COMP-J, volume = "32", number = "6", pages = "524--532", month = dec, year = "1989", CODEN = "CMPJA6", ISSN = "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0010-4620", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The design and rendering of digital type poses new problems to the type and software designers who must bring the type to fruition. But the stages through which this process is travelling reflect those of previous transitions to new technologies which have accompanied letter rendering since the beginning of written language.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Massachusetts at Boston", affiliationaddress = "Boston, MA, USA", classification = "722; 745", journalabr = "Comput J", keywords = "Computer Peripheral Equipment --- Graphics; Type Rendering; Typesetting", } @Article{Murphy:1989:MTO, author = "David Murphy and David Kember", title = "Mathematical Typesetting from an Operator Perspective", journal = "Educational Technology", volume = "29", number = "4", pages = "40--44", month = apr, year = "1989", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Discusses the role of computer keyboard operators in typesetting complex mathematical expressions used in instructional materials, examines the role of software in producing good quality output, and describes Expressionist, software for Macintosh hardware that can be used with desktop publishing and word processing software to enter mathematical expressions. (four references) (LRW)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "UMI", ericno = "EJ393938", identifiers = "Apple Macintosh; Printed Materials", majordesc = "Computer Software; Data Processing Occupations; Instructional Materials; Keyboarding (Data Entry); Mathematical Formulas", minordesc = "Desktop Publishing; Microcomputers; Quality Control; Word Processing", } @InProceedings{Nagashima:1989:DOF, author = "Ichiro Nagashima and Naoyuki Kai and Tsutomu Minagawa and Masahide Ohhashi", booktitle = "Symposium on {VLSI} Circuits Digest of Technical Papers ({May 25--27 1989: Kyoto, Japan})", title = "Design of an outline font rasterizing {LSI}", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "117--118", year = "1989", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 89TH0262-6.", abstract = "The authors describe the font graphics accelerator (FGA), a high-speed outline font rasterizing LSI which includes a cubic B{\'e}zier curve generator, a DDA (digital differential analyzer), and a fill unit. The FGA can generate 4K characters/s in Japanese, which includes Kanji characters. This performance satisfies the requirement of next-generation laser beam printer application. Descriptions of function, logic, and chip design are given.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Toshiba Corp, Kawasaki, Jpn", classification = "713; 722; 723", conference = "Symposium on VLSI Circuits 1989", conferenceyear = "1989", keywords = "Computer Hardware; Computer Peripheral Equipment--Graphics; Cubic B{\'e}zier Curve Generator; Digest of Paper; Digital Differential Analyzer; Fill Unit; Font Graphics Accelerator; Integrated Circuits, LSI; Japanese Characters", meetingabr = "Symp VLSI Circuit 1989", meetingaddress = "Kyoto, Japan", meetingdate = "May 25--27 1989", meetingdate2 = "05/25--27/1989", publisherinfo = "IEEE Service Center", } @Periodical{NC:1989:NR, key = "NCPA'89", title = "{NCPA} reports", publisher = "National Composition and Prepress Association", address = "Arlington, VA, USA", year = "1989", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, alttitle = "NCA reports on typesetting (OCoLC)8339004", keywords = "Printing industry --- United States.; Type-setting", } @Article{Nedbal:1989:PTM, author = "Richard Nedbal", title = "Photoplotting on a typesetting machine", journal = "Printed Circuit Design", volume = "6", number = "9", pages = "33--36", month = sep, year = "1989", CODEN = "PCIDEU", ISSN = "0884-9862", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "It is pointed out that the use of a typesetting machine as a photoplotter can bring many benefits. This article describes the evolution of using the typesetter as a plotter and the availability of this technique's use today.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "CAD Solutions Inc", affiliationaddress = "San Jose, CA, USA", classification = "703; 713; 722; 723; 741; 745", journalabr = "Printed Circuit Des", keywords = "Computer Peripheral Equipment; pcb; Photoplotting; Plotters; Printed Circuits--Computer Aided Design; Typesetting Machine; Typesetting--Applications", } @Article{Pappas:1989:PRT, author = "T. L. Pappas", title = "Product Reviews --- {\TeX}nology on the {IBM PC}", journal = j-COMPUTER, volume = "22", number = "8", pages = "111--120", month = aug, year = "1989", CODEN = "CPTRB4", ISSN = "0018-9162 (print), 1558-0814 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An overview of the {\TeX} typesetting system is given, and some of the author's experiences are discussed. He discusses input, justification and hyphenation, fonts, math typesetting, macros, device-independent files, and special effects. {\TeX} products are then reviewed. The author describes the hardware he has used and recommends a {\TeX} software configuration.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Intermetrics", classification = "722; 723; 745", journalabr = "Computer", keywords = "Computer Peripheral Equipment--Printers; Hyphenation; Math Typesetting; Typesetting; {\TeX} Software; {\TeX} Typesetting System", } @Article{Phelps:1989:NWT, author = "Paul E. Phelps", title = "Now We Also Have to Teach Typesetting", journal = "Community College Journalist", volume = "17", number = "1", pages = "11--13", month = "Winter", year = "1989", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Reviews the options for typeset punctuation (e.g., open and closed quotation marks, and dashes) hidden in most desktop publishing software packages. Advocates the use of software manuals by journalism students in order to produce publications that look typeset rather than typewritten. (DMM)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "UMI", ericno = "EJ409058", majordesc = "Desktop Publishing; Journalism Education; Production Techniques; Word Processing", minordesc = "Community Colleges; Computer Graphics; Computer Software; Two Year Colleges", } @Book{Sewell:1989:WPL, author = "Wayne Sewell", title = "Weaving a program: literate programming in {WEB}", publisher = pub-VNR, address = pub-VNR:adr, pages = "xx + 556", year = "1989", ISBN = "0-442-31946-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-442-31946-5", LCCN = "QA76.73.W24 S491 1989", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$34.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "algorithms; design; documentation; experimentation; languages", review = "ACM CR 9007-0537", subject = "D.2.7 Software, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Distribution and Maintenance, Documentation \\ I.7.1 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text Editing, TeX \\ D.3.2 Software, PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES, Language Classifications, Pascal \\ D.2.2 Software, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Tools and Techniques, Top-down programming \\ D.2.3 Software, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Coding, Pretty printers \\ I.7.1 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text Editing, WEB \\ D.2.7 Software, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Distribution and Maintenance, Portability", } @InProceedings{Smith:1989:CLF, author = "N. E. Smith", title = "Coping with a large {Forth} system", crossref = "Forsley:1989:RFC", pages = "113--115", year = "1989", bibdate = "Fri Feb 09 18:09:45 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The PUBlicationS (PUBS) Software System extracts bibliographic data from the DOE Energy Data Base and automatically inserts typesetting commands so no manual intervention is necessary before typesetting a publication using {\TeX}. This system processes about 40 DOE publications of four major classes. PUBS contains over 30,000 lines of code in 150+modules. This paper addresses how SAIC programmers cope with a Forth system of this size. The conditional compilation approach used is described. (0 Refs.)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Sci. Applications Int. Corp., Oak Ridge, TN, USA", classification = "C6110 (Systems analysis and programming); C6150C (Compilers, interpreters and other processors); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)", keywords = "Bibliographic data; Conditional compilation; DOE Energy Data Base; DOE publications; Large Forth system; SAIC programmers; TeX; Typesetting commands", language = "English", pubcountry = "USA", thesaurus = "Program compilers; Publishing; Text editing", } @Article{Smura:1989:FII, author = "Edwin J. Smura and Barbara Beeton and Karla Savage and Alan Griffee", title = "Font information interchange standard {ISO\slash IEC 9541}", journal = j-COMP-COMM, volume = "12", number = "2", pages = "93--96", month = apr, year = "1989", CODEN = "COCOD7", ISSN = "0140-3664 (print), 1873-703X (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The use of soft copy permits a more rapid sharing of information and the acceleration of new knowledge, but barriers to the distribution of soft copy documents exist. To overcome this problem the development of a public font standard and new tools and services will be required. ISO\slash DIS 9541 and related international standards provide a foundation which allows for high quality computer typography on a fully international basis, including an indefinite variety of different appearances for each distinct character. An overview of the font standard is provided in this paper by its developers.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Xerox Corp", affiliationaddress = "El Segundo, CA, USA", classification = "723; 902", journalabr = "Comput Commun", keywords = "Computer Typography; Data Transmission--Standards; Electronic Mail; Glyph Identifier; Standard ISO/IEC 9541; Standards", } @Book{Willis:1989:EVG, author = "Doug Willis", title = "{Easy Ventura}: guide to producing typesetting in one hour!", publisher = "Willis Publications", address = "Hot Springs, Ark. (P.O. Box 1126, Hot Springs 71902)", pages = "38 + [21]", year = "1989", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "System requirements for computer disk: IBM PC-XT or PC-AT, or compatible; at least 640K RAM; DOS; Ventura publisher (version 1- 0, 1.1, or 2.0); 1 disk drive and a hard disk (at least 10M); a program-compatible printer (preferably a laser printer); a mouse.", keywords = "Desktop publishing.; Ventura publisher (Computer file)", } @Book{Anonymous:1990:ASM, author = "Anonymous", title = "{AIP} style manual", publisher = pub-AIP, address = pub-AIP:adr, edition = "Fourth", pages = "64", year = "1990", ISBN = "0-88318-642-X (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-88318-642-8 (paperback)", LCCN = "QC5.45 .A45; QC28 .A5 1990; T11 .A45 1990", bibdate = "Tue Nov 21 07:37:46 2000", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Covers summary information for journal contributors, preparing a scientific paper for publication, general style, mathematical expressions, and figures.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, libnote = "Not yet in my library.", tableofcontents = "Information for journal contributors \\ Preparing a scientific paper for publication \\ General style \\ Mathematical expressions \\ Figures \\ Appendix A: Statements of editorial policy for AIP and member society journals \\ Appendix B: Correct or preferred spellings of frequently occurring words \\ Appendix C: Units of measure \\ Appendix D: Standard abbreviations \\ Appendix E: Alphabets available for typesetting \\ Appendix F: Special symbols available for typesetting \\ Appendix G: Journal title abbreviations \\ Appendix H: Symbols used in correcting proof \\ Appendix I: Physics and astronomy classification scheme \\ Appendix J: Physics auxiliary publication scheme \\ Appendix K: AIP transfer of copyright agreement", } @Article{Anonymous:1990:SAR, author = "Anonymous", title = "Some assembly required", journal = j-BYTE, volume = "15", number = "8", pages = "297--300", month = aug, year = "1990", CODEN = "BYTEDJ", ISSN = "0360-5280 (print), 1082-7838 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This article focuses on revealing PostScript (Adobe) secrets that allow computer users to turn their printers into high-performance typesetting machines. PostScript is device-independent, which means it will work on any host computer, including all PC clones. LaserWriter works beautifully with any of these machines. PostScript even includes a free secret and automatic two-host network that does not require AppleTalk or any fancy cables. Getting PostScript communications up and running the first time can be extremely frustrating. Many communications programs will not change their parameters in real-time. Tricks discussed in this article include pseudocompiling and proc caching. Learning PostScript thoroughly will open your eyes to some amazing possbilities, including book-on-demand publishing with just a simple 300-dpi PostScript printer. By tuning your PostScript techniques, you can turn this machine into a high-performance machine without further investment in hardware.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 745", journalabr = "Byte", keywords = "Adobe PostScript; Computer Applications; Computer Hardware --- Reviews; Computer Networks --- Reviews; Computer Software --- Reviews; LaserWriter Printers; Pixel Line Remapping; Proc Caching; Pseudocompiling; Typesetting; WYSIWYG Environments", } @Article{Anonymous:1990:UH, author = "Anonymous", title = "Under the hood", journal = j-BYTE, volume = "15", number = "8", pages = "289--??", month = aug, year = "1990", CODEN = "BYTEDJ", ISSN = "0360-5280 (print), 1082-7838 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Earlier this year, an unlikely coalition--Microsoft and Apple--took on Adobe, maker of PostScript, in a fierce standards war involving not only technological sophistication but turf and marketing muscle. The object: dominance of the world of fonts and font-rendering-technology. This paper delves into the details of the two competing standards--Adobe's Type 1 fonts and Microsoft and Apple's TrueType--and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each of them.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 745", journalabr = "Byte", keywords = "Adobe PostScript; Adobe Type 1 Digital Fonts; Computer Peripheral Equipment --- Printers; Computer Software; Font Rendering Technologies; Hewlett Packard LaserJet Printers; Microsoft And Apple TrueType Digital Fonts; Reviews; Typesetting --- Standardization", } @MastersThesis{Arrabito:1990:CBT, author = "R. Arrabito and H. (Helmut) Jurgensen", title = "Computerized {Braille} typesetting: some recommendations on mark-up and {Braille} standards", type = "Thesis (M.Sc.)", school = "Dept. of Computer Science, University of Western Ontario", address = "London, ON, Canada", pages = "vii + 88", year = "1990", ISBN = "0-7714-1229-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-7714-1229-5", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "[Technical] report; no. 278", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Bentley:1990:GLT, author = "J. L. Bentley and B. W. Kernighan", title = "{GRAP} --- a Language for Typesetting Graphs. Tutorial and User Manual", journal = "Unix Research System Papers", volume = "II", pages = "109--146", year = "1990", bibdate = "Sat Feb 10 16:06:28 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", } @Article{Eisenberg:1990:ITT, author = "Daniel Eisenberg", title = "In-house typesetting on a tight budget", journal = j-SCH-PUBL, volume = "21", number = "4", pages = "205--??", month = jul, year = "1990", ISSN = "0036-634X", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{ElGowely:1990:MRM, author = "Khaled {El Gowely} and Ossama {El Dessouki} and Ahmed Nazif", title = "Multi-phase recognition of multi-font photoscript {Arabic} text", journal = "Proceedings --- International Conference on Pattern Recognition", volume = "1", pages = "700--702", year = "1990", CODEN = "PICREG", ISBN = "0-8186-2062-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8186-2062-1", LCCN = "Q 327 I615 1990", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:32:48 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 90CH2898-5.", abstract = "A new system for the recognition of a multifont photoscript Arabic text is introduced. The distinguishing feature of such text is that it is written cursively. This imposes an additional requirement of isolating each character or set of overlapping characters before recognition. The proposed system is composed of three interleaved phases. The segmentation phase attempts to produce an initial set of characters from the connected text according to a set of predefined rules. The output is then passed to a preliminary classification phase that attempts to label the unknown characters into one of ten possible classes according to a set of rules that acquire their parameter values through learning. The last phase contains a more elaborate set of rules that recognize characters within each class. This recognition phase is designed to allow errors during segmentation and\slash or classification to be rectified through an adaptive recognition technique. The system has been implemented and tested on several fonts with a recognition rate of 130 words\slash min and an error rate of less than 6\%.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Fac of Eng, Cairo Univ, Egypt", classification = "723; 741", conference = "Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Pattern Recognition", conferenceyear = "1990", journalabr = "Proc Int Conf Pattern Recognit", keywords = "Adaptive Recognition; Arabic Text; Character Recognition; Image Processing; Multifont Photoscript; Multiphase Recognition", meetingaddress = "Atlantic City, NJ, USA", meetingdate = "Jun 16--21 1990", meetingdate2 = "06/16--21/90", publisherinfo = "IEEE Service Center", sponsor = "Int Assoc for Pattern Recognition", } @Article{Fiscella:1990:PCM, author = "M. D. Fiscella and S. A. Brownstein and D. A. Johnson", title = "Pulse count modulation. {A} novel head drive method for thermal printing", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "1252", pages = "156--167", year = "1990", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-0299-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-0299-8", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TK7887.7 .H37 1990", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:33:02 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "In thermal dye diffusion printing the head drive method influences the quality of the prints produced. Eastman Kodak Company's pulse count modulation head drive method better controls the heater temperature on the thermal heads, resulting in improved printing quality. In thermal printing, pulse count modulation produces continuous tone color images with good tone scale and high densities. The pulse count modulation head drive method was developed to reduce printing artifacts and produce the widest range of density, without distorting the plastic receiving layer, or producing printing group artifacts. Excellent continuous tone color prints of near photographic quality can be achieved with thermal dye diffusion printing.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Eastman Kodak Co", affiliationaddress = "Rochester, NY, USA", classification = "723; 742; 745", conference = "Hard Copy and Printing Technologies", conferenceyear = "1990", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Computer Peripheral Equipment --- Printers; Imaging Techniques; Optimization; Photographic Reproduction; Printing --- Thermal Properties; Pulse Count Modulation (pcm) Head Drive Method; Pulse Width Modulation (pwm); Thermal Dye Diffusion Printing; Typesetting --- Optimization", meetingaddress = "Santa Clara, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Feb 13--14 1990", meetingdate2 = "02/13--14/90", sponsor = "SPIE; Soc for Imaging Science Technology", } @MastersThesis{Freeman:1990:TCI, author = "Vivian Leigh Freeman", title = "Has typography changed with the invention of typesetting machines?", type = "Thesis (B.S.)", school = "East Texas State University", address = "Commerce, TX, USA", pages = "iv + 27", year = "1990", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing; Type-setting machines.", } @Manual{GPH:1990:GPH, title = "{Gospel Publishing House} Typesetting Manual", organization = "Gospel Publishing House", address = "Springfield, MO, USA", pages = "186", year = "1990", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Gospel Publishing House; Printing --- Specimens.", } @Article{Kato:1990:WNC, author = "Hirokatsu Kato and Eiki Azuma and Hiroshi Tada", title = "Workstation-based networked composition system {SMI\slash EDIAN}", journal = "Sumitomo Metals", volume = "42", number = "3", pages = "79--100", month = jul, year = "1990", CODEN = "SUKIA6", ISSN = "0371-4101", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The SMI\slash EDIAN is an advanced professional composition system to deliver productivity in a workstation-based package. About a hundred SMI\slash EDIANs which were put on sale in 1989, contribute to improvement of throughput at magazine publishers and printing offices. The SMI\slash EDIAN was specifically designed to realize intricate page make up and output to the major typesetting devices in Japan. It was also designed to feature easy operation by WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) type display and pull-down and pop-up menu. It features networking capability to connect with word processors, database systems, graphic workstations and CAD-systems.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 745", journalabr = "Sumitomo Met", keywords = "Computer Applications; Computer Networks; Computer Workstations; Data Processing--Word Processing; Graphic Workstations; Typesetting; Word Processors", language = "Japanese", } @Article{Kim:1990:DSH, author = "Kyongsok Kim", title = "Databases supporting {Hangul} (or {Korean} script)", journal = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics", pages = "485--490", month = nov, year = "1990", CODEN = "PICYE3", ISBN = "0-87942-597-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-87942-597-5", ISSN = "0884-3627", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 90CH2930-6.", abstract = "A major obstacle to building databases supporting both modern and ancient Hangul is that not all ancient complex characters are known yet. It is shown that a very flexible code, keyboard, and output method can be developed to overcome this obstacle. The author proposes an ancient-Hangul code that can be added to ISO 8859, a three-set ancient-Hangul keyboard, and an output method. Because the framework of the current Korean government standard modern-Hangul code and keyboard do not allow the development of an efficient ancient-Hangul code and keyboard, the author suggests that the government abandon the current framework and adopt the development of the suggested framework.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Dept of Comput Sci, North Dakota State Univ, Fargo, ND, USA", classification = "722; 723", conference = "1990 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", conferenceyear = "1990", journalabr = "Proc IEEE Int Conf Syst Man Cybern", keywords = "Ancient-Hangul Code; Character Sets; Computer Peripheral Equipment --- Keyboards; Data Processing; Database Systems; Font Formats; Korean Script; Modern-Hangul Code", meetingaddress = "Los Angeles, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Nov 4--7 1990", meetingdate2 = "11/04--07/90", publisherinfo = "IEEE Service Center", sponsor = "IEEE Systems, Man, \& Cybernetics Soc", } @Book{Kleper:1990:IHD, author = "Michael L. Kleper", title = "The illustrated handbook of desktop publishing and typesetting", publisher = pub-WINDCREST, address = pub-WINDCREST:adr, edition = "Second", pages = "927", year = "1990", ISBN = "0-8306-3350-2 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8306-3350-0 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z286.D47K55 1990", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; Desktop publishing", } @Article{Kume:1990:LDP, author = "S. Kume and Y. Nishio and Y. Satoh", title = "Laser direct prepress system", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "1252", pages = "234--239", year = "1990", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-0299-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-0299-8", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Great interest has been focused on the computer-to-plate system for more than a decade since the system would be instrumental in the future development of the graphic arts industry. Very few models have been commercialized, though many attempts have been tried. In 1983, an OPC metal plate was released for a laser direct prepress system of the Wall Street Journal via satellite data transmission. A spacious market niche exists if an adequate direct prepress system can be developed utilizing the currently available computer technologies and material science.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Dainippon Ink Chemicals Inc", affiliationaddress = "Tokyo, Jpn", classification = "722; 723; 744; 745", conference = "Hard Copy and Printing Technologies", conferenceyear = "1990", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Computer Graphics; Computer Peripheral Equipment --- Printers; Computer-to-Plate Systems; Laser Typesetting; Lasers --- Applications; Optimization; Printing; Printing Plates; Typesetting", meetingaddress = "Santa Clara, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Feb 13--14 1990", meetingdate2 = "02/13--14/90", sponsor = "SPIE; Soc for Imaging Science Technology", } @Article{Lane:1990:FDM, author = "Ramon Lane and Richard John", title = "Forty dot\slash millimeter resistive ribbon thermal print head", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "1252", pages = "168--177", year = "1990", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-0299-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-0299-8", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A key element to printing high resolution grey level images using resistive ribbon thermal printing technology, is the ability to fabricate a high density electrode print head. To print at 40 dots\slash mm resolution, the print head electrodes have to be on 25 \$mu@m centers. Each electrode having a width of 15 to 17 \$mu@m. Wet etching techniques can not etch such structures in 25 \$mu@m thick tungsten. A reactive ion etching process suitable for manufacturing high resolution print heads from a tungsten sheet has been developed. Various system parameters were studied, such as gas mixtures, system vacuum pressure and applied RF power, with the goal of achieving an optimum etching process. The results identified SF${}_6$ based gas mixtures as the most suitable candidate for high volume removal of tungsten with an acceptable etch rate and edge profile. To study the print quality at 40 pel\slash mm, other parameters such as ink ribbon and paper surface finish were also investigated. An ink layer thickness and a paper were selected to match the quality of the high resolution print head. The electric power requirements to print single pel features repeatedly was studied.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "IBM Research Div Thomas J. Watson Research Cent", affiliationaddress = "Yorktown Heights, NY, USA", classification = "722; 723; 742; 745", conference = "Hard Copy and Printing Technologies", conferenceyear = "1990", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Computer Peripheral Equipment --- Printers; Etching; Imaging Techniques; Optimization; Photographic Reproduction; Printing; Resistive Ribbon Thermal Printing; Typesetting", meetingaddress = "Santa Clara, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Feb 13--14 1990", meetingdate2 = "02/13--14/90", sponsor = "SPIE; Soc for Imaging Science Technology", } @MastersThesis{Lau:1990:SUI, author = "David Chik-Wai Lau", title = "A semi-interactive user interface for the {\TeX} typesetting system", type = "Thesis (M.S. in Computer Science)", school = "University of Texas at Austin", address = "Austin, TX, USA", pages = "viii + 578", year = "1990", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; TeX (Computer system); User interfaces (Computer systems)", } @Article{Lee:1990:FRN, author = "Ming-Chih Lee and William J. B. Oldham", title = "Font recognition by a neural network", journal = j-INT-J-MAN-MACHINE-STUDIES, volume = "33", number = "1", pages = "41--61", month = jul, year = "1990", CODEN = "IJMMBC", ISSN = "0020-7373", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Two neural network models, labelled Model H-H1 and Model H-H2 by Hogg and Hubermann have been successfully applied to recognize 26 English capital letters, each with six font representations. These two models are very similar, but Model H-H2 has the capability for modification of the basins of attraction during the training phase, whereas Model H-H1 does not. This appears to be a desirable feature for a neural network. It is shown in this work that this is indeed true. In either model, it is difficult to find a single set of parameters for one network or memory that can distinguish all of the characters. Therefore, a cascade of memories is utilized. Thus, in the training phase, a decision tree is built by cascading the memory matrices that represent the models. That is successive layers of refinement in selection of basins of attraction are used to generate output patterns unique to each input pattern. In the recognition phase, the subject characters are recognized by searching in the tree. Model parameters such as memory array size, S${}_{min}$ S${}_{max}$, and M${}_{min}$ M${}_{max}$ were varied to elucidate the models' behavior. It is shown that there exist parameter values for both models to achieve a 100\% recognition rate when all six fonts are used both as the training and the recognition set. Model H-H2 significantly outperformed Model H-H1 in terms of recognition rate, use of memory space, and learning speed when all six fonts were used as the training set.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Texas Tech Univ", affiliationaddress = "Lubbock, TX, USA", classification = "723", journalabr = "Int J Man Mach Stud", keywords = "Applications; English Letter Font Recognition; Neural Network Model H-H1; Neural Network Model H-H2; Neural Network Models; Neural Networks; Pattern Recognition", } @Article{MacKay:1990:ITS, author = "Pierre A. MacKay", title = "The internationalization of {\TeX} with special reference to {Arabic}", journal = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics", pages = "481--484", month = nov, year = "1990", CODEN = "PICYE3", ISBN = "0-87942-597-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-87942-597-5", ISSN = "0884-3627", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 90CH2930-6.", abstract = "The importance of generating readable screen display in languages other than English and the use of T${}_E$X for that purpose are discussed. The features added to T${}_E$X, which in its first two forms was unmistakably an English language system, are described. The particular features of Arabic script and the requirement imposed by its graphic characters are examined.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Washington, USA", classification = "723", conference = "1990 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics", conferenceyear = "1990", journalabr = "Proc IEEE Int Conf Syst Man Cybern", keywords = "Arabic Script; Character Sets; Computer Graphics; Computer Software; Data Processing; Screen Displays; {\TeX} Font Metric Table", meetingaddress = "Los Angeles, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Nov 4--7 1990", meetingdate2 = "11/04--07/90", publisherinfo = "IEEE Service Center", sponsor = "IEEE Systems, Man, \& Cybernetics Soc", } @Book{McGilton:1990:TTU, author = "Henry McGilton and Mary McNabb", title = "Typesetting tables on the {UNIX} system", publisher = pub-TRILITHON, address = pub-TRILITHON:adr, pages = "xxii + 282", year = "1990", ISBN = "0-9626289-0-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-9626289-0-0", LCCN = "Z253.4.U53M33 1990", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; UNIX (Computer file)", } @Article{Myhill:1990:PTI, author = "M. Myhill", title = "Publishing {\TeX}nical {INFORMATION}: typesetting by database", journal = j-PROGRAM, volume = "24", number = "3", pages = "281--289", month = jul, year = "1990", CODEN = "PRGMBD", ISSN = "0033-0337", bibdate = "Thu Sep 01 00:57:42 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Much has been written about the link between desktop publishing and word-processing systems. Linking a database management system to a publishing system can have considerable advantages. At the University of Exeter Library the {\TeX} typesetting system and the INFORMATION database management system have been combined in a number of stages to produce foreign language bibliographies. (7 Refs.)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Exeter Univ. Libr., UK", classification = "C6160 (Database management systems (DBMS)); C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7210L (Library automation)", keywords = "Desktop publishing; Foreign language bibliographies; INFORMATION database management system; TeX typesetting system; University of Exeter Library; Word-processing systems", thesaurus = "Database management systems; Desktop publishing; Library automation", } @Article{Namane:1990:CSC, author = "A. Namane and M. A. Sid-Ahmed", title = "Character scaling by contour method", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence", volume = "12", number = "6", pages = "600--606", month = jun, year = "1990", CODEN = "ITPIDJ", ISSN = "0162-8828", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Advancement in digital-image processing hardware has given the printing industry novel facilities for capturing fonts and has provided new grounds for character scaling, which is an important issue in typesetting and graphical text. An algorithm for digital character scaling by a contour method is developed and implemented. The algorithm is based on scaling the contour of the character through a transformation. Cubic splines are used to interpolate the discrete samples of the contour character. Final results show no jaggies. The algorithm is applied to Arabic fonts and compared to two other algorithms: replication and telescoping template. The superior performance of the contour method is attributed to the cubic spline fitting, which gives better smoothness to the edge of the character.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Dep of Electr Eng, Univ of Windsor, Windsor, Ont, Can", classification = "723; 741; 745; 921", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell", keywords = "Arabic Fonts; Computer Graphics; Digital Image Processing; Image Processing; Mathematical Techniques--Interpolation; Thresholding; Typesetting", } @Article{Nizamani:1990:DMD, author = "A. S. Nizamani", title = "On dot matrix displays for {Arabic} text", journal = j-IEEE-TRANS-CONSUMER-ELECTRONICS, volume = "36", number = "2", pages = "76--83", month = may, year = "1990", CODEN = "ITCEDA", ISSN = "0098-3063", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Layouts for all possible shapes of Arabic alphabet characters are proposed for implementation using 5 \$MUL@ 7 dot matrices. A novel method for character generation is explained that reduces the total number of fonts required, thus reducing the size of the ROM. This system makes possible the display of legible text in its prevailing form. Since numerals present no problem of interconnection and of varying shapes, they are not considered.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Dep of Electr Eng \& Comput Sci, Univ of Bahrain, Isa Town, Bahrain", classification = "722; 723", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Consum Electron", keywords = "Arabic alphabet characters; character sets; data processing; data storage, digital-ROM; display devices; dot matrix displays; font sharing system", } @Article{Partl:1990:HMT, author = "Hubert Partl", booktitle = "Man--Machine Interface in the Scientific Environment (Sep 19--28 1989: Skalsky dvur, Czech)", title = "How to make {\TeX} and {\LaTeX} international", journal = j-COMP-PHYS-COMM, volume = "61", number = "1--2", pages = "190--200", month = nov, year = "1990", CODEN = "CPHCBZ", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1016/0010-4655(90)90116-I", ISSN = "0010-4655 (print), 1879-2944 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0010-4655", bibdate = "Mon Feb 13 21:29:14 MST 2012", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/compphyscomm1990.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/001046559090116I", abstract = "Originally, the public domain typesetting systems {\TeX} and {\LaTeX} have been designed for American standards only. Nowadays, however, they are being used all over the world and with a lot of different languages. This article is intended to show an example of the problems that arise when modifying {\TeX} or {\LaTeX} for easier application with a language other than US-English. Hints are added, how similar work might be performed for all European languages, with special emphasis on compatibility and portability problems and on international co-operation.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Technical Univ of Vienna", affiliationaddress = "Wien, Austria", classification = "723; 745", conference = "Proceedings of the 8th European Summer School on Computing Techniques in Physics", fjournal = "Computer Physics Communications", journal-URL = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00104655", journalabr = "Comput Phys Commun", keywords = "Computer Programming; Latex Typesetting System; Natural Language Processing Systems; Tex Typesetting System; Typesetting", meetingaddress = "Skalsky dvur, Czech", meetingdate = "Sep 19--28 1989", meetingdate2 = "09/19--28/89", } @TechReport{Powell:1990:TDP, author = "Patrick Powell", title = "Typesetting with {DITROFF} {PostScript} fonts and characters using {Typeset --- Tpsnew}", type = "Technical report", number = "TR 90-3", institution = "University of Minnesota, Institute of Technology, Computer Science Dept.", address = "Minneapolis, MN, USA", pages = "9", year = "1990", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "``January.''", keywords = "Text processors (Computer science)", } @InProceedings{Smith:1990:PCS, author = "N. E. Smith", booktitle = "1990 Rochester Forth Conference: Embedded Systems", title = "Parsing character strings in {Forth}", publisher = inst-APPL-FORTH-RES, address = inst-APPL-FORTH-RES:adr, pages = "133--134", month = "", year = "1990", ISBN = "0-914593-10-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-914593-10-2", LCCN = "QA76.73.F24 R59 1990", bibdate = "Sat Sep 17 11:20:21 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Forth is well suited to parsing character strings. The paper discusses the Forth program developed to translate human understandable special character representations in the database into {\TeX} commands for typesetting. This program is part of the Publications (PUBS) Software System at the DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information which is used to generate approximately 40 DOE bibliographic publications. Special characters include math and Greek symbols which are not part of the ASCII character set. An alpha is represented as (Alpha) in the database, but must be translated for typesetting with {\TeX}. Characters and symbols can be sub/superscripted to form equations such as H(sub 2)O to typeset $H_2O$. Symbol nesting is supported. (0 Refs.)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Sci. Applications Int. Corp., Oak Ridge, TN, USA", bookpages = "ix + 176", classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques)", confdate = "12--16 June 1990", conflocation = "Rochester, NY, USA", confsponsor = "Harris Semicond.; Miller Microcomput. Services; NASA; et al", keywords = "Forth program; Greek symbols; Human understandable special character representations; Mathematical symbols; Maths symbols; Parameter stack; Publications; Substring parsing; TeX commands; TSPECIAL", language = "English", pubcountry = "USA", thesaurus = "Character sets; Computer controlled typesetting; Data handling", } @Article{Somberg:1990:CAR, author = "Benjamin L. Somberg", title = "Character aspect ratio and design tradeoffs", journal = "Proceedings of the Human Factors Society", pages = "1461--1464", year = "1990", CODEN = "PHFSDQ", ISSN = "0163-5182", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The American National Standard for Human Factors Engineering of Visual Display Workstations specifies that character height-to-width ratios be within the range of 1:0.7 to 1:0.9. The empirical literature, however, fails to provide unequivocal support for that requirement. In designing CRT displays there is a complex interaction among several parameters, including character aspect ratio and character height. The present study compared a font with a character aspect ratio within the range allowed by ANSI\slash HFS 100-1988 to a font with a character aspect ratio outside that range. Using three different visually-intensive tasks, no real performance differences between the two fonts were observed. The study demonstrated that meeting individual design specifications, such as those provided in ANSI\slash HFS 100-1988, does not necessarily produce the most legible character set. It is argued that a performance-based compliance procedure may allow more flexibility in the design of visual display workstations.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "AT\&T Bell Lab", affiliationaddress = "Holmdel, NJ, USA", classification = "461; 722; 723; 741; 912", conference = "Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 34th Annual Meeting --- Orlando '90", conferenceyear = "1990", journalabr = "Proc Hum Factors Soc", keywords = "Character Font Size Effects; Character Recognition Tasks; Character Recognition--Performance; Computer Workstations; Display Devices--Design; Ergonomics--Research; Human Engineering--Behavioral Research; Human Factors; Human Factors Engineering; Vision--Testing; Visual Display Workstations", meetingaddress = "Orlando, FL, USA", meetingdate = "Oct 8--12 1990", meetingdate2 = "10/08--12/90", sponsor = "Cent Florida Chapter", } @Book{Spivak:1990:JTG, author = "Michael D. Spivak", title = "The Joy of {\TeX}: a Gourmet Guide to Typesetting with the {\AmSTeX} macro package", publisher = pub-AMS, address = pub-AMS:adr, edition = "Second revised", pages = "xxii + 309", year = "1990", ISBN = "0-8218-2997-1", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8218-2997-4", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47 S6731 1990", bibdate = "Wed Jul 6 13:55:42 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$40.00", URL = "https://ctan.org/pkg/joy-of-tex", ZMnumber = "0867.68117", abstract = "Designed to simplify the input of mathematical material in particular and to format the output according to any of various preset style specifications.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, remark = "A PDF file of the book is available for noncommercial use at the CTAN URL.", tableofcontents = "Preface / ix \\ Acknowledgments / xi, xiii \\ Personal Pronoun Pronouncement / xv \\ Introduction. On Advanced Typesetting / xvii \\ Part 1. Starters / 1 \\ 0. Getting Acquainted; A Key Chapter / 3 \\ Keys available on the keyboard \\ 1. Learning \TeX{}'s Lingo / 6 \\ Ordinary text and control sequences \\ 2. Printers Do It With All Types / 15 \\ Changing fonts \\ 3. Your First \TeX{} Experience / 20 \\ Running a file through \TeX{} \\ 4. \TeX{}'s Erroneous Zones / 27 \\ Error messages, and how to respond to them \\ 5. Spaces That Separate,Ties That Bind / 32 \\ Subtleties of spacing and line breaking \\ 6. Doing It With {\'E}lan / 34 \\ Special symbols and accents \\ Part 2. Main Courses / 47 \\ 7. \TeX{}'s Brand Of Mathematics / 43 \\ Mathematical formulas in text \\ 8. Lousy Breaks? Try An Artful Display / 53 \\ Displayed formulas \\ 9. The 2nd Level Of Complexity / 58 \\ Superscripts and subscripts \\ 10. Our Problems Mount / 66 \\ Fractions, binomial coefficients, etc. \\ 11. Benefitting From \TeX{}'s Largess / 72 \\ $\sum$, $\int$ and other ``large operators'' \\ 12. Creating Your Own Space / 77 \\ Controlling spacing in mathematical formulas \\ 13. Fascinating Things That Expand By Themselves / 79 \\ Delimiters and other variable size symbols \\ 14. A Roman Orgy / 88 \\ Roman type in formulas \\ 15. Keeping Them In Line / 97 \\ Numbering formulas and aligning equations in a display \\ 16. Too Much Of A Good Thing / 103 \\ Breaking formulas that are too long \\ 17. Sophisticated Positions / 108 \\ Matrices \\ Part 3. Sauces \& Pickles / 113 \\ 18. Practicing Self Control / 115 \\ Defining new control sequences \\ 19. EX-Rated Features / 129 \\ A dictionary of special \TeX{}niques \\ Appendices / 191 \\ A. The AMS Preprint Style / 193 \\ B. Answers To All The Exercises / 210 \\ C. Bibliographies / 260 \\ D. Comparison With `plain' \TeX{} / 265 \\ E. Deficient Keyboards / 269 \\ F. Esoteric Symbols / 270 \\ G. Further Fonts / 274 \\ H. {\TeX{} Users} / 281 \\ I. Help / 282 \\ Index / 283", } @Book{Tufte:1990:EI, author = "Edward R. Tufte", title = "Envisioning Information", publisher = pub-GRAPHICS-PRESS, address = pub-GRAPHICS-PRESS:adr, pages = "126", year = "1990", LCCN = "QA90 .T82 1990", bibdate = "Fri Jul 22 09:22:34 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$48.00", } @Article{Uphaus:1990:ICR, author = "James A. {Uphaus, Jr.