% !TeX spellcheck = en_US % !TeX root = tikz-ext-manual.tex % Copyright 2022 by Qrrbrbirlbel % % This file may be distributed and/or modified % % 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or % 2. under the GNU Free Documentation License. % \begin{tikzlibrary}{misc} This library adds miscelleaneos utilities to PGFmath, PGF or \tikzname. \end{tikzlibrary} \section{PGFmath} \subsection{Postfix operator \texttt{R}} Similar to |\segments[]| in PSTricks, the postfix operator |R| allows the user to use an arbitrary number of segments of a circle to be used instead of an angle. \begin{key}{/tikz/full arc=\meta{num} (default |{}|)} The number \meta{num} of segments will be set up. Using |full arc| with an empty value disables the segmentation and |1R| equals $1^\circ$. The given value \meta{num} is evaluated when the key is used and doesn't change when \meta{num} contains variables that change. \end{key} The |R| operator can then be used. \begin{math-operator}{R}{postfix}{fullarc} Multiplies \mvar{x} with $\frac{360}{\meta{num}}$. \end{math-operator} \subsection{Functions} \begin{math-function}{strrepeat("\mvar{Text}", \mvar{x})} \mathcommand Returns a string with \mvar{Text} repeated \mvar{x} times. \begin{codeexample}[] \pgfmathparse{strrepeat("foo", 5)} \pgfmathresult \end{codeexample} \end{math-function} \begin{math-function}{isInString("\mvar{String}", "\mvar{Text}")} \mathcommand Returns |1| (true) if \mvar{Text} contains \mvar{String}, otherwise |0| (false). \begin{codeexample}[] \pgfmathparse{isInString("foo", "bar")} \pgfmathresult \ and\ \pgfmathparse{isInString("foo", "foobar")} \pgfmathresult \end{codeexample} \end{math-function} \begin{math-function}{strcat("\mvar{Text A}", "\mvar{Text B}", …)} \mathcommand Returns the concatenation of all given parameters. \begin{codeexample}[] \pgfmathparse{strcat("blue!", int(7*3), "!green")} \pgfmathresult \end{codeexample} \end{math-function} \begin{math-function}{isEmpty("\mvar{Text}")} \mathcommand Returns |1| (true) if \mvar{Text} is empty, otherwise |0| (false). % \begin{codeexample}[] \pgfmathparse{isEmpty("foo")} \pgfmathresult\ and\ \pgfmathparse{isEmpty("")} \pgfmathresult\ and\ \def\emptyText{} \pgfmathparse{isEmpty("\emptyText")} \pgfmathresult \end{codeexample} \end{math-function} \begin{math-function}{atanXY(\mvar{x},\mvar{y})} \mathcommand Arctangent of $\mvar y\div \mvar x$ in degrees. This also takes into account the quadrant. This is just a argument-swapped version of |atan2| which makes it easier to use the |\p| commands of the |calc| library. \index{atan2@\protect\texttt{atan2} math function}% \index{Math functions!atan2@\protect\texttt{atan2}}% % \begin{codeexample}[] \pgfmathparse{atanXY(3,4)} \pgfmathresult \end{codeexample} \end{math-function} \begin{math-function}{atanYX(\mvar{y},\mvar{x})} \mathcommand Arctangent of $y\div x$ in degrees. This also takes into account the quadrant. \begin{codeexample}[] \pgfmathparse{atanYX(4,3)} \pgfmathresult \end{codeexample} \end{math-function} \subsection{Functions: using coordinates} The following functions can only be used with PGF and/or \tikzname. Since the arguments are usually plain text (and not numbers) one has to wrap them in |"|. \begin{math-function}{anglebetween("\mvar{p1}", "\mvar{p2}")}\mathcommand Return the angle between the centers of the nodes \mvar{p1} and \mvar{p2}. \end{math-function} \begin{math-function}{qanglebetween("\mvar{p}")}\mathcommand Return the angle between the origin and the center of the node \mvar{p}. \end{math-function} \begin{math-function}{distancebetween("\mvar{p1}", "\mvar{p2}")}\mathcommand Return the distance (in pt) between the centers of the nodes \mvar{p1} and \mvar{p2}. \end{math-function} \begin{math-function}{qdistancebetween("\mvar{p}")}\mathcommand Return the distance (in pt) between the origin and the center of the node \mvar{p}. \end{math-function} \begin{codeexample}[width=6cm,preamble=\usetikzlibrary{calc,misc,through}] \begin{tikzpicture} \path (0,0) coordinate (A) + (0:4) coordinate (B) +(75:4) coordinate (C); \draw (A) -- (B) -- (C) -- cycle; \foreach \cnt in {1,...,4}{ \pgfmathsetmacro\triA{distancebetween("B","C")} \pgfmathsetmacro\triB{distancebetween("C","A")} \pgfmathsetmacro\triC{distancebetween("A","B")} \path (barycentric cs:A=\triA,B=\triB,C=\triC) coordinate (M) node [draw, circle through=($(A)!(M)!