If you have TeX run by a distribution then you can ignore all the follwoing text, because verything is done by your package manager. Save the files pst-circ.sty|tex in a directory, which is part of your local TeX tree. pst-circ.pro should be saved in ../texmf/dvips/pstricks/ Then do not forget to run texhash to update this tree. pst-circ needs pst-node and pstricks, which should be part of your local TeX installation, otherwise get it from a CTAN server, f.ex. http://mirror.ctan.org Save the files pst-circ.sty pst-circ.tex pst-circ.pro in any place, where latex or any other TeX program will find it. Do not forget to update your database, when installing this package the first time. pst-circ uses the extended version of the keyval package. So be sure that you - have installed xkeyval with the special pst-xkey (CTAN: macros/latex/contrib/xkeyval/) - do not load another package after pst-circ, which loads the old keyval.sty or pst-key.tex If you like to get the documentation file in another format run latex pst-circ-doc.tex biber pst-circ.doc latex pst-circ-doc.tex dvips pst-circ-doc.dvi to get a PostScript file. But pay attention, that the pst-circ files are saved in the above mentioned way, before you run latex on the documentation file. The intermediate DVI file works only with viewers which can interprete the embedded PostScript code. For another PDF output read the Introduction from the documentation. %% This package may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project %% Public License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution. %% Either version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version. hvoss@tug.org