} and Kristen Barthelemy and John M. Reising", title = "Improve character readability in spite of pixel failures --- a better font", journal = "IEEE Proceedings of the National Aerospace and Electronics Conference", volume = "1", pages = "278--283", year = "1990", CODEN = "NASEA9", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 90CH2881-1.", abstract = "Current military aircraft reflective displays (e.g. liquid crystal) may utilize a single-pixel-width 7 \$MUL@ 9 font, yet still achieve sunlight readability. However, use of double-pixel-width characters can substantially reduce reading errors when noncatastrophic dot-matrix display failures occur. Using a single-pixel-width font as a reference, an enhanced, 7 \$MUL@ 9 matrix size, two-pixel-width version was developed for testing in both degraded and undegraded forms. Probable worst-case degradation (failure of a single row or column to make one character look as much like another as possible) was applied to both font versions. Twenty-two subjects evaluated degraded and undegraded characters (both font versions) in a glance recognition test on a dot-matrix display. Test results show the double-pixel-width version to be superior in terms of reduced reading errors when simulated row\slash column failures occur. It is recommended that, as a minimum, two-pixel-width characters be used for military display applications.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Wright Res \& Dev Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA", classification = "404; 652; 722; 723; 741", conference = "Proceedings of the IEEE 1990 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference --- NAECON 1990", conferenceyear = "1990", journalabr = "IEEE Proc Natl Aerosp Electron Conf", keywords = "Aircraft, Military; Character Readability; Character Recognition Equipment; Display Devices--Liquid Crystal; Electronic Equipment; Reflective Displays; Sunlight Readability", meetingaddress = "Dayton, OH, USA", meetingdate = "May 21--25 1990", meetingdate2 = "05/21--25/90", publisherinfo = "IEEE Service Center", sponsor = "IEEE Dayton Section; IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Soc", } @MastersThesis{Wind:1990:EFG, author = "Herbert Stephens Wind", title = "An examination of fourth generation typesetting computers in {Georgia} newspaper", type = "Thesis (M.A.)", school = "University of Georgia", address = "Athens, GA, USA", pages = "v + 93", year = "1990", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Directed by E. M. Beck.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Wonneberger:1990:SDP, author = "Reinhard Wonneberger", booktitle = "Man--Machine Interface in the Scientific Environment {(Sep 19--28 1989: Skalsky dvur, Czech)}", title = "Structured document processing: the {\LaTeX} approach", journal = j-COMP-PHYS-COMM, volume = "61", number = "1--2", pages = "177--189", month = nov, year = "1990", CODEN = "CPHCBZ", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1016/0010-4655(90)90115-H", ISSN = "0010-4655 (print), 1879-2944 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0010-4655", bibdate = "Mon Feb 13 21:29:14 MST 2012", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/compphyscomm1990.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/001046559090115H", abstract = "Basic concepts and the usage of {\LaTeX} are introduced in the first section. In the second section, the idea of general markup and other important concepts of structured document processing are introduced. The general importance of {\LaTeX} and {\TeX} and their future development are discussed in the third section.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Electronic Data Systems (Deutschland) G.m.b.H.", affiliationaddress = "Ruesselsheim, West Ger", classification = "723; 745", conference = "Proceedings of the 8th European Summer School on Computing Techniques in Physics", fjournal = "Computer Physics Communications", journal-URL = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00104655", journalabr = "Comput Phys Commun", keywords = "Applications; Computer Programming; Data Processing; Document Processing; Latex Typesetting System; Tex Typesetting System; Typesetting", meetingaddress = "Skalsky dvur, Czech", meetingdate = "Sep 19--28 1989", meetingdate2 = "09/19--28/89", } @Article{Yamakawa:1990:DPV, author = "T. Yamakawa and Y. Kawabata and H. Tamura", title = "Desktop publishing viewed from the office automation industries", journal = j-J-INFO-PROC, volume = "31", number = "11", pages = "1508--1517", month = "", year = "1990", CODEN = "JOSHA4", ISSN = "0447-8053", bibdate = "Thu Sep 01 01:05:45 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The authors mention: Aldus, PageMaker, computerised typesetting and DTP's links with office automation. They discuss WYSIWYG; SGML; {\TeX}; PostScript; the office document architecture; and various systems such as the Andrew Toolkit Document System; the Diamond multimedia system; and EXPRESS. (33 Refs.)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "C7104 (Office automation); C7108 (Desktop publishing)", keywords = "Aldus; Andrew Toolkit Document System; Computerised typesetting; Desktop publishing; Diamond multimedia system; EXPRESS; Office automation; Office document architecture; PageMaker; PostScript; SGML; TeX; WYSIWYG", language = "Japanese", thesaurus = "Desktop publishing; Office automation", } @Article{Casti:1991:VTP, author = "John L. Casti", title = "{V\TeX} Typesetting Package", journal = j-NAMS, volume = "38", number = "2", pages = "105--109", month = feb, year = "1991", ISSN = "0002-9920 (print), 1088-9477 (electronic)", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", fjournal = "Notices of the American Mathematical Society", journal-URL = "http://www.ams.org/notices/", } @MastersThesis{Gelfand:1991:CBT, author = "Andrew Gelfand", title = "A Computer Based Training Program on Typesetting for Desktop Publishing Professionals", type = "Master's Thesis", school = "New York Institute of Technology", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "261", year = "1991", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This report describes the development of a project designed to enable new users of desktop publishing technologies to produce typeset documents which approach or match commercial quality standards. ``Typesetting--A Tutorial for the Desktop Publisher'' is a computer assisted instructional (CAI) program that provides students with an understanding of the traditional language of type while developing familiarity with the rules of page layout and design. The design and development of the programmed tutorial is grounded on three assumptions: (1) the main focus of the CAI course must be on enabling operators with non-specialized skills to learn the fundamentals of typesetting; (2) new desktop publishing personnel productivity can be dramatically increased, and learning curves reduced, by a computerized course in which learners control their own pace while learning the elements, principles, and language of typesetting; and (3) operators must know when, how, and why to utilize the tools that are available to them, thus the concepts surrounding document production must be familiar to them. Results of administration of the CAI course indicated a high level of student interest in CAI as a medium of instruction. The flexibility of the user interface provided an impetus for student exploration. Excitement with the tools for learning and the stimulation to interact and play with the media were key factors in the general success of the learning event. The ability of individual students to guide themselves and manipulate their private learning environments were challenges to which participants responded strongly. (14 references) (DB)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, availability = "EDRS Price --- MF01/PC11 Plus Postage.", ericno = "ED345691", majordesc = "Computer Assisted Instruction; Courseware; Desktop Publishing; Instructional Design; Programmed Tutoring", minordesc = "Business Skills; Cost Effectiveness; Instructional Systems; Learner Controlled Instruction; Microcomputers; Postsecondary Education; Staff Development; Standards; Training Methods", } @Book{Gill:1991:EGB, author = "Evan Gill", title = "{Eric Gill}: a bibliography", publisher = "St. Paul's Bibliographies", address = "Winchester, UK", edition = "Second", year = "1991", ISBN = "0-906795-53-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-906795-53-8", LCCN = "Z8342.2 .G5 1991", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:40:34 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", note = "Revised by D. Steven Corey and Julia MacKenzie. Original edition published by Cassell, London, UK, 1953.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Book{Hahn:1991:LER, author = "Jane Hahn", title = "{\LaTeX} for everyone: a reference guide and tutorial for typesetting documents using a computer", publisher = pub-PTI, address = pub-PTI:adr, edition = "Second", pages = "xi + 346", year = "1991", ISBN = "0-9631044-0-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-9631044-0-3", LCCN = "Z253.4.L38 H34 1991 Permanent Reserve", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:14:58 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computerized typesetting; latex (computer file)", } @Book{Hart:1991:HRC, author = "Horace Hart", title = "{Hart}'s Rules; For Compositors and Readers at the {University Press, Oxford}", publisher = pub-OXFORD, address = pub-OXFORD:adr, edition = "39th", pages = "182", year = "1991", ISBN = "0-19-212983-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-19-212983-3", LCCN = "Z254 .H37 1983", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "UK\pounds8", abstract = "In printing and publishing houses Hart is a household word. First printed in 1893, specifically for Compositors and readers at the University Press, Oxford, and first published (in its 15th edition) in 1904, this little book of Rules has become indispensable to all professionals, and widely useful to others concerned with the business of putting words into print --- which includes such matters as alternative spellings, punctuation, capitalization, italicization, abbreviations, and many other details.", acknowledgement = ack-fm, annote = "This book and the Oxford Dictionary for Writers and Editors together give the house style of OUP at its best. (CHe)", bibliography = "yes", glossary = "no", history = "Originally compiled by Horace Hart, MA Printer to the University, 1883--1915. First edition, 1893. Fifteenth edition (the first for general sale), 1904. Thirty-eighth edition 1978. Thirty-ninth edition 1983, reprinted 1989 with corrections.", index = "yes", inprint = "yes", keywords = "typesetting", printermarks = "yes", } @Article{Hirose:1991:BAW, author = "Yoshio Hirose and Koichi Yamashita and Shimpei Hijiya", title = "Back-propagation algorithm which varies the number of hidden units", journal = j-NEURAL-NETWORKS, volume = "4", number = "1", pages = "61--66", year = "1991", CODEN = "NNETEB", ISSN = "0893-6080", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This report presents a back-propagation algorithm that varies the number of hidden units. This algorithm is expected to escape local minima and makes it no longer necessary to decide the number of hidden units. We tested this algorithm on two examples. One was exclusive-OR learning and the other was 8 \$MUL 8 dot alphanumeric font learning. In both examples, the probability of becoming trapped in local minima was reduced. Furthermore, in alphanumeric font learning, the network converged two to three times faster than conventional back-propagation.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Fujitsu Lab Ltd", affiliationaddress = "Atsugi, Jpn", classification = "723", journalabr = "Neural Networks", keywords = "Alphanumeric Font Learning; Backpropagation; Computer Programming --- Algorithms; Learning Systems; Neural Networks", } @Article{Ing:1991:MLT, author = "Roy T. Ing", title = "{MOLLY} --- a language for typesetting molecular structure diagrams", journal = j-COMPUT-CHEM, volume = "15", number = "3", pages = "185--??", month = "????", year = "1991", CODEN = "COCHDK", ISSN = "0097-8485", bibdate = "Fri Dec 18 11:14:37 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Kingston:1991:ELP, author = "Jeffrey H. Kingston", title = "{Eq}: a {Lout} package for typesetting mathematics", number = "410", publisher = "University of Sydney", address = "Sydney, NSW, Australia", pages = "16", year = "1991", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Technical report / University of Sydney. Basser Dept. of Computer Science", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Text processing (Computer science)", } @Book{Knuth:1991:T, author = "Donald Ervin Knuth", title = "The {\TeX}book", volume = "A", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, edition = "11th printing, rev.", pages = "ix + 483", year = "1991", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computers and typesetting", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Mathematics printing.; TeX (Computer system)", } @Book{Knuth:1991:TP, author = "Donald Ervin Knuth", title = "{\TeX}: the program", volume = "B", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, edition = "4th printing, rev.", pages = "xvii + 600", year = "1991", ISBN = "0-201-13437-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-13437-7", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47K578 1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computers and typesetting", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Phototypesetting --- Applications of microcomputer systems --; Programs: TeX; TeX (Computer system)", } @Misc{Knuth:1991:TTL, author = "Donald Ervin Knuth", title = "{Textures} typesetting and layout for the {Apple Macintosh}", publisher = "Blue Sky Research", address = "Portland, OR, USA", edition = "Version 1.4.", year = "1991", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "6 computer disks + 2 manuals.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "User's guide --- The TeXbook / Donald E. Knuth; Reading, Mass.: Addison Wesley, c1986 --- 6 disks at 3 1/2 in.", keywords = "Computer software; Computerized typesetting --- Computer programs; Mathematics printing --- Computer programs.; TeX (Computer system)", } @Article{Liao:1991:FGB, author = "Chia-Wei Liao and Jun S. Huang", title = "Font generation by beta-spline curve", journal = "Computers \& Graphics (Pergamon)", volume = "15", number = "4", pages = "527--534", year = "1991", CODEN = "COGRD2", ISSN = "0097-8493 (print), 1873-7684 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Automatic font generation is critical for office automation and the publishing industry. For the design of user font, the user can input a specified font to our system which will be described later. The system described can trace out the boundary of the input font, find out control points and their corresponding curvatures, and edit (including zooming) the font. This system is based on two points. The first is the least square error curve fitting for finding out the control points and computing their curvatures. The second point is beta-spline curve for quickly editing the shape of the input font where the tension parameter is tuned, so that the sharpness and smoothness can be well preserved when zooming. Experimental results indicate smooth performance of our system.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Acad Sinica", affiliationaddress = "Taipei, Taiwan", classification = "723; 921", journalabr = "Comput Graphics (Pergamon)", keywords = "Automatic Font Generation; B-Splines; Computer Graphics; Mathematical Techniques--Curve Fitting", } @Article{Marshall:1991:OFOa, author = "Gerald F. Marshall", title = "Optical feedback overcomes scan-line wobble in laser typesetting", journal = j-LASER-FOCUS-WORLD, volume = "27", number = "4", pages = "167--??", month = apr, year = "1991", CODEN = "LFWOE8", ISSN = "1043-8092", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Marshall:1991:OFOb, author = "Gerald F. Marshall", title = "Optical feedback overcomes scan-line wobble in laser typesetting", journal = "Laser Focus (Littleton, Massachusetts)", volume = "27", number = "5", month = may, year = "1991", CODEN = "LAFOEO", ISSN = "0740-2511", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The laser typesetting and printing industry requires inexpensive line scanners that perform with arc-second and sub-arc-second accuracies. Such accuracies fall into the realm of the requirements of high-performance scanners. The sub-arc-second accuracy of the rotational axis of scanners is generally accomplished by using custom-designed gas bearings instead of the less-expensive ball bearings. Subject to design, ball bearings are typically rated to achieve accuracies ranging from 20 to 5 arc sec. The less-expensive and replaceable commercially available ball bearings can effectively satisfy this industry's requirement if a passive optical-feedback design feature is included in a scanner's beam-deflecting head. This feedback, which is embodied in a given scanner desensitizes the scanning beam to the scan-line tracking errors that are caused by wobble of the rotational axis. The butterfly line scanner is a two-piece, four-facet scanning device. Its symmetry simplifies both its design and construction and also its alignment and dynamic balancing; moreover, it leads to a compact unit.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Creekside Circle", affiliationaddress = "Morgan Hill, CA, USA", classification = "741; 744; 745", journalabr = "Laser Focus (Littleton Mass)", keywords = "Laser Applications; Laser Printing; Laser Typesetting; Optical Devices; Optical Feedback; Printing--Laser Applications; Scanners; Typesetting", pagecount = "7", } @Article{Pappas:1991:TTD, author = "T. L. (Frank) Pappas", title = "{\TeX} typesetting with a difference", journal = j-COMPUTER, volume = "24", number = "6", pages = "92--93", month = jun, year = "1991", CODEN = "CPTRB4", ISSN = "0018-9162 (print), 1558-0814 (electronic)", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", } @Book{Sadek:1991:TPC, author = "George Sadek and Maxim Zhukov", title = "Typography, polyglot: a comparative study in multilingual typesetting", publisher = "The Center", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "35", year = "1991", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Legibility (Printing); Printing; Type-setting", } @InProceedings{Thimbleby:1991:LTT, author = "H. Thimbleby", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Computers and the Writing Process", title = "Low-tech {\TeX}? (typesetting program)", publisher = "Univ. Sussex", address = "Brighton, UK", pages = "124--130", month = "", year = "1991", bibdate = "Sat Sep 17 11:20:26 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The author recounts his experience of using {\TeX} for hundreds of pages (each many times). {\TeX} is a widely and freely distributed high quality typesetting program. It reads a markup language in standard ASCII text, and therefore documents are easily transferred from machine to machine. The author reviews the advantages and disadvantages of using {\TeX} for book publishing. (13 Refs.)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Stirling Univ., UK", bookpages = "v + 247", classification = "C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)", confdate = "22--23 March 1991", conflocation = "Brighton, UK", keywords = "Book publishing; Markup language; Standard ASCII text; TeX; Typesetting program", thesaurus = "Computer controlled typesetting; Desktop publishing", } @Book{Zapf:1991:CTC, author = "Hermann Zapf and John Dreyfus", title = "Classical typography in the computer age: papers presented at a {Clark Library} seminar, {27 February 1988}", publisher = "William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California", address = "Los Angeles, CA, USA", pages = "xv + 36", year = "1991", ISBN = "????", ISBN-13 = "????", LCCN = "Z250.7.Z36 1991", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 15:57:17 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", note = "With an introduction by John Bidwell.", price = "US\$15.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Article{Alexander:1992:TTP, author = "George Alexander", title = "{\TeX} and {\TeX}tures: Page Composition in a Completely Different Vein", journal = j-SEYBOLD, volume = "7", number = "1", pages = "3--7", month = sep # " 4", year = "1992", CODEN = "SRDFED", ISSN = "0889-9762", bibdate = "Thu Sep 01 01:17:35 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "{\TeX} is a typesetting system that is used for publishing scholarly material, especially works containing heavy mathematics. It is popular at universities and research facilities around the world, but it is hardly known outside academic circles. Since {\TeX} is available on desktop platforms (as well as on mainframes and minicomputers), it is competitive to some extent with desktop publishing software. There are still many applications where {\TeX} produces results that are better than those of standard desktop packages. There are a few things {\TeX} can do that couldn't be practically done with desktop software. There is a new {\TeX} implementation, {\TeX}tures, which moves {\TeX} a little closer to the desktop mainstream. It holds out the hope that {\TeX} may yet have the potential to become as easy to use as other desktop packages. The author discusses the innovations built in to {\TeX}, its strengths and weaknesses, and its uses. (0 Refs.)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "D2105 (Media-TV, radio, press)", keywords = "Desktop publishing software; Page composition; TeX; Textures; Typesetting system", thesaurus = "Computer controlled typesetting; Electronic publishing", } @Book{Barlow:1992:TC, author = "Geoff Barlow and Simon Eccles", title = "Typesetting and Composition", publisher = pub-BLUEPRINT, address = pub-BLUEPRINT:adr, edition = "Second", pages = "xiv + 274", year = "1992", ISBN = "0-948905-72-7", ISBN-13 = "978-0-948905-72-8", LCCN = "????", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-mc # " and " # ack-nhfb, keywords = "Composition (Printing); Printing --- Composition --- For publishing; Type-setting", } @Article{Braun:1992:LRW, author = "Curt C. Braun and N. Clayton Silver and Barry R. Stock", title = "Likelihood of reading warnings: the effect of fonts and font sizes", journal = "Proceedings of the Human Factors Society", volume = "2", pages = "926--930", year = "1992", CODEN = "PHFSDQ", ISSN = "0163-5182", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Legibility of a warning is a major issue in the labeling of various consumer products, and over the counter and prescription drugs. The purpose of the present research was to examine certain variables that are associated with legibility, namely font type, font weight, point size, and point size contrast between the signal word and the main body of the warning. A sample of undergraduate students and elderly people rated 24 Ultra Tide detergent labels for their likelihood to read the warning, the saliency of the warning, and readability of the warning. The results indicated that participants were more likely to read the warning in Helvetica type than in Times or Goudy. Times was more likely to be read than Goudy. Bold type was more likely to be read than Roman type. There was a greater likelihood of reading the warning when the main body was in 10 point size as compared to 8 point size. A 2 point size difference between the signal word and the main body of the warning produced a greater likelihood of reading the warning over a 4 point size difference. One possibility for this result is that the 4 point difference minimizes the importance of the main body of the warning, therefore making only the signal word salient.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Central Florida", affiliationaddress = "USA", classification = "461.4; 922.1", conference = "Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 36th Annual Meeting. Part 2 (f 2)", conferenceyear = "1992", journalabr = "Proc Hum Factors Soc", keywords = "Font types; Font weight; Human engineering; Probability; Subjective testing; Warning legibility; Warning reading likelihood", meetingaddress = "Atlanta, GA, USA", meetingdate = "Oct 12--16 1992", meetingdate2 = "10/12--16/92", } @Article{Grebert:1992:CGP, author = "Igor Grebert and David G. Stork and Ron Keesing and Steve Mims", title = "Connectionist generalization for production: an example from gridfont", journal = j-NEURAL-NETWORKS, volume = "5", number = "4", pages = "699--710", month = jul # "--" # aug, year = "1992", CODEN = "NNETEB", ISSN = "0893-6080", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Generalization for production is a difficult problem solved by intelligent systems. One such problem might be `paint a portrait of George Bush in the style of Vincent van Gogh.' In these tasks, a low dimensional representation ('George Bush' and `style of van Gogh') is expanded into a (nonunique) output of extremely high dimension, for instance represented by color, line, shading, etc. We designed a connectionist network for generalization of production in such a way --- to generate letterforms in a new font given just a few exemplars from that font. During learning, our network constructs distributed internal representations of different fonts and letters, even though each training instance had both font characteristics and letter characteristics. Separate hidden representations for `letter' and `font' were necessary for success of the network. The integration of information from font and letter representations had to be at a proper, intermediate level of abstraction. The limitations of the network can be attributed, in part, to limited training corpus, and lack of translation and scale invariances.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723.2; 723.4", journalabr = "Neural Networks", keywords = "Character sets; Connectionist generalization; Font generalization; Internal representation; Learning systems; Neural networks; Optical character recognition", } @InProceedings{Haralambous:1992:THQ, author = "Y. Haralambous", title = "Typesetting the {Holy Qur'an} with {\TeX}", crossref = "Anonymous:1992:MCA", pages = "2.1.1", year = "1992", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Kingston:1992:ELP, author = "Jeffrey H. Kingston", title = "{Eq}: a {Lout} package for typesetting mathematics", publisher = "University of Sydney", address = "Sydney, NSW, Australia", pages = "15", day = "22", month = dec, year = "1992", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Technical report / University of Sydney. Basser Dept. of Computer Science; 452 Technical report (University of Sydney. Basser Dept. of Computer Science); 452", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Text processing (Computer science)", } @InProceedings{Lagally:1992:AST, author = "K. Lagally", title = "{ArabTeX}: a system for typesetting Arabic", crossref = "Anonymous:1992:MCA", pages = "9.4.1", year = "1992", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Lagally:1992:ATA, author = "Klaus Lagally", title = "{ArabTEX} --- Typesetting {Arabic} with vowels and ligatures", crossref = "Zlatuska:1992:EPE", pages = "153--172", year = "1992", bibdate = "Thu Sep 2 12:27:38 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @TechReport{Luvisetto:1992:LER, author = "M. L. Luvisetto and E. Ugolini", title = "{\LaTeX}: easy recipes", number = "INFN/TC-92/05", institution = "Ist. Naz. Fis. Nucl.", address = "Bologna, Italy", pages = "17", month = mar, year = "1992", bibdate = "Thu Sep 01 01:22:55 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Basic commands are given to enable an easy conversion from {\TeX} to {\LaTeX} to users that have a good knowledge of {\TeX} typesetting for technical and scientific articles. Basic concepts are described. Clear and easy ways to typeset the most common items are described. Mathematics and tabular typesetting are described in deeper detail. (3 Refs.)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "C6130D (Document processing techniques); C6140 (Programming languages); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)", keywords = "Easy conversion; LaTeX; Scientific articles; Tabular typesetting; TeX typesetting", thesaurus = "Computer controlled typesetting; Programming languages; Word processing", } @InProceedings{Mittelbach:1992:FHQ, author = "Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley", title = "The future of high quality typesetting: structure and design", crossref = "Zlatuska:1992:EPE", pages = "255--256", year = "1992", bibdate = "Thu Sep 2 12:27:38 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Invited talk.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Mittelbach:1992:PQH, author = "Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley", title = "The Pursuit of Quality: How can Automated Typesetting achieve the Highest Standards of Craft Typography?", crossref = "Vanoirbeek:1992:EPE", pages = "261--273", year = "1992", bibdate = "Thu Dec 29 11:04:13 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-ps, } @InProceedings{Rose:1992:HTP, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose", title = "How to typeset pretty diagram arrows with {\TeX} --- design decisions used in {\Xy-pic}", crossref = "Zlatuska:1992:EPE", pages = "183--210", year = "1992", bibdate = "Thu Sep 2 12:27:38 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Rose:1992:TDX, author = "Kristoffer H. Rose", title = "Typesetting Diagrams with {XY-pc}: user's manual", crossref = "Zlatuska:1992:EPE", pages = "273--292", year = "1992", bibdate = "Thu Sep 2 12:27:38 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Saxe:1992:AIH, author = "Stephen O. Saxe", title = "{American} iron hand presses", publisher = pub-OAK-KNOLL, address = pub-OAK-KNOLL:adr, pages = "xiv + 108", year = "1992", ISBN = "0-938768-35-2 (hardcover), 0-938768-36-0 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-938768-35-7 (hardcover), 978-0-938768-36-4 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z249 .S23 1992", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:22:10 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", price = "US\$35.00 (hardcover), US\$12.95 (paperback)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @InProceedings{Semenzato:1992:AAL, author = "Luigi Semenzato and Edward Wang", title = "Aleph: a Language for Typesetting", crossref = "Vanoirbeek:1992:EPE", pages = "65--75", year = "1992", bibdate = "Thu Dec 29 11:04:19 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-ps, } @Article{Tseng:1992:EKS, author = "L. Y. Tseng and C. T. Chuang", title = "Efficient knowledge-based stroke extraction method for multi-font {Chinese} characters", journal = j-PATTERN-RECOGN, volume = "25", number = "12", pages = "1445--1458", month = dec, year = "1992", CODEN = "PTNRA8", ISSN = "0031-3203 (print), 1873-5142 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Feature extraction is the most important thing in pattern recognition. Whether it is good or not affects the recognition rate seriously. Selecting the strokes as the features to describe a Chinese character is indeed a powerful approach. But it also suffers from the difficulty of stroke extraction. In this paper, some knowledge about strokes is derived by studying the structure of Chinese characters. This knowledge is then applied to help extract the strokes. The method cannot only heuristically extract strokes but can also heuristically eliminate noises including those added to strokes for artistic sake. Moreover, this method does not use any preprocessing like thinning or other transformations, so its extraction speed is very fast.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Natl Chung Hsing Univ", affiliationaddress = "Taichung, Taiwan", classification = "723.2; 723.4.1; 723.5", journalabr = "Pattern Recognit", keywords = "Character recognition; Chinese character recognition; Computer applications; Knowledge based systems; Noise abatement; Pattern recognition; Primitive stroke; Stroke extraction", } @InProceedings{Vacha:1992:TTP, author = "Ondr{\v{r}}ej V{\'a}cha", title = "{\TeX} for typesetting in a publishing house", crossref = "Zlatuska:1992:EPE", pages = "59--65", year = "1992", bibdate = "Thu Sep 2 12:27:38 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{vanderLaan:1992:TCT, author = "Kees van der Laan", title = "Typesetting crosswords via {\TeX}", crossref = "Zlatuska:1992:EPE", pages = "217--224", year = "1992", bibdate = "Thu Sep 2 12:27:38 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{vanLeunen:1992:HS, author = "Mary-Claire van Leunen", title = "A handbook for scholars", publisher = pub-OXFORD, address = pub-OXFORD:adr, edition = "Revised", pages = "xi + 348", year = "1992", ISBN = "0-394-40904-3 (hardcover), 0-394-73395-9 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-394-40904-7 (hardcover), 978-0-394-73395-1 (paperback)", LCCN = "PN146 .V36 1992", bibdate = "Tue Nov 21 07:44:41 2000", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, libnote = "Not in my library.", subject = "Academic writing; Handbooks, manuals, etc; Scholarly publishing; Art d'{\'e}crire; Guides, manuels, etc; Academic writing; Scholarly publishing; Schrijfvaardigheid; Wetenschappelijke publicaties; Authorship", tableofcontents = "The text \\ Citation: The new style of citation \\ Embedding citations \\ Brackets alone \\ Handling bracketed numbers \\ Pointing citations \\ Tense in citations \\ Citing authors \\ Citing works \\ Citing yourself \\ Irrelevant citation \\ Citations in draft \\ Quotation: A plea against quotation \\ A plea for quotation \\ Epigraphs \\ Quotation and citation \\ Inlaid versus displayed quotations \\ Punctuating quotations \\ Quoting format \\ Changes in quotations \\ Permission to quote \\ Other uses for quotation marks \\ Quotations in draft \\ The footnote: Fundamentals \\ Explanatory footnotes \\ The footnote aside \\ Footnotes in draft \\ Scholarly peculiarities: The abstract \\ Acknowledgments \\ Bad words \\ Bending over backwards \\ Capitalization \\ The cliche redivivus \\ Coherence \\ The colonated title \\ Conclusions \\ Emphasis \\ Equanimity \\ Hyperqualification \\ Initialisms and acronyms \\ Introductions \\ Inventing terms and notation \\ Inversion \\ A little Latin \\ Motivation \\ Nor \\ Paragraphing \\ Passivity \\ Personal fads \\ Respective \\ The waffle \\ Which-hunting \\ The reference \\ Panorama \\ Reference format: Style \\ I. Authors \\ II. Titles \\ III. Bibliographic information \\ IV. More bibliographic information \\ V. Annotation \\ Pinpointing \\ Needless information \\ Easy References: Books \\ Compilations \\ Collections \\ Editions with editors \\ Translations \\ Multivolume works \\ Journal articles \\ Reviews \\ Pamphlets \\ Works not yet published \\ Theses and dissertations \\ Secondary reference \\ Hard references: Archival sources \\ Author equals publishers \\ Conference proceedings \\ Correspondence \\ Court cases \\ Government documents \\ Microfilm and microfiche \\ Newspapers \\ Reference works \\ Shoes and ships and sealing wax \\ The reference list: Reference list versus bibliography \\ Compound references \\ Special sections \\ Cross-reference \\ Alphabetical order \\ Chronological order \\ Order of mention \\ Last-minute changes \\ Compression \\ The finishing touch \\ Special schemes: Short names \\ White copy \\ Super-quick \\ Manuscript preparation: Final draft \\ Classroom copy \\ Examples of display layout \\ Classroom copy with footnotes \\ Page from a reference list \\ Photo-ready copy \\ Sample instruction sheet \\ Perfect copy \\ Galleys and page proofs \\ The end \\ Appendix 1: The Vita \\ Appendix 2: Federal documents of the United States", } @Article{Anonymous:1993:AHC, author = "Anonymous", title = "At the Head of the Class", journal = j-IN-PLANT-REPROD, volume = "43", number = "8", pages = "14--??", day = "1", month = aug, year = "1993", ISSN = "0198-9065", bibdate = "Sat May 18 15:34:25 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; UnCover library database", abstract = "Campus printers provide everything from A to T: from announcements to typesetting.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Anonymous:1993:CMS, author = "Anonymous", key = "Chicago", title = "The {Chicago} Manual of Style", publisher = pub-U-CHICAGO, address = pub-U-CHICAGO:adr, edition = "14th", pages = "ix + 921", year = "1993", ISBN = "0-226-10389-7", ISBN-13 = "978-0-226-10389-1", LCCN = "Z253 .U69 1993", bibdate = "Mon Sep 23 08:57:34 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$40.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "The standard American work on typesetting style etc. (CHe)", bibliography = "yes", glossary = "yes", history = "First edition 1906, 12th edition 1969, 13th edition 1982, 14th edition 1993", index = "yes", inprint = "yes", keywords = "authorship handbooks; authorship manuals; practical style manuals; printing", printermarks = "yes", subtitle = "The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors and Publishers", } @Book{Bianchi:1993:MPC, author = "Daniel Berkeley Bianchi", title = "The {Merrymount Press}: a centenary keepsake", publisher = "Stinehour Press", address = "Bridgewater, CT, USA", pages = "24 + 55", year = "1993", ISBN = "????", ISBN-13 = "????", LCCN = "Z232.M57 B5 1993", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:30:33 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", price = "US\$200.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Manual{CCGPS:1993:QLT, title = "Quality levels for typesetting = Niveaux de la qualit{\'e} de la composition", organization = "Canada Communication Group, Printing Services", address = "Ottawa, ON, Canada", edition = "Re-edited, {December} 1993", pages = "iv + 19 + 19 + iv", year = "1993", ISBN = "0-660-59097-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-660-59097-4", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, govtdocnumber = "DSS Cat. no. P35-25/3-1994", } @Article{Chen:1993:WSS, author = "Francine R. Chen and Lynn D. Wilcox and Dan S. Bloomberg", booktitle = "Image and Multidimensional Signal Processing (Apr 27--30 1993: Minneapolis, MN, USA)", title = "Word spotting in scanned images using hidden {Markov} models", journal = "Proceedings --- ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing", volume = "5", pages = "V-1--V-4", year = "1993", CODEN = "IPRODJ", ISBN = "0-7803-0946-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-7803-0946-3", ISSN = "0736-7791", LCCN = "TK 7882 S65 I16 1993", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 93CH3252-4.", abstract = "This paper describes a hidden Markov model (HMM) based system for font-independent spotting of user-specified keywords in a scanned image. Word bounding boxes of potential keywords are extracted from the image using a morphology-based preprocessor. Feature vectors based on the external shape and internal structure of the word are computed over vertical columns of pixels in a word bounding box. For each user-specified keyword, an HMM is created by concatenating appropriate context-dependent character HMMs. Non-keywords are modeled using an HMM based on context-dependent sub-character models. Keyword spotting is performed using a Viterbi search through the HMM network created by connecting the keyword and non-keyword HMMs in parallel. Applications of word-image spotting include information filtering in images from facsimile and copy machines, and information retrieval from text image databases.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Xerox Palo Alto Research Cent", affiliationaddress = "Palo Alto, CA, USA", classification = "723.2; 723.3; 741.3; 903.3; 921; 922.2", conference = "IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Part 5 (of 5)", conferenceyear = "1993", journalabr = "Proc ICASSP IEEE Int Conf Acoust Speech Signal Process", keywords = "Character recognition; Database systems; Font independent spotting; Hidden Markov model (HMM); Image processing; Information retrieval; Mathematical models; Morphology based preprocessor; Scanned images; Statistical methods; User specified keywords; Word image spotting; Word processing", meetingaddress = "Minneapolis, MN, USA", meetingdate = "Apr 27--30 1993", meetingdate2 = "04/27--30/93", publisherinfo = "IEEE Service Center", sponsor = "IEEE; Signal Processing Society", } @Book{Dowding:1993:FPS, author = "Geoffrey Dowding", title = "Finer Points in the Spacing and Arrangement of Type", publisher = "Hartley and Marks", address = "Point Roberts, WA, USA", pages = "xvii + 90", year = "1993", ISBN = "0-88179-086-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-88179-086-3", LCCN = "Z253 .D69 1993", bibdate = "Sat Oct 5 06:14:04 MDT 2019", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, author-dates = "1911--", subject = "Typesetting; Letter spacing; Letter spacing.; Typesetting.", } @Article{Doyon:1993:TT, author = "Roy Doyon", title = "Topography and Typesetting", journal = j-CARTOGRAPHICA, volume = "30", number = "??", pages = "108--108", month = "Summer", year = "1993", ISSN = "0317-7173", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Feruglio:1993:TCT, author = "G. V. Feruglio and R. Fuster", title = "Typesetting {Catalan} texts with {\TeX}", crossref = "Anonymous:1993:AMJ", pages = "252--259", year = "1993", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Foreman:1993:SEC, author = "Lynn M. Foreman and Stuart H. Zweben", title = "Study of the effectiveness control and data flow testing strategies", journal = j-J-SYST-SOFTW, volume = "21", number = "3", pages = "215--228", month = jun, year = "1993", CODEN = "JSSODM", ISSN = "0164-1212 (print), 1873-1228 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The effectiveness of control and data flow testing strategies is studied through an analysis of a subset of the defects observed in the development of the computer typesetting program {\TeX}. In this study, the strategies are considered effective at revealing a defect only when any test set that satisfies the strategy is capable of revealing the defect. It is shown that even the simplest of the control and data flow strategies are effective at revealing a reasonable number of the defects. For those defects for which the control and data flow strategies were not effective, other well-known methods such as special value testing, boundary testing, or static data flow analysis were usually effective. The results suggest that systematic testing strategies for which tool support is possible can eliminate a significant number of defects undetected by current testing practice.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Analytical Sciences Corp", affiliationaddress = "Fairborn, OH, USA", classification = "723.1", journalabr = "J Syst Software", keywords = "Black box strategy; Computer programming; Computer software; Computer typesetting program {\TeX}; Data flow analysis; Data handling; Program debugging; Roundup testing; White box strategy", } @Article{GeyerSchulz:1993:TAL, author = "A. Geyer-Schulz and J. Matulka and G. Neumann", title = "Typesetting {APL} with {\LaTeX}--the {APL} front end {APL2TEX}", journal = j-APL-QUOTE-QUAD, volume = "23", number = "3", pages = "22--27", month = mar, year = "1993", CODEN = "APLQD9", ISSN = "0163-6006", bibdate = "Thu Sep 01 01:27:41 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An APL publishing system is presented for {\LaTeX} which supports typesetting of APL publications and documents in a mixed hardware, multiple vendor APL environment. It requires minimal maintenance and is in the public domain. The system has two components, the {\LaTeX} document style option apl.sty and the APL2TEX front end. The option apl.sty provides the full symbol sets of the APL dialects APL2/370, APL2/PC, Dyalog APL, I-APL, Sharp APL, and APL.68000 Levels I and II. All APL symbols are constructed with the symbols of the standard {\LaTeX} font family. No special fonts are needed. The APL2TEX front end is a workspace containing a preprocessor for converting APL objects to {\LaTeX} logical document elements. APL2TEX is currently available for APL2/370, APL2/PC, Dyalog APL and APL.68000 Levels I and II. (15 Refs.)