%% file: istgame.sty %% %% Drawing Game Trees with TikZ %% %% (C) Copyright 2015-2019 In-Sung Cho %% %% This work may be distributed and/or modified %% under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, %% either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% The latest version of this license is in %% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt. %% %% ------------------------------------------------- \ProvidesPackage{istgame}[2019/01/27 v2.0 Draw Game Trees with TikZ] % expl3,xparse: LPPL % tikz: LPPL and/or GNU GPL \RequirePackage{expl3,xparse,tikz} \usetikzlibrary { trees , calc , arrows , shapes , positioning , backgrounds , % for information sets and subgames fit , % for \xtSubgameBox(Oval) decorations.markings , % for \xtShowArrows and middle arrows patterns , intersections % for additional use } % backgrounds \pgfdeclarelayer{background} \pgfdeclarelayer{behind} \pgfdeclarelayer{above} \pgfdeclarelayer{foreground} \pgfsetlayers{background,behind,main,above,foreground} %% prefixes for macros and defaults % \ist<...> stands for "an insung's simple tree" (or "it's a simple tree") % \xt<...> stands for "extensive tree" % \xtCI stands for "curved information set" % \cntm<...> stands for "continuum" % \cntmA<...> stands for "continuum arc" % \istdefault@<...> % \xtdefault@<...> % \xtCI@default@<...> % \cntm@default@<...> % \cntmA@default@<...> %% node styles \ExplSyntaxOn % basics (in node styles) \def\istdefault@node@innersep{1pt} %% default node inner sep \def\istdefault@node@outersep{0pt} %% default node outer sep \def\istdefault@node@drawcolor{black} %% default node color \def\istdefault@node@fillcolor{white} %% default node background color % (can be used in preamble) \newcommand*\setistdefaultnodeinnersep[1]{\renewcommand*\istdefault@node@innersep{#1}} \newcommand*\setistdefaultnodeoutersep[1]{\renewcommand*\istdefault@node@outersep{#1}} \newcommand*\setistdefaultnodefillcolor[1]{\renewcommand*\istdefault@node@fillcolor{#1}} \newcommand*\setistdefaultnodedrawcolor[1]{\renewcommand*\istdefault@node@drawcolor{#1}} % plain node: definition \newcommand*\istplainnodeinnersep { \istdefault@node@innersep } % 1pt by default \newcommand*\istplainnodeoutersep { \istdefault@node@outersep } % 0pt by default % {inner sep} {outer sep} \NewDocumentCommand \setistPlainNodeStyle { G{\istdefault@node@innersep} G{\istdefault@node@outersep} } { \renewcommand*\istplainnodeinnersep {#1} % 1pt by default \renewcommand*\istplainnodeoutersep {#2} % 0pt by default } \tikzset{ plain~node /.style = { draw = none , inner~sep = \istplainnodeinnersep , outer~sep = \istplainnodeoutersep } } % null node: definition \newcommand*\istnullnodedrawcolor { \istdefault@node@drawcolor } % (#1) black \def\istdefault@null@nodesize { .2pt } % default of (#2) \def\istdefault@null@node@fillcolor { \istnullnodedrawcolor } % fill color = draw color \newcommand*\istnullnodesize { \istdefault@null@nodesize } % (#2) \newcommand*\istnullnodefillcolor { \istdefault@node@drawcolor } % (#3) <= black (o.k.) \newcommand*\istnullnodefillopacity { 1 } % (#4) % [draw color] {minimum size} [fill color] [fill opacity] \NewDocumentCommand \setistNullNodeStyle { O{\istdefault@node@drawcolor} G{\istdefault@null@nodesize} O{\istdefault@null@node@fillcolor} O{1} } { \renewcommand*\istnullnodedrawcolor{#1} \renewcommand*\istnullnodesize{#2} % .2pt by default \IfNoValueTF {#3} { \renewcommand*\istnullnodefillcolor{#1} % same as {#1} with default black } { \renewcommand*\istnullnodefillcolor{#3} } \renewcommand*\istnullnodefillopacity{#4} } \tikzset{ null~node /.style = { circle , draw , thin , solid , inner~sep = 0pt , outer~sep = \istdefault@node@outersep , minimum~size = \istnullnodesize , draw = \istnullnodedrawcolor , fill = \istnullnodedrawcolor , fill~opacity = \istnullnodefillopacity } } % solid node: definition \newcommand*\istsolidnodedrawcolor { \istdefault@node@drawcolor } % (#1) black \def\istdefault@solid@node@size { 2.4pt } % default of (#2) \def\istdefault@solid@node@fillcolor { \istsolidnodedrawcolor } \newcommand*\istsolidnodesize { \istdefault@solid@node@size } % (#2) \newcommand*\istsolidnodefillcolor { \istdefault@solid@node@fillcolor } % (#3) <= black (o.k.) \newcommand*\istsolidnodefillopacity { 1 } % (#4) % [draw color] {minimum size} [fill color] [fill opacity] \NewDocumentCommand \setistSolidNodeStyle { O{\istdefault@node@drawcolor} G{\istdefault@solid@node@size} O{\istdefault@solid@node@fillcolor} O{1} } { \renewcommand*\istsolidnodedrawcolor{#1} \renewcommand*\istsolidnodesize{#2} \IfNoValueTF {#3} { \renewcommand*\istsolidnodefillcolor{#1} % same as {#1} with default black } { \renewcommand*\istsolidnodefillcolor{#3} } \renewcommand*\istsolidnodefillopacity{#4} } \tikzset{ solid~node /.style = { circle , draw , thin , solid , inner~sep = 0pt , outer~sep = \istdefault@node@outersep , minimum~size = \istsolidnodesize , draw = \istsolidnodedrawcolor , fill = \istsolidnodefillcolor , fill~opacity = \istsolidnodefillopacity } } % decision node & terminal node \let\setistDecisionNodeStyle\setistSolidNodeStyle \let\setistTerminalNodeStyle\setistSolidNodeStyle % hollow node: definition \newcommand*\isthollownodedrawcolor { \istdefault@node@drawcolor } % (#1) black \def\istdefault@hollow@node@size { 2.8pt } % default of (#2) \newcommand*\isthollownodesize { \istdefault@hollow@node@size } % (#2) \newcommand*\isthollownodefillcolor { \istdefault@node@fillcolor } % (#3) white \newcommand*\isthollownodefillopacity { 1 } % (#4) % [draw color] {minimum size} [fill color] [fill opacity] \NewDocumentCommand \setistHollowNodeStyle { O{\istdefault@node@drawcolor} G{\istdefault@hollow@node@size} O{\istdefault@node@fillcolor} O{1} } { \renewcommand*\isthollownodedrawcolor{#1} \renewcommand*\isthollownodesize{#2} \renewcommand*\isthollownodefillcolor{#3} \renewcommand*\isthollownodefillopacity{#4} } \tikzset{ hollow~node /.style = { circle , draw , thin , solid , inner~sep = 0pt , outer~sep = \istdefault@node@outersep , minimum~size = \isthollownodesize , draw = \isthollownodedrawcolor , fill = \isthollownodefillcolor , fill~opacity = \isthollownodefillopacity } } % initial node & chance node \let\setistInitialNodeStyle\setistHollowNodeStyle \let\setistChanceNodeStyle\setistHollowNodeStyle % rectangle node: definition \newcommand*\istrectanglenodedrawcolor { \istdefault@node@drawcolor } %(#1) black \def\istdefault@rectangle@node@size { 4pt } % default of (#2) \newcommand*\istrectanglenodesize { \istdefault@rectangle@node@size } % (#2) \newcommand*\istrectanglenodefillcolor { \istdefault@node@fillcolor } % (#3) white \newcommand*\istrectanglenodefillopacity { 1 } % (#4) % [draw color] {minimum size} [fill color] [fill opacity] \NewDocumentCommand \setistRectangleNodeStyle { O{\istdefault@node@drawcolor} G{\istdefault@rectangle@node@size} O{\istdefault@node@fillcolor} O{1} } { \renewcommand*\istrectanglenodedrawcolor{#1} \renewcommand*\istrectanglenodesize{#2} \renewcommand*\istrectanglenodefillcolor{#3} \renewcommand*\istrectanglenodefillopacity{#4} } \tikzset{ rectangle~node /.style = { rectangle , draw , thin , solid , inner~sep = 2pt , outer~sep = \istdefault@node@outersep , minimum~size = \istrectanglenodesize , draw = \istrectanglenodedrawcolor , fill = \istrectanglenodefillcolor , fill~opacity = \istrectanglenodefillopacity } } % box node & square node \let\setistBoxNodeStyle\setistRectangleNodeStyle \let\setistSquareNodeStyle\setistRectangleNodeStyle % ellipse node: definition \newcommand*\istellipsenodedrawcolor { \istdefault@node@drawcolor } % (#1) black \def\istdefault@ellipse@node@size { 4.8pt } % default of (#2) \newcommand*\istellipsenodesize { \istdefault@ellipse@node@size } % (#2) \newcommand*\istellipsenodefillcolor { \istdefault@node@fillcolor } % (#3) white \newcommand*\istellipsenodefillopacity { 1 } % (#4) \NewDocumentCommand \setistEllipseNodeStyle { O{\istdefault@node@drawcolor} G{\istdefault@ellipse@node@size} O{\istdefault@node@fillcolor} O{1} } { \renewcommand*\istellipsenodedrawcolor{#1} \renewcommand*\istellipsenodesize{#2} \renewcommand*\istellipsenodefillcolor{#3} \renewcommand*\istellipsenodefillopacity{#4} } \tikzset{ ellipse~node /.style = { ellipse , draw , thin , solid , inner~sep = 1.5pt , outer~sep = \istdefault@node@outersep , minimum~size = \istellipsenodesize , draw = \istellipsenodedrawcolor , fill = \istellipsenodefillcolor , fill~opacity = \istellipsenodefillopacity } } % oval node \let\setistOvalNodeStyle\setistEllipseNodeStyle %% aliases: node styles \tikzset{ initial~node /.style = hollow~node } \tikzset{ chance~node /.style = hollow~node } \tikzset{ decision~node /.style = solid~node } % decision nodes \tikzset{ terminal~node /.style = solid~node } % terminal nodes \tikzset{ box~node /.style = rectangle~node } \tikzset{ square~node /.style = rectangle~node } \tikzset{ oval~node /.style = ellipse~node } % \setistNewNodeStyle % {node name} [node opt] {minimum size} \NewDocumentCommand \setistNewNodeStyle { m O{} G{6mm} } { \tikzset { #1 /.style = { - , circle , thin , solid , inner~sep = \istdefault@node@innersep , minimum~size = #3 , draw = \istdefault@node@drawcolor , fill = \istdefault@node@fillcolor , #2 } } } %% input mode changer: (math mode True/False) - owner, action labels, payoff % owner: (default: mathfalse) \newcount\istmathflagowner \def\istownermathtrue { \istmathflagowner = 1 } \def\istownermathfalse { \istmathflagowner = 0 } \istownermathfalse % default declared : mathfalse % owner text font \newcommand*\istownertextfont [1] { \def\ist@owner@text@font {#1} } \istownertextfont { } % \istownerstyle \NewDocumentCommand \istownerstyle { m } { \ifnum 1 = \istmathflagowner \ensuremath {#1} \else \expandafter \csname \ist@owner@text@font \endcsname {#1} % owner text font \fi } % action labels: (default: mathtrue) \newcount\istmathflagactionlabel \newcommand*\istactionlabelmathtrue { \istmathflagactionlabel = 1 } \newcommand*\istactionlabelmathfalse { \istmathflagactionlabel = 0 } \istactionlabelmathtrue % default declared : mathtrue % action labels text font % used for automatic "italics" for action labels (with \setistmathTF*001 -- second zero) \newcommand*\istactionlabeltextfont [1] { \def\ist@actionlabel@text@font {#1} } \istactionlabeltextfont { } % \istactionlabelstyle \NewDocumentCommand \istactionlabelstyle{m} { \ifnum 1 = \istmathflagactionlabel \ensuremath {#1} \else \expandafter \csname \ist@actionlabel@text@font \endcsname {#1} % AL text font \fi } % payoffs: (default: mathtrue) \newcount\istmathflagpayoff \newcommand*\istpayoffmathtrue { \istmathflagpayoff = 1 } \newcommand*\istpayoffmathfalse { \istmathflagpayoff = 0 } \istpayoffmathtrue % default declared : mathtrue % payoff text font % (not used) \newcommand*\istpayofftextfont [1] { \def\ist@payoff@text@font {#1} } \istpayofftextfont { } % \istpayoffstyle \NewDocumentCommand \istpayoffstyle{m} { \ifnum 1 = \istmathflagpayoff \ensuremath {#1} \else \expandafter \csname \ist@payoff@text@font \endcsname {#1} % payoff text font \fi } % \setistmathTF(*) % * {} {} {} [action labels font] {payoff font] \NewDocumentCommand \setistmathTF{ s m m m D<>{} G{textit} O{} } { \ifnum #2 = 1 \istownermathtrue \else \istownermathfalse \fi \ifnum #3 = 1 \istactionlabelmathtrue \else \istactionlabelmathfalse \fi \ifnum #4 = 1 \istpayoffmathtrue \else \istpayoffmathfalse \fi \IfBooleanT {#1} { \istownertextfont { #5 } \istactionlabeltextfont { #6 } \istpayofftextfont { #7 } } } %% fine tuning: labels (experimental) \newcommand*\xtALxShift{0pt} % default xshift \newcommand*\xtALyShift{0pt} % default yshift \NewDocumentCommand \xtALPush { m m } { \renewcommand*\xtALxShift{#1} \renewcommand*\xtALyShift{#2} } \newcommand*\istactionlabelxshift{1pt} % default horizontal push (alternatively, .67pt) \newcommand*\istactionlabelyshift{2pt} % default vertical push (alternatively, 2.5pt) \NewDocumentCommand \xtALShift { G{\istactionlabelxshift} G{\istactionlabelyshift} } { \renewcommand*\istactionlabelxshift{#1} \renewcommand*\istactionlabelyshift{#2} } %% node anchors (experimental, used only in test, not documented) \let\istparentanchor\tikzparentanchor % empty by default \let\istchildanchor\tikzchildanchor % empty by default \newcommand*\setistparentanchor [1] { \renewcommand*\istparentanchor{.#1} } \newcommand*\setistchildanchor [1] { \renewcommand*\istchildanchor{.#1} } \NewDocumentCommand \setistbranchanchors{ m G{center} } { \renewcommand*\istparentanchor {.#1} \renewcommand \istchildanchor {.