%!TEX root = tzplot-doc.tex %\begin{document} %%%========================== \part{Plotting Graphs} %%%========================== \label{p:plotting} %%================================== \chapter{Axes} \label{c:axes} %%------------------------------------------------------------ \section{Draw axes} \label{s:tzaxes} \subsection{\protect\cmd{\tzaxes}} \label{ss:tzaxes} Basically, \cmd{\tzaxes}|()()| draws the $x$ axis from || to || and the $y$ axis from || to ||. The coordinate |()| represents the origin and |()| represents the opposite corner of the rectangle formed by the two coordinates. |\tzaxes| takes only one coordinate |()| as a mandatory argument, in which case the coordinate |()| is considered as |(0,0)|. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax: minimal \tzaxes(){}{} % syntax: full \tzaxes[]()() {}[]{}[] % defaults [->]<0,0>(0,0)(){}[right]{}[above] % arguments [#1]: line style, arrow type (for x-axis & y-axis) <#2>: axes shift coor %% axes intersect at (#2) (#3): (x1,y1) %% origin: if omitted, regarded as (0,0) (#4): (x2,y2) %% opposite corner: mandatory {#5}: x-axis name [#6]: x-axis name option %% node option {#7}: y-axis name [#8]: y-axis name option %% node option \end{tzdef} Here, |(|\ixxw{}|)| stands for a mandatory argument. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % tzaxes \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.7] \tzhelplines(3,3) \tzaxes(3,3){$x$}{$y$} \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \paragraph{Shift} By default, the $x$ and $y$ axes intersect at $(0,0)$. Specifying the option || moves the axes to intersect at $(\text{\ttfamily})$. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzaxes: shift \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(-1,-1)(7,7) \tzshoworigin* \tzaxes[thick,blue]<1,2>(7,7){$x$}{$y$} %% \tzaxes[-,dashed](7,7){$X$}[below]{$Y$}[left] \tzaxes<6,1>(6,1)(3,6){$a$}[left]{$b$} %% \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \subsection{\protect\cmd{\tzaxes*}} \label{ss:tzaxes*} The starred version \icmd{\tzaxes*} sets the current state to a \iisw{bounding box} when the macro |\tzaxes| execution is complete. It is recommended for you to use |\tzaxes*| as the first graphics command in |tikzpicture| environment or before any larger graphics. \begin{tzcode}{.3} \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzaxes*(8,5){$x$}{$f(x)$} % bounding box \tzhelplines(-2,-1)(10,8) \tzto[out=90,in=-135,dashed](-2,8)(12,-2) \tzbezier[blue](-1,-1)(3,-2)(7,12)(10,10) \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} %%------------------------------------------------------------ \section{\protect\cmd{\tzaxisx} and \protect\cmd{\tzaxisy}} \label{s:tzaxisx} \icmd{\tzaxisx} draws only the $x$ axis. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax \tzaxisx[]{}{}{}[] % defaults [->]<0>{}{}{}[right] % arguments: [#1]: line style, arrow type (for x-axis) <#2>: y-shift of x-axis {#3}: x-axis starts from %% mandatory {#4}: x-axis runs to %% mandatory {#5}: x-axis name [#6]: x-axis name option %% node option \end{tzdef} \icmd{\tzaxisy} draws only the $y$ axis. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax \tzaxisy[]{}{}{}[] % defaults [->]<0>{}{}{}[above] % arguments: [#1]: line style, arrow type (for y-axis) <#2>: x-shift of y axis {#3}: y-axis starts from %% mandatory {#4}: y-axis runs to %% mandatory {#5}: y-axis name [#6]: y-axis name option %% node option \end{tzdef} \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzaxisx, \tzaxisy \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzshoworigin \tzhelplines(5,5) \tzaxisx[blue]{-1}{5}{$xx$} \tzaxisy[red] {-1}{5}{$yy$}[green] \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzaxisx, \tzaxisy: shift \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(7,7) \tzshoworigin \tzaxisx{-1}{7}{$xx$}[near end,below] \tzaxisy{-1}{7}{$yy$}[midway,sloped,auto] \tzaxisx[-,dashed,red]<2>{-1}{7}{$xx'$}[blue] \tzaxisy[-,dashed,blue]<3>{-1}{7}{$yy'$} \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} %%------------------------------------------------------------ \section{Display the origin} \label{s:tzshoworigin} \subsection{\protect\cmd{\tzshoworigin}} \label{ss:tzshoworigin} \icmd{\tzshoworigin} prints `0' (approximately) at the bottom left of the origin |(0,0)|, by default. