.PS #CanLogic ifdef(`L_unit',,`include(liblog.m4)') log_init(svg_font(sans-serif,11bp__)) divert(-1) ########################################################################### Macros for automatically drawing 2-layer Boolean functions Style parameters define(`dotrad_',(0.01*scale)) define(`gatelineth',1) define(`lineth',0.5) define(`inputsep',`2*jog') define(`jog',`(AND_ht/2)*L_unit') `CanLogic(layer gate type,[N], output gate type,[N], term,term,...) This is the driver macro. Terms are strings of variables or of variables preceded by the ~ character. Each variable is one letter e.g. CanLogic(NAND,,OR,N,abcd,a~b,c,~ad)' define(`CanLogic', `define(`terms',`shift(shift(shift(shift($@))))') # Determine required input variables and negated # variables Loopover_(`t_',`varloop(`v_',`define(X`'v_)',`define(XN`'v_)',t_)',terms) # Draw the inputs with NOT gates as necessary LastInput: Here-(inputsep,0) Loopover_(`t_',`varloop(`v_', `ifdef(D`'v_,,`ifdef(XN`'v_,`DrawInNotIn(v_)',`DrawIn(v_)')')', `ifdef(D`'v_,,`ifdef(X`'v_,`DrawInNotIn(v_)',`DrawNotIn(v_)')')', t_)', terms) # Draw 2nd-layer gates right_ LastGateSE: LastInput+(5*jog,-(AND_wd*L_unit*1.5)) Loopover_(`t_', `define(`termcount',m4Lx)DrawLayerGate(G`'termcount,$1,$2,t_)', terms) # Draw output gate linethick = gatelineth OP: m4xpand(`$3'_gate(termcount,$4)) with .Out at \ 0.5 + (jog/2*(termcount+3)+AND_wd*L_unit,0) Out: Here linethick = lineth # Connect 2nd-layer gates to the output gate VectorConnect(G,termcount,OP) # Connect the inputs and negated inputs to # 2nd-layer gates Loopover_(`t_',`ConnectInputs(G`'m4Lx,t_)',terms) # Clean up Loopover_(`t_',`DeleteLogDefs(t_)',terms) ') `VectorConnect(number of 2nd layer gates, common 2nd layer gate name, output gate name) Connect the 2nd-layer gate outputs to the output gate inputs' define(`VectorConnect', `for_(1,`$2',1, `line from `$1'm4x.Out right `$3'.In1.x-`$1'm4x.Out.x \ - jog/2*(`$2'+1-abs(2*m4x-`$2'-1)) \ then down `$1'm4x.Out.y - `$3'.In`'m4x.y then to `$3'.In`'m4x ')') Draw and label a non-inverted input define(`DrawIn', `LastInput: LastInput+(inputsep,0) In`'$1: LastInput "svg_it($1)" ljust at LastInput # Maybe labels should be done externally Int`'$1: LastInput define(D`'$1)') Draw and label an inverted input define(`DrawNotIn', `LastInput: LastInput+(inputsep,0) InN`'$1: LastInput "svg_it($1)" ljust at LastInput # Maybe labels should be done externally line down_ 2*jog from LastInput linethick = gatelineth NOT_gate InNt`'$1: Here linethick = lineth define(D`'$1)') Draw and label an input that is required both inverted and uninverted. define(`DrawInNotIn', `LastInput: LastInput+(inputsep,0) In`'$1: LastInput "svg_it($1)" ljust at LastInput # Maybe labels should be done externally line from LastInput down jog Int`'$1: dot LastInput: LastInput+(inputsep,0) line to (LastInput,Here) then down_ jog linethick = gatelineth NOT_gate linethick = lineth InNt`'$1: Here define(D`'$1)') `varloop(`var',ifnotnegated,ifnegated,term) Loop over term variables performing actions' define(`varloop',`ifelse(`$4',,,substr(`$4',0,1),~, `define(`$1',substr($4,1,1)) $3 varloop(`$1',`$2',`$3',substr($4,2))', `define(`$1',substr($4,0,1)) $2 varloop(`$1',`$2',`$3',substr($4,1))')')') Count gate inputs and mark last appearance define(`Countinputs',`varloop(`v_', `define(`incount',incr(incount)) define(Last`'v_,`$1')', `define(`incount',incr(incount)) define(LastN`'v_,`$1')',$2)') Draw a 2nd layer gate define(`DrawLayerGate', `define(`incount',0) Countinputs($1,$4) ifelse(incount,1, `LastGateSE: LastGateSE-(0,jog) $1: [ In1:Here; line right AND_wd*L_unit; Out: Here] \ with .Out at LastGateSE', `LastGateSE: LastGateSE-(0,jog+AND_ht*L_unit) linethick = gatelineth $1: m4xpand(`$2'_gate(incount,$3)) with .se at LastGateSE linethick = lineth ')') Connect this gate to its input lines define(`ConnectInputs',`define(`innum',0) varloop(`v_', `define(`innum',incr(innum)) line from `$1'.In`'innum to (In`'v_,`$1'.In`'innum)dnl ifelse(`$1',m4xpand(Last`'v_),`then to In`'v_',`; dot')', `define(`innum',incr(innum)) line from `$1'.In`'innum to (InNt`'v_,`$1'.In`'innum)dnl ifelse(`$1',m4xpand(LastN`'v_), `then to InNt`'v_', `; dot')',$2)') Delete definitions to allow more than one circuit per diagram define(`DeleteLogDefs',`varloop(`v_', `undefine(Last`'v_) undefine(D`'v_) undefine(X`'v_)', `undefine(LastN`'v_) undefine(D`'v_) undefine(XN`'v_)',$1)') Thanks to Alexander Ray for suggesting the need for something like these macros ########################################################################### divert(0)dnl linethick = lineth [ CanLogic(AND,,OR,,abcd,a~b,c,~ad) #; line right jog from Out "svg_it(f)" above ] {`"CanLogic(AND,,OR,,abcd,a~b,c,~ad)"' at last [].s -(0,11bp__)} [ CanLogic(OR,N,NAND,,ab~c,a~bc,ac,~d) #; line right jog from Out "$f$" above ] with .sw at last [].se+(0.5,0) {`"CanLogic(OR,N,NAND,,ab~c,a~bc,ac,~d)"' at last [].s - (0,11bp__)} command "" # end font .PE