ePiX -- samples/README Last Change: September 22, 2007 This directory contains sample files. Files with extension ".flx" may be compiled like xp files with epix or elaps, or converted to gif or mng animations with flix. artifacts.xp Interaction between coarse and fine meshes in shade surface plotting. binom.cc: Generates pseudo-random data for histogram.xp bowl.xp: Quasi-realistic colored surface shading. butterfly.xp: A Thom catastrophe graph. calculus.xp: Plotting derivatives and definite integrals. clipping.xp: Clipping, shaded surfaces, and fake transparency. color_sep.xp: Color separation. conic.xp: Envelopes and tangent lines; projective equivalence of a parabola with a circle. contour.xp: Building a path from sub-paths. coord_tricks.xp: Using page layout to achieve broken axes. cropplot.xp Graphing functions with singularities. cube.flx: Stereoscopic (3-D glasses) movie of a rotating cube. dataplot.xp: Scatter plots, histograms, and page layout. decorate.xp: Decorated shaded surface (see file for compiling). demoivre.xp: Loops; a geometric proof of deMoivre's formula. densityplot.xp: A gray-shaded interference pattern. dipole.xp: Plotting flow lines and isobars. denom.xp: Loops and gcd; Thomae's function with discontinuity set Q. extract.xp: A magnified inset using screen::extract; an unexpected tangent line. geomsum.xp: Loops and color filling. golden_rect.xp: Simple use of variables; constructing a golden rectangle. helicoid.flx: Isometric deformation of a catenoid to a helicoid. hello.xp: My First Figure, from the manual. histogram.xp: Histograms of simulated coin tosses (data from binom.cc). house.flx: Color semantics; sun setting on a simple house. hyperboloid.xp: Clipping, shaded surfaces; two families of rulings on a hyperboloid. inverse.xp: Screen affine operations; inverse functions. koch.xp: The von Koch snowflake fractal. label_debug.xp: Format debugging tests for labels, draws 32 attribute combinations. layout2.xp: Page layout; flow lines of a planar vector field. layout.xp: Page layout; six views of the square root Riemann surface. legend.xp: Axes and legends; Taylor polynomials of sin x. levelset.xp: Clipping and plotting; manual level curves on a saddle. levelset2.xp: "Advanced" clipping; level bands on a monkey saddle. levelset3.xp: Clipping and legends; flat-shaded level bands wth matching legend. lissajous.xp: A Lissajous figure with arrows. lighting.h: Classes for lighting effects and color-shaded surfaces. (lighting.flx illustrates use.) line_debug.xp: Format debugging tests for paths, draws 32 attribute combinations. log.xp: Object hiding with paths and surfaces; the Riemann surface of log. lorenz.xp: Page layout, ode_plot; the Lorenz attractor and its 3-D vector field. medians.xp: Euclidean geometry; medians and altitudes of a triangle. minkowski.xp: A longitudinal slice of Minkowski space R^{2,1}. mirrorball.flx: The circle class and intersections; 3-D stereographic movie. newton.xp: Loops; root location by Newton's method. objects.xp: Simple geometric objects; 2-D landscape. oscillator.xp: Graphing, user-defined elements, and page layout. parabola.xp: A basic plot. pascal.xp: Intersection operators; Pascal's theorem in projective geometry. pendulum.flx: Phase diagram of an undamped pendulum. planes.xp: Manipulating objects, clipping; a stack of plane sections of a cube. plotting2.xp: Surface plotting in PSTricks; from the manual. plotting3.xp: Loops and color control; from the manual. plotting.xp: A basic plot; from the manual. polar.xp: Polar plotting. pole.xp: Clipping a plot; the real part of a first-order pole. polyhedra.xp: Spherical regular polyhedra. Compilation controlled with pre-processor flags, e.g., "epix -DCOLOR -DDODECA polyhedra.xp". R_demo.xp: Gaussians from the R demo. riemann.flx: Rotating the Riemann surface of sqrt(z) in R^4. S2_harmonics.xp: Domain-dependent surface shading (color function depends on two variables), page layout; the spherical harmonic Y_3^0. (Compile with "epix -DY20 S2_harmonics.xp" for Y_2^0.) saddle.xp: A quadratic saddle using "surface" capabilities. semicirc.xp: A simple figure using variables and a function for organization. shadeplot.xp: Shading regions enclosed by graphs; the fundamental theorem of calculus. slopefield.xp: A slope field and flow lines. sphere.xp: Plotting curves and latitudes/longitudes; loxodromes. spherical.xp: Scenery (multiple shaded surfaces); spherical coordinates. sqrt.xp: Domains and selective plotting; the Riemann surface of sqrt(z). sqrt2.xp: Domains, selective plotting, and change of style in a single plot. std_F.cc, std_F.h: Extensively-commented library code for depicting 2-D affine maps. std_F.xp: Sample file illustrating the use of external libraries. Contains instructions on building a library from std_F.cc. steiner.flx: Steiner's Roman surface, rotating. steiner2.flx: Steiner's Roman surface sliced, with slice direction rotating. surface_shade.xp: Position-dependent surface shading. (Color function depends on three variables.) symmetries.xp: Affine maps and layout; the symmetry group S_3 acting on a regular hexagon. tori.xp: Clipping and cropping, page layout. torus.xp: Domains and selective plotting. trig.flx: Trigonometric functions. twisted_cubic.xp: Page layout; a crossed-eyes stereogram of the twisted cubic. uppersum.xp: Riemann sums. vfield.xp: 3-D vector field plotting. weierstrass.xp: Loops; a Weierstrass nowhere-differentiable function. wheel.xp: Page layout; a cycloid at successive times.