#2} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% istgame macros %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% basics (in child) % -- used in the definition of \istb and its variants \def\xt@ndot{node[solid~node]{}} % (within child) default node dot: decision node \def\xt@show@tndot{} % default: no terminal nodes printed \def\xt@show@endpoint{} % default: no endpoints printed \def\cntm@ndot{} % default: no cntm node dot printed \def\cntm@show@endpoint{} % default: no cntm endpoint printed \ExplSyntaxOff %%----------------- %% expl3 up to here (paused, because of colon problem) %%----------------- %% payoffs %---syntaxoff----- % remark: label={[opt]pos:{text}} (needed this form for \istgrowdirection to put payoffs) \NewDocumentCommand \istpayoff{ m +m } { node [ inner sep = 0pt , text depth = .25ex , label = {#1:\istpayoffstyle{#2} } ] {} % colon here } %---syntaxoff----- % \ISTRoot % (used in \istroot) % ' [grow] (root) (at) [node] {owner} +levdis..sibdist+ \NewDocumentCommand \ISTRoot { t' O{south} r() D(){0,0} O{} D<>{} G{} D+.{\xtlevdist} D.+{\xtsibdist} } { \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \tikzset{level 1/.style = { level distance = #8 , sibling distance = #9 } } % colon here \node (#3) at (#4) [decision node , #5 , label = {#6:{#7} } ] {} [ \xt@growswap=#2 ] } { \tikzset{level 1/.style = { level distance = #8 , sibling distance = #9 } } % colon here \node (#3) at (#4) [ decision node , #5 , label = {#6:{#7} } ] {} [ \xt@grow=#2 ] } } %%----------------- %% expl3 from here again %%----------------- \ExplSyntaxOn %% main macros: \xtdistance, \ISTRoot(O), \ISTCntm(Arc) \def\xtdefault@levdist {15mm} %% (default) level distance : 15mm \def\xtdefault@sibdist {\xtdefault@levdist} %% (default) sibling distance : 15mm \newcommand*\xtlevdist {\xtdefault@levdist} \newcommand*\xtsibdist {\xtdefault@sibdist} \NewDocumentCommand \xtdistance { O{1} m G{\xtdefault@sibdist} } { \renewcommand*\xtlevdist {#2} \renewcommand*\xtsibdist {#3} \tikzset{ level~#1/.style = {level~distance = \xtlevdist , sibling~distance = \xtsibdist } } } %% counterclockwise (grow=) or clockwise (grow'=) % default: growing south counterclockwise \def\xt@grow { grow } \def\xt@growswap { grow' } \def\istdefault@grow { south } % tree growing direction % \setxtgrowkey %% just for one simple tree \NewDocumentCommand \setxtgrowkey { m } { \renewcommand*\xt@grow {#1} } % growsawp call test \bool_new:N \xt_growswap_call_bool \bool_set_false:N \xt_growswap_call_bool % \setistgrowdirection %% for whole tree \NewDocumentCommand \setistgrowdirection{ t' m } { \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \bool_set_true:N \xt_growswap_call_bool \renewcommand*\xt@grow { grow' } \renewcommand*\istdefault@grow {#2} } { \renewcommand*\xt@grow { grow } \renewcommand*\istdefault@grow {#2} } } % \ISTRootO (oval version) % (used in \istrooto) % ' [grow] (root) (at) [node] {owner} +levdis..sibdist+ \NewDocumentCommand \ISTRootO { t' O{south} r() D(){0,0} O{} D<>{} G{} D+.{\xtlevdist} D.+{\xtsibdist} } { \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \tikzset { level~1/.style = { level~distance = #8 , sibling~distance = #9} } \node (#3) at (#4) [ oval~node , #5 ] {#7} [ \xt@growswap = #2 ] } { \tikzset { level~1/.style = { level~distance = #8 , sibling~distance = #9 } } \node (#3) at (#4) [ oval~node , #5 ] {#7} [ \xt@grow = #2 ] } } %% istgame environment \def\istgame@default@fontsize { \normalsize } \def\istgame@default@arrowend@shorten { 0pt } % 0pt needed, otherwise affects all the lines \NewDocumentCommand \setistgamefontsize { m } { \renewcommand*{\istgame@default@fontsize} {#1} } \NewDocumentCommand \setistgameshorten { m } { \renewcommand*{\istgame@default@arrowend@shorten} {#1} } % get ready for checking (x)(y)scale option \clist_new:N \l_parseopt_clist % \xtxscale \cs_new_nopar:Npn \get_xscale_option_string:n #1 { \get_opt_xvalue:w #1\q_stop } \cs_new_nopar:Npn \get_opt_xvalue:w #1=#2\q_stop { % keep the value of xscale \tl_gset:Nn \xtxscale { #2 } } % \xtyscale \cs_new_nopar:Npn \get_yscale_option_string:n #1 { \get_opt_yvalue:w #1\q_stop } \cs_new_nopar:Npn \get_opt_yvalue:w #1=#2\q_stop { % keep the value of yscale \tl_gset:Nn \xtyscale { #2 } } % \xtscale \cs_new_nopar:Npn \get_scale_option_string:n #1 { \get_opt_value:w #1\q_stop } \cs_new_nopar:Npn \get_opt_value:w #1=#2\q_stop { % keep the value of scale \tl_gset:Nn \xtscale { #2 } } \DeclareDocumentEnvironment {istgame} { O{} } % accepts tikzpicture options { % call set (false) \bool_set_false:N \cntm_distance_call_bool % to distinguish cntm sibdist \bool_set_false:N \cntm_act_sibdist_call_bool % from cntm action sibdist \bool_set_false:N \xt_xscale_call_bool % for InfosetO, CInfosetO, and more \bool_set_false:N \xt_yscale_call_bool % for InfosetO, CInfosetO, and more \bool_set_false:N \xt_scale_call_bool % for InfosetO, CInfosetO, and more \bool_set_false:N \_arrow_option_exist_bool % for arrow shorten \bool_set_false:N \xt_growswap_call_bool % for CInfoset(O) \bool_set_false:N \_istroot_cntmA_call_bool % for \istbA \bool_set_false:N \_istroot_cntm_call_bool % for \istbA \bool_set_false:N \_xt_levdist_local_call_bool % for \istbA \bool_set_false:N \_cntm_distance_local_call_bool % for \istbA \bool_set_false:N \_cntmA_distance_local_call_bool % for \istbA % extract the value of xscale/yscale/scale % (extract scale value, only if it is used alone) \clist_set:Nn \l_parseopt_clist { #1 } \tl_gset:Nn \xtxscale {1.0} \tl_gset:Nn \xtyscale {1.0} \tl_gset:Nn \xtscale {1.0} \clist_map_inline:Nn \l_parseopt_clist { \str_if_in:nnTF { ##1 } { xscale } { \bool_set_true:N \xt_xscale_call_bool \get_xscale_option_string:n { ##1 } \str_if_in:nnT { ##1 } {yscale} { \bool_set_true:N \xt_yscale_call_bool \get_yscale_option_string:n { ##1 } } } { \str_if_in:nnTF { ##1 } { yscale } { \bool_set_true:N \xt_yscale_call_bool \get_yscale_option_string:n { ##1 } \str_if_in:nnT {##1} { xscale } { \bool_set_true:N \xt_xscale_call_bool \get_xscale_option_string:n { ##1 } } } { % xscale:false, yscale:false \str_if_in:nnT { ##1 } { scale } { \bool_set_true:N \xt_scale_call_bool \get_scale_option_string:n { ##1 } } } } } \clist_if_in:NnT \l_parseopt_clist { -> } % check if [->] exists { \bool_set_true:N \_arrow_option_exist_bool \clist_remove_all:Nn \l_parseopt_clist { -> } \clist_put_left:Nn \l_parseopt_clist { -> , shorten~> = \istgame@default@arrowend@shorten } } \tl_set:Nn \l_tmpa_tl { font = \istgame@default@fontsize , > = stealth , } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_tmpa_tl { \clist_use:Nn \l_parseopt_clist { , } } \exp_last_unbraced:NnNo \begin{tikzpicture} [ \l_tmpa_tl ] } { \end{tikzpicture} } %%% % add the following as env option: tikz-qtree conflict resolution %%% edge~from~parent~path = { (\tikzparentnode) -- (\tikzchildnode) } %% scale call test and adjust \def\xtinfosetheightvar {\xtinfosetheight} \def\cntminfosetheightvar {\cntminfosetheight} % \istgameScaleCallTestAndAdjust % use this only in a GROUP \NewExpandableDocumentCommand \istgameScaleCallTestAndAdjust { } { \bool_if:NTF \xt_xscale_call_bool { \pgftransformxscale{1/\xtxscale} % keep going for yscale \bool_if:NT \xt_yscale_call_bool { \pgftransformyscale{1/\xtyscale} } % for scaling infosetO if scaled together with x-y-scale \renewcommand*\xtinfosetheightvar {\xtinfosetheight*\xtscale} \renewcommand*\cntminfosetheightvar {\cntminfosetheight*\xtscale} } { \bool_if:NTF \xt_yscale_call_bool { \pgftransformyscale{1/\xtyscale} % keep going for xscale \bool_if:NT \xt_xscale_call_bool { \pgftransformxscale{1/\xtxscale} } % for scaling infosetO if scaled together with x-y-scale \renewcommand*\xtinfosetheightvar {\xtinfosetheight*\xtscale} \renewcommand*\cntminfosetheightvar {\cntminfosetheight*\xtscale} } { \bool_if:NT \xt_scale_call_bool { % no scaling infosetO if scaled without x-y-scale \pgftransformscale{1/\xtscale} } } } } % to resolve TikZ problem: sloped label conflict with x-y-scale % temporary solution (experimental) % \xtcureslopedlabelsNS (for north and south growing tree) \NewDocumentCommand \xtcureslopedlabelsNS { } { \istgameScaleCallTestAndAdjust \bool_if:NTF \xt_xscale_call_bool { \pgfmathsetmacro\xtsibdistadj {\xtxscale*\xtsibdist} \pgfmathsetmacro\xtlevdistadj {1*\xtlevdist} } { \bool_if:NT \xt_yscale_call_bool { \pgfmathsetmacro\xtsibdistadj {1*\xtsibdist} \pgfmathsetmacro\xtlevdistadj {\xtyscale*\xtlevdist} } } \xtdistance{\xtlevdistadj}{\xtsibdistadj} } % \xtcureslopedlabelsEW (for east and west growing tree) \NewDocumentCommand \xtcureslopedlabelsEW { } { \istgameScaleCallTestAndAdjust \bool_if:NTF \xt_xscale_call_bool { \pgfmathsetmacro\xtsibdistadj {1*\xtsibdist} \pgfmathsetmacro\xtlevdistadj {\xtxscale*\xtlevdist} } { \bool_if:NT \xt_yscale_call_bool { \pgfmathsetmacro\xtsibdistadj {\xtyscale*\xtsibdist} \pgfmathsetmacro\xtlevdistadj {1*\xtlevdist} } } \xtdistance{\xtlevdistadj}{\xtsibdistadj} } %% --------------- %% core macro part %% --------------- % get ready \tl_new:N \ischo_game_tl % action (with abbreviations) % BE CAREFUL: each case has different options (do not try to shorten) % {#1: branch line style} {#2: position} {#3: action labels} \cs_new:Npn \ist_move:nnn #1 #2 #3 { % \str_case_e:nnF { #2 } \str_case:nnF { #2 } { { al } { edge~from~parent [ #1 ] node [ above~left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \istactionlabelxshift , yshift = -\istactionlabelyshift ] {\istactionlabelstyle{#3} } } { ar } { edge~from~parent [ #1 ] node [ above~right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\istactionlabelxshift , yshift = -\istactionlabelyshift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#3} } } { bl } { edge~from~parent [ #1 ] node [ below~left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \istactionlabelxshift , yshift = \istactionlabelyshift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#3} } } { br } { edge~from~parent [ #1 ] node [ below~right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\istactionlabelxshift , yshift = \istactionlabelyshift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#3} } } { l } { edge~from~parent [ #1 ] node [ left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\xtALxShift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#3} } } { r } { edge~from~parent [ #1 ] node [ right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \xtALxShift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#3} } } { a } { edge~from~parent [ #1 ] node [ above , text~depth = .25ex , yshift = \xtALyShift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#3} } } { b } { edge~from~parent [ #1 ] node [ below , text~depth = .25ex , yshift = -\xtALyShift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#3} } } } { edge~from~parent [ #1 ] node [ text~depth = .25ex , #2 ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#3} } % was \istmove{#1}{#2}{#3} } } % payoff (with abbreviations) % {#1: position} {#2: payoffs} \cs_new:Npn \ist_payoff:nn #1 #2 { % \str_case_e:nnF { #1 } \str_case:nnF { #1 } { { al } { \istpayoff { above~left } { #2 } } { ar } { \istpayoff { above~right } { #2 } } { bl } { \istpayoff { below~left } { #2 } } { br } { \istpayoff { below~right } { #2 } } { l } { \istpayoff { left } { #2 } } { r } { \istpayoff { right } { #2 } } { a } { \istpayoff { above } { #2 } } { b } { \istpayoff { below } { #2 } } } { \istpayoff { #1 } { #2 } } } %% core macros: \istroot, \istb, \endist % \istroot(') -- standard version % ' [grow, tree opt] (root) (at) [node style] {owner} +levdis..sibdist+ \NewDocumentCommand \istroot { t' O{\istdefault@grow} r() D(){0,0} O{} D<>{above} G{} d+. D.+{\xtsibdist} } { % for \istbA \IfNoValueTF {#8} { % if the third option exists in \cntmdistance(*) \bool_set_false:N \_xt_levdist_local_call_bool \tl_set:Nn \_xt_levdist_local_tl { \xtlevdist } \tl_set:Nn \_xt_sibdist_local_tl { \xtsibdist } } { \bool_set_true:N \_xt_levdist_local_call_bool \tl_set:Nn \_xt_levdist_local_tl { #8 } \tl_set:Nn \_xt_sibdist_local_tl { #9 } } % normal process \tl_clear:N \ischo_game_tl \xdef\istgrowdirection{#2} % used in \istb to specify [payoff direction] \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRoot' } } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRoot } } \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { [ \istgrowdirection ] ( #3 ) ( #4 ) [ #5 ] < #6 > } \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { { \istownerstyle{ #7 } } } \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { + { \_xt_levdist_local_tl } .. { #9 } + } % { } needed for #8 and #9 with decimal dim } % \istrooto(') -- oval version % ' [grow] (root) (at) [node style] {owner} +levdis..sibdist+ --- : redundant \NewDocumentCommand \istrooto { t' O{\istdefault@grow} r() D(){0,0} O{} D<>{above} G{} d+. D.