.PS # Stator.m4 # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/612620/how-to-paint-inside-a-set-of-lines gen_init outerwid = 5/2 innerwid = 3.7/2 nteeth = 32 toothdepth = (innerwid/2)*(twopi_/nteeth) statordepth = toothdepth*4 viewangle = 30 outershade = 0.9 topshade = 0.8 innershade = 0.6 toothshade = 0.5 cv = cosd(viewangle) sv = sind(viewangle) define ang { ($1)/nteeth*twopi_ } T: (0,statordepth*cv) Tc: (0,toothdepth*cv) for i = 0 to nteeth/2 do { for j=1 to -1 by -2 do { # Shaded tooth walls P: (cos(ang(i)+pi_/2)*j,sin(ang(i)+pi_/2)*sv)*outerwid/2 Q: P*innerwid/outerwid line from P to P+Tc then to Q+Tc then to Q then to P \ shaded rgbstring(toothshade,toothshade,toothshade) } } shade(innershade, # inner arc and teeth E: ellipsearc(innerwid,innerwid*sv,pi_,0,0,cw) with .C at T move to (innerwid/2,0) toothht = toothdepth*cv for i = 0 to nteeth/2 do { line up toothht ellipsearc(innerwid,innerwid*sv,ang(i),ang(i+1),0,ccw) with .Start at Here move to last [].End toothht = -toothht } ) shade(outershade, # outer arc and teeth E: ellipsearc(outerwid,outerwid*sv,0,pi_,0,cw) with .C at T line down statordepth*cv from E.End toothht = toothdepth*cv for i = nteeth/2 to nteeth-1 do { line up toothht ellipsearc(outerwid,outerwid*sv,ang(i),ang(i+1),0,ccw) with .Start at Here move to last [].End toothht = -toothht } line up statordepth*cv from E.Start-T ) for r=innerwid to outerwid by lthick*2 do { # shade the top ellipse wid r ht r*sv with .c at T \ outlined rgbstring(topshade,topshade,topshade) } ellipse wid outerwid ht outerwid*sv with .c at T ellipse wid innerwid ht innerwid*sv with .c at T .PE