-- Copyright 2015 by Malte Skambath -- -- This file may be distributed an/or modified -- -- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or -- 2. under the GNU Public License -- -- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more information -- -- -- @field.visible_objects An array which stores for each supernode a mapping -- of snapshots to the related visible snapshot nodes. -- Note that these mappings may differ from the supergraph -- because if there are two snapshot nodes in consecutive snapshots -- then the first can be shown for a longer time period to -- put aside some fade animations. -- @field is_first A table storing for each snapshot node or snapshot arc if it -- appears in its snapshot. This means that in the previous snapshot -- there is no corresponding arc or node. -- @field is_last A table storing for each snapshot node or arc if there -- is no representative in the next snapshot. -- @field move_on_enter A table which stores for each snapshot object if it is in -- motion while it appears in its snapshot. -- @field move_on_leave A table which stores for each snapshot object if it is in -- motion while switching to the next snapshot -- @field last_rep -- A table which stores for every snapshot node if the representing (visible) node -- disappears with the next snapshot. -- -- @field previous_node The same as |next_node| just for the previous node -- @field next_node A Storage to map each snapshot node to the next node in the -- following snapshot related to the same supernode. -- If in the next snapshot there is node following snapshot node -- then the value is nil. -- local GraphAnimationCoordination = {} -- Imports local lib = require "pgf.gd.lib" local declare = require("pgf.gd.interface.InterfaceToAlgorithms").declare local Storage = require "pgf.gd.lib.Storage" local Coordinate = require "pgf.gd.model.Coordinate" declare { key = "modified", type = "boolean", Initial = false, documentation = [[" This key specifies, if a supernode changed its visual properties since the last snapshot. The default value is |false| and prevent the algorithm to produce a lot of unnecessary animations. "]] } declare { key = "unmodified", use = { { key = "modified", boolean = false}, }, } --- declare { key = "minimum rest time", type = "number", initial = 0.5, documentation = [[" This key specifies a minimum time in which a single node has to be prohibited to be animated. For a node with minimum rest time of 1s that exists in a snapshot at time $t$ this means that all animations including movements and fadings are only allowed before $t$-0.5s and after $t$+0.5s. "]], } declare { key = "maximum motion time", type = "number", initial = math.huge, documentation = [[" Use this key if you want to limit the time during nodes are allowed to move when they changing their positions. "]], } declare { key = "overlapping transition", type = "boolean", initial = true, documentation = [[" Use this key if you want to allow that the fade animations for or disappearing nodes may occurs while the mid time between two snapshots. If false then the appearing ends on the midtime and the disappearing starts in this moment. "]] } --- declare { key = "default evolving graph animation", algorithm = GraphAnimationCoordination, phase = "evolving graph animation", phase_default = true, summary = [[" This phase animates all vertices including movements and fade in or fade out animations given an evolving graph as sequence of single snapshot graphs. "]], documentation = [[" This phase animates all vertices including movements and fade in or fade out animations given an evolving graph as sequence of single snapshot graphs. Your algorithm needs to work on evolving graphs and has to use the |evolving graph animation| phase. You do not need to use this key by yourself then because this key starts the default algorithm algorithm of the phase. % \begin{codeexample}[] local ga_class = self.digraph.options.algorithm_phases['evolving graph animation'] -- animate graph ga_class.new { main_algorithm = self, supergraph = supergraph, digraph = self.digraph, ugraph = self.ugraph }:run() \end{codeexample} This algorithm and phase require a supergraph instance and the original digraph and ugraph. Note that you have to set the layout of the snapshot nodes before running algorithms of this is useful. "]], } -- Help functions -- -- Appends a move animation to a given snapshot object such that the -- object moves from one point to another on a straight line. Note -- that the coordinates of the two points are given as relative -- coordinates to the current origin of the object. -- -- This means if we want