Here is fig2MF, a tool to convert fig 2.1 input to METAFONT. The generated METAFONT code uses the mfpic macros. Fig2MF should compile with any C compiler known to man. Under Unix, just say: make fig2MF Usage is straightforward: fig2mf file.fig > mf '\mode:=localfont; input' tex '\font\foo=foo \foo \char33 \bye' In order to use the font you've just created, you must place the mfpic macros where METAFONT will find them, and adjust your TeX environment to recognize the .tfm and .gf files. You may also convert the .gf file to .pk format. Fig2MF has a few options: Option Default Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -mag 1000 Font magstep -code 32 Initial METAFONT font code value -pen 0.5 Size of the METAFONT pen (points) -xscale 0.125 x coordinate scaling factor -yscale 0.125 y coordinate scaling factor -xneg 0.0 Minimum x coordinate value of the figure (inches) -xpos 8.0 Maximum x coordinate value of the figure (inches) -yneg 0.0 Minimum y coordinate value of the figure (inches) -ypos 8.0 Maximum y coordinate value of the figure (inches) -top 8.0 Top of the whole coordinate system (inches) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The options are specified in the form of -opt=value. For example: fig2MF -xscale=0.25 -xpos=4.0 foo.fig -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enclosed is: fig2MF.c source code fig2MFman.tex manual mfpic macros tf shell script to test new fonts Samples fig files: alltypes.fig balls.fig bean.fig book.fig chase.fig face.fig house.fig many.fig mitsu.fig parc-place.fig plane.fig powells.fig qd.fig shade.fig thick.fig type.fig -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks go to Thomas Leathrum for creating the mfpic METAFONT macros. Geoffery Tobin contributed ideas, fruitful discussion and the enhanced mfpic macros. I'd dearly love to receive any bug fixes and enhancements. --- Anthony Starks