.PS # `Emarrows.m4' cct_init(svg_font(sans-serif,11bp__)) hskip = 0.6 [ { em_arrows(N) box dotted wid last [].wid ht last [].ht at last [].c thinlines_ arrow <- up 0.12 from last [].Head;`"Head"' above arrow <- down 0.12 from last [].Tail;`"Tail"' below `"A1"' rjust below at last [].A1.c `"A2"' ljust above at last [].A2.c thicklines_ move down 0.25 from last [].s move up 0.2 from last [].n `"em_arrows(N)"' wid 1.0 at last [].s+(0,-0.20) below } { em_arrows(ND,45) with .sw at last [].se+(hskip*1.5,0) `"em_arrows(ND,45)"' at last [].s below } { em_arrows(I) with .sw at last [].se+(hskip,0) `"...(I)"' at last [].s+(0,-9bp__) below } { em_arrows(ID) with .sw at last [].se+(hskip,0) `"...(ID)"' at last [].s+(0,-2bp__) below } { em_arrows(E) with .sw at last [].se+(hskip,0) `"...(E)"' at last [].s+(0,-2bp__) below } { em_arrows(ED) with .sw at last [].se+(hskip,0) `"...(ED)"' wid .75 at last [].s+(0,-2bp__) below } ] # box wid last [].wid ht last [].ht at last [] command "" # end font .PE