% This is file debug2.m4 % Type the two (identical) command lines: % m4 pdf.m4 debug2.m4 | dpic -g > debug2.tex; pdflatex debug2 % m4 pdf.m4 debug2.m4 | dpic -g > debug2.tex; pdflatex debug2 % Alternatively, type the two not-quite-identical lines: % m4 pstricks.m4 debug2.m4 | dpic -p > debug2.tex; latex debug2 % m4 pstricks.m4 debug2.m4 | dpic -p > debug2.tex; latex debug2; dvips debug2 % In either case, the first command creates the file debug2.dim; the second % reads it to draw the correct bounding box. % % If m4 gives an error saying that it cannot find pdf.m4 then the M4PATH % environment variable has not been set to the directory containing % pgf.m4, pstricks.m4, and the other m4 libraries. For example, I have % export M4PATH=.:~/lib: % in the file ~/.bash_aliases on my Ubuntu machine, and on my PC with cygwin % it is in .bashrc. (You will have to change ~/lib to suit.) % % If other errors occur, look at debug2.log for details. % % If boxdims.sty is not found, then either it has not been copied to % where latex can find it or the latex filename database has not been % updated correctly. Instructions for the latter depend on the operating % system and may involve commands texhash, mktexlsr, tlmgr, possibly preceded % by sudo, or (for MiKTeX) clicking on the Refresh FNDB button. % See Manual Installation, steps 3 and 4 (ignore 1 and 2) at % https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/LaTeX/Installing_Extra_Packages % % On my Ubuntu machine, boxdims.sty is in % /usr/local/lib/localtexmf/tex/latex/local/ % and on my cygwin machine it is in % /cygdrive/d/localtexmf/tex/latex/local/ % but you might choose something like ~/texmf/tex/latex/boxdims/ % \documentclass{article} \usepackage{boxdims} \usepackage{ifpstricks(pstricks,tikz)} \begin{document} .PS cct_init sinclude(debug2.dim) s_init(steinmetz) [ source(up_,AC); llabel(,s_box(`${}20$ V'),) inductor(up_,W); llabel(,s_box(`${}20$ mH'),) ] showbox_ .PE \end{document}