\vfill% \subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\ding{224} Blocks and Families}{Blocks and Families}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % show blocks=false \label{option_show blocks}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{show blocks}{false}% {When set to \red{true} the blocks \green{s}, \green{p}, \green{d} and \green{f} are drawn overlaying the Periodic Table and their labels are shown. \textit{Note that blocks are only shown when the \red{Z list} contains, at least, all elements of blocks s, p and d}.}% %\vfill% %\newpage% \\ [5pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[Z list={1,...,36},show blocks=true,show title=false]% \\ [10pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[Z list={1,...,36},show blocks=true,show title=false]}}% \newpage%\\ [10pt] \pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[show blocks,show title=false]% \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[show blocks,show title=false]}}% \\ [5pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[Z list=spd,show blocks,show title=false]% \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[Z list=spd,show blocks,show title=false]}}% \\ [5pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[Z list=spd,show blocks,show title=false,IUPAC=false]% \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[Z list=spd,show blocks,show title=false,IUPAC=false]}}% \\ [0pt]\pgfPTendoption% % blocks font \newpage\ \\ [-32pt]% \label{option_blocks font}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{blocks font}{\string\small\string\bfseries}% {Sets the font used in the block labels.}% \\ [5pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[Z list=spd,show blocks,show title=false,blocks font=\string\small\string\bfseries\string\fontfamily{ptm}\string\selectfont]% \\ [10pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[Z list=spd,show blocks,show title=false,blocks font=\small\bfseries\fontfamily{ptm}\selectfont]}}% \\ [0pt]\pgfPTendoption% % s block color \label{option_s block color}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{s block color}{\pgfPTMcolorDemo{blocos}{RGB: 255,231,132}}% {Sets the block s color.}% % s block font color \label{option_s block_font color}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{s block font color}{\{\}}% {Sets the s block label font color. If no color is provided, the \red{s block color} will be used as the font color.}% % s block line width \label{option_s block line width}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{s block line width}{0.8pt}% {Sets the width of the line surrounding the s block.}% % p block color \label{option_p block color}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{p block color}{\pgfPTMcolorDemo{blocop}{RGB: 170,255,172}}% {Sets the block p color.}% % p block font color \label{option_p block_font color}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{p block font color}{\{\}}% {Sets the p block label font color. If no color is provided, the \red{p block color} will be used as the font color.}% % p block line width \label{option_p block line width}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{p block line width}{0.8pt}% {Sets the width of the line surrounding the p block.}% % d block color \label{option_d block color}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{d block color}{\pgfPTMcolorDemo{blocod}{RGB: 255,187,187}}% {Sets the block d color.}% % d block font color \label{option_d block_font color}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{d block font color}{\{\}}% {Sets the d block label font color. If no color is provided, the \red{d block color} will be used as the font color.}% % d block line width \label{option_d block line width}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{d block line width}{0.8pt}% {Sets the width of the line surrounding the d block.}% % f block color \label{option_f block color}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{f block color}{\pgfPTMcolorDemo{blocof}{RGB: 177,203,228}}% {Sets the block f color.}% % f block font color \label{option_f block_font color}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{f block font color}{\{\}}% {Sets the f block label font color. If no color is provided, the \red{f block color} will be used as the font color.}% \newpage\ \\ [-32pt]% % f block line width \label{option_f block line width}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{f block line width}{0.8pt}% {Sets the width of the line surrounding the f block.}% %\vfill% % blocks font color (style) \label{style_blocks font color}% \pgfPTMstyle{4}{blocks font color}{black}% {Style to set a common color for the labels of s, p, d and f blocks. The key \red{show blocks} is set to \red{true}. }% \\ [5pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[blocks font color,show title=false]% \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[blocks font color,show title=false]}}% \\ [-5pt]\pgfPTendstyle% % blocks={sc=??,pc=??,dc=??,fc=??,lw=??,slw=??,plw=??,dlw=??,flw=??,f=??} (pseudo style) % blocks line width (style) \label{style_blocks line width}% \pgfPTMstyle{4}{blocks line width}{0.8pt}% {Style to set a common width of the lines surrounding the s, p, d and f blocks. The key \red{show blocks} is set to \red{true}.