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Bus. Adm., Vienna Univ. of Econ., Austria", classification = "C6130 (Data handling techniques); C6140D (High level languages); C6180 (User interfaces); C7230 (Publishing and reproduction)", keywords = "APL 68000; APL dialects; APL publications; APL publishing system; APL typesetting; APL2/370; APL2/PC; APL2TEX front end; Document style option; Dyalog APL; Font family; Full symbol sets; I-APL; LaTeX; Logical document elements; Multiple vendor APL environment; Public domain; Sharp APL; Workspace", thesaurus = "APL; Character sets; Computer controlled typesetting; User interfaces", } @Book{Hahn:1993:LER, author = "Jane Hahn", title = "{\LaTeX} for Everyone\emdash {A} Reference Guide and Tutorial for Typesetting Documents Using a Computer", publisher = pub-PH, address = pub-PH:adr, edition = "Second", pages = "xi + 346", year = "1993", ISBN = "0-13-605908-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-13-605908-0", LCCN = "Z253.4.L38 H35 1993", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$19.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Composition (Printing) --- Use of --- Computers; Computerized typesetting; LaTeX (Computer system)", } @Article{Hobby:1993:GAT, author = "John D. Hobby", title = "Generating automatically tuned bitmaps from outlines", journal = j-J-ACM, volume = "40", number = "1", pages = "48--94", month = jan, year = "1993", CODEN = "JACOAH", ISSN = "0004-5411 (print), 1557-735X (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Consider the problem of generating bitmaps from character shapes given as outlines. The obvious scan-conversion process does not produce acceptable results unless important features such as stem widths are carefully controlled during the scan-conversion process. This paper describes a method for automatically extracting the necessary feature information and generating high-quality bitmaps without resorting to hand editing. Almost all of the work is done in a preprocessing step, the result of which is an intermediate form that can be quickly converted into bitmaps once the font size and device resolution are known. A heuristically defined system of linear equations describes how the ideal outlines should be distorted in order to produce the best possible results when scan converted in a straightforward manner. The Lovasz basis reduction algorithm then reduces the system of equations to a form that makes it easy to find an approximate solution subject to the constraint that some variables must be integers. The heuristic information is of such a general nature that it applies equally well to Roman fonts and Japanese Kanji.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "AT\&T Bell Lab", affiliationaddress = "Murray Hill, NJ, USA", classification = "722.4; 723.1; 723.2; 745.1; 921.6", journalabr = "J Assoc Comput Mach", keywords = "Algorithms; Character recognition; Computer hardware; Computer software; Constraint theory; Feature recognition; Heuristic methods; Japanese Kanji; Lovasz basis reduction; Outlines; Roman fonts; Scan conversion; Tuned bitmaps; Typesetting", } @Article{Kawata:1993:OFR, author = "Tetsuro Kawata and Kenich Kawachi and Nobuaki Miyakawa and Ichiro Kawazome and Hiromi Ysumatsu and Susumu Haga and Masaya Takenaka", title = "Outline font rendering processor with an embedded {RISC CPU} for high-speed hint processing", journal = "Proceedings of the Custom Integrated Circuits Conference", pages = "12.5.1--12.5.4", year = "1993", CODEN = "PCICER", ISBN = "0-7803-0826-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-7803-0826-8", ISSN = "0886-5930", LCCN = "TK 7874 C87 1993", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:33:45 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 93CH3214-4.", abstract = "An outline font rendering processor which has a RISC CPU embedded on it has been developed. It unburdens the host CPU of the whole font rendering including hint processing. The chip consists of four functional units which operates on sub-processes of rendering concurrently and\slash or in a pipelined evaluation board and they were compared with those of softwares on Sparc Station 2 and Sun4\slash 110. The results showed about from 7 to 42 times speedups. The rendering capability of the chip is equivalent to 50 and 30 page\slash min for English and Japanese respectively. The 127K TRS chip was fabricated with a CMOS 0.8um process.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Electronic Imaging \& Devices Research Lab", affiliationaddress = "Kanagawa, Jpn", classification = "713; 723.4", conference = "Proceedings of the IEEE 1993 Custom Integrated Circuits Conference", conferenceyear = "1993", journalabr = "Proc Custom Integr Circuits Conf", keywords = "cmos integrated circuits; Computer software; Cubic B{\'e}zier curve; Embedded RISC CPU; Font rendering processor; High speed hint processing; Microprocessor chips; Outline font rendering process", meetingaddress = "San Diego, CA, USA", meetingdate = "May 9--12 1993", meetingdate2 = "05/09--12/93", publisherinfo = "IEEE Service Center", } @Article{Kingston:1993:DIL, author = "Jeffrey H. Kingston", title = "Design and implementation of the {Lout} document formatting language", journal = j-SPE, volume = "23", number = "9", pages = "1001--1041", month = sep, year = "1993", CODEN = "SPEXBL", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Lout is a high-level language for document formatting, whose ease of use has permitted an unprecedented number of advanced features to be added quickly and reliably. This paper charts the evolution of the design and implementation of Lout from conception in mid-1984 to public release in October 1991. It includes extensive discussions of remaining problems and possible solutions.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Sydney", affiliationaddress = "Sydney, Aust", classification = "723.1; 723.1.1; 723.2; 723.5; 745.1", journalabr = "Software Pract Exper", keywords = "C (programming language); Computer programming; Data handling; Desktop publishing; Document formatting; High level language Lout; High level languages; Program translators; Software package Basser Lout; Typesetting; UNIX; Word processing", } @Book{Knuth:1993:T, author = "Donald Ervin Knuth", title = "The {\TeX}book", volume = "A", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, edition = "23rd printing, with corrections.", pages = "ix + 483", year = "1993", ISBN = "0-201-13448-9 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-13448-3 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47K58 1984", bibdate = "Mon May 20 17:13:11 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computers and typesetting", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; Mathematics printing --- Computer programs.; TeX (Computer file)", } @Book{Knuth:1993:TP, author = "Donald Ervin Knuth", title = "{\TeX}: the program", volume = "B", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, edition = "1993 corrected", pages = "xvii + 600", year = "1993", ISBN = "0-201-13437-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-13437-7", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47K578 1986", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Computers and typesetting", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; TeX (Computer system)", } @Article{Kopec:1993:LFM, author = "Gary E. Kopec", title = "Least-squares font metric estimation from images", journal = "IEEE Transactions of Image Processing", volume = "2", number = "4", pages = "510--519", month = oct, year = "1993", CODEN = "IIPRE4", ISSN = "1057-7149 (print), 1941-0042 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Character placement in digital typography is commonly defined in terms of a set of parameters (font metrics) that specify the relative locations of the local coordinate systems of adjacent characters in a line of text. The primary font metrics for horizontal letter spacing are the character set widths and sidebearings and the character pair spacing adjustments (kerning terms). A typical parameter for vertical alignment is the character depth below baseline. This paper discusses the problem of determining font metrics from measurements on images of typeset text and develops least-squares procedures for font metric estimation. When it is known that kerning is not present, sidebearing estimation involves solving a set of linear equations, called the sidebearing normal equations, More generally, simultaneous sidebearing and kerning term estimation involves an iterative procedure in which a modified set of sidebearing normal equations is solved during each iteration. Character depth estimates are obtained by solving a set of baseline normal equations. In a preliminary evaluation of the proposed procedures on scanned text images in three fonts the root-mean-square set width estimation error was about 0.2 pixel. A novel application of font metric estimation to text image editing is discussed.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Palo Alto Research Cent", affiliationaddress = "Palo Alto, CA, USA", classification = "723.2; 921", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Image Process", keywords = "Digital typography; Font metric estimation; Image processing; Kerning; Least squares approximations; Mathematical models; Sidebearing normal equations; Text image editing", } @InProceedings{Lammarsch:1993:NTS, author = "J. Lammarsch", title = "A new typesetting system: is it really necessary?", crossref = "Anonymous:1993:AMJ", pages = "167--170", year = "1993", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Lau:1993:HMA, author = "J. Lau and P. Karow", title = "{hz-Program}: Micro-Typography for Advanced Typesetting", crossref = "Morreale:1993:SAM", pages = "58--60", year = "1993", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Marshall:1993:PST, author = "Gerald F. Marshall and Gerald A. Rynkowski and Mehrdad Ketabchi", title = "Polygonal scanners for {TV} and {HDTV} laser projectors: spatial and temporal tolerances versus resolution", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "1988", pages = "223--241", year = "1993", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-1237-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-1237-9", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TK7882.I6 D5685 1993", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:34:05 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The advances in the technology of high performance polygonal scanners, both for laser beam typesetting and the projection of computer generated images, meet the requirements for laser beam projection of high definition television (HDTV) onto large screens; screen widths in the order of 30 meters (approx. 100 feet). This paper illustrates the interrelationship between the scanned image quality resolution for laser beam projected TV and HDTV, and the scanner design and manufacturing tolerances --- spatial and temporal. It provides a guideline for systems' designers to calculate and trade-off the specification tolerances for a polygonal scanning subsystem.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Consultant in Optics, Morgan Hill, CA, USA", classification = "716.4; 723.5; 741.1; 744.8; 744.9; 745.1", conference = "Display Systems: High-Resolution and Large Screen Displays and Helmet, Head-Up, and Head-Down Displays", conferenceyear = "1993", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Computer applications; Computer generated images; High definition television; Image quality; Imaging techniques; Large screens; Laser applications; Laser beam typesetting; Laser beams; Laser projectors; Polygonal scanners; Polygonal scanning; Projection systems; Scanning; Typesetting", meetingaddress = "Munich, Ger", meetingdate = "Jun 23--24 1993", meetingdate2 = "06/23--24/93", sponsor = "European Optical Soc., Orsay, Fr; SPIE --- Int Soc for Opt Engineering, Bellingham, WA USA; Soc for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA USA", } @Book{McGrew:1993:AMT, author = "Mac McGrew", title = "{American} metal typefaces of the {Twentieth Century}", publisher = pub-OAK-KNOLL, address = pub-OAK-KNOLL:adr, edition = "Second", pages = "xx + 376", year = "1993", ISBN = "0-938768-34-4 (hardcover), 0-938768-39-5 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-938768-34-0 (hardcover), 978-0-938768-39-5 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z250 .M137 1993", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:32:34 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", price = "US\$75.00 (hardcover), US\$49.95 (paperback)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Article{Molnar:1993:TGT, author = "Suzanne M. Molnar", title = "A Tour of Graphical Typesetting on the Macintosh", journal = j-UMAP, volume = "14", number = "2", pages = "97--112", year = "1993", bibdate = "Tue Dec 14 10:48:29 1993", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-ps, } @Article{Parida:1993:CTG, author = "Laxmi Parida", title = "Computational technique for general shape deformations for use in font design", journal = "Computers \& Graphics (Pergamon)", volume = "17", number = "4", pages = "349--356", month = jul # "--" # aug, year = "1993", CODEN = "COGRD2", ISSN = "0097-8493 (print), 1873-7684 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper explores the notion of a general rubber sheet transformation and its use as a tool in an interactive font design environment. The designer works with graph-paper-like orthogonal grids and applies the rubber sheet transformation to the gridspace to obtain new shapes. Further, he or she may subsequently work on the transformed gridspace to fine-tune the shapes. A computationally efficient deformation mapping technique for use in such an interactive design environment has been presented. An important feature is that the order of the high-level outline definitions of the deformed shape is the same as that of the original design.The shape deformation takes place in three stages. In the first stage, the original 2D shape is mapped onto a user definable doubly-curved surface. Next the surface is affinely transformed, once again under the control of the user. In the last stage the transformed 3D shape is projected onto a plane to get the deformed shape. We discuss this deformation technique, and a refinement of this technique, where the $x$ and $y$ coordinates are handled independently. This technique has been incorporated in a font design system. Vinyas, to produce the transformed letterforms as new typefaces in scalable outline form.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Natl Cent for Software Technology", affiliationaddress = "Bombay, India", classification = "723; 921.3", journalabr = "Comput Graphics (Pergamon)", keywords = "Computer graphics; Font design; Font design system Vinyas; Mapping; Mathematical techniques; Mathematical transformations; Shape deformation; Transformed letterforms", } @Article{Parida:1993:VIC, author = "Laxmi Parida", title = "{Vinyas}: An interactive calligraphic type design system", journal = "IFIP Transactions B: Computer Applications in Technology", volume = "B-9", pages = "287--299", year = "1993", CODEN = "ITBTEH", ISBN = "0-444-81564-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-444-81564-4", ISSN = "0926-5481", LCCN = "T385 .I193 1993", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:34:16 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Vinyas is a digital type font design environment for the design of calligraphic style typefaces. It has been designed primarily for creating new fonts rather than enabling the transfer of existing fonts from paper to machine. Within this environment a comprehensive set of interactive tools are available to the type font designer for typeface design. Vinyas is based on a powerful font design methodology, viz, the pen stroke method of specifying shapes. With minimal interaction, the designer can describe his forms, edit them, visualize them singly or in combination, and then create a full dictionary of letterforms for use. Unlike many other systems based on this methodology which produce the final output as bitmaps, Vinyas generates scalable analytic descriptions that are downloadable to a Postscript${}^{TM}$ laser printer or typesetter. This paper describes the design of the Vinyas system and certain novel aspects of its user interface. The paper also describes the design process and the feature abstraction mechanisms provided to a calligrapher for digital typefont design.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Natl Cent for Software Technology", affiliationaddress = "Bombay, India", classification = "723.1; 723.5; 741.2; 745.1", conference = "Proceedings of the IFIP TC5\slash WG5.2/WG5.10 CSI International Conference on Computer Graphics --- ICCG93", conferenceyear = "1993", journalabr = "IFIP Trans B Comput Appl Technol", keywords = "Computer aided design; Design aids; Digital type font design; Image processing; Interactive computer graphics; Typesetting; User interfaces; Vinyas interactive calligraphic type design system", meetingaddress = "Bombay, India", meetingdate = "Feb 24--26 1993", meetingdate2 = "02/24--26/93", } @Article{Silver:1993:PRW, author = "N. Clayton Silver and Curt C. Braun", title = "Perceived readability of warning labels with varied font sizes and styles", journal = "Safety Science", volume = "16", number = "5-6", pages = "615--625", month = aug, year = "1993", CODEN = "SSCIEO", ISSN = "0925-7535", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Warning readability is a major issue in the labeling of various consumer products. The purpose of the present research was to examine several variables that are associated with readability: font type, font weight, point size, and point size contrast between the signal word and the main body of the warning (signal word-text size difference). A sample of 40 undergraduate students and 22 elderly persons rated 24 Ultra Tide detergent labels that contained a warning which varied across all levels of the type form variables. A composite variable `perceived readability' was formed from the averaged ratings from questions regarding how likely they would read the warning, its salience, and readability. Results showed that Helvetica type was perceived to be more readable than Times or Goudy. Moreover, Times was perceived to be more readable than Goudy. Bold type was perceived to be more readable than roman type. There was greater perceived readability of the warning when the main body was printed in 10-point size when compared to 8-point size. Results also showed that a signal word-text size difference of 2 points was perceived as more readable than a difference of 4 points. Implications for warning design are discussed.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Central Florida", affiliationaddress = "Orlando, FL, USA", classification = "461.4; 694.1; 903.2; 913; 914.1", conferenceyear = "1993", journalabr = "Saf Sci", keywords = "Ability testing; Accident prevention; Consumer products; Font sizes; Font styles; Goudy font type; Helvetica font type; Information dissemination; Labels; Perceived readability; Product design; Product liability; Rating; Risk perception; Times font type; Ultra Tide detergent labels; Warning labels", publisherinfo = "POB 521", } @Book{Spiekerman:1993:SSS, author = "Erik Spiekerman and E. M. Ginger", title = "Stop Stealing Sheep \& Find Out How Type Works", publisher = pub-ADOBE-PRESS, address = pub-ADOBE-PRESS:adr, edition = "Second", pages = "174", year = "1993", ISBN = "0-672-48543-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-672-48543-5", LCCN = "Z250.S738 1993", bibdate = "Tue Dec 10 16:50:56 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$19.95, CDN\$24.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Srinivasan:1993:UDP, author = "Balasubramaniam (Balasubramaniam) Srinivasan", title = "{UNIX} Document Processing and Typesetting", publisher = pub-WORLD-SCI, address = pub-WORLD-SCI:adr, pages = "xiv + 445", year = "1993", ISBN = "981-02-0605-4", ISBN-13 = "978-981-02-0605-5", LCCN = "Z52.5.U54S65 1993", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; UNIX (Computer operating system); Word processing", } @InProceedings{Strange:1993:AWD, author = "Catherine L. Strange", booktitle = "1993 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference (Oct 5--8 1993: Philadelphia, PA, USA)", title = "Around the world in 80 days. Typesetting {Arabic}, {Hebrew}, {Cyrillic}, and {Thai}", crossref = "IEEE:1993:IPN", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "43--49 (or 43--48??)", year = "1993", ISBN = "0-7803-1466-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-7803-1466-5", LCCN = "T 10.5 I54 1993", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:34:26 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 93CH3367-0.", abstract = "As technical writers, many of the documents we create are translated into other languages. Usually, we send the information to a translation service, which does the translation for us. In preparing the publications to describe the IBM Core Interchange fonts, the author had the opportunity to work with many languages and alphabets. This paper takes you on the author's journey of increasing awareness of other cultures and appreciation of foreign languages as she worked with them to create publications.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Pennant, an IBM Co", affiliationaddress = "Boulder, CO, USA", classification = "745.1; 903.2", conference = "Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE International Professional Communication Conference", conferenceyear = "1993", keywords = "Arabic; Cyrillic; Foreign languages; Hebrew; IBM Core Interchange fonts; Information dissemination; Linguistics; Printing; Technical writing; Thai; Translation (languages); Typesetting", meetingabr = "Proc 1993 IEEE Int Prof Commun Conf", meetingaddress = "Philadelphia, PA, USA", meetingdate = "Oct 5--8 1993", meetingdate2 = "10/05--08/93", publisherinfo = "IEEE Service Center", } @TechReport{USGAO:1993:PPT, author = "Anonymous", title = "Preparing publications for typesetting", type = "Report", number = "GAO/OIMC-12.14.1", institution = "Office of Information Management and Communications, United States. General Accounting Office", address = "Washington, DC, USA", edition = "Revised", pages = "????", year = "1993", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche. Shipping list no.: 94-0060-M. ``April 1993.'' ``GAO/OIMC-12.14.1.'' Microfiche. [Washington, DC]: U.S. General Accounting Office, [1993?] 1 microfiche: negative.", govtdocnumber = "GA 1.13:OIMC-12.14.1 0546-D (MF)", keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- United States --- Handbooks, manuals,; etc; manuals, etc; United States. --- General Accounting Office --- Handbooks,; Word processing --- United States --- Handbooks, manuals, etc.", } @Article{Vismara:1993:TEA, author = "Elena Vismara and Angela Donna and Francesco Minisci and Annamaria Naggi and Nadia Pastori", title = "Typesetting error--no article title given on the table of contents", journal = j-J-ORG-CHEM, volume = "58", number = "4", pages = "959--??", month = feb, year = "1993", CODEN = "JOCEAH", ISSN = "0022-3263", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Wallis:1993:TSE, author = "Lawrence W. Wallis", title = "Typomania: selected essays on typesetting and related subjects", publisher = "Severnside Printers", address = "Upton-upon-Severn. UK", pages = "xiii + 161", year = "1993", ISBN = "1-874084-01-7", ISBN-13 = "978-1-874084-01-3", LCCN = "Z116.W295 1993", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Composition (Printing); Type-setting", } @Article{Wilkinson:1993:USR, author = "R. A. Wilkinson and Charles L. Wilson", title = "Using self-organizing recognition as a mechanism for rejecting segmentation errors", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "1825", pages = "378--388", year = "1993", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-1026-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-1026-9", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TJ210.3 .I57562 1992", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:34:39 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "We have developed a method for self-organized neural network based segmentation error checking and character recognition. In this method the page is segmented, a pre-trained self-organizing classifier is used to classify the characters coming from the segmenter and these reclassified characters are used to adaptively learn the machine print font being segmented. This allows the self organizing character classifier to perform font and image quality checking while independently checking for segmentation errors. No context is used to correct segmentation or recognition errors since the page was randomly generated. In our experiments segmentation errors caused the sequential classification of segmented characters to be confused for 6.6\% of the items segmented because of the splitting and merging of characters. By using self-organizing neural network classification 9.2\% of these errors were corrected to produce a correct segmentation and classification rate of 93.4\% overall. After self-organization correction, segmentation and classification was done to an accuracy of 99.3\% with no human intervention and in all cases 99\% of all segmentation errors were detected.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Natl. Inst. of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD, USA", classification = "722.4; 723.2; 723.4", conference = "Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XI: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision", conferenceyear = "1993", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Character recognition; Faust architecture; Histograms; Image analysis; Learning systems; Multi-font recognition; Neural networks; Segmentation errors rejection; Self-organizing recognition", meetingaddress = "Boston, MA, USA", meetingdate = "Nov 16--18 1992", meetingdate2 = "11/16--18/92", sponsor = "SPIE --- Int Soc for Opt Engineering, Bellingham, WA, USA", } @Article{Agazzi:1994:UOE, author = "O. E. Agazzi and K. W. Church and W. A. Gale", title = "Using {OCR} and equalization to downsample documents", journal = "Proceedings --- International Conference on Pattern Recognition", volume = "2", pages = "305--309", year = "1994", CODEN = "PICREG", ISSN = "1051-4651", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 94CH3440-5.", abstract = "A new approach of sampling documents at different rates for different output devices is presented. The proposed approach makes use of font substitution and decimation techniques. Equalization is used to blend the two cases to eliminate the gap in the optical character recognition analysis.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "AT\&T Bell Lab", affiliationaddress = "Murray Hill, NJ, USA", classification = "716.1; 718.3; 721.1; 741.1; 903.1; 922.1", conference = "Proceedings of the 12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Part 2 (of 3)", journalabr = "Proc Int Conf Pattern Recognit", keywords = "Decimation; Downsampling; Equalization; Error correction; Facsimile; Font substitution; Image enhancement; Image quality; Information analysis; Optical character recognition; Sampling; Signal filtering and prediction", meetingaddress = "Jerusalem, Isr", meetingdate = "Oct 9--13 1994", meetingdate2 = "10/09--13/94", sponsor = "IAPR; IEEE; The Information Processing Association of Israel", } @Article{Allam:1994:ACR, author = "May Allam", title = "{Arabic} character recognition", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "2181", pages = "351--359", year = "1994", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-1476-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-1476-2", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TK7895.O6 D63 1994", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:34:51 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper presents a complete system for learning and recognizing Arabic characters. Arabic OCR faces technical problems not encountered in other languages such as cursiveness, overriding and overlapping of characters, multiple shapes per character and the presence of vowels above and below the characters. The proposed approach relies on the fact that the process of connecting Arabic characters to produce cursive writing tends to form a fictitious baseline. During preprocessing, contour analysis provides both component isolation and baseline location. In the feature extraction phase, the words are processed from right to left to generate a sequence of labels. Each label is one of a predetermined codebook that represents all possible bit distribution with respect to the baseline. At a certain position, which depends on the label context, a segmentation decision is taken. During training, a model is generated for each character. This model describes the probability of the occurrence of the labels at each vertical position. During recognition, the probability of the label observation sequence is computed and accumulated. The system has been tested on different typewritten, typeset fonts and diacriticized versions of both and the evaluation results are presented.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Cairo Univ., Dokki-Giza, Egypt", classification = "723.2; 723.4; 921", conference = "Document Recognition", conferenceyear = "1994", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Arabic characters; Contour analysis; Image analysis; Learning systems; Mathematical models; Optical character recognition; Preprocessing; Segmentation decision; Typeset fonts", meetingaddress = "San Jose, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Feb 9--10 1994", meetingdate2 = "02/09--10/94", sponsor = "IS\&T --- Soc for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA USA; SPIE --- Int Soc for Opt Engineering, Bellingham, WA USA", } @Book{Annenberg:1994:TFA, author = "Maurice Annenberg", title = "Type foundries of {America} and their catalogs", publisher = pub-OAK-KNOLL, address = pub-OAK-KNOLL:adr, edition = "Second", pages = "xxi + 286", year = "1994", ISBN = "1-884718-06-X", ISBN-13 = "978-1-884718-06-9", LCCN = "Z250.A1 A56 1994", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:24:37 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", note = "With additions and an introduction by Stephen O. Saxe, and an index by Elizabeth K. Lieberman.", price = "US\$49.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Article{Asselin:1994:OCS, author = "Daniel Asselin and Henri-H. Arsenault and Donald Prevost", title = "Optical circular sampling system for translation and rotation invariant pattern recognition", journal = j-OPT-COMM, volume = "110", number = "5-6", pages = "507--513", month = sep, year = "1994", CODEN = "OPCOB8", ISSN = "0030-4018", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A simple but effective rotation invariant pattern recognition method based on optical circular sampling of the input pattern is described. The object is decomposed by a set of concentric rings. The distribution of energy between those rings is independent of the orientation of the object and characterizes it sufficiently to allow its classification. A computer generated hologram formed of concentric diffraction grating rings of suitable spatial frequencies may perform the sampling in parallel. In combination with a lens, each ring is then focused to a given position on a CCD detector where the intensity distribution may be found. Translation invariance is added to the system by sampling the intensity of the Fourier transform of the input object in combination with a liquid crystal light valve. A phototypesetter is used to write the hologram whose quality is demonstrated by optical experiments.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Laval Univ", affiliationaddress = "Sainte-Foy, Que, Can", classification = "723.2; 741.3; 743.1; 745.1; 921.3; 922.2", journalabr = "Opt Commun", keywords = "Computer generated holography; Diffraction gratings; Focusing; Fourier transforms; Holograms; Invariance; Optical character recognition; Optical circular sampling system; Optical systems; Pattern recognition; Phototypesetter; Rotation invariant pattern recognition method; Sampling; Typesetting; Wedge ring detector method", } @Article{Baird:1994:SC, author = "Henry S. Baird and George Nagy", title = "Self-correcting 100-font classifier", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "2181", pages = "106--115", year = "1994", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-1476-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-1476-2", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TK7895.O6 D63 1994", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:37:08 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "We have developed a practical scheme to take advantage of local typeface homogeneity to improve the accuracy of a character classifier. Given a polyfont classifier which is capable of recognizing any of 100 typefaces moderately well, our method allows it to specialize itself automatically to the single --- but otherwise unknown --- typeface it is reading. Essentially, the classifier retrains itself after examining some of the images, guided at first by the preset classification boundaries of the given classifier, and later by the behavior of the retrained classifier. Experimental trials on 6.4 M pseudo-randomly distorted images show that the method improves on 95 of the 100 typefaces. It reduces the error rate by a factor of 2.5, averaged over 100 typefaces, when applied to an alphabet of 80 ASCII characters printed at ten point and digitized at 300 pixels\slash inch. This self-correcting method complements, and does not hinder, other methods for improving OCR accuracy, such as linguistic contextual analysis.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "AT\&T Bell Labs., Murray Hill, NJ, USA", classification = "716.1; 723.2; 723.4; 741.1; 741.3", conference = "Document Recognition", conferenceyear = "1994", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Character classifier; Character recognition; Classification (of information); Error rate; Mathematical models; Mathematical techniques; Polyfont classifier; Typefaces", meetingaddress = "San Jose, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Feb 9--10 1994", meetingdate2 = "02/09--10/94", sponsor = "IS\&T --- Soc for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA USA; SPIE --- Int Soc for Opt Engineering, Bellingham, WA USA", } @Book{Bierut:1994:LCC, editor = "Michael Bierut and William Drenttel and Steven Heller and D. K. Holland and Bill Drenttel", title = "Looking Closer: Critical Writings on Graphic Design", publisher = pub-ALLWORTH-PRESS, address = pub-ALLWORTH-PRESS:adr, pages = "256 (est.)", year = "1994", ISBN = "1-880559-15-3 (vol. 1), 1-880559-56-0 (vol. 2)", ISBN-13 = "978-1-880559-15-4 (vol. 1), 978-1-880559-56-7 (vol. 2)", LCCN = "NC997.L63 1994", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 15:38:24 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Two volumes.", price = "US\$18.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Butler:1994:RDF, author = "Timothy Butler", title = "Retaining document format in {OCR}", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "2181", pages = "78--86", year = "1994", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-1476-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-1476-2", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TK7895.O6 D63 1994", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:37:05 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "As OCR technology has improved, document formatting has become increasingly important to practical users of OCR. Detection and retention of document layout, text spacing, tabular data, font size and attributes, and graphical data are becoming new requirements of OCR systems. At the same time we recognize that document format retention is most important to a subset of OCR users.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Caere Corp., Los Gatos, CA, USA", classification = "723.2; 723.4", conference = "Document Recognition", conferenceyear = "1994", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Document formats; Document layouts; Document recognition; Font size; Graphical data; Image processing; Optical character recognition; Pattern recognition systems", meetingaddress = "San Jose, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Feb 9--10 1994", meetingdate2 = "02/09--10/94", sponsor = "IS\&T --- Soc for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA USA; SPIE --- Int Soc for Opt Engineering, Bellingham, WA USA", } @Book{Eckersley:1994:GTT, author = "Richard Eckersley and Richard Angstadt and Charles M. Ellertson and Richard Hendel and Naomi B. Pascal and Anita Walker Scott", title = "Glossary of Typesetting Terms", publisher = pub-U-CHICAGO, address = pub-U-CHICAGO:adr, pages = "xi + 169", year = "1994", ISBN = "0-226-18371-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-226-18371-8", LCCN = "Z253.G57 1994", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$20.00", series = "Chicago Guides to Writing, Editing, and Publishing", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb # " and " # ack-bnb, keywords = "Typesetting --- Dictionaries; Typography", } @Article{Edvardsson:1994:SGT, author = "I. R. Edvardsson", title = "Skill, gender and technical change in a {Nordic} environment: typesetting in {Iceland} and {Sweden}", journal = j-NEW-TECH-WORK-EMPLOYMENT, volume = "9", number = "1", pages = "30--42", year = "1994", CODEN = "NWEMEJ", ISSN = "0268-1072", MRnumber = "94H-08146", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Drawing on empirical material from comparative research on jobbing printing in Iceland and Sweden, the author argues that the typesetting process has been subjected to deskilling, and he stresses that the development has been far more complex than often is realised. He concludes that gender, firm size, and production run and variety, must be considered in order to explain the diversity in the typesetting process. It is of theoretical interest to study whether similar processes are present in Iceland and Sweden as well. The article focuses on the development of typesetting in jobbing printing in Iceland and Sweden. Particular attention will be given to the transition to filmsetting and its impact on employment, work organization, and skill utilisation. A reference will be given to the development of other printing processes --- plate-making, printing and binding. The article draws on empirical material from a recent study on the printing industry in Iceland and Sweden. -from Author", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "change; comparative studies; comparison; gender effect; Iceland; international; jobbing printing; printing process; Sweden; technological; typesetting", subjectcode = "Geography 1 WorldCat Books and other materials in libraries worldwide. 2 Article1st Index of articles from nearly 12,500 journals. 3 Contents1st Table of contents of nearly 12,500 journals. 4 BookRevDigst Reviews of fiction and nonfiction books. 5 BooksInPrint NEW: R. R. Bowker's Books In Print. 6 ConsumerIndx An index of articles providing consumer information. 7 EconLit An index of economic literature. 8 Encyclopedia Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. 9 ERIC Journal articles and reports in education. 10 GEOBASE Worldwide literature on geography and geology.", } @Article{Esakov:1994:CDO, author = "Jeffrey Esakov and Daniel P. Lopresti and Jonathan S. Sandberg", title = "Classification and distribution of optical character recognition errors", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "2181", pages = "204--216", year = "1994", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-1476-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-1476-2", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TK7895.O6 D63 1994", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:37:13 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper describes an approach for classifying OCR errors based on a new variation of a well-known dynamic programming algorithm. We present results from a large-scale experiment we performed involving the printing, scanning, and OCRing of over one million characters in each of three fonts. Times, Helvetica, and Courier. Our data allows us to draw a number of interesting conclusions about the nature of OCR errors for a particular font, as well as the relationship between error sets for different fonts.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Matsushita Information Technology Lab., Princeton, NJ, USA", classification = "716.1; 723.1; 723.2; 723.4; 921", conference = "Document Recognition", conferenceyear = "1994", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Algorithms; Classification (of information); Courier font; Dynamic programming; Error distribution; Helvetica font; Mathematical programming; Optical character recognition; Times font", meetingaddress = "San Jose, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Feb 9--10 1994", meetingdate2 = "02/09--10/94", sponsor = "IS\&T --- Soc for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA USA; SPIE --- Int Soc for Opt Engineering, Bellingham, WA USA", } @Book{Fenn:1994:RMT, author = "Patricia Fenn and Alfred P. Malpa", title = "Rewards of Merit; tokens of a child's progress and a teacher's esteem as an enduring aspect of {American} religious and secular education", publisher = "Howell Press, Inc.", address = "Charlottesville, VA, USA", pages = "224", year = "1994", ISBN = "0-943231-68-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-943231-68-6", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:27:43 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", note = "Includes nearly 500 color examples of engraving, calligraphy, printing, illustration, and folk art.", price = "US\$39.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Article{Fujita:1994:TSF, author = "Shinsaku Fujita", title = "Typesetting Structural Formulae with the Text Formatter {\TeX\slash \LaTeX}", journal = j-COMPCHEM, volume = "18", number = "2", institution = "Ashigara Research Labs Fuji Photo Film Company", pages = "109--116", year = "1994", bibdate = "Sat Feb 10 08:48:07 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-mb, } @InProceedings{Grobelnik:1994:ISE, author = "M. Grobelnik and D. Mladenic and D. Zupanic and B. Znidar", title = "Integrated system for encyclopaedia typesetting based on {\TeX}", crossref = "Goossens:1994:AMJ", pages = "386--387", year = "1994", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Haralambous:1994:THB, author = "Y. Haralambous", title = "Typesetting the holy {Bible} in {Hebrew}, with {\TeX}", crossref = "Goossens:1994:AMJ", pages = "174--191", year = "1994", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Haralambous:1994:TK, author = "Y. Haralambous", title = "Typesetting {Khmer}", journal = j-EPODD, volume = "7", number = "4", pages = "197--??", month = "????", year = "1994", CODEN = "EPODEU", ISSN = "0894-3982", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @MastersThesis{Haugland:1994:EAT, author = "Edward Joseph Haugland", title = "An economic analysis of technological evolution in the typesetting industry", type = "Thesis (M.S.)", school = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management", address = "Cambridge, MA, USA", pages = "63", year = "1994", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Kawata:1994:OFR, author = "Tesuro Kawata and Kenichi Kawauchi and Nobuaki Miyakawa and Ichiro Kawazome and Hiromi Yasumatsu and Susmumu Haga and Masaya Takenaka", title = "Outline font rendering processor with an embedded {RISC CPU} for high-speed hint processing", journal = j-IEEE-J-SOLID-STATE-CIRCUITS, volume = "29", number = "3", pages = "280--289", month = mar, year = "1994", CODEN = "IJSCBC", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1109/4.278349", ISSN = "0018-9200 (print), 1558-173X (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Font rendering requires state-of-the-art hint processing for delicate adjustment to output devices in practical applications. The hint processing is a function which corrects transformed outlines using additional information. A performance evaluation using the fabricated chip has shown about 0.4 ms\slash char and 1.5 ms\slash char rendering capability for small size alphabets and Kanji's respectively.