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax \tzshoworigin(){}[] % default <>(0,0){0}[below left,text height=1.25ex,text depth=.25ex] \end{tzdef} All arguments of |\tzshoworigin| are optional. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzshoworigin \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.45] \tzhelplines(8,5) \tzshoworigin \tzaxes(8,5) \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} You can change the text by specifying the curly brace option |{}|, like, for example, |\tzshoworigin{$O$}|. You can also change the coordinate of origin by the option |()|. Specifying the option || also moves the origin. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzshoworigin: shift \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.45] \tzhelplines(-2,-1)(8,6) \tzshoworigin{$O_1$} %% \tzaxes(8,6){$x$}{$y$} \tzshoworigin<2,1>{$O_2$}[red] %% \tzaxes[dashed]<2,1>(8,6) \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \subsection{\protect\cmd{\tzshoworigin*}} \label{ss:tzshoworigin*} \icmd{\tzshoworigin*} prints a node dot at the origin with no text by default. Internally the dot is processed by |\tzdot*|. All arguments are optional. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax \tzshoworigin*[](){}[]() % default *[]<>(0,0){}[below left,text height=1.25ex,text depth=.25ex](2.4pt) \end{tzdef} \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzshoworigin* \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.45] \tzhelplines(-2,-1)(6,4) \tzshoworigin* \tzaxes(-2,-1)(6,4) \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} You can add text with the option |{}|. The default size of the dot is |2.4pt|, and it can be changed with the last option |()|. You can change the dot style using the first optional argument |[]|. You can also move the dot by specifying the option ||. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzshoworigin* \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(-1,-1)(7,7) \tzshoworigin*[blue]{$o_1$}[red](5pt) \tzaxes(-1,-1)(7,7){$x$}{$y$} \tzaxes<6,4>(6,4)(1,1){$x'$}[left]{$y'$}[below] \tzshoworigin*[fill=none]<6,4>{$O'$}[blue,ar](3pt) \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \remark For |\tzshoworigin*|, text for the origin and the dot are placed independently. In other words, the position of node text does not depend on the size of a node dot. (In fact, the node text for the origin should look good with the `ticks labels', so it was not designed as a |label| for the node dot. This also means that the origin text cannot be positioned by an ||.) \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzshoworigin* (with tick labels) \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(-2,1)(6,5) \tzshoworigin*{0}(5pt) \tzaxes(-2,-1)(6,5){$x$}{$y$} \tzticks{1,...,5}{1,...,4} \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} %%------------------------------------------------------------ \section{\protect\cmd{\tzaxesL(')}: L-type axes} \label{s:tzaxesL} \icmd{\tzaxesL} is similar to |\tzaxes|, but it draws only the `L' type axes with |()| as the origin and |()| as the opposite corner of the rectangle. Those two coordinates are mandatory. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax \tzaxesL[]()() {}[]{}[] % defaults []<>()(){}[right]{}[above] % arguments: [#1]: line style, arrow type <#2>: shift coordinate (#3): (x1,y1) %% mandatory (#4): (x2,y2) %% mandatory {#5}: x-axis name [#6]: x-axis name option %% node option {#7}: y-axis name [#8]: y-axis name option %% node option \end{tzdef} The \iisw{swap version} \icmd{\tzaxesL'} swaps |()| and |()|. That is, |\tzaxesL'(A)(B)| is equivalent to |\tzaxesL(B)(A)|. