.PS # rotatetext.m4 # This is a test of the \rput function to write a string around the # periphery of a circle of radius r, accounting for inter-letter kerns {\Huge gen_init twopi = twopi_ rtod = rtod_ define(`outputstring',`University of Waterloo') r = 0.75 divert(-1) sinclude(rotate.dim) # Letter and letter-pair width definitions sinclude(tst.dim) define(`arctot',0) # Total arc used by the string sinclude(rotatetext.dim) define(`cname',`ifelse(`$1',` ',,`$1')') define(`cprint',`ifelse(len(`$3'),0,, `define(`cc',`substr(`$3',0,1)')dnl dt = atan2(boxdim(cname(cc),w)/2,`$2') te = te + ifdef(`kern',`atan2(kern/2,`$2')',0) + dt # The kernel of the print mechanism. All else is to calculate angles sprintf("\rput[B]{%8.3f}(0,0){\boxdims{cname(cc)}{cc}}",(arctot/2-te)*rtod) \ with .bottom at `$1'+(rect_(`$2',arctot/2-te+twopi/4)) define(`kern',0) ifelse(len(`$3'),1,,cc,` ',,substr(`$3',1,1),` ',, `define(`kern',`(boxdim(substr(`$3',0,2),w)-boxdim( cname(substr(`$3',0,1)),w)-boxdim(cname(substr(`$3',1,1)),w))')dnl \defboxdim{substr(`$3',0,2)}{substr(`$3',0,2)}') if abs(kern/(1 pt__))>0.05 then { print sprintf("k`'ern(substr(`$3',0,2))=%5.2gpt",kern/(1 pt__)) } te = te + dt + atan2(kern/2,`$2') cprint(`$1',`$2',substr(`$3',1))')') divert print sprintf("`arctot'=%g",arctot) C: circle rad r te = 0 cprint(C,r,outputstring) # Write the total angle to rotatetext.dim sh sprintf("echo \"`define'(`\`arctot'',%f)\" > rotatetext.dim",te) } .PE