ifelse(ifpstricks(T)`'ifmpost(T)`'ifpostscript(T)`'ifpgf(T),, `PSTricks, MetaPost, PGF, or Postscript required for this diagram',`dnl .PS 3.5 # csc.m4 gen_init circlerad=1.91 hubrad=0.10 s=0.5 define(`midnight',`0.1, 0.1, 0.44') define(`white',`1, 1, 1') define(`spokewidth',0.1) define(`spoke',`dnl {line from rvec_(0,hubrad-spokewidth/2) to rvec_(circlerad-0.05,0)} {line from rvec_(0,-(hubrad-spokewidth/2)) to rvec_(circlerad-0.05,0)}') define(`lwid',1) define(`coord',`(s*(`$1'),s*(`$2'))') # Circle and spokes # [ rgbdraw(midnight, linethick=`0.'eval(lwid*15)/(1pt__) {circle with .c at Here circle invis diam last circle.diam + linethick pt__ at last circle } linethick=spokewidth/(1pt__) for angle = 0 to 330 by 30 do { Point_(angle) {spoke} } ) # Whiten where the hull will be linethick=`0.'eval(lwid*20)/(1pt__) rgbdraw(white, Point_(-60){line to rvec_(circlerad*0.72,0)} Point_(-90){line to rvec_(circlerad*0.72,0)} Point_(-120){line to rvec_(circlerad*0.72,0)} linethick=`0.'eval(lwid*15)/(1pt__) {move to coord(1.8,-2.3)+(0,0.025) spline to Here+coord(-0.8,-0.3) then to Here+coord(-1.8,-0.3) \ then to Here+coord(-2.18,-0.27) \ then to Here+coord(-3.93,-0.1)} ) # Sail thinlines_ setrgb(midnight) rgbfill(midnight, line from coord(0.44,3.38) to coord(0.44,2.6) \ then to coord(2.1,-1.75) \ then to coord(1.22,-1.53) \ then to coord(0.62,-1.4) \ then to coord(0.55,-1.6) \ then to coord(-2.2,-1.6) \ then to coord(-2.35,-1.5) spline to coord(-2.14,-0.78) \ then to coord(-1.74,0.22) \ then to coord(-1.42,0.89) \ then to coord(-0.92,1.73) \ then to coord(0,2.9) \ then to coord(0.44,3.38) ) # Hull rgbfill(midnight, spline from coord(2.1,-1.75) to coord(1.9,-2.2) \ then to coord(1.85,-2.3) then to coord(1.8,-2.33) \ then to coord(1,-2.5) then to coord(0,-2.6) then to coord(-0.38,-2.57) \ then to coord(-2.13,-2.4) line to coord(-2.2,-2.05) then to coord(2.1,-1.75) spline to coord(-1,-2.08) then to coord(0.55,-1.77) ) # ] with .sw at 1,1 .PE')