%DO NOT EDIT THIS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED FILE, run "make changelog" at toplevel!!! The major changes among the different circuitikz versions are listed here. See \url{https://github.com/circuitikz/circuitikz/commits} for a full list of changes. \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Version 1.0 (2020-02-04) \end{itemize} And finally\ldots{} version 1.0 (2020-02-04) of \texttt{circuitikz} is released. The main updates since version 0.8.3, which was the last release before Romano started co-maintaining the project, are the following --- part coded by Romano, part by several collaborators around the internet: \begin{itemize} \item The manual has been reorganized and extended, with the addition of a tutorial part; tens of examples have been added all over the map. \item Around 74 new shapes where added. Notably, now there are chips, mux-demuxes, multi-terminal transistors, several types of switches, flip-flops, vacuum tubes, 7-segment displays, more amplifiers, and so on. \item Several existing shapes have been enhanced; for example, logic gates have a variable number of inputs, transistors are more configurable, resistors can be shaped more, and more. \item You can style your circuit, changing relative sizes, default thickness and fill color, and more details of how you like your circuit to look; the same you can do with labels (voltages, currents, names of components and so on). \item A lot of bugs have been squashed; especially the (very complex) voltage direction conundrum has been clarified and you can choose your preferred style here too. \end{itemize} A detailed list of changes can be seen below. \begin{itemize} \item Version 1.0.0-pre3 (not released) \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Added a Reed switch \item Put the copyright and license notices on all files and update them \item Fixed the loading of style; we should not guard against reload \end{itemize} \item Version 1.0.0-pre2 (2020-01-23) \textbf{Really} last additions toward the 1.0.0 version. The most important change is the addition of multiplexer and de-multiplexers; also added the multi-wires (bus) markers. \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Added mux-demux shapes \item Added the possibility to suppress the input leads in logic gates \item Added multiple wires markers \item Added a style to switch off the automatic rotation of instruments \item Changed the shape of the or-type american logic ports (reversible with a flag) \end{itemize} \item Version 1.0.0-pre1 (2019-12-22) Last additions before the long promised 1.0! In this pre-release we feature a flip-flop library, a revamped configurability of amplifiers (and a new amplifier as a bonus) and some bug fix around the clock. \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Added a flip-flop library \item Added a single-input generic amplifier with the same dimension as ``plain amp'' \item Added border anchors to amplifiers \item Added the possibility (expert only!) to add transparency to poles (after a suggestion from user @matthuszagh on GitHub) \item Make plus and minus symbol on amplifiers configurable \item Adjusted the position of text in triangular amplifiers \item Fixed ``plain amp'' not respecting ``noinv input up'' \item Fixed minor incompatibility with ConTeXt and Plain TeX \end{itemize} \item Version 0.9.7 (2019-12-01) The important thing in this release is the new position of transistor's labels; see the manual for details. \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Fix the position of transistor's text. There is an option to revert to the old behavior. \item Added anchors for adding circuits (like snubbers) to the flyback diodes in transistors (after a suggestion from @EdAlvesSilva on GitHub). \end{itemize} \item Version 0.9.6 (2019-11-09) The highlights of this release are the new multiple terminals BJTs and several stylistic addition and fixes; if you like to pixel-peep, you will like the fixed transistors arrows. Additionally, the transformers are much more configurable now, the ``pmos'' and ``nmos'' elements have grown an optional bulk connection, and you can use the ``flow'' arrows outside of a path. Several small and less small bugs have been fixed. \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Added multi-collectors and multi-emitter bipolar transistors \item Added the possibility to style each one of the two coils in a transformer independently \item Added bulk connection to normal MOSFETs and the respective anchors \item Added ``text'' anchor to the flow arrows, to use them alone in a consistent way \item Fixed flow, voltage, and current arrow positioning when ``auto'' is active on the path \item Fixed transistors arrows overshooting the connection point, added a couple of anchors \item Fixed a spelling error on op-amp key ``noinv input down'' \item Fixed a problem with ``quadpoles style=inner'' and ``transformer core'' having the core lines running too near \end{itemize} \item Version 0.9.5 (2019-10-12) This