-- Copyright 2012 by Till Tantau -- -- This file may be distributed an/or modified -- -- 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or -- 2. under the GNU Public License -- -- See the file doc/generic/pgf/licenses/LICENSE for more information -- @release $Header$ -- Imports local Storage = require "pgf.gd.lib.Storage" --- -- This class, which is a subclass of |Binding|, binds the graph -- drawing system to the \pgfname\ display system by overriding (that -- is, implementing) the methods of the |Binding| class. As a typical -- example, consider the implementation of the function |renderVertex|: -- % --\begin{codeexample}[code only, tikz syntax=false] --function BindingToPGF:renderVertex(v) -- local info = assert(self.infos[v], "thou shalt not modify the syntactic digraph") -- tex.print( -- string.format( -- "\\pgfgdcallbackrendernode{%s}{%fpt}{%fpt}{%fpt}{%fpt}{%fpt}{%fpt}{%s}", -- 'not yet positionedPGFINTERNAL' .. v.name, -- info.x_min, -- info.x_max, -- info.y_min, -- info.y_max, -- v.pos.x, -- v.pos.y, -- info.box_count)) --end --\end{codeexample} -- -- As can be seen, the main job of this function is to call a function -- on the \TeX\ layer that is called |\pgfgdcallbackrendernode|, which gets -- several parameters like the name of the to-be-rendered node or the -- (new) position for the node. For almost all methods of the -- |Binding| class there is a corresponding ``callback'' macro on the -- \TeX\ layer, all of which are implemented in the \pgfname\ library -- |graphdrawing|. For details on these callbacks, -- please consult the code of that file and of the class -- |BindingToPGF| (they are not documented here since they are local -- to the binding and should not be called by anyone other than the -- binding class). local BindingToPGF = { storage = Storage.newTableStorage () -- overwrite default storage } BindingToPGF.__index = BindingToPGF setmetatable(BindingToPGF, require "pgf.gd.bindings.Binding") -- subclass of Binding -- Namespace require("pgf.gd.bindings").BindingToPGF = BindingToPGF -- Imports local lib = require "pgf.gd.lib" local Coordinate = require "pgf.gd.model.Coordinate" local Path = require "pgf.gd.model.Path" -- The implementation -- Forward local table_in_pgf_syntax local animations_in_pgf_syntax local path_in_pgf_syntax local coordinate_in_pgf_syntax -- Scope handling function BindingToPGF:resumeGraphDrawingCoroutine(text) tex.print(text) tex.print("\\pgfgdresumecoroutinetrue") end -- Declarations function BindingToPGF:declareCallback(t) tex.print("\\pgfgdcallbackdeclareparameter{" .. t.key .. "}{" .. (t.type or "nil") .. "}") end -- Rendering function BindingToPGF:renderStart() tex.print("\\pgfgdcallbackbeginshipout") end function BindingToPGF:renderStop() tex.print("\\pgfgdcallbackendshipout") end -- Rendering collections function BindingToPGF:renderCollection(collection) tex.print("\\pgfgdcallbackrendercollection{".. collection.kind .. "}{" .. table_in_pgf_syntax(collection.generated_options) .. "}") end function BindingToPGF:renderCollectionStartKind(kind, layer) tex.print("\\pgfgdcallbackrendercollectionkindstart{" .. kind .. "}{" .. tostring(layer) .. "}") end function BindingToPGF:renderCollectionStopKind(kind, layer) tex.print("\\pgfgdcallbackrendercollectionkindstop{" .. kind .. "}{" .. tostring(layer) .. "}") end -- Printing points local function to_pt(x) return string.format("%.12fpt", x) end -- Managing vertices (pgf nodes) local boxes = {} local box_count = 0 function BindingToPGF:everyVertexCreation(v) local info = self.storage[v] -- Save the box! box_count = box_count + 1 boxes[box_count] = node.copy_list(tex.box[info.tex_box_number]) -- Special tex stuff, should not be considered by gd algorithm info.box_count = box_count end function BindingToPGF:renderVertex(v) local info = assert(self.storage[v], "thou shalt not modify the syntactic digraph") tex.print( string.format( "\\pgfgdcallbackrendernode{%s}{%.12fpt}{%.12fpt}{%.12fpt}{%.12fpt}{%.12fpt}{%.12fpt}{%s}{%s}", 'not yet positionedPGFINTERNAL' .. v.name, info.x_min, info.x_max, info.y_min, info.y_max, v.pos.x, v.pos.y, info.box_count, animations_in_pgf_syntax(v.animations))) end function BindingToPGF:retrieveBox(index, box_num) tex.box[box_num] = assert(boxes[index], "no box stored at given index") boxes[index] = nil -- remove from memory end function BindingToPGF:renderVerticesStart() tex.print("\\pgfgdcallbackbeginnodeshipout") end function