% % CoDi: Commutative Diagrams for TeX % Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Paolo Brasolin % SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT % % This file is part of CoDi 1.0.1, released on 2020/06/11 under MIT license. % %==[ document class ]=========================================================== \documentclass[12pt]{scrbook} %==[ languages ]================================================================ \usepackage[british]{babel} % \hyphenation{Fortran hy-phen-ation} %==[ fonts, encoding ]========================================================== \usepackage{libertine} \usepackage{libertinust1math} \usepackage[ttdefault=true]{AnonymousPro} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %==[ page geometry ]============================================================ \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{ a4paper, portrait, marginparwidth=4.25cm, marginparsep=.75cm, %% showframe, width=11cm, hmarginratio=10:25, height=23cm, vmarginratio=20:30, } \makeatletter \let\org@Gm@pageframes\Gm@pageframes 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]===================================================================== % \usetikzlibrary{commutative-diagrams} \usepackage{commutative-diagrams} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} %==[ alternatives to CoDi ]===================================================== % So, yeah, I got *really* tired... \usepackage{filecontents} % Copied from Xy sourcecode \def\Xy{\hbox{\kern-.1em X\kern-.3em\lower.4ex\hbox{Y\kern-.15em}}} %==[ utilities and custom macros ]============================================== \usepackage{etoolbox} \usepackage{xparse} % \NewDocumentCommand{\SmashAndCenter}{m}{% % \begingroup\setbox0=\hbox{#1}% % \newdimen\tmp\tmp=\dimexpr-.5\ht0+.5\dp0\relax% % \hfill\smash{\raisebox{\the\tmp}{\box0}}\hfill\null\endgroup% % } \newsavebox\SmashAndCenterBox \newdimen\SmashandCenterRaise % TODO: make overflow on left pages go left \NewDocumentEnvironment{SmashAndCenter}{}{% \begin{lrbox}{\SmashAndCenterBox}}{% \end{lrbox}% 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Its aim is\linebreak making commutative diagrams\linebreak easy to design, parse and tweak.\par \end{adjustwidth} \newpage \section{Preliminaries} \TikZ\ is the only dependency of \CoDi. This ensures compatibility with most\footnote{\CoDi\ builds upon \TikZ, which builds upon {\ttfamily\small pgf}, which after version 3.1 requires at least \hologo{eTeX} version 2. This is inconsequential except in the unlikely event you're using Knuth's original {\ttfamily\small tex} format.} \TeX\ flavours. Furthermore, it can be invoked both as a standalone and as a \TikZ\ library. Below are minimal working examples for the main dialects. \begin{figure}[H] \begin{adjustwidth}{0sp}{-\marginparwidth-\marginparsep} \begin{subfigure}{\marginparwidth} \caption*{\TeX\ package} \begin{lstlisting}[gobble=8] \input {commutative-diagrams} \codi % diagram here \endcodi \bye \end{lstlisting} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}{\marginparwidth} \caption*{\ConTeXt\ module} \begin{lstlisting}[gobble=8] \usemodule [commutative-diagrams] \starttext \startcodi % diagram here \stopcodi \stoptext \end{lstlisting} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}{\marginparwidth} \caption*{\LaTeX\ package} \begin{lstlisting}[gobble=8] \documentclass{article} \usepackage {commutative-diagrams} \begin{document} \begin{codi} % diagram here \end{codi} \end{document} \end{lstlisting} \end{subfigure} \par \begin{subfigure}{\marginparwidth} \caption*{\TeX\ (\TikZ\ library)} \begin{lstlisting}[gobble=8] \input{tikz} \usetikzlibrary [commutative-diagrams] \tikzpicture[codi] % diagram here \endtikzpicture \bye \end{lstlisting} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}{\marginparwidth} \caption*{\ConTeXt\ (\TikZ\ library)} \begin{lstlisting}[gobble=8] \usemodule[tikz] \usetikzlibrary [commutative-diagrams] \starttext \starttikzpicture[codi] % diagram here \stoptikzpicture \stoptext \end{lstlisting} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}{\marginparwidth} \caption*{\LaTeX\ (\TikZ\ library)} \begin{lstlisting}[gobble=8] \documentclass{article} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary {commutative-diagrams} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[codi] % diagram here \end{tikzpicture} \end{document} \end{lstlisting} \end{subfigure} \end{adjustwidth} \end{figure} \begin{marginfigure}[0em] % \caption*{\TikZ\ externalization} \begin{lstlisting}[gobble=4] \documentclass{article} \usepackage {commutative-diagrams} % Or, equivalently: %\usepackage{tikz} %\usetikzlibrary % {commutative-diagrams} \usetikzlibrary{external} \tikzexternalize [prefix=tikzpics/] \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[codi] % diagram here \end{tikzpicture} \end{document} \end{lstlisting} \end{marginfigure} A useful \TikZ\ feature exclusive to \LaTeX\ is \NiceURL {externalization} {http://texdoc.net/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pgf/pgfmanual.pdf\#page=607}. It is an effective way to boost processing times by (re)\-compiling figures as external files only when strictly necessary. A small expedient is necessary to use it with \CoDi: diagrams must be wrapped in \lstinline|tikzpicture| environments endowed with the \lstinline|/tikz/codi| key. On the side is an example saving the pictures in the \lstinline|./tikzpics/| folder to keep things tidy. \hfill$\therefore$\hfill\null Basic knowledge of \TikZ\ is assumed. A plethora of excellent resources exist, so no crash course on the matter will be improvised here. Higher proficiency is not necessary, though recommended: it will make \CoDi\ a pliable framework instead of a black box. \newpage \section{Quick tour} Objects are typeset using the \lstinline|\obj| macro. \begin{tcblisting}{snippet, trim} \begin{codi} \obj {X}; \end{codi} \end{tcblisting} Almost every diagram is laid along a regular grid, so the customary tabular syntax of \TeX\ is recognized. \begin{tcblisting}{snippet, trim} \begin{codi} \obj { A & B \\ C & D \\ }; \end{codi} \end{tcblisting} \CoDi\ objects are self-aware and clever enough to name themselves so you can comfortably refer to them. \begin{tcblisting}{snippet, trim} \begin{codi} \obj {\lim F}; \draw (lim F) circle (4ex); \end{codi} \end{tcblisting} Morphisms are typeset using the \lstinline!\mor! macro. \begin{tcblisting}{snippet, trim} \begin{codi} \obj { A & B \\ }; \mor A f:-> B; \end{codi} \end{tcblisting} Commutative diagrams exist to illustrate composition and commutation, so \CoDi\ allows arrow chaining and chain gluing. \begin{tcblisting}{snippet, trim} \begin{codi} \obj { A & B \\ C & D \\ }; \mor A -> B -> D; \mor * -> C -> *; \end{codi} \end{tcblisting} These are the only two macros defined by \CoDi. There are more features, though.