+{\xtsibdist} } { % for \istbA \IfNoValueTF {#8} { \bool_set_false:N \_xt_levdist_local_call_bool \tl_set:Nn \_xt_levdist_local_tl { \xtlevdist } \tl_set:Nn \_xt_sibdist_local_tl { \xtsibdist } } { \bool_set_true:N \_xt_levdist_local_call_bool \tl_set:Nn \_xt_levdist_local_tl { #8 } \tl_set:Nn \_xt_sibdist_local_tl { #9 } } % normal process \tl_clear:N \ischo_game_tl \xdef\istgrowdirection{#2} % used in \istb to specify [payoff direction] \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRootO' } } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRootO } } \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { [ \istgrowdirection ] ( #3 ) ( #4 ) [ #5 ] } \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { { \istownerstyle { #7 } } } \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { + { \_xt_levdist_local_tl } .. { #9 } + } % { } needed for #8 and #9 with decimal dim } % \istbm % missing version \NewDocumentCommand \istbm { } { \istb } % \istbm % missing version (just in case) \NewDocumentCommand \istbAm { } { \istbA } % \istb(*) % * (redundant) [line style] {action labels} [pos] {payoffs} [pos] % second option is redundant (this helps not getting errors when playing with \istbA) % default payoff postion: \istgrowdirection \NewDocumentCommand \istb { s D(){1} D<>{} O{} +G{} O{} +g O{\istgrowdirection} } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { child [ #3 ] { \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { \xt@ndot } { \xt@show@endpoint } \IfValueT { #7 } { \ist_payoff:nn { #8 } { #7 } } \ist_move:nnn { \xt@show@midarrow , \xt@show@arrow , #4 } { #6 } { #5 } } } } % \istbt(*) % terminal version % this is the replacement of \istb.(*) % * (redundant) [line style] {action labels} [pos] {payoffs} [pos] % second option is redundant (this helps not getting errors when playing with \istbA) \NewDocumentCommand \istbt { s D(){1} D<>{} O{} +G{} O{} +g O{\istgrowdirection} } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { child [ #3 ] { \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { \xt@ndot } { \xt@show@tndot } \IfValueT { #7 } { \ist_payoff:nn { #8 } { #7 } } \ist_move:nnn { \xt@show@midarrow , \xt@show@arrow , #4 } { #6 } { #5 } } } } % \istB(*) % dual version % * [line style] {AL 1} [pos 1] {AL 2} [pos 2] {payoffs} [pos] \NewDocumentCommand \istB { s D<>{} O{} +G{} O{} +G{} O{} +g O{\istgrowdirection} } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { child [ #2 ] { \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { \xt@ndot } { \xt@show@endpoint } \IfValueT { #8 } { \ist_payoff:nn { #9 } { #8 } } \ist_move:nnn { \xt@show@midarrow , \xt@show@arrow } { #7 } { #6 } \ist_move:nnn { #3 } { #5 } { #4 } } } } % \istBt(*) % dual terminal version % * [line style] {AL 1} [pos 1] {AL 2} [pos 2] {payoffs} [pos] \NewDocumentCommand \istBt { s D<>{} O{} +G{} O{} +G{} O{} +g O{\istgrowdirection} } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { child [ #2 ] { \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { \xt@ndot } { \xt@show@tndot } \IfValueT { #8 } { \ist_payoff:nn { #9 } { #8 } } \ist_move:nnn { \xt@show@midarrow , \xt@show@arrow } { #7 } { #6 } \ist_move:nnn { #3 } { #5 } { #4 } } } } % \istbA (arc version) -- to work with \istrootcntmA and variants % * (Xpoint adj factor) [line style] {action labels} [pos] {payoffs} [pos] % code complication, inevitable to take care of too many cases \NewDocumentCommand \istbA { s D(){1} D<>{} O{} +G{} O{} +g O{\istgrowdirection} } { %% to toss adjusted levdist and sibdist for every case \bool_if:NTF \_istroot_cntmA_call_bool { % with \istrootcntmA % adjust levdist (to make longer branch only for \istrootcntmA and its oval version) \pgfmathsetmacro \xtlevdistVarA { \cntmApos * \_cntmA_levdist_local_tl * \cntmAplotfactorAdj } \pgfmathsetmacro \xtsibdistVarA { \cntmApos * \_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl } % better not mul \...Adj % this is correct (there is no \_cntmA_act_sibdist_local_tl) } { \bool_if:NTF \_istroot_cntm_call_bool { % with \istrootcntm \pgfmathsetmacro \xtlevdistVarA { \cntmpos * \_cntm_levdist_local_tl } \pgfmathsetmacro \xtsibdistVarA { \cntmpos * \_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl } } { \bool_if:NTF \_xt_levdist_local_call_bool { % if +#8..#9+ exists ( \_xt_levdist_local_tl defined in \istroot ) \pgfmathsetmacro \xtlevdistVarA { \_xt_levdist_local_tl } \pgfmathsetmacro \xtsibdistVarA { \_xt_sibdist_local_tl } } { % ordinary case \pgfmathsetmacro \xtlevdistVarA { \xtlevdist } \pgfmathsetmacro \xtsibdistVarA { \xtsibdist } } } } %% draw branch \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { child [ level~distance = #2 * \xtlevdistVarA , sibling~distance = \xtsibdistVarA , #3 ] { \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { \xt@ndot } { \xt@show@endpoint } \IfValueT { #7 } { \ist_payoff:nn { #8 } { #7 } } \ist_move:nnn { \xt@show@midarrow , \xt@show@arrow , #4 } { #6 } { #5 } } } } % \istbAt (arc terminal version) % * (Xpoint adj factor) [line style] {action labels} [pos] {payoffs} [pos] \NewDocumentCommand \istbAt { s D(){1} D<>{} O{} +G{} O{} +g O{\istgrowdirection} } { %% to toss adjusted levdist and sibdist for every case \bool_if:NTF \_istroot_cntmA_call_bool { % with \istrootcntmA % adjust levdist (to make longer branch only for \istrootcntmA and its oval version) \pgfmathsetmacro \xtlevdistVarA { \cntmApos * \_cntmA_levdist_local_tl * \cntmAplotfactorAdj } \pgfmathsetmacro \xtsibdistVarA { \cntmApos * \_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl } % better not mul \...Adj % this is correct (there is no \_cntmA_act_sibdist_local_tl) } { \bool_if:NTF \_istroot_cntm_call_bool { % with \istrootcntm \pgfmathsetmacro \xtlevdistVarA { \cntmpos * \_cntm_levdist_local_tl } \pgfmathsetmacro \xtsibdistVarA { \cntmpos * \_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl } } { \bool_if:NTF \_xt_levdist_local_call_bool { % if +#8..#9+ exists ( \_xt_levdist_local_tl defined in \istroot ) \pgfmathsetmacro \xtlevdistVarA { \_xt_levdist_local_tl } \pgfmathsetmacro \xtsibdistVarA { \_xt_sibdist_local_tl } } { % ordinary case \pgfmathsetmacro \xtlevdistVarA { \xtlevdist } \pgfmathsetmacro \xtsibdistVarA { \xtsibdist } } } } %% draw branch \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { child [ level~distance = #2 * \xtlevdistVarA , sibling~distance = \xtsibdistVarA , #3 ] { \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { \xt@ndot } { \xt@show@tndot } \IfValueT { #7 } { \ist_payoff:nn { #8 } { #7 } } \ist_move:nnn { \xt@show@midarrow , \xt@show@arrow , #4 } { #6 } { #5 } } } } % \printist (to use \istrootcntm and all its variants) \NewDocumentCommand \printist { } { \tl_use:N \ischo_game_tl } % \endist \NewDocumentCommand \endist { } { % call set false for changing branch lengths with \istbA \bool_set_false:N \_istroot_cntm_call_bool \bool_set_false:N \_istroot_cntmA_call_bool % final print of simple tree \printist ; % restore initial values for \cntmistb and \cntmAistb \cntmistbVariablesRestore \cntmAistbVariablesRestore } %%% continuum of branches %%% %% preset for continuum of branches (used in \ISTCntm, \ISTCntmArc) %% cntm distances \def\cntmdefaultlevdist{8mm} %\def\cntmdefaultsibdist{3*\cntmdefaultlevdist} \def\cntmdefaultsibdist{24mm} \newcommand*\cntmlevdist{\cntmdefaultlevdist} \pgfmathsetmacro\tmpcntmsibdist{3*\cntmlevdist} % this detour is safer \newcommand*\cntmsibdist{\tmpcntmsibdist} % cntm action sibling distance (used in \ISTCntm, \ISTCntmArc) \def\cntm@default@actsibdist{\cntmsibdist/3} \newcommand*\cntmACTsibdist{\cntm@default@actsibdist} \NewDocumentCommand \cntmactsibdist{m} { \renewcommand*\cntmACTsibdist{#1} } % \cntmdistance call test \bool_new:N \cntm_distance_call_bool \bool_set_false:N \cntm_distance_call_bool \bool_new:N \cntm_act_sibdist_call_bool \bool_set_false:N \cntm_act_sibdist_call_bool % \cntmdistance % use this BEFORE \istrootcntm and \istrootcntmA % * {cntmlevdist} {cntmsibdist} {cntm act sibdist} [cntm color] \NewDocumentCommand \cntmdistance { s m G{ \cntmdefaultsibdist } g } { \IfBooleanT {#1} { \renewcommand*\xtlevdist { \cntmlevdist } \renewcommand*\xtsibdist { \cntmsibdist } } \renewcommand*\cntmlevdist {#2} \renewcommand*\cntmsibdist {#3} \IfValueTF {#4} { % this call set is used in \istrootcntm and its variants % distinguish \cntmactsibdist from \cntmsibdist, the latter used only for cntm \bool_set_true:N \cntm_act_sibdist_call_bool \cntmactsibdist {#4} } { \cntmactsibdist { \cntm@default@actsibdist } } \bool_set_true:N \cntm_distance_call_bool % \tikzset{level~1/.style={level~distance=\cntmlevdist,sibling~distance=\cntmsibdist}} } %=========================================== %=========================================== %% information sets % infoset layer (for every infoset) \def\xtdefault@infosetlayer{background} \newcommand*\xtinfosetlayer{\xtdefault@infosetlayer} \NewDocumentCommand \setxtinfosetlayer{ G{ \xtdefault@infosetlayer } } { \renewcommand*\xtinfosetlayer {#1} } % infoset style (for every infoset) \def\xtdefault@infoset@style{} \newcommand*\xtdefaultinfosetstyle{\xtdefault@infoset@style} \NewDocumentCommand \setxtinfosetstyle { G{} } { \tikzset { infoset~style/.style = { semithick, densely~dotted, #1 } } } % initial set (as infoset style = {semithick,densely dotted}) \setxtinfosetstyle % infoset height (for oval type) \def\xtdefault@infosetheight { 1em } % 1em=12pt \newcommand*\xtinfosetheight { \xtdefault@infosetheight } % \xtInfoset % * [opt] (from) (to) {owner} [pos] \NewDocumentCommand \xtInfoset { s O{} r() r() +G{} O{} } { \begin{pgfonlayer}{\xtinfosetlayer} \draw [ - , infoset~style , #2 ] (#3) to (#4) ; \IfBooleanTF {#1} { } { \setistmathTF011 \istownertextfont{} } % must be in group % \str_case_e:nnF {#6} \str_case:nnF {#6} { {al} { \node at ( $ (#3) ! .5 ! (#4) $ ) [ above~left ] { \istownerstyle{#5} } ; } {ar} { \node at ( $ (#3) ! .5 ! (#4) $ ) [ above~right ] { \istownerstyle{#5} } ; } {bl} { \node at ( $ (#3) ! .5 ! (#4) $ ) [ below~left ] { \istownerstyle{#5} } ; } {br} { \node at ( $ (#3) ! .5 ! (#4) $ ) [ below~right ] { \istownerstyle{#5} } ; } {l} { \node at ( $ (#3) ! .5 ! (#4) $ ) [ left ] { \istownerstyle{#5} } ; } {r} { \node at ( $ (#3) ! .5 ! (#4) $ ) [ right ] { \istownerstyle{#5} } ; } {a} { \node at ( $ (#3) ! .5 ! (#4) $ ) [ above ] { \istownerstyle{#5} } ; } {b} { \node at ( $ (#3) ! .5 ! (#4) $ ) [ below ] { \istownerstyle{#5} } ; } } { \node at ( $ (#3) ! .5 ! (#4) $ ) [ above , #6 ] { \istownerstyle{#5} } ; } \end{pgfonlayer} } % \xtInfosetO -- oval version % * [opt] (from) (to) {owner} [pos] (height dim) \NewDocumentCommand \xtInfosetO { s O{} r() r() +G{} O{} D(){\xtdefault@infosetheight} } { \begin{scope} % in group: to make \setistmathT011 local \IfBooleanTF {#1} { } { \setistmathTF011 \istownertextfont{} } \coordinate (xtinfoA) at (#3) ; \coordinate (xtinfoB) at (#4) ; \renewcommand*\xtinfosetheight {#7} \istgameScaleCallTestAndAdjust % (must be in a GROUP) % this determines \xsinfosetheightvar % \str_if_eq:eeTF { #3 } { #4 } \str_if_eq:nnTF { #3 } { #4 } {% singleton infoset with a circle \begin{pgfonlayer}{\xtinfosetlayer} \draw (xtinfoA) node [ - , draw , circle , samples=500 , inner~sep = 0pt, minimum~size = \xtinfosetheightvar , infoset~style , #2 ] {} ; % -var needed for scaling \end{pgfonlayer} \draw [ draw = none ] (#3) node [ #6 ] { \istownerstyle{#5} } ; } {% connecting two nodes \renewcommand*\xtinfosetheight {#7} \begin{pgfonlayer}{\xtinfosetlayer} \path let \p1 = ( $ (xtinfoA.center) - (xtinfoB.center) $ ) , \n1 = { veclen(\x1,\y1) } in (xtinfoA) -- (xtinfoB) node [ - , draw , rectangle , samples = 500 , inner~sep = 0pt , transform~shape , sloped , midway , rounded~corners = .5*\xtinfosetheightvar , % var needed for scaling minimum~width = \n1 + \xtinfosetheight , minimum~height = \xtinfosetheight , infoset~style , #2 ] { } ; \draw [ draw = none ] (xtinfoA) to [ edge~node = { node [ #6 ] { \istownerstyle{#5} } } ] (xtinfoB) ; % (in group) \end{pgfonlayer} } \end{scope} } %=========================================== %% CI(curve infoset) defaults \def\xtCI@default@opt { } % CI line option \def\xtCI@default@pos { 1 } % CI position \def\xtCI@default@plotfactor { 1.3 } % CI curvature \def\xtCInfosetplotfactor { \xtCI@default@plotfactor } \newcommand*\xtCIopt { \xtCI@default@opt } \newcommand*\xtCIpos { \xtCI@default@pos } \newcommand*\xtCIplotfactor { \xtCI@default@plotfactor } \def\xtcimidvarfactor { .5 } % base distance to CI-root and mid-point (used in \xtCInfosetO) \def\xtCI@default@rootdist { 25mm } % xtCI default positions (used in \xtCInfosetO) \def\xtCIdefaultpos { 0 } \def\xtCIdefaultposA { -1 } \def\xtCIdefaultposB { 1 } % \setxtCIplotfactor % use this before \istrootcntmA \NewDocumentCommand \setxtCIplotfactor { m } { \renewcommand*\xtCIplotfactor {#1} \edef\xtCInfosetplotfactor {#1} } % detouring colon problem \NewExpandableDocumentCommand \setxtCIAngleAccordingtoGrowswapCall { } { \bool_if:NTF \xt_growswap_call_bool { \tl_set:Nn \xtCIang { 90 } } { \tl_set:Nn \xtCIang { -90 } } } % detouring colon problem \def\xtciang@adjusted { 35 } \def\xtciang@adjustedLessThanOne { -15 } % #1 : \xtciplotfactor % #2 : midvarfactor \NewExpandableDocumentCommand \setxtCIAngleAccordingtoGrowswapCallForCI { m m } { \bool_if:NTF \xt_growswap_call_bool { % growswap true \tl_set:Nn \xtCIangNew { 90 } \tl_set:Nn \xtcisign { -1 } \pgfmathsetmacro \xtciangA { 45-45*(#1-1)/.6 } \pgfmathsetmacro \xtciangB { -45+45*(#1-1)/.6 } \tl_if_novalue:nF { #2 } %% equivalent to \IfNoValueTF { \fp_compare:nTF { .5 > #2 } { \fp_compare:nTF { 1 > #1 } { \pgfmathsetmacro \xtciangA { \xtciangA + 60 - \xtciang@adjusted } } { \pgfmathsetmacro \xtciangA { \xtciangA - \xtciang@adjusted } } } { \fp_compare:nT { .5 < #2 } { \fp_compare:nTF { 1 > #1 } { \pgfmathsetmacro \xtciangB { \xtciangB - 60 + \xtciang@adjusted } } { \pgfmathsetmacro \xtciangB { \xtciangB + \xtciang@adjusted } } } } } } { % growswap false (no problem) \tl_set:Nn \xtCIangNew { -90 } \tl_set:Nn \xtcisign { 1 } \pgfmathsetmacro\xtciangA{ -45+45*(#1-1)/.6 } \pgfmathsetmacro\xtciangB{ 45-45*(#1-1)/.6 } \fp_compare:nT { 1.0 > #1 } { \edef\xtciang@adjusted { \xtciang@adjustedLessThanOne } } \tl_if_novalue:nF { #2 } %% equivalent to \IfNoValueTF { \fp_compare:nTF { .5 > #2 } { \pgfmathsetmacro \xtciangA { \xtciangA + \xtciang@adjusted } % if midvarfactor < .5 } { \fp_compare:nT { .5 < #2 } { \pgfmathsetmacro \xtciangB { \xtciangB - \xtciang@adjusted } % if midvarfactor > .5 } } } } } %% detouring colon problem \def\ciang@adjusted { 35 } \def\ciang@adjustedLessThanOne { -15 } \let \cntminfosetheight \xtinfosetheight % #1 : \ciplotfactor \NewExpandableDocumentCommand \setciAngleAccordingtoGrowswapCallForCntmAI { m } { \bool_if:NTF \xt_growswap_call_bool { % growswap true \tl_set:Nn \ciangNew { 90 } \tl_set:Nn \cisign { -1 } \pgfmathsetmacro \ciangA { -45+45*(#1-1)/.9 } \pgfmathsetmacro \ciangB { 45-45*(#1-1)/.9 } } { % growswap false \tl_set:Nn \ciangNew { -90 } \tl_set:Nn \cisign { 1 } \pgfmathsetmacro \ciangA { 45-45*(#1-1)/.9 } \pgfmathsetmacro \ciangB { -45+45*(#1-1)/.9 } } } %% detouring abbreviations (used in \xtCInfoset) \NewDocumentCommand \xtCInfosetAbbreviations { m } { % \str_case_e:nnF {#1} \str_case:nnF {#1} { {l} { \def\xtciowner@pos { left } } {r} { \def\xtciowner@pos { right} } {a} { \def\xtciowner@pos { above} } {b} { \def\xtciowner@pos { below} } {al} { \def\xtciowner@pos { above~left } } {ar} { \def\xtciowner@pos { above~right } } {bl} { \def\xtciowner@pos { below~left } } {br} { \def\xtciowner@pos { below~right } } } { \def\xtciowner@pos {#1} } \tl_set:Nx \xtcioptionstring { at (xtC) [ above , \xtciowner@pos ] } } % detouring colon problem (for comparing two node being identical or not) % \xtCITestCoordinates (used in \xtCInfoset) \newif \ifxtCIsamecoordinates \NewDocumentCommand \xtCITestCoordinates { m m } { % \str_if_eq:eeTF {#1} {#2} \str_if_eq:nnTF {#1} {#2} { \xtCIsamecoordinatestrue } { \xtCIsamecoordinatesfalse } } %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %% +++ ONLY FOR DEVELOPER +++++++++++ %% to show X points and X circles (this is used in definition of \xtCInfosetO and \cntmAInfosetO) % getting ready to show X points \newif \ifxtXpoints \newif \ifxtXpointsONE \newif \ifxtXpointsTWO \newif \ifxtXpointsTHREE \newif \ifxtXpointsFOUR \newif \ifxtXpointsLabel % getting ready to show X circles \newif \ifxtXcircles \newif \ifxtXcircleX \newif \ifxtXcircleY % showing X circles % used in \xtshowXpoints % can be used independently \NewDocumentCommand \xtshowXcircles { m } { \xtXcircleXfalse \xtXcircleYfalse \xtXcirclestrue \int_compare:nTF { #1 >= 3 } { \xtXcircleXtrue \xtXcircleYtrue } { \int_compare:nTF { #1 >= 2 } { \xtXcircleXfalse \xtXcircleYtrue } { \int_compare:nT { #1 >= 1 } { \xtXcircleXtrue \xtXcircleYfalse } } } } % hide X circles \NewDocumentCommand \xthideXcircles { } { \xtXcirclesfalse } % to control point size \def\xtXpoint@sizeA { \istsolidnodesize } \def\xtXpoint@sizeB { 5/3 * \istsolidnodesize } \newcommand*\xtXpointsizeA { \xtXpoint@sizeA } \newcommand*\xtXpointsizeB { \xtXpoint@sizeB } % showing X points % \xtshowXpoints % * {point choice num}{circle choice num}(points size dim)(basic points size dim) % usage: \xtshowXpoints33(2pt)(3pt) % point choice number: 0,1,2,3,4 % circle choice number: 0,1,2,3 % this serves \xtCInfosetO as well as \cntmAInfosetO \NewDocumentCommand \xtshowXpoints { s m m D(){\xtXpoint@sizeA} D(){\xtXpoint@sizeB} } { \renewcommand*\xtXpointsizeA {#4} \renewcommand\xtXpointsizeB {#5} \xtXpointsLabelfalse \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \xtXpointsLabeltrue } { \xtXpointsLabelfalse } \xtXpointsONEfalse \xtXpointsTWOfalse \xtXpointsTHREEfalse \xtXpointsFOURfalse \xtXpointstrue \int_compare:nTF { #2 >= 4 } { \xtXpointsTHREEtrue \xtXpointsTWOtrue \xtXpointsONEtrue } { \int_compare:nTF { #2 >= 3 } { \xtXpointsONEfalse \xtXpointsTWOtrue \xtXpointsTHREEtrue } { \int_compare:nTF { #2 >= 2 } { \xtXpointsONEtrue \xtXpointsTWOtrue \xtXpointsTHREEfalse } { \int_compare:nT { #2 >= 1 } { \xtXpointsONEtrue \xtXpointsTWOfalse \xtXpointsTHREEfalse } } } } \xtshowXcircles{#3} } % hide X points \NewDocumentCommand \xthideXpoints {} { \xtXpointsfalse } %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ \ExplSyntaxOff %%----------------- %% expl3 up to here (paused, because of colon problem) %%----------------- %---syntaxoff----- % \xtCInfoset % * [line opt] (beg-coor) !offmid weight! (end-coor) +G{} O{} (info height dim) \NewDocumentCommand \xtCInfoset { s O{} r() d!! r() D<>{\xtCIplotfactor} +G{} O{} } { \begin{scope} \istgameScaleCallTestAndAdjust % (must be in a GROUP) \IfBooleanTF {#1} { } { \setistmathTF011 \istownertextfont{} } % must be in a group \coordinate (xtA) at (#3) ; \coordinate (xtB) at (#5) ; \edef\xtciplotfactor {#6} \def\xtcitension { 1 } \IfValueT {#4} { \edef\xtcimidvarfactor {#4} } \setxtCIAngleAccordingtoGrowswapCallForCI {#6} {#4} \path let \p1 = ($(xtA)-(xtB)$) , \n1 = { veclen(\p1) } in \pgfextra{ \xdef\xtcidist {\n1} } ; \coordinate (xtcimid) at ( $ (xtA) ! .5 ! (xtB) $ ) ; \coordinate (xtciroot) at ( $ (xtcimid) ! .5 * \xtcidist ! \xtCIangNew:(xtB) $ ) ; \coordinate (xtcimid-var) at ( $ (xtA) ! \xtcimidvarfactor ! (xtB) $ ) ; \coordinate (xtC) at ( $ (xtciroot) ! \xtciplotfactor ! (xtcimid-var) $ ) ; \begin{pgfonlayer}{\xtinfosetlayer} \draw [ - , samples=500 , tension = \xtcitension , infoset style , #2 ] plot [ smooth ] coordinates { (xtA) (xtC) (xtB) } ; % detoured abbreviations (\node at (xtC) [ above , #8 ] { \istownerstyle{#7} } ;) \xtCInfosetAbbreviations {#8} \expandafter \node \xtcioptionstring { \istownerstyle{#7} }; \end{pgfonlayer} \end{scope} } %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %% +++ ONLY FOR DEVELOPER +++++++++++ %---syntaxoff----- % for controlling X points \tikzset { nodedot/.style = { - , draw , fill , circle , inner sep = 0pt , minimum size = 2pt } } %---syntaxoff----- % * [node opt] (coor) {label} (min size dim) \NewDocumentCommand \xtXnodedot { s O{} r() D<>{above} G{} D(){\istsolidnodesize} } { \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \node at (#3) [ nodedot , minimum size = #6 , label={[label distance=-2pt]#4:{\tiny\ttfamily #5}} , #2 ] {} ; } { \node at (#3) [ nodedot , minimum size = #6 , #2 ] {} ; } } %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %---syntaxoff----- % initial values \def\xtcibegang {0} \def\xtciendang {0} \NewDocumentCommand \xtCInfosetOTurnX { m g } { \renewcommand*\xtcibegang{#1} \IfNoValueTF {#2} { \renewcommand*\xtciendang{-\xtcibegang} } { \renewcommand*\xtciendang{#2} } } %---syntaxoff----- % \xtCInfosetO % * [line opt] (beg-coor) !offmid weight! (end-coor) +G{} O{} (info height dim) \NewDocumentCommand \xtCInfosetO { s O{} r() d!! r() D<>{\xtCIplotfactor} +G{} O{} D(){\xtdefault@infosetheight} } { \begin{scope} \IfBooleanTF {#1} { } { \setistmathTF011 \istownertextfont{} } % must be in a group \coordinate (xtA) at (#3) ; \coordinate (xtB) at (#5) ; \renewcommand*\xtinfosetheight{#9} \istgameScaleCallTestAndAdjust % (must be in a GROUP) % this determines \xsinfosetheightvar \xtCITestCoordinates{#3}{#5} \ifxtCIsamecoordinates \begin{pgfonlayer}{\xtinfosetlayer} \draw (xtA) node [ draw , circle , samples = 500 , inner sep = 0pt , minimum size=\xtinfosetheightvar , % var needed for scaling infoset style , #2] {} ; \end{pgfonlayer} \node at (#3) [ #8 ] { \istownerstyle{#7} } ; \else \edef\xtciplotfactor{#6} \def\xtcitension{1} \def\xradius{ .5*\xtinfosetheight } \xdef\tosstoxtXcircles{\xtinfosetheightvar} % +++ for developer (see below) +++ \IfValueT {#4} {\edef\xtcimidvarfactor{#4}} \setxtCIAngleAccordingtoGrowswapCallForCI{#6}{#4} \path let \p1 = ($(xtA)-(xtB)$) , \n1 = {veclen(\p1)} in \pgfextra{\xdef\xtcidist{\n1}} ; \pgfmathsetmacro\xratio{ scalar(\xtCI@default@rootdist/\xtcidist) } \coordinate (xtcimid) at ($(xtA)!.5!(xtB)$) ; \coordinate (xtciroot) at ($(xtcimid)!.5*\xtcidist!\xtCIangNew:(xtB)$) ; \coordinate (xtcimid-var) at ($(xtA)!\xtcimidvarfactor!(xtB)$) ; \coordinate (xtC) at ($(xtciroot)!\xtciplotfactor!(xtcimid-var)$) ; \path (xtciroot) -- (xtA) -- ( [turn] \xtciangA+\xtcibegang:\xradius) coordinate (xtAA1) ; \path (xtciroot) -- (xtB) -- ( [turn] \xtciangB+\xtciendang:\xradius) coordinate (xtBB1) ; \coordinate (xtAA2) at ($(xtAA1)!2!(xtA)$) ; \coordinate (xtBB2) at ($(xtBB1)!2!(xtB)$) ; \draw [draw=none] (xtciroot) -- (xtC) -- ([turn]0:\xradius) coordinate (xtCC1) ; \draw [draw=none] (xtciroot) -- (xtC) -- ([turn]180:\xradius) coordinate (xtCC2) ; \coordinate (XpointA) at ($(xtA)!\xradius!-\xtCIangNew:(xtAA1)$) ; \coordinate (XpointB) at ($(xtB)!\xradius! \xtCIangNew:(xtBB1)$) ; \begin{pgfonlayer}{\xtinfosetlayer} \draw [ - , samples = 500 , tension = \xtcitension , infoset style , #2 ] plot [smooth] coordinates {(xtAA1)(xtCC1)(xtBB1)} -- plot [smooth,tension=1.75] coordinates {(xtBB1)(XpointB)(xtBB2)} -- plot [smooth] coordinates {(xtBB2)(xtCC2)(xtAA2)} -- plot [smooth,tension=1.75] coordinates {(xtAA2)(XpointA)(xtAA1)} -- cycle ; \node at (xtC) [ #8 ] { \istownerstyle{#7} } ; \end{pgfonlayer} \fi \end{scope} % back to initial values \def\xtcibegang{0} \def\xtciendang{0} %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %% +++ ONLY FOR DEVELOPER +++++++++++ %% control points \ifxtXpoints \ifxtXpointsONE \ifxtXpointsLabel \xtXnodedot*[fill=green](xtA){A}(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot*[fill=green](xtB){B}(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot*[green](xtC){C}(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot*[fill=blue!40](xtciroot){root}(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot*[fill=green](xtcimid-var){m}(\xtXpointsizeB) \else \xtXnodedot[fill=green](xtA){A}(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot[fill=green](xtB){B}(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot[green](xtC){C}(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot[fill=blue!40](xtciroot){root}(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot[fill=green](xtcimid-var){m}(\xtXpointsizeB) \fi \fi \ifxtXpointsTWO \ifxtXpointsLabel \xtXnodedot*[blue](xtAA1){a1}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot*[red](xtAA2){a2}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot*[blue](xtBB1){b1} \xtXnodedot*[red](xtBB2){b2}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot*[blue](xtCC1){c1}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot*[red](xtCC2){c2}(\xtXpointsizeA) \else \xtXnodedot[blue](xtAA1){a1}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot[red](xtAA2){a2}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot[blue](xtBB1){b1}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot[red](xtBB2){b2}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot[blue](xtCC1){c1}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot[red](xtCC2){c2}(\xtXpointsizeA) \fi \fi \ifxtXpointsTHREE \ifxtXpointsLabel \xtXnodedot*[blue](XpointA){x}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot*[red](XpointB){y}(\xtXpointsizeA) \else \xtXnodedot[blue](XpointA){x}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot[red](XpointB){y}(\xtXpointsizeA) \fi \fi \fi % X circles \ifxtXcircles \ifxtXcircleX \node at (xtA) [-,circle,draw=blue,opacity=.5,minimum size=\tosstoxtXcircles ] {} ; \fi \ifxtXcircleY \node at (xtB) [-,circle,draw=red,opacity=.5,minimum size=\tosstoxtXcircles ] {} ; \fi \fi %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ } %% continuum of branches : information sets %---syntaxoff----- %% cntmA defaults (used in \ISTCntmArc) \def\cntmA@default@opt {} % arc line option \def\cntmA@default@pos {1} % arc position %% default was .5 \def\cntmA@default@plotfactor {1.333} % arc curvature \def\cntmAInfosetplotfactor {\cntmA@default@plotfactor} \def\cntmA@default@fillcolor {transparent} % no white \newcommand*\cntmAopt {\cntmA@default@opt} \newcommand*\cntmApos {\cntmA@default@pos} \newcommand*\cntmAplotfactor {\cntmA@default@plotfactor} \newcommand*\cntmAfillcolor {\cntmA@default@fillcolor} %---syntaxoff----- % \cntmAplotfactorset % use this before \istrootcntmA \NewDocumentCommand \cntmAplotfactorset { m } { \renewcommand*\cntmAplotfactor {#1} \edef\cntmAInfosetplotfactor {#1} } %---syntaxoff----- % \cntmApreset % use this before \istrootcntmA % \cntmApreset % [Aopt]{Apos}[fill color] % use fill color only at the second bracket option (not first) \NewDocumentCommand \cntmApreset { O{\cntmA@default@opt} D<>{\cntmA@default@plotfactor} g O{\cntmA@default@fillcolor} } { \IfNoValueTF {#3} { \renewcommand*\cntmApos {\cntmA@default@pos} } { \renewcommand*\cntmApos {#3} } \renewcommand*\cntmAopt {#1} \cntmAplotfactorset {#2} \renewcommand*\cntmAfillcolor {#4} } %---syntaxoff----- % cntm layer \def\cntm@default@layer{background} % better than behind \NewDocumentCommand \cntmlayerset{ m } { \renewcommand*\cntm@default@layer{#1} } %---syntaxoff----- % cntmA layer \def\cntmA@default@layer{behind} % better than background \newcommand*\cntmAdefaultlayer{\cntmA@default@layer} \NewDocumentCommand \cntmAlayerpreset{ G{\cntmA@default@layer} } { \renewcommand*\cntmAdefaultlayer{#1} } %---syntaxoff----- % \cntmAInfoset % [Aopt] (cntm-root) <\xtCIplotfactor> {addto cntmApos} \NewDocumentCommand \cntmAInfoset { O{\cntmA@default@opt} r() D<>{\cntmAInfosetplotfactor} G{.1} } { % save arc options and position \let\tmpAIpos\cntmApos \let\tmpAIopt\cntmAopt \pgfmathsetmacro{\cntmAInfosetpos}{\cntmApos+#4} \coordinate (ciroot) at (#2) ; \coordinate (ciA) at ($(ciroot)!