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Fuji Xerox Co.,Ltd", affiliationaddress = "Kanagawa, Jpn", classification = "714.2; 721.3; 723.1", conferenceyear = "1994", journalabr = "IEEE J Solid State Circuits", keywords = "Computer circuits; Font rendering; Integrated circuits; Kanji characters; Microprocessor chips; Outline fonts; Printers (computer); Reduced instruction set computing; VLSI circuits", publisherinfo = "IEEE Service Center", } @Article{Khoubyari:1994:FIU, author = "Siamak Khoubyari and Jonathan J. Hull", title = "Font identification using visual global context", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "2181", pages = "116--124", year = "1994", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-1476-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-1476-2", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TK7895.O6 D63 1994", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:37:18 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An important part of many algorithms that convert digital images of machine-printed text into their ASCII equivalent is information about fonts. This paper presents an algorithm for identifying the font in which a document is printed. The algorithm matches word-level information gathered from the document image to fonts in an image database. This method is more robust in the presence of noise than font recognition algorithms that use character-level information. Clusters of frequent function words (such as the, of, and, a, and to) are constructed from an input document image. The clusters are then matched to a database of function words derived from document images, and the document that matches best provides the identification of the input font. This technique utilizes the context from many words in an input document to overcome noise. Experimental results are presented that show near-perfect recognition of fonts, even in noisy documents.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "SUNY\slash Buffalo, Amherst, NY, USA", classification = "723.2; 723.4; 921", conference = "Document Recognition", conferenceyear = "1994", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Algorithms; Character recognition; Clusters; Document images; Font identification; Function words; Image processing; Visual global context", meetingaddress = "San Jose, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Feb 9--10 1994", meetingdate2 = "02/09--10/94", sponsor = "IS\&T --- Soc for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA USA; SPIE --- Int Soc for Opt Engineering, Bellingham, WA USA", } @Article{Kraus:1994:SMC, author = "Eugene J. Kraus and Edward R. Dougherty", title = "Segmentation-free morphological character recognition", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "2181", pages = "14--23", year = "1994", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-1476-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-1476-2", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TK7895.O6 D63 1994", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:37:21 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A basic class of structuring-element pairs for segmentation-free character recognition via the morphological hit-or-miss transform is developed for Courier font. Both hit and miss structuring elements are sparse and they are selected so that the hit-or-miss transform can be applied across the test image without prior segmentation. Besides being able to achieve high rates of accuracy on text with touching characters, the hit-or-miss algorithm, as developed herein, is shown to be very robust with respect to the threshold level for the input gray-scale data.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Monroe Community Coll., Rochester, NY, USA", classification = "723.2; 723.4; 921; 921.3", conference = "Document Recognition", conferenceyear = "1994", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Algorithms; Character recognition; Courier font; Hit or miss transforms; Image processing; Image segmentation; Mathematical transformations; Morphological character recognition; Structuring elements", meetingaddress = "San Jose, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Feb 9--10 1994", meetingdate2 = "02/09--10/94", sponsor = "IS\&T --- Soc for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA USA; SPIE --- Int Soc for Opt Engineering, Bellingham, WA USA", } @Article{Krtolica:1994:BCA, author = "Radovan V. Krtolica", title = "Box connectivity approach to multifont character recognition", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "2181", pages = "315--321", year = "1994", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-1476-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-1476-2", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TK7895.O6 D63 1994", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:37:25 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The idea of box connectivity approach (BCA) is to partition the bounding frame of the character bitmap into a fixed number of rectangles, to define some properties of those rectangles, and to establish connectivity relations between the rectangles. Hamming distance and vector optimization are used for classification. Good results in recognition of high quality data (400 dpi) in three fonts (Courier, Helvetica, and New Times Roman) and eight sizes (from 8 to 24 points) were reported in a previous paper. These findings are confirmed in this paper by an experiment showing that, for the same number of bits, BCA features increase the rate of recognition twice with respect to features obtained by simple decimation. However, the actual method is limited by the fact that the number of referent templates increases with the number of fonts to be recognized. The purpose of this paper is to remove this limitation. The main part of the paper discusses the properties of the Hamming distance and how they can be used in the BCA algorithm to improve the efficiency of classification. The last section reports the results of an experiment showing the discrimination power of BCA features.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Canon Research Cent. America Inc., Palo Alto, CA, USA", classification = "723.2; 723.4; 921", conference = "Document Recognition", conferenceyear = "1994", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Algorithms; Box connectivity method; Character bitmaps; Character recognition; Classification efficiency; Courier font; Hamming distance; Helvetica font; Image processing; Mathematical techniques; Multifont character recognition; New Times Roman font; Point sizes; Vector optimization", meetingaddress = "San Jose, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Feb 9--10 1994", meetingdate2 = "02/09--10/94", sponsor = "IS\&T --- Soc for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA USA; SPIE --- Int Soc for Opt Engineering, Bellingham, WA USA", } @Book{Lamport:1994:LDP, author = "Leslie Lamport", title = "{\LaTeX}: a Document Preparation System: User's Guide and Reference Manual", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, edition = "Second", pages = "xvi + 272", year = "1994", ISBN = "0-201-52983-1", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-52983-8", LCCN = "Z253.4.L38L35 1994", bibdate = "Wed Aug 10 09:55:59 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/bibnet/subjects/acc-stab-num-alg.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/bibnet/subjects/han-wri-mat-sci-2ed.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texgraph.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "\LaTeX{} is a software system for typesetting documents. Because it is especially good for technical documents and is available for almost any computer system, \LaTeX{} has become a lingua franca of the scientific world. Researchers, educators, and students in universities, as well as scientists in industry, use \LaTeX{} to produce professionally formatted papers, proposals, and books. They also use \LaTeX{} input to communicate information electronically to their colleagues around the world. With the release of \LaTeX{} $ 2_\epsilon $, the new standard version, \LaTeX{} has become even more powerful. Among its new features are an improved method for handling different styles of type, and commands for including graphics and producing colors. \LaTeX{} $ 2_\epsilon $ makes available to all \LaTeX{} users valuable enhancements to the software that have been developed over the years by users in many different places to satisfy a variety of needs. This book, written by the original architect and implementer of \LaTeX{} is both the user's guide and the reference manual for the software. It has been updated to reflect the changes in the new release. The book begins with instructions for formatting simpler text, and progressively describes commands and techniques for handling larger and more complicated documents. A separate chapter explains how to deal with errors. An added appendix describes what is new and different in \LaTeX{} $ 2_\epsilon $. Other additions to the second edition include descriptions of new commands for inserting pictures prepared with other programs and for producing colored output; new sections on how to make books and slides; instructions for making an index with the MakeIndex program, and an updated guide to preparing a bibliography with the BibTeX program; plus a section on how to send your \LaTeX{} documents electronically. Users new to \LaTeX{} will find here a book that has earned worldwide praise as a model for clear, concise, and practical documentation. Experienced users will want to update their \LaTeX{} library. Although most standard \LaTeX{} input files will work with \LaTeX{} $ 2_\epsilon $, to take advantage of the new features, a few \LaTeX{} $ 2_\epsilon $ conventions must first be learned. For users who want an advanced guide to \LaTeX{} $ 2_\epsilon $ and to more than 150 packages that can now be used at any site to provide additional features, a useful companion to this book is \booktitle{The \LaTeX{} Companion}, by Goossens, Mittelbach, and Samarin (also published by Addison-Wesley).", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, listoffigures = "6.1 Boxes and how \TeX{} puts them together / 103 \\ 6.2 The complete definition of the \verb=\face= command / 110 \\ 6.3 The format of a list / 113 \\ 7.1 Points and their coordinates / 119 \\ 7.2 \verb=\put (1.4,2.6){\line(3,-1){4.8}}= / 122 \\ C.1 Making footnotes without the \verb=\footnote= command / 173 \\ C.2 Sectioning and table of contents commands / 174 \\ C.3 Page style parameters / 182 \\ C.4 An example title / 183 \\ C.5 Writing programs with the \verb=ifthen= package's commands / 196 \\ C.6 A \verb=tabbing= environment example / 202 \\ C.7 Examples of the \verb=tabular= and \verb=tabular*= environments / 204 \\ C.8 A sample \verb=picture= environment / 220", listoftables = "3.1 Accents / 38 \\ 3.2 Non-English Symbols / 39 \\ 3.3 Greek Letters / 41 \\ 3.4 Binary Operation Symbols / 42 \\ 3.5 Relation Symbols / 43 \\ 3.6 Arrow Symbols / 43 \\ 3.7 Miscellaneous Symbols / 43 \\ 3.8 Variable-sized Symbols / 44 \\ 3.9 Log-like Functions / 44 \\ 3.10 Delimiters / 47 \\ 3.11 Math Mode Accents / 50", shorttableofcontents = "Preface / xvii \\ 1: Getting Acquainted / 1 \\ 2: Getting Started / 11 \\ 3: Carrying On / 35 \\ 4: Moving Information Around / 65 \\ 5: Other Document Classes / 79 \\ 6: Designing It Yourself / 87 \\ 7: Pictures and Colors / 117 \\ 8: Errors / 133 \\ A: Using MakeIndex / 149 \\ B: The Bibliography Database / 155 \\ C: Reference Manual / 165 \\ D: What's New / 227 \\ E: Using Plain TEX Commands / 231 \\ Bibliography / 235 \\ Index / 237", tableofcontents = "Preface / xvii \\ 1: Getting Acquainted / 1 \\ 1.1 How to Avoid Reading This Book / 2 \\ 1.2 How to Read This Book / 3 \\ 1.3 The Game of the Name / 5 \\ 1.4 Turning Typing into Typography / 5 \\ 1.5 Why \LaTeX{}? / 7 \\ 1.6 Turning Ideas into Input / 8 \\ 1.7 Trying It Out / 8 \\ 2: Getting Started / 11 \\ 2.1 Preparing an Input File / 12 \\ 2.2 The Input / 13 \\ 2.2.1 Sentences and Paragraphs / 13 \\ Quotation Marks / 13 \\ Dashes / 14 \\ Space After a Period / 14 \\ Special Symbols / 15 \\ Simple Text-Generating Commands / 15 \\ Emphasizing Text / 16 \\ Preventing Line Breaks / 17 \\ Footnotes / 17 \\ Formulas / 18 \\ Ignorable Input / 19 \\ 2.2.2 The Document / 19 \\ The Document Class / 19 \\ The Title ``Page'' / 20 \\ 2.2.3 Sectioning / 21 \\ 2.2.4 Displayed Material / 23 \\ Quotations / 24 \\ Lists / 24 \\ Poetry / 25 \\ Displayed Formulas / 26 \\ 2.2.5 Declarations / 27 \\ 2.3 Running \LaTeX{} / 28 \\ 2.4 Helpful Hints / 31 \\ 2.5 Summary / 32 \\ 3: Carrying On / 35 \\ 3.1 Changing the Type Style. / 36 \\ 3.2 Symbols from Other Languages / 38 \\ 3.2.1 Accents / 38 \\ 3.2.2 Symbols / 38 \\ 3.3 Mathematical Formulas / 39 \\ 3.3.1 Some Common Structures / 40 \\ Subscripts and Superscripts / 40 \\ Fractions / 40 \\ Roots / 40 \\ Ellipsis / 40 \\ 3.3.2 Mathematical Symbols / 41 \\ Greek Letters / 41 \\ Calligraphic Letters / 42 \\ A Menagerie of Mathematical Symbols / 42 \\ Log-like Functions / 44 \\ 3.3.3 Arrays / 45 \\ The array Environment / 45 \\ Vertical Alignment / 46 \\ More Complex Arrays / 46 \\ 3.3.4 Delimiters / 46 \\ 3.3.5 Multiline Formulas / 47 \\ 3.3.6 Putting One Thing Above Another / 49 \\ Over- and Underlining. / 49 \\ Accents / 49 \\ Stacking Symbols / 50 \\ 3.3.7 Spacing in Math Mode / 50 \\ 3.3.8 Changing Style in Math Mode / 51 \\ Type Style / 51 \\ Math Style / 52 \\ 3.3.9 When All Else Fails / 52 \\ 3.4 Defining Commands and Environments / 53 \\ 3.4.1 Defining Commands / 53 \\ 3.4.2 Defining Environments / 55 \\ 3.4.3 Theorems and Such / 56 \\ 3.5 Figures and Other Floating Bodies / 58 \\ 3.5.1 Figures and Tables / 58 \\ 3.5.2 Marginal Notes / 59 \\ 3.6 Lining It Up in Columns / 60 \\ 3.6.1 The tabbing Environment / 60 \\ 3.6.2 The tabular Environment / 62 \\ 3.7 Simulating Typed Text / 63 \\ 4: Moving Information Around / 65 \\ 4.1 The Table of Contents / 66 \\ 4.2 Cross-References / 67 \\ 4.3 Bibliography and Citation / 69 \\ 4.3.1 Using \BibTeX{} / 70 \\ 4.3.2 Doing It Yourself / 71 \\ 4.4 Splitting Your Input / 72 \\ 4.5 Making an Index or Glossary / 74 \\ 4.5.1 Compiling the Entries / 74 \\ 4.5.2 Producing an Index or Glossary by Yourself / 75 \\ 4.6 Keyboard Input and Screen Output / 76 \\ 4.7 Sending Your Document / 77 \\ 5: Other Document Classes / 79 \\ 5.1 Books / 80 \\ 5.2 Slides / 80 \\ 5.2.1 Slides and Overlays / 81 \\ 5.2.2 Notes / 83 \\ 5.2.3 Printing Only Some Slides and Notes / 83 \\ 5.2.4 Other Text / 84 \\ 5.3 Letters / 84 \\ 6: Designing It Yourself / 87 \\ 6.1 Document and Page Styles / 88 \\ 6.1.1 Document-Class Options / 88 \\ 6.1.2 Page Styles / 89 \\ 6.1.3 The Title Page and Abstract / 90 \\ 6.1.4 Customizing the Style / 91 \\ 6.2 Line and Page Breaking / 93 \\ 6.2.1 Line Breaking / 93 \\ 6.2.2 Page Breaking / 96 \\ 6.3 Numbering / 97 \\ 6.4 Length, Spaces, and Boxes / 99 \\ 6.4.1 Length / 99 \\ 6.4.2 Spaces / 101 \\ 6.4.3 Boxes / 103 \\ LR Boxes / 104 \\ Parboxes / 104 \\ Rule Boxes / 106 \\ Raising and Lowering Boxes / 107 \\ Saving Boxes / 107 \\ 6.4.4 Formatting with Boxes / 108 \\ 6.5 Centering and ``Flushing'' / 111 \\ 6.6 List-Making Environments / 112 \\ 6.6.1 The {\tt list} Environment / 112 \\ 6.6.2 The {\tt trivlist} Environment / 115 \\ 6.7 Fonts / 115 \\ 6.7.1 Changing Type Size / 115 \\ 6.7.2 Special Symbols / 116 \\ 7: Pictures and Colors / 117 \\ 7.1 Pictures / 118 \\ 7.1.1 The picture Environment / 119 \\ 7.1.2 Picture Objects / 120 \\ Text / 120 \\ Boxes / 120 \\ Straight Lines / 122 \\ Arrows / 123 \\ Stacks / 123 \\ Circles / 124 \\ Ovals and Rounded Corners / 124 \\ Framing / 125 \\ 7.1.3 Curves / 125 \\ 7.1:4 Grids / 126 \\ 7.1.5 Reusing Objects / 127 \\ 7.1.6 Repeated Patterns / 127 \\ 7.1.7 Some Hints on Drawing Pictures / 128 \\ 7.2 The graphics Package / 129 \\ 7.3 Color / 131 \\ 8: Errors / 133 \\ 8.1 Finding the Error / 134 \\ 8.2 \LaTeX{}'s Error Messages / 136 \\ 8.3 \TeX{}'s Error Messages / 140 \\ 8.4 \LaTeX{} Warnings / 145 \\ 8.5 \TeX{} Warnings / 147 \\ A: Using MakeIndex / 149 \\ A.1 How to Use MakeIndex / 150 \\ A.2 How to Generate Index Entries / 150 \\ A.2.1 When, Why, What, and How to Index / 150 \\ A.2.2 The Basics / 151 \\ A.2.3 The Fine Print / 153 \\ A.3 Error Messages / 154 \\ B: The Bibliography Database / 155 \\ B.1 The Format of the bib File / 156 \\ B.1.1 The Entry Format / 156 \\ B.1.2 The Text of a Field / 157 \\ Names / 157 \\ Titles / 158 \\ B.1.3 Abbreviations / 158 \\ B.1.4 Cross-References / 159 \\ B.2 The Entries / 160 \\ B.2.1 Entry Types / 160 \\ B.2.2 Fields / 162 \\ C: Reference Manual / 165 \\ C.1 Commands and Environments / 166 \\ C.1.1 Command Names and Arguments / 166 \\ C.1.2 Environments / 167 \\ C.1.3 Fragile Commands / 167 \\ C.1.4 Declarations / 168 \\ C.1.5 Invisible Commands and Environments / 169 \\ C.1.6 The\\ Command / 169 \\ C.2 The Structure of the Document / 170 \\ C.3 Sentences and Paragraphs / 170 \\ C.3.1 Making Sentences / 170 \\ C.3.2 Making Paragraphs / 171 \\ C.3.3 Footnotes / 172 \\ C.3.4 Accents and Special Symbols / 173 \\ C.4 Sectioning and Table of Contents / 174 \\ C.4.1 Sectioning Commands / 174 \\ C.4.2 The Appendix / 175 \\ C.4.3 Table of Contents / 175 \\ C.4.4 Style Parameters / 176 \\ C.5 Classes, Packages, and Page Styles / 176 \\ C.5.1 Document Class / 176 \\ C.5.2 Packages / 178 \\ C.5.3 Page Styles / 179 \\ C.5.4 The Title Page and Abstract / 181 \\ C.6 Displayed Paragraphs / 183 \\ C.6.1 Quotations and Verse / 184 \\ C.6.2 List-Making Environments / 184 \\ C.6.3 The list and trivlist Environments / 185 \\ C.6.4 Verbatim / 186 \\ C.7 Mathematical Formulas / 187 \\ C.7.1 Math Mode Environments / 187 \\ C.7.2 Common Structures / 189 \\ C.7.3 Mathematical Symbols / 189 \\ C.7.4 Arrays / 190 \\ C.7.5 Delimiters / 190 \\ C.7.6 Putting One Thing Above Another / 190 \\ C.7.7 Spacing / 191 \\ C.7.8 Changing Style / 191 \\ C.8 Definitions, Numbering, and Programming. / 192 \\ C.8.1 Defining Commands / 192 \\ C.8.2 Defining Environments / 192 \\ C.8.3 Theorem-like Environments / 193 \\ C.8.4 Numbering / 194 \\ C.8.5 The ifthen Package / 195 \\ C.9 Figures and Other Floating Bodies / 197 \\ C.9.1 Figures and Tables / 197 \\ C.9.2 Marginal Notes / 200 \\ C.10 Lining It Up in Columns / 201 \\ C.10.1 The tabbing Environment / 201 \\ C.10.2 The array and tabular Environments / 204 \\ C.11 Moving Information Around / 207 \\ C.11.1 Files / 207 \\ C.11.2 Cross-References / 209 \\ C.11.3 Bibliography and Citation / 209 \\ C.11.4 Splitting the Input / 210 \\ C.11.5 Index and Glossary / 211 \\ Producing an Index / 211 \\ Compiling the Entries / 212 \\ C.11.6 Terminal Input and Output / 212 \\ C.12 Line and Page Breaking / 213 \\ C.12.1 Line Breaking / 213 \\ C.12.2 Page Breaking / 214 \\ C.13 Lengths, Spaces, and Boxes / 215 \\ C.13.1 Length / 215 \\ C.13.2 Space / 216 \\ C.13.3 Boxes / 217 \\ C.14 Pictures and Color / 219 \\ C.14.1 The picture Environment / 219 \\ Picture-Mode Commands / 220 \\ Picture Objects / 221 \\ Picture Declarations / 223 \\ C.14.2 The graphics Package. / 223 \\ C.14.3 The color Package / 224 \\ C.15 Font Selection / 225 \\ C.15.1 Changing the Type Style / 225 \\ C.15.2 Changing the Type Size / 226 \\ C.15.3 Special Symbols / 226 \\ D: What's New / 227 \\ E: Using Plain TEX Commands / 231 \\ Bibliography / 235 \\ Index / 237", } @Article{Logar:1994:PCC, author = "Antonette M. Logar and Edward M. Corwin and William J. B. Oldham", title = "Performance comparisons of classification techniques for multi-font character recognition", journal = "International Journal of Human Computer Studies", volume = "40", number = "3", pages = "403--423", month = mar, year = "1994", ISSN = "1071-5819", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper reports the performance of several neural network models on the problem of multi-font character recognition. The networks are trained on machine generated, upper-case English letters in selected fonts. The task is to recognize the same letters in different fonts. The results presented here were produced by back-propagation networks, radial basis networks and a new hybrid algorithm which is a combination of the two. These results are compared to those of the Hogg-Hubermann model as well as to those of nearest neighbor and maximum likelihood classifiers. The effects of varying the number of nodes in the hidden layer, the initial conditions, and the number of iterations in a back-propagation network were studied. The experimental results indicate that the number of nodes is an important factor in the recognition rate and that over-training is a significant problem. Different initial conditions also had a measurable effect on performance. The radial basis experiments used different numbers of centers and differing techniques for selecting the means and standard deviations. The best results were obtained with one center per training vector in which the standard deviation for each center was set to the same small number. Finally, a new hybrid technique is discussed in which a radial basis network is used to determine a starting point for a back-propagation network. The back-propagation network refines the radial basis means and standard deviations which are replaced in the radial basis network and used for another iteration. All three networks out-performed the Hogg-Hubermann network as well as the maximum likelihood classifiers.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Texas Tech Univ", affiliationaddress = "Lubbock, TX, USA", classification = "723.2; 723.4; 723.5; 921.1; 921.6", journalabr = "Int J Hum Comput Stud", keywords = "Algorithms; Back propagation networks; Character recognition; Computer simulation; Hogg Hubermann model; Hybrid technique; Iterative methods; Learning systems; Mathematical models; Maximum likelihood classifiers; Multifont character recognition; Neural networks; Performance; Radial basis networks; Vectors", } @Article{Lowood:1994:LTT, author = "Henry F. Lowood and Robin E. Rider", title = "Literary Technology and Typographic Culture: The Instrument of Print in Early Modern Science", journal = j-PERSPECT-SCI, volume = "2", number = "1", pages = "1--37", month = "Spring", year = "1994", CODEN = "PRSIEU", ISSN = "1063-6145 (print), 1530-9274 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "1063-6145", bibdate = "Wed Jul 17 14:36:21 2013", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/perspectsci.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "Perspectives on Science", } @Article{Ma:1994:AGA, author = "Xiaohu Ma and Zhigeng Pan", title = "Automatic generation algorithm of high-quality outline font using {B{\'e}zier} curve", journal = "Zidonghua Xuebao/Acta Automatica Sinica", volume = "20", number = "1", pages = "121--125", month = jan, year = "1994", CODEN = "THHPAY", ISSN = "0254-4156", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "In this paper an automatic generation algorithm of outline font using B{\'e}zier curve was introduced. The introduction includes: 1.Fundamental conception; 2.Algorithm of generating Chinese character outline font; 3.Application of algorithm and discussion.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Zhejiang Univ", affiliationaddress = "Hangzhou, China", classification = "723; 921", journalabr = "Zidonghua Xuebao", keywords = "Character sets; Chinese character; Computer graphics; Curve fitting; Outline font", language = "Chinese", } @Article{Mercer:1994:SP, author = "Alan Mercer and C. Bernhard Tilanus and Hans-Juergen Zimmermann", title = "Style and principles", journal = j-EUR-J-OPER-RES, volume = "72", number = "1", pages = "1--3", month = jan, year = "1994", CODEN = "EJORDT", ISSN = "0377-2217 (print), 1872-6860 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The EJOR editors announce new measures to contain the growth in the journal's size and to facilitate the publication process, whilst continuing to provide sympathetic help to authors.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Lancaster Univ", affiliationaddress = "Lancaster, UK", classification = "745.1; 903.2; 912.2; 912.3", journalabr = "Eur J Oper Res", keywords = "European journal of operational research (EJOR); Information dissemination; Management science; Operations research; Page length; Publishing; Typesetting", } @Book{Mulvany:1994:IB, author = "Nancy C. Mulvany", title = "Indexing books", publisher = pub-U-CHICAGO, address = pub-U-CHICAGO:adr, pages = "xiii + 320", year = "1994", ISBN = "0-226-55014-1", ISBN-13 = "978-0-226-55014-5", LCCN = "Z695.9 .M8 1994", bibdate = "Wed Apr 27 13:47:35 MDT 2011", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", series = "Chicago guides to writing, editing, and publishing", URL = "http://www.loc.gov/catdir/description/uchi052/93022934.html; http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/uchi051/93022934.html", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Indexing", } @Article{Nass:1994:LCE, author = "Richard Nass", title = "Laser-printer controller eases memory demands", journal = j-ELECTRONIC-DESIGN, volume = "42", number = "22", pages = "139--140", month = oct, year = "1994", CODEN = "ELODAW", ISSN = "0013-4872", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Destiny Technology Corp of Santa Clara, CA, has produced the D5001 image and band-rendering processor, a laser-printer controller using compression techniques that have led to laser-printers with lower prices and higher performance. The D5001 is a combination compression\slash decompression and graphics coprocessor that improves overall efficiency by offloading the draw and fill functions from the printer's resident RISC processor. It can handle resolution up to 1200 dots\slash in, and is compatible with Intel's 960SX, KX, JX, and CX series of processors. Moreover, the chip supports PCL 5E, color PostScript and Roman and Kanji characters.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722.1; 722.2; 722.4; 723.2; 723.5; 731.2", journalabr = "Electron Des", keywords = "Algorithms; Band compression; Buffer circuits; Compression engine; Computer graphics; Data compression; Digital control systems; Font compression; Graphics processor; Image compression; Laser printer controller; Printers (computer); Printing; Random access storage; Real time systems; Reduced instruction set computing; Storage allocation (computer)", } @Book{Normung:1994:FFM, author = "{Deutsches Institut f{\"u}r Normung}", title = "{Formelzeichen, Formelsatz, mathematische Zeichen und Begriffe: Normen} ({German}) [{Symbols}, composition of mathematical notation, mathematical marks and terms: Standards]", number = "202", publisher = "Beuth", address = "Berlin, Germany", edition = "Second", pages = "xii + 478", month = apr, year = "1994", ISBN = "3-410-12954-5", ISBN-13 = "978-3-410-12954-7", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Thu Oct 30 05:26:22 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "DIN Taschenbuch", acknowledgement = ack-ud # " and " # ack-nhfb, language = "German", } @Article{Pal:1994:OBI, author = "U. Pal and B. B. Chaudhuri", title = "{OCR} in {Bangla}: An {Indo-Bangladeshi} language", journal = "Proceedings --- International Conference on Pattern Recognition", volume = "2", pages = "269--273", year = "1994", CODEN = "PICREG", ISSN = "1051-4651", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 94CH3440-5.", abstract = "In this paper a complete OCR system is described for documents of single Bangla (Bengali) font. The character shapes are recognized by a combination of template and feature matching approach. Images digitized by flatbed scanner are subjected to skew correction, line, word and character segmentation, simple and compound character separation, feature extraction and finally character recognition. A feature based tree classifier is used for simple character recognition. Preprocessing like thinning and skeletonization is not necessary in our scheme and hence the system is quite fast. At present, system has an accuracy of about 96\%. Also, some character occurrence statistics have been computed to model an error detection and correction technique in near future.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Indian Statistical Inst", affiliationaddress = "Calcutta, India", classification = "722.1; 723.2; 723.5; 741.1; 921.4; 921.6", conference = "Proceedings of the 12th IAPR International Conference on Pattern Recognition. Part 2 (of 3)", journalabr = "Proc Int Conf Pattern Recognit", keywords = "Bangla font; Digital image storage; Error analysis; Feature extraction; Feature matching; Image segmentation; Mathematical models; Optical character recognition; Skeletonization; Statistical mechanics; Trees (mathematics)", meetingaddress = "Jerusalem, Isr", meetingdate = "Oct 9--13 1994", meetingdate2 = "10/09--13/94", sponsor = "IAPR; IEEE; The Information Processing Association of Israel", } @InProceedings{Pinchback:1994:DSA, author = "R. M. Pinchback", title = "Denotational Semantics Applied to the Typesetting of {Maple} Expressions", crossref = "Lopez:1994:MVM", pages = "22--27", year = "1994", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Sennhauser:1994:DIC, author = "Rene Sennhauser and Krystyna W. Ohnesorge", title = "Document image compression using document analysis and block-class-specific data compression methods", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "2186", pages = "146--155", year = "1994", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-1481-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-1481-6", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TA1632 .I452 1994", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:35:10 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The huge amount of storage needed for document images is a major hindrance to widespread use of document image processing (DIP) systems. Although current DIP systems store document images in a compressed form, there is much room for improvement. In this paper, a nearly-lossless document image compression method is investigated which preserves the relevant information of a document. The proposed approach is based on the segmentation of a document image into different blocks that are classified into one of several block classes and compressed by a block-class-specific data compression method. Whereas image and graphics blocks are compressed using standard image compression methods, text blocks are fed into a text and font recognition module and converted into their textual representation. Finally, text blocks are compressed by encoding their textual representation and enough formatting information to be able to render them as faithfully as possible to the original document. Preliminary results show that (1) the achievable compression ratios compare favorably with standard document image compression methods for all document images tested and (2) the quality of the decompressed image depends on the recognition accuracy of the text recognition module.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ. of Zurich, Zurich, Switz", classification = "723.2", conference = "Image and Video Compression", conferenceyear = "1994", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Block class specific data compression; Data compression; Document image processing; Document images; Font recognition; Image analysis; Image compression; Image processing; Image quality; Nearly lossless method; Text recognition", meetingaddress = "San Jose, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Feb 9--10 1994", meetingdate2 = "02/09--10/94", sponsor = "IS\&T --- Soc for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA USA; SPIE --- Int Soc for Opt Engineering, Bellingham, WA USA", } @Article{Sofroniou:1994:TTU, author = "N. Sofroniou and G. D. Hutcheson", title = "Technical Typesetting Using {\LaTeX}", journal = j-BEHAV-RES-METH-INSTR-COMP, volume = "26", number = "3", pages = "369--??", month = "????", year = "1994", CODEN = "BRMCEW", ISSN = "0743-3808 (print), 1532-5970 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Anonymous:1995:ITCa, author = "Anonymous", title = "Instructions for Typesetting Camera-ready Manuscripts", journal = j-INT-J-HIGH-SPEED-COMPUTING, volume = "7", number = "2", pages = "??--??", month = "????", year = "1995", CODEN = "IHSCEZ", ISSN = "0129-0533", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Anonymous:1995:ITCb, author = "Anonymous", title = "Instructions for Typesetting Camera-ready Manuscripts", journal = j-INT-J-HIGH-SPEED-COMPUTING, volume = "7", number = "3", pages = "??--??", month = "????", year = "1995", CODEN = "IHSCEZ", ISSN = "0129-0533", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Anonymous:1995:ITCc, author = "Anonymous", title = "Instructions for Typesetting Camera-ready Manuscripts", journal = j-INT-J-HIGH-SPEED-COMPUTING, volume = "7", number = "4", pages = "??--??", month = "????", year = "1995", CODEN = "IHSCEZ", ISSN = "0129-0533", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Anonymous:1995:RSP, author = "Anonymous", title = "Rotary screen printing subject to change", journal = "International Textile Bulletin, Dyeing/Printing/Finishing (English Edition)", volume = "41", pages = "50--52", month = "3rd Quarter", year = "1995", CODEN = "ITBDD2", ISSN = "1012-8417", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Rotary screen printing machines have been on the market for more than 30 years, in which time much technical and hence economic progress has been made. In recent years, however, progress has slowed down. Today, the machines appear to have reached a final stage of development. A new concept in the construction of rotary screen printing machines shows, however, that their technical development has by no means reached its limits.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "601; 745.1; 745.1.1", journalabr = "Int Text Bull Dyeing Print Finish (Engl Ed)", keywords = "Color printing; Inclined printing units; Machine design; Machine position; Printing colour circulation; Printing machinery; Printing paste; Rotary screen printing machines; Rotating machinery; Screen printing; Setting up time; Technology transfer; Typesetting", } @Article{Avi-Itzhak:1995:HAO, author = "Hadar I. Avi-Itzhak and Thanh A. Diep and Harry Garland", title = "High accuracy optical character recognition using neural networks with centroid dithering", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence", volume = "17", number = "2", pages = "218--224", month = feb, year = "1995", CODEN = "ITPIDJ", ISSN = "0162-8828", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Optical character recognition (OCR) refers to a process whereby printed documents are transformed into ASCII files for the purpose of compact storage, editing, fast retrieval, and other file manipulations through the use of a computer. The recognition stage of an OCR process is made difficult by added noise, image distortion, and the various character typefaces, sizes, and fonts that a document may have. In this study a neural network approach is introduced to perform high accuracy recognition on multi-size and multi-font characters; a novel centroid-dithering training process with a low noise-sensitivity normalization procedure is used to achieve high accuracy results. The study consists of two parts. The first part focuses on single size and single font characters, and a two-layered neural network is trained to recognize the full set of 94 ASCII character images in 12-pt Courier font. The second part trades accuracy for additional font and size capability, and a larger two-layered neural network is trained to recognize the full set of 94 ASCII character images for all point sizes from 8 to 32 and for 12 commonly used fonts. The performance of these two networks is evaluated based on a database of more than one million character images from the testing data set.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Stanford Univ", affiliationaddress = "Stanford, CA, USA", classification = "722.2; 723.2; 723.3; 723.4; 741.1", journalabr = "IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell", keywords = "Algorithms; Centroid dithering; Character images; Character sets; Courier font; Database systems; Feedforward neural networks; Image processing; Learning systems; Low noise sensitivity normalization; Multi font characters; Multisize characters; Neural networks; Optical character recognition; Performance", } @Article{Benedek:1995:AIS, author = "A. Benedek", title = "{Adobe} is set to dominate typesetting and page layout: the latest versions of {PageMaker}, Quark {XPress} and {FrameMaker}", journal = j-BRITISH-PRINTER, volume = "108", number = "12", pages = "6O", month = "????", year = "1995", ISSN = "0007-1684", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Byram-Wigfield:1995:PPG, author = "David Byram-Wigfield", title = "Practical {PostScript}: a guide to digital typesetting", publisher = "Cappella Archive", address = "Great Malvern, UK", pages = "64", year = "1995", ISBN = "0-9525308-0-5 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-9525308-0-0 (paperback)", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Computer programs; Microcomputers --- Programming languages; PostScript (Computer program language)", } @Article{Cordella:1995:NNC, author = "L. P. Cordella and C. {De Stefano} and M. Vento", title = "Neural network classifier for {OCR} using structural descriptions", journal = "Machine Vision and Applications", volume = "8", number = "5", pages = "336--342", year = "1995", CODEN = "MVAPEO", ISSN = "0932-8092", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "We present a method for character recognition especially designed for the case in which the shapes of characters belonging to the same class vary greatly, as it happens with unconstrained hand-printed characters and omnifont printed characters. The most distinctive feature of the method is the use of a special kind of structural description of character shape in connection with a neural network classifier. An original technique is used to achieve the best trade-off between reject and misclassification rates. Experimental results on databases of both hand-printed and printed characters are illustrated.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Naples `Federico II'", affiliationaddress = "Naples, Italy", classification = "723.2; 723.4; 741.1; 903.1", journalabr = "Mach Vision Appl", keywords = "Classification (of information); Neural networks; Omni font printed characters; Optical character recognition; Pattern recognition systems; Reliability; Shape description; Unconstrained hand printed characters", } @Book{Dowding:1995:FPS, author = "Geoffrey Dowding", title = "Finer Points in the Spacing and Arrangement of Type", publisher = "Hartley and Marks", address = "Point Roberts, WA, USA", pages = "xvii + 90", year = "1995", ISBN = "0-88179-119-9 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-88179-119-8 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z253 .D69 1993", bibdate = "Sat Oct 5 06:14:04 MDT 2019", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, author-dates = "1911--", subject = "Typesetting; Letter spacing; Composition typographique; Lettrage; Espacement", tableofcontents = "Pt. 1: The Setting of Text Matter \\ The Spacing Between Words \\ The Determination of the Measure \\ Leading \\ Principles Into Practice \\ Pt. 2: The Setting of Displayed Matter \\ Letter-Spacing \\ Word-Spacing \\ Leading \\ Other Factors Affecting Displayed Settings \\ The Preparation of the MS for the Printer", } @Article{Gibbs:1995:PBN, author = "Ron Gibbs", title = "Printing benefits from new technologies", journal = j-LASER-FOCUS-WORLD, volume = "31", number = "11", pages = "77--82", month = nov, year = "1995", CODEN = "LFWOE8", ISSN = "0740-2511", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Emerging prepress printing film and plate materials create new opportunities and challenges for lasers in prepress applications. An industry standard for integration of text and graphics has emerged in the form of Adobe Systems' PostScript Level 2 page-description language. Furthermore, page assembly and even plate imposition can now be carried out on both Apple Macintosh and PC desktop computers. Dedicated typesetters and film recorders for color separation output, meanwhile, have been replaced by imagesetters that output combined text and graphics. In fact, very-large-format imagesetters have been developed that allow output of complete imposed page collections. On the materials front, there has been an explosion of activity in laser-exposable media, much of it aimed at practical realization of computer-to-print printing systems.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Gibbs Associates", affiliationaddress = "Beds, Engl", classification = "723.5; 741.3; 744.4.1; 744.9; 745.1; 745.1.1", journalabr = "Laser Focus World", keywords = "Color printing; Color separators; Computer graphics; High sensitivity materials; Laser applications; Light modulation; Medium sensitivity materials; Optical films; Optical materials; Printing film; Printing plates; Reliability; Semiconductor lasers; Typesetters; Typesetting", } @Article{Hersch:1995:PTG, author = "Roger D. Hersch and Claude Betrisey and Justin Bur and Andre Gurtler", title = "Perceptually tuned generation of grayscale fonts", journal = j-IEEE-CGA, volume = "15", number = "6", pages = "78--89", month = nov, year = "1995", CODEN = "ICGADZ", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1109/38.469511", ISSN = "0272-1716 (print), 1558-1756 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A method for synthesizing high-contrast grayscale characters called perceptually tuned font generation incorporates the expertise of type designers into rules. This method translates expert designer guidelines into a set of grid-fitting rules that govern the grayscaling software. It also promotes accurate weight and phase control. This method can also automatically compute the most visually even of spacing of successive grayscale characters using a model of the way the human vision system perceives space between characters.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Ecole Polytechnique Federale", affiliationaddress = "Lausanne, Switz", classification = "722.2; 723.2; 723.5", journalabr = "IEEE Comput Graphics Appl", keywords = "Computer aided design; Computer graphics; Grayscale fonts; Image enhancement; Image processing; Image quality; Perceptually tuned font generation; Signal filtering and prediction", } @TechReport{Hershey:1995:CTT, author = "A. V. Hershey", title = "Cartography and Typography in {True BASIC}", type = "Technical Report", number = "NPS-09-95-003", institution = "Naval Postgraduate School", address = "Monterey CA, USA", month = sep, year = "1995", bibdate = "Mon Aug 11 09:19:24 1997", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-rsm, } @Article{Hussain:1995:CRC, author = "F. Hussain", title = "On computerisation and representation of characters", journal = "IEE Colloquium (Digest)", volume = "191", pages = "11/1--11/9", year = "1995", CODEN = "DCILDN", ISSN = "0963-3308", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Digitizing the outlines of characters needs additional considerations to be included in the modeling, design, phase. The aim of these is to capture the uniqueness and the distinct features of a font, which traditionally were realized by a proficient artisan's hand and eye. Modern approaches endeavor to gain the same impact by using a set of pre-defined specifications in the design process. The goal of which is to ensure that the displayed version is both legible and aesthetically acceptable. This paper provides an insight about the design methods used to both model and represent the contours of Latin characters and fonts. It describes the role of the splines as a means of realizing the modeling aspect. To this regard, the spline descriptions used by Postscript and TrueType are looked at, and a comparative analysis is made.