.PS # Floor.m4 gen_init s = 0.25 s60 = s*sqrt(3)/2 c60 = s/2 ni = 9 nj = 6 cellw = 3*s cellh = 2*s60 B:box wid nj*cellw ht ni*cellh shaded rgbstring(0,1,0) for i=1 to ni do { for j=1 to nj do { line shaded rgbstring(0,0,1) \ from B.sw+((j-1)*cellw,(i-1)*cellh) \ right c60 up s60 then right 2*s then up s60 right c60 then left s \ then down cellh left 2*c60 then left s line shaded rgbstring(1,0,0) \ from B.sw+((j-1)*cellw,i*cellh) \ right s then down cellh right 2*c60 then right s then up s60 left c60 \ then left 2*s then left c60 up s60 } } .PE