to move a node 1cm to the right the value of -- |c_from| has to be (0,0) while |c_to| must be (1,0). The argument -- |c_from| is useful for a node which has a position but its -- previous node related to the same supervertex is at a different -- position. Then we can use this argument to move the new node to -- its origin position for smooth transitions. -- -- @field object The snapshot object which should be moved -- -- @field c_from The coordinate where the animation starts -- -- @field c_to The coordinate where the animation should end -- -- @field t_start The time when the movement starts. -- -- @field t_end The time when the animation stops. local function append_move_animation(object, c_from, c_to, t_start, t_end) if not object then return end assert(object, "no object to animate") if ((c_from.x~=c_to.x) or (c_from.y~=c_to.y))then local animations = object.animations or {} local c1 = Coordinate.new((2*c_from.x+c_to.x)/3,(2*c_from.y+c_to.y)/3) local c2 = Coordinate.new((c_from.x+2*c_to.x)/3,(c_from.y+2*c_to.y)/3) local t1 = (7*t_start + 5*t_end)/12 local t2 = (5*t_start + 7*t_end)/12 table.insert(animations, { attribute = "translate", entries = { { t = t_start, value = c_from}, -- { t = t1, value = c1 }, -- { t = t2, value = c2 }, { t = t_end, value = c_to } }, options = { { key = "freeze at end", }, -- {key = "entry control", value="0}{1",} } }) object.animations = animations end end local function append_fade_animation(object, v_start, v_end, t_start, t_end) local animations = object.animations or {} if v_start == 0 then table.insert(animations, { attribute = "stage", entries = { { t = t_start, value = "true"}, }, options = { { key = "freeze at end" } } }) elseif v_end == 0 and nil then table.insert(animations, { attribute = "stage", entries = { { t = t_end, value = "false"}, }, options = { --{ key = "freeze at end" } } }) end table.insert(animations, { attribute = "opacity", entries = { { t = t_start, value = v_start }, { t = t_end, value = v_end } }, options = { { key = "freeze at end" } } }) object.animations = animations end -- -- check if the difference/vector between two pairs (a1,a2),(b1,b2) of points -- is the same. local function eq_offset(a1, a2, b1, b2) local dx = ((a1.x-a2.x) - (b1.x-b2.x)) local dy = ((a1.y-a2.y) - (b1.y-b2.y)) if dx<0 then dx = -dx end if dy<0 then dy = -dy end return dx<0.001 and dy<0.001 end -- -- Check if two arcs connect a pair of nodes at the same position. -- This can be used as an indicator that two consecutive arcs -- can be represented by the same arc object. -- local function eq_arc(arc1, arc2) if not arc1 or not arc2 then return false end return eq_offset(arc1.tail.pos, arc1.head.pos, arc2.tail.pos, arc2.head.pos) end -- Implementation function GraphAnimationCoordination:run() assert(self.supergraph, "no supergraph defined") self.is_first = Storage.new() self.is_last = Storage.new() self.last_rep = Storage.new() self.move_on_enter = Storage.new() self.move_on_leave = Storage.new() self.previous_node = Storage.new() self.next_node = Storage.new() self.visible_objects = Storage.new() self:precomputeNodes() self:precomputeEdges() self:animateNodeAppearing() self:animateEdgeAppearing() self:generateNodeMotions() self:generateEdgeMotions() end function GraphAnimationCoordination:generateNodeMotions(node_types) local supergraph = self.supergraph local graph = self.digraph for _, supervertex in ipairs(self.supergraph.vertices) do local lj = -1 local last_v = nil local last_time = nil for j, s in ipairs(supergraph.snapshots) do local vertex = supergraph:getSnapshotVertex(supervertex, s) if lj == j-1 and vertex and last_v then local mrt1 = last_v.options["minimum rest time"]/2 local mrt2 = vertex.options["minimum rest time"]/2 local s1 = Coordinate.new(0,0) local e1 = Coordinate.new(vertex.pos.x-last_v.pos.x,-vertex.pos.y+last_v.pos.y) local s2 = Coordinate.new(-vertex.pos.x+last_v.pos.x,vertex.pos.y-last_v.pos.y) local e2 = Coordinate.new(0,0) local t_end = s.timestamp - math.max(0, mrt2) local t_start = last_time + math.max(0,mrt1) local representative = self.visible_objects[supervertex][s] if representative == vertex then append_move_animation(vertex, s2, e2, t_start, t_end) append_move_animation(last_v, s1, e1, t_start, t_end) else append_move_animation(representative,s1,e1,t_start,t_end) end end last_time = s.timestamp lj = j last_v = vertex end end end function GraphAnimationCoordination:generateEdgeMotions() local supergraph = self.supergraph local graph = self.digraph for i, arc in ipairs(supergraph.arcs) do local head = arc.head local tail = arc.tail local last_arc = nil local last_time = nil local last_v = nil local