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzaxesL, \tzaxesL' \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(8,7) \tzshoworigin \tzaxes(8,7){$x$}{$y$} \tzaxesL[red,thick](2,2)(6,5){$a$}{$b$} \tzaxesL'[blue,dashed,->](2,2)(6,5){$c$}{$d$} \tzaxesL'[->](7,1)(4,7){m}[draw,r]{n}[draw,circle] \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} The option || moves the whole L-type axes. The empty option |<>| is not allowed. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzaxesL, \tzaxesL': shift \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(8,7) \tzshoworigin \tzaxes(8,7){$x$}{$y$} \tzaxesL[red,thick](2,2)(6,5){$a$}{$b$} \tzaxesL[red,thick]<.5,.5>(2,2)(6,5){$a'$}{$b'$} \tzaxesL'[blue,dashed,->](2,2)(6,5){$c$}{$d$} \tzaxesL'[blue,dashed,->]<-1,-1>(2,2)(6,5){$c'$}{$d'$} \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} %%================================== \chapter{Ticks} \label{c:ticks} %%------------------------------------------------------------ \section{\protect\cmd{\tzticks}: Tick labels} \label{s:tzticks} By default, \icmd{\tzticks} prints tick labels and draws zero length tick marks, i.e. from |(0pt)| to |(0pt)|. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax: minimal \tzticks{}{} % syntax: medium \tzticks(){}[] (){}[] % syntax: full \tzticks[] (){}[] (){}[] % defaults []<0,0>(0pt:0pt){}[text height=1.25ex,text depth=.25ex,below](0pt:0pt){}[left] \end{tzdef} \paragraph{Tick labels} Internally, |\tzticks| uses \Tikz's |foreach| operation. So you need to provide comma separated lists to print tick labels. If only one comma separated list is specified, it is for $x$ tick labels. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzticks \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.4,font=\scriptsize] \tzhelplines(10,10) \tzaxes(-1,-1)(10,10) \tzticks[blue]{1,...,8}{2,...,7} \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} You can change the numbered labels to a different format with slashes and other text, as follows: |/|. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzticks: tick labels \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.4,font=\scriptsize] \tzhelplines(10,10) \tzaxes(-1,-1)(10,10) \tzticks{1/$x_1$,2,5/$x_2$,8/$x_3$}[blue] {2/$\sqrt{x}$,3/y,4/m,5,7/$k$}[red] \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \paragraph{Tick marks} To prints tick marks you need to specify |()| for $x$ ticks and/or |()| for $y$ ticks. (The default is |(0pt:0pt)|.) \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzticks: tick marks with () \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.4,font=\scriptsize] \tzhelplines(10,10) \tzshoworigin \tzaxes(-1,-1)(10,10) \tzticks[draw=red,thick] (-5pt:10pt){1,...,7,8/$\alpha$} (0pt:3cm) {2,...,6,7/$\beta$} \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \paragraph{Shift} The position of tick labels does not depend on the length of the tick marks. To change the position, use the option ||, where || is for |y-ticks| and || is for |x-ticks|. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzticks: shift \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.4,font=\scriptsize] \tzhelplines(10,10) \tzshoworigin \tzaxes(-1,-1)(10,10) \tzaxes[dashed]<4,2>(-1,-1)(10,10) \tzticks[draw=red]<4,2> (-5pt:10pt){5,...,8} (0pt:3cm) {3,...,7} \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} %%------------------------------------------------------------ \section{\protect\cmd{\tzticks*}: Tick marks} \label{s:tzticks*} The starred version \icmd{\tzticks*} always ignores all tick labels and draws tick marks from |0pt| to |3pt|, by default. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax: minimal \tzticks*{}{} % syntax: medium \tzticks*(){}(){} % syntax: full \tzticks*[] (){}(){} % defaults []<0,0>(0pt:3pt){}(0pt:3pt){} % starred(*) version always suppresses tick labels \end{tzdef} \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzticks* \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.4,font=\scriptsize] \tzhelplines(10,10) \tzshoworigin \tzaxes(-1,-1)(10,10) \tzticks*[draw=red,thick] {1,...,7,8/$\alpha$} % label ignored (0pt:3cm){2,...,6,7/$\beta$} % label ignored \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \begin{tzcode}{.4} % \tzticks(*) \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(10,8) \tzaxes(-1,-1)(10,8) \tzticks* {0,0.2,...,8} {0,0.2,...,7} % default (0pt:3pt) \tzticks* (0pt:10pt){1,...,8} (0pt:10pt){1,...,7} \tzticks {1,...,8} {2,...,7} % default (0pt:0pt) \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} %%------------------------------------------------------------ \section{\protect\cmd{\tzticksx(*)} and \protect\cmd{\tzticksy(*)}} \label{s:tzticksx} You can handle $x$ ticks and $y$ ticks independently. \paragraph{X ticks} \icmd{\tzticksx} only prints x-tick labels but not tick marks, by default. To prints tick marks you need to specify |(:)|. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax \tzticksx[](:){}[] % defaults []<>(0pt:0pt){}[text height=1.25ex,text depth=.25ex,below] \end{tzdef} \icmd{\tzticksx*} only prints x-tick marks from |0pt| to |3pt|, by default, suppressing tick labels. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax: \tzticksx*[](:){} % defaults *[]<>(0pt:3pt){} % starred(*) version always suppresses tick labels \end{tzdef} \paragraph{Y ticks} \icmd{\tzticksy} only prints y-tick labels but not tick marks, by default. To prints tick marks you need to specify |(:)|. \icmd{\tzticksy*} only prints y-ticks from |0pt| to |3pt| by default, suppressing tick labels. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax: \tzticksy[](){}[] % defaults []<>(0pt:0pt){}[] \end{tzdef} \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax \tzticksy*[](){} % defaults []<>(0pt:0pt){} % starred(*) version suppresses tick labels \end{tzdef} \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tztickx(*), \tzticky(*) \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.4,font=\scriptsize] \tzhelplines(10,10) \tzshoworigin \tzaxes(-1,-1)(10,10) \tzticksx [draw=red,thick] (-5pt:1cm){1,...,7,8/$\alpha$} \tzticksy*[draw=blue,thick] (0pt:3cm){2,...,6,7/$\beta$} % labels ignored \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \paragraph{Shift} The options || and || move x-ticks and y-ticks, respectively. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tztickx(*), \tzticky(*): shift \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.4,font=\scriptsize] \tzhelplines(10,10) \tzshoworigin \tzaxes(-1,-1)(10,10) \tzaxes[dashed]<2,1>(-1,-1)(10,10) \tzticksx*[draw=red,thick] <1>(-5pt:10pt){1,...,7,8/$\alpha$} % labels ignored \tzticksy [draw=blue,thick] <2>(0pt:3cm){2,...,6,7/$\beta$} \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} %%================================== \chapter{Projections} \label{c:projections} %%------------------------------------------------------------ \section{\protect\cmd{\tzproj(*)}} \label{s:tzproj} \icmd{\tzproj} accepts a mandatory coordinate and draws perpendicular lines onto each axis from the coordinate. The lines are |dotted|, by default. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax: minimum \tzproj() % syntax: medium \tzproj*(){}[]{}[] % syntax: \tzproj*[]() {}[]{}[]() % defaults *[dotted]<0,0>(){}[text height=1.25ex,text depth=.25ex,below]{}[left](2.4pt) \end{tzdef} \icmd{\tzproj*} additionally prints a `black node dot' of the size |2.4pt|, by default. Internally, the node dot is processed by |\tzdot*|. The first option || does not control the node dot. \paragraph{Dot size} You can only control the size of dots by the last optional argument |()| or by the \threeways\ on page \pageref{ss:threeways}. If you want to control |fill| or |color| of dots, use |\tzdot*| separately. \begin{tzcode}{.3} %\tzproj(*) \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzaxes(8,6) \tzproj[dashed,blue](2,3) \tzcoors(30:7)(A)(50:6)(B); \tzproj*(A) \tzproj*[dashed,text=blue](B)(5pt) \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \paragraph{Adding text} You can also add text around the projection point on each axis by the option |{}|. The position and color of the text is controlled by the option |[]|. The default position is (approximately) |[below]| for the x axis and |[left]| for the y axis. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzproj(*): adding text \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(8,6) \tzaxes(8,6) \tzproj[dashed,blue](2,3){$x$}{$y$} \tzcoors(30:7)(A)(50:6)(B); \tzproj*[text=blue](A){$a_1$}{$a_2$} \tzproj*[dashed](B){$x^*$}[green]{$y^*$}[red] \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \paragraph{Projection shift} Specifying the option || moves the projection point and text on each axis. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzproj(*): projection shift \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(8,6) \tzaxes(8,6) \tzproj[dashed,blue](2,3){$x$}{$y$} \tzcoors(30:7)(A)(50:6)(B); \tzaxes[blue]<3,1>(8,6) \tzproj*[dashed,text=blue]<3,1>(A){$a_1$}{$a_2$} %% \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} %%------------------------------------------------------------ \section{\protect\cmd{\tzprojx(*)} and \protect\cmd{\tzprojy(*)}} \label{s:tzprojx} \icmd{\tzprojx} draws a dotted line, which is perpendicular to the x axis. \icmd{\tzprojx*} additionally prints a `black node dot' of the size |2.4pt|, by default. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax: \tzprojx[](){}[]() % defaults []<0,0>(){}[text height=1.25ex,text depth=.25ex,below](2.4pt) \end{tzdef} \icmd{\tzprojy} draws a dotted line, which is perpendicular to the y axis. \icmd{\tzprojy*} additionally prints a `black node dot' of the size |2.4pt|, by default. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax: \tzprojy[](){}[]() % defaults []<0,0>(){}[left](2.4pt) \end{tzdef} You can only control the size of dots by the last option |()|. If you want to control |fill| or |color| of dots, use |\tzdot*| separately. You can also add text around the projection point on each axis by specifying the option |{}| or |{}| followed by the option |[]|. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzprojx(*), \tzprojy(*) \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5,font=\scriptsize] \tzhelplines(-1,-2)(6,6) \tzshoworigin \tzaxes(-1,-1)(6,6) \tzproj*[dashed](4,5){4}{5}(3pt) \tzprojx*[green,thick,solid](3,4){$x=3$}[blue] \tzprojy*[thick](5,2){2}(5pt) \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} Specifying the option || with |\tzprojx(*)| and |\tzprojy(*)| moves the projection point and text accordingly. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzprojx(*), \tzprojy(*): shift \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5,font=\scriptsize] \tzhelplines(-1,-2)(6,6) \tzshoworigin \tzaxes(-1,-1)(6,6) \tzaxes[blue]<2,1>(-1,-1)(6,6) \tzprojx*[green,thick,solid]<2,1>(3,4){$x=3$}[blue] \tzprojy*[thick]<2,1>(5,2){2}(5pt) \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} %%================================== \chapter{Plot Functions} \label{c:functions} %%------------------------------------------------------------ \section{\protect\cmd{\tzfn}: Plot functions} \label{s:tzfn} \subsection{Syntax} \label{ss:tzfn} \icmd{\tzfn} plots a function of |\x|. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax: minimum \tzfn{}[] % syntax: medium \tzfn{}[]{}[] % syntax: full \tzfn[]"" {}[]{}[] % [] should be of the form [] % defaults [samples=200]<>""{}[]{}[]<> \end{tzdef} |\tzfn| takes two mandatory arguments: |{}| and |[]|. The domain should be of the form |[]|, like |[1:5]|. \begin{tztikz}{} \tzfn{2*\x+1}[1:5] % works like: \draw [samples=200,domain=1:5] plot (\x,{2*\x+1}); \end{tztikz} \subsection{Define and name functions} To use |\tzfn| you need to express a function as a function of |\x|. You can add text (as a function name) at the end of the graph, by specifying |{}| and |[]| immediately after the domain. