.PS # TubediagsSVG.m4 cct_init(svg_font(sans-serif,10bp__,2bp__)) include(../tubedefs.m4) # Some base diagrams [ Loopover_(`xv',` V_`'xv: m4xpand(B_`'xv) ifelse(m4Lx,1,, `with .Base at last [].Base+(dimen_*3,0)') "xv" at V_`'xv.Base.s+(0,-dimen_/3) below', 2AG,2D,4BB,9K) ] # Test circuit [ Ld: dot battery(up dimen_,2) line right_ dimen_ Pot1: potentiometer(down_ dimen_*2,5) with .Start at Here line from Pot1.End left_ dimen_ battery(up_ to Ld,2) Tg: dot(at Pot1.T1) source(right_ dimen_ from Pot1.T1,"svg_mu`'A") line right_ dimen_/3 Tr: triode with .G1.w at Here line from Tr.K1.sw to (Tr.K1.sw,Pot1.End); dot { line down dimen_/2 B: dot } source(to (Tg,Here),"V"); corner; line to Tg line from Tr.P1.c to (Tr.P1.c,Pot1.Start) source(right_ elen_,"mA"); llabel(-,,+); rlabel(,I`'svg_sub(b)) Tp: dot { source(down_ to (Here,B),"V") llabel(+,,-); rlabel(,E`'svg_sub(b)); dot } line right_ dimen_/2 then down_ (Here.y-B.y)/2 then right_ dimen_/2 P2: potentiometer(down_ Tp.y-B.y,5,0.5,-dimen_/6) with .T1 at Here dot(at P2.End) line right_ dimen_ from P2.Start; corner battery(down_ dimen_*3/4,2,R) T: Here battery(up_ dimen_*3/4 from (Here,B),2) line dashed up_ to T "B" ljust line from (T,B) left T.x-Ld.x+dimen_/2 then up Ld.y-B.y then to Ld ] with .nw at last [].sw + (0,-dimen_/2) define(`OutputXformer',`[ pushdef(`dimen_',dimen_*1.5) S1: inductor(up_ dimen_*.4,L,3,M) { line right_ dimen_/4 from last [].e; S2T: dot(,,1) line from S1.end right_ S2T.x-S1.end.x; S21: dot(,,1) line from S1.start right_ S2T.x-S1.end.x; S22: dot(,,1) } move up_ dimen_/8 S2: inductor(up_ dimen_*.4,L,3,M) { line right_ dimen_/4 from last [].e; S1T: dot(,,1) line from S2.end right_ S2T.x-S2.end.x; S11: dot(,,1) line from S2.start right_ S2T.x-S2.end.x; S12: dot(,,1) } line down_ dimen_/8 from M4Core1.start line down_ dimen_/8 from M4Core2.start P: inductor(down_ dimen_*0.6 with .c at 0.5 between S1.end and S2.start \ -(dimen_*0.8,0),L,5,) P1: P.start P2: P.end PT: last [].w popdef(`dimen_')]') define(`PowerXformer',`[ pushdef(`dimen_',dimen_*1.5) S3: inductor(up_ dimen_*.2,L,1,M) ST3: last [].e { line up_ dimen_/10 from M4Core1.end; line up_ dimen_/10 from M4Core2.end } S2: inductor(up_ dimen_*.2 from S3.end+(0,dimen_/10),L,1,M) { line up_ dimen_/10 from M4Core1.end; line up_ dimen_/10 from M4Core2.end } S1: inductor(up_ dimen_*.4 from S2.end+(0,dimen_/10),L,3,M) ST1: last [].e P: inductor(down_ dimen_*0.6 with .c at 0.5 between S1.end and S3.start \ -(dimen_*0.8,0),L,5,) popdef(`dimen_')]') # Circuit of 25 W amplifier (adapted from F. Langford-Smith, "Radiotron # Designer's Handbook," fourth edition, Harrison, NJ, Radio Corporation # of America, 1952) [ Toprail: Here #{"Toprail"} resistor(down_ dimen_); rlabel(,100 k) V1P: dot #{"V1P" rjust} line down_ dimen_*3/4 V1: triode(,W) with .P1 at Here {"6SL7" at V1.nw above } resistor(down_ dimen_*3/2 from V1.K1.sw); llabel(,2.2 k) Rail1: dot #{"Rail1"} ground arrow left_ from V1.G1.w RP: Here arrow <- right from (Here,Rail1) to