}% %\vfill% %\newpage% \\ [5pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[blocks line width=1.5pt]% \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[blocks line width=1.5pt]}}% \\ [-5pt]\pgfPTendstyle% \newpage\ \\ [-32pt]% \label{style_blocks}% \pgfPTMstyle{4}{blocks}{\{sc=blocos,pc=blocop,dc=blocod,fc=blocof,lw=.8pt,font=\string\small\string\bfseries\}}% {\textit{Pseudo style} to set the keys: block \textbf{s c}olor, block \textbf{p c}olor, block \textbf{d c}olor, block \textbf{f c}olor, the common \textbf{l}ine \textbf{w}idths of the blocks, the \textbf{s} block \textbf{l}ine \textbf{w}idth, the \textbf{p} block \textbf{l}ine \textbf{w}idth, the \textbf{d} block \textbf{l}ine \textbf{w}idth, the \textbf{f} block \textbf{l}ine \textbf{w}idth, blocks \textbf{f}ont, \textbf{s} block \textbf{f}ont \textbf{c}olor, \textbf{p} block \textbf{f}ont \textbf{c}olor, \textbf{d} block \textbf{f}ont \textbf{c}olor and/or \textbf{f} block \textbf{f}ont \textbf{c}olor. None of the \textit{keys} -- sc, pc, dc, fc, lw, slw, plw, dlw, flw, sfc, pfc, dfc and ffc -- are mandatory. The key \red{show blocks} is set to \red{true}. \\ [5pt]\tikz{\node[text width=\linewidth-.6666em,fill=cyan!5!white,draw=cyan,rounded corners=2pt] {\textbf{\blue{NOTE}}:\\ The colors provided to the color keys of the blocks -- \red{sc}, \red{pc}, \red{dc} and \red{fc} -- could be any defined color via the command \texttt{\normalsize\textbackslash definecolor} or by \textit{mixing} colors, using, for instance, the syntax \texttt{\normalsize color1!value!color2} or \texttt{\normalsize color1!value}, as explained in the \href{https://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor}{xcolor} package documentation.};} \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\use{\tikz{\node[text width=11.4cm] {blocks=\{sc=,pc=,dc=,fc=,lw=,\\ % \textcolor{cyan!10!white}{blocks=\{}slw=,plw=,dlw=,flw=,f=,\\ % \textcolor{cyan!10!white}{blocks=\{}sfc=,pfc=,dfc=,ffc=\}};}}}% }% \\ [5pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[blocks={sc=red!70!white,pc=green!70!white,dc=yellow!70!white,lw=2pt}, show title=false,Z list=spd]% \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[blocks={sc=red!70!white,pc=green!70!white,dc=yellow!70!white,lw=2pt},show title=false,Z list=spd]}}% %\\ [10pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[blocks={sc=red,pc=green!70!white,dc=yellow!70!white,slw=2pt}]% %\\ [10pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[blocks={sc=red,pc=green!70!white,dc=yellow!70!white,slw=2pt}]}}% \\ [10pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[blocks={sc=red!70!white,pc=green!70!white,dc=yellow!70!white, dfc=yellow!70!black,lw=2pt},show title=false]% \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[blocks={sc=red!70!white,pc=green!70!white,dc=yellow!70!white, dfc=yellow!70!black,lw=2pt},show title=false]}}% %\\ [10pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[blocks={sc=red,pc=green!70!white,dc=yellow!70!white,slw=2pt}]% %\\ [10pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[blocks={sc=red,pc=green!70!white,dc=yellow!70!white,slw=2pt}]}}% \\ [0pt]\pgfPTendstyle% %\vfill% \newpage%\ \\ [-32pt]% % show families=false \label{option_show families}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{show families}{false}% {When set to \red{true} the main families -- \green{r}epresentative elements, \green{t}ransition metals and \green{i}nternal transition metals -- are drawn overlaying the Periodic Table and their labels are shown. \textit{Note that families are only shown when the \red{Z list} contains, at least, all elements of blocks s, p and d}. }% \\ [5pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[Z list={1,...,111},show families]% \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[Z list={1,...,111},show families]}}% %\vfill% %\newpage% \\ [10pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[show families]% \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[show families]}}% %\\ [10pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[Z list=spd,show families]% %\\ [10pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[Z list=spd,show families]}}% \newpage%\\ [10pt] \pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[show families,show title=false,IUPAC=false]%Z list=spd, \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[show families,show title=false,IUPAC=false]}}%Z list=spd, \\ [0pt]\pgfPTendoption% %\vfill% % families font \label{option_families font}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{families font}{\string\small\string\bfseries}% {Sets the font used in the family labels.}% %\vfill% %\newpage% \\ [5pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[show families,show title=false,families font=\string\normalsize]% \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[show families,show title=false,families font=\normalsize]}}% \\ [0pt]\pgfPTendoption% %\vfill% % r family color \label{option_r family color}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{r family color}{\pgfPTMcolorDemo{blocor}{RGB: 170,255,172}}% {Sets the representative elements \textit{block} color.}% % r family font color \label{option_r fanily_font color}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{r family font color}{\{\}}% {Sets the representative elements \textit{block} label font color. If no color is provided, the \red{r family color} will be used as the font color.