LIBDIR = $$HOME/lib M4LIBS = svg.m4 SVGconfig.m4 M4LIBS = svg.m4 # To process a single file, copy it to test.m4 and type "make tst" # to produce tstSVG.html DPIC = dpic #DPIC = $$HOME/dpic/build/p2c/ftp/dpic #DPIC = ../../../dpic/build/p2c/ftp/dpic #DPIC = ../../../dpic/bison/dpic #DPIC = ../../../dpic/bdev/dpic # To test the Windows executable. Change these as needed for the operating # system. NOTE: AntiqueClockSVG.m4 and Connectors.m4 use awk and sed which # do not work at present with the Windows version. # M4LIBS = svg.m4 windows.m4 # DPIC = ../../../dpic/bison/distsrc/Windows/dpic .SUFFIXES: .pic .svg .m4 .pic.svg: $(DPIC) -v $*.pic > $*.svg grep '<\!-- width' $*.svg | sed -e 's%<\!-- *%%' -e 's% *-->%%' > $*.siz .m4.svg: m4 $(M4LIBS) $*.m4 | sed -e '/^\%/d' > $*.pic $(DPIC) -v $*.pic > $*.svg grep '<\!-- width' $*.svg | sed -e 's%<\!-- *%%' -e 's% *-->%%' > $*.siz PAGES = examples_1.svg examplesSVG.html: examplesSVG.htmx pages Version=`sed -e 's/Version //' $(LIBDIR)/doc/Version.tex` ; \ sed -e 's/Version XXX/Version '$$Version'/' examplesSVG.htmx \ | m4 > examplesSVG.html pages: (cd .. ; make ) cp ../examples.pdf . pdf2svg examples.pdf touch pages SED = sed -e '/^\%/d' TEST = test tst: if test -f test.pic; then printf "\n\nUsage: make clean tst\n\n"; exit 1; fi m4 $(M4LIBS) test.m4 | $(SED) > test.pic $(DPIC) -v $(TEST).pic > $(TEST).svg m4 $(M4LIBS) $(TEST).m4 | $(SED) > $(TEST).pic $(DPIC) -v $(TEST).pic > $(TEST).svg grep '<\!-- width' $(TEST).svg | sed -e 's%<\!-- *%%' -e 's% *-->%%' \ > $(TEST).siz make tstSVG.html test.pic: if test -f test.pic ; then echo "Usage: make clean tst" ; fi m4 $(M4LIBS) test.m4 | $(SED) > test.pic m4 $(M4LIBS) test.m4 | $(SED) > test.pic tstSVG.html: tstSVG.htmx $(TEST).svg Version=`sed -e 's/Version //' $(LIBDIR)/doc/Version.tex` ; \ sed -e 's/Version XXX/Version '$$Version'/' \ -e 's/XXXXX/'$(TEST)'/g' \ tstSVG.htmx | m4 > tstSVG.html # cp tstSVG.html $(TEST) $$HOME/public_html/svg xst: Incleps.png AntiqueClockSVG.svg ConnectorsSVG.svg: m4 $(M4LIBS) $*.m4 | sed -e '/^\%/d' > $*.pic $(DPIC) -v $*.pic > $*.svg m4 $(M4LIBS) $*.m4 | sed -e '/^\%/d' > $*.pic $(DPIC) -v $*.pic > $*.svg grep '<\!-- width' $*.svg | sed -e 's%<\!-- *%%' -e 's% *-->%%' > $*.siz InclepsSVG.svg: InclepsSVG.m4 m4 $(M4LIBS) $*.m4 | sed -e '/^\%/d' > $*.pic $(DPIC) -v $*.pic > $*.svg $(DPIC) -v $*.pic > $*.svg Incleps.png: (cd ..; make Incleps.png); cp ../Incleps.png . clean: @printf "\n svg clean:\n" rm -f *.svg *.dim *.ps *log *.siz *.pic examplesSVG.html Incleps.png rm -f tstSVG.html copy_tmp__ rm -f pages @printf "\n" clobber: clean (cd dev; make clobber) rm -f test.m4