\cntmAInfosetpos!(cntm-1)$) ; \coordinate (ciB) at ($(ciroot)!\cntmAInfosetpos!(cntm-2)$) ; \edef\ciplotfactor{#3} \def\citension{1} \pgfmathsetmacro\cidistratio{ scalar(\cntmlevdist/\cntmsibdist) } \pgfmathsetmacro\ciplotfactorVal{ 1 + (\ciplotfactor-1) * sqrt(1/3) / sqrt(\cidistratio) } \coordinate (cimid) at ($(ciA)!.5!(ciB)$) ; \coordinate (ciC) at ($(ciroot)!\ciplotfactorVal!(cimid)$) ; \begin{pgfonlayer}{\xtinfosetlayer} \draw [ - , samples=500 , tension = \citension , infoset style , #1 ] plot [smooth] coordinates {(ciA)(ciC)(ciB)} ; \end{pgfonlayer} \let\cntmApos\tmpAIpos \let\cntmAopt\tmpAIopt } %---syntaxoff----- % \cntmAInfosetO % [Aopt] (cntm-root) {Apos} [turn X-ang] (infoset height) \NewDocumentCommand \cntmAInfosetO { O{\cntmA@default@opt} r() D<>{\cntmAInfosetplotfactor} G{\cntmApos} O{0} D(){\xtdefault@infosetheight} } { \begin{scope} \coordinate (ciroot) at (#2) ; \coordinate (ciA) at ($(ciroot)!#4!(cntm-1)$) ; \coordinate (ciB) at ($(ciroot)!#4!(cntm-2)$) ; \edef\ciplotfactor{#3} \def\ciAdjXang{#5} \def\cntminfosetheight{#6} \def\citension{1} \istgameScaleCallTestAndAdjust % (must be in a GROUP) \def\ciradius{ .5*\cntminfosetheight } % not -var \xdef\tosstocntmXcircles{\cntminfosetheightvar} % +++ for developer (see below) +++ \setciAngleAccordingtoGrowswapCallForCntmAI{#3} \pgfmathsetmacro\cidistratio{ scalar(\cntmlevdist/\cntmsibdist) } % to ease the curvature (using \cidistratio) \pgfmathsetmacro\ciplotfactorVal{ 1 + (\ciplotfactor-1)*sqrt(1/3)/sqrt(\cidistratio) } % adjust Xangle \ifdim .5pt <\cidistratio pt \pgfmathsetmacro\ciDefaultAdjXang{ -5 + 30*\cidistratio } % (10 if ratio=1/2 ) \else \pgfmathsetmacro\ciDefaultAdjXang{ -10 + 30*\cidistratio } % (0 if ratio=1/3 ) \fi \pgfmathsetmacro\ciXadj{ \cisign * (\ciDefaultAdjXang - \ciAdjXang) } % defining coordinates \coordinate (cimid) at ($(ciA)!.5!(ciB)$) ; \coordinate (ciC) at ($(ciroot)!\ciplotfactorVal!(cimid)$) ; \path (ciroot) -- (ciA) -- ( [turn] \ciangA-\ciXadj:\ciradius) coordinate (ciAA1) ; \path (ciroot) -- (ciB) -- ( [turn] \ciangB+\ciXadj:\ciradius) coordinate (ciBB1) ; \coordinate (ciAA2) at ($(ciAA1)!2!(ciA)$) ; \coordinate (ciBB2) at ($(ciBB1)!2!(ciB)$) ; \draw [draw=none] (ciroot) -- (ciC) -- ([turn]0:\ciradius) coordinate (ciCC1) ; \draw [draw=none] (ciroot) -- (ciC) -- ([turn]180:\ciradius) coordinate (ciCC2) ; \coordinate (ciXpointA) at ($(ciA)!\ciradius! \ciangNew:(ciAA1)$) ; \coordinate (ciXpointB) at ($(ciB)!\ciradius!-\ciangNew:(ciBB1)$) ; \begin{pgfonlayer}{\xtinfosetlayer} \draw [ - , samples=500 , tension = \citension , infoset style , #1 ] plot [smooth] coordinates {(ciAA1)(ciCC1)(ciBB1)} -- plot [smooth,tension=1.75] coordinates {(ciBB1)(ciXpointB)(ciBB2)} -- plot [smooth] coordinates {(ciBB2)(ciCC2)(ciAA2)} -- plot [smooth,tension=1.75] coordinates {(ciAA2)(ciXpointA)(ciAA1)} -- cycle ; \end{pgfonlayer} \end{scope} %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ %% +++ ONLY FOR DEVELOPER +++++++++++ %% control points \ifxtXpoints \ifxtXpointsONE \ifxtXpointsLabel \xtXnodedot*[fill=green](ciA){A}(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot*[fill=green](ciB){B}(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot*[green](ciC){A}(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot*[fill=green](ciroot)(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot*[fill=green](cimid){m}(\xtXpointsizeB) \else \xtXnodedot[fill=green](ciA){A}(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot[fill=green](ciB){B}(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot[green](ciC){A}(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot[fill=green](ciroot)(\xtXpointsizeB) \xtXnodedot[fill=green](cimid){m}(\xtXpointsizeB) \fi \fi \ifxtXpointsTWO \ifxtXpointsLabel \xtXnodedot*[blue](ciAA1){a1}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot*[red](ciAA2){a2}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot*[blue](ciBB1){b1}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot*[red](ciBB2){b2}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot*[blue](ciCC1){c1}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot*[red](ciCC2){c2}(\xtXpointsizeA) \else \xtXnodedot[blue](ciAA1){a1}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot[red](ciAA2){a2}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot[blue](ciBB1){b1}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot[red](ciBB2){b2}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot[blue](ciCC1){c1}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot[red](ciCC2){c2}(\xtXpointsizeA) \fi \fi \ifxtXpointsTHREE \ifxtXpointsLabel \xtXnodedot*[blue](ciXpointA){x}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot*[red](ciXpointB){y}(\xtXpointsizeA) \else \xtXnodedot[blue](ciXpointA){x}(\xtXpointsizeA) \xtXnodedot[red](ciXpointB){y}(\xtXpointsizeA) \fi \fi \fi % X circles \ifxtXcircles \ifxtXcircleX \node at (ciA) [-,circle,draw=blue,opacity=.5,minimum size=\tosstocntmXcircles ] {} ; \fi \ifxtXcircleY \node at (ciB) [-,circle,draw=red,opacity=.5,minimum size=\tosstocntmXcircles ] {} ; \fi \fi %++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ } %%----------------- %% expl3 from here again %%----------------- \ExplSyntaxOn %% preset for \istb (for outermost branches) for "cntm triangle" and "cntm arc" % cntmA stands for "cntm arc" % cntm color \def\cntm@default@opt { } \newcommand*\cntmopt { \cntm@default@opt } \def\cntm@default@drawcolor { black!25 } \newcommand*\cntmdrawcolor { \cntm@default@drawcolor } \def\cntm@default@fillcolor { \cntm@default@drawcolor } \newcommand*\cntmfillcolor { \cntm@default@fillcolor } \def\cntm@default@pos { 1 } \newcommand*\cntmpos { \cntm@default@pos } % cntm outermost draw options \def\cntm@default@branchopt { draw = none } % "draw=none" needed to keep cntm "triangle" default \newcommand*\cntmbranchopt { \cntm@default@branchopt } \def\cntmLeftAL { } % leftmost AL \def\cntmLeftALpos { } % leftmost AL position \def\cntmRightAL { } % rightmost AL \def\cntmRightALpos { } % rightmost AL position % cntmA outermost draw options \def\cntmAbranchdrawopt { } % "empty" needed for cntmA outermost "branch" control \def\cntmALeftAL { } % leftmost AL \def\cntmALeftALpos { } % leftmost AL position \def\cntmARightAL { } % rightmost AL \def\cntmARightALpos { } % rightmost AL position \bool_set_false:N \_cntm_pos_call_bool % \cntmpreset % * [ draw, color, fill ] { shrink factor } [ fill color ] % the first, if exists, [ fill=color ] wins the second [ fill color ] % that is, \cntmopt (with fill=color) wins \cntmfillcolor \NewDocumentCommand \cntmpreset { s O{} g o } { \IfNoValueTF {#3} { \renewcommand*\cntmpos{\cntm@default@pos} } { \renewcommand*\cntmpos{#3} \bool_set_true:N \_cntm_pos_call_bool } \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \IfValueTF {#4} { \renewcommand*\cntmfillcolor{#4} \renewcommand*\cntmopt{ - , solid , draw = black , fill = \cntmfillcolor , #2 } } { \renewcommand*\cntmopt{ - , solid , draw = black , fill = none , #2 } } } { \IfValueT {#4} { \renewcommand*\cntmdrawcolor{#4} \let\cntmfillcolor\cntmdrawcolor } \renewcommand*\cntmopt{ - , solid, draw = \cntmdrawcolor , fill = \cntmfillcolor, #2} } } % ============ % complication needed to resolve tex expansion issues % ------------ % \cntmistb % complication: % controls options for outermost branches via \l_cntm_left/rightmost_branch_opt_tl % finally used in \istrootcntm and \istrootocntm % USE this BEFORE \istrootcntm % * [ line opt ] { LEFT AL } [ LEFT pos ] { RIGHT AL } [ RIGHT pos ] \NewDocumentCommand \cntmistb{ s O{} +G{} O{} +G{} O{} } { \renewcommand*\cntmbranchopt { - , draw=none, #2 } \renewcommand*\cntmLeftAL {#3} \renewcommand*\cntmRightAL {#5} \renewcommand*\cntmLeftALpos { % \str_case_e:nnF {#4} \str_case:nnF {#4} { {al} { above~left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \istactionlabelxshift , yshift = -\istactionlabelyshift } {ar} { above~right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\istactionlabelxshift , yshift = -\istactionlabelyshift } {bl} { below~left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \istactionlabelxshift , yshift = \istactionlabelyshift } {br} { below~right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\istactionlabelxshift , yshift = \istactionlabelyshift } {l} { left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\xtALxShift } {r} { right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \xtALxShift } {a} { above , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \xtALxShift } {b} { below , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\xtALxShift } } { #4 } } \renewcommand*\cntmRightALpos { % \str_case_e:nnF {#6} \str_case:nnF {#6} { {al} { above~left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \istactionlabelxshift , yshift = -\istactionlabelyshift } {ar} { above~right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\istactionlabelxshift , yshift = -\istactionlabelyshift } {bl} { below~left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \istactionlabelxshift , yshift = \istactionlabelyshift } {br} { below~right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\istactionlabelxshift , yshift = \istactionlabelyshift } {l} { left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\xtALxShift } {r} { right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \xtALxShift } {a} { above , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \xtALxShift } {b} { below , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\xtALxShift } } { #6 } } \IfBooleanTF {#1} { % disobey \xtShowEndPoints* -- force to print solid node \renewcommand*\cntm@show@endpoint { node [ at~end , solid~node ] {} } } { % obey \xtShowEndPoints* and toss the value to \istrootntm(A) via \cntmOUTERistb \cntm@show@endpoint } } % \cntmAistb % complication: % controls options for outermost branches via \l_cntmA_left/rightmost_branch_opt_tl % finally used in \istrootcntmA and \istrootocntmA % USE this BEFORE \istrootcntmA % * [ line opt ] { LEFT AL } [ LEFT pos ] { RIGHT AL } [ RIGHT pos ] \NewDocumentCommand \cntmAistb { s O{-} +G{} O{} +G{} O{} } { \renewcommand*\cntmAbranchdrawopt {#2} \renewcommand*\cntmALeftAL {#3} \renewcommand*\cntmARightAL {#5} \renewcommand*\cntmALeftALpos { % \str_case_e:nnF {#4} \str_case:nnF {#4} { {al} { above~left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \istactionlabelxshift , yshift = -\istactionlabelyshift } {ar} { above~right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\istactionlabelxshift , yshift = -\istactionlabelyshift } {bl} { below~left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \istactionlabelxshift , yshift = \istactionlabelyshift } {br} { below~right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\istactionlabelxshift , yshift = \istactionlabelyshift } {l} { left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\xtALxShift } {r} { right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \xtALxShift } {a} { above , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \xtALxShift } {b} { below , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\xtALxShift } } { #4 } } \renewcommand*\cntmARightALpos { % \str_case_e:nnF {#6} \str_case:nnF {#6} { {al} { above~left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \istactionlabelxshift , yshift = -\istactionlabelyshift } {ar} { above~right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\istactionlabelxshift , yshift = -\istactionlabelyshift } {bl} { below~left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \istactionlabelxshift , yshift = \istactionlabelyshift } {br} { below~right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\istactionlabelxshift , yshift = \istactionlabelyshift } {l} { left , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\xtALxShift } {r} { right , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \xtALxShift } {a} { above , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \xtALxShift } {b} { below , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\xtALxShift } } { #6 } } \IfBooleanTF {#1} { % disobey \xtShowEndPoints* -- force to print solid node \renewcommand*\cntm@show@endpoint { node [ at~end , solid~node ] {} } } { % obey \xtShowEndPoints* and toss the value to \istrootntm(A) via \cntmOUTERistb \cntm@show@endpoint } } % to restore initial values after \cntmistb % (restore is done by \endist) \def\cntmistbVariablesRestore { \renewcommand*\cntmbranchopt { \cntm@default@branchopt } \renewcommand*\cntmLeftAL { } \renewcommand*\cntmRightAL { } \renewcommand*\cntmLeftALpos { } \renewcommand*\cntmRightALpos { } } % to restore initial values after \cntmistb % (restore is done by \endist) \def\cntmAistbVariablesRestore { \renewcommand*\cntmAbranchdrawopt { } \renewcommand*\cntmALeftAL { } \renewcommand*\cntmARightAL { } \renewcommand*\cntmALeftALpos { } \renewcommand*\cntmARightALpos { } } % \cntmistb LEFT/RIGHT options: % (still in the complication) collecting branch options input by \cntmistb % the collected token list will be used in \istrootcntm and \istrootocntm % [ - , \cntmAbranchdrawopt ] { LEFT AL } [ LEFT pos ] { RIGHT AL } [ RIGHT pos ] \cs_new:Npn \_collect_cntm_leftmost_branch_opts: { \tl_set:Nn \l_cntm_leftmost_branch_opt_tl { [ - , } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_cntm_leftmost_branch_opt_tl { \cntmbranchopt ] } \tl_put_right:Nn \l_cntm_leftmost_branch_opt_tl { { \istactionlabelstyle { \cntmLeftAL } } } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_cntm_leftmost_branch_opt_tl { [ \cntmLeftALpos ] } } \cs_new:Npn \_collect_cntm_rightmost_branch_opts: { \tl_set:Nn \l_cntm_rightmost_branch_opt_tl { [ - , } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_cntm_rightmost_branch_opt_tl { \cntmbranchopt ] } \tl_put_right:Nn \l_cntm_rightmost_branch_opt_tl { { \istactionlabelstyle { \cntmRightAL } } } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_cntm_rightmost_branch_opt_tl { [ \cntmRightALpos ] } } % \cntmAistb LEFT/RIGHT options: % (still in the complication) collecting branch options input by \cntmAistb % the collected token list will be used in \istrootcntmA and \istrootocntmA % [ - , \cntmAbranchdrawopt ] { LEFT AL } [ LEFT pos ] { RIGHT AL } [ RIGHT pos ] \cs_new:Npn \_collect_cntmA_leftmost_branch_opts: { \tl_set:Nn \l_cntmA_leftmost_branch_opt_tl { [ - , } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_cntmA_leftmost_branch_opt_tl { \cntmAbranchdrawopt ] } \tl_put_right:Nn \l_cntmA_leftmost_branch_opt_tl { { \istactionlabelstyle { \cntmALeftAL } } } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_cntmA_leftmost_branch_opt_tl { [ \cntmALeftALpos ] } } \cs_new:Npn \_collect_cntmA_rightmost_branch_opts: { \tl_set:Nn \l_cntmA_rightmost_branch_opt_tl { [ - , } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_cntmA_rightmost_branch_opt_tl { \cntmAbranchdrawopt ] } \tl_put_right:Nn \l_cntmA_rightmost_branch_opt_tl { { \istactionlabelstyle { \cntmARightAL } } } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_cntmA_rightmost_branch_opt_tl { [ \cntmARightALpos ] } } % complication needed to resolve tex expansion issues (for cntm triangle) % this will be used to draw cntm triangle in \istrootcntm and \istrootcntmo % [ - , draw = \cntmdrawcolor , fill = \cntmfillcolor ] \cs_new:Npn \_collect_cntm_triangle_cmdstr: { \tl_set:Nn \l_tmp_option_str_tl { [ - , } \tl_put_right:Nn \l_tmp_option_str_tl { draw = } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_tmp_option_str_tl { \cntmdrawcolor , } \tl_put_right:Nn \l_tmp_option_str_tl { fill = } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_tmp_option_str_tl { \cntmfillcolor , } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_tmp_option_str_tl { \cntmopt ] } } % \cntmOUTERistb % modification of \istb for cntm outermost branches with NO PAYOFF % this actually draws outermost branches (used in \istrootcntm and \istrootocntm) \NewDocumentCommand \cntmOUTERistb { s D<>{} O{} +G{} O{} } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { child [ #2 ] { \ist_move:nnn { \xt@show@midarrow , \xt@show@arrow , #3 } { #5 } { #4 } % the next must NOT go BEFORE \ist_move:nnn : PROBLEMatic (possibly TikZ problem) \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { \cntm@ndot } { \cntm@show@endpoint } } } } % \cntmAOUTERistb % modification of \istb for cntmA outermost branches with NO PAYOFF % this actually draws outermost branches (used in \istrootcntmA and \istrootocntmA) \NewDocumentCommand \cntmAOUTERistb { s D<>{} O{} +G{} O{} +g O{\istgrowdirection} } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { child [ #2 ] { \ist_move:nnn { \xt@show@midarrow , \xt@show@arrow , #3 } { #5 } { #4 } % the next must NOT go BEFORE \ist_move:nnn : PROBLEMatic (possibly TikZ problem) \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { \cntm@ndot } { \cntm@show@endpoint } } } } % ------------ % complication so far needed to resolve tex expansion issues % still more complication below % ============ %% main macros: continuum of branches % \istrootcntm -- standard cntm version % ' [grow] (root) (at) [node style] {owner} +cntmlevdist..cntmsibdist+ \NewDocumentCommand \istrootcntm { t' O{\istdefault@grow} r() D(){0,0} O{} D<>{above} G{} d+. d.+ } { % to suppress \xtShowArrows for cntm \let\tmp@xt@show@arrow\xt@show@arrow \def\xt@show@arrow { } \let\tmp@xt@show@midarrow\xt@show@midarrow \def\xt@show@midarrow { } % Now \_cntm_levdist_local_tl and \_cntm_sibdist_local_tl is the bases \IfNoValueTF {#8} { \bool_set_false:N \_cntm_distance_local_call_bool \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_levdist_local_tl { \cntmlevdist } \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_sibdist_local_tl { \cntmsibdist } } { \bool_set_true:N \_cntm_distance_local_call_bool \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_levdist_local_tl { #8 } \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_sibdist_local_tl { #9 } } % Now \_cntm_act_sibdist_tl is the base \bool_if:NTF \cntm_act_sibdist_call_bool { \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl { \cntmACTsibdist } } { \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl { 1/3 * \_cntm_sibdist_local_tl } } % adjust \cntm position for smaller triangle \pgfmathsetmacro \cntmlevdistVar { \cntmpos * \_cntm_levdist_local_tl } \pgfmathsetmacro \cntmsibdistVar { \cntmpos * \_cntm_sibdist_local_tl } %% \istroot(') : cntm outermost branches \tl_clear:N \ischo_game_tl \xdef\istgrowdirection{#2} % execute \ISTRoot [\istgrowdirection] (cntm) (#4) [null node] +{#8}..{#9}+ % this defines (cntm) \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRoot' } } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRoot } } % collect arguments \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { [ \istgrowdirection ] (cntm) (#4) [ null~node ] + { \cntmlevdistVar } .. { \cntmsibdistVar } + } %% (before executing \istb) call options collected from above complication \_collect_cntm_leftmost_branch_opts: \_collect_cntm_rightmost_branch_opts: % execute \istb \istb for cntm LEFT/RIGHT outermost branches % this defines (cntm-1) and (cntm-2) \exp_last_unbraced:NV \cntmOUTERistb \l_cntm_leftmost_branch_opt_tl \exp_last_unbraced:NV \cntmOUTERistb \l_cntm_rightmost_branch_opt_tl \printist ; %% draw cntm triangle, using (cntm), (cntm-1), (cntm-2) \begin{scope}[ shorten~< = 0pt , shorten~> = 0pt ] % call (draw and fill) options collected from above complication \_collect_cntm_triangle_cmdstr: % and finally draw "cntm triangle" % \draw [opts] (cntm) -- (cntm-1) -- (cntm-2) - (cntm) ; \begin{pgfonlayer}{\cntm@default@layer} % default: background \exp_last_unbraced:No \draw \l_tmp_option_str_tl (cntm)--(cntm-1)--(cntm-2)--(cntm) ; \end{pgfonlayer} \end{scope} %% cntm action (actually taken by a player) % this is normal \istroot(') \tl_clear:N \ischo_game_tl \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRoot' } } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRoot } } % collect arguments \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { [ \istgrowdirection ] (#3) (cntm) [#5] <#6> } \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { { \istownerstyle{ #7 } } } \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { +{ \_cntm_levdist_local_tl }..{ 1*\_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl }+ } % call set (for \istbA) \bool_set_true:N \_istroot_cntm_call_bool % for \istbA % back to normal \xtShowArrows \let\xt@show@arrow\tmp@xt@show@arrow \let\xt@show@midarrow\tmp@xt@show@midarrow } % resolving expansion issue (for cntmA) % [ - , tension=1 , \cntmAopt ] \cs_new:Npn \_collect_cntmA_cmdstr: { \tl_set:Nn \l_tmp_arc_option_str_tl { [ - , tension=1 , } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_tmp_arc_option_str_tl { \cntmAopt ] } } % [ - , tension=1 , \cntmAfillcolor ] \cs_new:Npn \_collect_cntmA_color_cmdstr: { \tl_set:Nn \l_tmp_arc_color_str_tl { [ - , tension=1 , } \tl_put_right:Nx \l_tmp_arc_color_str_tl { \cntmAfillcolor ] } } % \istrootcntmA -- cntm arc version % ' [grow] (root) (at) [node style] {owner} +cntmlevdist..cntmsibdist+ \NewDocumentCommand \istrootcntmA { t' O{\istdefault@grow} r() D(){0,0} O{} D<>{above} G{} d+. d.+ } { % to suppress \xtShowArrows for cntm \let\tmp@xt@show@arrow\xt@show@arrow \def\xt@show@arrow { } \let\tmp@xt@show@midarrow\xt@show@midarrow \def\xt@show@midarrow { } % Now \_cntm_levdist_local_tl and \_cntm_sibdist_local_tl is the bases \IfNoValueTF {#8} { \bool_set_false:N \_cntmA_distance_local_call_bool \tl_set:Nn \_cntmA_levdist_local_tl { \cntmlevdist } \tl_set:Nn \_cntmA_sibdist_local_tl { \cntmsibdist } } { \bool_set_true:N \_cntmA_distance_local_call_bool \tl_set:Nn \_cntmA_levdist_local_tl { #8 } \tl_set:Nn \_cntmA_sibdist_local_tl { #9 } } % Now \_cntm_act_sibdist_tl is the base \bool_if:NTF \cntm_act_sibdist_call_bool { \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl {\cntmACTsibdist} } { \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl {1/3*\_cntmA_sibdist_local_tl} } %% \ISTRoot(') : for drawing cntmA outermost branches \tl_clear:N \ischo_game_tl \xdef\istgrowdirection{#2} % execute \ISTRoot % this defines (cntm) \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRoot' } } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRoot } } % collect arguments \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { [ \istgrowdirection ] (cntm) (#4) [ null~node ] +{\_cntmA_levdist_local_tl}..