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzfn \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(8,8) \tzaxes(8,8) \def\Dx{7-2/3*\x} \tzfn{\Dx}[0:7]{$D$}[r] \tzfn{1+\x}[0:7]{$S$}[blue,r] \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} You can also use the predefined functions of \Tikz\ such as |sin|, |cos|, |ln|, |log10|, |log2|, |exp|, |sqrt|, and so on. (See \Tikz\ manual.) \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzfn \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(-2,-2)(8,6) \tzaxes*(-2,-2)(8,6) \def\Fx{sin(\x r)+3} \def\Gx{exp(\x)} \def\Hx{ln(\x)} \tzfn\Fx[-2:2*pi]{$\sin\,x+3$}[blue,r] \tzfn[blue]\Gx[-2:2]{$e^x$}[red,r] \tzfn[dashed]\Hx[.2:7]{$\ln\,x$}[r] \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \subsection{Name paths: \texttt{name path}} \label{ss:tzfn:namepath} You can name the path of |\tzfn| by specifying the option |""| immediately before the mandatory argument |{}|. You can use the path name to find intersection points. \begin{tztikz}{} \tzfn"mypath"\Fx[1:5] % works like: \draw [samples=200,,domain=1:5,name path=mypath] plot (\x,{\Fx}); \end{tztikz} \remark Suppose that the function's expression || consists \xem{only of a macro name}, say |\Fx|. Then \begin{itemize} \item The macro name |Fx| (\xem{without the backslash}) is \xem{automatically assigned} to ||, unless you give another name. \item That is, |\tzfn\Fx| is equivalent to |\tzfn"Fx"\Fx|. (\xem{You don't need to type the same thing twice}.) \begin{tztikz}{} \tzfn\Fx[1:5] % works like: \draw [samples=200,domain=1:5,name path=Fx] plot (\x,{\Fx}); \end{tztikz} \end{itemize} \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzfn: name path: intersection point \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(8,8) \tzaxes(8,8) \def\Dx{7-2/3*\x} \def\Sx{1+\x} \tzfn"Dx"\Dx[0:7]{$D$}[r] % name path = Dx \tzfn \Sx[0:7]{$S$}[blue,r] % name path = Sx \tzXpoint*{Dx}{Sx}(E){E} \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \subsection{Move graphs: \texttt{shift}} You can move the graph of |\tzfn| by specifying the option || \xem{before} the mandatory argument |{}| or \xem{immediately before} the option |""|, if it exists. The empty shift option |<>| is not allowed. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzfn: shift \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.6] \tzhelplines(8,8) \def\Dx{7-2/3*\x} \def\Sx{1+\x} \tzfn \Dx[0:7]{$D$}[right] % name path = Dx \tzfn"supply"\Sx[0:7]{$S$}[right] % name path = supply \tzXpoint*{Dx}{supply}(E){$E$} \tzfn[dashed]<1,1>"demandA"\Dx[0:7]{$D'$}[right] \tzfn[dashed]<1,-1>"supplyA"\Sx[0:7]{$S'$}[right] \tzXpoint*{demandA}{supplyA}(E1){$E'$} \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \subsection{Extend paths: \texttt{}, \protect\cmd{\tzfnAtBegin}, \protect\cmd{\tzfnAtEnd}} \label{ss:tzfn:atbegin} \paragraph{\texttt{}} You can extend the path created by |\tzfn| from the end of the graph, by writing \Tikz\ code in the \xem{last optional argument} ||. Internally it adds the \Tikz\ code to the path \xem{after} the options |{}| and |[]|. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzfn: \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(-2,-2)(8,6) \tzaxes*(-2,-2)(8,6) \def\Fx{sin(\x r)+3} \tzfn[->]\Fx[-2:2*pi]{$\sin\,x+3$}[blue,r] < to [bend right] ++(2,-2) node [b] {End!} > \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \paragraph{\texttt{\bs tzfnAtEnd}} You can also extend the path with \icmd{\tzfnAtEnd}. Internally it adds \Tikz\ code immediately \xem{before} the options |{}| and |[]|. But you have to use |\tzfnAtEnd| (immediately) \xem{before each} |\tzfn|. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzfnAtEnd (before \tzfn) \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(-2,-2)(8,6) \tzaxes*(-2,-2)(8,6) \def\Fx{sin(\x r)+3} \tzfnAtEnd{to [bend right] ++(2,-2) node [b] {End!}} \tzfn[->]\Fx[-2:2*pi]{$\sin\,x+3$}[blue,r] % < to [bend right] ++(2,-2) node [b] {End!} > \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \paragraph{\texttt{\bs tzfnAtBegin}} You can use \icmd{\tzfnAtBegin} (immediately) \xem{before each} |\tzfn| to insert \Tikz\ code before the path of |\tzfn|. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzfnAtBegin (before \tzfn) \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \tzhelplines(-2,-2)(8,6) \tzaxes*(-2,-2)(8,6) \def\Fx{sin(\x r)+3} \tzfnAtBegin{ (0,0) -- } \tzfn[->]\Fx[-2:2*pi]{$\sin\,x+3$}[blue,r] \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} %%------------------------------------------------------------ \section{\protect\cmd{\tzLFn}: Plot linear functions} \label{s:tzLFn} \icmd{\tzLFn} draws a linear function: $y=ax+b$. \begin{itemize} \item When you know two coordinates on a line, |\tzLFn()()| draws the line. \item When you know one coordinate and the slope of a line, |\tzLFn(){}| draws the line. \item If you specify all the three arguments |()(){}|, then the slope is ignored. \end{itemize} \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax \tzLFn[]"" ()(){}[]{}[] % defaults []<>""()(){1}[]{}[]<> \end{tzdef} |\tzLFn| accepts two mandatory arguments: |()| and |[]|. \begin{itemize} \item The domain should be of the form |[]|. \item If just one coordinate is specified without a slope, the slope is regarded as |1|, by default. \end{itemize} For example, |\tzLFn(1,1)(2,3)[0:4]| draws a line passing through two points: $(1,1)$ and $(2,3)$, over $0\leq x\leq 4$. |\tzLFn(1,1){.5}[0:4]| draws a line passing through a point $(1,1)$ with the slope |.5|, over $0\leq x\leq 4$. You can add text at the end of the line of |\tzLFn| by the options |{}| and |[]|. You can also name the path of |\tzLFn| by specifying the option |""| immediately before the mandatory coordinate. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzLFn \begin{tikzpicture} \tzhelplines(4,4) \tzcoors*(1,1)(A)(1,2)(B)(3,1)(C); \tzLFn[red]"Fx"(A){.5}[0:4]{$f(x)$}[a] \tzLFn[blue]"Gx"(B)(C)[0:4]{$g(x)$}[r] \tzXpoint*[fill=none]{Fx}{Gx}(E){$E$}(3pt) \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} You can move the line of |\tzLFn| by specifying the option || immediately before the option |""|. (The empty shift option |<>| is not allowed.) You can also expand the path of |\tzLFn| by writing \Tikz\ code in the last optional argument ||. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzLFn: shift, expanding path \begin{tikzpicture} \tzhelplines(4,4) \tzcoors*(1,1)(A)(1,2)(B)(3,1)(C); \tzLFn[blue]"Gx"(B)(C)[0:4]{$g(x)$}[r] \tzLFn[dashed,red,->]<1,1>"Gx"(B)(C)[0:4]{$g(x)$}[r] < arc (0:140:2) node [below] {End!} > \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} %%------------------------------------------------------------ \section{Horizontal lines} \label{s:tzhfn} \subsection{\protect\cmd{\tzhfnat}} \label{ss:tzhfnat} \icmd{\tzhfnat} draws a horizontal line at a specified value of $y$. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax: minimal \tzhfnat{}[] % syntax: full \tzhfnat[]"" {}[]{}[] % defaults []<>""{}[west:east (of current bounding box)]{}[]<> \end{tzdef} |\tzhfnat| accepts only one mandatory argument |{}|. The domain is optional and should be of the form |[]|. The default domain is from left to right of the \ixxw{current bounding box}. \remark Internally, the default domain of |\tzhfnat| depends on the \ixxw{current bounding box}. \begin{itemize} \item Each |\tzhfnat| may draw a line with a (slightly) different length. \item If an appropriate |current bounding box| is not formed before |\tzhfnat| is executed, you will probably get an unexpected result. \item In that case, you can fix a |bounding box| in the beginning of the |tikzpicture| environment using macros such as \icmd{\tzbbox}, \icmd{\tzhelplines*}, \icmd{\tzaxes*}, or \Tikz's \icmd{\useasboundingbox}. \end{itemize} \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzhfnat \begin{tikzpicture} \tzhelplines(4,3) \tzhfnat[blue,thick]{0} \tzhfnat[red,thick]{1}[1:3]{line A}[r] \tzhfnat[blue]{2}{line B}[r] \tzhfnat[red]{3}[0:3]{line C}[draw=blue,red,r] \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} You can name the path of |\tzhfnat| by the option |""|. You can move the line by the option ||. You can also expand the path from the end of the line by writing \Tikz\ code in the last optional argument ||. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzhfnat: shift, \begin{tikzpicture} \tzhelplines*(4,4) % bounding box \tzfn"XX"{\x}[0:4] \tzhfnat[blue,thick]{0} \tzhfnat[red,thick]<-.5,.5>"AA"{1}[1:3]{line A'}[r] \tzXpoint*{AA}{XX} \tzhfnat[blue,->]{2}{line B}[r] < arc (0:120:1.5) node [b,draw] {End!} > \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} \subsection{\protect\cmd{\tzhfn}} \label{ss:tzhfn} \icmd{\tzhfn} accepts a coordinate as a mandatory argument and draws a horizontal line at the $y$ value of the coordinate. For example, |\tzhfn(,3)|, ignoring ||, is equivalent to |\tzhfnat{3}|. \xem{Everything else is the same as in} |\tzhfnat|. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax: minimal \tzhfn()[] % syntax: full \tzhfn[]"" ()[]{}[] % defaults []<>""()[west:east (of current bounding box)]{}[]<> \end{tzdef} \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzhfn: shift, \begin{tikzpicture} \tzhelplines*(4,4) % bounding box \tzcoors(0,1)(A)(0,2)(B); \tzfn"XX"{\x}[0:4] \tzhfn[blue,thick](5,0) % x=5 ignored \tzhfn[red,thick]<-.5,.5>"AA"(A)[1:3]{line A'}[r] \tzXpoint*{AA}{XX} \tzhfn[blue,->](B){line B}[r] < arc (0:120:1.5) node [b,draw] {End!} > \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} %%------------------------------------------------------------ \section{Vertical lines} \label{s:tzvfn} \subsection{\protect\cmd{\tzvfnat}} \label{ss:tzvfnat} \icmd{\tzvfnat} draws a vertical line at a specified value of $x$. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax: minimal \tzvfnat{}[] % syntax: full \tzvfnat[]"" {}[]{}[] % defaults []<>""{}[south:north (of current bounding box)]{}[]<> \end{tzdef} |\tzvfnat| accepts only one mandatory argument |{}|. The domain is optional and should be of the form |[]|. The default domain is from bottom to top of the \ixxw{current bounding box}. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzvfnat \begin{tikzpicture} \tzhelplines(4,4) \tzvfnat[blue,thick]{0} \tzvfnat[red,thick]{1}[1:3]{line A}[a] \tzvfnat[blue]{2}{line B}[a] \tzvfnat[red]{3}[0:3]{line C}[draw=blue,red,a] \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} You can name the path of |\tzvfnat| by the option |""|. You can move the line by the option ||. You can also expand the path from the end of the line by writing \Tikz\ code in the last optional argument ||. \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzvfnat: shift, \begin{tikzpicture} \tzhelplines*(4,4) % bounding box \tzfn"XX"{\x}[0:4] \tzvfnat[blue,thick]{0} \tzvfnat[red,thick]<.5,-.5>"AA"{1}[1:3]{line A'}[a] \tzXpoint*{AA}{XX} \tzvfnat[blue,->]{2}{line B}[a] < arc (90:-30:1.5) node [b,draw] {End!} > \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} In the previous example, |\tzhelplines*| is used to fix a bounding box. (See Section \ref{s:tzhelplines} on page \pageref{s:tzhelplines}, for more details.) \subsection{\protect\cmd{\tzvfn}} \label{ss:tzvfn} \icmd{\tzvfn} accepts a coordinate as a mandatory argument and draws a horizontal line at the $x$ value of the coordinate. For example, |\tzvfn(3,)|, ignoring ||, is equivalent to |\tzvfnat{3}|. \xem{Everything else is the same as in} |\tzvfnat|. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax: minimal \tzvfn()[] % syntax: full \tzvfn[]"" ()[]{}[] % defaults []<>""()[south:north (of current bounding box)]{}[]<> \end{tzdef} \begin{tzcode}{.3} % \tzvfn: shift, \begin{tikzpicture} \tzhelplines*(4,4) % bounding box \tzcoors(1,0)(A)(2,0)(B); \tzfn"XX"{\x}[0:4] \tzvfn[blue,thick](0,5) % y=5 ignored \tzvfn[red,thick]<.5,-.5>"AA"(A)[1:3]{line A'}[a] \tzXpoint*{AA}{XX} \tzvfn[blue,->](B){line B}[a] < arc (90:-30:1.5) node [b,draw] {End!} > \end{tikzpicture} \end{tzcode} %%================================== \chapter{Intersections} \label{c:intersections} %%------------------------------------------------------------ \section{\protect\cmd{\tzXpoint(*)}: Intersection points} \label{s:intersections} \icmd{\tzXpoint} finds intersection points of two paths and saves them as coordinate names for later use. \begin{tzdef}{} % syntax: minimal \tzXpoint{}{}() % syntax: medium \tzXpoint{}{}(){