.PS # Heathkit.m4 cct_init # Landscape maxpswid = 11 maxpsht = 8.5 # Set small text size iflatex(`ifpsfrag(`textht = 7.5bp__; textoffset = 0.5bp__', `latexcommand({\tiny\sf)') ') # Grid parameters picwid = 8.5 picht = 6 g = 1/12 # Element scaling linewid = 8*g define(`dimen_',dimen_*4/5) # Default sizes boxwid = 2*g boxht = 2*g arrowht = arrowht*2/3 # Grid ifdpic(`linethick_(0.4)',`linethick_(0)') for i=0 to picwid/g do { line color "lightgray" up picht from (i*g,0) } for i=0 to picwid/g by 10 do { sprintf("%g",i) at (i*g,0) below } for i=0 to picht/g do { line color "lightgray" right picwid from (0,i*g) } for i=0 to picht/g by 10 do { sprintf("%g",i) at (0, i*g) rjust } linethick_(0.8) ifdpic(` spline outlined "white" shaded "white" \ from (0,picht+g) down g then down picht/5 then right picwid/5 for i=1 to 4 do { contline down picht/5 then right picwid/5 } contline right 2*g then up 2*g contline up picht-2*g then up g then left g ') # Place the bottom inductor on the grid L1: inductor(down_ 13*g from (80*g,22*g),,13,,g) L2: inductor(down_ 10*g from L1.start+(0,21*g),,10,,g) L3: inductor(down_ 10*g from L2.start+(0,12*g),,10,M,g) line from M4Core1.end to (M4Core1,L1.end) line from M4Core2.end to (M4Core2,L1.end) Scrn: 2 between M4Core1.start and M4Core2.start line dashed from Scrn to (Scrn,L1.end) ground L4: inductor(up_ 5*g from (Scrn.x+M4Core1.x-L2.c.x,L2.start.y-2*g),,5,,g) L5: inductor(up_ 5*g from (L4,L2.end+(0,g)),,5,,g) # Circuit board Board: box dashed thick 2 wid 58*g ht 55*g with .se at L1.end+(-7*g,-2*g) P: box invis wid 12*g ht 4*g with .s at Board.sw+(26*g,0) { "POWER SUPPLY" ljust "CIRCUIT BOARD" ljust at P.w+(g,0) } line dashed thick 2 from P.sw to P.nw; line dashed thick 2 to P.ne line dashed thick 2 to P.se define Pad { P`$1': box fill_(1) "$1" } # Board connections on the right Pad(1) at (Board.e,L1.end) line from P1.e to L1.end "RED" above Pad(2) at (Board.e,L1.start) line from P2.e to L1.start "RED" above Pad(3) at (Board.e,L2.end) GRN1: line left 4*g from L2.start "GRN" above ; ground GRN2: line from P3.e to L2.end "GRN" above spline <-> from GRN2.end+(-g,0) up 2.5*g right 0.5*g then up 5*g left g \ then up 2.5*g right 0.5*g box invis fill_(1) wid 3*g ht g "\unit{6}{\hbox{VAC}}" at L2.c-(2*g,0) Pad(4) at P3-(0,3*g) line right_ 3*g from P4.e "BRN" above arrow down_ 2*g ht arrowht*2/3 "TO DIAL" "LAMPS" at Here+(0,-g)below Pad(5) at (Board.e,L3.end) line from P5.e to L3.end "BLU" above Pad(7) at (Board.e,L3.start) line from P7.e to L3.start "BLU" above Pad(6) at 0.5 between P5 and P7 line from P6.e to L3.c "BLU-YEL" above # Power wiring, plug, switch define(`socket',`[ Outer: box wid dimen_*2/3 ht dimen_/2*3/4 L: box wid dimen_/16 ht dimen_/4 at Outer-(dimen_/6,0) R: box wid dimen_/16 ht dimen_/4 at Outer+(dimen_/6,0) line from Outer.w to L.w line from Outer.e to R.e ] ') BLK: line from L4.end to (int(L4.end.x/g+8)*g,L4.end.y) "BLK" below ; dot b = lin_leng(BLK) BLKYEL: