#include "mendex.h" #include #include #include #include "exkana.h" #include "exhanzi.h" #include "exvar.h" int line_length=0; static void printpage(struct index *ind, FILE *fp, int num, char *lbuff); static int range_check(struct index ind, int count, char *lbuff); static void linecheck(char *lbuff, char *tmpbuff); static void crcheck(char *lbuff, FILE *fp); static void index_normalize(UChar *istr, UChar *ini, int *chset); static int initial_cmp_char(UChar *ini, UChar ch); static int init_hanzi_header(void); static const UNormalizer2* unormalizer_NFD; static int turkish_i; #define M_NONE 0 #define M_TO_UPPER 1 #define M_TO_TITLE 2 #define M_TO_LOWER -1 #define CHOSEONG_KIYEOK 0x1100 /* All buffers have size BUFFERLEN. */ #define BUFFERLEN 4096 #ifdef HAVE___VA_ARGS__ /* Use C99 variadic macros if they are supported. */ /* We would like to use sizeof(buf) instead of BUFFERLEN but that fails for, e.g., gcc-4.8.3 on Cygwin and gcc-4.5.3 on NetBSD. */ #define SPRINTF(buf, ...) \ snprintf(buf, BUFFERLEN, __VA_ARGS__) #define SAPPENDF(buf, ...) \ snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), BUFFERLEN - strlen(buf), __VA_ARGS__) #else /* Alternatively use static inline functions. */ static inline int SPRINTF(char *buf, const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; int n; va_start(argptr, format); n = vsnprintf(buf, BUFFERLEN, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); return n; } static inline int SAPPENDF(char *buf, const char *format, ...) { va_list argptr; int n; va_start(argptr, format); n = vsnprintf(buf + strlen(buf), BUFFERLEN - strlen(buf), format, argptr); va_end(argptr); return n; } #endif static void fprint_uchar(FILE *fp, const UChar *a, const int mode, const int len) { char str[3*INITIALLENGTH+1]; UChar istr[INITIALLENGTH]; int olen, wclen; UErrorCode perr; if (len<0) { u_strcpy(istr,a); wclen=u_strlen(istr); } else { wclen=is_surrogate_pair(a) ? 2 : 1; istr[0]=a[0]; if (wclen==2) istr[1]=a[1]; istr[wclen]=L'\0'; } if (mode==M_TO_UPPER) { perr=U_ZERO_ERROR; olen=u_strToUpper(istr,INITIALLENGTH,istr,wclen,"",&perr); } else if (mode==M_TO_LOWER) { perr=U_ZERO_ERROR; olen=u_strToLower(istr,INITIALLENGTH,istr,wclen, istr[0]==0x130&&turkish_i?"tr":"", &perr); } else if (mode==M_TO_TITLE) { perr=U_ZERO_ERROR; olen=u_strToTitle(istr,INITIALLENGTH,istr,wclen,NULL,"",&perr); } else olen=wclen; if (olen>INITIALLENGTH) { warn_printf(efp, "\nWarning, Too long (%d) header.\n", olen); wclen=INITIALLENGTH; } else wclen=olen; perr=U_ZERO_ERROR; u_strToUTF8(str, 3*INITIALLENGTH+1, &olen, istr, wclen, &perr); fprintf(fp,"%s",str); } #ifdef WIN32 /* fprintf with convert kanji code */ int fprintf2(FILE *fp, const char *format, ...) { char print_buff[8000]; va_list argptr; int n; va_start(argptr, format); n = vsnprintf(print_buff, sizeof print_buff, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); fputs(print_buff, fp); return n; } #endif void warn_printf(FILE *fp, const char *format, ...) { char print_buff[8000]; va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, format); vsnprintf(print_buff, sizeof print_buff, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); warn++; fputs(print_buff, stderr); if (fp!=stderr) fputs(print_buff, fp); } void verb_printf(FILE *fp, const char *format, ...) { char print_buff[8000]; va_list argptr; va_start(argptr, format); vsnprintf(print_buff, sizeof print_buff, format, argptr); va_end(argptr); if (verb!