}% \newpage\ \\ [-32pt]% % r family line width \label{option_r family line width}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{r family line width}{0.8pt}% {Sets the width of the line surrounding the representative elements \textit{block}.}% % tm family color \label{option_tm family color}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{tm family color}{\pgfPTMcolorDemo{blocot}{RGB: 255,187,187}}% {Sets the transition metals \textit{block} color.}% % tm family font color \label{option_tm fanily_font color}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{tm family font color}{\{\}}% {Sets the transition metals \textit{block} label font color. If no color is provided, the \red{tm family color} will be used as the font color.}% % tm family line width \label{option_tm family line width}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{tm family line width}{0.8pt}% {Sets the width of the line surrounding the transition metals \textit{block}.}% % itm family color \label{option_itm family color}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{itm family color}{\pgfPTMcolorDemo{blocoi}{RGB: 177,203,228}}% {Sets the internal transition metals \textit{block} color.}% % itm fanily font color \label{option_itm family_font color}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{itm family font color}{\{\}}% {Sets the internal transition metals \textit{block} label font color. If no color is provided, the \red{itm family color} will be used as the font color.}% % itm family line width \label{option_itm family line width}% \pgfPTMoption{4}{itm family line width}{0.8pt}% {Sets the width of the line surrounding the internal transition metals \textit{block}.}% %\vfill% %\newpage\ \\ [-32pt]% % families font color (style) \label{style_families_font_color}% \pgfPTMstyle{4}{families font color}{black}% {Style to set a common color for the labels of representative elements, transition metals and internal transition metals \textit{blocks}. The key \red{show blocks} is set to \red{true}. }% \\ [5pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[show title=false,families font color=blue!50!black]% \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[show title=false,families font color=blue!50!black]}}% \\ [0pt]\pgfPTendstyle% % families line width (style) \label{style_families line width}% \pgfPTMstyle{4}{families line width}{0.8pt}% {Style to set a common width of the lines surrounding the representative elements, transition metals and internal transition metals \textit{blocks}. The key \red{show families} is set to \red{true}. }% \\ [5pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[show title=false,show families,families line width=1.5pt]% \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[show title=false,show families,families line width=1.5pt]}}% \\ [0pt]\pgfPTendstyle% %\newpage\ \\ [-32pt]% % families={rc=??,tc=??,ic=??,lw=??,rlw=??,tlw=??,ilw=??,f=??,rfc=??,tfc=??,ifc=??} (pseudo style) \label{style_families}% \pgfPTMstyle{4}{families}{\{rc=blocor,tc=blocot,ic=blocoi,lw=.8pt,f=\string\small\string\bfseries\}}% {\textit{Pseudo style} to set the keys: \textbf{r} family \textbf{c}olor, \textbf{t}m family \textbf{c}olor, \textbf{i}tm family \textbf{c}olor, the common \textbf{l}ine \textbf{w}idths of the families, the \textbf{r} family \textbf{l}ine \textbf{w}idth, the \textbf{t}m family \textbf{l}ine \textbf{w}idth, the \textbf{i}tm family \textbf{l}ine \textbf{w}idth, the families \textbf{f}ont, \textbf{r} family \textbf{f}ont \textbf{c}olor, \textbf{t}m family \textbf{f}ont \textbf{c}olor and/or \textbf{i}tm family \textbf{f}ont \textbf{c}olor. None of the \textit{keys} -- rc, tc, ic, lw, rlw, tlw, ilw, f,rfc, tfc and ifc -- are mandatory. The key \red{show families} is set to \red{true}. \\ [5pt]\tikz{\node[text width=\linewidth-.6666em,fill=cyan!5!white,draw=cyan,rounded corners=2pt] {\textbf{\blue{NOTE}}:\\ The colors provided to the color keys of the families could be any defined color via the command \texttt{\normalsize\textbackslash definecolor} or by \textit{mixing} colors, using, for instance, the syntax \texttt{\normalsize color1!value!color2}, as explained in the \href{https://ctan.org/pkg/xcolor}{xcolor} package documentation.};} \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\use{\tikz{\node[text width=10.2cm] {families=\{rc=,tc=,ic=,lw=,rlw=,\\ % \textcolor{cyan!10!white}{families=\{}tlw=,ilw=,f=,rfc=,\\ % \textcolor{cyan!10!white}{families=\{}tfc=,ifc=\}};}}}% }% \\ [5pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[families={rc=red!70!white,ic=yellow!70!white,lw=2pt},show title=false]% \\ [5pt]\vbox to 0pt{\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[families={rc=red!70!white,ic=yellow!70!white,lw=2pt},show title=false]}}}% \newpage%\\ [10pt] \pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[families={rc=blue,ic=yellow!70!white,rlw=2pt},show title=false]% \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[families={rc=blue,ic=yellow!70!white,rlw=2pt},show title=false]}}% %\newpage% \\ [10pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[families={rc=blue,ic=yellow!70!white,rlw=2pt,ifc=yellow!70!black},show title=false]% \\ [5pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[families={rc=blue,ic=yellow!70!white,rlw=2pt,ifc=yellow!70!black},show title=false]}}% \\ [0pt]\pgfPTendstyle% \endinput