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "De Montfort Univ", affiliationaddress = "Milton Keynes, Engl", classification = "721.1; 722.2; 723.2; 723.5; 921.4", conference = "IEE Colloquium on Document Image Processing and Multimedia Environments", journalabr = "IEE Colloq Dig", keywords = "Character computerization; Character representation; Character sets; Computational geometry; Computer aided design; Computer graphics; Computer simulation; Data structures; Font; Image processing; Latin characters; Spline descriptions; Typography", meetingaddress = "London, UK", meetingdate = "Nov 2 1995", meetingdate2 = "11/02/95", } @Article{Ikedo:1995:SHG, author = "Tsuneo Ikedo", title = "Scalable high-performance graphics processor: {GVIP}", journal = j-VISUAL-COMPUTER, volume = "11", number = "3", pages = "121--133", year = "1995", CODEN = "VICOE5", ISSN = "0178-2789 (print), 1432-2315 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The GVIP (geometric and TV image processor) graphics processor, which creates and synthesizes computer graphics and TV images and meets the requirements of multi-media systems, is described. The hardware modules that make up this graphics processor include: a 32-bit embedded RISC processor, a Phong and Gouraud shading processor, a texture mapping processor, a hidden surface removal processor, an HDTV video image processor, a BitBlt processor, an image-processing module, and an outline font fill generator. These hardware modules fabricated using 0.8 \$mu@m CMOS standard cells have been placed in three integrated circuit chips. The total number of gates used for one set of chips is approximately 350000.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of Aizu", affiliationaddress = "Fukushima, Jpn", classification = "714.2; 716.4; 722; 722.4; 723.2; 723.5", journalabr = "Visual Comput", keywords = "BitBlt processor; cmos integrated circuits; Computer graphics; Computer hardware; Computer systems; Font fill generator; Geometric and television image processor; Gouraud shading processor; Graphics processor; Hardware modules; High definition television; Image processing; Multimedia systems; Reduced instruction set computing; Texture mapping processor; Video signal processing", } @MastersThesis{Lagus:1995:APG, author = "Krista Lagus", title = "Automated pagination of the generalized newspaper using simulated annealing", type = "Master's thesis", school = "Helsinki University of Technology", address = "Helsinki, Finland", year = "1995", bibdate = "Tue Feb 09 08:38:03 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Lee:1995:CWT, author = "J. H. M. Lee and J. C. K. Leung and C. C. K. Wong", title = "Construction of a {WYSIWYG \LaTeX} typesetting system using object-oriented design", crossref = "Lee:1995:SQP", pages = "135--138", year = "1995", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Lim:1995:OCF, author = "Soon-Bum Lim and Myung-Soo Kim", title = "Oriental character font design by a structured composition of stroke elements", journal = j-CAD, volume = "27", number = "3", pages = "193--207", month = mar, year = "1995", CODEN = "CAIDA5", ISSN = "0010-4485 (print), 1879-2685 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Oriental characters (such as Chinese, Korean, and Japanese characters) are composed of several strokes, and the shape of each stroke is determined by a brush sweep. In the paper, a new representation scheme is proposed for the design of stroke-structured fonts. This approach (called a structured composition of stroke elements) reflects the characteristics of oriental characters; each character is constructed as a set of strokes, and each stroke is represented by primitive features called stroke elements. Since the construction of an exact brush sweep is computationally quite expensive, we suggest a simple approximation method. The outlines of stroke pens are used to represent the starting, ending, and bending of a stroke. The positions of seed pens are interpolated to generate the skeleton curve of a stroke trajectory. The outline of each stroke is generated automatically from the stroke elements. The boundary of each character is constructed by merging these stroke outlines. This approach has various advantages: the font design becomes much simpler, the necessary storage space is greatly reduced, and the font variation becomes much more flexible.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Trigem Computer Inc", affiliationaddress = "Seoul, S Korea", classification = "722; 722.1; 722.2; 723.5; 901.4; 921.6", journalabr = "Comput Aided Des", keywords = "Approximation theory; Brush sweeps; Character sets; Computational methods; Computer aided design; Computers; Data storage equipment; Digital typography; Font design; Oriental characters; Technology", } @Article{Lin:1995:RAC, author = "Zhen Yong Lin", title = "Relational attribute code representation for printed multi-font {Chinese} character recognition", journal = "Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics", volume = "2", pages = "1924--1927", year = "1995", CODEN = "PICYE3", ISSN = "0884-3627", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 95CB35767.", abstract = "In this paper, a relational attribute code representation is presented for printed multi-font Chinese character recognition. This representation reflects the inherent structural information of Chinese characters, and contains sufficiently redundant information so that it can resist some extent of mutation or distortion caused by image capturing or preprocessing. It is invariant to character size or ratio changes. Most Chinese characters can have unique representation.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Nanyang Technological Univ", affiliationaddress = "Singapore, Singapore", classification = "723.2; 723.5; 741.1; 921.1; 921.6; 922.2", conference = "Proceedings of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Part 2 (of 5)", journalabr = "Proc IEEE Int Conf Syst Man Cybern", keywords = "Approximation theory; Codes (symbols); Decision theory; Dynamic programming; Feature extraction; Graph theory; Image capturing; Image processing; Office automation; Optical character recognition; Printed multi font Chinese character recognition; Relational attribute code representation; Statistical methods; Structural information; Syntactic approach; Trees (mathematics); Vectors", meetingaddress = "Vancouver, BC, Can", meetingdate = "Oct 22--25 1995", meetingdate2 = "10/22--25/95", sponsor = "IEEE", } @Article{Ma:1995:AGC, author = "Xiaohu Ma and Zhigeng Pan and Fuyan Zhang", title = "Automatic generation of {Chinese} outline font based on stroke extraction", journal = j-J-COMP-SCI-TECH, volume = "10", number = "1", pages = "42--52", month = jan, year = "1995", CODEN = "JCTEEM", ISSN = "1000-9000", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "A new method to obtain spline outline description of Chinese font based on stroke extraction is presented. It has two primary advantages: (1) the quality of Chinese output is greatly improved; (2) the memory requirement is reduced. The method for stroke extraction is discussed in detail and experimental results are presented.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Xuzhou Teachers' Coll", affiliationaddress = "Xuzhou, China", classification = "722.1; 723.2; 723.5; 921.4", journalabr = "J Comput Sci Technol", keywords = "Automation; B{\'e}zier curve; Character sets; Chinese outline font; Computational geometry; Concave point; Convex point; Feature extraction; Quality assurance; Storage allocation (computer); Stroke extraction", } @Article{Sandberg:1995:COE, author = "Jonathan S. Sandberg", title = "Counting {OCR} errors in typeset text", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "2422", pages = "184--195", year = "1995", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-1769-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-1769-5", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TS510.S63 v.2422", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:35:26 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Frequently object recognition accuracy is a key component in the performance analysis of pattern matching systems. In the past three years, the results of numerous excellent and rigorous studies of OCR system typeset-character accuracy (henceforth OCR accuracy) have been published, encouraging performance comparisons between a variety of OCR products and technologies. These published figures are important; OCR vendor advertisements in the popular trade magazines lead readers to believe that published OCR accuracy figures effect market share in the lucrative OCR market. Curiously, a detailed review of many of these OCR error occurrence counting results reveals that they are not reproducible as published and they are not strictly comparable due to larger variances in the counts than would be expected by the sampling variance. Naturally, since OCR accuracy is based on a ratio of the number of OCR errors over the size of the text searched for errors, imprecise OCR error accounting leads to similar imprecision in OCR accuracy. Some published papers use informal, non-automatic, or intuitively correct OCR error accounting. Still other published results present OCR error accounting methods based on string matching algorithms such as dynamic programming using Levenshtein (edit) distance but omit critical implementation details (such as the existence of suspect markers in the OCR generated output or the weights used in the dynamic programming minimization procedure). The problem with not specifically revealing the accounting method is that the number of errors found by different methods are significantly different. This paper identifies the basic accounting methods used to measure OCR errors in typeset text and offers an evaluation and comparison of the various accounting methods.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Panasonic Technologies Inc., Princeton, NJ, USA", classification = "723.1; 723.4; 741.1; 921.6; 922.2", conference = "Document Recognition II", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Algorithms; Document recognition; Dynamic programming; Error analysis; Image processing; Levenshtein distance; Object recognition; Optical character recognition; Pattern recognition; Sampling; Typeset text", meetingaddress = "San Jose, CA, USA", meetingdate2 = "Feb 6--7 1995", sponsor = "SPIE --- Int Soc for Opt Engineering, Bellingham, WA USA", } @Book{Schreiber:1995:SCA, author = "Fred Schreiber", title = "{Simon de Colines}: an annotated catalogue of 230 examples of his press, 1520--1546", publisher = "Friends of the Brigham Young University Library", address = "Provo, UT, USA", pages = "lxxxiv + 242", year = "1995", ISBN = "????", ISBN-13 = "????", LCCN = "Z232.C67 H37 1995", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:38:12 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", note = "With an introduction by Jeanne Veyrin-Forrer.", price = "US\$150", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @InProceedings{Soiffer:1995:MTM, author = "Neil Soiffer", title = "Mathematical Typesetting in {Mathematica}", crossref = "Levelt:1995:IPI", pages = "140--149", year = "1995", bibdate = "Thu Sep 26 05:45:15 MDT 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Mathematica's user interface has been significantly enhanced in Mathematica Version 3. This paper focuses on the new mathematical typesetting capabilities in the user interface, with the aim of discussing not only what they are, but also the rationale behind the design and also how the capabilities can be used.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Wolfram Res. Inc., Champaign, IL, USA", classification = "722.2; 723.1.1; 723.2; 921; 921.1; C6180 (User interfaces); C7108 (Desktop publishing); C7310 (Mathematics computing)", conference = "Proceedings of the 1995 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation", journalabr = "Int Symp Symbol Algebraic Comput ISSAC Proc", keywords = "Algebra; algebraic computation; Computer programming languages; Data structures; Design rationale, ISSAC; Display devices; Encoding (symbols); Mathematica Version 3; Mathematical techniques; Mathematical typesetting; String based systems; symbolic computation; Syntax; Tree based systems; User interface enhancement; User interfaces", meetingaddress = "Montreal, Can", meetingdate = "Jul 10--12 1995", meetingdate2 = "07/10--12/95", searchkey = "cn:issac", thesaurus = "Computer controlled typesetting; Mathematics computing; Software packages; Symbol manipulation; User interfaces", } @Article{Uphaus:1995:ITA, author = "James A. {Uphaus, Jr.} and Richard Barry Bryant", title = "Innovative tool for assessing the impact of cluster defects on dot-matrix display cockpit symbology", journal = "IEEE Proceedings of the National Aerospace and Electronics Conference", volume = "1", pages = "558--565", year = "1995", CODEN = "NASEA9", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 95CH35797.", abstract = "This paper focuses on the development of a capability for assessing the impact of cluster defects on dot-matrix display font readability. Cluster defects consist of groups of two or more adjacent inoperative display picture elements. Determining the sizes and quantities of cluster defects that can be safely tolerated is a substantial task considering the large number of ways these defects can occur. The magnitude of this task is substantially reduced through the application of an update to a software product called FontTool. The first version of FontTool, an MS DOS based tool, addressed row and column dot-matrix display defects. The updated version described herein provides many of the extensions necessary to access the impact of cluster defects. Savings in display production and life cycle maintenance costs may be realized by applying this tool to design font characters that are more readable in the presence of cluster defects.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Wright Lab\slash Flight Control Div", affiliationaddress = "Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, USA", classification = "652.1.2; 722.2; 722.4; 723.1; 921.3", conference = "Proceedings of the IEEE 1995 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference. Part 1 (of 2)", journalabr = "IEEE Proc Natl Aerosp Electron Conf", keywords = "Character sets; Cluster defects; Cockpit symbology; Computer monitors; Computer software; dos; Dot matrix characters; Font tool; Fourier transforms; Frequency domain analysis; Mathematical models; Military aircraft; Pixel defects", meetingaddress = "Dayton, KY, USA", meetingdate = "May 22--26 1995", meetingdate2 = "05/22--26/95", sponsor = "IEEE", } @Article{White:1995:PFS, author = "Ronald G. White and John Biard", title = "Portable font specification", journal = "Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools for Professional Programmer", volume = "20", number = "3", month = mar, year = "1995", CODEN = "DDJTEQ", ISSN = "1044-789X", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "When it comes to portability, fonts present a variety of problems. Available fonts may differ from platform to platform or even in the same platform. In an approach to font handling described here, a font contains both a portable and a nonportable part, and multiple levels of mapping are possible. This provides a reasonable solution for applications that do not need much control over fonts and a flexible and extensible solutions for applications that do.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "721.1; 722.2; 723.1; 723.1.1; 723.2; 723.5", journalabr = "Dr Dobb's J Software Tools Prof Program", keywords = "Codes (symbols); Computational complexity; Computer aided software engineering; Computer hardware description languages; Computer software portability; Cross platform tools; Data handling; Data processing; Data structures; Graphical user interfaces; Object oriented programming; Portable font specification; Specifications; Utility programs", pagecount = "4", } @Article{Wong:1995:DCT, author = "Paul Yiu Chung Wong and Siu Chi Hsu", title = "Designing {Chinese} typeface using components", journal = "Proceedings --- IEEE Computer Society's International Computer Software \& Applications Conference", pages = "416--421", year = "1995", CODEN = "PSICD2", ISSN = "0730-6512", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 95CB35838.", abstract = "In this paper, we discuss a generic design scheme for constructing Chinese characters. We first highlight the demand for developing an automatic Chinese font design system. Then, we show that the structure of a Chinese character can be represented by a structured character description. The scheme for designing a character is presented in details. Our discussion includes stroke definition, building up components, and balancing the appearance of a character. A number of factors are considered in designing and harmonizing a character which includes component spacing, complexity, blackness, visual centre, centre of gravity, and attractive force. A prototype font design system is being built according to this component-based approach. Samples are given to show how a Chinese character can be constructed using the system. Finally, future research direction is recommended for further development.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Chinese Univ of Hong Kong", affiliationaddress = "Shatin, Hong Kong", classification = "722.2; 723.2", conference = "Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference COMPSAC '95", journalabr = "Proc IEEE Comput Soc Int Comput Software Appl Conf", keywords = "Automatic Chinese font design system; Character recognition; Character recognition equipment; Chinese typefaces; Pattern recognition systems", meetingaddress = "Dallas, TX, USA", meetingdate = "Aug 9--11 1995", meetingdate2 = "08/09--11/95", sponsor = "IEEE", } @Article{Anonymous:1996:CSH, author = "Anonymous", title = "Conversion system of high quality {Chinese} characters from stroke font to outline font", journal = "Ruan Jian Xue Bao/Journal of Software", volume = "7", number = "5", pages = "257--263", month = may, year = "1996", CODEN = "RUXUEW", ISSN = "1000-9825", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper introduces the SOCS (stroke --- outline conversion system) for Chinese font data processing. As a post processing system of the CCDS (Chinese character design system), SOCS converts the font data of multi --- stroke curved outline, which is produced by CCDS, into the font data of whole --- character curved outline. The later is especially suitable for high resolution outputting, for example the PostScript printer. SOCS is not only used for CCDS, but also used as an independent font conversion system.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Chinese Acad of Sciences", affiliationaddress = "China", classification = "722.2; 723; 723.2; 723.5", journalabr = "Ruan Jian Xue Bao", keywords = "Character recognition; Character sets; Chinese character design system; Computer graphics; Computer software; Data processing; Font conversion; Font description; Font design; Stroke outline conversion system", language = "Chinese", } @Article{Anonymous:1996:DPS, author = "Anonymous", title = "Desktop Publishing Software", journal = j-HOME-OFF-COMPUT, volume = "14", number = "1", pages = "74--??", day = "1", month = jan, year = "1996", ISSN = "0899-7373", bibdate = "Sat May 18 15:34:25 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; UnCover library database", abstract = "Turn your computer into a typesetting and document layout station with Adobe Paint \& Publish, Corel Ventura 5, Microsoft Publisher for Windows 95, and Serif PagePlus.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Anonymous:1996:LTS, author = "Anonymous", title = "Laser typesetting system using acoustooptic modulating technology", journal = "Yadian Yu Shengguang/Piezoelectrics and Acoustooptics", volume = "18", number = "4", pages = "235--239", month = aug, year = "1996", CODEN = "YASHE7", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The working principle and operation process of electronic publishing systems were introduced, several kinds of electrooptical transformation modes were analyzed, and the advantages of using the acoustooptic modulator as the electro-optical transformation device in a laser typesetter were pointed out. Finally, the primary structures of several laser typesetters were presented and discussed with their advantages and disadvantages.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Sichuan Inst of Piezoelectric and Acoustooptic Technology", affiliationaddress = "China", classification = "744.9; 745.1; 752.1", journalabr = "Yadian Yu Shengguang", keywords = "Acoustooptic modulation; Acoustooptical devices; Laser applications; Laser typeset; Scanning; Typesetting", language = "Chinese", } @Article{Anonymous:1996:MRP, author = "Anonymous", title = "Multi-font recognition of printed {Arabic} using the {BBN Byblos} speech recognition system", journal = "ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing --- Proceedings", volume = "4", pages = "2136--2139", year = "1996", CODEN = "IPRODJ", ISSN = "0736-7791", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 96CB35903.", abstract = "We use a hidden Markov model (HMM) based continuous speech recognition system to perform Off-line Character Recognition (OCR) of Arabic printed text. The HMM trainer and recognizer are used without change, however we modify the feature extraction stage to compute features relevant to OCR. Although we begin by segmenting the page into a collection of lines, no further segmentation is necessary for either recognition or training. Experiments on the ARPA Arabic data corpus yield a range of character error rates from under one percent for a single computer font to 2.8\% for multiple-font recognition of a wide range of material from books, magazines and newspapers.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "BBN Systems and Technologies", affiliationaddress = "MA, USA", classification = "723.2; 741; 751.5; 901.3; 921.6; 922.1", conference = "Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP. Part 4 (of 6)", journalabr = "ICASSP IEEE Int Conf Acoust Speech Signal Process Proc", keywords = "Bit error rate; Byblos speech recognition system; Character recognition; Computational methods; Correlation methods; Feature extraction; Hidden Markov model; Image processing; Image segmentation; Markov processes; Mathematical models; Multi font recognition; Off line character recognition; Printed Arabic; Speech recognition; Technical writing", meetingaddress = "Atlanta, GA, USA", meetingdate = "May 7--10 1996", meetingdate2 = "05/07--10/96", sponsor = "IEEE", } @Article{Anonymous:1996:SNN, author = "Anonymous", booktitle = "Neural Networks for Signal Processing (Sep 4--6 1996: Kyota, Jpn)", title = "Structured neural networks for multi-font {Chinese} character recognition using a newly developed digital neural network chip with adaptive segmentation of quantizer neuron architecture ({ASQA})", journal = "Neural Networks for Signal Processing --- Proceedings of the IEEE Workshop", pages = "330--336", year = "1996", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "IEEE catalog number 96TH8205.", abstract = "This paper describes structured networks that use a digital network chip with having Adaptive Segmentation of Quantizer Neuron Architecture (ASQA)[1] and presents results of applying the ASQA chip to the large scale problem of multi-font Chinese character recognition. The ASQA chip can simulate neural networks using ASQA model which can provide a proliferation of neurons based on input data for learning and can generate appropriate network structure with extremely fast processing speed. Moreover, this chip can simulate not only a single network but also sets of several structured networks; consequently, the chip can handle large scale problems. By applying the chip to multi-font Chinese character recognition, average accuracy of the open test increased to 97\% and a recognition speed of 6 msec\slash character was achieved.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Matsushita Elec. Ind. Co, Ltd", affiliationaddress = "Jpn", classification = "722.4; 723.2; 723.4; 723.5", conference = "Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE Signal Processing Society Workshop", journalabr = "Neural Networks Signal Process Proc IEEE", keywords = "Character recognition; Chinese character recognition; Computer simulation; Data structures; Digital neural network chip; Learning systems; Microprocessor chips; Neural networks; Testing; Vector quantization", meetingaddress = "Kyota, Jpn", meetingdate = "Sep 4--6 1996", meetingdate2 = "09/04--06/96", sponsor = "IEEE", } @Article{Anonymous:1996:YAD, author = "Anonymous", title = "50, 100, and 150 Years Ago: {December 1846}", journal = j-SCI-AMER, volume = "275", number = "6", pages = "14", month = dec, year = "1996", bibdate = "Wed Feb 26 11:25:48 1997", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Describes the new (in 1846) Clay and Rosenborg steam type setting machine; it required one man and four boys to work. An illustration of the machine is provided.", } @Article{Bo:1996:SAA, author = "Lu Bo and Cai Shijie", title = "Skeleton-based approach of automatically generating some {Chinese} typefaces", journal = j-J-COMP-SCI-TECH, volume = "11", number = "1", pages = "30--38", month = jan, year = "1996", CODEN = "JCTEEM", ISSN = "1000-9000", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This paper introduces a skeleton-based approach of automatically generating DENG-XIAN, YUAN-TOU and HU-PO typefaces and discusses some algorithms used in generating these fonts.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Nanjing Univ", affiliationaddress = "Nanjing, China", classification = "723.1; 723.5", journalabr = "J Comput Sci Technol", keywords = "Algorithms; Automatic font design; Chinese typefaces; Computer aided design; Computer aided software engineering; Computer graphics; Computer software; Computers; Curved outline typeface", } @Article{Borzo:1996:TLL, author = "Jeanette Borzo", title = "Typography: Laying Down the Law", journal = j-PUBLISH, volume = "11", number = "6", pages = "50--??", day = "1", month = jun, year = "1996", CODEN = "PBLIEJ", ISSN = "0897-6007", bibdate = "Sat May 18 15:34:25 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; UnCover library database", abstract = "A digital typesetting project beautifully restores the ancient Jewish Talmud.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @TechReport{Bruggemann-Klein:1996:PR, author = "Anne Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein and Rolf Klein and Stefan Wohlfeil", title = "Pagination Reconsidered", type = "Technical Report", number = "205", institution = "Fernuniversit{\"a}t Hagen", address = "Germany", year = "1996", bibdate = "Tue Feb 09 08:28:57 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Bryan:1996:DTS, author = "Marvin Bryan", title = "The digital typography sourcebook", publisher = pub-WILEY, address = pub-WILEY:adr, pages = "416", year = "1996", ISBN = "0-471-14811-3", ISBN-13 = "978-0-471-14811-1", LCCN = "Z250.7.B79 1996", bibdate = "Wed Nov 06 07:51:59 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Includes CD-ROM.", price = "US\$39.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Eckersley:1996:GTT, author = "Richard Eckersley and Richard Angstadt and Charles M. Ellertson and Richard Hendel and Naomi B. Pascal and Anita {Walker Scott} and Linda L. Oestreich", title = "Glossary of Typesetting Terms", journal = j-TECH-COMMUN, volume = "43", number = "2", pages = "179--??", month = "????", year = "1996", CODEN = "TLCMBT", ISSN = "0049-3155", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Fateman:1996:OCR, author = "Richard J. Fateman and Taku Tokuyasu and Benjamin P. Berman and Nicholas Mitchell", title = "Optical character recognition and parsing of typeset mathematics", journal = "Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation", volume = "7", number = "1", pages = "2--15", month = mar, year = "1996", CODEN = "JVCRE7", ISSN = "1047-3203 (print), 1095-9076 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~fateman/papers/jvcir.ps.Z", abstract = "There is a wealth of mathematical knowledge that could be potentially very useful in many computational applications, but is not available in electronic form. This knowledge comes in the form of mechanically typeset books and journals going back more than 100 years. Besides these older sources, there are a great many current publications, filled with useful mathematical information, which are difficult if not impossible to obtain in electronic form. Our work intends to encode, for use by computer algebra systems, integral tables and other documents currently available in hardcopy only. Our strategy is to extract character information from these documents, which is then passed to higher-level parsing routines for further extraction of mathematical content (or any other useful two-dimensional semantic content). This information can then be output as, for example, a Lisp or \TeX{} expression. We have also developed routines for rapid access to this information, specifically for finding matches with formulas in a table of integrals. This paper reviews our current efforts and summarizes our results and the problems we have encountered.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ of California at Berkeley", affiliationaddress = "Berkeley, CA, USA", classification = "723.5; 741.1; 741.3; 745.1; 903.2", journalabr = "J Visual Commun Image Represent", keywords = "Computer algebra systems; Electronic publishing; Higher level parsing; Image coding; Mathematical information; Optical character recognition; Pattern recognition systems; Scanning; Typesetting", } @Article{Fateman:1996:PRT, author = "Richard J. Fateman and Taku Tokuyasu", title = "Progress in recognizing typeset mathematics", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "2660", pages = "37--50", year = "1996", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-2034-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-2034-3", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TS510.S63 v.2660", bibdate = "Mon May 11 18:35:45 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Printed mathematics has a number of features which distinguish it from conventional text. These include structure in two dimensions (fractions, exponents, limits), frequent font changes, symbols with variable shape (quotient bars), and substantially differing notational conventions from source to source. When compounded with more generic problems such as noise and merged or broken characters, printed mathematics offers a challenging arena for recognition. Our project was initially driven by the goal of scanning and parsing some 5,000 pages of elaborate mathematics (tables of definite integrals). While our prototype system demonstrates success on translating noise-free typeset equations into Lisp expressions appropriate for further processing, a more semantic top-down approach appears necessary for higher levels of performance. Such an approach may benefit the incorporation of these programs into a more general document processing viewpoint. We intend to release to the public our somewhat refined prototypes as utility programs in the hope that they will be of general use in the construction of custom OCR packages. These utilities are quite fast even as originally prototyped in Lisp, where they may be of particular interest to those working on `intelligent' optical processing. Some routines have been re-written in C++ as well. Additional programs providing formula recognition and parsing also form a part of this system. It is important however to realize that distinct conflicting grammars are needed to cover variations in contemporary and historical typesetting, and thus a single simple solution is not possible.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Univ. of California\slash Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA", classification = "723; 741.1; 921", conference = "Document Recognition III", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Computer software; Image processing; lisp (programming language); Machine printed character recognition; Mathematical techniques; Optical character recognition; Optical processing; Performance; Printed mathematics; Scanning; Spurious signal noise; Typeset mathematics recognition", meetingaddress = "San Jose, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Jan 29--30 1996", meetingdate2 = "01/29--30/96", sponsor = "SPIE --- Int Soc for Opt Engineering, Bellingham, WA USA", } @Article{Frederiksen:1996:AA, author = "Paul A. Frederiksen", title = "Automation Annotations", journal = j-COLO-LAWYER, volume = "25", number = "5", pages = "65--??", day = "1", month = may, year = "1996", ISSN = "0363-7867", bibdate = "Sat May 18 15:34:25 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; UnCover library database", abstract = "How to Gain the Benefits of Your Computer's Typesetting Abilities.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Graetzer:1996:MI, author = "George Gr{\"a}tzer", title = "Math into {\LaTeX}: an introduction to {\LaTeXe} and {\AMSLaTeX} 1.2", publisher = pub-BIRKHAUSER, address = pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr, pages = "xxvii + 451", year = "1996", ISBN = "0-8176-3805-9, 3-7643-3805-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8176-3805-4, 978-3-7643-3805-3", LCCN = "Z253.4.A65G69 199", bibdate = "Sat Mar 07 18:36:33 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$49.50", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "AMS-LaTeX (Ficher d'ordinateur); AMS-LaTeX.; Composition automatique (Industries graphiques); Computerized typesetting.; Mathematics printing -- Computer programs.; Mathematiques -- Impression -- Logiciels.", } @Article{Hasegawa:1996:VTF, author = "Susumu Hasegawa and Masayuki Fujisawa and Hajime Watanabe and Yoshiko Imaki and Sachiko Iida and Daisuke Matsunaga", title = "{Variety Touch Font}: a font generating system", journal = "Shapu Giho/Sharp Technical Journal", volume = "64", pages = "27--30", month = apr, year = "1996", CODEN = "STEJD9", ISSN = "0285-0362", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "'Variety Touch Font' is a font generating system which transforms a font into various other fonts: Fonts generation is one of the main technologies to provide many fonts to the integrated communication system. We invented an application for Japanese processors which generates 11 fonts out of `pop' font by changing the thickness and shaping the ends of strokes. The size of the data to control all the transformations homdle [sic] is reduced to a third of the original font's data. It can 234 characters --- kana \& alphabet \& figures --- and 2966 kanji characters --- all of JIS level 1 and some of level 2 --- and 48 marks.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722.1; 722.2; 722.3; 723; 723.5", journalabr = "Shapu Giho", keywords = "Character recognition; Character sets; Computer graphics; Data communication systems; Data processing; Font generating system; Font transformations; Integrated communication systems; Kanji characters; Printing; Program processors; ROM", language = "Japanese", } @Article{Khoubyari:1996:FFW, author = "Siamak Khoubyari and Jonathan J. Hull", title = "Font and function word identification in document recognition", journal = "CVIU: Computer Vision and Image Understanding", volume = "63", number = "1", pages = "66--74", month = jan, year = "1996", CODEN = "CVIUF4", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "An algorithm is presented that identifies the predominant font in which the running text in an English language document is printed. Frequent function words (such as the, of, and, a, and to) are also recognized as part of the font identification. Clusters of word images are generated from an input document and matched to a database of function words derived from fonts and document images. The font or document that matches best provides the identification of the predominant font and function words. This technique takes advantage of the fact that most machine-printed documents are prepared with a single predominant font. Also, the repeated words in the document are utilized to overcome noise in the input. Advantages of this technique include its use as a preprocessing step for a document recognition algorithm. Experimental results show high accuracy is achieved on a database of original and degraded document images.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Caere Corp", affiliationaddress = "Los Gatos, CA, USA", classification = "723; 723.2; 723.3", journalabr = "CVIU Comput Vision Image Undersanding", keywords = "Algorithms; Character recognition; Database systems; Document recognition; English language document; Font identification; Function word identification; Image processing; Image segmentation; Reliability", } @Book{Krantz:1996:PMW, author = "Steven G. Krantz", title = "A Primer of Mathematical Writing: Being a disquisition on having your ideas recorded, typeset, published, read \& appreciated", publisher = pub-AMS, address = pub-AMS:adr, pages = "216", year = "1996", ISBN = "0-8218-0635-1", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8218-0635-7", LCCN = "QA42.K73 1996", bibdate = "Fri Nov 08 11:44:14 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Includes discussions of computers and {\TeX}.", price = "US\$19.00", URL = "http://www.ams.org/bookstore", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Muller-Brockmann:1996:GSG, author = "Josef M{\"u}ller-Brockmann", title = "Grid systems in graphic design: a visual communication manual for graphic designers, typographers, and three dimensional designers = {Raster-Systeme f{\"u}r die visuelle Gestaltung}", publisher = "Niggli", address = "Sulgen, Switzerland", edition = "Fourth", pages = "176", year = "1996", ISBN = "3-7212-0145-0", ISBN-13 = "978-3-7212-0145-1", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 16:25:21 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "English version by Dennis Q. Stephenson.", price = "US\$78.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, language = "English and German", } @Book{Muller:1996:JMB, author = "Lars M{\"u}ller", title = "{Josef M{\"u}ller-Brockmann} --- Designer: a Pioneer of {Swiss} Graphic Design", publisher = "Chronicle Books", address = "????", pages = "262", year = "1996", ISBN = "1-56898-063-9", ISBN-13 = "978-1-56898-063-8", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 16:27:11 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$95.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Rogener:1996:TMM, author = "Stefan Rogener and Albert-Jan Pool and Ursula Packhauser", title = "{Typen machen Marken Machtig} [English: Branding with type: How type sells]", publisher = pub-ADOBE-PRESS, address = pub-ADOBE-PRESS:adr, pages = "120", year = "1996", ISBN = "1-56830-248-7", ISBN-13 = "978-1-56830-248-5", LCCN = "HF5825 .R5613 1995", bibdate = "Tue Aug 19 14:40:16 1997", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Edited by E. M. Ginger and translated by Stephanie Tripier.", price = "US\$18.00, CDN\$25.00, UK\pounds 16.50", URL = "http://merchant.superlibrary.com:8000/catalog/hg/PRODUCT/PAGE/15683/bud/1568302487.html", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Steinberg:1996:FHY, author = "S. H. (Sigfrid Henry) Steinberg", title = "Five hundred years of printing", publisher = pub-OAK-KNOLL, address = pub-OAK-KNOLL:adr, pages = "x + 262", year = "1996", ISBN = "1-884718-20-5 (Oak Knoll paperback), 1-884718-19-1 (Oak Knoll hardback), 0-7123-0414-2 (British Library hardback), 0-7123-0438-X (British Library paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-1-884718-20-5 (Oak Knoll paperback), 978-1-884718-19-9 (Oak Knoll hardback), 978-0-7123-0414-6 (British Library hardback), 978-0-7123-0438-2 (British Library paperback)", LCCN = "Z124 .S8 1996", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 15:59:55 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", note = "Revised by John Trevitt.", price = "US\$45.00 (hardcover), US\$29.95 (paperback)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Book{Thompson:1996:ABD, author = "Susan Otis Thompson", title = "{American} book design and {William Morris}", publisher = pub-OAK-KNOLL, address = pub-OAK-KNOLL:adr, edition = "Second expanded", pages = "xxix + 258", year = "1996", ISBN = "1-884718-25-6 (hardcover), 1-884718-26-4 (Oak Knoll paperback), 1-884718-25-6 (Oak Knoll hardcover), 0-7123-4515-9 (British Library paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-1-884718-25-0 (hardcover), 978-1-884718-26-7 (Oak Knoll paperback), 978-1-884718-25-0 (Oak Knoll hardcover), 978-0-7123-4515-6 (British Library paperback)", LCCN = "Z116.A3 T47 1996", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:04:22 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", price = "US\$49.95 (hardcover), US\$34.95 (paperback)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Article{Anonymous:1997:HCS, author = "Anonymous", title = "Highlights Continued: ``{Singular Impressions: The Monotype in America},'' {National Museum of American Art}", journal = j-SMITHSONIAN, volume = "28", number = "2", pages = "30--??", month = may, year = "1997", CODEN = "SMSNA5", ISSN = "0037-7333", bibdate = "Sat Oct 11 15:08:10 MDT 1997", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Chave:1997:FYW, author = "Leonard Chave", title = "Forty Years On: The {Wynkyn de Worde Society} 1957--1997", publisher = pub-WYNKYN-DE-WORDE, address = pub-WYNKYN-DE-WORDE:adr, pages = "????", year = "1997", ISBN = "1-871224-14-4", ISBN-13 = "978-1-871224-14-6", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 15:48:14 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", price = "US\$60", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "The Wynkyn de Worde Society is concerned with the development of the graphic arts industry.", email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Book{Dodd:1997:ASG, editor = "Janet S. Dodd", title = "The {ACS} Style Guide: a Manual for Authors and Editors", publisher = pub-ACS, address = pub-ACS:adr, edition = "Second", pages = "xi + 460", year = "1997", ISBN = "0-8412-3461-2 (hardcover), 0-8412-3462-0 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8412-3461-1 (hardcover), 978-0-8412-3462-8 (paperback)", LCCN = "QD8.5.A25 1997", bibdate = "Tue Nov 21 07:31:04 2000", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$27.50", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Dowding:1997:IHP, author = "Geoffrey Dowding", title = "An Introduction to the History of Printing Types", publisher = pub-OAK-KNOLL, address = pub-OAK-KNOLL:adr, pages = "304", year = "1997", ISBN = "1-884718-43-4 (hardcover), 1-884718-44-2 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-1-884718-43-4 (hardcover), 978-1-884718-44-1 (paperback)", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 15:23:10 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", price = "US\$29.95 (paperback), US\$39.95 (hardcover)", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Article{Entlich:1997:MDL, author = "Richard Entlich and Lorrin Garson and Michael Lesk and Lorraine Normore and Jan Olsen and Stuart Weibel", title = "Making a Digital Library: The Contents of the {CORE} Project", journal = j-TOIS, volume = "15", number = "2", pages = "103--123", month = apr, year = "1997", CODEN = "ATISET", ISSN = "1046-8188", ISSN-L = "0734-2047", bibdate = "Sat Jan 16 19:04:41 MST 1999", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.acm.org/pubs/tois/toc.html; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://www.acm.org:80/tois/abstracts/entlich.html", abstract = "The CORE (Chemical Online Retrieval Experiment) project is a library of primary journal articles in chemistry. Any library has an inside and an outside; in this article we describe the inside of the library and the methods for building the system and accumulating the database. A later article will describe the outside (user experiences). Among electronic-library projects, the CORE project is unusual in that it has both ASCII derived from typesetting and image data for all its pages, and among experimental electronic-library projects, it is unusually large. We describe here (a) the processes of scanning and analyzing about 400,000 pages of primary journal material, (b) the conversion of a similar amount of textual database material, (c) the linking of these two data sources, and (d) the indexing of the text material.