Rail1 dot(at last arrow) resistor(up_ 2nd last arrow.y-Here.y); llabel(,22 k); dot { move left_ dimen_ }; "Pickup" at RP below capacitor(right_ dimen_ from V1P,C,R); llabel(,0.05 svg_mu) resistor(down_ dimen_); rlabel(,470 k) V1o: dot #{ "V1o" at V1o rjust } resistor(down_ (Here.y-Rail1.y)/2); rlabel(,22 k) dot { capacitor(down_ Here.y-Rail1.y,C); rlabel(,0.01 svg_mu); dot } line right_ dimen_/2 R47: resistor(down_ to (Here,Rail1)); llabel(,4.7 M) line to Rail1 Pot1: potentiometer(down_ dimen_,,0.5,dimen_*2/3) \ with .T1 at (V1o+(elen_+dimen_*2/3,0),V1.G1) { line from Pot1.Start left_ (Pot1.Start.x-V1o.x)/2 continue to (Here,V1o) then to V1o } line from Pot1.End down_ dimen_/3 Rail2: dot ground V2: triode(,E) with .G1.w at Pot1.T1; "6SL7" at V2.ne above resistor(from Rail2 right_ V2.K1.e.x-Rail2.x); rlabel(,22 k); dot { capacitor(right_ dimen_,C,R); rlabel(,2 n) V2k: dot } #{ "V2k" at V2k above } { line down_ to (Here,Rail1) variable(`resistor(right_ dimen_); rlabel(,1 M);') line up_ to V2k } line to V2.K1.se line from Toprail to (R47,Toprail); dot { capacitor(down_ dimen_,C); rlabel(10 svg_mu); ground(,T) } R51k: resistor(right_ dimen_); rlabel(,51 k); dot { capacitor(down_ dimen_,C); llabel(10 svg_mu); ground(,T) } dot(at (V2.P1.c,Here)) resistor(down_ dimen_); llabel(,100 k) V2p: dot line to V2.P1 V3: triode(,W) with .G1.w at (V2k+(dimen_,0),V2.G1) " 6SL7" at V3.n below ljust resistor(from V3.K1.sw to (V3.K1.sw,Rail1)); llabel(,1.5 k); dot; ground line left_ dimen_/2 resistor(up_ to (Here,V3.G1)); llabel(,,2.2); rlabel(,,M); dot { line to V3.G1.w } line to (Here,V2p); capacitor(left_ to V2p,C,R); rlabel(,3 n) dot(at (V3.P1.c,Toprail)); { line to R51k.end } resistor(down_ dimen_); llabel(,51 k) V3p: dot #{"V3p"} line down_ (Here.y-V3.n.y)/2 V3q: dot; { line to V3.P1.c } capacitor(left_ dimen_*2/3,C); rlabel(,.1 svg_mu) line to (V2k,Here) resistor(down_ to V2k); rlabel(0.1); llabel( M) #{"V2k" at V2k} V4: triode(,E) with .G1.w at (V3.G1.e+(dimen_*2,0),V3.G1) "6SL7" at V4.n above rjust resistor(from V4.K1.se to (V4.K1.se,Rail1)); rlabel(,,1.5 k) V4k: dot #{"V4k"} line left dimen_*3/4 V4k1: dot { resistor(up_ V4.G1.y-Here.y); llabel(,,2.2 M) V4G: dot } line from V3p right_ dimen_ variable(`resistor(down_ to (Here,V4.G1)); llabel(100 k)') V3o: dot capacitor(right_ to V4G,C); llabel(,3 n) line to V4.G1.w resistor(left_ from V4k1 to (V3o,V4k)); rlabel(,51 k); dot ground capacitor(down_ from V3o to Here,C); llabel(,,500 p) line from V4.P1.c to (V4.P1.c,V3p); resistor(up_ dimen_); llabel(,51 k); dot resistor(left_ to (V3p,Here)); llabel(,10 k) V5: triode(,N) with .G1.w at V4.G1.e+(2.25*dimen_,0) "6SL7" at V5.n above rjust V6: triode(,SR) with .G1.w at V5.G1.w-(0,dimen_*2.5) "6SL7" at (V6.w,V6.P1) below rjust V4p: dot(at (V4.P1.c,V3p)) #{"V4p"} line right_ dimen_*2/3; capacitor(right_ dimen_,C); llabel(,3 p) line down_ to (Here,V5.G1) V5G: dot; { line to V5.G1.w } #{"V5G"} resistor(down_ dimen_); rlabel(,2.2 M); dot; resistor(right_ to (V5.K1.sw,Here)); llabel(,1 k) V5K: dot #{"V5K"} line to V5.K1.sw line from V4k down_ V4k.y-V6.G1.y then right_ V5G.x-V4k.x - dimen_ capacitor(right_ dimen_,C); rlabel(,3 p) V6G: dot; { line to V6.G1.w } #{"V6G"} resistor(up_ dimen_); llabel(,2.2 M); dot resistor(right_ to (V6.K1.nw,Here)); llabel(,1 k) V6K: dot #{"V6K"} line to V6.K1.nw resistor(left_ dimen_*2/3 from (V6G,V6K)); rlabel(,1 k) dot; ground line to (Here,V5K); resistor(right_ dimen_*2/3); llabel(,1 k) PV: dot(at (V4.e.x+dimen_/5,Toprail.y)) #{"PV"} line from V6.P1.c down_ V4p.y-V4.P1.c.y Rail2: dot #{"Rail2" below} line from PV to (PV,Rail2); corner { resistor(right_ to Rail2); llabel(,220 k) } move up_ dimen_*2/3; dot; line left_ dimen_/2 V6sw: dot #{"V6sw"} capacitor(down_ dimen_*2/3,C); rlabel(,10 svg_mu); ground(,T) V5P: dot(at (V6.P1.c,V4p)); { line to V5.P1.c } #{"V5P"} resistor(to (Here,Toprail)); rlabel(,220 k) line to (V4p,Here) V7: V_6L6G at (V3,Rail2+(0,-2*dimen_)); "6L6G" at V7.n above ljust V8: V_6L6G(,R) at V7+(0,-2*dimen_); "6L6G" at V8.s below ljust line right dimen_/4 from V7.G2.e; resistor(right_ dimen_); llabel(,100); V9G: dot #{"V9G"} line right dimen_/4 from V8.G2.e; resistor(right_ dimen_); llabel(,100); V9: V_6L6G(,,G2) with .G2.w at V9G+(dimen_/2,0); "6L6G" at V9.n above rjust V10: V_6L6G(,R,G2) at V9+(0,-2*dimen_); "6L6G" at V10.s below rjust line from V9G to V9.G2.w line from V10.G2.w left_ dimen_/2 L910: line from V9G to (V9G,V10.G2); dot line left_ dimen_/2 from V7.G1.w V7G: dot #{"V7G"} resistor(down_ to 0.5 between Here and (Here,V10.G1)); rlabel(,220 k) V7T: dot #{"V7T"} { line left_ dimen_/3; corner; ground } line from V8.G1.w to (V7G,V8.G1); dot resistor(up_ to V7T); llabel(,220 k) line from V9.K1.sw to V10.K1.nw line from V7.K1.sw to V8.K1.nw V7K: dot(at last line.c+(0,dimen_/8)) #{"V7K"} line left_ dimen_*2; dot { capacitor(down_ dimen_/2,C); llabel(,50 svg_mu); ground(,T) } PP: potentiometer(left_ dimen_,,0.5,dimen_/2) with .Start at Here rlabel(,50 10 W) corner(,at PP.T1); line left_ dimen_ then up_ dimen_/4 round(,tubethick) line thick tubethick up tubeplatelen/3 left tubeplatelen*2/9 round(,tubethick) line thick tubethick down tubeplatelen/3 left tubeplatelen*2/9 line down_ dimen_/4 then left_ dimen_ then up_ dimen_/4 round(,tubethick) line thick tubethick up tubeplatelen/3 left tubeplatelen*2/9 round(,tubethick) line thick tubethick down tubeplatelen/3 left tubeplatelen*2/9 line down_ dimen_/4; ground "1st two 6SL7" at Here+(dimen_*3/4,dimen_/2) above V9T: dot(at (L910,V7K)-(0,dimen_/4)) #{"V9T"} line right_ dimen_/2 from V9.G1.e; continue to (Here,V9.P1)+(0,dimen_*2/3) resistor(left_ to (V7G,Here)); llabel(,100) V7nw: dot; { line to (Here,V7.G1) } line right_ dimen_/2 from V10.G1.e; continue to (Here,V10.P1)-(0,dimen_*2/3) resistor(left_ to (V7G,Here)); rlabel(,100) V8sw: dot; { line to (Here,V8.G1) } line from V9.P1.c up_ dimen_ V9P: dot line from V10.P1.c down_ dimen_ V10P: dot #{"V10P"} line from V7.P1.c up_ V9P.y-V7.P1.y then to V9P resistor(right_ to (V5.e+(dimen_/4,0),Here)) rlabel(,"100 k" "2 W") Rt1: Here line to (Here,V6.e)+(0,dimen_/6); resistor(up_ dimen_) llabel(,"100 k" rjust "2 W") line to (Here,V5K) then to V5K line from V8.P1.c down_ V8.P1.y-V10P.y then to V10P resistor(right_ to (V6.e+(dimen_/2,0),Here)) llabel(,"100 k" "2 W") resistor(up_ dimen_*3/2) llabel(,"100 k" rjust "2 W") line to (Here,V6K) then to V6K line from V9T to (V9.e+(dimen_*3/4,0),V9T) Xout: OutputXformer with .PT at Here line from Xout.P1 to (Xout.P1,V9P); dot line from Xout.P2 to (Xout.P1,V10P); dot line from Xout.PT left_ dimen_/4 XT: dot resistor(from V6sw left_ dimen_); rlabel(,10 k) XP: dot { line down_ dimen_; continue to (XT,Here) then to XT } capacitor(right_ dimen_*5/4 from V5P,C); llabel(,0.1 svg_mu) corner; line to (Here,Rail2)-(0,dimen_/2) continue to (V7nw,Here) then to V7nw line from V8sw down_ dimen_*5/8 continue to (Rail2,Here) then to (Rail2,V9.n) capacitor(up_ dimen_/2,C,R); rlabel(,0.1 svg_mu) line to Rail2 line from XP left_ dimen_*2; dot { dot(at Here+(dimen_,0)) { "290 V" at last [].n above } R100: resistor(down_ dimen_*2/3) llabel(,"100 k" ljust "2 W"); dot; ground } { capacitor(down_ dimen_*2/3,C); llabel(,40 svg_mu); dot } reversed(`inductor',left_ dimen_,L,,M); rlabel(,4 H 300 mA) Filt: dot { capacitor(down_ dimen_*2/3,C); llabel(,40 svg_mu) line to R100.end } Pwr: [ PXform: PowerXformer line left_ dimen_/4 from PXform.P.start; fuse(left_ dimen_/2,D) AC1: arrow left_ dimen_/2 AC2: arrow from PXform.P.end to (AC1.end,PXform.P.end) "AC" at 0.5 between AC1.end and AC2.end ljust dot(at PXform.ST3); line right_ dimen_/4; dot dot(at PXform.ST1); line right_ dimen_/4 then down_ dimen_*3/2; ground(,T) line from PXform.S2.end right_ dimen_*2.5 then up_ dimen_/4 Rect2: V_5V4G with .F1.sw at Here; "5V4G" at Rect2.n+(0,dimen_/2) Rect1: V_5V4G with .e at Rect2.w-(dimen_/2,0); "5V4G" at Rect1.n+(0,dimen_/2) move to Rect1.F1.sw; line to (Here,PXform.S2.end); dot move to Rect1.F1.se; line to (Here,PXform.S2.start); dot move to Rect2.F1.se; line to (Here,PXform.S2.start) PO: dot line from Rect1.P1 left_ dimen_/2; dot { line to (Here,PXform.S1.start) then to PXform.S1.start } line to (Here,Rect1.n)+(0,dimen_/8) continue to (Rect1.P2+(dimen_/2,0),Here) continue to (Here,Rect1.P2) then to Rect1.P2 line from Rect2.P1 left_ dimen_/2 then up_ Rect2.ht/2+dimen_/4; dot { line to (Rect2.P2+(dimen_/2,0),Here) continue to (Here,Rect2.P2) then to Rect2.P2 } move to PXform.S1.end line right_ dimen_/8 then up last [].y - Here.y then to last [].w arrow from PXform.S3.start right_ dimen_ arrow from PXform.S3.end right_ dimen_ "5 V" at PXform.S2 + (dimen_*3/4,0) "6.3 V" at 0.5 between last arrow.end and 2nd last arrow.end ljust ] with .nw at (RP,Filt)+(0,dimen_/4) line from Pwr.PXform.S2.start to Pwr.PO + (dimen_*3/4,0); corner resistor(up_ to (Here,Filt)); rlabel(,"V" ljust "adj"); corner line to Filt ] with .nw at last [].sw+(0,-0.5) command "" # end font .PE