=0) fputs(print_buff, stderr); if (fp!=stderr) fputs(print_buff, fp); } /* write ind file */ void indwrite(char *filename, struct index *ind, int pagenum) { int i,j,hpoint=0,tpoint=0; char lbuff[BUFFERLEN],obuff[BUFFERLEN]; UChar datama[256],initial[INITIALLENGTH],initial_prev[INITIALLENGTH]; int chset,chset_prev; FILE *fp; UErrorCode perr; if (filename && kpse_out_name_ok(filename)) fp=fopen(filename,"wb"); else { fp=stdout; #ifdef WIN32 setmode(fileno(fp), _O_BINARY); #endif } convert(atama,datama); fputs(preamble,fp); if (fpage>0) { fprintf(fp,"%s%d%s",setpage_prefix,pagenum,setpage_suffix); } perr=U_ZERO_ERROR; unormalizer_NFD=unorm2_getInstance(NULL, "nfc", UNORM2_DECOMPOSE, &perr); for (i=line_length=0;i0) { fprintf(fp,"%s%s%s",lethead_prefix,symhead_positive,lethead_suffix); } else if (lethead_flag<0) { fprintf(fp,"%s%s%s",lethead_prefix,symhead_negative,lethead_suffix); } } widechar_to_multibyte(obuff,BUFFERLEN,ind[i].idx[0]); SPRINTF(lbuff,"%s%s",item_0,obuff); } switch (ind[i].words) { case 1: SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",delim_0); break; case 2: widechar_to_multibyte(obuff,BUFFERLEN,ind[i].idx[1]); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_x1); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",obuff); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",delim_1); break; case 3: widechar_to_multibyte(obuff,BUFFERLEN,ind[i].idx[1]); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_x1); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",obuff); widechar_to_multibyte(obuff,BUFFERLEN,ind[i].idx[2]); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_x2); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",obuff); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",delim_2); break; default: break; } printpage(ind,fp,i,lbuff); } else { index_normalize(ind[i-1].dic[0], initial_prev, &chset_prev); if ((CH_LATIN<=chset&&chset<=CH_GREEK) || chset==CH_HANZI) { if (chset!=chset_prev || ss_comp(initial,initial_prev)) { fputs(group_skip,fp); if (lethead_flag!=0) { fputs(lethead_prefix,fp); fprint_uchar(fp,initial,lethead_flag,-1); fputs(lethead_suffix,fp); } } } else if (chset==CH_KANA) { for (j=hpoint;j<(u_strlen(datama));j++) { if (initial_cmp_char(initial,datama[j])) { break; } } if ((j!=hpoint)||(j==0)) { hpoint=j; fputs(group_skip,fp); if (lethead_flag!=0) { fputs(lethead_prefix,fp); fprint_uchar(fp,&atama[j-1],M_NONE,1); fputs(lethead_suffix,fp); } } } else if (chset==CH_HANGUL) { for (j=tpoint;j<(u_strlen(tumunja));j++) { if (initial_cmp_char(initial,tumunja[j])) { break; } } if ((j!=tpoint)||(j==0)) { tpoint=j; fputs(group_skip,fp); if (lethead_flag!=0) { fputs(lethead_prefix,fp); fprint_uchar(fp,&tumunja[j-1],M_NONE,1); fputs(lethead_suffix,fp); } } } else { if (CH_LATIN<=chset_prev&&chset_prev<=CH_HANZI){ fputs(group_skip,fp); if (lethead_flag!=0 && symbol_flag) { if (strlen(symbol)) { fprintf(fp,"%s%s%s",lethead_prefix,symbol,lethead_suffix); } else if (lethead_flag>0) { fprintf(fp,"%s%s%s",lethead_prefix,symhead_positive,lethead_suffix); } else if (lethead_flag<0) { fprintf(fp,"%s%s%s",lethead_prefix,symhead_negative,lethead_suffix); } } } } switch (ind[i].words) { case 1: widechar_to_multibyte(obuff,BUFFERLEN,ind[i].idx[0]); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_0); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",obuff); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",delim_0); break; case 2: if (u_strcmp(ind[i-1].idx[0],ind[i].idx[0])!