.PS # Metamodel: # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/615463/how-to-draw-meta-models-in-tikz gen_init lineht = 0.4 arrowht = arrowht*3/2; arrowwid = arrowwid*2 fillv = 0.9 define bx {box fill_(fillv) rad 5bp__ $1} up_ Event: bx(ht boxht "Event") sarrow(,type=D); {"{\tt<}contains{\tt>}" at last arrow rjust} Trace: bx(ht boxht "Trace") sarrow(,type=D); {"{\tt<}contains{\tt>}" at last arrow rjust} Log: bx(ht boxwid "Log") Att: bx(ht boxwid wid boxwid*5/4 "Attribute" dashed) \ with .nw at Log.ne + (boxwid*2,0) fillv = 0.8 ww = Log.ht move to (Att.w,Att.n) - (0,ww/9) { sarrow(to (Log.e,Here),type=D) {"{\tt<}trace-global{\tt>}" at last arrow above} } move down_ ww/3 { sarrow(to (Log.e,Here),type=D) {"{\tt<}event-global{\tt>}" at last arrow above} } move down_ ww/3 { sarrow(to (Log.e,Here),type=D) } T: 0.8 between last arrow.start and last arrow.end move down_ ww/9 line dashed left ww/3 then down ww/2 then right ww/2 sarrow(up ww*7/18, type=D;shaft=dashed) "{\tt<}contains{\tt>}" at (last arrow.end,Att.s)-(ww/4,ww*7/18) below line from T to (T,Event); sarrow(to Event.e,type=D) sarrow(from (T,Trace) to Trace.e,type=D) ellipsewid = boxwid*0.9 ellipseht = ellipsewid/2 move to (Att.e,Att.s)+(ww/6,-ww/8) y = Here.x-Att.c.x-boxwid/2 down_ Loopover_(`Z',`Z: bx(ht boxht*3/4 "Z") {sarrow(from Z.e+(y,0) to Z.e,type=D)} {ifelse(Z,Boolean, `move to last arrow.start; line to (Here,String) line from Z.w to (Att,Z.w); sarrow(to Att.s,type=O)', `line from Z.w to (Att,Z.w)')} move down_ ww/16', String,Date,Int,Float,Boolean) line from Int.e+(y,0) right_ ww/4; Value: ellipse fill_(fillv) "Value" Key: ellipse fill_(fillv) "Key" with .w at Att.e+(y*2,0) sarrow(from last ellipse.w to Att.e,type=D) Class: bx(ht boxht*3/4 "Classifier") \ with .s at (0.5 between Log and Att,Att.n)+(0,boxht/2) line from Class.w to (Log,Class); sarrow(to Log.n,type=D) "{\tt<}defines{\tt>}" at (0.5 between Log and Class.w,Class) above line from Att.n to (Att,Class); sarrow(to Class.e,type=D) "{\tt<}defines{\tt>}" at (0.5 between Att and Class.e,Class) above Ext: bx(ht boxht*3/4 "Extension") with .e at (Att.e,Class+(0,boxht*3/2)) move to (Att.e,Att.n)-(Att.wid/8,0) sarrow(to (Here,Ext.s),type=D;shaft=dashed) "{\tt<}defines{\tt>}" at (last arrow,Ext.s)-(0,y) rjust line dashed from Ext.w to (Log,Ext) then to (Log,Class) "{\tt<}declares{\tt>}" at (0.5 between Log and Class,Ext) below ellipse fill_(fillv) "name" at (Key,Ext) sarrow(from last ellipse.w to Ext.e,type=D) ellipse fill_(fillv) "prefix" with .n at last ellipse.s+(0,-ww/16) line from last ellipse.w left y URI: ellipse fill_(fillv) "URI" with .n at last ellipse.s+(0,-ww/16) line from last ellipse.w left y then up Ext.y - URI.y .PE