{\_cntmA_sibdist_local_tl}+ } %% (before executing \istb) call options collected from above complication \_collect_cntmA_leftmost_branch_opts: \_collect_cntmA_rightmost_branch_opts: % execute \istb \istb for cntmA LEFT/RIGHT outermost branches % this defines (cntm-1) and (cntm-2) \exp_last_unbraced:NV \cntmAOUTERistb \l_cntmA_leftmost_branch_opt_tl \exp_last_unbraced:NV \cntmAOUTERistb \l_cntmA_rightmost_branch_opt_tl \printist ; %% defining cntmA points % First, adjust plot vertex to compensate dependency of tree shape \pgfmathsetmacro\cntmdistratio{ scalar (\_cntmA_levdist_local_tl/\_cntmA_sibdist_local_tl) } % sqrt(1/3) is to make the cntmdist ratio 1/3 as standard \pgfmathsetmacro\cntmAplotfactorVal { 1 + (\cntmAplotfactor-1) * sqrt(1/3) / sqrt(\cntmdistratio) } \pgfextra{\xdef\cntmAplotfactorAdj{\cntmAplotfactorVal}} % used also in \istbA(t) \coordinate (cntmA-beg) at ( $ (cntm) ! \cntmApos ! (cntm-1) $ ) ; % begin point \coordinate (cntmA-end) at ( $ (cntm) ! \cntmApos ! (cntm-2) $ ) ; % end point \coordinate (cntmA-mid-base) at ( $ (cntm-1) ! .5 ! (cntm-2)$) ; % base midpoint % defines "compensated" plot vertex \coordinate (cntmA-vertex) at ( $ (cntm) ! \cntmAplotfactorAdj*\cntmApos ! (cntmA-mid-base) $ ) ; % (for expost/outside use) \coordinate (cntmAi-begpoint) at ( $ (cntm) ! \cntmApos ! (cntm-1) $ ) ; \coordinate (cntmAi-endpoint) at ( $ (cntm) ! \cntmApos ! (cntm-2) $ ) ; %% plot cntmA % \draw [ \cntmAopt , - , , tension=1 ] \_collect_cntmA_cmdstr: \_collect_cntmA_color_cmdstr: \begin{scope}[ shorten~< = 0pt , shorten~> = 0pt ] \begin{pgfonlayer}{\cntmAdefaultlayer} % default: behind \exp_last_unbraced:No \fill \l_tmp_arc_color_str_tl (cntm) -- plot [ smooth ] coordinates { (cntmA-beg) (cntmA-vertex) (cntmA-end) } -- cycle ; \exp_last_unbraced:No \draw \l_tmp_arc_option_str_tl plot [ smooth ] coordinates { (cntmA-beg) (cntmA-vertex) (cntmA-end) } ; \end{pgfonlayer} \end{scope} %% cntmA action (actually taken by a player) % this is normal \istroot(') \tl_clear:N \ischo_game_tl \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRoot' } } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRoot } } % collect arguments \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { [ \istgrowdirection ] (#3) (cntm) [#5] <#6> } \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { { \istownerstyle{ #7 } } } \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { +{ \_cntmA_levdist_local_tl }..{ 1*\_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl }+ } % call set (for \istbA) \bool_set_true:N \_istroot_cntmA_call_bool % back to normal \xtShowArrows \let\xt@show@arrow\tmp@xt@show@arrow \let\xt@show@midarrow\tmp@xt@show@midarrow } % \cntmAexpostShowEndPoints % use this right after \istrootcntmA and \istrootocntmA % (before \cntmAInfoset and \cntmAInfosetO) \NewDocumentCommand \cntmAexpostShowEndPoints { O{} O{} } { %\begin{pgfonlayer}{above} % main is ok \node [ solid~node , #1 ] at (cntmAi-begpoint) {} ; \node [ solid~node , #2 ] at (cntmAi-endpoint) {} ; %\end{pgfonlayer} } % \istrootocntm -- oval cntm version % ' [grow] (root) (at) [node style] {owner} +cntmlevdist..cntmsibdist+ \NewDocumentCommand \istrootocntm { t' O{\istdefault@grow} r() D(){0,0} O{} D<>{above} G{} d+. d.+ } { % to suppress \xtShowArrows for cntm \let\tmp@xt@show@arrow\xt@show@arrow \def\xt@show@arrow { } \let\tmp@xt@show@midarrow\xt@show@midarrow \def\xt@show@midarrow { } % Now \_cntm_levdist_local_tl and \_cntm_sibdist_local_tl is the bases \IfNoValueTF {#8} { \bool_set_false:N \_cntm_distance_local_call_bool \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_levdist_local_tl { \cntmlevdist } \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_sibdist_local_tl { \cntmsibdist } } { \bool_set_true:N \_cntm_distance_local_call_bool \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_levdist_local_tl { #8 } \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_sibdist_local_tl { #9 } } % Now \_cntm_act_sibdist_tl is the base \bool_if:NTF \cntm_act_sibdist_call_bool { \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl {\cntmACTsibdist} } { \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl {1/3*\_cntm_sibdist_local_tl} } % adjust \cntm position for smaller triangle \pgfmathsetmacro\cntmlevdistVar{\cntmpos*\_cntm_levdist_local_tl} \pgfmathsetmacro\cntmsibdistVar{\cntmpos*\_cntm_sibdist_local_tl} %% \istrooto(') : cntm outermost branches \tl_clear:N \ischo_game_tl \xdef\istgrowdirection{#2} % execute \ISTRoot [\istgrowdirection] (cntm) (#4) [null node] +{#8}..{#9}+ % this defines (cntm) \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRootO' } } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRootO } } % collect arguments \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { [ \istgrowdirection ] (cntm) (#4) [ null~node ] +{\cntmlevdistVar}..{\cntmsibdistVar}+ } %% (before executing \istb) call options collected from above complication \_collect_cntm_leftmost_branch_opts: \_collect_cntm_rightmost_branch_opts: % execute \istb \istb for cntm LEFT/RIGHT outermost branches % this defines (cntm-1) and (cntm-2) \exp_last_unbraced:NV \cntmOUTERistb \l_cntm_leftmost_branch_opt_tl \exp_last_unbraced:NV \cntmOUTERistb \l_cntm_rightmost_branch_opt_tl \printist ; %% draw cntm triangle, using (cntm), (cntm-1), (cntm-2) \begin{scope}[ shorten~< = 0pt , shorten~> = 0pt ] % call (draw and fill) options collected from above complication \_collect_cntm_triangle_cmdstr: % and finally draw "cntm triangle" % \draw [opts] (cntm) -- (cntm-1) -- (cntm-2) - (cntm) ; \begin{pgfonlayer}{\cntm@default@layer} % default: background \exp_last_unbraced:No \draw \l_tmp_option_str_tl (cntm)--(cntm-1)--(cntm-2)--(cntm) ; \end{pgfonlayer} \end{scope} %% cntm action (actually taken by a player) % this is normal \istrooto(') \tl_clear:N \ischo_game_tl \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRootO' } } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRootO } } % collect arguments \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { [ \istgrowdirection ] (#3) (cntm) [#5] <#6> } \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { { \istownerstyle{ #7 } } } \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { +{ \_cntm_levdist_local_tl }..{ 1*\_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl }+ } % call set (for \istbA) \bool_set_true:N \_istroot_cntm_call_bool % for \istbA (HERE, USE \_istroot_ but not \_istrooto_ ) % back to normal \xtShowArrows \let\xt@show@arrow\tmp@xt@show@arrow \let\xt@show@midarrow\tmp@xt@show@midarrow } % \istrootocntmA -- oval cntm arc version % ' [grow] (root) (at) [node style] {owner} +cntmlevdist..cntmsibdist+ \NewDocumentCommand \istrootocntmA { t' O{\istdefault@grow} r() D(){0,0} O{} D<>{above} G{} d+. d.+ } { % to suppress \xtShowArrows for cntm \let\tmp@xt@show@arrow\xt@show@arrow \def\xt@show@arrow { } \let\tmp@xt@show@midarrow\xt@show@midarrow \def\xt@show@midarrow { } % Now \_cntm_levdist_local_tl and \_cntm_sibdist_local_tl is the bases \IfNoValueTF {#8} { \bool_set_false:N \_cntmA_distance_local_call_bool \tl_set:Nn \_cntmA_levdist_local_tl { \cntmlevdist } \tl_set:Nn \_cntmA_sibdist_local_tl { \cntmsibdist } } { \bool_set_true:N \_cntmA_distance_local_call_bool \tl_set:Nn \_cntmA_levdist_local_tl { #8 } \tl_set:Nn \_cntmA_sibdist_local_tl { #9 } } % Now \_cntm_act_sibdist_tl is the base \bool_if:NTF \cntm_act_sibdist_call_bool { \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl {\cntmACTsibdist} } { \tl_set:Nn \_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl {1/3*\_cntmA_sibdist_local_tl} } %% \ISTRootO(') : for drawing cntmA outermost branches \tl_clear:N \ischo_game_tl \xdef\istgrowdirection{#2} % execute \ISTRootO % this defines (cntm) \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRootO' } } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRootO } } % collect arguments \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { [ \istgrowdirection ] (cntm) (#4) [ null~node ] +{\_cntmA_levdist_local_tl}..{\_cntmA_sibdist_local_tl}+ } %% (before executing \istb) call options collected from above complication \_collect_cntmA_leftmost_branch_opts: \_collect_cntmA_rightmost_branch_opts: % execute \istb \istb for cntmA LEFT/RIGHT outermost branches % this defines (cntm-1) and (cntm-2) \exp_last_unbraced:NV \cntmAOUTERistb \l_cntmA_leftmost_branch_opt_tl \exp_last_unbraced:NV \cntmAOUTERistb \l_cntmA_rightmost_branch_opt_tl \printist ; %% defining cntmA points % First, adjust plot vertex to compensate dependency of tree shape \pgfmathsetmacro\cntmdistratio{ scalar (\_cntmA_levdist_local_tl/\_cntmA_sibdist_local_tl) } % sqrt(1/3) is to make the cntmdist ratio 1/3 as standard \pgfmathsetmacro\cntmAplotfactorVal { 1 + (\cntmAplotfactor-1) * sqrt(1/3) / sqrt(\cntmdistratio) } \pgfextra{\xdef\cntmAplotfactorAdj{\cntmAplotfactorVal}} % used also in \istbA(t) \coordinate (cntmA-beg) at ( $ (cntm) ! \cntmApos ! (cntm-1) $ ) ; % begin point \coordinate (cntmA-end) at ( $ (cntm) ! \cntmApos ! (cntm-2) $ ) ; % end point \coordinate (cntmA-mid-base) at ( $ (cntm-1) ! .5 ! (cntm-2)$) ; % base midpoint % defines "compensated" plot vertex \coordinate (cntmA-vertex) at ( $ (cntm) ! \cntmAplotfactorAdj*\cntmApos ! (cntmA-mid-base) $ ) ; % (for expost/outside use) \coordinate (cntmAi-begpoint) at ( $ (cntm) ! \cntmApos ! (cntm-1) $ ) ; \coordinate (cntmAi-endpoint) at ( $ (cntm) ! \cntmApos ! (cntm-2) $ ) ; %% plot cntmA % \draw [ \cntmAopt , - , , tension=1 ] \_collect_cntmA_cmdstr: \_collect_cntmA_color_cmdstr: \begin{scope}[ shorten~< = 0pt , shorten~> = 0pt ] \begin{pgfonlayer}{\cntmAdefaultlayer} % default: behind \exp_last_unbraced:No \fill \l_tmp_arc_color_str_tl (cntm) -- plot [ smooth ] coordinates { (cntmA-beg) (cntmA-vertex) (cntmA-end) } -- cycle ; \exp_last_unbraced:No \draw \l_tmp_arc_option_str_tl plot [ smooth ] coordinates { (cntmA-beg) (cntmA-vertex) (cntmA-end) } ; \end{pgfonlayer} \end{scope} %% cntmA action (actually taken by a player) % this is normal \istrooto(') \tl_clear:N \ischo_game_tl \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRootO' } } { \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { \ISTRootO } } % collect arguments \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { [ \istgrowdirection ] (#3) (cntm) [#5] <#6> } \tl_put_right:Nn \ischo_game_tl { { \istownerstyle{ #7 } } } \tl_put_right:Nx \ischo_game_tl { +{ \_cntmA_levdist_local_tl }..{ 1*\_cntm_act_sibdist_local_tl }+ } % call set (for \istbA) \bool_set_true:N \_istroot_cntmA_call_bool % back to normal \xtShowArrows \let\xt@show@arrow\tmp@xt@show@arrow \let\xt@show@midarrow\tmp@xt@show@midarrow } %% OBSOLETE macros - backward compatibility (to be removed next update) % \obsoleteISTCntm (obsolete) - backward compatibility % (used in \istcntm) \NewDocumentCommand \obsoleteISTCntm { t' O{south} r() D(){0,0} O{\cntm@default@drawcolor} G{.5} D+.{\cntmdefaultlevdist} D.+{\cntmdefaultsibdist} } { \cntmdistance{#7}{#8} \tikzset{level~1/.style={level~distance=\cntmlevdist,sibling~distance=\cntmsibdist}} % \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \setistNullNodeStyle[#5]{\istdefault@null@nodesize}[#5] \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} \node (#3) at (#4) [ null~node ] { } [ \xt@growswap = #2 ] child child ; \draw [ #5 , fill = #5 ] (#3) -- (#3-1) -- (#3-2) -- (#3) ; \end{pgfonlayer} \setistNullNodeStyle{\istdefault@null@nodesize} } { \setistNullNodeStyle[#5]{\istdefault@null@nodesize}[#5] \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} \node (#3) at (#4) [ null~node ] { } [ \xt@grow = #2 ] child child ; \draw [ #5 , fill = #5 ] (#3) -- (#3-1) -- (#3-2) -- (#3) ; \end{pgfonlayer} \setistNullNodeStyle{\istdefault@null@nodesize} } } % \obsoleteISTCntmArc (arc version) (obsolete) - backward compatibility % (used in \istcntmA) \NewDocumentCommand \obsoleteISTCntmArc { t' O{south} r() D(){0,0} O{} G{.5} D+.{\cntmdefaultlevdist} D.+{\cntmdefaultsibdist} } { \cntmdistance{#7}{#8} \tikzset{level~1/.style={level~distance=\cntmlevdist,sibling~distance=\cntmsibdist}} % \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} \node (#3) at (#4) [ null~node ] { } [\xt@growswap=#2] child child ; \draw [ bend~left , #5 ] ( $ (#3) ! #6 ! (#3-1) $ ) to ( $ (#3) ! #6 ! (#3-2) $ ) ; \end{pgfonlayer} } { \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} \node (#3) at (#4) [ null~node ] { } [\xt@grow=#2] child child ; \draw [ bend~right , #5 ] ( $ (#3) ! #6 ! (#3-1) $ ) to ( $ (#3) ! #6 ! (#3-2) $ ) ; \end{pgfonlayer} } } % \istcntm(') (obsolete) - backward compatibility \NewDocumentCommand \istcntm { t' O{\istdefault@grow} r() D(){0,0} O{\cntm@default@drawcolor} G{} D+.{\cntmdefaultlevdist} D.+{\cntmdefaultsibdist} } { \xdef\istgrowdirection{#2} % used in \istb to specify [payoff direction] \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \obsoleteISTCntm' [ \istgrowdirection ] ( #3 ) ( #4 ) [ #5 ] + #7 .. #8 + } { \obsoleteISTCntm [ \istgrowdirection ] ( #3 ) ( #4 ) [ #5 ] + #7 .. #8 + } } % \istcntmarc(') (obsolete) - backward compatibility \NewDocumentCommand \istcntmarc { t' O{\istdefault@grow} r() D(){0,0} O{} G{.5} D+.{\cntmdefaultlevdist} D.+{\cntmdefaultsibdist} } { \xdef\istgrowdirection{#2} % used in \istb to specify [payoff direction] \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \obsoleteISTCntmArc' [ \istgrowdirection ] ( #3 ) ( #4 ) [ #5 ] { #6 } + #7 .. #8 + } { \obsoleteISTCntmArc [ \istgrowdirection ] ( #3 ) ( #4 ) [ #5 ] { #6 }+ #7 .. #8 + } } %% supplementary macros %% \xInfosetOwner (with abbreviations) % * (from) (to) {owner} [pos] \NewDocumentCommand \xtInfosetOwner{ s r() r() +m O{} } { \begin{scope} % in group: to make \setistmathTF011 local \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { } { \setistmathTF011 \istownertextfont{} } % \str_case_e:nnF { #5 } \str_case:nnF { #5 } { { al } { \node [ above~left ] at ( $ (#2)!.5!