release basically add features to better control labels, voltages and similar text ``ornaments'' on bipoles, plus some other minor things. On the bug fixes side, a big incompatibility with ConTeXt has been fixed, thanks to help from \texttt{@TheTeXnician} and \texttt{@hmenke} on \texttt{github.com}. \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Added a ``midtap'' anchor for coils and exposed the inner coils shapes in the transformers \item Added a ``curved capacitor'' with polarity coherent with ``ecapacitor'' \item Added the possibility to apply style and access the nodes of bipole's text ornaments (labels, annotations, voltages, currents and flows) \item Added the possibility to move the wiper in resistive potentiometers \item Added a command to load and set a style in one go \item Fixed internal font changing commands for compatibility with ConTeXt \item Fixed hardcoded black color in ``elko'' and ``elmech'' \end{itemize} \item Version 0.9.4 (2019-08-30) This release introduces two changes: a big one, which is the styling of the components (please look at the manual for details) and a change to how voltage labels and arrows are positioned. This one should be backward compatible \emph{unless} you used \texttt{voltage\ shift} introduced in 0.9.0, which was broken when using the global \texttt{scale} parameter. The styling additions are quite big, and, although in principle they are backward compatible, you can find corner cases where they are not, especially if you used to change parameters for \texttt{pgfcirc.defines.tex}; so a snapshot for the 0.9.3 version is available. \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Fixed a bug with ``inline'' gyrators, now the circle will not overlap \item Fixed a bug in input anchors of european not ports \item Fixed ``tlinestub'' so that it has the same default size than ``tline'' (TL) \item Fixed the ``transistor arrows at end'' feature, added to styling \item Changed the behavior of ``voltage shift'' and voltage label positioning to be more robust \item Added several new anchors for ``elmech'' element \item Several minor fixes in some component drawings to allow fill and thickness styles \item Add 0.9.3 version snapshots. \item Added styling of relative size of components (at a global or local level) \item Added styling for fill color and thickeness \item Added style files \end{itemize} \item Version 0.9.3 (2019-07-13) \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Added the option to have ``dotless'' P-MOS (to use with arrowmos option) \item Fixed a (puzzling) problem with coupler2 \item Fixed a compatibility problem with newer PGF (\textgreater{}3.0.1a) \end{itemize} \item Version 0.9.2 (2019-06-21) \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item (hopefully) fixed ConTeXt compatibility. Most new functionality is not tested; testers and developers for the ConTeXt side are needed. \item Added old ConTeXt version for 0.8.3 \item Added tailless ground \end{itemize} \item Version 0.9.1 (2019-06-16) \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Added old LaTeX versions for 0.8.3, 0.7, 0.6 and 0.4 \item Added the option to have inline transformers and gyrators \item Added rotary switches \item Added more configurable bipole nodes (connectors) and more shapes \item Added 7-segment displays \item Added vacuum tubes by J. op den Brouw \item Made the open shape of dcisources configurable \item Made the arrows on vcc and vee configurable \item Fixed anchors of diamondpole nodes \item Fixed a bug (\#205) about unstable anchors in the chip components \item Fixed a regression in label placement for some values of scaling \item Fixed problems with cute switches anchors \end{itemize} \item Version 0.9.0 (2019-05-10) \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Added Romano Giannetti as contributor \item Added a CONTRIBUTING file \item Added options for solving the voltage direction problems. \item Adjusted ground symbols to better match ISO standard, added new symbols \item Added new sources (cute european versions, noise sources) \item Added new types of amplifiers, and option to flip inputs and outputs \item Added bidirectional diodes (diac) thanks to Andre Lucas Chinazzo \item Added L,R,C sensors (with european, american and cute variants) \item Added stacked labels (thanks to the original work by Claudio Fiandrino) \item Make the position of voltage symbols adjustable \item Make the position of arrows in FETs and BJTs adjustable \item Added chips (DIP, QFP) with a generic number of pins \item Added special anchors for transformers (and fixed the wrong center anchor) \item Changed the logical port implementation to multiple inputs (thanks to John Kormylo) with border anchors. \item Added several symbols: bulb, new switches, new antennas, loudspeaker, microphone, coaxial connector, viscoelastic element \item Make most components fillable \item Added the oscilloscope component and several new instruments \item Added viscoelastic element \item Added a manual section on how to define