=0 || u_strcmp(ind[i-1].dic[0],ind[i].dic[0])!=0) { widechar_to_multibyte(obuff,BUFFERLEN,ind[i].idx[0]); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_0); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",obuff); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_x1); } else { if (ind[i-1].words==1) { SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_01); } else { SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_1); } } widechar_to_multibyte(obuff,BUFFERLEN,ind[i].idx[1]); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",obuff); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",delim_1); break; case 3: if (u_strcmp(ind[i-1].idx[0],ind[i].idx[0])!=0 || u_strcmp(ind[i-1].dic[0],ind[i].dic[0])!=0) { widechar_to_multibyte(obuff,BUFFERLEN,ind[i].idx[0]); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_0); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",obuff); widechar_to_multibyte(obuff,BUFFERLEN,ind[i].idx[1]); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_x1); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",obuff); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_x2); } else if (ind[i-1].words==1) { widechar_to_multibyte(obuff,BUFFERLEN,ind[i].idx[1]); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_01); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",obuff); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_x2); } else if (u_strcmp(ind[i-1].idx[1],ind[i].idx[1])!=0 || u_strcmp(ind[i-1].dic[1],ind[i].dic[1])!=0) { widechar_to_multibyte(obuff,BUFFERLEN,ind[i].idx[1]); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_1); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",obuff); if (ind[i-1].words==2) SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_12); else SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_x2); } else { SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",item_2); } widechar_to_multibyte(obuff,BUFFERLEN,ind[i].idx[2]); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",obuff); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",delim_2); break; default: break; } printpage(ind,fp,i,lbuff); } } fputs(postamble,fp); if (filename) fclose(fp); } /* write page block */ static void printpage(struct index *ind, FILE *fp, int num, char *lbuff) { int i,j,k,cc; char buff[BUFFERLEN],tmpbuff[BUFFERLEN],errbuff[BUFFERLEN],obuff[BUFFERLEN]; buff[0]=tmpbuff[0]='\0'; crcheck(lbuff,fp); line_length=strlen(lbuff); for(j=0;jj) { if (pnumconv(ind[num].p[j].page,ind[num].p[j].attr[0])==pnumconv(ind[num].p[cc].page,ind[num].p[cc].attr[0])) { j=cc-1; continue; } /* range process */ if (ind[num].p[j].enc[0]==range_open || ind[num].p[j].enc[0]==range_close) ind[num].p[j].enc++; if (strlen(ind[num].p[j].enc)>0) { SPRINTF(buff,"%s%s%s",encap_prefix,ind[num].p[j].enc,encap_infix); } if (strlen(suffix_3p)>0 && (pnumconv(ind[num].p[cc].page,ind[num].p[cc].attr[0])-pnumconv(ind[num].p[j].page,ind[num].p[j].attr[0]))==2) { SAPPENDF(buff,"%s",ind[num].p[j].page); SAPPENDF(buff,"%s",suffix_3p); } else if (strlen(suffix_mp)>0 && (pnumconv(ind[num].p[cc].page,ind[num].p[cc].attr[0])-pnumconv(ind[num].p[j].page,ind[num].p[j].attr[0]))>=2) { SAPPENDF(buff,"%s",ind[num].p[j].page); SAPPENDF(buff,"%s",suffix_mp); } else if (strlen(suffix_2p)>0 && (pnumconv(ind[num].p[cc].page,ind[num].p[cc].attr[0])-pnumconv(ind[num].p[j].page,ind[num].p[j].attr[0]))==1) { SAPPENDF(buff,"%s",ind[num].p[j].page); SAPPENDF(buff,"%s",suffix_2p); } else { SAPPENDF(buff,"%s",ind[num].p[j].page); SAPPENDF(buff,"%s",delim_r); SAPPENDF(buff,"%s",ind[num].p[cc].page); } SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",buff); buff[0]='\0'; if (strlen(ind[num].p[j].enc)>0) { SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",encap_suffix); } linecheck(lbuff,tmpbuff); j=cc; if (j==ind[num].num) { goto PRINT; } else { SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",delim_n); linecheck(lbuff,tmpbuff); } } else if (strlen(ind[num].p[j].enc)>0) { /* normal encap */ if (ind[num].p[j].enc[0]==range_close) { SPRINTF(errbuff,"Warning: Unmatched range closing operator \'%c\',",range_close); for (i=0;i0) { SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",encap_prefix); SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",ind[num].p[j].enc); SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",encap_infix); SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",ind[num].p[j].page); SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",encap_suffix); SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",delim_n); linecheck(lbuff,tmpbuff); } else { SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",ind[num].p[j].page); SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",delim_n); linecheck(lbuff,tmpbuff); } } else { /* no encap */ SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",ind[num].p[j].page); SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",delim_n); linecheck(lbuff,tmpbuff); } } if (ind[num].p[j].enc[0]==range_open) { SPRINTF(errbuff,"Warning: Unmatched range opening operator \'%c\',",range_open); for (k=0;k0) { SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",encap_prefix); SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",ind[num].p[j].enc); SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",encap_infix); SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",ind[num].p[j].page); SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",encap_suffix); } else { SAPPENDF(tmpbuff,"%s",ind[num].p[j].page); } linecheck(lbuff,tmpbuff); PRINT: fputs(lbuff,fp); fputs(delim_t,fp); lbuff[0]='\0'; } static int range_check(struct index ind, int count, char *lbuff) { int i,j,k,cc1,cc2,start,force=0; char tmpbuff[BUFFERLEN],errbuff[BUFFERLEN],obuff[BUFFERLEN]; for (i=count;i0) { SPRINTF(tmpbuff,"%s%s%s%s%s%s",encap_prefix,ind.p[j].enc,encap_infix ,ind.p[j].page,encap_suffix,delim_n); linecheck(lbuff,tmpbuff); } } } if (j==ind.num+1) { SPRINTF(errbuff,"Warning: Unmatched range opening operator \'%c\',",range_open); for (k=0;k=cc2+2 || (cc1>=cc2+1 && strlen(suffix_2p)) || force) { return i-1; } else return count; } /* check line length */ static void linecheck(char *lbuff, char *tmpbuff) { if (line_length+strlen(tmpbuff)>line_max) { SAPPENDF(lbuff,"\n"); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",indent_space); SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",tmpbuff); line_length=indent_length+strlen(tmpbuff); tmpbuff[0]='\0'; } else { SAPPENDF(lbuff,"%s",tmpbuff); line_length+=strlen(tmpbuff); tmpbuff[0]='\0'; } } static void crcheck(char *lbuff, FILE *fp) { int i; char buff[BUFFERLEN]; for (i=strlen(lbuff);i>=0;i--) { if (lbuff[i]=='\n') { strncpy(buff,lbuff,i+1); buff[i+1]='\0'; fputs(buff,fp); strncpy(buff,&lbuff[i+1],BUFFERLEN-1); strcpy(lbuff,buff); break; } } } static void index_normalize(UChar *istr, UChar *ini, int *chset) { int k, len, hi, lo, mi; UChar ch,src[2],dest[8],strX[4],strY[4],strZ[4]; UErrorCode perr; UCollationResult order; static int hanzi_mode=0; ch=istr[0]; *chset=charset(istr); ini[1]=L'\0'; if (is_hiragana(ch)) { ch+=KATATOP-HIRATOP; /* hiragana -> katakana */ } if (is_katakana(ch)) { ini[0]=kanatable[ch-KATATOP]; return; } if (is_extkana(ch)) { ini[0]=extkanatable[ch-EXKANATOP]; return; } else if (ch==0x309F) { ini[0]=0x30E8; return; } /* HIRAGANA YORI */ else if (ch==0x30FF) { ini[0]=0x30B3; return; } /* KATAKANA KOTO */ else if (is_kor_hngl(&ch)) { if ((ch>=0xAC00)&&(ch<=0xD7AF)) { /* Hangul Syllables */ ch=(ch-0xAC00)/(21*28)+CHOSEONG_KIYEOK; /* convert to Hangul Jamo, Initial consonants */ } else switch (ch) { case 0x3131: case 0xFFA1: case 0x3200: case 0x320E: case 0x3260: case 0x326E: ch=0x1100; break; /* ᄀ */ case 0x3132: case 0xFFA2: ch=0x1101; break; /* ᄁ */ case 0x3134: case 0xFFA4: case 0x3201: case 0x320F: case 0x3261: case 0x326F: ch=0x1102; break; /* ᄂ */ case 0x3137: case 0xFFA7: case 0x3202: case 0x3210: case 0x3262: case 0x3270: ch=0x1103; break; /* ᄃ */ case 0x3138: case 0xFFA8: ch=0x1104; break; /* ᄄ */ case 0x3139: case 0xFFA9: case 0x3203: case 0x3211: case 0x3263: case 0x3271: ch=0x1105; break; /* ᄅ */ case 0x3141: case 0xFFB1: case 0x3204: case 0x3212: case 0x3264: case 0x3272: ch=0x1106; break; /* ᄆ */ case 0x3142: case 0xFFB2: case 0x3205: case 0x3213: case 0x3265: case 0x3273: ch=0x1107; break; /* ᄇ */ case 0x3143: case 0xFFB3: ch=0x1108; break; /* ᄈ */ case 0x3145: case 0xFFB5: case 0x3206: case 0x3214: case 0x3266: case 0x3274: ch=0x1109; break; /* ᄉ */ case 0x3146: case 0xFFB6: ch=0x110A; break; /* ᄊ */ case 0x3147: case 0xFFB7: case 0x3207: case 0x3215: case 0x3267: case 0x3275: case 0x321D: case 0x321E: case 0x327E: /* ㈝ ㈞ ㉾ */ ch=0x110B; break; /* ᄋ */ case 0x3148: case 0xFFB8: case 0x3208: case 0x3216: case 0x3268: case 0x3276: case 0x321C: case 0x327D: /* ㈜ ㉽ */ ch=0x110C; break; /* ᄌ */ case 0x3149: case 0xFFB9: ch=0x110D; break; /* ᄍ */ case 0x314A: case 0xFFBA: case 0x3209: case 0x3217: case 0x3269: case 0x3277: case 0x327C: /* ㉼ */ ch=0x110E; break; /* ᄎ */ case 0x314B: case 0xFFBB: case 0x320A: case 0x3218: case 0x326A: case 0x3278: ch=0x110F; break; /* ᄏ */ case 0x314C: case 0xFFBC: case 0x320B: case 0x3219: case 0x326B: case 0x3279: ch=0x1110; break; /* ᄐ */ case 0x314D: case 0xFFBD: case 0x320C: case 0x321A: case 0x326C: case 0x327A: ch=0x1111; break; /* ᄑ */ case 0x314E: case 0xFFBE: case 0x320D: case 0x321B: case 0x326D: case 0x327B: ch=0x1112; break; /* ᄒ */ } ini[0]=ch; return; } else if ((len=is_hanzi(istr))>0) { if (hanzi_mode==0) hanzi_mode=init_hanzi_header(); if (hanzi_mode==HANZI_UNKNOWN) { u_strcpy(ini, hz_index[0].idx); return; } strX[0] =istr[0]; if (len==2){ strX[1] =istr[1]; } strX[len]=L'\0'; lo=0; hi=hz_index_len; while (lo0x7F)|| (is_cyrillic(&ch)&&(ch<0x410||ch==0x419||ch==0x439||ch>0x44F))|| (is_greek(&ch)&&(ch<0x391||(ch>0x3A9&&ch<0x3B1)||ch>0x3C9))) { /* check diacritic */ src[0]=ch; src[1]=0x00; perr=U_ZERO_ERROR; unorm2_normalize(unormalizer_NFD, src, 1, dest, 8, &perr); if (U_SUCCESS(perr)) { if (is_latin(&ch)) { strZ[1] = 0x05A; } /* Z */ else if (is_cyrillic(&ch)) { strZ[1] = 0x42F; } /* Я */ else { strZ[1] = 0x3A9; } /* Ω */ strZ[0] = u_toupper(dest[0]); strZ[2] = 0x00; /* ex. "AZ" */ strX[0] = u_toupper(ch); strX[1] = 0x00; /* ex. "Å" */ order = ucol_strcoll(icu_collator, strZ, -1, strX, -1); if (order==UCOL_LESS) { ini[0]=strX[0]; return; } /* with diacritic */ ch=dest[0]; /* without diacritic */ } } if (is_latin(istr)&&u_strlen(istr)>1) { for(k=0; k<(u_strlen(istr)>2 ? 