Previous: Transparency, Up: Options Internal options

There are also internal options used only by sketch and not passed on to PSTricks. These are summarized in the following table.

Key Possible values Description
cull true, false Turn culling of backfaces on and off respectively for this object. The default value is true.
lay over, in, under Force this object to be under or over all other objects in the depth sort order created by the hidden surface algorithm. The default value over guarantees that output due to the special will be visible.
split true, false Turn splitting of sweep-generated body polygons on and off respectively. See Sweeps. The default value true causes “warped” polygons to be split into triangles, which avoids mistakes by the hidden surface algorithm.

3.1.6 Point lists



A sequence of one or more points makes a point list, a feature common to all drawables. Each of the point components is a scalar arithmetic expression. Any point may have the z-component omitted; it will default to z=0.