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, affiliation = "Cornell Univ", affiliationaddress = "NY, USA", classification = "722.2; 723.3; 903.1; 903.3", journalabr = "ACM Trans Inf Syst", keywords = "Chemical online retrieval experiment (core) project; Database systems; Indexing (of information); Information retrieval systems; User interfaces", } @Book{Goossens:1997:LGC, author = "Michel Goossens and Sebastian Rahtz and Frank Mittelbach", title = "The {\LaTeX} Graphics Companion: Illustrating Documents with {\TeX} and {PostScript}", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "xxi + 554", year = "1997", ISBN = "0-201-85469-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-85469-5", LCCN = "Z253.4.L38G663 1997", bibdate = "Fri Jul 11 07:51:47 1997", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$39.75", series = "Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; LaTeX (Computer file); Mathematics printing -- Computer programs.; PostScript (Computer program language); Scientific illustration -- Computer programs.; Technical publishing -- Computer programs.", } @Book{Griffiths:1997:LL, author = "David F. (Francis) Griffiths and Desmond J. Higham", title = "Learning {\LaTeX}", publisher = pub-SIAM, address = pub-SIAM:adr, pages = "x + 84", year = "1997", ISBN = "0-89871-383-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-89871-383-1", LCCN = "Z253.4.L38G75 1997", bibdate = "Sat Mar 07 09:32:22 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting.; LaTeX (Computer file); Mathematics printing -- Data processing.", } @Book{Tufte:1997:VEI, author = "Edward R. Tufte", title = "Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative", publisher = pub-GRAPHICS-PRESS, address = pub-GRAPHICS-PRESS:adr, pages = "156", year = "1997", ISBN = "0-9613921-2-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-9613921-2-3", LCCN = "P93.5.T846 1997", bibdate = "Thu Aug 07 13:39:07 1997", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$45.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Anonymous:1998:ITC, author = "Anonymous", title = "Instructions for typesetting camera-ready manuscripts using computer software", journal = j-PARALLEL-PROCESS-LETT, volume = "8", number = "2", pages = "269--273", month = jun, year = "1998", CODEN = "PPLTEE", ISSN = "0129-6264 (print), 1793-642X (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Nov 9 07:34:02 MST 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722.4; 723; 745.1; 903.2", journalabr = "Parallel Process Lett", keywords = "Camera-ready manuscripts; Computer software; Parallel processing systems; Technical writing; Typesetting", } @TechReport{Bruggemann-Klein:1998:PCD, author = "Anne Br{\"u}ggemann-Klein and Rolf Klein and Stefan Wohlfeil", title = "On the Pagination of Complex Documents", type = "Technical Report", number = "234", institution = "Fernuniversit{\"a}t Hagen", address = "Germany", day = "27", month = jul, year = "1998", bibdate = "Tue Feb 09 08:28:57 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{DIN:1998:DAD, author = "{Deutsches Industrie Norm}", title = "{DIN 16507-2, Ausgabe: 1998-04, Drucktechnik --- Schriftgr{\"o}{\ss}en --- Teil 2: Digitaler Satz und verwandte Techniken} ({German}) [{Printing} technology --- Type sizes --- Part 2: {Digital} Typesetting and related techniques]", publisher = "Deutsches Institut f{\"u}r Normung, e.V.", address = "Burgrafensta{\ss}e 6, 10787 Berlin, Germany", pages = "9", month = apr, year = "1998", ISBN = "????", ISBN-13 = "????", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 31 18:53:30 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "German draft standard on metric typography.", URL = "http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/volatile/din-16507-2.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-mgk, language = "German", } @Book{Dowding:1998:IHP, author = "Geoffrey Dowding", title = "An Introduction to the History of Printing Types: an Illustrated Summary of the Main Stages in the Development of Type Design from 1440 Up to the Present Day: an Aid to Type Face Identification", publisher = "British Library", address = "London, UK", pages = "xxiv + 277", year = "1998", ISBN = "0-7123-4563-9 (U.K. paperback), 0-7123-4577-9 (U.K. cased), 1-884718-43-4 (U.S. cased), 1-884718-44-2 (U.S. paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-7123-4563-7 (U.K. paperback), 978-0-7123-4577-4 (U.K. cased), 978-1-884718-43-4 (U.S. cased), 978-1-884718-44-1 (U.S. paperback)", LCCN = "Z250.A2 D6 1998", bibdate = "Sat Oct 5 06:23:14 MDT 2019", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, author-dates = "1911--", remark = "Originally published: Wace and Co., 1961.", tableofcontents = "Part I. The Book Types. Gothic or Black-Letter. Roman, Venetian. Roman, Old Face. The Italics. The Aldine. The Vicentino. The Group which is the contemporary of old-face roman. The Intermediate or Transitional Romans. The Modern-Face Romans. The Modernized Italics. Old Style. Twentieth-Century Types \\ Part II. The Display Types. Gothic Scripts. Latin or Renaissance Scripts. Decorated. Shaded. Fat Face. Antique or Egyptian. Shadowed or Three-Dimensional. Sans Serif. Reversed or Cameo. Ionic. Outline or Open. Clarendon. Calligraphic. Stencil. Typewriter. Miscellaneous Display Types \\ Appendix I. Stress or Shading \\ Appendix II. Serifs", } @Book{Heller:1998:EGD, editor = "Steven Heller", title = "The Education of a Graphic Designer", publisher = pub-ALLWORTH-PRESS, address = pub-ALLWORTH-PRESS:adr, pages = "xiii + 273", year = "1998", ISBN = "1-880559-99-4", ISBN-13 = "978-1-880559-99-4", LCCN = "NC590.E38 1998", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 15:40:18 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$18.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Hoenig:1998:TUL, author = "Alan Hoenig", title = "{\TeX} Unbound: {\LaTeX} and {\TeX} Strategies for Fonts, Graphics, \& More", publisher = pub-OXFORD, address = pub-OXFORD:adr, pages = "ix + 580", year = "1998", ISBN = "0-19-509686-X (paperback), 0-19-509685-1 (hardcover)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-19-509686-6 (paperback), 978-0-19-509685-9 (hardcover)", LCCN = "Z253.4.L38H64 1997", bibdate = "Wed Apr 29 14:32:29 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$60.00 (hardcover), US\$35.00 (paperback)", URL = "http://www.oup-usa.org/gcdocs/gc_0195096851.html", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computer fonts; Computer graphics; Computerized typesetting; Mathematics printing -- Computer programs; METAFONT; Technical publishing -- Computer programs; {\LaTeX} (Computer file); {\TeX} (Computer file)", } @Book{Martin:1998:NRD, author = "Shannon E. Martin and Kathleen A. Hansen", title = "Newspapers of record in a digital age: from hot type to hot link", publisher = "Praeger", address = "Westport, CT, USA", pages = "xiv + 159", year = "1998", ISBN = "0-275-95960-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-275-95960-9", ISSN = "1062-5623", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Sep 14 17:14:17 MDT 2015", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Praeger series in political communication", abstract = "The expression `newspaper of record' is most often found among works by lawyers, historians, and librarians. Yet many newspapers are now developing online news products that do not correspond directly to the newsprint version. Many are asking whether online newspapers will replace traditional newsprint products and whether the online version can or should be treated as equal to the newsprint version. Martin and Hansen focus on some of the traditional uses of newspapers by groups who use the `newspaper of record' concept, and they compare traditional newspapers to online newspapers as `records.' After a historical review, they examine legal and archival uses for newspapers, report on several case studies of online newspaper production, and conclude with suggestions for future scholarly, legal, and industry focus on the `newspaper of record' concept. This valuable analysis serves professionals in journalism and law as well as scholars and researchers in journalism and archive management.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, tableofcontents = "Series Foreword / Robert E. Denton, Jr. \\ 1: The Newspaper as an ``Official Publication'' \\ 2: The News Industry and ``Newspapers of Record'' \\ 3: The Legal System and ``Legal Notices'' in Newspapers \\ 4: Newspapers as Reference Sources \\ 5: Newspapers Online \\ 6: Newspapers as Records in a Digital Environment \\ App. Examples of Legal Notices", } @Book{Meggs:1998:HGD, author = "Philip Meggs", title = "A History of Graphic Design", publisher = pub-WILEY, address = pub-WILEY:adr, edition = "Third", pages = "xiii + 510", year = "1998", ISBN = "0-471-29198-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-471-29198-5", LCCN = "Z246.M43 1998", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 15:27:20 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$75.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @TechReport{NIST:1998:TSS, author = "{NIST}", title = "Typefaces for Symbols in Scientific Manuscripts", type = "Report", institution = pub-NIST, address = pub-NIST:adr, pages = "2", day = "4", month = jan, year = "1998", bibdate = "Sat Nov 04 07:23:48 2017", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "https://physics.nist.gov/cuu/pdf/typefaces.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Sinclair:1998:TW, author = "Joseph T. Sinclair", title = "Typography on the {Web}", publisher = pub-AP-PROFESSIONAL, address = pub-AP-PROFESSIONAL:adr, pages = "xxvi + 498", year = "1998", ISBN = "0-12-645545-7", ISBN-13 = "978-0-12-645545-8", LCCN = "TK5105.888", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 16:53:54 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$35.95, CDN\$55.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Swanson:1998:MTC, author = "Ellen Swanson", title = "Mathematics into Type: copyediting and proofreading of mathematics for editorial assistants and authors", publisher = pub-AMS, address = pub-AMS:adr, edition = "Revised and updated.", pages = "ix + 90", year = "1998", ISBN = "0-8218-0644-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8218-0644-9", LCCN = "????", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Reprinted with corrections.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb # " and " # ack-bnb, annote = "Updated 1999 by Arlene O'Sean and Antoinette Schleyer, The original edition is based on ``traditional'' composition (Monotype and ``cold type'', i.e. Varityper and Selectric Composer); the 1979 edition adds material for computer composition, and the 1999 edition mostly assumes \TeX{} or a comparably advanced system.", } @Book{Wohlfeil:1998:PCB, author = "Stefan Wohlfeil", title = "On the Pagination of Complex, Book-Like Documents", publisher = "Shaker Verlag", address = "Aachen, Germany and Maastricht, The Netherlands", pages = "224", year = "1998", ISBN = "3-8265-3304-6", ISBN-13 = "978-3-8265-3304-4", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue Feb 09 08:23:52 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "DM 98.00", URL = "http://www.shaker.de/Online-Gesamtkatalog/Details.idc?ID=24201&CC=59311&IDSRC=1&ISBN=3-8265-3304-6&Reihe=15; http://wwwpi6.fernuni-hagen.de/Forschung/Pagination/", acknowledgement = ack-cr # " and " # ack-nhfb, mailto = "Stefan.Wohlfeil@Fernuni-Hagen.de", } @Article{Bauer:1999:TP, author = "Friedrich L. Bauer", title = "{Der typographische Punkt}", journal = "Informatik Spektrum", volume = "22", number = "1", pages = "41--42", month = feb, year = "1999", bibdate = "Mon May 31 18:58:01 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-mgk, } @Book{Bierut:1999:LCC, author = "Michael Bierut and Jessica Helfand and Steven Heller and Rick Poynor and Michael Beirut", title = "Looking Closer 3: Classic Writings on Graphic Design (Looking Closer)", publisher = pub-ALLWORTH-PRESS, address = pub-ALLWORTH-PRESS:adr, pages = "xix + 283", year = "1999", ISBN = "1-58115-022-9", ISBN-13 = "978-1-58115-022-3", LCCN = "NC997.L633 1999", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 15:36:41 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$18.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Craig:1999:DTB, editor = "James Craig and William Bevington and Susan E. Meyer", title = "Designing with Type: a Basic Course in Typography", publisher = pub-WATSON-GUPTILL, address = pub-WATSON-GUPTILL:adr, edition = "Fourth", pages = "176", year = "1999", ISBN = "0-8230-1347-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8230-1347-0", LCCN = "Z246.C69 1999", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 15:25:37 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$24.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{deMoor:1999:BAG, author = "O. {de Moor} and J. Gibbons", title = "Bridging the algorithm gap: a linear-time functional program for paragraph formatting", journal = j-SCI-COMPUT-PROGRAM, volume = "35", number = "1", pages = "3--??", month = "????", year = "1999", CODEN = "SCPGD4", ISSN = "0167-6423 (print), 1872-7964 (electronic)", bibdate = "Sun Oct 10 08:05:32 MDT 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Heller:1999:DLC, author = "Steven Heller", title = "Design Literacy (Continued): Understanding Graphic Design", publisher = pub-ALLWORTH-PRESS, address = pub-ALLWORTH-PRESS:adr, pages = "xiv + 281", year = "1999", ISBN = "1-58115-035-0", ISBN-13 = "978-1-58115-035-3", LCCN = "NC998.H45 1999", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 15:41:46 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$19.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Hutner:1999:CCF, author = "Martin Hutner and Jerry Kelly", title = "A century for the century: fine printed books from 1900 to 1999", publisher = "Grolier Club", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "xxx + 110", year = "1999", ISBN = "0-910672-29-6 (paperback), 0-910672-28-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-910672-29-0 (paperback), 978-0-910672-28-3", LCCN = "Z1033.F5 H87 1999", bibdate = "Wed Jun 6 18:50:09 MDT 2018", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, remark = "One thousand copies have been printed \ldots{} at the Stinehour Press. Two hundred and fifty of these have been case bound, and fifty contain original leaves from some of the books and are signed by the authors [colophon].", subject = "Fine books; Europe; Bibliography; Exhibitions; United States; Private press books", } @Book{Knuth:1999:DT, author = "Donald E. Knuth", title = "Digital Typography", volume = "78", publisher = pub-CSLI, address = pub-CSLI:adr, pages = "xvi + 685", year = "1999", ISBN = "1-57586-010-4 (paperback), 1-57586-011-2 (hardcover)", ISBN-13 = "978-1-57586-010-7 (paperback), 978-1-57586-011-4 (hardcover)", LCCN = "Z249.3.K59 1998", MRclass = "68U15", MRnumber = "MR1676044 (2002k:68194)", bibdate = "Mon May 10 18:01:36 1999", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/litprog.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; MathSciNet database", price = "US\$90.00 (cloth), US\$39.95 (paperback)", series = "CSLI Lecture Notes", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, tableofcontents = "1: Digital Typography / 1 \\ 2: Mathematical Typography / 19 \\ 3: Breaking Paragraphs Into Lines / 67 \\ 4: Mixing Right-to-Left Texts with Left-to-Right Texts / 157 \\ 5: Recipes and Fractions / 177 \\ 6: The \TeX{} Logo in Various Fonts / 181 \\ 7: Printing Out Selected Pages / 183 \\ 8: Macros for Jill / 185 \\ 9: Problem for a Saturday Morning / 195 \\ 10: Exercises for \TeX{}: The Program / 197 \\ 11: Mini-Indexes for Literate Programs / 225 \\ 12: Virtual Fonts: More Fun for Grand Wizards / 247 \\ 13: The Letter S / 263 \\ 14: My First Experience with Indian Scripts / 285 \\ 15: Concept of a Meta-Font / 289 \\ 16: Lessons Learned from METAFONT / 315 \\ 17: AMS Euler --- A New Typeface for Mathematics / 339 \\ 18: Typesetting Concrete Mathematics / 367 \\ 19: Course on METAFONT Programming / 379 \\ 20: Punk Meta-Font / 391 \\ 21: Fonts for Digital Halftones / 415 \\ 22: Digital Halftones by Dot Diffusion / 449 \\ 23: A Note on Digital Angles / 473 \\ 24: TEXDR.AFT / 481 \\ 25: TEX.ONE / 505 \\ 26: \TeX{} Incunabula / 533 \\ 27: Icons for \TeX{} and METAFONT / 547 \\ 28: Computers and Typesetting / 555 \\ 29: The New Versions of \TeX{} and METAFONT / 563 \\ 30: The Future of \TeX{} and METAFONT / 571 \\ 31: Questions and Answers, I / 573 \\ 32: Questions and Answers, II / 601 \\ 33: Questions and Answers, III / 625 \\ 34: Final Errors of \TeX{} / 655 \\ Index / 663", } @Book{Lipkin:1999:LLV, author = "Bernice Sacks Lipkin", title = "{\LaTeX} for {Linux}: a vade mecum", publisher = pub-SV, address = pub-SV:adr, pages = "xxxi + 568", year = "1999", ISBN = "0-387-98708-8 (softcover)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-387-98708-8 (softcover)", LCCN = "Z 253.4 L38 L56 1999", bibdate = "Thu Sep 21 10:27:12 2000", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$49.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting; LaTeX (Computer file)", } @Book{Lunde:1999:CIP, author = "Ken Lunde", title = "{CJKV} Information Processing: Chinese, Japanese, Korean \& Vietnamese Computing", publisher = pub-ORA, address = pub-ORA:adr, pages = "1174", year = "1999", ISBN = "1-56592-224-7", ISBN-13 = "978-1-56592-224-2", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Wed Oct 07 11:13:52 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$64.95", URL = "http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/cjkvinfo/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb # " and " # ack-kl, tableofcontents = "Foreword xv\\ Preface xvii\\ 1. CJKV Information Processing Overview 1\\ Multiple Writing Systems 2\\ Character Set Standards 7\\ Encoding Methods 8\\ Input Methods 10\\ Typography 14\\ Basic Concepts & Terminology 14\\ 2. Writing Systems 29\\ Latin Characters & Transliteration 30\\ Zhuyin 43\\ Kana 44\\ Hangul 50\\ Chinese Characters 52\\ Non-Chinese Chinese Characters 64\\ 3. Character Set Standards 69\\ Non-Coded Character Set Standards 70\\ Coded Character Set Standards 74\\ International Character Set Standards 124\\ Character Set Standard Oddities 134\\ Non-Coded Versus Coded Character Sets 136\\ Information Interchange Versus Professional Publishing 138\\ Advice to Developers 140\\ 4. Encoding Methods 143\\ Locale-Independent Encoding Methods 145\\ Locale-Specific Encoding Methods 176\\ Comparing CJKV Encoding Methods 194\\ International Encoding Methods 195\\ Charset Designations 206\\ Code Pages 209\\ Code Conversion 213\\ Repairing Unreadable CJKV Text 219\\ Beware of Little & Big Endian Issues 224\\ Advice to Developers 224\\ 5. Input Methods 227\\ Transliteration Techniques 229\\ Input Techniques 235\\ User Interface Concerns 249\\ Keyboard Arrays 249\\ Other Input Hardware 272\\ Input Method Software 273\\ 6. Font Formats 281\\ Typeface Design Issues 282\\ Bitmapped Fonts 283\\ Outline Fonts 289\\ Ruby Fonts 322\\ Host-Based Versus Printer-Resident Fonts 323\\ Creating Your Own Fonts 335\\ External Character Handling 339\\ Advice to Developers 350\\ 7. Typography 351\\ Rules, Rules, Rules \ldots{} 352\\ Typographic Units & Measurements 353\\ Horizontal & Vertical Layout 357\\ Line Breaking & Word Wrapping 368\\ Character Spanning 372\\ Alternate Metrics 373\\ Kerning 380\\ Line Length Issues 381\\ Multilingual Text 383\\ Glyph Substitution 387\\ Annotations 389\\ Typographic Software 394\\ 8. Output Methods 405\\ Where Can Fonts Live? 406\\ Printer Output 407\\ PostScript CJKV Printers 407\\ Computer Monitor Output 412\\ Other Printing Methods 416\\ The Role of Printer Drivers 417\\ Output Tips & Tricks 420\\ Advice to Developers 422\\ 9. Information Processing Techniques 425\\ Language, Country & Script Codes 426\\ Programming Languages 429\\ Code Conversion Algorithms 433\\ Java Programming Examples 442\\ Miscellaneous Algorithms 446\\ Byte Versus Character Handling 452\\ Character Sorting 460\\ Natural Language Processing 462\\ Regular Expressions 464\\ Search Engines 467\\ Code Processing Tools 467\\ 10. Operating Systems, Text Editors & Word Processors 475\\ Viewing CJKV Text on Non-CJKV Systems 477\\ Operating Systems 477\\ Hybrid Environments 489\\ Text Editors 492\\ Word Processors 499\\ Dedicated Word Processors 503\\ 11. Dictionaries & Dictionary Software 505\\ Chinese Character Dictionary Indexes 505\\ Character Dictionaries 513\\ Other Useful Dictionaries 518\\ Dictionary Hardware 519\\ Dictionary Software 520\\ Machine Translation Software 528\\ Machine Translation Services 529\\ Learning Aids 530\\ 12. The Internet 533\\ Email 534\\ News 539\\ FTP & Telnet 540\\ Network Domains 542\\ Getting Connected 545\\ Internet Software 545\\ 13. The World Wide Web 553\\ Content Versus Presentation 553\\ Displaying Web Documents 556\\ Authoring HTML Documents 557\\ Authoring XML Documents 561\\ Authoring PDF Documents 562\\ Character References 564\\ CGI Programming Examples 565\\ Shall We Surf? 568\\ A. Code Conversion Tables 569\\ B. Notation Conversion Table 573\\ C. Vendor Character Set Standards 577\\ Chinese Vendor Character Sets -- China 578\\ Chinese Vendor Character Sets -- Taiwan 582\\ Chinese Vendor Character Sets -- Hong Kong 587\\ Japanese Vendor Character Sets 593\\ Korean Vendor Character Sets 623\\ D. Vendor Encoding Methods 635\\ Brief Overview of IBM Encodings 636\\ Chinese Vendor Encodings -- China 637\\ Chinese Vendor Encodings -- Taiwan 640\\ Chinese Vendor Encodings -- Hong Kong 643\\ Japanese Vendor Encodings 644\\ Korean Vendor Encodings 665\\ E. GB 2312-80 Table 671\\ F. GB/T 12345-90 Table 687\\ G. CNS 11643-1992 Table 703\\ CNS 11643-1992 Plane 1 703\\ CNS 11643-1992 Plane 2 715\\ CNS 11643-1992 Plane 3 729\\ CNS 11643-1992 Plane 4 741\\ CNS 11643-1992 Plane 5 755\\ CNS 11643-1992 Plane 6 771\\ CNS 11643-1992 Plane 7 783\\ CNS 11643-1986 Plane 15 795\\ H. Big Five Table 809\\ Big Five Level 1 809\\ Big Five Level 2 823\\ I. Hong Kong GCCS Table 841\\ J. JIS X 0208:1997 Table 851\\ K. JIS X 0212-1990 Table 865\\ L. KS X 1001:1992 Table 877\\ M. KS X 1002:1991 Hanja Table 893\\ N. Hangul Reading Table 899\\ O. TCVN 6056:1995 Table 913\\ P. Code Table Indexes 921\\ GB 2312-80 Level 1 Reading Index 921\\ GB 2312-80 Level 2 Radical Index 922\\ Big Five & CNS 11643-1992 Stroke Index 924\\ JIS X 0208:1997 Level 1 Reading Index 926\\ JIS Radical Index 926\\ KS Hanja Reading Index 933\\ Q. Character Lists & Mapping Tables 935\\ GB 2312-80 Versus GB/T 12345-90 935\\ CNS 11643-1986 Versus CNS 11643-1992 954\\ JIS C 6226-1978 Versus JIS X 0208-1983 956\\ JIS X 0208-1983 Versus JIS X 0208-1990 960\\ JIS X 0212-1990 Versus JIS C 6226-1978 962\\ Joyo Kanji 963\\ IBM Selected Kanji & Non-Kanji 967\\ Duplicate Hanja in KS X 1001:1992 971\\ R. Chinese Character Lists 979\\ Hanzi Lists From China 979\\ Hanzi Lists From Taiwan 983\\ Kanji Lists From Japan 994\\ Hanja Lists From Korea 999\\ S. Single-Byte Code Tables 1003\\ Non-CJKV Code Tables 1003\\ Chinese Code Tables 1005\\ Japanese Code Tables 1006\\ Korean Code Tables 1008\\ TCVN-Roman Code Tables 1009\\ T. Software & Document Sources 1015\\ Anonymous FTP 1015\\ Searching for Files 1016\\ Useful URLs 1016\\ Commercial Sources 1017\\ U. Mailing Lists 1035\\ General Mailing Lists 1035\\ Chinese Mailing Lists 1040\\ Japanese Mailing Lists 1040\\ Korean Mailing Lists 1045\\ V. Professional Organizations 1047\\ Oriental Language Computer Society 1047\\ International Macintosh Users Group 1047\\ The Localisation Industry Standards Association 1048\\ The Unicode Consortium 1048\\ W. Perl Code Examples 1049\\ Japanese Code Conversion 1049\\ Korean Code Conversion 1054\\ TRON Code Conversion 1056\\ Unicode Code Conversion 1058\\ Encoding Detection 1059\\ Repairing ISO-2022-JP Encoding 1061\\ Other Useful Transformations 1062\\ CJKV Encoding Templates 1062\\ Multiple-Byte Anchoring 1064\\ Multiple-Byte Processing 1065\\ X. Glossary 1067\\ Bibliography 1095\\ Index 1113", } @Article{Sanidas:1999:BRB, author = "Amy E. Sanidas", title = "Book Review: {{\booktitle{Newspapers of record in a digital age: From hot type to hot link}, by Shannon E. Martin and Kathleen A. Hansen}}", journal = j-J-AM-SOC-INF-SCI, volume = "50", number = "9", pages = "840--841", month = "????", year = "1999", CODEN = "AISJB6", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1002/(SICI)1097-4571(1999)50:9<840::AID-ASI15>3.0.CO%3B2-5", ISSN = "0002-8231 (print), 1097-4571 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0002-8231", bibdate = "Fri Sep 11 09:04:34 MDT 2015", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/jasis.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "Journal of the American Society for Information Science", journal-URL = "http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)2330-1643", onlinedate = "22 Jun 1999", } @Book{Willberg:1999:EHT, author = "Hans Peter Willberg and Friedrich Forssman", title = "{Erste Hilfe in Typografie: Ratgeber f{\"u}r den Umgang mit Schrift}", publisher = "Schmidt", address = "Mainz, Germany", pages = "104", year = "1999", ISBN = "3-87439-474-3", ISBN-13 = "978-3-87439-474-1", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Nov 19 14:14:07 2001", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Library catalogs show both 1999 and 2000 for the year.", acknowledgement = ack-mh, } @Book{Anonymous:19xx:RTA, author = "Anonymous", title = "Rex-Franklin typesetting: advertising typography", publisher = "Rex-Franklin typesetting", address = "????", pages = "various", year = "19xx", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Advertising layout and typography.; Type-setting", } @Manual{LSC:19xx:LPA, title = "{Linsco} parts and accessories for typesetting machines", organization = "Linotype Supply Company", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "71", year = "19xx", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Printing machinery and supplies --- Catalogs.", } @Book{Plooij:19xx:DBG, author = "Edward Bernard Plooij", title = "The Difference between the {Gutenberg} way of typesetting and my method for composing {Arabic}", publisher = "????", address = "????", pages = "10", year = "19xx", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Reproduction of typescript.", } @Article{Berleant:2000:SDT, author = "Daniel Berleant", title = "On Site: does typography affect proposal assessment?", journal = j-CACM, volume = "43", number = "8", pages = "24--25", month = aug, year = "2000", CODEN = "CACMA2", ISSN = "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)", bibdate = "Mon Sep 25 15:22:32 MDT 2000", bibsource = "http://www.acm.org/pubs/contents/journals/cacm/2000-43/; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://www.acm.org/pubs/citations/journals/cacm/2000-43-8/p24-berleant/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Computing Milieux --- Management of Computing and Information Systems --- General (K.6.0); Computing Methodologies --- Document and Text Processing --- Document Preparation (I.7.2)", } @InProceedings{Chen:2000:IDF, author = "Pehong Chen and Michael A. Harrison and Ikuo Minakata", booktitle = "ACM Conference on Document Processing Systems: proceedings: December 5--9, 1988, Santa Fe, New Mexico", title = "Incremental document formatting", publisher = pub-ACM, address = pub-ACM:adr, pages = "93--100", year = "2000", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1145.62523", ISBN = "0-89791-291-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-89791-291-4", LCCN = "QA76.9.T48 A25 1988", bibdate = "Thu Jul 26 09:35:24 2001", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "ACM order number 429882.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bookpages = "195", keywords = "vortex; {\VorTeX}", } @Article{Fishburne:2000:MPG, author = "William Fishburne", title = "Margination and {Project Gutenberg}", journal = j-DDJ, volume = "25", number = "5", pages = "52, 54--56", month = may, year = "2000", CODEN = "DDJOEB", ISSN = "1044-789X", bibdate = "Fri Nov 10 05:30:30 2000", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "See letter \cite{Gantz:2000:LM}.", URL = "http://www.ddj.com/ftp/2000/2000_05/gutenbg.txt; http://www.ddj.com/ftp/2000/2000_05/gutenbg.zip", abstract = "The goal of Project Gutenberg is to distribute a million books electronically by the end of the year. To that end, project organizers have identified some unusual requirements on the margins of the lines. Additional resources include gutenbg.txt (listings) and gutenbg.zip (source code).", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Gantz:2000:LM, author = "Howard Gantz and William Fishburne", title = "Letters: Margination", journal = j-DDJ, volume = "25", number = "9", pages = "10, 12", month = sep, year = "2000", CODEN = "DDJOEB", ISSN = "1044-789X", bibdate = "Fri Nov 10 05:32:35 2000", bibsource = "http://www.ddj.com/; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "See \cite{Fishburne:2000:MPG}.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Graetzer:2000:ML, author = "George Gr{\"a}tzer", title = "Math into {\LaTeX}", publisher = pub-BIRKHAUSER # " and " # pub-SV, address = pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr # " and " # pub-SV:adr, edition = "Third", pages = "xxv + 584", year = "2000", ISBN = "0-8176-4131-9, 3-7643-4131-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8176-4131-3, 978-3-7643-4131-2", LCCN = "Z253.4.L38 G745 2000", bibdate = "Thu Aug 23 10:53:02 2001", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$49.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "AMS-LaTeX; AMS-LaTeX (Ficher d'ordinateur); Composition automatique (Industries graphiques); Computerized typesetting; Mathematics printing -- Computer programs; Mathematiques -- Impression -- Logiciels", } @Book{Gratzer:2000:ML, author = "George Gr{\"a}tzer", title = "Math into {\LaTeX}", publisher = pub-BIRKHAUSER # " and " # pub-SV, address = pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr # " and " # pub-SV:adr, edition = "Third", pages = "xxv + 584", year = "2000", ISBN = "0-8176-4131-9, 3-7643-4131-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8176-4131-3, 978-3-7643-4131-2", LCCN = "Z253.4.L38 G745 2000", bibdate = "Thu Aug 23 10:53:02 2001", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$49.95", abstract = "\booktitle{Math Into LaTeX} is for the mathematician, physicist, engineer, scientist, or technical typist who needs to quickly learn how to write and typeset articles and books containing mathematical formulas, and requires a thorough reference book on all aspects of LaTeX and the AMS packages (the enhancements to LaTeX by the American Mathematical Society). Key features of \booktitle{Math Into LaTeX}: * A simple, example-based, visual approach * A quick introduction (Part I) allowing readers to type their first articles in only a few hours * Sample articles to demonstrate the basic structure of LaTeX and AMS articles * Useful appendices containing mathematical and text symbol tables and information on how to convert from older versions * A new chapter in the fourth edition, ``\booktitle{A Visual Introduction to MikTeX},'' an open source implementation of TeX and LaTeX for Windows operating systems * Another new chapter describing amsrefs, a simpler method for formatting references that incorporates and replaces BibTeX data * This edition also integrates a major revision to the amsart document class, along with updated examples.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "AMS-LaTeX; AMS-LaTeX (Ficher d'ordinateur); Composition automatique (Industries graphiques); Computerized typesetting; Mathematics printing --- Computer programs; Math{\'e}matiques --- Impression --- Logiciels", tableofcontents = "I: A short course \\ 1: Typing your first article \\ II: Text and math \\ 2: Typing text \\ 3: Text environments \\ 4: Typing math \\ 5: Multiline math displays \\ III: Document structure \\ 6: \LaTeX{} documents \\ 7: Standard \LaTeX{} document classes \\ 8: AMS documents \\ IV: Customization \\ 9: Customizing \LaTeX{} \\ V: Long documents \\ 10: BibTeX \\ 11: MakeIndex \\ 12: Books in \LaTeX{} \\ VI: Math and the Web \\ 13: TEX, \LaTeX{}, and the Internet \\ 14: Putting \LaTeX{} on the Web \\ A: Math symbol tables \\ A.1: Hebrew and Greek letters \\ A.1.1: Hebrew letters \\ A.1.2: Greek letters \\ A.2: Binary relations \\ A.2.3: Negated binary relations \\ A.3: Binary operations \\ A.4: Arrows \\ A.5: Miscellaneous symbols \\ A.6: Delimiters \\ A.7: Operators \\ A.7.1: Pure operators, with no limits \\ A.7.2: Operators with limits \\ A.7.3: Large operators \\ A.8: Math accents and fonts \\ A.8.1: Math accents \\ A.8.2: Math fonts \\ A.9: Math spacing commands \\ B: Text symbol tables \\ B.1: Some European characters \\ B.2: Text accents \\ B.3: Text font commands \\ B.3.1: Text font family commands \\ B.4: Additional text symbols \\ B.5: Additional text symbols with T1 encoding \\ B.5.1: Accents \\ B.5.2: European characters \\ B.5.3: Quotation marks \\ B.6: Text spacing commands \\ C: Background \\ C.1: A short history \\ C.1.2: Recent developments \\ C.2.1: The layers \\ C.2.2: Typesetting \\ C.2.3: Viewing and printing \\ D: PostScript fonts \\ D.2: The Times font and MathTime \\ D.3: Lucida Bright fonts \\ D.4: More PostScript fonts \\ F: A book document class \\ G: Conversions \\ H: Final word \\ H.1: What was left out? \\ H.2: Further reading", } @Book{Gulbins:2000:MTK, author = "J{\"u}rgen Gulbins and Christine Kahrmann", title = "{Mut zur Typographie: ein Kurs f{\"u}r Desktop-publishing}", publisher = pub-SV, address = pub-SV:adr, pages = "x + 430", year = "2000", ISBN = "3-540-67541-8", ISBN-13 = "978-3-540-67541-9", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Nov 19 15:40:24 2001", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-mh, } @Book{Khazaeli:2000:CTL, author = "Cyrus Dominik Khazaeli", title = "{Crashkurs Typo und Layout: vom Zeilenfall zum Screendesign}", publisher = "Rowohl", address = "Reinbek bei Hamburg, Germany", pages = "383", year = "2000", ISBN = "3-499-19815-0", ISBN-13 = "978-3-499-19815-1", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Nov 19 15:43:50 2001", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-mh, } @Book{Gorbach:2001:TP, author = "Rudolf Paulus Gorbach", title = "Typographie professionell", publisher = "Galileo Press", address = "Bonn, Germany", pages = "ca. 350", year = "2001", ISBN = "3-934358-73-X", ISBN-13 = "978-3-934358-73-7", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon Nov 19 15:38:09 2001", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "DM 99.90, EUR 49.90 (ab 1.1.2002), sfr 88.00, S 730.00", acknowledgement = ack-mh, } @Book{Heller:2001:TTC, author = "Steven Heller and Philip B. Meggs", title = "Texts on Type: Critical Writings on Typography", publisher = pub-ALLWORTH-PRESS, address = pub-ALLWORTH-PRESS:adr, pages = "xi + 275", year = "2001", ISBN = "1-58115-082-2", ISBN-13 = "978-1-58115-082-7", LCCN = "Z250.T365 2001", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 15:35:10 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$19.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Krantz:2001:HTM, author = "Steven G. Krantz", title = "Handbook of typography for the mathematical sciences", publisher = pub-CHAPMAN-HALL-CRC, address = pub-CHAPMAN-HALL-CRC:adr, pages = "xv + 173", year = "2001", ISBN = "1-58488-149-6", ISBN-13 = "978-1-58488-149-0", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47 K65 2001", bibdate = "Wed Oct 29 13:29:41 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "TeX (Computer file); Computerized typesetting; Mathematics printing; Computer programs", } @Book{Poynor:2001:OGL, author = "Rick Poynor", title = "Obey the Giant: Life in the Image World", publisher = pub-BIRKHAUSER, address = pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr, pages = "224", year = "2001", ISBN = "3-7643-6565-X", ISBN-13 = "978-3-7643-6565-3", LCCN = "NC998.4.P69 2001", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 16:01:02 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$28.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Poynor:2001:T, author = "Rick Poynor", title = "Typographica", publisher = "Princeton Architectural Press", address = "????", pages = "144", year = "2001", ISBN = "1-56898-298-4", ISBN-13 = "978-1-56898-298-4", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 16:02:23 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$50.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Baines:2002:TT, author = "Phil Baines and Andrew Haslam", title = "Type \& Typography", publisher = pub-WATSON-GUPTILL, address = pub-WATSON-GUPTILL:adr, pages = "192", year = "2002", ISBN = "0-8230-5524-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8230-5524-1", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 15:33:34 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$29.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Bierut:2002:LCC, editor = "Michael Bierut and William Drenttel and Steven Heller", title = "Looking Closer 4: Critical Writings on Graphic Design", publisher = pub-ALLWORTH-PRESS, address = pub-ALLWORTH-PRESS:adr, pages = "xi + 291", year = "2002", ISBN = "1-58115-235-3", ISBN-13 = "978-1-58115-235-7", LCCN = "NC997.L6333 2002", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 15:43:09 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$21.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Bringhurst:2002:ETS, author = "Robert Bringhurst", title = "The Elements of Typographic Style", publisher = pub-HARTLEY-MARKS, address = pub-HARTLEY-MARKS:adr, pages = "350", year = "2002", ISBN = "0-88179-132-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-88179-132-7", LCCN = "Z246.B74 1996", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 15:21:10 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$29.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Carter:2002:TDF, author = "Rob Carter and Ben Day and Philip Meggs", title = "Typographic Design: Form and Communication", publisher = pub-WILEY, address = pub-WILEY:adr, edition = "Third", pages = "309", year = "2002", ISBN = "0-471-38341-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-471-38341-3", LCCN = "Z246.C217 2002", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 15:29:03 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$50.00", URL = "http://www.loc.gov/catdir/description/wiley0310/2002027392.html", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Carter:2002:VET, author = "Harry Carter", title = "A View of Early Typography: Up To About 1600", volume = "1968", publisher = pub-HYPHEN, address = pub-HYPHEN:adr, pages = "137", year = "2002", ISBN = "0-907259-21-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-907259-21-3", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 16:18:45 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Reprinted with an introduction by James Mosley. Originally published in 1969 by Clarendon Press, Oxford, UK.", price = "US\$35.00", series = "The Lyell lectures", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Carter, Harry Graham (1901--1982)", } @Book{deBiasi:2002:SDP, author = "Pierre-Marc de Biasi and Karine Douplitzky", title = "La saga du papier", publisher = "Arte Editions", address = "Issy-les-Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine)", pages = "255", year = "2002", ISBN = "2-87660-350-0 (paperback), 2-87660-228-8 (hardcover)", ISBN-13 = "978-2-87660-350-9 (paperback), 978-2-87660-228-1 (hardcover)", LCCN = "TS1094 .B53 1999", bibdate = "Sat Feb 10 08:03:46 MST 2018", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Collection ``Textures''", URL = "http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb38857166s", abstract = "L'histoire d'une mati{\`e}re et de ses usages qui en envisage tous les aspects, l'{\'e}conomie, la confection, l'artisanat, les beaux-arts mais aussi l'industrie, les cons{\'e}quences {\'e}cologiques et les technologies nouvelles.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, author-dates = "1950--", language = "French", remark = "Out of print, but still available at some online used booksellers at inflated prices.", subject = "Papier; Histoire; Industrie et commerce; Histoire.; Industrie papeti{\`e}re; papier.; origines; 20e s.", } @Book{Jury:2002:AFR, author = "David Jury", title = "About Face: Reviving the Rules of Typography", publisher = pub-ROTOVISION, address = pub-ROTOVISION:adr, pages = "159", year = "2002", ISBN = "2-88046-677-6", ISBN-13 = "978-2-88046-677-0", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 15:32:14 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$40.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Kinross:2002:KMP, editor = "Robin Kinross and Jaap {Van Triest} and Karel Martens", title = "{Karel Martens}: printed matter\slash drukwerk", publisher = pub-HYPHEN, address = pub-HYPHEN:adr, edition = "Second", pages = "168", year = "2002", ISBN = "0-907259-20-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-907259-20-6", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 16:09:24 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Translations by Fran{\c{c}}oise Berserik and Harry Lake, and text by Hugues Boekraad.", price = "US\$40", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Martens, Karel, 1939--", } @Book{Kinross:2002:UTP, author = "Robin Kinross", title = "Unjustified Texts: Perspectives on Typography", publisher = pub-HYPHEN, address = pub-HYPHEN:adr, pages = "391", year = "2002", ISBN = "0-907259-17-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-907259-17-6", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 16:17:36 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$30.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Lundmark:2002:QQS, author = "Torbj{\"o}rn Lundmark", title = "Quirky Qwerty: The Story of the Keyboard Your Fingertips", publisher = "New South Wales University Press Ltd.", address = "Sydney, Australia", pages = "172", year = "2002", ISBN = "0-86840-436-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-86840-436-3", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 15:45:40 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$19.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Potter:2002:WDT, author = "Norman Potter and Robin Kinross", title = "What is a Designer: Things, Places, Messages", publisher = pub-HYPHEN, address = pub-HYPHEN:adr, edition = "Fourth", pages = "181", year = "2002", ISBN = "0-907259-16-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-907259-16-9", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 16:20:16 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$20.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{TDC:2002:TT, author = "{Type Directors Club}", title = "Typography 22 (Typography)", publisher = pub-WATSON-GUPTILL, address = pub-WATSON-GUPTILL:adr, pages = "298", year = "2002", ISBN = "0-8230-5557-4; 0-06-018586-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8230-5557-9; 978-0-06-018586-2", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 16:30:06 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$59.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Thrift:2002:DG, author = "Julia Thrift and Lucien E. Roberts", title = "The Designer and the Grid", publisher = pub-ROTOVISION, address = pub-ROTOVISION:adr, pages = "159", year = "2002", ISBN = "2-88046-678-4", ISBN-13 = "978-2-88046-678-7", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 16:22:37 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$45.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "grid typesetting", } @Book{Anonymous:2003:CMS, author = "Anonymous", title = "The {Chicago} Manual of Style", publisher = pub-U-CHICAGO, address = pub-U-CHICAGO:adr, edition = "15th", pages = "xvii + 956", year = "2003", ISBN = "0-226-10403-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-226-10403-4", LCCN = "Z253 .U69 2003", bibdate = "Wed Sep 10 17:32:05 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$55.