new components \item Fixed american voltage symbols and allow to customize them \item Fixed placement of straightlabels in several cases \item Fixed a bug about straightlabels (thanks to @fotesan) \item Fixed labels spacing so that they are independent on scale factor \item Fixed the position of text labels in amplifiers \end{itemize} \item Version 0.8.3 (2017-05-28) \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Removed unwanted lines at to-paths if the starting point is a node without a explicit anchor. \item Fixed scaling option, now all parts are scaled by bipoles/length \item Surge arrester appears no more if a to path is used without {[}{]}-options \item Fixed current placement now possible with paths at an angle of around 280° \item Fixed voltage placement now possible with paths at an angle of around 280° \item Fixed label and annotation placement (at some angles position not changable) \item Adjustable default distance for straight-voltages: `bipoles/voltage/straight label distance' \item Added Symbol for bandstop filter \item New annotation type to show flows using f=\ldots{} like currents, can be used for thermal, power or current flows \end{itemize} \item Version 0.8.2 (2017-05-01) \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Fixes pgfkeys error using alternatively specified mixed colors(see pgfplots manual section ``4.7.5 Colors'') \item Added new switches ``ncs'' and ``nos'' \item Reworked arrows at spst-switches \item Fixed direction of controlled american voltage source \item ``v\textless{}='' and ``i\textless{}='' do not rotate the sources anymore(see them as ``counting direction indication'', this can be different then the shape orientation); Use the option ``invert'' to change the direction of the source/apperance of the shape. \item current label ``i='' can now be used independent of the regular label ``l='' at current sources \item rewrite of current arrow placement. Current arrows can now also be rotated on zero-length paths \item New DIN/EN compliant operational amplifier symbol ``en amp'' \end{itemize} \item Version 0.8.1 (2017-03-25) \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Fixed unwanted line through components if target coordinate is a name of a node \item Fixed position of labels with subscript letters. \item Absolute distance calculation in terms of ex at rotated labels \item Fixed label for transistor paths (no label drawn) \end{itemize} \item Version 0.8 (2017-03-08) \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Allow use of voltage label at a {[}short{]} \item Correct line joins between path components (to{[}\ldots{}{]}) \item New Pole-shape .-. to fill perpendicular joins \item Fixed direction of controlled american current source \item Fixed incorrect scaling of magnetron \item Fixed: Number of american inductor coils not adjustable \item Fixed Battery Symbols and added new battery2 symbol \item Added non-inverting Schmitttrigger \end{itemize} \item Version 0.7 (2016-09-08) \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Added second annotation label, showing, e.g., the value of an component \item Added new symbol: magnetron \item Fixed name conflict of diamond shape with tikz.shapes package \item Fixed varcap symbol at small scalings \item New packet-option ``straightvoltages, to draw straight(no curved) voltage arrows \item New option ``invert'' to revert the node direction at paths \item Fixed american voltage label at special sources and battery \item Fixed/rotated battery symbol(longer lines by default positive voltage) \item New symbol Schmitttrigger \end{itemize} \item Version 0.6 (2016-06-06) \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Added Mechanical Symbols (damper,mass,spring) \item Added new connection style diamond, use (d-d) \item Added new sources voosource and ioosource (double zero-style) \item All diode can now drawn in a stroked way, just use globel option ``strokediode'' or stroke instead of full/empty, or D-. Use this option for compliance with DIN standard EN-60617 \item Improved Shape of Diodes:tunnel diode, Zener diode, schottky diode (bit longer lines at cathode) \item Reworked igbt: New anchors G,gate and new L-shaped form Lnigbt, Lpigbt \item Improved shape of all fet-transistors and mirrored p-chan fets as default, as pnp, pmos, pfet are already. This means a backward-incompatibility, but smaller code, because p-channels mosfet are by default in the correct direction(source at top). Just remove the `yscale=-1' from your p-chan fets at old pictures. \end{itemize} \item Version 0.5 (2016-04-24) \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item new option boxed and dashed for hf-symbols \item new option solderdot to enable/disable solderdot at source port of some fets \item new parts: photovoltaic source, piezo crystal, electrolytic capacitor, electromechanical device(motor, generator) \item corrected voltage and current direction(option to use old behaviour) \item option to show body diode at fet transistors \end{itemize} \item Version 