last_w = nil for j, s in ipairs(supergraph.snapshots) do local v = supergraph:getSnapshotVertex(tail,s) local w = supergraph:getSnapshotVertex(head,s) if v and w then local this_arc = graph:arc(v,w) --or graph:arc(w,v) if this_arc then if this_arc and last_arc then local mrt1 = last_v.options["minimum rest time"]/2 local mrt2 = v.options["minimum rest time"]/2 local s1 = Coordinate.new(0,0)--lv.pos local e1 = Coordinate.new(v.pos.x-last_v.pos.x,-v.pos.y+last_v.pos.y) local s2 = Coordinate.new(-v.pos.x+last_v.pos.x,v.pos.y-last_v.pos.y) local e2 = Coordinate.new(0,0) local t_end = s.timestamp - math.max(0,mrt2) local t_start = last_time + math.max(0,mrt1) local representative = self.visible_objects[arc][s] if representative == this_arc then append_move_animation(last_arc, s1, e1, t_start,t_end) append_move_animation(this_arc, s2, e2, t_start,t_end) else append_move_animation(representative,s1,e1,t_start,t_end) end this_arc = representative end last_arc = this_arc last_v = v last_time = s.timestamp else last_arc = nil end else last_arc = nil end end end end -- -- -- @field t_transition The mid time between two snapshot times. -- @field fade_duration The duration of the fade animation -- @field overlapping A boolean defining if the animation occurs -- before and after the mid time (true) or if it -- starts/end only in one interval (false) -- @field closing A boolean specifying if this is an outfading time local function compute_fade_times(t_transition, fade_duration, overlapping, closing) if overlapping then t_start = t_transition - fade_duration / 2 t_end = t_transition + fade_duration / 2 else if closing then t_start = t_transition - fade_duration t_end = t_transition else t_start = t_transition t_end = t_transition + fade_duration end end return {t_start = t_start, t_end = t_end} end function GraphAnimationCoordination:animateNodeAppearing() local supergraph = self.supergraph for i,vertex in ipairs(self.ugraph.vertices) do local snapshot = supergraph:getSnapshot(vertex) local interval = snapshot.interval local supernode = supergraph:getSupervertex(vertex) local representative = self.visible_objects[supernode][snapshot] local overlapping_in = true -- init true for crossfading local overlapping_out= true local minimum_rest_time = math.max(0,vertex.options["minimum rest time"]) local allow_overlapping = vertex.options["overlapping transition"] local fadein_duration = 0.01 local fadeout_duration = 0.01 if self.is_first[vertex] then fadein_duration = self.ugraph.options["fadein time"] overlapping_in = false or allow_overlapping end if self.is_last[vertex] then fadeout_duration = self.ugraph.options["fadeout time"] overlapping_out = false or allow_overlapping end if fadein_duration == math.huge or fadein_duration<0 then fadein_duration = (interval.to-interval.from-minimum_rest_time)/2 if overlapping then fadein_duration = fadein_duration * 2 end end if fadeout_duration == math.huge or fadeout_duration<0 then fadeout_duration = (interval.to-interval.from-minimum_rest_time)/2 if overlapping then fadeout_duration = fadeout_duration*2 end end local fin = compute_fade_times(interval.from, fadein_duration, overlapping_in, false) local fout = compute_fade_times(interval.to, fadeout_duration, overlapping_out, true) vertex.animations = vertex.animations or {} if representative~= vertex then table.insert(vertex.animations,{ attribute = "stage", entries = { { t = 0, value = "false"}, }, options = {} }) end if interval.from > -math.huge and (vertex == representative or self.is_first[vertex]) then -- only appears if the snapshot node is its own repr. or if in the prev snapshot is -- no representative. append_fade_animation(representative, 0, 1, fin.t_start, fin.t_end) end if interval.to < math.huge and (self.is_last[vertex] or self.last_rep[vertex]) then -- The snapshot node only disappears when the node is not visible -- in the next or (this=)last snapshot: append_fade_animation(representative, 1, 0, fout.t_start, fout.t_end) end end end function GraphAnimationCoordination:animateEdgeAppearing() local supergraph = self.supergraph local graph = self.digraph for _,edge in ipairs(graph.arcs) do local snapshot = supergraph:getSnapshot(edge.head) local int = snapshot.interval local superarc = supergraph:getSuperarc(edge) local representative = self.visible_objects[superarc][snapshot] or edge local minimum_rest_time = math.max(0,edge.head.options["minimum rest time"]/2, edge.tail.options["minimum rest time"]/2) local appears = math.max(int.from, int.from) local disappears = math.min(int.to, int.to) local overlapping_in = true -- init true for crossfading local overlapping_out= true local