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, history = "First edition 1906, 12th edition 1969, 13th edition 1982, 14th edition 1993, 15th edition 2003", idnumber = "518", keywords = "authorship handbooks; authorship manuals; practical style manuals; printing", printermarks = "yes", remark = "The standard American work on typesetting style etc.", subtitle = "The Essential Guide for Writers, Editors and Publishers", tableofcontents = "1: The parts of a published work \\ 2: Manuscript preparation and manuscript editing \\ 3: Proofs \\ 4: Rights and permissions \\ 5: Grammar and usage \\ 6: Punctuation \\ 7: Spelling, distinctive treatment of words, and compounds \\ 8: Names and terms \\ 9: Numbers \\ 10: Foreign languages \\ 11: Quotations and dialogue \\ 12: Illustrations and captions \\ 13: Tables \\ 14: Mathematics in type \\ 15: Abbreviations \\ 16: Documentation I: Basic patterns \\ 17: Documentation II: Specific content \\ 18: Indexes \\ Appendix A: Design and production- basic procedures and key terms \\ Appendix B: The publishing process for books and journals", } @Book{Felici:2003:CMT, author = "James Felici", title = "The Complete Manual of Typography: a Guide to Setting Perfect Type", publisher = pub-ADOBE-PRESS, address = pub-ADOBE-PRESS:adr, pages = "xx + 360", year = "2003", ISBN = "0-321-12730-7", ISBN-13 = "978-0-321-12730-3", LCCN = "Z250.F44 2003", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 15:19:44 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Foreword by Frank Romano.", price = "US\$45.00", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Hodges:2003:GHS, editor = "Elaine R. S. Hodges", title = "The {Guild} handbook of scientific illustration", publisher = pub-WILEY, address = pub-WILEY:adr, edition = "Second", pages = "xv + 623", year = "2003", ISBN = "0-471-36011-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-471-36011-7", LCCN = "Q222 .G85 2003", bibdate = "Mon Jul 11 14:11:54 MDT 2011", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", URL = "http://www.loc.gov/catdir/bios/wiley046/2002009096.htm; http://www.loc.gov/catdir/description/wiley0310/2002009096.htm; http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/wiley031/2002009096.htm", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, editor-dates = "1937--2006", subject = "scientific illustration; natural history illustration", } @Book{Williams:2003:TAT, editor = "Allison Muench Williams and J. Phillips Williams", title = "{Typography 23}: Annual of the {Type Directors Club (Typography)}", publisher = pub-WATSON-GUPTILL, address = pub-WATSON-GUPTILL:adr, pages = "300 (est.)", year = "2003", ISBN = "0-8230-5558-2", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8230-5558-6", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue Nov 04 16:28:34 2003", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$59.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Hutner:2004:CCF, author = "Martin Hutner and Jerry Kelly", title = "A century for the century: fine printed books from 1900 to 1999", publisher = "Grolier Club", address = "Danbury, CT, USA", edition = "Revised and enlarged", pages = "lxii + 110", year = "2004", ISBN = "1-56792-220-1 (hardcover)", ISBN-13 = "978-1-56792-220-2 (hardcover)", LCCN = "Z1033.F5 H87 2004", bibdate = "Wed Jun 6 18:50:09 MDT 2018", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", URL = "http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0421/2004019023.html", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Fine books; Europe; Bibliography; Exhibitions; United States; Private press books", } @TechReport{NIST:2004:SUR, author = "{NIST}", title = "{SI} Unit rules and style conventions: Check List for Reviewing Manuscripts", type = "Report", institution = pub-NIST, address = pub-NIST:adr, pages = "2", month = sep, year = "2004", bibdate = "Sat Nov 04 07:27:29 2017", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "https://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/checklist.html", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Manual{Andre:2005:PLT, author = "Jacques Andr{\'e}", title = "Petites le{\c{c}}ons de typographie. ({French}) [Small lessons of typography]", organization = pub-IRISA, address = pub-IRISA:adr, pages = "50", day = "16", month = may, year = "2005", bibdate = "Thu Nov 10 17:53:06 2005", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Revision of earlier versions of 1990 and 2003.", URL = "http://www.irisa.fr/faqtypo/lessons.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, language = "French", } @Book{Kirschenbaum:2005:GGH, author = "Valerie Kirschenbaum", title = "Goodbye {Gutenberg}: hello to a new generation of readers and writers", publisher = "Global Renaissance Society", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "416", year = "2005", ISBN = "0-9745750-3-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-9745750-3-2", LCCN = "Z116.A3 K57 2005", bibdate = "Thu Jul 12 12:30:02 MDT 2007", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; melvyl.cdlib.org:210/CDL90", series = "Designer Writers series", URL = "http://www.goodbyegutenberg.com/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "printing; history; books; book design; book ornamentation", tableofcontents = "1: Hello to a new generation of writers \\ The first generation \\ The birth of the designer writer \\ Writing with body language \\ Writing in the color of the stars \\ Writers on designer writing \\ The visual prophet: William Blake \\ 2: Hello to a new generation of readers \\ The Gutenberg clich\'e \\ Designer writing in Egypt \\ The visual secrets of Greece and Rome \\ Dawn of the designer poet: China \\ The philosopher painters of Maya \\ The golden ecstasies of Islam \\ These are the images: Hebrew illuminated manuscripts \\ Thinking in images: Aristotle in medieval Europe \\ Seeing the divine in the Hindu and Buddhist traditions \\ 3: Hello to a new generation of women \\ Godmother of designer writing: Christine de Pisan \\ Feminine fonts \\ Booklady: a modern feminine font \\ 4: Beauty and the book \\ Beauty and the book Part 1 \\ Beauty and the book Part 2 \\ 5: Hello to a new generation of teachers \\ Color in education, advertising and the arts \\ Color, reading and the brain \\ Edgar Allan Poe \\ The eye is full of deceit: Plato \\ Birth of the comic book: Homer \\ Measuring the immeasurable: Chaucer \\ Image magic in Ethiopia \\ A new generation of visual theorists \\ Writing outside the box \\ Chaos in the classroom \\ 6: Hello to the critics and skeptics \\ Critics of designer writing \\ Words on trial: ornament and decoration \\ 7: Goodbye Gutenberg \\ A revaluation of visual values \\ Dawn of designer prose \\ The visual vernacular \\ The old way of reading and the new \\ Terror in the arts \\ And so begin the beautiful books.", } @Book{Masterson:2005:BDP, author = "Pete Masterson", title = "Book design and production: a guide for authors and publishers", publisher = "Aeonix Publishing Group", address = "El Sobrante, CA, USA", pages = "320", year = "2005", ISBN = "0-9669819-0-1 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-9669819-0-2 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z116.A3 M37 2005", bibdate = "Mon Aug 10 17:07:39 MDT 2009", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", URL = "http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/fy0711/2005901925.html", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, remark = "This book is a recommended resource for guidelines for self publication.", subject = "book design; self-publishing; publishers and publishing", } @Book{Mitchell:2005:BTD, author = "Michael Mitchell and Susan Wightman", title = "Book typography: a designer's manual", publisher = "Libanus Press", address = "Marlborough, Wiltshire, UK", pages = "xi + 434", year = "2005", ISBN = "0-948021-66-7", ISBN-13 = "978-0-948021-66-4", LCCN = "Z246 .M57 2005", bibdate = "Mon Feb 12 05:56:50 MST 2018", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb40927963h", abstract = "Books depend on good design to communicate. This practical guide to typography explains the principles of good design, why they exist and when and how to put them into practice.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, author-dates = "Michael Mitchell (13 July 1939--17 November 2017)", subject = "Imprimerie; Technique; Livres; Mise en page; Technique du livre; Arts graphiques; Typographie; Manuels d'amateurs; Design graphique", tableofcontents = "1. Function and readability \\ 2. The text panel \\ 3. Typeface characteristics and choices \\ 4. Text composition \\ 5. Headings \\ 6. Prelims and endmatter \\ 7. Additional elements on the page \\ 8. Extent \\ 9. Typesetting \\ 10. Numbers \\ 11. Illustrated books \\ 12. Images \\ 13. Further text treatments \\ 14. Binding, covers and jackets \\ 15. Pre-setting and post-setting \\ 16. Time and money", } @Book{Mulvany:2005:IB, author = "Nancy C. Mulvany", title = "Indexing books", publisher = pub-U-CHICAGO, address = pub-U-CHICAGO:adr, edition = "Second", pages = "xiv + 315", year = "2005", ISBN = "0-226-55276-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-226-55276-7", LCCN = "Z695.9 .M8 2005", bibdate = "Wed Apr 27 13:38:57 MDT 2011", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", URL = "http://www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy0621/2005004214-b.html; http://www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy0621/2005004214-d.html; http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip057/2005004214.html", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Indexing", tableofcontents = "Introduction to book indexing \\ The author and the index \\ Getting started \\ Structure of entries \\ Arrangement of entries \\ Special concerns in indexing \\ Names, names, names \\ Format and layout of the index \\ Editing the index \\ Tools for indexing", } @Book{Perrousseaux:2005:HET, author = "Yves Perrousseaux and Jacques Andr{\'e} and Christian Laucou", title = "Histoire de l'{\'e}criture typographique. ({French}) [{History} of typographic writing]", publisher = "Atelier Perrousseaux", address = "M{\'e}olans-Revel, France", year = "2005-2016", ISBN = "2-911220-13-7 (vol. 1), 2-911220-24-2 (vol. 2, pt. 1), 2-911220-84-6 (vol. 3), 2-911220-34-X (vol. 2/2), 2-36765-005-5 (vol. 4/1), 2-36765-006-3 (vol. 4/2)", ISBN-13 = "978-2-911220-13-5 (vol. 1), 978-2-911220-24-1 (vol. 2, pt. 1), 978-2-911220-84-5 (vol. 3), 978-2-911220-34-0 (vol. 2/2), 978-2-36765-005-0 (vol. 4/1), 978-2-36765-006-7 (vol. 4/2)", LCCN = "Z124 .P47 2005", bibdate = "Sat Mar 25 12:55:11 MDT 2017", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Four volumes in six.", URL = "http://tinyurl.com/ja-xxieme", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, language = "French", remark = "Volume 3 by Jacques Andr{\'e} and Christian Laucou.", subject = "Printing; History; Books; Type and type-founding; Imprimerie; Histoire; Livres; Caract{\`e}res d'imprimerie; Books.; Printing.; Type and type-founding.; Typografie.; Drukkunst.; Schrift.; Typographie.", tableofcontents = "[1] De Gutenberg au XVIIe si{\`e}cle \\ [2] Le XVIIIe si{\`e}cle, tome I/II--II/II \\ [3] Le XIXe si{\`e}cle fran{\c{c}}ais / Jacques Andr{\'e} and Christian Laucou / pr{\'e}ambule de Didier Barri{\`e}re \\ [4] Le XXe si{\`e}cle. tome I/II. De 1900 {\`a}1950 / sous la direction de Jacques Andr{\'e} / pr{\'e}face de Alan Marshall. Tome II/II. De 1950 {\`a} 2000 / sous la direction de Jacques Andr{\'e} / postface de Thomas Huot-Marchand", } @Book{Southall:2005:PTT, author = "Richard Southall", title = "Printer's type in the twentieth century: manufacturing and design methods", publisher = "British Library", address = "London, UK", pages = "xv + 238", year = "2005", ISBN = "0-7123-4812-3 (British Library), 1-58456-155-6 (Oak Knoll Press)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-7123-4812-6 (British Library), 978-1-58456-155-2 (Oak Knoll Press)", LCCN = "Z250.A2 S68 2005", bibdate = "Tue Jun 7 10:52:11 MDT 2016", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/font.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Type and type-founding; History; 20th century; Digital techniques; Computer fonts; Typesetting; Phototypesetting; Computerized typesetting; Typesetting machines; Printing", tableofcontents = "Metal type \\ Cutting type by hand \\ Making designs for hand punchcutting \\ Cutting type by machine \\ Making designs for machine-cut type \\ Hot-metal typesetting \\ Fonts and typefaces in metal type \\ Perpetua and Lutetia \\ The photographic matrix \\ Making type by photography \\ Drawing characters for the Lumitype \\ The design of Univers \\ The search for speed \\ Scanned-matrix photocomposition \\ Fonts and typefaces in photomatrix manufacture \\ Digital and numerical techniques \\ Digital and numerical photocomposition \\ Digital and numerical fonts \\ Laser imagesetters and the Post-Script revolution \\ The Stone typeface family \\ Making type with programs \\ Computer science and typography \\ The Colorado typemaking project", } @Book{Alred:2006:HTW, author = "Gerald J. Alred and Charles T. Brusaw and Walter E. Oliu", title = "Handbook of technical writing", publisher = "Bedford\slash St. Martins", address = "Boston, MA, USA", edition = "Eighth", pages = "xxiv + 636", year = "2006", ISBN = "0-312-43613-0 (paperback), 0-312-35267-0 (hardcover)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-312-43613-1 (paperback), 978-0-312-35267-7 (hardcover)", LCCN = "T11 .B78 2006", bibdate = "Mon Apr 14 18:09:54 MDT 2008", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", URL = "http://www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy0708/2005921350-b.html; http://www.loc.gov/catdir/enhancements/fy0708/2005921350-d.html", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Technical writing; Handbooks, manuals, etc", } @MastersThesis{Holkner:2006:GMO, author = "Alex Holkner", title = "Global Multiple Objective Line Breaking", type = "{Honours} thesis", school = "School of Computer Science and Information Technology, RMIT University", address = "Melbourne, Victoria. Australia", pages = "35", month = oct, year = "2006", bibdate = "Tue Feb 16 18:34:36 2016", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=", abstract = "The line breaking problem is as follows: given some text and a page to print to, where are the best places to start new lines within the paragraphs for the most visually appealing layout? The most well-known and used optimising typesetting software is \TeX{}, which solves the line breaking problem according to an internal function of a paragraph s ``badness.''\par We propose an alternative formulation of the problem in which the quality of a candidate paragraph is measured along several objective functions which are easily defined by real-world solution-space metrics. Rather than presenting a single solution to the user, our algorithm finds the Pareto-optimal set of paragraphs given a set of objective functions.\par To support our algorithm, we devise a new method for determining feasible hyphenation points within a paragraph in a single pass, which is general enough to apply to and improve the original \TeX{} algorithm.\par Our results show that global multiple objective paragraph optimisation gives solutions consistently better than \TeX{} along our real-world metrics, and that a range of solutions are returned representing a genuine trade-off in typographic quality.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, advisor = "Xiaodong Li", } @Article{Stallybrass:2006:BFP, author = "Peter Stallybrass", title = "{Benjamin Franklin}: Printed Corrections and Erasable Writing", journal = j-PROC-AMER-PHIL-SOC, volume = "150", number = "4", pages = "553--567", month = dec, year = "2006", CODEN = "PAPCAA", ISSN = "0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0003-049X", bibdate = "Sat Aug 24 19:38:25 MDT 2019", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/procamerphilsoc2000.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "https://www.jstor.org/stable/4599024", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society", journal-URL = "http://www.jstor.org/journal/procamerphilsoci", remark = "Description of erasable ivory paper notebooks for temporary storage before transcribing to paper, Comments on Franklin's techniques for handling errata in typeset material, and and on the origin of ``press copies'' (not for printing press, but rather from the hand pressure needed to image a sheet of paper against a damped sheet of manuscript). Press copies became widely used for keeping records of business correspondence, long before photocopiers were invented.", } @TechReport{ICNS:2007:UIR, author = "{Interdivisional Committee on Nomenclature and Symbols}", title = "On the use of italic and roman fonts for symbols in scientific text", type = "Report", institution = "International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)", address = "Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-3757, USA", pages = "2", year = "2007", bibdate = "Sat Nov 04 07:30:03 2017", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://old.iupac.org/standing/idcns/fonts_for_symbols.html; http://old.iupac.org/standing/idcns/italic-roman_dec99.pdf", abstract = "Scientific manuscripts frequently fail to follow the accepted conventions concerning the use of italic and roman fonts for symbols. An italic font is generally used for emphasis in running text, but it has a quite specific meaning when used for symbols in scientific text and equations. The following summary is intended to help in the correct use of italic in preparing manuscript material.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Zapf:2007:ACT, author = "Hermann Zapf", title = "{Alphabetgeschichten: Eine Chronik technischer Entwicklungen}", publisher = "Mergenthaler Edition, Linotype GmbH", address = "Bad Homburg, Germany", pages = "156", year = "2007", ISBN = "3-9810319-5-4", ISBN-13 = "978-3-9810319-5-9", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Fri Jul 27 18:00:30 2007", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "29.00 EUR", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, language = "German", } @Book{Zapf:2007:ASC, author = "Hermann Zapf", title = "Alphabet Stories: a Chronicle of Technical Developments", publisher = "Mergenthaler Edition, Linotype GmbH", address = "Bad Homburg, Germany", pages = "149", year = "2007", ISBN = "3-9810319-6-2", ISBN-13 = "978-3-9810319-6-6", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Fri Jul 27 17:58:03 2007", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @InProceedings{Brailsford:2009:ART, author = "David F. Brailsford", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DocEng09), 15--18 September 2009}", title = "Automated Re-typesetting, Indexing and Content Enhancement for Scanned Marriage Registers", publisher = pub-ACM, address = pub-ACM:adr, pages = "29--38", year = "2009", bibdate = "Wed Jun 17 18:14:06 2015", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{ISO:2009:IQU, author = "{ISO}", title = "{ISO 80000-2}: {Quantities} and units --- {Part 2}: {Mathematical} signs and symbols to be used in the natural sciences and technology", publisher = pub-ISO, address = pub-ISO:adr, pages = "40", month = dec, year = "2009", bibdate = "Sat Nov 04 07:20:18 2017", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/isostd.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "https://www.iso.org/standard/31887.html", abstract = "ISO 80000-2:2009 gives general information about mathematical signs and symbols, their meanings, verbal equivalents and applications. The recommendations in ISO 80000-2:2009 are intended mainly for use in the natural sciences and technology, but also apply to other areas where mathematics is used.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Bodoni:2010:MTM, author = "Giambattista Bodoni and Stephan F{\"u}ssel", title = "Manuale tipografico: Manual of typography: Handbuch der Typografie: Manuel typographique: Manual de tipografia", publisher = "Taschen", address = "K{\"o}ln, Germany", pages = "lxxii + 267 (vol. 1), 279 (vol. 2)", year = "2010", ISBN = "3-8365-0553-3 (hardcover)", ISBN-13 = "978-3-8365-0553-6 (hardcover)", LCCN = "Z232.B66 A23 2010", bibdate = "Tue May 14 11:53:24 MDT 2013", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Celebrated printer and type designer Giambattista Bodoni set the standard for printing the alphabet with his Manuale tipografico (1818). The two-volume set --- published posthumously in a limited edition of 250 --- features 142 sets of roman and italic typefaces, a wide selection of borders, ornaments, symbols, and flowers, as well as Greek, Hebrew, Russian, Arabic, Phoenician, Armenian, Coptic, and Tibetan alphabets. Official printer for the Duke of Parma, Bodoni (1740--1813) declared that well-designed type derived its beauty from four principles: uniformity of design, sharpness and neatness, good taste, and charm. His typefaces display an unprecedented degree of technical refinement, and epitomize purity and grace. The culmination of more than four decades of work, the Manuale tipografico represents one of history's greatest typographical achievements. The Bodoni typeface is still widely used even today, both in digital media and in print, and TASCHEN's meticulous reprint of Bodoni's masterwork gives readers a rare opportunity to explore the origins of the Bodoni typeface and learn about its creator.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, remark = "Specimens of type, printed on one side of leaf only. This edition is based on the copy owned by Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin--Preussischer Kulturbesitz.. Additional titles on cover. Imprint from accompanying booklet. Accompanied by booklet in pocket with title: Manual of typography, Manuale tipografico 1818 / Giambattista Bodoni ; edited by Stephan F{\"u}ssel.", subject = "type and type-founding; Italy; handbooks, manuals, etc; printing", } @Book{Kelly:2010:ABT, author = "Jerry Kelly", title = "The art of the book in the twentieth century: a study of eleven influential book designers from 1900 to 2000", publisher = "RIT Cary Graphic Arts Press", address = "Rochester, NY, USA", pages = "xviii + 179", year = "2010", ISBN = "1-933360-46-1", ISBN-13 = "978-1-933360-46-1", LCCN = "Z246 .K45 2010", bibdate = "Fri Jun 24 10:02:02 MDT 2011", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Book design; History; 20th century; Book designers; Biography; Type designers; Printers", tableofcontents = "Daniel Berkeley Updike \\ Bruce Rogers \\ Joseph Blumenthal \\ Stanley Morison \\ Francis Meynell \\ Giovanni Mardersteig \\ Jan van Krimpen \\ Jan Tschichold \\ Max Caflisch \\ Gotthard de Beauclair \\ Hermann Zapf", } @Book{Cusick:2011:WOL, author = "Rick Cusick", title = "What our lettering needs: the contribution of {Hermann Zapf} to calligraphy and type design at {Hallmark Cards}", publisher = "RIT Cary Graphic Arts Press", address = "Rochester, NY, USA", pages = "xv + 117", year = "2011", ISBN = "1-933360-55-0 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-1-933360-55-3 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z250.A2 Z374 2011", bibdate = "Wed Aug 14 13:09:02 MDT 2013", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/font.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Zapf, Hermann; Type and type-founding; History; 20th century; Calligraphy", tableofcontents = "What our lettering needs \\ The art of Hermann Zapf and its effects \\ The lettering manual \\ Typographic transition \\ Hallmark Editions \\ Unfinished projects \\ More than a business relationship \\ Appendix. Hermann Zapf and the Crabgrass Press", } @Book{Kadavy:2011:DHR, author = "David Kadavy", title = "Design for Hackers: Reverse Engineering Beauty", publisher = pub-WILEY, address = pub-WILEY:adr, pages = "352 (est.)", year = "2011", ISBN = "1-119-99895-6", ISBN-13 = "978-1-119-99895-2", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Fri Sep 16 12:00:16 2011", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, remark = "Chapter 3 and Appendices A and B are about typography and fonts, and Chapters 8 and 9 are about color.", } @Book{Kelly:2011:AMA, author = "Jerry Kelly", title = "About more alphabets: the types of {Hermann Zapf}", volume = "3", publisher = "The Typophiles", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "111", year = "2011", ISBN = "0-9842744-0-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-9842744-0-6", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Tue May 14 11:53:13 MDT 2013", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/font.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "With a foreword by Robert Bringhurst.", series = "Typophile chap book. N.S.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, remark = "One thousand copies of this book have been printed from Comenius and other Herman Zapf types. Seventy-five copies are specially bound and signed by the author, with additional type specimens printed letterpress and the Kelly-Winterton Press. Printing by Capital Offset. Design and typography by Jerry Kelly.", subject = "Zapf, Hermann", subject-dates = "1918--", } @Book{Bringhurst:2012:ETS, author = "Robert Bringhurst", title = "The Elements of Typographic Style 4.0", publisher = "Hartley and Marks", address = "Point Roberts, WA, USA", edition = "Fourth", pages = "398", year = "2012", ISBN = "0-88179-211-X (hardcover), 0-88179-212-8 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-88179-211-9 (hardcover), 978-0-88179-212-6 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z246 .B74 2012", bibdate = "Sat Jan 19 08:10:55 MST 2019", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Renowned typographer and poet Robert Bringhurst brings clarity to the art of typography with this masterful style guide. Combining the practical, theoretical, and historical, this edition is completely updated, with a thorough revision and updating of the longest chapter, ``Prowling the Specimen Books, '' and many other small but important updates based on things that are continually changing in the field.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Book history; typografie; typography; typefaces [type forms]; Graphics industry; lettertypes", tableofcontents = "Foreword \\ Historical synopsis \\ The grand design \\ Rhythm and proportion \\ Harmony and counterpoint \\ Structural forms and devices \\ Analphabetic symbols \\ Choosing and combining type \\ Historical interlude \\ Shaping the page \\ The state of the art \\ Grooming the font \\ Prowling the specimen books \\ Appendix A: The working alphabet \\ Appendix B: Glossary of characters \\ Appendix C: Glossary of terms \\ Appendix D: Type designers \\ Appendix E: Typefoundries \\ Afterword to the fourth edition", } @Article{Ciancarini:2012:HQP, author = "Paolo Ciancarini and Angelo {Di Iorio} and Luca Furini and Fabio Vitali", title = "High-quality pagination for publishing", journal = j-SPE, volume = "42", number = "6", pages = "733--751", month = jun, year = "2012", CODEN = "SPEXBL", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1002/spe.1096", ISSN = "0038-0644 (print), 1097-024X (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0038-0644", bibdate = "Sat May 26 08:23:02 MDT 2012", bibsource = "http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journalfinder.html; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/spe.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texbook3.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "Software---Practice and Experience", keywords = "line breaking; page breaking; widows; orphans; keeps; pagination; XML publishing; Knuth--Plass page-breaking algorithm", onlinedate = "13 Jul 2011", } @Article{Warnock:2012:SIC, author = "John E. Warnock", title = "Simple ideas that changed printing and publishing", journal = j-PROC-AMER-PHIL-SOC, volume = "156", number = "4", pages = "363--368", month = dec, year = "2012", CODEN = "PAPCAA", DOI = "", ISSN = "0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic)", bibdate = "Fri Aug 23 16:17:56 2019", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "https://www.jstor.org/stable/23558230", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "Proceedings of the {American Philosophical Society} held at {Philadelphia} for promoting useful knowledge", journal-URL = "http://www.jstor.org/journal/procamerphilsoci", remark = "The Herman H. Goldstine lecture, presented 11 November 2010. This paper discusses the origins of PostScript, PDF, how fonts are represented and rasterized at varying resolutions, and how font hinting helps to preserve important symmetry properties and control glyph image density.", xjournal = "Proc. Amer. Philosoph. Soc.", } @Misc{Milde:2012:IMS, author = "G{\"u}nter Milde", title = "{\tt isomath}: Mathematical style for science and technology", howpublished = "Web site", day = "4", month = sep, year = "2012", bibdate = "Sat Nov 04 07:12:00 2017", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://get-software.net/macros/latex/contrib/isomath/isomath.html", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "ISO 80000-2: Quantities and units --- Part 2: Mathematical signs and symbols to be used in the natural sciences and technology", } @TechReport{Bagley:2013:RSV, author = "Steven R. Bagley and David F. Brailsford and Brian W. Kernighan", title = "Revisiting a Summer Vacation: Digital Restoration and Typesetter Forensics", type = "Report", institution = "School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, and Department of Computer Science, Princeton University", address = "Nottingham NG8 1BB, UK and Princeton, NJ 08540, USA", day = "20", month = jul, year = "2013", bibdate = "Wed Jun 17 17:17:02 2015", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "See also the original and reconstructed papers \cite{Condon:1980:EML}.", URL = "http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~bwk/202/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Misc{Brailsford:2013:EBP, author = "David Brailsford", title = "Extra Bits --- Printing and Typesetting History --- Computerphile", howpublished = "Web video lecture (14m35s).", day = "15", month = dec, year = "2013", bibdate = "Fri Oct 09 06:52:25 2015", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdModNEK_1U", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, remark = "Includes mention of Mergenthaler Linotron 202 and the Linotype typesetters, and the work at Bell Labs (see \cite{Brailsford:2013:GJC}) on using the Linotron (1972--1979) with troff, tbl, and eqn.", } @Misc{Brailsford:2013:GJC, author = "David Brailsford", title = "The Great 202 Jailbreak --- Computerphile", howpublished = "Web video lecture (19m54s).", day = "12", month = dec, year = "2013", bibdate = "Fri Oct 09 06:52:25 2015", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~bwk/202; http://www.eprg.org/papers/202paper.pdf; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVxeuwlvf8w", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, remark = "Discussion of computer-based typesetting before laser printers, with mention of Brian Kernighan, Ken Thompson, Joe Condon, Chuck Bigelow, and the Mergenthaler Linotron 202 phototypesetter. The title describes the reverse engineering of the Mergenthaler font format, and the internal report on that work was suppressed by Bell Laboratories for more than three decades. See entry \cite{Bagley:2013:RSV} for the story of the restoration of that report from the original troff sources.", } @Book{Anonymous:2014:SBI, author = "Anonymous", title = "{SI} Brochure: The {International System of Units (SI)}", publisher = "Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM)", address = "F-92312 S{\`e}vres Cedex, France", edition = "Eighth", pages = "186", year = "2014", ISBN = "92-822-2213-6", ISBN-13 = "978-92-822-2213-3", LCCN = "QC90.8 .S99 8th ed. (2006)", bibdate = "Sat Nov 04 07:32:42 2017", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Issued in 2006, and updated in 2014.", URL = "https://www.bipm.org/en/publications/si-brochure/; https://www.bipm.org/utils/common/pdf/si_brochure_8.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Metric system; Standards; Standards; Standaardisatie; Bureau international des poids et mesure.; Sistema m{\'e}trico", tableofcontents = "Introduction \\ SI units \\ Decimal multiples and submultiples of SI units \\ Units outside the SI \\ Writing unit symbols and names, and expressing the values of quantities \\ Appendices", } @Book{Romano:2014:HLC, author = "Frank J. Romano", title = "History of the {Linotype Company}", publisher = "RIT Press", address = "Rochester, New York", pages = "xv + 463", year = "2014", ISBN = "1-939125-03-0 (hardcover), 1-933360-60-7 (paperback), 1-933360-75-5 (e-book)", ISBN-13 = "978-1-939125-03-3 (hardcover), 978-1-933360-60-7 (paperback), 978-1-933360-75-1 (e-book)", LCCN = "Z253 .R736 2014", bibdate = "Wed Jun 17 15:45:35 MDT 2015", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Linotype; History; Typesetting machines; Type and type-founding; Mergenthaler, Ottmar; Printers; United States; Biography; Inventors", subject-dates = "1854--1899", tableofcontents = "Clephane's history of the linotype \\ Linotype's early years: great expectations and unforeseen betrayals \\ Mackey's 1936 history of the Linotype Company \\ Mergenthaler's linotype machines, 1883/1972 \\ The logotype and other competitors \\ The intertype \\ John Rogers: inventor, and perfecter of the linotype \\ Key people who built the company, 1888--1960 \\ The war years \\ The business of type \\ Fonts manufactured by Linotype or its subsidiaries \\ Mergenthaler expands beyond the linotype \\ Linotype's periodicals and special publications \\ Mergenthaler offices and factories \\ My life at Linotype \\ The phototypesetting era and corporate mergers \\ The Eltra era: linotype becomes a modern conglomerate", } @Book{Crystal:2015:MPP, author = "David Crystal", title = "Making a point: the persnickety story of {English} punctuation", publisher = pub-ST-MARTINS, address = pub-ST-MARTINS:adr, pages = "400 (est.)", year = "2015", ISBN = "1-250-06041-9 (hardcover), 1-4668-6564-4 (e-book)", ISBN-13 = "978-1-250-06041-9 (hardcover), 978-1-4668-6564-8 (e-book)", LCCN = "PE1450 .C89 2015", bibdate = "Thu Sep 17 05:50:07 MDT 2015", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The triumphant concluding volume in David Crystal's classic trilogy on the English language combines the first history of English punctuation with a complete guide on how to use it. Behind every punctuation mark lies a thousand stories. The punctuation of English, marked with occasional rationality, is founded on arbitrariness and littered with oddities. For a system of a few dozen marks it generates a disproportionate degree of uncertainty and passion, inspiring organizations like the Apostrophe Protection Society and sending enthusiasts, correction-pens in hand, in a crusade against error across the United States. Professor Crystal leads us through this minefield with characteristic wit, clarity, and commonsense. In David Crystal's Making a Point, he gives a fascinating account of the origin and progress of every kind of punctuation mark over one and a half millennia and offers sound advice on how punctuation may be used to meet the needs of every occasion and context.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, author-dates = "1941--", subject = "English language; Punctuation; LANGUAGE ARTS and DISCIPLINES / Linguistics / Syntax.", } @Book{Pohlen:2015:LBU, author = "Joep Pohlen", title = "{Letterfont{\"a}ne ({\"u}ber Buchstaben) ; [das ultimative Handbuch zur Typografie]}", publisher = "Taschen", address = "K{\"o}ln, Germany", pages = "640", year = "2015", ISBN = "3-8365-5450-X", ISBN-13 = "978-3-8365-5450-3", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Sun Jul 26 10:52:38 MDT 2015", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/font.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, language = "German", subject = "Druckschrift; Typographie; Typologie; Font", tableofcontents = "Lectori salutem / 6 \\ 1 Die Schrift / 9 \\ Am Anfang stand das Zeichen / 10 \\ Capitalis und Carolina / 18 \\ Das Zeitalter der Typografie / 26 \\ Die Schriftfamilie unter der Lupe / 37 \\ Typografische Ma{\ss}systeme / 52 \\ Schriften und ihre Klassifikation / 56 \\ 3 Serifenschriften und 3 Serifenlose / 82 \\ Die Anatomie der Buchstaben / 90 \\ Von der Schrift zum Font / 126 \\ Die digitalen Formate / 136 \\ Die digitale {\"A}sthetik / 152 \\ Typografische Empfehlungen / 182 \\ Die Wahl einer Schrift / 210 \\ 2 Die Schriften / 221 \\ Serifenschriften / 223 \\ Serifenlose / 345 \\ Varia / 451 \\ 3 Anhang 497 / 586 \\ Allgemeiner Index / 498 \\ Index Schriften / 506 \\ Index Schriftentwerfer / 511 \\ Index Schriftenverlage / 518 \\ Zeitschiene Schriftenverlage Glossar / 590 \\ Bibliografie / 631 \\ Impressum / 640", } @Book{Rosen:2015:AHE, author = "Michael Rosen", title = "Alphabetical: how every letter tells a story", publisher = "Counterpoint", address = "Berkeley, CA, USA", pages = "xv + 431", year = "2015", ISBN = "1-61902-483-7 (hardcover)", ISBN-13 = "978-1-61902-483-0 (hardcover)", LCCN = "P211 .R65 2015", bibdate = "Sat Feb 7 08:53:34 MST 2015", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "How on Earth did we fix upon our twenty-six letters, what do they really mean, and how did we come to write them down in the first place? Michael Rosen takes you on an unforgettable adventure through the history of the alphabet in twenty-six vivid chapters, fizzing with personal anecdotes and fascinating facts. Starting with the mysterious Phoenicians and how sounds first came to be written down, he races on to show how nonsense poems work, pins down the strange story of OK, traces our five lost letters and tackles the tyranny of spelling, among many other things. His heroes of the alphabet range from Edward Lear to Phyllis Pearsall (the inventor of the A--Z), and from the two scribes of Beowulf to rappers. Each chapter takes on a different subject --- whether it's codes, umlauts or the writing of dictionaries. Rosen's enthusiasm for letters positively leaps off the page, whether it's the story of his life told through the typewriters he's owned or a chapter on jokes written in a string of gags and word games. This is the book for anyone who's ever wondered why Hawaiian only has a thirteen-letter alphabet or how exactly to write down the sound of a wild raspberry.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, author-dates = "1946--", subject = "Alphabet; History; Alphabet in literature; Writing; LANGUAGE ARTS and DISCIPLINES / Alphabets and Writing Systems; Alphabet; Alphabet in literature; Writing", } @Misc{Townsend:2015:TPM, author = "Adam Townsend", title = "Is there a perfect maths font?", howpublished = "Web site", day = "13", month = aug, year = "2015", bibdate = "Sat Nov 04 07:00:58 2017", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://chalkdustmagazine.com/blog/is-there-a-perfect-maths-font/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Book{Kirschenbaum:2016:TCL, author = "Matthew G. Kirschenbaum", title = "Track changes: a literary history of word processing", publisher = "The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press", address = "Cambridge, MA, USA", pages = "xvi + 344 + 16", year = "2016", ISBN = "0-674-41707-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-674-41707-6", LCCN = "Z52.4 .K57 2016", bibdate = "Fri Sep 30 12:36:39 MDT 2016", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", URL = "http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?isbn=9780674417076", abstract = "The story of writing in the digital age is every bit as messy as the ink-stained rags that littered the floor of Gutenberg's print shop or the hot molten lead of the linotype machine. During the period of the pivotal growth and widespread adoption of word processing as a writing technology, some authors embraced it as a marvel while others decried it as the death of literature. The product of years of archival research and numerous interviews conducted by the author, Track Changes is the first literary history of word processing. Matthew Kirschenbaum examines how the interests and ideals of creative authorship came to coexist with the computer revolution. Who were the first adopters? What kind of anxieties did they share? Was word processing perceived as just a better typewriter or something more? How did it change our understanding of writing? Track Changes balances the stories of individual writers with a consideration of how the seemingly ineffable act of writing is always grounded in particular instruments and media, from quills to keyboards. Along the way, we discover the candidates for the first novel written on a word processor, explore the surprisingly varied reasons why writers of both popular and serious literature adopted the technology, trace the spread of new metaphors and ideas from word processing in fiction and poetry, and consider the fate of literary scholarship and memory in an era when the final remnants of authorship may consist of folders on a hard drive or documents in the cloud.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Word processing; History; Writing; Technological innovations; Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.)", tableofcontents = "Preface \\ Introduction: It is known \\ 1: Word processing as a literary subject \\ 2: Perfect \\ 3: Around 1981 \\ 4: North of Boston \\ 5: Signposts \\ 6: Typing on glass \\ 7: Unseen hands \\ 8: Think tape \\ 9: Reveal codes \\ 10: What remains \\ After word processing \\ Author's Note \\ Notes \\ Credits \\ Acknowledgments \\ Index", } @Book{Kurlansky:2017:PPT, author = "Mark Kurlansky", title = "Paper: paging through history", publisher = pub-NORTON, address = pub-NORTON:adr, pages = "xx + 389", year = "2017", ISBN = "0-393-23961-6 (hardcover), 0-393-35370-2 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-393-23961-4 (hardcover), 978-0-393-35370-9 (paperback)", LCCN = "TS1090 .K87 2017", bibdate = "Sat Dec 23 09:09:31 MST 2017", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Through tracing paper's evolution, Mark Kurlansky challenges common assumptions about technology's influence, affirming that paper is here to stay. Paper is one of the simplest and most essential pieces of human technology. For the past two millennia, the ability to produce it in ever more efficient ways has supported the proliferation of literacy, media, religion, education, commerce, and art; it has formed the foundation of civilizations, promoting revolutions and restoring stability. One has only to look at history's greatest press run, which produced 6.5 billion copies of Quotations from Chairman Mao (which doesn't include editions in 37 foreign languages and in braille) to appreciate the range and influence of a single publication, in paper. Or take the fact that one of history's most revered artists, Leonardo da Vinci, left behind only 15 paintings but 4,000 works on paper. And though the colonies were at the time calling for a boycott of all British goods, the one exception they made speaks to the essentiality of the material; they penned the Declaration of Independence on British paper. Now, amid discussion of ``going paperless'' --- And as speculation about the effects of a digitally dependent society grows rampant --- we've come to a world-historic juncture. Thousands of years ago, Socrates and Plato warned that written language would be the end of ``true knowledge,'' replacing the need to exercise memory and think through complex questions. Similar arguments were made about the switch from handwritten to printed books, and today about the role of computer technology. By tracing paper's evolution from antiquity to the present, with an emphasis on the contributions made in Asia and the Middle East, Mark Kurlansky challenges common assumptions about technology's influence, affirming that paper is here to stay.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, subject = "Papermaking; History; Paper industry", tableofcontents = "Prologue: The technological fallacy \\ Being human \\ The moths that circle a Chinese candle \\ The Islamic birth of literacy \\ And where is X{\'a}tiva? \\ Europe between two felts \\ Making words soar \\ The art of printing \\ Out from Mainz \\ Tenochtitl{\'a}n and the blue-eyed devil \\ The trumpet call \\ Rembrandt's discovery \\ The traitorous corruption of England \\ Papering independence \\ Diderot's promise \\ Invitation from a wasp \\ Advantages in the head \\ To die like gentlemen \\ Return to Asia \\ Epilogue: change \\ Appendix: Timeline", } @Article{Labovitz:2017:ETO, author = "John Labovitz", title = "The Electric Typesetter: The Origins of Computing in Typography", journal = j-PRINTING-HISTORY-NS, number = "21", pages = "??--??", month = "Winter", year = "2017", ISSN = "0192-9275", ISSN-L = "0192-9275", bibdate = "Fri Aug 25 18:30:45 2017", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/printing-history.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "https://printinghistory.org/publications/printing-history/ns/#21", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "Printing History (New Series)", journal-URL = "https://printinghistory.org/publications/printing-history/ns/", } @Book{Mitchell:2017:TSH, author = "Michael Mitchell and Susan Wightman", title = "Typographic Style Handbook", publisher = "MacLehose Press", address = "London, UK", pages = "287", year = "2017", ISBN = "0-85705-753-7", ISBN-13 = "978-0-85705-753-2", LCCN = "Z246 .M58 2017", bibdate = "Mon Feb 12 06:00:28 MST 2018", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; z3950.loc.gov:7090/Voyager", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, author-dates = "Michael Mitchell (13 July 1939--17 November 2017)", subject = "Graphic design (Typography); Handbooks, manuals, etc; Book design; Type and type-founding", } @Misc{Smith:2017:BLB, author = "Eddie Smith", title = "From boiling lead and black art: An essay on the history of mathematical typography", howpublished = "Web site.", day = "13", month = oct, year = "2017", bibdate = "Sat Nov 04 06:58:35 2017", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://practicallyefficient.com/2017/10/13/from-boiling-lead-and-black-art.html", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Article{Walden:2017:DPP, author = "David Walden and Hiromichi Hashizume", title = "Desktop Publishing Pioneer Meeting at {Computer History Museum}", journal = j-IEEE-ANN-HIST-COMPUT, volume = "39", number = "3", pages = "65--67", month = jul # "\slash " # sep, year = "2017", CODEN = "IAHCEX", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1109/MAHC.2017.3481336", ISSN = "1058-6180 (print), 1934-1547 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "1058-6180", bibdate = "Thu Sep 21 08:02:09 MDT 2017", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/ieeeannhistcomput.