(#3) $ ) { \istownerstyle{#4} } ; } { ar } { \node [ above~right ] at ( $ (#2)!.5!(#3) $ ) { \istownerstyle{#4} } ; } { bl } { \node [ below~left ] at ( $ (#2)!.5!(#3) $ ) { \istownerstyle{#4} } ; } { br } { \node [ below~right ] at ( $ (#2)!.5!(#3) $ ) { \istownerstyle{#4} } ; } { l } { \node [ left ] at ( $ (#2)!.5!(#3) $ ) { \istownerstyle{#4} } ; } { r } { \node [ right ] at ( $ (#2)!.5!(#3) $ ) { \istownerstyle{#4} } ; } { a } { \node [ above ] at ( $ (#2)!.5!(#3) $ ) { \istownerstyle{#4} } ; } { b } { \node [ below ] at ( $ (#2)!.5!(#3) $ ) { \istownerstyle{#4} } ; } } { \node [ #5 ] at ( $ (#2)!.5!(#3) $ ) { \istownerstyle{#4} } ; } \end{scope} } % \xtOwner (with abbreviations) % * (coor) {owner} [pos] \NewDocumentCommand \xtOwner{ s r() +m O{} } { \begin{scope} % in group: to make \setistmathTF011 local \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { } { \setistmathTF011 \istownertextfont{} } % \str_case_e:nnF { #4 } \str_case:nnF { #4 } { { al } { \node [ above~left ] at (#2) { \istownerstyle{#3} } ; } { ar } { \node [ above~right ] at (#2) { \istownerstyle{#3} } ; } { bl } { \node [ below~left ] at (#2) { \istownerstyle{#3} } ; } { br } { \node [ below~right ] at (#2) { \istownerstyle{#3} } ; } { l } { \node [ left ] at (#2) { \istownerstyle{#3} } ; } { r } { \node [ right ] at (#2) { \istownerstyle{#3} } ; } { a } { \node [ above ] at (#2) { \istownerstyle{#3} } ; } { b } { \node [ below ] at (#2) { \istownerstyle{#3} } ; } } { \node [ above , #4 ] at (#2) { \istownerstyle{#3} } ; } \end{scope} } % \xtActionLabel % BE CAREFUL: each case has different options (do not try to shorten) % * [opt] (parent) (child) {action label} [pos] \NewDocumentCommand \xtActionLabel{ s O{} r() r() G{} O{} } { \begin{scope} % in group: to make \setistmathTF011 local \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { } { \setistmathTF011 \istactionlabeltextfont{} } % \str_case_e:nnF { #6 } \str_case:nnF { #6 } { { al } { \draw [ - , draw = none , #2 ] (#3) to [ edge~node = { node [ above~left , black , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \istactionlabelxshift , yshift = -\istactionlabelyshift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#5} } } ] (#4) ; } { ar } { \draw [ - , draw = none , #2 ] (#3) to [ edge~node = { node [ above~right , black , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\istactionlabelxshift , yshift = -\istactionlabelyshift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#5} } } ] (#4) ; } { bl } { \draw [ - , draw = none , #2 ] (#3) to [ edge~node = { node [ below~left , black , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = \istactionlabelxshift , yshift = \istactionlabelyshift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#5} } } ] (#4) ; } { br } { \draw [ - , draw = none , #2 ] (#3) to [ edge~node = { node [ below~right , black , text~depth = .25ex , xshift = -\istactionlabelxshift , yshift = \istactionlabelyshift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#5} } } ] (#4) ; } { l } { \draw [ - , draw = none , #2 ] (#3) to [ edge~node = { node [ left , black , text~depth = .25ex , yshift = -\xtALyShift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#5} } } ] (#4) ; } { r } { \draw [ - , draw = none , #2 ] (#3) to [ edge~node = { node [ right , black , text~depth = .25ex , yshift = \xtALyShift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#5} } } ] (#4) ; } { a } { \draw [ - , draw = none , #2 ] (#3) to [ edge~node = { node [ above , black , text~depth = .25ex , yshift = \xtALyShift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#5} } } ] (#4) ; } { b } { \draw [ - , draw = none , #2 ] (#3) to [ edge~node = { node [ below , black , text~depth = .25ex , yshift = -\xtALyShift ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#5} } } ] (#4) ; } } { \draw [ - , draw = none , #2] (#3) to [ edge~node = { node [ black , text~depth = .25ex , #6 ] { \istactionlabelstyle{#5} } } ] (#4) ; } \end{scope} } \def\xtdefault@xtpayoff@outersep{4pt} % \xtPayoff (with abbreviations) % * (coor) {payoffs} [pos] \NewDocumentCommand \xtPayoff{ s r() +m O{below} } { \begin{scope} % in group: to make \setistmathTF011 local \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { } { \setistmathTF011 \istpayofftextfont{} } % \str_case_e:nnF { #4 } \str_case:nnF { #4 } { { al } { \node [ above~left , inner~sep = 0pt , outer~sep = \xtdefault@xtpayoff@outersep , text~depth = .25ex ] at (#2) { \istpayoffstyle{#3} } ; } { ar } { \node [ above~right , inner~sep = 0pt , outer~sep = \xtdefault@xtpayoff@outersep , text~depth = .25ex ] at (#2) { \istpayoffstyle{#3} } ; } { bl } { \node [ below~left , inner~sep = 0pt , outer~sep = \xtdefault@xtpayoff@outersep , text~depth = .25ex ] at (#2) { \istpayoffstyle{#3} } ; } { br } { \node [ below~right , inner~sep = 0pt , outer~sep = \xtdefault@xtpayoff@outersep , text~depth = .25ex ] at (#2) { \istpayoffstyle{#3} } ; } { l } { \node [ left , inner~sep = 0pt , outer~sep = \xtdefault@xtpayoff@outersep , text~depth = .25ex ] at (#2) { \istpayoffstyle{#3} } ; } { r } { \node [ right , inner~sep = 0pt , outer~sep = \xtdefault@xtpayoff@outersep , text~depth = .25ex ] at (#2) { \istpayoffstyle{#3} } ; } { a } { \node [ above , inner~sep = 0pt , outer~sep = \xtdefault@xtpayoff@outersep , text~depth = .25ex ] at (#2) { \istpayoffstyle{#3} } ; } { b } { \node [ below , inner~sep = 0pt , outer~sep = \xtdefault@xtpayoff@outersep , text~depth = .25ex ] at (#2) { \istpayoffstyle{#3} } ; } } { \node [ inner~sep = 0pt , outer~sep = \xtdefault@xtpayoff@outersep , text~depth = .25ex , #4 ] at (#2) { \istpayoffstyle{#3} } ; } \end{scope} } % \xtNode(*) % * [opt] (coor) [node style] {text} \NewDocumentCommand \xtNode{ s O{} r() O{} +G{} } { \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \istrooto (#3) (#3) [ plain~node , #4 ] {#5} \printist ; } { \node [ - , #2 ] at (#3) [ solid~node , #4 ] {#5} ; } } %% show and hide endpoints \NewDocumentCommand \xtShowEndPoints{ s O{solid~node} } { \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \def\xt@show@endpoint{node[#2]{}} \def\xt@show@tndot{node[#2]{}} \def\cntm@show@endpoint{node[at~end,#2]{}} %% PROBLEMatic: node [#2] (ref. \cntmOUTERistb) } { \def\xt@show@endpoint{node[#2]{}} \def\xt@show@tndot{node[#2]{}} } } \NewDocumentCommand \xtHideEndPoints{s} { \IfBooleanTF {#1} { % works only for cntm \renewcommand*\cntm@show@endpoint{} } { \renewcommand*\xt@show@endpoint{} \renewcommand*\xt@show@tndot{} } } %% show and hide terminal nodes \NewDocumentCommand \xtShowTerminalNodes{ O{terminal~node} } { \def\xt@show@tndot{node[#1]{}} } \NewDocumentCommand \xtHideTerminalNodes{} { \renewcommand*\xt@show@tndot{} } %% subgames % subgame box/oval layer \def\xtdefault@subgamelayer { background } \newcommand*\xtsubgamelayer{ \xtdefault@subgamelayer } \NewDocumentCommand \setxtsubgamelayer { G{\xtdefault@subgamelayer} } { \renewcommand \xtsubgamelayer { #1 } } \def\xtdefault@subrootshiftbox { 0 , -.3 } % \xtSubgameBox % * (root coor) { (coor1) (coor2)... } [additional opt] \NewDocumentCommand \xtSubgameBox { s r() m O{} } { \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \coordinate (xtsubroot) at ( $ (#2) + (\xtdefault@subrootshiftbox) $ ) ; \begin{pgfonlayer}{\xtsubgamelayer} \node [ rectangle , fill , red!20 , inner~sep = 20pt , rounded~corners = 15pt , #4 ] [ fit = (xtsubroot) #3 ] { } ; \end{pgfonlayer} } { \coordinate (xtsubroot) at ( $ (#2) + ( 0 , -.3 ) $ ) ; \begin{pgfonlayer}{\xtsubgamelayer} \node [ rectangle , draw , dashed , inner~sep = 20pt , rounded~corners = 15pt , black!50 , #4 ] [ fit = (xtsubroot) #3 ] {} ; \end{pgfonlayer} } } \def\xtdefault@subrootshiftoval { 0 , -.7 } % \xtSubgameOval % * (root coor) { (coor1) (coor2)... } [additional opt] \NewDocumentCommand \xtSubgameOval { s r() m O{} } { \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \coordinate (xtsubroot) at ( $ (#2) + (\xtdefault@subrootshiftoval) $ ) ; \begin{pgfonlayer}{\xtsubgamelayer} \node [ ellipse , fill , red!20 , inner~sep = 15pt , #4 ] [ fit = (xtsubroot) #3 ] { } ; \end{pgfonlayer} } { \coordinate (xtsubroot) at ( $ (#2) + ( 0 , -.7 ) $ ) ; \begin{pgfonlayer}{\xtsubgamelayer} % borrowed from infoset \node [ ellipse , draw , dashed , inner~sep = 15pt , black!50 , #4 ] [ fit = (xtsubroot) #3 ] { } ; \end{pgfonlayer} } } % \xtTimeLineH % ' [line opt] (passing point) {from dim} {to dim} {label} [pos] \NewDocumentCommand \xtTimeLineH { t' O{} r() m m G{} O{}} { \bool_if:NTF \xt_growswap_call_bool { % if swapped, go opposite direction \pgfmathsetmacro \tlhAA { -1 * #4 } \pgfmathsetmacro \tlhBB { -1 * #5 } \IfBooleanTF { #1 } { \coordinate (tlhCC) at ( #3 -| { \tlhBB , \tlhAA } ) ; \tl_set:Nn \_TH_label_pos_tl { left } } { \coordinate (tlhCC) at ( #3 -| { \tlhAA , \tlhBB } ) ; \tl_set:Nn \_TH_label_pos_tl { right } } } { \def \tlhAA { #4 } \def \tlhBB { #5 } \IfBooleanTF {#1} { \coordinate (tlhCC) at ( #3 -| { \tlhAA , \tlhBB } ) ; \tl_set:Nn \_TH_label_pos_tl { left } } { \coordinate (tlhCC) at ( #3 -| { \tlhBB , \tlhAA } ) ; \tl_set:Nn \_TH_label_pos_tl { right } } } \begin{pgfonlayer}{\xtsubgamelayer} % \str_case_e:nnF {#7} \str_case:nnF {#7} { {al} { \node at (tlhCC) [ above~left ] {#6} ; } {ar} { \node at (tlhCC) [ above~right ] {#6} ; } {bl} { \node at (tlhCC) [ below~left ] {#6} ; 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\tl_set:Nn \_TH_label_pos_tl { right } } { \coordinate (tlvCC) at ( #3 |- { \tlvAA , \tlvBB } ) ; \tl_set:Nn \_TH_label_pos_tl { right } } } \begin{pgfonlayer}{\xtsubgamelayer} % \str_case_e:nnF {#7} \str_case:nnF {#7} { {al} { \node at (tlvCC) [ above~left ] {#6} ; } {ar} { \node at (tlvCC) [ above~right ] {#6} ; } {bl} { \node at (tlvCC) [ below~left ] {#6} ; } {br} { \node at (tlvCC) [ below~right ] {#6} ; } {l} { \node at (tlvCC) [ left ] {#6} ; } {r} { \node at (tlvCC) [ right ] {#6} ; } {a} { \node at (tlvCC) [ above ] {#6} ; } {b} { \node at (tlvCC) [ below ] {#6} ; } } { \node at ( tlvCC ) [ \_TH_label_pos_tl , #7 ] {#6} ; } \draw [ - , dotted , shorten~< = 0pt, shorten~> = 0pt , #2 ] ( #3 |- { \tlvBB , \tlvAA } ) -- ( #3 |- { \tlvAA , \tlvBB } ) ; \end{pgfonlayer} } %% \xtCommentTo % [line opt] (absolute to-coor) (relative from-coor) {text} [pos] (arrow end shorten dim) \NewDocumentCommand \xtCommentTo { O{} r() r() G{} O{} D(){1pt} } { \draw [ -> , densely~dotted , shorten~< = 0pt , shorten~> = #6 , #1 ] ( $ (#2) + (#3) $ ) to (#2) ; 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} {br} { \node at (#2) [ below~right ] {#4} ; } {l} { \node at (#2) [ left ] {#4} ; } {r} { \node at (#2) [ right ] {#4} ; } {a} { \node at (#2) [ above ] {#4} ; } {b} { \node at (#2) [ below ] {#4} ; } } { \node at (#2) [ above , #5 ] {#4} ; } } %% mid arrow styles: basics % \xt@default... used \def\xt@default@arrow@pos { .55 } \def\xt@arrow@pos { \xt@default@arrow@pos } \def\xt@default@arrow@opt { black } % black needed here (not to depend on branch color) \def\xt@arrow@opt { \xt@default@arrow@opt } \def\xt@default@arrow@shape { > } \def\xt@arrow@shape { \xt@default@arrow@shape } \newcommand*\xtarrowpos { \xt@arrow@pos } \newcommand*\xtarrowopt { \xt@arrow@opt } \newcommand*\xtarrowshape { \xt@arrow@shape } % \setxtarrowtips % to toss values to arrow tip styls \NewDocumentCommand \setxtarrowtips { D<>{ \xt@default@arrow@pos } G{ \xt@default@arrow@shape } O{ \xt@default@arrow@opt } } { \renewcommand*\xt@arrow@pos {#1} \renewcommand*\xt@arrow@shape {#2} \renewcommand*\xtarrowopt { - , thin , solid , shorten~> = 0 , #3} } % initial set for defaults \setxtarrowtips % variable style [->]: % accepts an option value changed by \xtarrowopt (this is better) % alternative choice: use original value \xt@arrow@opt by default \tikzset { ->- /.style = { decoration = { markings , mark = at~position~ #1 ~with~ { \exp_last_unbraced:NNV \arrow [ \xtarrowopt ] { \xtarrowshape } } } , postaction = {decorate} } , ->-/.default = \xt@arrow@pos } \tikzset { ->>- /.style = { decoration = { markings , mark = at~position~ #1 ~with~ { \exp_last_unbraced:NNo \arrow [ \xtarrowopt ] { >> } } } , postaction = {decorate} } , ->>-/.default = .6 } \tikzset { ->>>- /.style = { decoration = { markings , mark = at~position~ #1 ~with~ { \exp_last_unbraced:NNo \arrow [ \xtarrowopt ] { >>> } } } , postaction = {decorate} } , ->>>-/.default = .65 } \tikzset { -o- /.style = { decoration = { markings , mark = at~position~ #1 ~with~ { \exp_last_unbraced:NNo \arrow [ \xtarrowopt ] { o } } } , postaction = {decorate} } , -o-/.default = .55 } \tikzset { -x- /.style = { decoration = { markings , mark = at~position~ #1 ~with~ { \exp_last_unbraced:NNo \draw [ \xtarrowopt ] (-2pt,-2pt) -- (2pt,2pt); 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