.PS # InclepsSVG.m4 : Illustrating one way to import and overwrite jpg in svg # A bit messy, but it works. This file has to be processed # by m4 in the usual way and then twice by dpic, eg # m4 svg.m4 SVGconfig.m4 InclepsSVG.m4 > InclepsSVG.pic # dpic -v InclepsSVG.pic > InclepsSVG.svg # dpic -v InclepsSVG.pic > InclepsSVG.svg # The double processing is needed because svg coordinates are to the right # and down. We have to store the coordinates of the nw corner and use them # on the second pass. divert(-1) ###################################################################### # Macros to simplify inclusion and positioning of raster image files such # as png or jpg or files with mime type of "image/svg+xml" `svg_init_include([Unique_name]) Put this (once) before all drawing commands in the diagram. It opens a [] block for the total diagram and creates the file Unique_name.dim (default SVGinsertTemp.dim).' define(`svg_init_include', `define(`M4IP_uniq',`ifelse(`$1',,SVGinsertTemp,`$1')')dnl M4IP_NW: (0,0); m4IP_nw = 0; m4IP_lth = lthick sh "touch M4IP_uniq.dim" copy "M4IP_uniq.dim" [ M4IP_NW: M4IP_NW; { move to M4IP_NW } ') `svg_include(filename, wid, ht, [position],[attrib]) Insert bitmap at specified position; also create an invis box of the same size and location. arg1= path to image file arg2= picture width in drawing units arg3= picture height in drawing units arg4= position attribute e.g. Pic: svg_include(Incl.jpg,2,3, with .sw at (1,4)) arg5= additional svg image attributes in the sprintf string, e.g. clip-path=\"polygon(5%% 0%%, 100%% 0%%, 100%% 100%%, 5%% 100%%)\" (distances in percent to top-left, top-right, bottom-right, bottom-left clip corners, or in pixels) ' define(`svg_include',`box invis wid `$2' ht `$3' `$4' define(`m4xpx',`(last box.w.x-M4IP_NW.x+m4IP_lth/2)/(1px__)')dnl define(`m4ypx',`(M4IP_NW.y-last box.n.y+m4IP_lth/2)/(1px__)')dnl define(`m4wdpx',`(`$2')/(1px__)')dnl define(`m4htpx',`(`$3')/(1px__)')dnl if m4IP_nw then { command sprintf(\ "", m4xpx,m4ypx,m4wdpx,m4htpx) } ') `svg_end_include Put this before .PE after all drawing commands. It closes the [] block and writes to Unique_name.dim' define(`svg_end_include',`] with .M4IP_NW at M4IP_NW print sprintf("m4IP_nw=1; m4IP_lth=%g; M4IP_NW:(%g,%g)",lthick,\ last [].w.x+3*m4IP_lth/2, last [].n.y+3*m4IP_lth/2) > "M4IP_uniq.dim" undefine(`M4IP_uniq') ') ###################################################################### divert(0)dnl darrow_init svg_init_include # This jpg is 242 px x 321 px Picture: svg_include(Incl.jpg, 242px__, 321px__, with .w at (1,0)) define(`backarrow',`darrow(`$1',,,2pt__,6pt__,6pt__,<-|)') thinlines_ backarrow( from boxcoord(Picture,0.4,0.95) up 0.4 right 0.7 ) "Basket" wid 0.45 with .w at Here+(2bp__,0) backarrow( from boxcoord(Picture,0.9,0.41) up 0.2 right 0.5 ) "Ball" wid 0.3 with .w at Here+(2bp__,0) backarrow( from boxcoord(Picture,0.85,0.32) up 0.2 right 0.5 ) "Star" wid 0.3 with .w at Here+(2bp__,0) "Player" wid 0.43 with .w at last "".w+(0,-0.15) #for i=3 to 1 by -1 do { # Picture: svg_include(Incl.jpg, i/4*242px__, i/4*321px__, # with .nw at last box.nw+(0.125,-0.25)) } # P2: svg_include(Incl.jpg, 242px__, 321px__, # with .w at Picture.e+(1.25,0), # clip-path=\"polygon(30 0, 100%% 0%%, 100%% 100%%, 30 321)\" ) svg_end_include .PE