3 : 2); k++) { strX[k]=u_toupper(istr[k]); } strX[k]=L'\0'; /* DZ, SZ or DZS for Hungarian, ad-hoc treatment */ if ((strX[0]==0x44 || strX[0]==0x53) && strX[1]==0x5A) { /* DZ SZ */ strY[0]=0x44; strY[1]=0x5A; strY[2]=0x53; strY[3]=L'\0'; /* DZS */ strZ[0]=0x44; strZ[1]=0x5A; strZ[2]=0x5A; strZ[3]=L'\0'; /* DZZ */ order = ucol_strcoll(icu_collator, strZ, -1, strY, -1); if (order==UCOL_LESS) { ini[0]=strX[0]; ini[1]=strX[1]; if (strX[0]==0x44 && strX[2]==0x53) { /* DZS */ ini[2]=0x53; ini[3]=L'\0'; } else { /* DZ SZ */ ini[2]=L'\0'; } return; } } /* DZ, DŽ for Slovak or Serbo-Croatian, ad-hoc treatment */ if (strX[0]==0x44 && (strX[1]==0x5A || strX[1]==0x17D)) { /* DZ DŽ */ strY[0]=0x44; strY[1]=0x17D; strY[2]=L'\0'; /* DŽ */ strZ[0]=0x44; strZ[1]=0x5A; strZ[2]=0x5A; strZ[3]=L'\0'; /* DZZ */ order = ucol_strcoll(icu_collator, strZ, -1, strY, -1); if (order==UCOL_LESS) { if (strX[1]==0x5A) { strY[0]=0xD4; strY[1]=L'\0'; /* Ô */ strZ[0]=0x4F; strZ[1]=0x5A; strZ[2]=L'\0'; /* OZ */ order = ucol_strcoll(icu_collator, strZ, -1, strY, -1); if (order==UCOL_LESS) { /* Slovak DZ */ ini[0]=strX[0]; ini[1]=strX[1]; ini[2]=L'\0'; return; } } else { ini[0]=strX[0]; ini[1]=strX[1]; /* DŽ */ ini[2]=L'\0'; return; } } } /* other digraphs */ if(((strX[0]==0x43 || strX[0]==0x44 || strX[0]==0x53 || strX[0]==0x54 || strX[0]==0x58 || strX[0]==0x5A) && strX[1]==0x48) || /* CH DH SH TH XH ZH */ (strX[0]==0x4C && strX[1]==0x4C) || /* LL */ ((strX[0]==0x47 || strX[0]==0x4C || strX[0]==0x4E) && strX[1]==0x4A) || /* GJ LJ NJ */ (strX[0]==0x52 && strX[1]==0x52) || /* RR */ ((strX[0]==0x43 || strX[0]==0x5A) && strX[1]==0x53) || /* CS ZS */ ((strX[0]==0x47 || strX[0]==0x4C || strX[0]==0x4E || strX[0]==0x54) && strX[1]==0x59)) /* GY LY NY TY */ { strX[2]=L'\0'; strZ[0]=strX[0]; strZ[1]=0x5A; strZ[2]=L'\0'; order = ucol_strcoll(icu_collator, strZ, -1, strX, -1); if (order==UCOL_LESS) { ini[0]=strX[0]; ini[1]=strX[1]; ini[2]=L'\0'; return; } } } ini[0]=u_toupper(ch); return; } static int initial_cmp_char(UChar *ini, UChar ch) { UChar initial_tmp[INITIALLENGTH],istr[2]; int chset; istr[0]=ch; istr[1]=L'\0'; index_normalize(istr, initial_tmp, &chset); return (ss_comp(ini, initial_tmp)<0); } static int init_hanzi_header(void) { UChar strX[2],*pch0,*pch1; int k, hzmode, len; struct hanzi_index *hz_idx_init; strX[0]=0x5B57; strX[1]=L'\0'; if (ucol_strcoll(icu_collator, strX, -1, HZ_RADICAL[0].threshold, -1)==UCOL_GREATER) { hzmode=HANZI_UNIHAN; hz_idx_init=HZ_RADICAL; } else if (ucol_strcoll(icu_collator, strX, -1, HZ_STROKE[0].threshold, -1)==UCOL_GREATER) { hzmode=HANZI_STROKE; hz_idx_init=HZ_STROKE; } else if (ucol_strcoll(icu_collator, strX, -1, HZ_PINYIN[0].threshold, -1)==UCOL_GREATER) { hzmode=HANZI_PINYIN; hz_idx_init=HZ_PINYIN; } else if (ucol_strcoll(icu_collator, strX, -1, HZ_ZHUYIN[0].threshold, -1)==UCOL_GREATER) { hzmode=HANZI_ZHUYIN; hz_idx_init=HZ_ZHUYIN; } else { hzmode=HANZI_UNKNOWN; hz_idx_init=HZ_UNKNOWN; } for (k=0;k0) { len=pch1-pch0; } else { len=u_strlen(pch0); } if (len>=INITIALLENGTH) { warn_printf(efp, "\nWarning, Too long (%d) hanzi header.\n", len); len=INITIALLENGTH-1; } u_strncpy(hz_index[k].idx,pch0,len); hz_index[k].idx[len]=L'\0'; if (pch1>0) pch0=pch1+1; else break; } return hzmode; }