0.4 \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item minor improvements to documentation \item comply with TDS \item merge high frequency symbols by Stefan Erhardt \item added switch (not opening nor closing) \item added solder dot in some transistors \item improved ConTeXt compatibility \end{itemize} \item Version 0.3.1 \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item different management of color\ldots{} \item fixed typo in documentation \item fixed an error in the angle computation in voltage and current routines \item fixed problem with label size when scaling a tikz picture \item added gas filled surge arrester \item added compatibility option to work with Tikz's own circuit library \item fixed infinite in arctan computation \end{itemize} \item Version 0.3.0 \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item fixed gate node for a few transistors \item added mixer \item added fully differential op amp (by Kristofer M. Monisit) \item now general settings for the drawing of voltage can be overridden for specific components \item made arrows more homogeneous (either the current one, or latex' bt pgf) \item added the single battery cell \item added fuse and asymmetric fuse \item added toggle switch \item added varistor, photoresistor, thermocouple, push button \item added thermistor, thermistor ptc, thermistor ptc \item fixed misalignment of voltage label in vertical bipoles with names \item added isfet \item added noiseless, protective, chassis, signal and reference grounds (Luigi «Liverpool») \end{itemize} \item Version 0.2.4 \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item added square voltage source (contributed by Alistair Kwan) \item added buffer and plain amplifier (contributed by Danilo Piazzalunga) \item added squid and barrier (contributed by Cor Molenaar) \item added antenna and transmission line symbols contributed by Leonardo Azzinnari \item added the changeover switch spdt (suggestion of Fabio Maria Antoniali) \item rename of context.tex and context.pdf (thanks to Karl Berry) \item updated the email address \item in documentation, fixed wrong (non-standard) labelling of the axis in an example (thanks to prof. Claudio Beccaria) \item fixed scaling inconsistencies in quadrupoles \item fixed division by zero error on certain vertical paths \item introduced options straighlabels, rotatelabels, smartlabels \end{itemize} \item Version 0.2.3 \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item fixed compatibility problem with label option from tikz \item Fixed resizing problem for shape ground \item Variable capacitor \item polarized capacitor \item ConTeXt support (read the manual!) \item nfet, nigfete, nigfetd, pfet, pigfete, pigfetd (contribution of Clemens Helfmeier and Theodor Borsche) \item njfet, pjfet (contribution of Danilo Piazzalunga) \item pigbt, nigbt \item \emph{backward incompatibility} potentiometer is now the standard resistor-with-arrow-in-the-middle; the old potentiometer is now known as variable resistor (or vR), similarly to variable inductor and variable capacitor \item triac, thyristor, memristor \item new property ``name'' for bipoles \item fixed voltage problem for batteries in american voltage mode \item european logic gates \item \emph{backward incompatibility} new american standard inductor. Old american inductor now called ``cute inductor'' \item \emph{backward incompatibility} transformer now linked with the chosen type of inductor, and version with core, too. Similarly for variable inductor \item \emph{backward incompatibility} styles for selecting shape variants now end are in the plural to avoid conflict with paths \item new placing option for some tripoles (mostly transistors) \item mirror path style \end{itemize} \item Version 0.2.2 - 20090520 \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Added the shape for lamps. \item Added options \texttt{europeanresistor}, \texttt{europeaninductor}, \texttt{americanresistor} and \texttt{americaninductor}, with corresponding styles. \item FIXED: error in transistor arrow positioning and direction under negative \texttt{xscale} and \texttt{yscale}. \end{itemize} \item Version 0.2.1 - 20090503 \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item Op-amps added \item added options arrowmos and noarrowmos, to add arrows to pmos and nmos \end{itemize} \item Version 0.2 - 20090417 First public release on CTAN \begin{itemize} \tightlist \item \emph{Backward incompatibility}: labels ending with \texttt{:}\textit{angle} are not parsed for positioning anymore. \item Full use of \TikZ~keyval features. \item White background is not filled anymore: now the network can be drawn on a background picture as well. \item Several new components added (logical ports, transistors, double bipoles, \ldots). \item Color support. \item Integration with \{\ttfamily siunitx\}. \item Voltage, american style. \item Better code, perhaps. General cleanup at the very least. \end{itemize} \item Version 0.1 - 2007-10-29 First public release \end{itemize}