BindingToPGF:renderVerticesStop() tex.print("\\pgfgdcallbackendnodeshipout") end local function rigid(x) if type(x) == "function" then return x() else return x end end -- Managing edges function BindingToPGF:renderEdge(e) local info = assert(self.storage[e], "thou shalt not modify the syntactic digraph") local function get_anchor(e, anchor) local a = e.options[anchor] if a and a ~= "" then return "." .. a else return "" end end local callback = { '\\pgfgdcallbackedge', '{', e.tail.name .. get_anchor(e, "tail anchor"), '}', '{', e.head.name .. get_anchor(e, "head anchor"), '}', '{', e.direction, '}', '{', info.pgf_options or "", '}', '{', info.pgf_edge_nodes or "", '}', '{', table_in_pgf_syntax(e.generated_options), '}', '{' } local i = 1 while i <= #e.path do local c = e.path[i] assert (type(c) == "string", "illegal path operand") if c == "lineto" then i = i + 1 local d = rigid(e.path[i]) callback [#callback + 1] = '--(' .. to_pt(d.x) .. ',' .. to_pt(d.y) .. ')' i = i + 1 elseif c == "moveto" then i = i + 1 local d = rigid(e.path[i]) callback [#callback + 1] = '(' .. to_pt(d.x) .. ',' .. to_pt(d.y) .. ')' i = i + 1 elseif c == "closepath" then callback [#callback + 1] = '--cycle' i = i + 1 elseif c == "curveto" then local d1, d2, d3 = rigid(e.path[i+1]), rigid(e.path[i+2]), rigid(e.path[i+3]) i = i + 3 callback [#callback + 1] = '..controls(' .. to_pt(d1.x) .. ',' .. to_pt(d1.y) .. ')and(' .. to_pt(d2.x) .. ',' .. to_pt(d2.y) .. ')..' callback [#callback + 1] = '(' .. to_pt(d3.x) .. ',' .. to_pt(d3.y) .. ')' i = i + 1 else error("illegal operation in edge path") end end callback [#callback + 1] = '}' callback [#callback + 1] = '{' .. animations_in_pgf_syntax(e.animations) .. '}' -- hand TikZ code over to TeX tex.print(table.concat(callback)) end function BindingToPGF:renderEdgesStart() tex.print("\\pgfgdcallbackbeginedgeshipout") end function BindingToPGF:renderEdgesStop() tex.print("\\pgfgdcallbackendedgeshipout") end -- Vertex creation function BindingToPGF:createVertex(init) -- Now, go back to TeX... coroutine.yield( table.concat({ "\\pgfgdcallbackcreatevertex{", init.name, "}", "{", init.shape, "}", "{", table_in_pgf_syntax(init.generated_options), ",", init.pgf_options or "", "}", "{", (init.text or ""), "}" })) -- ... and come back with a new node! end -- Local helpers function table_in_pgf_syntax (t) local prefix = "/graph drawing/" local suffix = "/.try" return table.concat( lib.imap( t, function(table) if table.value then return prefix .. table.key .. suffix .. "={" .. tostring(table.value) .. "}" else return prefix .. table.key .. suffix end end), ",") end function animations_in_pgf_syntax (a) return table.concat( lib.imap( a, function(animation) return "\\pgfanimateattribute{" .. animation.attribute .. "}{whom=pgf@gd," .. table.concat( lib.imap ( animation.entries, function (entry) return "entry={" .. entry.t .. "s}{" .. to_pgf(entry.value) .. "}" end ), ",") .. "," .. table.concat( lib.imap( animation.options or {}, function(table) if table.value then return table.key .. "={" .. to_pgf(table.value) .. "}" else return table.key end end), ",") .. "}" end) ) end function to_pgf(x) if type (x) == "table" then if getmetatable(x) == Coordinate then return coordinate_in_pgf_syntax(x) elseif getmetatable(x) == Path then return path_in_pgf_syntax(x) else error("illegal table in value of a key to be passed back to pgf") end else return tostring(x) end end function path_in_pgf_syntax (p) local s = {} local i = 1 while i <= #p do local c = p[i] assert (type(c) == "string", "illegal path operand") if c == "lineto" then i = i + 1 local d = rigid(p[i]) s [#s + 1] = '\\pgfpathlineto{\\pgfqpoint{' .. to_pt(d.x) .. '}{' .. to_pt(d.y) .. '}}' i = i + 1 elseif c == "moveto" then i = i + 1 local d = rigid(p[i]) s [#s + 1] = '\\pgfpathmoveto{\\pgfqpoint{' .. to_pt(d.x) .. '}{' .. to_pt(d.y) .. '}}' i = i + 1 elseif c == "closepath" then s [#s + 1] = '\\pgfpathclose' i = i + 1 elseif c == "curveto" then local d1, d2, d3 = rigid(p[i+1]), rigid(p[i+2]), rigid(p[i+3]) i = i + 3 s [#s + 1] = '\\pgfpathcurveto{\\pgfqpoint{' .. to_pt(d1.x) .. '}{' .. to_pt(d1.y) .. '}}{\\pgfqpoint{' .. to_pt(d2.x) .. '}{' .. to_pt(d2.y) .. '}}{\\pgfqpoint{' .. to_pt(d3.x) .. '}{' .. to_pt(d3.y) .. '}}' i = i + 1 else error("illegal operation in edge path") end end return table.concat(s) end function coordinate_in_pgf_syntax(c) return '\\pgfqpoint{'..to_pt(c.x) .. '}{'.. to_pt(c.y) .. '}' end return BindingToPGF