.PS # Geometry.m4 # Some constructions from https://tex.stackexchange.com/ gen_init Fig1: [ ls = 2/3 # local scale A: Here; "A" at A above B: A+(-1*ls,-3.5*ls); "B" at B below rjust C: B+(4.6*ls,0); "C" at C below ljust AB: line from A to B BC: line from B to C CA: line from C to A perpto(A,BC,L); "L" at L below AL: line from A to L; RightAngle(A,L,C) angleLAC = atan2(C.x-L.x,A.y-L.y) S: move from A to (sin(angleLAC/2),-cos(angleLAC/2)) AW: line from A to Intersect_(S,BC) W: Here; "W" at W below rjust perpto(C,AB,N); "N" at N above rjust CN: line from C to N; RightAngle(C,N,B) perpto(B,CA,M); "M" at M above CM: line from B to M; RightAngle(B,M,C) H: Intersect_(CN,AL); "H" at H +(4bp__,10bp__) thinlines_ Equidist3(B,L,N,CC1,c1rad); C1: circle rad c1rad at CC1 Equidist3(B,W,N,CC2,c2rad); C2: circle rad c2rad at CC2 Equidist3(B,C,N,CC3,c3rad); C3: circle rad c3rad at CC3 Equidist3(W,C,M,CC4,c4rad); C4: circle rad c4rad at CC4 thicklines_ Z: LCintersect(AW,CC2,C2.rad); "Z" at Z+(-5bp__,-5bp__) HZ: move from H to Z Y: LCintersect(HZ,CC4,C4.rad,R); "Y" at Y above X: LCintersect(HZ,CC2,C2.rad); "X" at X above rjust Loopover_(`P',`dot(at P)',X,Y,Z) line dashed from X to Y chop -linewid/2 RightAngle(A,Z,Y) ] Fig2: [ ls = 3/4 # local scale # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/593272/drawing-complex-geometry P: dot(at Here); "P" at P.s below N: dot(at P+(3.5*ls,1.5*ls)); "N" at N.se ljust below O: dot(at (N,P)); "O" at O.s below R: dot(at 1/3 between O and P);"R" at R.s below M: dot(at (R,N)); "M" at M.se ljust below Q: dot(at (M.x,M.y+distance(M,N)/distance(N,O)*distance(P,O)));"Q" at Q.e ljust line from P to Q then to N then to O B: line to P chop -0.3 line from M to N Pu: line from R to Q chop 0 chop -0.3 H: line from P to N chop 0 chop -0.3 X: dot(at Intersect_(Pu,H)); "X" at X.se ljust below thinlines_ RightAngle(Q,M,N) RightAngle(Q,N,H.end) RightAngle(N,O,B.start) ArcAngle(N,P,Q,0.4); "$\beta$" at last arc.ne above ljust ArcAngle(O,P,N,0.5); "$\alpha$" at last arc.start+(5bp__,8bp__) ArcAngle(R,Q,N,0.5); "$\alpha$" at last arc.start+(8bp__,-5bp__) ] with .w at Fig1.e+(-0.4,0) Fig3: [ # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/609452/help-drawing-a-more-sophisticated-right-triangle-with-tikz-or-something-else gen_init define(`textsize',`\Large') unit = 0.6 C: Here; { "textsize C" at C rjust below } B: C+(4*unit,0); { "textsize B" at B ljust below } A: C+(0,3*unit); { "textsize A" at A rjust above } H: PerpTo(C,A,B); { "textsize H" at H ljust above } line from C to H then to B then to C shaded rgbstring(0.5,0.8,0.9) # line from C to H then to B then to C shaded "CornflowerBlue" line from C to H then to A then to C shaded rgbstring(0.8,0.9,0.7) # line from C to H then to A then to C shaded "SpringGreen" ArcAngle(C,A,B,unit*0.4) ArcAngle(C,A,B,unit*0.5) ArcAngle(A,B,C,unit*0.5,,"textsize $\theta$" rjust) ArcAngle(B,C,H,unit*0.5); {"textsize $\theta$" at C+(unit*0.3,unit*0.17) } ArcAngle(B,C,A,unit*0.6) RightAngle(B,C,A,unit*0.17) RightAngle(C,H,A,unit*0.17) ] with .nw at Fig1.sw+(0.2,-0.3) Fig4: [ # FourbarSVG.m4 # https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/563831/how-to-draw-four-bar-linkage-with-center-of-mass ls = 1/25.4 # local scale a = 18*ls b = 73*ls c = 47*ls d = 72*ls A0: Here B0: A0+(d,0) circlerad = 1*ls define(`pivot',`[ C: circle line down_ 4*ls from C+(2*ls,0) arc from last line.start to C+(-2*ls,0) with .c at C line down_ 4*ls B: line thick 1.6 right 7*ls with .c at (C,Here) thinlines_ sep = 0.9*ls nhash = B.len/sep for i=0 to nhash do { line down sep left sep from B.end-(i/nhash*B.len,0) } thicklines_ ]') pivot with .C at A0; "$A_0$" at A0-(5,0)*ls circle dashed rad a at A0 pivot with .C at B0; "$B_0$" at B0-(5,0)*ls "$d = A_0B_0$" at 0.5 B1: Cintersect(A0,a+b,B0,c) B2: Cintersect(A0,b-a,B0,c) arc dashed from B1 to B2 with .c at B0 A0B1: line thick 1.6 from A0 to B1 chop 2*ls chop 0 line thick 1.6 from B0 to B1 chop 2*ls chop 0 "$c$" ljust circle fill_(1) at B1; "$B_1$" wid 3*ls at B1+(5,0)*ls A1: circle fill_(1) at LCintersect(A0B1,A0,a,R) "$A_1$" at A1+(5,0)*ls A2: b/(b-a) between B2 and A0; "$a$" at 0.4 above rjust "$b$" at 0.4 above rjust A2B2: line thick 1.6 from A2 to B2 line thick 1.6 from B0 to B2 chop 2*ls chop 0 circle fill_(1) at B2; "$B_2$" at B2+(5,0)*ls circle fill_(1) at A2; "$A_2$" at A2+(5,0)*ls thinlines_ line from B0+(3*ls,0) right 4*ls ArcAngle(Here,B0,B1,5*ls) ->; "$\psi_0$" at last arc.ne above ljust ArcAngle(B1,B0,B2,8*ls) ->; "$\psi$" at last arc.n+(-3*ls,0) above ArcAngle(A1,A0,B2,b*0.45) ->; "$\theta$" at last arc.start+(0,4*ls) line from A0+(3*ls,0) right 8*ls ArcAngle(Here,A0,B1,9*ls) ->; "$\theta_0$" at last arc.start+(2,2)*ls ] with .nw at Fig3.ne+(0.2,0.2) .PE