\\ Read on if this caught your attention. \newpage \section{Alternatives} It is only fair to mutely offer a comparison with mainstream packages, showing idiomatic code to draw the same diagram. Let \NiceURL {\Xy-pic} {http://texdoc.net/texmf-dist/doc/generic/xypic/xyrefer.pdf\#page=1} set the bar with a \emph{verbatim} extract from its manual. % Well, I got to admit that among the three alternatives % Xy-pics was by far the best citizen. Mad props. \begin{filecontents*}{alternatives-xypic-pic.tex} \documentclass[12pt]{standalone} \usepackage{libertine} \usepackage{libertinust1math} \usepackage[all]{xy} \begin{document} \xymatrix{ U \ar@/_/[ddr]_y \ar[dr] \ar@/^/[drr]^x \\ & X \times_Z Y \ar[d]^q \ar[r]_p & X \ar[d]_f \\ & Y \ar[r]^g & Z } \end{document} \end{filecontents*} \IfFileExists{alternatives-xypic-pic.pdf}{}{\immediate\write18{pdflatex alternatives-xypic-pic.tex}} \begin{tcblisting}{ commented snippet, image comment={}{alternatives-xypic-pic.pdf}, } \xymatrix{ U \ar@/_/[ddr]_y \ar[dr] \ar@/^/[drr]^x \\ & X \times_Z Y \ar[d]^q \ar[r]_p & X \ar[d]_f \\ & Y \ar[r]^g & Z } \end{tcblisting} Here is an example adapted from \NiceURL {\ttfamily\small pst-node} {http://texdoc.net/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-node/pst-node-doc.pdf\#page=23}'s documentation. % I got really, really tired of pstricks subtle limitations. % auto-pst-pdf doesnt really work on externalized listings. % Ordinary compilation gotta pass through PS so it's tricky. % Furthermore it just breaks TikZ opacity unless you use PS. % Ain't nobody got time for that. \begin{filecontents*}{alternatives-pstnode-pic.tex} \documentclass[12pt]{standalone} \usepackage{libertine} \usepackage{libertinust1math} \usepackage{pstricks} \usepackage{pst-node} \begin{document} $ \psset{colsep=2.5em, rowsep=2em} \begin{psmatrix} U \\ & X\times_Z Y & X \\ & Y & Z \psset{arrows=->, nodesep=3pt} \everypsbox{\scriptstyle} \ncline{1,1}{2,2} \ncarc[arcangle=-10]{1,1}{3,2}_{y} \ncarc[arcangle=10]{1,1}{2,3}^{x} \ncline{2,2}{3,2}>{q} \ncline{2,2}{2,3}_{p} \ncline{2,3}{3,3}<{f} \ncline{3,2}{3,3}^{g} \end{psmatrix}$ \end{document} \end{filecontents*} \IfFileExists{alternatives-pstnode-pic.pdf}{}{\immediate\write18{latex alternatives-pstnode-pic.tex && dvips alternatives-pstnode-pic.dvi && ps2pdf alternatives-pstnode-pic.ps}} \begin{tcblisting}{ commented snippet, image comment={}{alternatives-pstnode-pic.pdf} } $ \psset{colsep=2.5em, rowsep=2em} \begin{psmatrix} U \\ & X\times_Z Y & X \\ & Y & Z \psset{arrows=->, nodesep=3pt} \everypsbox{\scriptstyle} \ncline{1,1}{2,2} \ncarc[arcangle=-10]{1,1}{3,2}_{y} \ncarc[arcangle=10]{1,1}{2,3}^{x} \ncline{2,2}{3,2}>{q} \ncline{2,2}{2,3}_{p} \ncline{2,3}{3,3}<{f} \ncline{3,2}{3,3}^{g} \end{psmatrix}$ \end{tcblisting} Next one is refitted from the guide to \NiceURL {\ttfamily\small\{tikz-cd\}} {http://texdoc.net/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tikz-cd/tikz-cd-doc.pdf\#page=3}. % It seems that tikz-cd is overwriting some arrows.meta % global keys. I have no intention of investigating % so let's just isolate the problem. \begin{filecontents*}{alternatives-tikzcd-pic.tex} \documentclass[12pt]{standalone} \usepackage{libertine} \usepackage{libertinust1math} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{cd} \begin{document} \begin{tikzcd}[column sep=scriptsize, row sep=scriptsize] U \arrow[drr, bend left=10, "x"] \arrow[ddr, bend right=10, swap, "y"] \arrow[dr] & & \\ & X \times_Z Y \arrow[r, swap, "p"] \arrow[d, "q"] & X \arrow[d, swap, "f"] \\ & Y \arrow[r, "g"] & Z \end{tikzcd} \end{document} \end{filecontents*} \IfFileExists{alternatives-tikzcd-pic.pdf}{}{\immediate\write18{pdflatex alternatives-tikzcd-pic.tex}} \begin{tcblisting}{ commented snippet, image comment={}{alternatives-tikzcd-pic.pdf}, } \begin{tikzcd}[column