\documentclass{article} \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} \title{Changelog for \texttt{pfdicons} package} \author{Aaron Drews\\\texttt{adrews at ucsd dot edu}} \date{26 July, 2021} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{description} \item[Version 1.0a, 2021/07/26:] Documentation updated \begin{itemize} \item Fixed a few typos in the stream crossing example of the Quick Reference. \item Changed the revision date to be fixed (not using \texttt{\today}). \item License normalized to LPPL 1.3c in both \texttt{pfdicons.sty} and \texttt{README.md}. \item Forced a page break at Fluid transport to stop a runoff on pg. 10. \item Incorporated the \texttt{accsupp} package to enable copy/paste without line numbers, and enabled \texttt{columns=fullflexible} to help minimize the number of erroneous whitespaces. \item Fixed a few miscellaneous code alignment mistakes (remnants from an accidental ``hard line break'' in TeXstudio). \end{itemize} \item[Version 1.0, 2021/07/23:] Initial release \begin{itemize} \item Package file: pfdicons.sty \item Primary files: README.md, pfdicons-doc.tex, pfdicons-changelog.tex \item Derived files: pfdicons-doc.pdf, pfdicons-changelog.pdf. \end{itemize} \end{description} \end{document}