.PS # Sierpinski.m4 gen_init [ define Sierpinski { if $1 > 0.04 then { d = $1/2-lh shade(1,line from $2+(d/2,d/2*s3+lw*2) right d/2 up d/2*s3 then left d*2 \ then right d down d*s3 then right d/2 up d/2*s3 ) Sierpinski($1/2,$2-($1/2,0)) Sierpinski($1/2,$2+($1/2,0)) Sierpinski($1/2,$2+(0,$1*s3/2)) } } r = 4 linethick = 0.2 #linethick = 1/2 /(1pt__) lw = linethick pt__ /2 s3 = sqrt(3) lh = lw*s3 A: 3,3 d = r/2-lh shade(0,line from A+(0,lw) right d then up d*s3 left d then down d*s3 left d\ then right d ) ifpstricks(`psset_(linecolor=white)') Sierpinski(r/2,A) ifpstricks(`psset_(linecolor=black)') thicklines_ ] # CayleyGraph.m4 [ define CayleyGraph { if $3 > 0 then { { line to Here+(cosd($2),sind($2))*($1) exec sprintf("CayleyGraph(%g,%g,%g);",0.5*($1),$2,$3-1); } { line to Here+(cosd($2+90),sind($2+90))*($1) exec sprintf("CayleyGraph(%g,%g,%g);",0.5*($1),$2+90,$3-1); } { line to Here+(cosd($2-90),sind($2-90))*($1) exec sprintf("CayleyGraph(%g,%g,%g);",0.5*($1),$2-90,$3-1); } } } size = 2 depth = 6 for t=0 to 270 by 90 do { line from (0,0) to (cosd(t),sind(t)); { exec sprintf("CayleyGraph(%g,%g,%g);",size/4,t,depth); } } ] with .sw at last [].se+(-0.25,0) .PE