sep=scriptsize, row sep=scriptsize] U \arrow[drr, bend left=10, "x"] \arrow[ddr, bend right=10, swap, "y"] \arrow[dr] & & \\ & X \times_Z Y \arrow[r, swap, "p"] \arrow[d, "q"] & X \arrow[d, swap, "f"] \\ & Y \arrow[r, "g"] & Z \end{tikzcd} \end{tcblisting} Finally, \textbf{\CoDi}. \begin{tcblisting}{snippet} \begin{codi}[tetragonal] \obj { |(pb)| X \times_Z Y & X \\ Y & Z \\ }; \obj [above left=of pb] {U}; \mor[swap] pb p:-> X f:-> Z; \mor * q:-> Y g:-> *; \mor U -> pb; \mor :[bend left=10] * x:-> X; \mor[swap]:[bend right=10] * y:-> Y; \end{codi} \end{tcblisting} \newpage \section{Syntax: objects} The first of the two macros that \CoDi\ offers is \lstinline|\obj|. It is polymorphic and can draw both single objects and layouts. \begin{lstlisting} \obj@opt@ @/opt@{};(@ \marginpar{\scriptsize {\color{orange!80!black}Orange fragments} are optional.}@) \obj@opt@ @/opt@{}; \end{lstlisting} Layouts are described using the customary \TeX\ tabular syntax. \begin{lstlisting} := (@\itshape\underbar{ }@)(@ \marginpar{\scriptsize \underbar{Underlined fragments} can repeat one or more times.}@) := (@\itshape\color{orange!80!black}\underbar{ }@) := \\ @opt@[]@/opt@ := @opt@|| @/opt@ := & @opt@[]@/opt@ \end{lstlisting} The discretionary options syntax is analogous to standard \TikZ\ nodes and matrices, respectively. \begin{lstlisting} := (@\itshape\color{orange!80!black}\underbar{[object keylist]}@) @opt@() at ()@/opt@ := (@\itshape\color{orange!80!black}\underbar{[layout keylist]}@) @opt@() at ()@/opt@ \end{lstlisting} \hfill$\therefore$\hfill\null Nothing of the given syntax is specific to \CoDi. In fact, \lstinline|\obj| can draw both single objects and layouts by behaving like the standard \TikZ\ macros \lstinline|\node| and \lstinline|\matrix| respectively. Furthermore, layouts content is specified using the common \TeX\ tabular syntax. The only catch is that row and column separators are always mandatory. Here is a kitchen sink that includes custom spacing: \begin{tcblisting}{snippet, trim} \begin{codi}[square=3em] \obj { A & B &[1em] C \\ D & E & F \\[-1em] G & H & I \\ }; \end{codi} \end{tcblisting} Here is another one that includes custom options: \begin{tcblisting}{snippet, trim} \begin{codi}[square=3em] \obj [red] { A & |[blue]| B & C \\ }; \end{codi} \end{tcblisting} A standard feature inherited from \TikZ\ worth a mention is the ability to name a layout and refer to cells by their row/column index pairs. \begin{tcblisting}{snippet, trim} \begin{codi}[square=3em] \obj (M) { A & A \\ A & A \\ }; \node [draw=red, shape=circle, minimum size=2em] at (M-1-2) {}; \node [draw=blue, shape=circle, minimum size=2em] at (M-2-1) {}; \end{codi} \end{tcblisting} \newpage \section{Syntax: morphisms} \begingroup\tcbset{trim/.default={3 and -1}} The second and last macro that \CoDi\ offers is \lstinline|\mor|. It can draw single or chained morphisms. \begin{lstlisting} \mor@opt@ @/opt@(@ \itshape\underbar{\textvisiblespace\textvisiblespace}@);(@ \marginpar{\scriptsize Whitespace marked as \textvisiblespace\ is mandatory.}@) \end{lstlisting} Source and target objects are referred to by their name. \begin{lstlisting} := @nws@()@/nws@ (@ \marginpar{\scriptsize {\color{blue!80!black}Blue fragments} can be either enclosed in the shown delimiters, or a \TeX\ group (not idiomatic), or simply devoid of whitespace.}@) \end{lstlisting} Morphisms consist of one or more optional labels and an arrow. \begin{lstlisting} := @opt@ : @/opt@ := @nws@""@/nws@ XOR (@\underbar{[{\itshape "",