line from L4.start right_ b "BLK-YEL" above ; dot BLKGRN: line from L5.end right_ b "BLK-GRN" below ; dot BLKRED: line from L5.start right_ b "BLK-RED" above ; dot line right_ g; PL: dot line from BLKYEL.end right g then to Here+(0,-g) fuse(down_ 3*g,D) rlabel(,"\unit{3}{\ampere} FUSE" rjust "SLOW BLOW") line to (Here.x,int(Here.y/g)*g-g); dot Sckt1: socket at Here+(5*g,0) line from Sckt1.w to (PL,Sckt1); A: dot; "A" rjust line from Sckt1.e right_ lin_leng(last line); B: dot; "B" ljust Sckt2: socket at (Sckt1,P1+(0,6*g)) line from Sckt2.w to (A,Sckt2); dot line from Sckt2.e to (B,Sckt2); dot Sckt3: socket at (Sckt1,P1+(0,2*g)) line from Sckt3.w to (A,Sckt3); dot line from Sckt3.e to (B,Sckt3); dot define(`plug',`[ w = dimen_*2/3; q = 0.25*w F: line right_ w arc cw from F.start to F.end with .c at F.c T1: F.c+(-q,w/2+g/2) T2: F.c+( q,w/2+g/2) line from T1 to (T1,F.c)-(0,2*g) line from T2 to (T2,F.c)-(0,2*g) ]') PP: plug with .F.c at Sckt3+(0,-8*g) "\unit{120}{\hbox{VAC}}" ljust "\unit{50/60}{\hertz}" ljust at PP.e define(`pwrswitch',`[ right; circlerad = 1.75*g/2 C1: circle "1" C4: circle "4" C2: circle "2" with .n at C1.s+(0,-C1.rad) C5: circle "5" C3: circle "3" with .n at C2.s+(0,-C1.rad) C6: circle "6" hatchbox(wid g ht C2.n.y-C3.s.y,0.05) with .w at 0.5 between C5.e and C6.e ]') Psw: pwrswitch with .C4.e at Sckt1+(0,-4*g) "POWER" at Psw.w+(-2*g,0) rjust arrow up Psw.ht/2 at Psw.e+(1.5*g,0) "ON" above; "OFF" at last arrow.start below line from Psw.C1.w to (A,Psw.C1) then to A line from Psw.C2.w to (A,Psw.C2); contline to (Here,PP.T1) then to PP.T1 line from PP.T2 to (B,PP.T2) then to (B,L4.end) then to L4.end line from BLKGRN.end to (B,BLKGRN); dot # Bottom connections Pad(25) at Board.se+(-3*g,0) R516: resistor(down_ 6*g from P25.s); rlabel(,"R516" rjust "22"); ground(,T) dot(at P25.s+(0,-g)); line right_ 5*g reversed(`source',down_ 4*g,B); llabel(,"No 49" ljust "HI" ljust "TEMP") line to (P25,Here); dot t = linethick; linethick_(0.4) arrow <- from P25.s+(0,-g/2) right_ 2*g up_ g/4; "BRN" ljust; linethick_(t) Pad(24) at P25+(-4*g,0) line from P24.s to (P24,R516.end); ground(,T) Pad(23) at Board.sw+(12*g,0) line from P23.s to (P23,R516.end); ground(,T) Pad(22) at Board.sw+(0,3*g) R514: resistor(right_ 8*g from P22.e); llabel(,"R514") rlabel(,"\unit{680}{\kilo}") dot; { ground } line to (P23,Here) then to P23.n # Diode bridge BE: dot(at (P24,L1.c)) d1h = lin_leng(L1)/2 diode(left_ d1h up_ d1h); rlabel(,,"D508") BN: dot diode(left_ d1h down_ d1h); rlabel("D506") BW: dot diode(from BE left_ d1h down_ d1h); llabel(,,"D509") BS: dot diode(left_ d1h up_ d1h); llabel(D507) capacitor(down_ from BN to BS,C); llabel("C507",,\unit{.22}{}) line from BE to P24.n line from BN to P2.w line from BS to P1.w spline <-> from (BE.x+2*g,BS.y) \ up d1h/2 right g/2 then up d1h left g then up d1h/2 right g/2 box invis fill_(1) ht 2*g wid 2*g "57" "VAC" at last spline.c # Left board connections Pad(21) at (Board.w,BW); line from P21.e to BW Pad(19) at P21+(0,-3*g) Pad(20) at P21+(0, 3*g) # Transistor with circles define(`hbi_tr',`[ linewid = linewid*4/4.16 Q: bi_tr(`$1',`$2',`$3',E) E: circle rad m4_xyU at 5/4 between Q.A1 and Q.E "E" B: circle rad m4_xyU at 5/4 between Q.A1 and Q.B "B" C: circle rad m4_xyU at 5/4 between Q.A1 and Q.C "C" ]') # Interior circuits line from P6.w left 2*g; ground line from P5.w left 4*g; dot { C504: capacitor(down_ 4*g,C); llabel("C504",,\unit{.22}{}); ground(,T) } D504: diode(left_ 5*g); rlabel(,"D504"); dot { C505: capacitor(down_ to (Here,C504.end),C+L) rlabel("C505",\unit{100}{},\unit{75}{\volt}); ground(,T) } line right_ to (Here,P7); dot { D503: reversed(`diode',to (D504.start,Here)); llabel(,"D503") line to P7.w } d3 = lin_leng(L3) spline <-> from C504.start+(g/2,0) \ up d3/4 right g/4 then up d3*2/4 left g/2 then up d3/4 right g/4 box invis fill_(1) ht g wid 4*g "\unit{100}{\hbox{VAC}}" \ at last spline.c+(-g,0) down_ Q503: hbi_tr(,R,P) with .E at (C505,P3) line from Q503.C.e to (P25,Q503.C) then to P25.n line from Q503.B.s to (Q503.B.x,Q503.E.y-4*g) R513: resistor(down_ 5*g); llabel(,"R513" ljust "1500"); ground(,T) line from P19.e to (BW-(2*g,0),P19) then up Q503.E.y-P19.y+2*g R511: resistor(right_ 5*g); llabel(,"R511"); rlabel(,\unit{470}{}); line to (Q503.E,Here) then to Q503.E.n line from P20.e to (BW,P20) then up R513.end.y-P20.y resistor(up_ lin_leng(R513)) rlabel(,"R512" ljust "5600" ljust "\unit{1}{\watt}") line to (Here,Q503.B) then to Q503.B.w "Q503" "S2091 HI TEMP" "CONTROL" at Q503.E+(1.5*g,4*g) D505: reversed(`diode',right_ from Q503.E.e to (C504,Q503.E)); llabel(,"D505") line to P3.w line from P4.w left_ 2*g then up P3.y-P4.y; dot line from D503.end to (R513,D503); dot { Pad(8) at (Here,Board.n) } { line to P8.s } R505: resistor(down_ to (Here,P6)) llabel(,"R505" ljust "\unit{12}{\kilo}"); dot { C503: capacitor(down_ to (Here,C505.end),C+L) rlabel(,"C503" rjust "100" rjust "\unit{70}{\volt}") ground(,T) } right_ Q502: hbi_tr(,R) with .B at (R511.start,Here) line from Q502.C.e to R505.start line from Q502.B.e to R505.end R504: resistor(down_ from Q502.B.s to (Q502.B,C505.end)) rlabel(,"R504" rjust "\unit{51}{\kilo}"); ground(,T) "Q502" "TA7311" "REGULATOR" "CONTROL" at Q502.C+(-1*g,3.5*g) Pad(9) at (Q502.E,Board.n) line from Q502.E.n to P9.s Pad(10) at (Q502.B-(9*g,0),Board.n) R502: resistor(left_ from Q502.E.w to (P10,Q502.E)) rlabel(,"R502"); llabel(,\unit{150}{}); dot Pad(11) at (Board.w,Q502.E) Pad(14) at P11+(0,2.5*g) Pad(12) at P11+(0,-2.5*g) Pad(13) at P12+(0,-2.5*g) line right 2*g from P13.e then up P11.y-P13.y; dot line from P12.e to (Here,P12); dot Pad(15) at P13+(0,-3*g) right_ Q501: hbi_tr(,R) with .B at P9.n+(0,2*g) line from Q501.B.s to P9.n line from Q501.C.e to (P8,Q501.C) then to P8.n line from Q501.E.w to (P10,Q501.E) then to P10.n "Q501" "2N3055" "REGULATOR" at Q501.n+(0,2*g) line from P14.e to (P10,P14); dot Pad(17) at (Board.w,R511) Pad(16) at P17+(0,3*g) Pad(18) at P17+(0,-3*g) line right 2*g from P18.e then up P17.y-P18.y; dot right_ Q504: hbi_tr(,R) with .C at (P10,P17) line from P17.e to Q504.E.w line from Q504.B.s to (Q504.B,R513.start) R508:resistor(down_ to (Here,R513.end)) llabel(,"R508" ljust "680"); ground(,T) dot(at (P10,P15)) { line to P10.s } { resistor(down_ 5*g) llabel(, "R510" ljust "225" ljust "\unit{10}{\watt}" ljust "\unit{5}{\hbox{\%}}") line to Q504.C.n } R503:resistor(left_ 10*g); rlabel(,"R503") { "290" "\unit{10}{\watt} \unit{5}{\hbox{\%}}" at last [].s+(0,-1.3*g) } dot line to (Here,Q504.B) resistor(right_ to Q504.B.w); llabel(,"R507"); rlabel(,\unit{100}{}) line from P15.e to R503.end # "Q504" "40409" "REGULATOR" at Q504.C+(3.5*g,3*g) "Q504" "40409" "REGULATOR" at Q504.n+(-2*g,3*g) resistor(left_ from R502.end to (R503.end,P11)); rlabel(,"R501") {"390" "\unit{5}{\watt} \unit{5}{\hbox{\%}}" at last [].s+(0,-1.3*g)} line to P11.e resistor(right_ from P16.e to (R514.end,P16)); llabel(,"R506") rlabel(,\unit{82}{}) line down P16.y-P17.y; dot dot(at (R514.end,P11)) C501: capacitor(down_ 6*g,C+); llabel("C501") {"100" ljust "\unit{30}{\volt}" ljust at last [].s+(0,-g) below } ground(,T) dot(at (Here.x+4*g,P11.y)) ZD501: reversed(`diode',down_ lin_leng(C501),Z); llabel("ZD501"); ground(,T) dot(at (R514.end,P15)) C502: capacitor(down_ 6*g,C+); llabel("C502") {"100" ljust "\unit{30}{\volt}" ljust at last [].s+(0,-g) below } ground(,T) dot(at (Here.x+4*g,P15.y)) ZD502: reversed(`diode',down_ lin_leng(C502),Z); llabel("ZD502"); ground(,T) line from (C502,P17) to (C502,R508.start+(0,g)) C506: capacitor(down_ to (Here,R508.end),C+); llabel("C506") {"100" ljust "\unit{30}{\volt}" ljust at last [].s+(0,-g) below } ground(,T) # Left-side boxes boxwid = 10*g boxht = 5*g line left 3*g from P22.w "GRY" above line left 3*g from P19.w "VIOL" above box with .e at (Here,0.5 between P19 and P22) \ "\shortstack[l]{TO SIGNAL\\ METER\\ CIRCUIT}" line left 8*g from P21.w "RED TO C508" above line left 8*g from P20.w "VIOL" above line left 3*g from P17.w "RED" above line left 3*g from P18.w "WHT-" "RED" above box with .e at (Here,0.5 between P17 and P18) \ "\shortstack[l]{\unit{12.7}{\volt} SOURCE\\ TO MULTIPLEX}" line left 3*g from P16.w "WHT" above box with .se at Here+(0,-g) \ "\shortstack[l]{\unit{12}{\volt} SOURCE\\ TO FM TUNER\\ SOURCE SWITCH}" line left 3*g from P15.w "ORG" above box ht 3*g with .e at Here \ "\shortstack[l]{\unit{15}{\volt} SOURCE\\ TO FM TUNER}" line left 3*g from P13.w "BLU" above line left 3*g from P12.w " WHT-" "RED" line left 3*g from P11.w "RED" above box ht 6*g with .e at (Here,P12) \ "\shortstack[l]{\unit{27}{\volt} SOURCE\\ TO CONTROL\\ PREAMP AND\\ PWR\ AMPLIFIER}" line left 3*g from P14.w { "WHT-" "GRY-" "GRN" at last line.c+(0,2*g) } box with .se at Here+(0,-g) \ "\shortstack[l]{\unit{50}{\volt} SOURCE\\ TO PHONO\\ PREAMP}" iflatex(`ifpsfrag(,`latexcommand(})')') .PE