fadein_duration = 0.01 local fadeout_duration = 0.01 local allow_overlapping = (edge.tail.options["overlapping transition"] and edge.head.options["overlapping transition"]) if self.is_first[edge] and not self.move_on_enter[edge] and not self.move_on_enter[edge.head] then fadein_duration = self.ugraph.options["fadein time"] overlapping_in = false or allow_overlapping end if self.is_last[edge] and not self.move_on_leave[edge] then fadeout_duration = self.ugraph.options["fadeout time"] overlapping_out = false or allow_overlapping end if self.is_first[edge] and (self.move_on_enter[edge.head] or self.move_on_enter[edge.tail] ) then appears = snapshot.timestamp - minimum_rest_time end if self.is_last[edge] and (self.move_on_leave[edge.head] or self.move_on_leave[edge.tail] ) then disappears = snapshot.timestamp + minimum_rest_time end local fin = compute_fade_times(appears, fadein_duration, overlapping_in,false) local fout = compute_fade_times(disappears,fadeout_duration,overlapping_out,true) edge.animations = edge.animations or {} if representative~=edge then table.insert(edge.animations,{ attribute = "stage", entries = { { t = 0, value = "false"}, }, options = {}}) end -- Fade in: if appears > -math.huge and (edge == representative or self.is_first[edge]) then append_fade_animation(representative, 0, 1, fin.t_start, fin.t_end ) end -- Fade out: if disappears < math.huge and (self.is_last[edge] or self.last_rep[edge])then append_fade_animation(representative, 1, 0, fout.t_start,fout.t_end ) end end end function GraphAnimationCoordination:precomputeNodes() local supergraph = self.supergraph for _, supernode in ipairs(supergraph.vertices) do local vis_nodes = {} self.visible_objects[supernode] = vis_nodes local any_previous_node = nil local previous_representant = nil local node_before = nil for i, s in ipairs(supergraph.snapshots) do local node = supergraph:getSnapshotVertex(supernode, s) if node then -- assume the node is the last node self.is_last[node] = true if node.options["modified"] then -- modified vis_nodes[s] = node previous_representant = node if any_previous_node then self.last_rep[any_previous_node] = true end else -- unmodified previous_representant = previous_representant or node vis_nodes[s] = previous_representant end any_previous_node = node if node_before then self.is_last[node_before] = false self.previous_node[node] = node_before self.next_node[node_before] = node local do_move = (( node.pos.x ~= node_before.pos.x ) or (node.pos.y ~= node_before.pos.y)) self.move_on_enter[node] = do_move self.move_on_leave[node_before] = do_move else self.is_first[node] = true end node_before = node else node_before = nil end end end end function GraphAnimationCoordination:precomputeEdges() -- 1. classify arcs (appearing, disappearing) for _, arc in ipairs(self.digraph.arcs) do local head = arc.head local tail = arc.tail if not ( self.is_first[head] or self.is_first[tail]) then if not self.digraph:arc(self.previous_node[tail], self.previous_node[head]) then -- new arc connects existing nodes self.is_first[arc] = true end else -- arc and at least one node is new. self.is_first[arc] = true end if not ( self.is_last[head] or self.is_last[tail]) then if not self.digraph:arc(self.next_node[tail],self.next_node[head]) then -- arc disappears while nodes are still in the next snapshot self.is_last[arc] = true end else -- arc and at least one node disappears in the next snapshot self.is_last[arc] = true end self.move_on_enter[arc] = self.move_on_enter[head] or self.move_on_enter[tail] self.move_on_leave[arc] = self.move_on_leave[head] or self.move_on_leave[tail] end -- 2. precompute the unmodified edges local supergraph = self.supergraph for _, superarc in ipairs(supergraph.arcs) do local vis_objects = {} self.visible_objects[superarc] = vis_objects local previous_arc local previous_representant for _, s in ipairs(supergraph.arc_snapshots[superarc]) do local head = supergraph:getSnapshotVertex(superarc.head, s) local tail = supergraph:getSnapshotVertex(superarc.tail, s) -- use the digraph because the snapshot arc is not synced local arc = self.digraph:arc(tail, head) local modified = false local opt_array = arc:optionsArray('modified') for i = 1,#opt_array.aligned do modified = modified or opt_array[i] end if modified or not eq_arc(arc, previous_arc) or self.is_first[arc] then --modified previous_representant = arc vis_objects[s] = arc if previous_arc then self.last_rep[previous_arc] = true end else -- unmodified previous_representant = previous_representant or arc vis_objects[s] = previous_representant end previous_arc = arc end end end -- Done return GraphAnimationCoordination