(C)$)] (M) {}; \draw ($(C)-(A)$) coordinate (vecB) (M.75-90) coordinate (@) (intersection of @--[shift=(vecB)]@ and B--C) coordinate (C) -- (intersection of @--[shift=(vecB)]@ and B--A) coordinate (A);} \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} \section{PGFkeys} \subsection{Conditionals} \begin{key}{/utils/if=\meta{cond}\meta{true}\opt{\meta{false}}} This key checks the conditional \meta{cond} and applies the styles \meta{true} if \meta{cond} is true, otherwise \meta{false}. \meta{cond} can be anything that PGFmath understands. As a side effect on how PGFkeys parses argument, the \meta{false} argument is actually optional. \end{key} The following keys use \TeX' macros |\if|, |\ifx|, |\ifnum| and |\ifdim| for faster executions. \begin{key}{/utils/TeX/if=\meta{token A}\meta{token B}\meta{true}\opt{\meta{false}}} This key checks via |\if| if \meta{token A} matches \meta{token B} and applies the styles \meta{true} if it does, otherwise \meta{false}. As a side effect on how PGFkeys parses argument, the \meta{false} argument is actually optional. \end{key} \begin{key}{/utils/TeX/ifx=\meta{token A}\meta{token B}\meta{true}\opt{\meta{false}}} As above. \end{key} \begin{key}{/utils/TeX/ifnum=\meta{num cond}\meta{true}\\opt{\meta{false}}} This key checks |\ifnum|\meta{num cond} and applies the styles \meta{true} if true, otherwise \meta{false}. A delimiting |\relax| will be inserted after \meta{num cond}. As a side effect on how PGFkeys parses argument, the \meta{false} argument is actually optional. \end{key} \begin{key}{/utils/TeX/ifdim=\meta{dim cond}\meta{true}\opt{\meta{false}}} As above. \end{key} \begin{key}{/utils/TeX/ifempty=\meta{Text}\meta{true}\opt{\meta{false}}} This checks whether \meta{Text} is empty and applies styles \meta{true} if true, otherwise \meta{false}. \end{key} \subsection{Handlers} While already a lot of values given to keys are evaluated by PGFmath at some point, not all of them are. \begin{handler}{{.pgfmath}|=|\meta{eval}} This handler evaluates \meta{eval} before it is handed to the key. \end{handler} \begin{handler}{{.pgfmath int}|=|\meta{eval}} As above but truncates the result. \end{handler} \begin{handler}{{.pgfmath strcat}|=|\meta{eval}} As above but uses the |strcat| function. In the example below, one could have used the |/pgf/foreach/evaluate| key from |\foreach|. \begin{codeexample}[width=6cm,preamble=\usetikzlibrary{misc}] \tikz\foreach \i in {0,10,...,100} \draw[line width=+.2cm, color/.pgfmath strcat={"red!",sqrt(\i)*10,"!blue"}] (0,\i/50) -- +(right:3); \end{codeexample} \end{handler} \begin{handler}{{.List}|=|\meta{\meta{e1}, \meta{e2}, \dots, \meta{en}}} This handler evaluates the given list with |\foreach| and concatenates the element and the result is then given to the used key. \begin{codeexample}[width=6cm,preamble=\usetikzlibrary{fit,misc}] \begin{tikzpicture}[nodes={draw, dashed, inner sep=+10pt}] \foreach \point [count=\cnt] in {(0,0), (0,2), (2,0), (2,2), (3,3), (-1,-1)} \fill \point circle[radius=.1] coordinate (point-\cnt); \node[gray, fit/.List={(point-1),(point-...),(point-4)}] {}; \node[red, fit/.List={(point-1),(point-...),(point-5)}] {}; \node[blue, fit/.List={(point-1),(point-...),(point-6)}] {}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{codeexample} \end{handler} \begin{center} \begin{codeexample}[width=10cm,preamble=\usetikzlibrary{graphs,graphdrawing} \usegdlibrary{force}] \tikzset{ mynode/.style={ circle, minimum size=10mm, draw, densely dashdotted, thick, decide color/.expand once=#1}, decide color/.style 2 args={ /utils/TeX/if=c#1 {/utils/TeX/ifnum={#2<5}{bluelight}{bluedark}} {/utils/TeX/ifnum={#2<8}{light}{dark}}}, light/.style={fill=gray!20}, bluelight/.style={fill=blue!10}, dark/.style ={fill=gray!60}, bluedark/.style ={fill=blue!30}} \tikz\graph[ spring electrical layout, vertical=c2 to p13, node distance=1.5cm, typeset=$n_{\tikzgraphnodetext}$, nodes={mynode=\tikzgraphnodetext}] { % outer ring c2 -- {p1, p11, p6}; p1 -- {p8, c6, p11}; p8 -- {p3, p10, c6}; p3 -- {p13, p15, p10}; p13 -- {p15, c7}; c7 -- {c3, c4, p15}; c3 -- {p14, c4}; p14 -- {p7, c4}; p7 -- {p9, p2, c4}; p9 -- {c5, p12, p2}; c5 -- {c1, p4, p12}; c1 -- {p6, p4}; p6 -- {p11, p4}; % inner ring p11 -- {c6, p12, p4}; p5 -- {c6 -- {p10, p12}, p10 -- p15, p15 -- c4, c4 -- p2, p2 -- p12, p12 -- p4}; }; \end{codeexample} \end{center} \section{PGFfor} Instead of |\foreach \var in {start, start + delta, ..., end}| one can use |\foreach \var[use int=start to end step delta]|. \begin{key}{/pgf/foreach/use int=\meta{start}|to|\meta{end}\opt{|step|\meta{delta}}} The values \meta{start}, \meta{end} and \meta{delta} are evaluates by PGFmath at initialization. The part |step |\meta{delta} is optional (\meta{delta} = 1). \end{key} \begin{key}{/pgf/foreach/use float=\meta{start}| o|\meta{end}opt{|step|\meta{delta}}} Same as above, however the results are not truncated. \end{key} %TODO: edges to and edges through \endinput