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "https://www.computer.org/csdl/mags/an/2017/03/man2017030065-abs.html", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, journal-URL = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=85", } @Article{Peck:2018:RNE, author = "Robert McCracken Peck", title = "The Remarkable Nature of {Edward Lear}", journal = j-PROC-AMER-PHIL-SOC, volume = "162", number = "2", pages = "158--190", month = "????", year = "2018", CODEN = "PAPCAA", ISSN = "0003-049X (print), 2326-9243 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0003-049X", bibdate = "Wed Aug 28 10:47:33 2019", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/procamerphilsoc2000.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "https://www.amphilsoc.org/sites/default/files/2018-11/attachments/Peck.pdf", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, ajournal = "Proc. Amer. Philos. Soc.", fjournal = "Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society", remark = "While this article says little about typesetting, it has good descriptions of the companion technologies of woodcuts, copper plates, lithography, and color illustration and printing in the mid-Nineteenth Century. The article is illustrated with 15 color plates of works by Lear.", subject-dates = "Edward Lear (12 May 1812--29 January 1988)", } @Article{Warnock:2018:OP, author = "John E. Warnock", title = "The Origins of {PostScript}", journal = j-IEEE-ANN-HIST-COMPUT, volume = "40", number = "3", pages = "68--76", month = jul # "\slash " # sep, year = "2018", CODEN = "IAHCEX", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1109/MAHC.2018.033841112", ISSN = "1058-6180 (print), 1934-1547 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "1058-6180", bibdate = "Thu Nov 1 06:16:12 MDT 2018", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/ieeeannhistcomput.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/postscri.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8509542/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "IEEE Annals of the History of Computing", journal-URL = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=85", } @Article{Anonymous:2019:HWO, author = "Anonymous", title = "How the world s old printing presses are being brought back to life: Digital printing almost wiped out the world's letterpresses 40 years ago, but the art refuses to die", journal = j-ECONOMIST, volume = "??", number = "??", pages = "22--25", day = "19", month = dec, year = "2019", CODEN = "EONOEH", ISSN = "0013-0613 (print), 1476-8860 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "0013-0613", bibdate = "Tue Dec 24 07:05:52 2019", URL = "https://www.economist.com/christmas-specials/2019/12/18/how-the-worlds-old-printing-presses-are-being-brought-back-to-life", acknowledgement = ack-dw # " and " # ack-nhfb, fjournal = "The Economist", remark = "From the article, about a museum in London, UK: `` There are perhaps eight million items in the Type Archive she [Sue Shaw] has created, the earliest probably dating back to the 16th century. Nobody really knows, however, because it has not been catalogued. Doing so would be a huge and difficult task. The Monotype collection alone contains 5,700 drawers of patterns (large metal plates engraved with the shape of a letter) and 22,000 containing matrices. The former are made of a thin layer of copper backed with lead. Many of the drawers in which they are stored, though only a few inches deep, are too heavy for one person to lift. Every stage of the process is there. Alongside the patterns and the matrices are thousands of boxes of punches --- small metal letters which are derived from the patterns and used to stamp their shape into a matrix. And there are thousands of varieties of type, in different fonts, sizes and alphabet: Roman, Cyrillic, Sinhala and the 20 Indian languages the Monotype Corporation once serviced. On the upper floor are 79 of the machines used in the different stages of the hot-metal process. Some are collecting dust, but most --- like those used to set the title for this article in Albertus, created for Monotype in the 1930s by Berthold Wolpe --- are clanking away. This year, as a result of Mr [Russell] Maret's curiosity, they have been making the first new Monotype hot-metal font for 40 years.''", } @Book{Kelly:2019:HZW, author = "Jerry Kelly", title = "{Hermann Zapf} and the world he designed", publisher = "The Kelly-Winterton Press", address = "New York, NY, USA", pages = "364", year = "2019", ISBN = "0-578-42521-1 (hardcover)", ISBN-13 = "978-0-578-42521-4 (hardcover)", LCCN = "Z250.A2 Z3754 2019", bibdate = "Mon Nov 11 11:23:46 MST 2019", bibsource = "fsz3950.oclc.org:210/WorldCat; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/font.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This is the first comprehensive biography of Hermann Zapf (1918--2015), whom Robert Bringhurst has called ``the greatest type designer of our time, and very possibly the greatest type designer of all time.''", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, author-dates = "1955--", remark = "Companion volume to the exhibition: Alphabet magic: Gudrun et Hermann Zapf and the world they designed, held at the Grolier Club February 20--April 27, 2019. Set in Hermann Zapf's Palatino nova and Optima nova types. Printed on Yulong paper by CetC Offsett, China. Design et typography by the author. From correspondence with author: 900 copies printed with Kelly-Winterton Press imprint and bound in red cloth, of which about 150 copies are signed and slipcased. An additional 400 copies printed with Grolier Club imprint and bound in blue cloth.", subject = "Zapf, Hermann; Zapf, Hermann; Type designers; Germany; Biography; Calligraphers; Typographers; Type and type-founding; History; 20th century; Calligraphers; Type and type-founding; Type designers", subject-dates = "1918--2015", } @Article{Lorenzen:2019:VS, author = "Lee Lorenzen", title = "The {Ventura} Story", journal = j-IEEE-ANN-HIST-COMPUT, volume = "41", number = "3", pages = "75--88", month = jul, year = "2019", CODEN = "IAHCEX", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1109/MAHC.2019.2923398", ISSN = "1058-6180 (print), 1934-1547 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "1058-6180", bibdate = "Thu Aug 22 07:51:54 2019", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/ieeeannhistcomput.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "IEEE Annals of the History of Computing", journal-URL = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=85", keywords = "Aldus PageMaker; desktop publishing; Desktop publishing; history of computing; history of desktop publishing; hyphenation and justification; Layout; Microcomputers; page layouts; Programming; Prototypes; Software; style sheets; Ventura Publisher; Ventura Software; Xerox", remark = "See \url{https://history.computer.org/annals/dtp/} for additional notes, corrections, interviews, and photographs.", } @Article{Murray:2019:FTF, author = "David J. Murray", title = "{Frame Technology} and {FrameMaker}", journal = j-IEEE-ANN-HIST-COMPUT, volume = "41", number = "3", pages = "62--74", month = jul, year = "2019", CODEN = "IAHCEX", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1109/MAHC.2019.2926662", ISSN = "1058-6180 (print), 1934-1547 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "1058-6180", bibdate = "Thu Aug 22 07:51:54 2019", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/ieeeannhistcomput.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "IEEE Annals of the History of Computing", journal-URL = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=85", keywords = "Companies; desktop publishing; Frame Technology; FrameMaker; Industries; Mice; office automation; personal computing; Publishing; publishing technologies; Software; Sun; technical publishing software; text processing; Workstations", remark = "See \url{https://history.computer.org/annals/dtp/} for additional notes, corrections, interviews, and photographs.", } @Book{Romano:2019:HDP, author = "Frank J. Romano and Miranda Mitrano", title = "History of Desktop Publishing", publisher = "Oak Knoll Press", address = "New Castle, DE", pages = "viii + 399", year = "2019", ISBN = "1-58456-380-X (hardcover), 1-58456-381-8 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-1-58456-380-8 (hardcover), 978-1-58456-381-5 (paperback)", LCCN = "Z253.53 .R65 2019", bibdate = "Tue Dec 24 12:00:46 2019", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "https://www.oakknoll.com/pages/books/133473/frank-romano-with-miranda-mitrano/history-of-desktop-publishing", abstract = "\booktitle{History of Desktop Publishing} is a personal and encyclopedic story of how the personal computer, unique applications, and many colorful people changed the creative and print communities. Author Frank Romano has documented the histories of hot metal and phototypesetting and continues the tale of document production in this book. This installment ends as the Internet becomes a primary focus. It is hard to imagine someone more involved with the universe of desktop publishing from its beginnings than Romano, who takes us on a personal journey from the end of the typewriter era to the age of the Internet, examining the development of personal computers, pagemaking and graphic design programs, postscript, digital fonts, data storage, inkjet printing, GUIs, and the rise of the digital era. For those who grew up during --- or built their careers on --- these advances, this book provides entertaining perspective and insight on an important period of their lives. For younger readers, it is a fascinating narrative of modern ancient history: how we got from the typewriter to DTP. Fully illustrated, with a Foreword by Gene Gable and a detailed Chronology by Richard Romano.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, tableofcontents = "Beginnings \\ From scribes to copiers \\ The typewriter \\ Word processing \\ Personal computers and workstations \\ Desktop typesetting \\ Printing from computers \\ Steve Jobs and Apple \\ Paul Brainerd and Pagemaker \\ QuarkxPress \\ Ventura \\ Other DTP programs \\ The rise of Adobe and Postscript \\ Font wars \\ Data storage \\ Screens, GUIs, and WYSIWYG \\ Typesetting and imagesetting \\ Desktop graphic design \\ Capturing text, graphics, color, images \\ DTP publishing and events", } @Article{Scull:2019:KAT, author = "John Scull and Hansen Hsu", title = "The Killer App That Saved the {Macintosh}", journal = j-IEEE-ANN-HIST-COMPUT, volume = "41", number = "3", pages = "42--52", month = jul, year = "2019", CODEN = "IAHCEX", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1109/MAHC.2019.2918094", ISSN = "1058-6180 (print), 1934-1547 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "1058-6180", bibdate = "Thu Aug 22 07:51:54 2019", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/ieeeannhistcomput.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "IEEE Annals of the History of Computing", journal-URL = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=85", keywords = "Business; Desktop publishing; Graphical user interfaces; Graphics; Page description languages; Printers; Software", remark = "See \url{https://history.computer.org/annals/dtp/} for additional notes, corrections, interviews, and photographs.", } @Article{Warnock:2019:FGA, author = "John E. Warnock and Charles Geschke", title = "Founding and Growing {Adobe Systems, Inc.}", journal = j-IEEE-ANN-HIST-COMPUT, volume = "41", number = "3", pages = "24--34", month = jul, year = "2019", CODEN = "IAHCEX", DOI = "https://doi.org/10.1109/MAHC.2019.2923397", ISSN = "1058-6180 (print), 1934-1547 (electronic)", ISSN-L = "1058-6180", bibdate = "Thu Aug 22 07:51:54 2019", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/ieeeannhistcomput.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "IEEE Annals of the History of Computing", journal-URL = "http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/RecentIssue.jsp?punumber=85", keywords = "Adobe; Adobe Acrobat; Adobe Illustrator; Adobe Photoshop; Adobe Systems; desktop publishing; Desktop publishing; digital photo editing; Graphics; GUI; History; history of computing; history of desktop publishing; history of software; Image color analysis; Imaging; Laser printers; PDF; personal computing; PostScript; Printing; Xerox PARC", remark = "See \url{https://history.computer.org/annals/dtp/} for additional notes, corrections, interviews, and photographs.", } @Misc{Anonymous:20xx:W, author = "Anonymous", title = "WhatTheFont", howpublished = "Web site", year = "20xx", bibdate = "Wed Jun 17 18:16:42 2015", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/font.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", URL = "http://www.myfonts.com/WhatTheFont/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, remark = "This Web site allows uploading of scans of short text fragments, and attempts to identify the fonts used.", } @Misc{Guy:20xx:VMF, author = "Martin W. Guy", title = "Various [{Mergenthaler}] 202 font widths and other {\tt ditroff} programs and resources", howpublished = "Web site", year = "20xx", bibdate = "Wed Jun 17 18:23:40 2015", URL = "http://medialab.freaknet.org/martin/tape/stuff/ditroff/", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", } %%% ==================================================================== %%% Cross-referenced entries must come last: @Proceedings{CTC:1965:CTC, key = "CTC'64", booktitle = "Computer Typesetting Conference, {London University}, 1964. Report of proceedings", title = "Computer Typesetting Conference, {London University}, 1964. Report of proceedings", publisher = "Institute of Printing", address = "London, UK", pages = "viii + 245", year = "1965", LCCN = "Z253 .C69 1964c", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Institute of Printing, Ltd. Publications", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Type-setting.", } @Proceedings{ICCT:1965:CCT, key = "CCT'65", booktitle = "The Conference on Computerized Typesetting, {Washington}, {DC}., March 2--3, 1965", title = "The Conference on Computerized Typesetting, {Washington}, {DC}., March 2--3, 1965", publisher = "Composition Information Services", address = "Los Angeles, CA, USA", pages = "66", year = "1965", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Congresses.", } @Proceedings{ICCT:1965:PIC, key = "ICCT'65", booktitle = "Proceedings of International Conference on Computerized Typesetting, October 25 and 26, 1967, Washington, DC, USA", title = "Proceedings of International Conference on Computerized Typesetting, October 25 and 26, 1967, Washington, {DC}, {USA}", publisher = "Research and Engineering Council of the Graphic Arts Industry", address = "Washington, DC, USA", pages = "157", year = "1965", LCCN = "Z253 .I54 1965", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Congresses.", } @Proceedings{ITICP:1965:ATC, key = "ICCT'65", booktitle = "Automatic typesetting = Composition automatique des textes = {Automatisches setzen von texten}: International Technical Information Congress (1st: Paris)", title = "Automatic typesetting = Composition automatique des textes = {Automatisches setzen von texten}: International Technical Information Congress (1st: Paris)", publisher = "????", address = "Paris, France", pages = "431", year = "1965", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Cover title. English, French or German.", keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Congresses.", } @Proceedings{ICTCUS:1966:CTC, key = "CTC'66", booktitle = "Advances in computer typesetting: proceedings of the 1966 International Computer Typesetting Conference. Sussex University, July 15--16, 1966", title = "Advances in computer typesetting: proceedings of the 1966 International Computer Typesetting Conference. Sussex University, July 15--16, 1966", publisher = "Institute of Printing", address = "London, UK", pages = "xiii + 306", year = "1966", LCCN = "Z 253.3 I61 1966", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Cover title. Sponsored by the Institute of Printing. Includes bibliographies.", keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Congresses.", } @Proceedings{CIS:1967:RCT, key = "CIS'67", booktitle = "The realities of computerized typesetting; a collection of the 15 vital papers presented at the Conference \ldots{} sponsored by the {Research and Engineering Council}", title = "The realities of computerized typesetting; a collection of the 15 vital papers presented at the Conference \ldots{} sponsored by the {Research and Engineering Council}", publisher = "Composition Information Services", address = "Los Angeles, CA, USA", pages = "59", year = "1967", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Congresses.", } @Proceedings{Landau:1971:WCC, editor = "Robert M. Landau", booktitle = "{Workshop on Computer Composition, ASIS, Potomac Valley Chapter, Proceedings, Washington, DC, December 8--9, 1970}", title = "{Workshop on Computer Composition, ASIS, Potomac Valley Chapter, Proceedings, Washington, DC, December 8--9, 1970}", publisher = "American Society for Information Science", address = "Medford, NJ", pages = "ix + 258", year = "1971", ISBN = "0-87715-002-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-87715-002-2", LCCN = "Z253.3.A2 1970", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Hydrocarbon Processing", abstract = "Proceedings includes 11 papers presented at the workshop, as well as a challenge paper, a statement of problem areas, and four panel discussions on user needs, hardware, software and systems, and costs and economics. Following is a listing of the papers presented: System X --- A User Need. By William W. Tunnicliffe. Book Publishing Needs for Computer Photocomposition. By Leonard Shatzkin. Hardware Capabilities and Requirements. By P. L. Andersson. Third Generation Photocomposing Machine. By Edwin R. Kolb. Software Interfaces and Systems Aspects. By John W. Seybold. What the Author Should Know About New Printing Technology. By Victor Strauss. Cost Study of a Computer-Based Information Processing System Using Photocomposition. By William G. Cox and Ronald L. Wigington. Computer Composition Economics. By Harold F. Drury. Knowledge --- of Machines and Men. By Frank Cremonesi. From One Service Company to the Others and the Industry. By Ronald L. Henderson. Computer Composition Problem from an Educational Institution's Viewpoint. By Herbert E. Phillips.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "722; 723; 745; 911", keywords = "computers, digital; cost accounting; data processing; printing; typesetting", meetingaddress = "Washington", meetingdate = "1971", pagecount = "258", } @Proceedings{Slater:1972:CTP, editor = "J. F. Slater and A. H. Phillips and C. J. Duncan", booktitle = "Computer-aided typesetting: proceedings of an international conference held in {London}", title = "Computer-aided typesetting: proceedings of an international conference held in {London}", publisher = "Transcripta Books", address = "London, UK", pages = "140", year = "1972", ISBN = "0-903012-06-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-903012-06-5", LCCN = "????", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Congresses", } @Proceedings{Dunn:1980:PLG, editor = "S. Thomas Dunn", booktitle = "Conference Record --- IAS Annual Meeting (IEEE Industry Applications Society)", title = "Proceedings --- Lasers in Graphics, Electronic Publishing in the 80'{S} Conference, Volume 1: Pulling It Together --- Text and Graphics for Newspaper Production; Volume 2: Pulling It Together --- Text and Graphics for Commercial Printing, 1980", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, year = "1980", bibdate = "Mon Dec 16 08:30:04 MST 1996", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "Proceedings includes 52 papers dealing with new developments in graphic arts and printing, newspaper publishing as well as the use of laser beams, electronics and computer technology in this and related fields. Topics considered include: facsimile, printing plates, typesetting, offset printing, photocomposition, printing machinery, engraving, electronic and laser scanning, commercial printing, densitometry, photographic films and plates, color printing and photography, imaging techniques, electrophotography, and laser recording. Technical and professional papers from this conference are indexed with the conference code no. 00314 in the Ei Engineering Meetings (TM) database produced by Engineering Information, Inc.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723; 741; 742; 744; 745; 901", conference = "Proc --- Lasers in Graphics, Electron Publ in the 80's Conf", editoraffiliation = "Dunn Technol Inc, Vista, Calif, USA", keywords = "electronic publishing; graphic arts; information dissemination --- Publishing; laser beams --- Applications; newspaper publishing; photographic films and plates; printing; printing plates; typesetting", meetingaddress = "San Diego, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Sep 28--Oct 1 1980", meetingdate2 = "09/28--10/01/80", } @Proceedings{Abrahams:1981:PAS, editor = "P. Abrahams", booktitle = "Proceedings of the {ACM SIGPLAN SIGOA} Symposium on Text Manipulation, Portland, Oregon, June 8--10, 1981", title = "Proceedings of the {ACM SIGPLAN SIGOA} Symposium on Text Manipulation, Portland, Oregon, June 8--10, 1981", volume = "16(6)", publisher = pub-ACM, address = pub-ACM:adr, pages = "160", month = jun, year = "1981", ISBN = "0-89791-043-5", ISBN-13 = "978-0-89791-043-9", LCCN = "QA76.7 .S54 v.16:6", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:58:36 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = j-SIGPLAN, acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Proceedings{ACM:1982:USP, key = "SIGUCCS'82", booktitle = "User services, proceedings of the Tenth ACM SIGUCCS conference (Chicago, IL, Nov. 10--12, 1982)", title = "User services, proceedings of the Tenth {ACM} {SIGUCCS} conference (Chicago, {IL}, Nov. 10--12, 1982)", publisher = pub-ACM, address = pub-ACM:adr, pages = "25--28", year = "1982", bibdate = "Thu Dec 29 11:08:40 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "design; documentation", subject = "J.1 Computer Applications, ADMINISTRATIVE DATA PROCESSING, Education \\ I.7 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Miscellaneous", } @Book{Nievergelt:1982:DPS, editor = "J. Nievergelt and G. Coray and J.-D Nicoud and A. C. Shaw", booktitle = "Document preparation systems", title = "Document preparation systems", publisher = pub-ENH, address = pub-ENH:adr, pages = "xiv + 274", year = "1982", ISBN = "0-444-86493-8", ISBN-13 = "978-0-444-86493-2", LCCN = "Z244 .D63 1982", bibdate = "Mon Jul 25 08:37:04 MDT 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", price = "US\$46.50", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keyword = "algorithms; human factors; languages; theory", review = "ACM CR 40376", subject = "H.1 Information Systems, MODELS AND PRINCIPLES, User/Machine Systems \\ I.7 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Text Editing \\ I.7 Computing Methodologies, TEXT PROCESSING, Document Preparation J Computer Applications, COMPUTERS IN OTHER SYSTEMS", } @Proceedings{Dallas:1983:RTL, editor = "I. N. Dallas and E. B. Spratt", booktitle = "Ring technology local area networks: Proceedings of the IFIP WG 6.4 Univ. of Kent workshop (Kent, UK, Sept. 28--30, 1983)", title = "Ring technology: local area networks: Proceedings of the {IFIP} {WG} 6.4 Univ. of Kent workshop (Kent, {UK}, Sept. 28--30, 1983)", publisher = pub-ENH, address = pub-ENH:adr, pages = "ix + 269", year = "1983", ISBN = "0-444-86852-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-444-86852-7", LCCN = "TK5105.5 .I3427 1983", bibdate = "Mon May 20 10:56:01 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Proceedings{Lucarella:1985:PFE, editor = "Dario Lucarella", key = "TEXSCIDOC85", booktitle = "Proceedings of the First European Conference on {\TeX} for Scientific Documentation, 16--17 May 1985, Como, Italy", title = "Proceedings of the First European Conference on {\TeX} for Scientific Documentation, 16--17 May 1985, Como, Italy", publisher = pub-AW, address = pub-AW:adr, pages = "204", year = "1985", ISBN = "0-201-13399-7", ISBN-13 = "978-0-201-13399-8", LCCN = "Q224.E97 1985", bibdate = "Fri Jul 22 09:31:21 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-hk, } @Proceedings{Desarmenien:1986:TSD, editor = "J. Desarmenien", booktitle = "{TEX} for scientific documentation: second European conference, Strasbourg, France, June 19--21, 1986: proceedings", title = "{TEX} for scientific documentation: second European conference, Strasbourg, France, June 19--21, 1986: proceedings", volume = "236", publisher = pub-SV, address = pub-SV:adr, pages = "vi + 204", year = "1986", CODEN = "LNCSD9", ISBN = "0-387-16807-9 (USA: paperback), 3-540-16807-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-387-16807-4 (USA: paperback), 978-3-540-16807-2", ISSN = "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)", LCCN = "Z253.4.T47 T491 1986", bibdate = "Fri Apr 12 07:14:49 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = ser-LNCS, acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "computerized typesetting --- congresses; science --- documentation --- data processing --- congresses; tex (computer file) --- congresses", } @Proceedings{Wezler:1986:PXI, editor = "Albrecht Wezler and Ernst Hammerschmidt", booktitle = "Proceedings of the {XXXII} International Congress for Asian and North African Studies, Hamburg, 25th--30th August 1986", title = "Proceedings of the {XXXII} International Congress for Asian and North African Studies, Hamburg, 25th--30th August 1986", number = "IX", publisher = pub-STEINER, address = pub-STEINER:adr, pages = "lxxi + 719", year = "1986", ISBN = "3-515-04808-1", ISBN-13 = "978-3-515-04808-8", LCCN = "DS1.5 .I565 1986", bibdate = "Tue Jul 26 09:38:31 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenl{\"a}ndischen Gesellschaft, Supplement", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Proceedings{APLC:1987:CPA, key = "APL'87", booktitle = "Conference proceedings: {APL} 87 {Dallas}: {APL} in transition, May 10--14, 1987, {Dallas, Texas}", title = "Conference proceedings: {APL} 87 {Dallas}: {APL} in transition, May 10--14, 1987, {Dallas, Texas}", publisher = pub-ACM, address = pub-ACM:adr, pages = "xv + 512", year = "1987", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Proceedings{USENIX:1987:PSU, editor = "{USENIX Association}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Summer 1987 {USENIX} Conference: June 8--12, 1987, Phoenix, Arizona, {USA}", title = "Proceedings of the Summer 1987 {USENIX} Conference: June 8--12, 1987, Phoenix, Arizona, {USA}", publisher = pub-USENIX, address = pub-USENIX:adr, pages = "xi + 481", year = "1987", bibdate = "Sun Feb 18 07:46:09 MST 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/usenix1980.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, annote = "Cover title: Conference Proceedings Summer 1987 USENIX Technical Conference and Exhibition. Spine title: USENIX Conference Proceedings.", keywords = "UNIX (Computer operating system) --- Congresses.", } @Proceedings{vanVliet:1988:DMT, editor = "J. C. van Vliet", key = "DMT'88", booktitle = "Document manipulation and typography: proceedings of the {International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation, and Typography, Nice (France), April 20--22, 1988}", title = "Document manipulation and typography: proceedings of the {International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation, and Typography, Nice (France), April 20--22, 1988}", publisher = pub-CUP, address = pub-CUP:adr, pages = "vi + 288", year = "1988", ISBN = "0-521-36294-6", ISBN-13 = "978-0-521-36294-8", LCCN = "Z286.E43I57 1988", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "The Cambridge series on electronic publishing", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, keywords = "Edition {\'e}lectronique; Electronic publishing --- Congresses; Publishing --- Applications of computer systems", } @Proceedings{Forsley:1989:RFC, editor = "Lawrence P. Forsley", booktitle = "1989 Rochester Forth Conference. Industrial Automation: June 20--24, 1989, University of Rochester", title = "1989 Rochester Forth Conference. Industrial Automation: June 20--24, 1989, University of Rochester", publisher = inst-APPL-FORTH-RES, address = inst-APPL-FORTH-RES:adr, pages = "vii + 143", year = "1989", ISBN = "0-914593-09-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-914593-09-6", LCCN = "TJ212.2.A15 1989", bibdate = "Tue Apr 09 17:32:18 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Proceedings{Anonymous:1991:PFA, editor = "Anonymous", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Computers and the Writing Process", title = "Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Computers and the Writing Process", publisher = "Univ. Sussex", address = "Brighton, UK", pages = "v + 247", month = mar, year = "1991", bibdate = "Sat Sep 17 11:20:33 1994", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "The following topics were dealt with: computer-aided writing education; computer supported fiction, including CINEWRITE system and JONATHAN collaborative writing environment; reading and writing education with hypertext; computer manual design and composition; {\TeX} typesetting program; handwritten Pitman shorthand recognition aids for authors; electronic dictionaries for writers; collaborative writing practices; Rapporteur constructive dialogue game for document production; hypertext semantic linking; Headed Record Expertext hypermedia and expert system; software specification annotation; and online design brief expansion document preparation with hypertext.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "C6160S (Spatial and pictorial databases); C7106 (Word processing); C7810C (Computer-aided instruction); C7820 (Humanities)", confdate = "22--23 March 1991", conflocation = "Brighton, UK", keywords = "CAI; CINEWRITE; Collaborative writing environment; Computer manual design; Computer-aided writing education; Document production; Electronic dictionaries; Expert system; Handwritten Pitman shorthand recognition aids; Headed Record Expertext; Hypermedia; Hypertext; JONATHAN; Online design brief expansion; Rapporteur; Reading education; Semantic linking; Software specification annotation; TeX; Typesetting program", thesaurus = "Computer aided instruction; Desktop publishing; Groupware; Hypermedia; Linguistics; Literature; Microcomputer applications; Word processing", } @Proceedings{Anonymous:1992:MCA, editor = "Anonymous", booktitle = "Multi-lingual computing: Arabic and Roman Script: 3rd International conference --- December 1992, Durham", title = "Multi-lingual computing: Arabic and Roman Script: 3rd International conference --- December 1992, Durham", publisher = "University of Durham", address = "Durham, UK", pages = "????", year = "1992", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Proceedings{Vanoirbeek:1992:EPE, editor = "C. Vanoirbeek and G. Coray", booktitle = "{EP92}\emdash Proceedings of Electronic Publishing, '92, International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation, and Typography, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland, April 7-10, 1992", title = "{EP92}\emdash Proceedings of Electronic Publishing, '92, International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation, and Typography, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland, April 7-10, 1992", publisher = pub-CUP, address = pub-CUP:adr, pages = "x + 316", year = "1992", ISBN = "0-521-43277-4", ISBN-13 = "978-0-521-43277-1", LCCN = "Z 286 E43 I58 1992", bibdate = "Tue Dec 14 10:50:52 1993", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "Prepared with {\LaTeX}, and Microsoft Word converted to {\LaTeX}.", price = "UK\pounds 35", acknowledgement = ack-ps, } @Proceedings{Zlatuska:1992:EPE, editor = "Ji{\v{r}}{\'\i} Zlatu{\v{s}}ka", booktitle = "{Euro\TeX{} '92: Proceedings of the 7th European {\TeX} Conference, Prague, Czechoslovakia, September 14--18, 1992}", title = "{Euro\TeX{} '92: Proceedings of the 7th European {\TeX} Conference, Prague, Czechoslovakia, September 14--18, 1992}", publisher = pub-MASARYKOVA, address = pub-MASARYKOVA:adr, pages = "viii + 330", month = sep, year = "1992", ISBN = "80-210-0480-0", ISBN-13 = "978-80-210-0480-1", bibdate = "Tue Dec 27 06:37:06 2005", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/master.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/postscri.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/texgraph.bib; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "Proceedings of the European \TeX{} Conference", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, tableofcontents = "Alan Hoenig / When \TeX{} and METAFONT work together (invited talk) / 1 \\ John D. Hobby / Introduction to MetaPost (invited talk) / 21 \\ Andrei B. Khodulev and Irina A. Makhovaya / On \TeX{} experience in Mir Publishers / 37 \\ Laurent Siebenmann / The Lion and the Mouse / 43 \\ Petr Sojka, Rudolf Cervenka, and Martin Svoboda / \TeX{} for database publishing 53 \\ Ondfej Vacha / TgX for typesetting in a publishing house / 59 \\ Michel Lavaud / A solution to help ensuring the future of \TeX{}: make its use easier on cheap machines / 66 \\ Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley / {\LaTeX3}: structure and design (invited talk) / 69 \\ Anita Z. Hoover / The key to successful support: knowing your \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} users (invited talk) / 71 \\ Theo Jurriens / \TeX{} for everybody? / 86 \\ Daniel Flipo and Laurent Siebenmann / Hyphenation in presence of accents and diacritics: An easy and low-cost solution / 87 \\ Laurent Siebenmann / CaesarCM --- A gentle road to perfect hyphenation in modest \TeX{} environments / 97 \\ Laurent Siebenmann / La mise en application d{\'e}finitive de la norme de Cork / 107 \\ Boguslav Jackowski and Marek Rycko / Polishing \TeX{}: from ready to use to handy in use / 119 \\ Rama Porrat / Developments in Hebrew \TeX{} / 135 \\ Michael Vinogradov / Russian \TeX{}: new eight bit fonts and IBM PC equipment / 149 \\ Klaus Lagally / Arab\TeX{} --- Typesetting Arabic with vowels and ligatures / 153 \\ Erik-Jan Vens / Incorporating PostScript fonts in \TeX{} / 173 \\ Kristoffer H. Rose / How to typeset pretty diagram arrows with \TeX{} --- design decisions used in Xy-pic / 183 \\ Kees van der Laan / Table diversions / 211 \\ Jorg Knappen / Changing the appearance of math / 212 \\ Kees van der Laan / Typesetting crosswords via \TeX{} / 217 \\ Kees van der Laan / FIFO and LIFO incognito / 225 \\ Philip Taylor / The future of \TeX{} / 235 \\ Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley / The future of high quality typesetting: structure and design (invited talk) / 255 \\ Daniel Taupin / Music\TeX{}: using \TeX{} to write polyphonic or instrumental music (invited talk) / 257 \\ Kristoffer H. Rose / Typesetting Diagrams with Xy-pic: user's manual / 273 \\ Yannis Haralambous / Towards the revival of traditional Arabic typography \ldots{} through \TeX{} (invited talk) / 293", } @Proceedings{Anonymous:1993:AMJ, editor = "Anonymous", booktitle = "14th Annual meeting: --- July 1993, Birmingham", title = "14th Annual meeting: --- July 1993, Birmingham", volume = "14(3)", publisher = pub-TUG, address = pub-TUG:adr, pages = "????", year = "1993", ISSN = "0896-3207", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "TUGboat", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, sponsor = "{\TeX} Users Group.", } @Proceedings{IEEE:1993:IPN, editor = "IEEE", booktitle = "IPCC 93 proceedings: The new face of technical communication: people, processes, products: October 5--8, 1993, Philadelphia, PA", title = "{IPCC} 93 proceedings: The new face of technical communication: people, processes, products: October 5--8, 1993, Philadelphia, {PA}", publisher = pub-IEEE, address = pub-IEEE:adr, pages = "x + 438", year = "1993", ISBN = "0-7803-1466-2, 0-7803-1465-4, 0-7803-1467-0", ISBN-13 = "978-0-7803-1466-5, 978-0-7803-1465-8, 978-0-7803-1467-2", LCCN = "T 10.5 I54 1993", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, sponsor = "IEEE; Professional Communication Society.", } @Proceedings{Morreale:1993:SAM, editor = "J. Morreale", booktitle = "Seminar: Annual meeting --- May 1993, Seattle, WA", title = "Seminar: Annual meeting --- May 1993, Seattle, {WA}", volume = "24", publisher = "SID", address = "????", pages = "????", year = "1993", ISSN = "0097-966X (print), 2154-6738 (electronic), 2154-6746", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "SID International Symposium Digest of Technical Papers 1993", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, sponsor = "Society for Information Display.", } @Proceedings{Goossens:1994:AMJ, editor = "M. Goossens and S. Rahtz", booktitle = "15th Annual meeting: --- July 1994, Santa Barbara, CA", title = "15th Annual meeting: --- July 1994, Santa Barbara, {CA}", volume = "15(3)", publisher = pub-TUG, address = pub-TUG:adr, pages = "????", year = "1994", ISSN = "0896-3207", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = "TUGBOAT 1994", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, sponsor = "{\TeX} Users Group.", } @Proceedings{Lopez:1994:MVM, editor = "Robert J. Lopez", booktitle = "{Maple V}: mathematics and its application: {Maple} summer workshop and symposium --- {August 1994, Troy, NY}", title = "{Maple V}: mathematics and its application: {Maple} summer workshop and symposium --- {August 1994, Troy, NY}", publisher = pub-BIRKHAUSER, address = pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr, pages = "xi + 234", year = "1994", ISBN = "3-7643-3791-5", ISBN-13 = "978-3-7643-3791-9", LCCN = "QA76.95.M36 1994", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, } @Proceedings{Vincent:1994:DR, editor = "Luc M. Vincent and Theo Pavlidis", booktitle = "Document Recognition", title = "Document Recognition", journal = "Proceedings of SPIE --- The International Society for Optical Engineering", volume = "2181", publisher = pub-SPIE, address = pub-SPIE:adr, year = "1994", CODEN = "PSISDG", ISBN = "0-8194-1476-X", ISBN-13 = "978-0-8194-1476-2", ISSN = "0277-786X (print), 1996-756X (electronic)", LCCN = "TK7895.O6 D63 1994", bibdate = "Tue Nov 10 08:00:58 1998", bibsource = "Compendex database; http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", abstract = "This conference proceedings contain 39 papers. Topics covered include systems, algorithms and mathematical techniques for: Pattern recognition; Handwritten character recognition; Character recognition; Document recognition; Word recognition; Image analysis; Image segmentation; Text recognition; and Image processing.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "723.2; 723.3; 723.4; 741.3; 921", conference = "Document Recognition", conferenceyear = "1994", editoraddress = "Peabody, MA, USA", editoraffiliation = "Xerox Imaging Systems", journalabr = "Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng", keywords = "Algorithms; Character recognition; Characterization; Classification (of information); Classifiers; Clustering; Document recognition; Faxed documents; Font detection; Handwritten characters; Image analysis; Image processing; Image segmentation; Imaging systems; Information science; Line recognition; Mathematical models; Mathematical techniques; Neural networks; Optical character recognition; Pattern recognition; Pattern recognition systems", meetingaddress = "San Jose, CA, USA", meetingdate = "Feb 9--10 1994", meetingdate2 = "02/09--10/94", pagecount = "400", sponsor = "IS\&T --- Soc for Imaging Science and Technology, Springfield, VA USA; SPIE --- Int Soc for Opt Engineering, Bellingham, WA USA", } @Proceedings{Lee:1995:SQP, editor = "Matthew Lee and Ben-Zion Barta and Peter Juliff", booktitle = "Software quality and productivity: theory, practice, education and training: Conference --- 1995", title = "Software quality and productivity: theory, practice, education and training: Conference --- 1995", publisher = pub-CHAPMAN-HALL, address = pub-CHAPMAN-HALL:adr, pages = "x + 403", year = "1995", ISBN = "0-412-62960-7", ISBN-13 = "978-0-412-62960-0", LCCN = "QA76.76.D47 S665 1995", bibdate = "Mon May 20 11:04:41 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, sponsor = "International Federation for Information Processing.", } @Proceedings{Levelt:1995:IPI, editor = "A. H. M. Levelt", booktitle = "ISSAC '95: Proceedings of the 1995 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation: July 10--12, 1995, Montreal, Canada", title = "{ISSAC} '95: Proceedings of the 1995 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation: July 10--12, 1995, Montreal, Canada", publisher = pub-ACM, address = pub-ACM:adr, pages = "xviii + 314", year = "1995", ISBN = "0-89791-699-9", ISBN-13 = "978-0-89791-699-8", LCCN = "QA 76.95 I59 1995", bibdate = "Thu Sep 26 05:34:21 MDT 1996", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", note = "ACM order number: 505950", series = "ISSAC -PROCEEDINGS- 1995", abstract = "The following topics were dealt with: differential equations; visualisation; algebraic numbers; algorithms; systems; polynomial and differential algebra; seminumerical methods; greatest common divisors; and.", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, classification = "C4100 (Numerical analysis); C4170 (Differential equations); C7310 (Mathematics computing)", confdate = "10--12 July 1995", conflocation = "Montreal, Que., Canada", confsponsor = "ACM", keywords = "algebra -- data processing -- congresses; Algebraic numbers; Algorithms; Differential algebra; Differential equations; Greatest common divisors; mathematics -- data processing -- congresses; Polynomial; Seminumerical methods; Systems; Visualisation", pubcountry = "USA", searchkey = "cn:issac", source = "ISSAC '95", thesaurus = "Data visualisation; Differential equations; Group theory; Numerical analysis; Symbol manipulation", } @Proceedings{Macrakis:1996:GLT, editor = "Michael S. Macrakis", booktitle = "{Greek letters: from tablets to pixels: Proceedings of an international symposium held at the Institut fran{\c{c}}ais d'Ath{\`e}nes, Athens, June 7--10, 1995}", title = "{Greek letters: from tablets to pixels: Proceedings of an international symposium held at the Institut fran{\c{c}}ais d'Ath{\`e}nes, Athens, June 7--10, 1995}", publisher = pub-OAK-KNOLL, address = pub-OAK-KNOLL:adr, pages = "xxviii + 325", year = "1996", ISBN = "1-884718-27-2", ISBN-13 = "978-1-884718-27-4", LCCN = "Z251.G7 G74 1996", bibdate = "Sat Aug 22 16:02:04 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib; http://www.oakknoll.com/", price = "US\$49.95", acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, email = "oakknoll@oakknoll.com", } @Proceedings{Hersch:1998:EPA, editor = "Roger Hersch and Jacques Andr{\'e} and Heather Brown", booktitle = "Electronic publishing, artistic imaging, and digital typography: 7th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, {EP} '98 held jointly with the 4th International Conference on Raster Imaging and Digital Typography, {RIDT} '98, St. Malo, France, March\slash April 1998: proceedings", title = "Electronic publishing, artistic imaging, and digital typography: 7th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, {EP} '98 held jointly with the 4th International Conference on Raster Imaging and Digital Typography, {RIDT} '98, St. Malo, France, March\slash April 1998: proceedings", volume = "1375", publisher = pub-SV, address = pub-SV:adr, pages = "various", year = "1998", CODEN = "LNCSD9", ISBN = "3-540-64298-6", ISBN-13 = "978-3-540-64298-5", ISSN = "0302-9743 (print), 1611-3349 (electronic)", LCCN = "Z250.7.I58 1998", bibdate = "Mon Apr 27 17:37:18 MDT 1998", bibsource = "http://www.math.utah.edu/pub/tex/bib/typeset.bib", series = ser-LNCS, acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, alttitle = "EP '98 RIDT '98", keywords = "Computerized typesetting --- Congresses; Electronic publishing --- Congresses; Type and type-founding --- Digital techniques --- Congresses", }