mol2chemfig 1.4 --------------- mol2chemfig is a Python program to convert chemical structures from MDL molfile format or SMILES format to the TeX format defined by the chemfig package. Its home page is at This folder contains all available files for installing mol2chemfig on your computer. Licence ------- Free (LaTeX Project Licence, see Requirements ------------ mol2chemfig needs a working Python version 2.x install. At the time of this writing, the most recent Python 2.x version is Python 2.7. The program should also work with other recent 2.x versions, however. In addition, mol2chemfig requires indigo toolkit for Python. The installation procedures of these prerequisites vary with your platform; in Linux, your package manager will likely be able to satisfy all requirements. Otherwise, visit for Python and for indigo. To compile the code generated by mol2chemfig as part of a LaTeX document, you need both the chemfig package and the mol2chemfig.sty package that is included with this download (within the latex directory). Installation ------------ Once you have the prerequisites installed and working, open a shell window and enter cd install python install you will likely need administrator privileges for this to work. After that, you should be able to run mol2chemfig If this fails, you need to update your PATH environmental variable to include Python's default script directory. If installation fails, do NOT contact me - there are a myriad possible reasons, and most likely I can not figure them out from the other side of the world. Instead, go buy a beer for your resident Mac/Windows/Linux/WhatEver guru. Usage ----- The 'latex' folder contains a sample document with several included mol2chemfig-generated chemfig code files. It also contains the mol2chemfig.sty LaTeX package that is required to compile any documents using mol2chemfig-generated chemfig code, including code generated through the mol2chemfig web interface. Bugs? ----- Thought so. Please send bug reports to